बंदर की चालाकी की कहानी |The Clever Monkey's Tale | Fun Story | Entertaining Story for Kids

  • 2 days ago
इस वीडियो में देखें एक चालाक बंदर की मजेदार और मनोरंजक कहानी जो बच्चों के लिए सीख से भरी हुई है। यह कहानी न केवल बच्चों का मनोरंजन करेगी, बल्कि उन्हें एक महत्वपूर्ण संदेश भी देगी। इस मजेदार कहानी को बच्चों के साथ साझा करें और उनके दिन को और भी खास बनाएं।
Watch this fun and entertaining story of a clever monkey in this video. Filled with humor and wisdom, this story is perfect for children and comes with an important life lesson. Share this story with your kids and make their day even more special.

#बंदर_की_कहानी #मजेदार_कहानी #बच्चों_की_मनोरंजक_कहानी #मोरल_स्टोरी #हिंदी_कहानी #बच्चों_की_कहानी #चालाक_बंदर#CleverMonkeyStory #FunStoryForKids #EntertainingKidsStory #MoralStory #HindiStories #KidsEntertainment


00:00Once upon a time, there lived a monkey in a jungle.
00:03The monkey thought he was very clever.
00:07One day, the king of the jungle, the lion, called all the animals of the jungle and said,
00:12The rainy season is coming.
00:14You all should repair your homes.
00:17This time, it is expected to rain a lot.
00:20And those who do not have a house or a nest, or they are unable to repair it,
00:25they can stay with us until it rains.
00:28When the rainy season is over, they can go back to their homes.
00:32A large part of our palace is empty.
00:36All the animals start repairing their homes.
00:40In a few days, the rain begins.
00:42Then the monkey sees.
00:44A mouse was going to the lion's cave.
00:46The monkey asks him why he is going.
00:49The mouse tells him,
00:51My teeth are broken.
00:53I can't repair my bill.
00:55It is filled with water.
00:57That's why I'm going to stay here.
00:59Hearing this, the monkey comes up with a plan.
01:02He paints his teeth black and reaches in front of the lion.
01:07The lion, knowing that he has no teeth, lets him stay in his palace.
01:12A few days later, the lion's soldiers tell him that
01:15all the fruits of the black monkey palace have been eaten.
01:18The lion understands his trickery.
01:21He takes him out of the cave.
01:23Now the monkey had neither a house nor food.
01:26Because of his cleverness, he sits on a branch of a tree and starts crying.
01:31Lesson from the story
01:33Lying sometimes has a very bad effect.
01:37If you liked this story,
01:40then subscribe to our channel.
01:42And don't forget to like and share the video.
01:45Your response will inspire us even more.
