11th Hour | Waseem Badami | ARY News | 5th August 2024

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#Bangladesh #SheikhHasinaWajid #martiallaw #imrankhan #pti #asadqaiser #Sawabi #kpk #11thhour #waseembadami

(Current Affairs)

- Waseem Badami

- Arafatul Islam (DW) Journalist
- Asad Qaiser PTI
- Muhammad Malik (Senior Analyst)

Chances of Martial Law in Bangladesh? Sheikh Hasina's Party Future? Journalist Arfat Islam Analysis

"PTI ,PMLN Say Koi Baat Nahi Karegi..." Asad Qaiser'r Blunt Statement

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ARY News is a leading Pakistani news channel that promises to bring you factual and timely international stories and stories about Pakistan, sports, entertainment, and business, amid others.
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Peace be upon you.
00:04Before we talk about the situation in Pakistan, let's talk about the international situation.
00:08Today, a very big news has emerged and it has emerged in the neighbouring country of Pakistan.
00:14It would not be wrong to say that the world's most powerful terrorist organization
00:20has been found in Pakistan.
00:23It would not be wrong to say that the world's most powerful terrorist organization
00:29has been found in Pakistan.
00:31And without exaggeration, the most powerful terrorist organization in the world
00:37has had to flee their country.
00:41The woman whose father was called the father of the nation.
00:47That is, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is called the father of the nation in Bangladesh.
00:51The daughter of the father of the nation did not find any safe place to live in her country.
00:57And she had to take refuge in another country.
01:00She had to flee overnight.
01:02So what is the matter?
01:03The 75-year-old Sheikh Haseena Wajid, who was the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the longest time,
01:09has resigned from her post today.
01:11She has fled.
01:12And what was the matter?
01:13For several weeks, protests were being held against the quota system for government employees in Bangladesh.
01:19And after this protest, she finally resigned under the pressure of the public.
01:25And India departed in a government military helicopter.
01:29As I said, her father, the second Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
01:34The same Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who, of course, when Pakistan and Bangladesh were one,
01:38when the elections were held, Mr. Bhutto won here and he won there.
01:42He demanded that the power be given to him.
01:44After that, Bangladesh was formed.
01:45This is a different story.
01:47In 1971, this whole thing happened.
01:50Bangladesh was formed.
01:51Mujibur Rahman was the hero there.
01:53Mujibur Rahman was called Baba-e-Qaum.
01:55And it didn't take long for Mujibur Rahman and the army to reach such a point that
02:01Mujibur Rahman, his wife and children were killed by the army.
02:08The army people entered the house and killed Mujibur Rahman.
02:11At that time, Haseena Wajid was saved because she was not in Bangladesh at that time,
02:15but she was out of Bangladesh.
02:16So she was saved.
02:17And then she came back and took over the power.
02:19So what happened?
02:20Sheikh Haseena Wajid, as a whole, not once, twice or three times,
02:24but five times she was the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and three times she was the opposition leader of Bangladesh.
02:31That is, since Bangladesh has been established,
02:33then you can say that she has always been in some important position.
02:37She came to Bangladesh for 52 years.
02:39She had power for 20 years.
02:41She is the woman who ruled the world for a long time.
02:44She is Sheikh Haseena Wajid.
02:46She was the Prime Minister for a total of 15 years and 212 days.
02:51That is, she was the Prime Minister once before,
02:53but since the last 15 years, Haseena Wajid has been the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
02:58Her political career had officially started at that time
03:01when her entire family was killed.
03:03She was saved.
03:04Her sister was saved because she was in Germany at that time.
03:06After that, Sheikh Haseena Wajid spent her life in Jalawatni
03:10because Mr. Mujeeb and Mr. Alekhana were killed there.
03:14And restrictions were imposed on Haseena Wajid's return home.
03:18After that, on June 23, 1996, she became the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the first time.
03:24On June 23, 1996, she became the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the first time.
03:27After that, if we fast forward,
03:29then in the 2008 elections, her community, the public league, achieved a lot of success.
03:35She became the Prime Minister for the second time.
03:37After that, there were elections in 2014, 2019, and 2024.
03:45In any case, she won all those elections and remained the Prime Minister.
03:51Now, what was the current situation?
03:53Why was there a protest in Bangladesh?
03:55What was the situation?
03:56The situation in Bangladesh is that the government jobs,
03:59the government jobs,
04:0156% of the government jobs go to the courts.
04:06That is, if there are 100 government jobs,
04:09then 56% goes to the courts.
04:11And how does that 56% become?
04:1330% of the government jobs in Bangladesh,
04:16in the war of 1971,
04:18when the war between Pakistan and Bangladesh took place,
04:20in the war of 1971,
04:22about 30% of the government jobs go to their children.
04:27Then the remaining 10% of the jobs go to women,
04:30that is, 40%.
04:31Then 10% of the jobs go to private housing.
04:35And then 6% go to private individuals.
04:38This is a total of 56%.
04:41Now, the quota system in government jobs in Bangladesh,
04:44the students protested against it in 2018.
04:47And the protest continued for a long time.
04:49Anyway, after that, the protest ended.
04:52Then it happened that if we fast forward,
04:54then in June 2024,
04:56the High Court of Dhaka,
04:58decriminalized the quota system,
05:00that is, before that,
05:02by decriminalizing it,
05:0430% of the quota of children fighting in the war of 1971 was abolished.
05:09Because before that, the court abolished it,
05:11made it 5%,
05:12and then made it 30% again.
05:14So after that, the protest of the students began.
05:17And the demand to establish a system of giving government jobs
05:20on the basis of the end of the quota system and the merit,
05:24Then the Bangladesh Supreme Court,
05:26decriminalizing the decision of the High Court,
05:28for the children of soldiers fighting in the war of independence,
05:31instead of 30%,
05:32gave the order to make it 5%.
05:34That is, first the High Court said this,
05:36then the Supreme Court made it 5%.
05:38But the protest movement of the students
05:40changed to civil disobedience.
05:42When the protest of the students increased,
05:44the steps of Haseena Wajid increased here.
05:46She put a curfew all over the country.
05:48She said that those who protest are volunteers.
05:50What does volunteer mean?
05:52Volunteer is a term used in the 1971 war in Bangladesh
05:56for those who supported the Pakistani army.
06:00That is, Haseena Wajid tried to call them
06:02agents or traitors of the Pakistani army.
06:06There was further protest on this point.
06:08The students became even more agitated.
06:10And then, with the demand for Haseena Wajid's resignation,
06:13she announced that she would march towards Dhaka.
06:18The police used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators
06:21who demanded Haseena Wajid's resignation.
06:23There was violence.
06:24Almost 300 people were killed.
06:26And during this time, what did the Bangladesh government do?
06:29They shut down all social media platforms
06:31like Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram.
06:34They shut down 4G mobile.
06:36There was a ban on broadband internet.
06:384G was made 2G.
06:40And this whole thing happened.
06:42During this week alone,
06:43then the big series of arrests began.
06:45And during this week alone,
06:4711,000 people have been arrested.
06:50What happened today?
06:51Today, according to sources,
06:53they were given the ultimatum to resign in 45 minutes.
06:56After that, through a military helicopter,
06:58they went to the neighboring country, India.
07:00And they wanted to record a speech
07:03before fleeing from Bangladesh.
07:07But they were not given a chance to record the speech.
07:11The security forces of the Prime Minister
07:15said that if they stay here any longer,
07:18it is not surprising that the crowd will come inside
07:21and it will be a threat to their lives.
07:23So they did not have a chance to record the speech.
07:25And they left from here as soon as possible.
07:27And when they left,
07:29after a while,
07:31people broke into their government residence.
07:35They took their belongings.
07:37Today, after Haseena Wajid's escape,
07:41the Prime Minister's residence,
07:43where Haseena Wajid lives,
07:44what was the situation there?
07:46And Bangladesh also saw
07:48when the statues of her father of the nation,
07:50Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
07:52were damaged.
07:54And people kept breaking the statues.
07:57The media also reported that
07:59an hour before her arrival,
08:01her son and the head of communication technology
08:04issued a message on social media
08:06in which they kept pressuring the security forces
08:09to stop the demonstrators from taking power.
08:13But then everyone saw
08:15that the army chief of Bangladesh,
08:17Waqar Uzzama, came.
08:19And he told the people that Haseena Wajid has left.
08:21And he said that the people stood with the army.
08:24And in the future, the people will do the same.
08:27During the address on state television,
08:29the army chief of Bangladesh said that
08:31we are making a transitional government.
08:33And it was also said that
08:35who will lead the transitional government?
08:37Take a look at a glimpse
08:39of what the army chief said during his address.
09:03We will set up this interim government
09:05and manage the country.
09:33There was an election there.
09:35There were a lot of questions in that election.
09:37There was an election in January.
09:39There was an election in February.
09:41The opposition leader is in jail.
09:43But the president has just given the order
09:45to release the opposition leader.
09:47There was an election in January.
09:49It was not difficult to predict
09:51that Haseena Wajid would win
09:53because the opposition party
09:55was completely crushed.
09:57And there were a lot of independent candidates
09:59who were actually from their party
10:01The journalists there also said
10:03that the election that took place in January
10:05was an election between the people's league
10:07and the people's league.
10:09There were a lot of people from the people's league
10:11and a lot of independent candidates
10:13also won the votes of the people's league.
10:15So they formed a government.
10:17It is still difficult to get information
10:19through social media.
10:21The army has also announced
10:23that from tomorrow,
10:25life will be better.
10:27The curfew is over.
10:29Business as usual.
10:31They say that it will be done from tomorrow.
10:33Let's talk to Arafat-ul-Islam.
10:35You are a journalist.
10:37You have been in the Bengali service
10:39of DW.
10:41You have covered Bangladesh.
10:43You have been there and seen things.
10:45Let's try to know from him
10:47what the situation is now
10:49and how he is seeing it.
10:51Mr. Arafat,
10:53thank you very much for your time.
10:55First of all,
10:57as we speak,
10:59is there any clarity
11:01from the army?
11:03Has there been any clarification
11:05about who will be the head of the government?
11:07When will it be formed?
11:09How long will it remain?
11:11When will it be elected?
11:13Have you received the answers
11:15to these basic questions?
11:17The news just came
11:19that the opposition leader of Bangladesh,
11:21the PNP chairperson,
11:23Prime Minister Khalid Aziz,
11:25has released a statement
11:27from the President's office.
11:29President Mohammad Shahab-ud-Din
11:33quoted it
11:35and gave a speech.
11:37He also said that
11:39Khalid Aziz
11:41and the quota protest movement
11:43will release
11:45all those people
11:47who were arrested.
11:49They will be released.
11:51The military
11:53has said
11:57an interim government
11:59has to be formed.
12:01It is taking some time.
12:03But the political leaders
12:05and civil society representatives
12:07have been meeting
12:09with the military chief
12:13and the President.
12:15They are working on
12:17forming an interim government.
12:19The student protesters
12:21are saying
12:25they want
12:27a unity government
12:29to be formed.
12:31They expect
12:33a government to be formed
12:35in the next 24 hours.
12:37The protesters also said
12:39that they don't want
12:41a military government
12:43to form.
12:45Is there a threat
12:47to the protestors
12:49who have already
12:53that they don't want
12:55a military government
12:57to be formed?
12:59Is there a threat?
13:01The protesters
13:03don't want
13:05a military government
13:07to form
13:09and remain
13:13They want a democratic process
13:15and a unity government
13:17to be formed.
13:19The protesters
13:21and the protest leaders
13:23have already said
13:25that they don't want
13:27a military government
13:29to be formed.
13:31Are the protesters
13:33largely dispersed
13:35or are they still on the streets
13:37saying that they won't go back
13:39until the government is formed?
13:41There has been no order
13:43to disperse them.
13:45They have vandalized
13:47and torched
13:49many establishments
13:51like the ruling party
13:53and the army
13:55and there are also
13:57people who died
13:59during clashes
14:01in Bangladesh even today.
14:03This is happening
14:05but there has been no announcement
14:07that they are discontinuing
14:09the protest.
14:11What is your analysis
14:13on the future of this party?
14:15Will there be a candidate
14:17from their family
14:19in the next election
14:21or will the party
14:23be disbanded?
14:25What do you think?
14:33Sheikh Haseena's son
14:35who lives in the USA
14:37has said
14:39in an interview
14:41that his mother
14:43Sheikh Haseena
14:45will not be involved
14:47in politics.
14:53What will happen
14:55to this party
14:57is a very big question.
14:59The protesters
15:01say that
15:03they demand justice.
15:05This is the main issue.
15:07The quota issue
15:09was solved
15:11by the time
15:13more than 300 people died.
15:15Most of them are protesters.
15:17There were many problems
15:19in that.
15:21Will it be right
15:23to say that
15:25200 people died last month?
15:27Will it be right
15:29to say that
15:31this was a big issue
15:33but it was not
15:35a big issue
15:39a lot of things were building up.
15:41Haseena's arrogance
15:43led to this situation.
15:47it would have been
15:51Will it be right?
15:57The quota movement
15:59was a small movement.
16:01It was not a big issue.
16:03When the High Court
16:05decided that
16:07the quota system
16:09should be reinstated,
16:11the ratio could have
16:13been changed by the government.
16:15The government could have
16:17solved the issue
16:19by June.
16:21Later, the government
16:23decided to solve the issue
16:25in court.
16:27At the same time,
16:29the Prime Minister
16:31said something
16:41He was angry.
16:43He was frustrated.
16:45He was disappointed.
16:47He was on the road
16:49by himself.
16:51There were many
16:53female students.
16:57There were many female
17:01The students
17:03protested against
17:05the quota system.
17:07The Prime Minister's party
17:09tried to use force
17:11to stop the
17:13quota system.
17:15This created
17:17more problems.
17:21Thank you very much.
17:23Thank you very much.
17:25It was very interesting.
17:27Let's see what happens next.
17:29We will ask
17:31the Senior Journalist about
17:33this issue.
17:41We will ask the Senior Journalist
17:43about this issue.
17:45Let's move ahead.
17:47Pakistan Jadid-e-Insaf
17:49held the first
17:51formal Jalsa
17:53after 9th May.
17:57the Jalsa was held in
18:01Pakistan Jadid-e-Insaf
18:03held a Jalsa there.
18:05We have seen
18:07the statement of
18:09the PTI.
18:11Pakistan Jadid-e-Insaf
18:13has a mixed
18:19We will talk to
18:21Pakistan Jadid-e-Insaf's
18:23Senior Journalist.
18:25Pakistan Jadid-e-Insaf
18:27also held a press conference.
18:29This is the second press conference
18:31in the last two weeks.
18:33Pakistan Jadid-e-Insaf
18:35has a new stance
18:37and the PTI's
18:41This was the
18:43first time
18:45that Imran Khan's
18:47recent statements
18:49about the Army Chief
18:51were rejected.
18:53We asked him
18:55what was the question
18:57and what was his answer.
18:59Imran Khan- There is a topic
19:01on 9th May, which you
19:03announced that the Army
19:05will not talk to the
19:07people until they
19:11Some big anchors
19:13are saying that some
19:15non-political people
19:17are talking to the Army
19:21Have the Army
19:23softened its stance?
19:25There are some
19:27mixed and soft statements
19:29which show
19:31that they have
19:33softened their stance.
19:35Imran Khan- The Army's
19:37clear stance on this topic
19:39was stated in the
19:417th May ISPR press conference.
19:43There has been
19:45no change in it
19:47nor will there be.
19:49Imran Khan- This is what
19:51they are saying today.
19:53What did they say on
19:557th May?
19:57Imran Khan- If any
19:59political thinker,
20:01political leader,
20:03or political group
20:05attacks their own Army
20:07and creates hatred
20:09and animosity
20:11between the people
20:13and the Army,
20:15then no one
20:17will talk to them.
20:19There is only one way
20:21for such a political group
20:23to apologize to the people
20:25and promise
20:27that they will leave
20:29the politics of hatred
20:31and join the politics
20:33of building.
20:35The political parties
20:37don't get along well
20:39with each other.
20:41Imran Khan- So the Army
20:43is officially saying
20:45to apologize to the people.
20:47Ali Muhammad Khan,
20:49PTA's senior annuma,
20:51is saying to apologize
20:53to the people.
20:55If you apologize,
20:57Imran Khan will forgive you.
20:59Both sides are
21:01apologizing to each other.
21:03Wazir Ali Ghandapur
21:05is also apologizing to the people.
21:15Imran Khan- So this is the
21:19Senior annuma of PTA,
21:21he wanted to join us on Skype
21:23but due to his health issues,
21:25and obviously,
21:27he must have had a hectic day.
21:29Asad Qaisar is with us.
21:31He is on the telephone line.
21:33He is a senior annuma
21:35of PTA.
21:37He is a senior annuma
21:39of PTA.
21:41He is a senior annuma
21:43of PTA.
21:45Hello, sir.
21:48Thank you very much for your time.
21:51After today's�
21:55Today 5 August 1 year
22:03Is there any other show that has the intention of power?
22:06Yes, of course.
22:08On the same day, Imran Khan was arrested illegally.
22:14And there were many cases filed against him.
22:17So today, with our video, as a victory, we are expressing our love for him.
22:24Like we were doing today.
22:26And today, I have sent you that video.
22:29If you show its footage on your TV, you will know that this is one of the biggest demonstrations in the history of Pakistan.
22:45Do you have any idea how many people were there today?
22:49Look, one thing is that almost 50% of the people were not able to attend the demonstration.
22:54The road was jammed.
22:57Because when our Punjab and Khayber Pakhtunkhwa came,
23:02most of the people were not able to come.
23:05Only 20-25-30% of the people were able to come.
23:11I have sent you the video.
23:13You can show it on your TV.
23:18I think it is already on.
23:20Yes, it is already on.
23:22So, Act No. 1 is that we are not just playing demonstrations.
23:28Our main objective is that we have serious points.
23:40No. 1 is that there should be a law in the country.
23:44There should be a law in the house.
23:46And there should be power in the parliament.
23:49And the most important thing is that there should be civilian supremacy.
23:52We are working for this.
23:54And for the release of our detainees,
23:58Imran Khan and other leaders should be given justice.
24:02On the one hand, he is saying this.
24:04And Omar Ayub has said this today at the Jalsa.
24:06That I want to convey the message of Mr. Khan.
24:08And the message is that the Noon League wants to fight us.
24:11And on the other hand, he is saying to apologize.
24:15And you are telling him to apologize.
24:17Why are you apologizing to us?
24:19Or apologize to those who have robbed the country.
24:21So, this is not a contradiction.
24:23On the one hand, you are offering that they are making us fight.
24:26But on the other hand, you are saying that you will apologize to us.
24:28We will not apologize to you.
24:30Look, you are seeing this traffic.
24:34You are seeing how many people are on the roads at the moment.
24:39So, the most important thing is that we,
24:44the Mafia Shabia, not the Mafia Shabia,
24:46to move the country forward,
24:48everyone has to play their legal and legal role.
24:54I am in the parliament.
24:56I will play my role as a parliamentarian.
24:58Someone in the army will play his legal responsibility.
25:04Someone in the court, in the judiciary, will play his role.
25:08Until all of us work within our parameters and legal limits,
25:16we will not be able to survive.
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32:07I think this is the case here as well.
32:09The sentiments of the people and the intentions of the rulers are both in front of us.
32:15Do you think there can be a parallel draw?
32:19There is a question that many people are asking.
32:24When all this has happened in Bangladesh, it is possible that this may happen in Pakistan as well.
32:31Because of the public reaction, the people here and there were very upset with the rulers.
32:37So, is it right to draw a parallel?
32:40Or is this a completely different situation than the situation in Bangladesh?
32:47Sir, can you hear me?
32:49Yes, I can hear you.
32:51My question is, can you say with certainty that the government had to leave the country?
33:03Do you think this is an overstatement?
33:05Or is it possible?
33:09It is a very dangerous situation.
33:12Look at the similarities.
33:14The economic situation was bad there as well.
33:16It was much better than ours.
33:18There was an issue of jobs there as well.
33:20There was economic discrepancy.
33:22That is why there was a fight over the quotas for government jobs.
33:24The issue is that when you have a lot of spices cooked, one thing becomes a little face.
33:30There was a little face when it came to the quotas.
33:35There are a lot of issues in Pakistan.
33:37Expensive, electricity, joblessness, then the fight of the biggest political party,
33:42the fight between the judges, the fight between the judges and the army,
33:45the conflict between the judges and the army,
33:47the Parliament is sitting on the Supreme Court with its swords out.
33:51You see, there is conflict everywhere.
33:53We need a spark here.
33:55What is happening in Balochistan.
33:57And what you saw today, you also played the clips of the Chief Minister of KP.
34:01Now look at that tongue as well.
34:03No one's father can stop us.
34:06We will snatch it.
34:08We will take freedom.
34:10We will come.
34:12We will come in August.
34:14We will come in September.
34:16Whoever can stop us, stop us.
34:18And Malik sir, we have spoken to the politicians.
34:20They have addressed the issue of terrorism.
34:22Now see how significant it is.
34:24CMKP is addressing the issue of terrorism.
34:26He is telling the institutions that you say that it is terrorism.
34:28So, brother, when you do this to the people there,
34:30they will not shower flowers in response.
34:32How dangerous is it now?
34:34We are going towards an end game, Wasim.
34:36Now things are going to a point of no return.
34:40And I think if anyone can calm this matter down a little bit,
34:44then they must be thinking about the military leadership.
34:46What do we have to do?
34:48Can we have a conflict with the courts as well?
34:51Has there been a conflict with Imran Khan as well or not?
34:54Today, they have taken a categorical position.
34:56You have run the DGISPR statement, both earlier and today.
35:00And today, there are no limited words.
35:02Look at the tone as well.
35:04It was a very strict tone.
35:06In English, it is said, slamming the door in your face.
35:10They said it is out of the question.
35:12Then they talked about digital terrorism.
35:14Then they talked about the people sitting outside.
35:16And they said that they are running doctored pictures.
35:18They are doing this and that.
35:20All these things will continue to happen on the official handle of PTI.
35:22So there was no doubt about who was being talked about.
35:24PTI was being talked about.
35:26And all these things are the same.
35:28Now we have gone to a very dangerous mode.
35:32Mr. Khan, what is the exact opinion of FAUD?
35:34Because when Mr. Khan received his first statement,
35:36and he kept getting statements,
35:38that Mr. Asim Munir is making us fight.
35:40And we don't want to fight.
35:42Today, Mr. Umar Raif also said this.
35:44So at that time, it was being analyzed that
35:46maybe there is a game going on behind.
35:48That is why Mr. Khan is softening his statements.
35:50But today, with the statement of FAUD,
35:52you yourself are saying that there is exactly the same level there.
35:54So if it is the same level,
35:56then what is the reason for these statements of Mr. Khan?
35:58Look, I think
36:00I have already talked about this in your program.
36:02I also do this.
36:04Many people used to get upset when I used to say that
36:06out of the question,
36:08that three people met, four people met,
36:10there is no such thing.
36:14there is no line in the sand drawn.
36:16This will not happen.
36:20I am very sure that
36:22Mr. Khan realizes this thing
36:24that in the current system,
36:26he will not get a share of any kind.
36:28Neither will he get relief, nor will he get a share.
36:30Now, the matter is so heated
36:32and it has happened that
36:34they want that the way the civilian government
36:36has taken a very big decision,
36:38but this is another thing that they had to back off.
36:40That we will also ban the party.
36:42We will also put up Article 6.
36:44We will also run a case of treason.
36:46What is the maximum action of the FAUD?
36:48What happened in Bangladesh.
36:50Okay, step in yourself.
36:52I think now they are ready for this too.
36:54That heat up the matter so much
36:56that everyone gets out of hand.
36:58Get out of the hands of the Supreme Court.
37:00The Supreme Court is not ready
37:02to accept any such order.
37:04And now,
37:06what I have been hearing for two days,
37:08today I was also talking in the show,
37:10that although it is not number one,
37:12but a serious move is going on
37:14and a decision has been made
37:16to make a constitutional amendment at all costs
37:18when this bill is passed.
37:20Now for that, they need people from the JUI
37:22and they will need 5-6 people from the PTI too.
37:24I don't know where they will come from.
37:26But this is a serious matter.
37:28If in the future,
37:30by any means, by force,
37:32by buying, by scaring, whatever,
37:34if you have made such a move by the government,
37:36then you can see,
37:38I can see a repeat of the 90s,
37:40where two Supreme Courts are sitting.
37:42The Supreme Court is fighting the Supreme Court.
37:44We are going towards a perfect chaos.
37:46And this Bangladesh is a very good
37:48wake-up call for everyone.
37:50And this army chief was the one
37:52who was appointed by Haseena Wajid Sahiba
37:54in Bangladesh.
37:56She has a close relationship with him.
37:58So he was a hand-picked army chief.
38:00There was a point
38:02where there was a tipping point.
38:04I think the situation here
38:06and what we have heard
38:08from the Jalsa today,
38:10after this it has become clear
38:12that there can be no discussion
38:14and you were repeatedly talking to them
38:16about people's party.
38:18That is absolutely right.
38:20I think that if
38:22the scenario is less,
38:24this is also being seen as an exercise
38:26or what you call game plan,
38:28that there is war gaming.
38:30If a lot of things get out of hand,
38:32then it is possible that the top government
38:34will change.
38:36You take the people's party forward
38:38because the PTI will talk to the people's party
38:40indirectly because their power base is not Punjab.
38:42It is a war of Punjab
38:44between Khalsa and Sharif family.
38:46That is why they will not talk to them.
38:48Is there any proof of that?
38:50I saw it on social media
38:52that there should be a new election
38:54in this country.
38:56What does PTI exactly say?
38:58Nayyar Bukhari's flow started.
39:00Nayyar Bukhari's statement started.
39:02He is the general secretary of the party.
39:04So you are pranking the testers.
39:06So that can be a temporary thing
39:08if the people's party is brought forward.
39:10That is also being discussed here.
39:12But one thing
39:14is that there is no doubt
39:16that there will be an election
39:18and there will be no talk of force
39:20because the army is absolutely not ready.
39:22And the language that has been used
39:24on apology today
39:26is sitting chief minister.
39:28He has a power base.
39:30So now the swords are out of both sides.
39:32We have seen from 5th August
39:34to this 5th August.
39:36Mr. Khan has been in jail for 12 months.
39:38From this 5th August to the next 5th August,
39:40do you think it is not strange
39:42that he has to spend another year in jail?
39:44Because this matter has to reach
39:46some end. There is a lot of time
39:48until the next 5th August.
39:50Look, here the effort will be complete
39:52that they stay inside
39:54and this talk will continue.
39:56There will be noise.
39:58There will be rallies.
40:00But the government will continue.
40:02But again, the same thing is that
40:04the courts are very important.
40:06We forget that there are tribunals.
40:08If the decisions of the tribunals
40:10start coming, the tribunals of Punjab
40:12will be another spark
40:14that can change
40:16the political landscape
40:20That is why it is still in place.
40:22It is still in the Supreme Court.
40:24If they pass a bill in the court
40:26and then make another move,
40:28I think
40:30two or three months
40:32will pass in circles.
40:34But these tribunals and the Supreme Court
40:36will come very fast
40:38with the decisions here.
40:40If I ask a direct question,
40:42if it comes to a level where
40:44there is no control, for example,
40:46there is no number control
40:48to bring a constitutional amendment,
40:50there is no tribunal control,
40:52there is no control of the Supreme Court
40:54decision, they call and start
40:56arguing, then they are the courts.
40:58So in that situation,
41:00is the martial law emergency
41:02completely out of the question
41:04or do you think they will try?
41:06The financial situation is not such
41:08Look, I think
41:10the establishment will try
41:12its best to
41:14manage things through its political proxies.
41:16But if there is no
41:18talk of political proxies
41:20and there is no talk of
41:22changing faces, that instead of the Muslim League,
41:24the People's Party comes up, I think
41:26a desperate stage can come
41:28where you change the top.
41:30And if that does not happen,
41:32then I do not rule it out.
41:34I am talking with great fear
41:36I am talking with great fear
41:38I am talking with great fear
41:40I am talking with great fear
41:42I am talking with great fear
41:44I am talking with great fear
41:46I am talking with great fear
41:48I am talking with great fear
41:50I am talking with great fear
41:52I am talking with great fear
41:54I am talking with great fear
41:56I am talking with great fear
41:58I am talking with great fear
42:00I am talking with great fear
42:02I am talking with great fear
42:04I am talking with great fear
42:06I am talking with great fear
42:08I am talking with great fear
42:10I am talking with great fear
42:12I am talking with great fear
42:14I am talking with great fear
42:16I am talking with great fear
42:18I am talking with great fear
42:20I am talking with great fear
42:22I am talking with great fear
42:24I am talking with great fear
42:26I am talking with great fear
42:28I am talking with great fear
42:30I am talking with great fear
42:32Do you think there is no discussion
42:34in any forum or
42:36there is no direct discussion?
42:38No sir, there is no discussion
42:40in any of their forums
42:42but if People's Party gets a central role
42:44then I have a very good chance
42:46that there can be a side-by-side
42:50and a negotiated settlement
42:52will come.
42:54As long as PM LN is at the top
42:56I don't think
42:58there will be a negotiated settlement.
43:00So this means that
43:02and one last thing
43:04you are saying that
43:06there will be press conferences
43:08last time also you said that
43:10we will interact with you more
43:12this is also in a way
43:14you can say that
43:16the government is not able to
43:18make its own narrative
43:20so now you are coming
43:22and talking.
43:24Today's press conference
43:26was very important
43:28because you reiterated
43:30and finished all the things
43:32that people were thinking
43:34and you were also asking
43:36that there is no reason
43:38to change the narrative
43:40and today's press conference
43:42you noted that
43:44you were telling the achievements
43:46of the army
43:48as an institution
43:50and when it came to smuggling
43:52and someone said
43:54that you are sitting
43:56terrorists or smugglers
43:58then the legislation
44:00that should be done was not done.
44:02Someone told them that
44:04health and agriculture
44:06are provincial subjects
44:08so if no one else is doing it
44:10then should we not do it?
44:12Today it was clearly seen
44:14that there was a desire
44:16or an effort of the army
44:18to separate the army
44:20from the government
44:22and see what we are doing
44:24and what we are doing
44:26for the country.
44:28So you can see a slight distance
44:30or a slight gap
44:32between the two.
44:34Now the declared enemy
44:36is PTI
44:38but the ownership
44:40of the government
44:42was not seen
44:44by the institution
44:46when it was seen before.
44:48So this was very important
44:50to me because of the press conference
44:52you move a step aside
44:54not much
44:56but a slight step
44:58so this is a development
45:00but very soon
45:02we are moving towards
45:04very big decisions
45:06and everyone should be very careful
45:08and it is very important
45:10to talk to each other.
45:12Thank you very much
45:14Mohd Malik.
