State of the Soul after Liberation

  • 2 months ago
Where does the pure Soul go after attaining Self-Realization and finishing all karmas within two to three lives? When do we attain ultimate liberation?
00:00You said that after two or three lives, after getting the Vidiganan, after getting this
00:06liberation of old kamas, we get sort of enlightenment.
00:12And what happens after we get this enlightenment, where do we go to, what happens to our pure
00:20See, it gets liberated from all these atoms, matter, all evidences, body, everything.
00:27And absolute pure soul remains in bliss forever, for infinite time.
00:33See, we will get confirmed reservation, then we will get destination.
00:38So first step, we want to live in this body, in this environment, in this family, without
00:47So first, in this body and in this family, we want no worry, no stress, no unhappiness.
00:55When we are not charging new karma, then new body, new relation will not come.
01:02So ultimate liberation stage will come.
