What is the Purpose of Our Existence?

  • last month
What is the purpose of our existence? How can we attain our true Self and permanent happiness?
00:00What is the purpose of our existence?
00:05We don't know our self, who am I?
00:09And whatever body, whatever relation comes, we are believing that I am this, I am this
00:13name, I am this body, I am this relation.
00:17So due to that ignorance, we are charging karma.
00:22And now we have to suffer that discharged karma.
00:26But once we know who am I, that is very important because ultimate goal of the life is realize
00:36yourself who are you, who am I, that is ultimate goal.
00:42And without knowing, we are believing that I am so and so, I am husband, I am wife, I
00:48am engineer, I am doctor, that we are experiencing, oh this is not my real being, I should be
00:55beyond this, what is my real being, what is my real existence, who am I, we are searching
01:01from life to life, infinite life we are searching.
01:05And ultimately when we realize that, oh I am pure soul, all these relations are temporary
01:11adjustment, it is not with me, I am permanently as a pure soul.
01:15And once we realize that thing, then that is the end of this worldly life and slowly
01:22slowly within 1, 2, 3 life we will get liberation.
01:26That is a goal, we want to experience where I am, where is right, where is permanent happiness
01:35and from where I will get permanent happiness, what is my true being, what is my true self,
01:42I want to know, that is goal of life.
01:48That is not realized, then again and again we have to take birth and rebirth and search
01:53where is permanent happiness, what is my real being, what is my existence, why my existence,
01:59who am I, we have to search again and again.
