Love's Rebellion (2024) EP.7 English Subtitles Chinese drama

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00:00《The World of Dream》
00:25走過你的白天 My day passes by
00:28我的黑夜 My night
00:29在醒來之前 Before I wake up
00:32跟隨塵世的緣 Follow the fate of the world
00:35穿越這流年 Through the years
00:38遇到這相似的天 Encounter the similar sky
00:42黃昏沉澱 落在你指尖 The yellow dust falls on your fingertips
00:46等成群血 心願等未生之若 Wait for a group of blood wishes to be born
00:50只若初見 Only if we meet for the first time
00:59詞曲 李宗盛
01:01編曲 李宗盛
01:03演唱 李宗盛
01:29動作快點啊 幹活 Move faster. Get to work.
01:33好 Okay.
01:37你別傷他 Don't hurt him.
01:45那你別再過來了 Don't come any closer.
01:47幹活 Get to work.
01:49這麼粗魯 So clumsy.
01:53活幹不完 你別想吃他一口米啊 If you can't finish your work, don't try to eat him.
01:59如果想想也挺好 當牛做馬 還敢怒不敢言 If you think about it, it's a good thing to be a bull and dare to be angry.
02:07不失為一件好事 是吧 It's not a bad thing, is it?
02:15都是寄人籬下 憑什麼就你勾股 Why are you the only one in the world?
02:19小心點 Be careful.
02:21碧麗果與他極其珍貴 要輕拿輕放 Biliboy is very precious to him. You have to be gentle with him.
02:25這事真多 There's a lot going on.
02:27為了銀膠珠能鼓起神力 I can do anything for Biliboy.
02:51你慢點吃 照你這麼吃下去 我兩天讓你吃垮了 Eat slowly. If you keep eating like this, I'll let you down in two days.
02:57姐姐 你對他這麼好做什麼 Sister, why are you so nice to him?
03:05吃你的飯 少管閒事 Eat your food. Don't worry about the money.
03:11做什麼去了 還不過來吃飯 What are you doing? Come and eat.
03:17別怪我多嘴啊 姐姐 你對他知根知底嗎 Don't blame me for being talkative. Sister, do you know him well?
03:21萬一他對你另有所圖呢 What if he's after you?
03:23人心隔肚皮 防也防不住 人心隔肚皮 防也防不住 People's hearts are as thick as their bellies.
03:31昨日在峽谷方氏把你困在姐姐裡的混蛋 應該就是他了 He's the bastard who trapped you in my sister's house in the canyon yesterday.
03:39姐姐 你待他那麼好 還替他治病 結果他居然那樣對你 Sister, you treat him so well, but you treat him like that.
03:45你哪來那麼多話 趕緊吃飯 Why are you talking so much? Hurry up and eat.
03:50那我就在讀書裡去 那我就在讀書裡去 Then I'll study.
03:52姐姐 防人之心不可無啊 Sister, you have to be wary of people.
03:56要不從今晚開始咱們就住在一個屋裡 這樣他要是半夜突然發瘋 只有你我就可以保護你了 How about we live in the same room from tonight? If he goes crazy in the middle of the night, I can protect you.
04:05不必了 男女有別 No need. Men and women are different.
04:08我又不是男人 I'm not a man.
04:11是男人 You're a man.
04:15走吧 Let's go.
04:22聽說我欺負你了 I heard I bullied you.
04:26怎麼敢呢 How dare you?
04:28來 您吃飯 Come on, let's eat.
04:37他說的也不無道理 He's right.
04:39我這個人瘋起來做過些什麼 我自己有時候都不清楚 I don't know what I've done when I'm crazy.
04:45倒不如讓他與我同住 I'd rather let him live with me.
04:47誰要跟你住啊 我要貼身保護姐姐 Who's going to live with you? I'm going to protect my sister.
04:50那我和你住豈不是保護得更徹底 If I live with you, wouldn't it be more secure?
04:56你為何推三阻四 非要住在他房中 Why do you have to live in his room?
05:00莫不是心怪鬼胎 想要監守自盜 Are you afraid of ghosts and want to keep yourself?
05:05怎麼會呢 我心中坦蕩 對姐姐絕無所圖 How could it be? I'm honest. I have no desire for my sister.
05:10我這留下來不過就是為了混口飯吃 I'm staying here just to eat.
05:13那你怕什麼 那你怕什麼 Then what are you afraid of?
05:14為何不敢與我同住 Why don't you dare to live with me?
05:18誰說我怕了 住就住 Who says I'm afraid? I'll live here.
05:21你們倆愛住哪兒住哪兒 You two can live wherever you like.
05:24不過我有言在先 要打架給我出去打 But I have a promise. If you want to fight, fight outside.
05:28要是敢把我房子拆了 明早把你倆一起打包 扔下山去 If you dare to tear down my house, I'll pack you up and throw you off the mountain tomorrow morning.
05:33姐姐放心 我絕不會主動生事 Don't worry, I won't take the initiative.
05:38我也會盡地主之誼 好好照顧他的 I'll do my best to take care of him.
05:41好好照顧他的 I'll do my best to take care of him.
06:11誰是那個混蛋 Who is that bastard?
06:36惡人自有惡人魔 Evil people have evil demons.
06:41是不是你 Who are you?
06:52還跟小姨裝睡似的 Why are you pretending to be asleep?
07:04疼疼疼 果然就是你搞的鬼 It hurts. It's you.
07:08你是想安分睡覺還是掛在外面 Are you trying to sleep or hang out?
07:12睡睡睡 睡睡 Sleep, sleep, sleep.
07:20你不罩我嗎 我不就不會鬧了嗎 If you don't catch me, I won't make trouble.
07:38氣氛鬧到這了 怎麼不打了 The atmosphere is here. Why don't you fight?
08:09你到底有完沒完 Are you done or not?
08:23你還睡不睡 Are you still sleeping?
08:35Do you want to sleep or not?
08:38What are you pretending for?
08:40There's no one else in this room.
08:41It must be you.
08:46It's so quiet at night.
08:49How do you know
08:50that it's not a ghost out there?
08:59I'm in a hidden corner.
09:00He probably didn't see me.
09:02I can't bear to look at him.
09:04If he keeps making trouble,
09:06I don't think he'll be able to live in this room.
09:10There's no one else.
09:11What are you doing?
09:12You're the one who bothered me first.
09:16I'll tell my sister
09:18about your bad behavior tomorrow.
09:19I'll see if you can...
09:33Why is he here?
09:35Is he trying to get even with me?
09:47He wants to sleep in my room?
09:56What are you doing?
09:59I'm going to sleep here tonight.
10:01I'm going to sleep here.
10:03You're going to sleep here?
10:09No, you can't.
10:11You can't.
10:19Who said I was going to sleep with you?
10:22Then where should I sleep?
10:29You want me to sleep there?
10:30What else?
10:33It's a doctor's duty to take care of his patients.
10:41Go back to sleep.
10:53If I had known earlier,
10:54I would have ignored him.
10:57It's better than
10:58picking up a loose emperor now.
11:01I'm going to poison Wei Shiwen
11:03to make sure he's cold inside.
11:09Is he going to sleep here tonight
11:12because he wants to kill Yin Jiaozhu?
11:17It's just a bead.
11:19Why does he have to put on an act with me?
11:23At worst, tomorrow morning,
11:24he'll throw the bead on his face
11:26and never see me again.
11:32Then why are you still with him?
11:35Is it because of Yin Jiaozhu
11:36like me?
11:38Yin Jiaozhu?
11:40Don't even think about taking him away.
11:44He's been acting strange with me these two days.
11:46So that's why.
11:49You can't sleep?
11:53How did you know?
11:58I had a dream just now.
12:00I dreamed that you were scolding me.
12:03That's not true.
12:05He knew I was secretly scolding him.
12:11A mountain woman's mouth is made of a knife.
12:14If there's a hat in the dream,
12:15it's a knife.
12:16If there's a hat in the dream,
12:17it's a knife.
12:18If there's a hat in the dream,
12:19please forgive me.
12:24Is this the way you cut your mother's mouth
12:26when you treated her?
12:28My mother?
12:31My mother is not like you.
12:33No matter how I cut my mother's mouth,
12:35she wouldn't be angry.
12:37Because she knows
12:38I love her.
12:43You know
12:44I don't have many friends.
12:47Only Xiangxiang is with me.
12:49Although Xiangxiang can't speak,
12:52she knows my heart.
12:55If I cut an ordinary person's mouth,
12:57I'm afraid it would have been broken long ago.
13:02I won't feel lonely.
13:09Huangren took the shoes as his revenge.
13:12He took it as a friend.
13:18Do you also think
13:20I'm a freak?
13:27Those who are like clouds in the ice
13:30are not as good as the meeting of mountains and waters
13:32and the heart of grass and wood.
13:34The meeting of mountains and waters
13:38and the heart of grass and wood.
13:41The heart of grass and wood.
13:51Have you ever regretted
13:53meeting me?
14:12Let me tell you.
14:14You are a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes.
14:17When you were in trouble,
14:18you met me, a living Bodhisattva.
14:20I can cure you.
14:21I can give you money.
14:22I can give you good food and drink.
14:24Even if someone comes to bother you,
14:26I have to use my family treasure to protect you.
14:29You don't lose money when you meet me.
14:35It's just a skin wound.
14:36It's okay.
14:37I'll go back and apply some medicine.
14:47In fact,
14:48you are
14:50cold on the outside and warm on the inside.
14:52You didn't do a good thing
14:55and you didn't do a bad thing.
14:58You don't have to
14:59pretend to be righteous in the future.
15:02From now on, we will be sincere
15:04and honest with each other.
15:11Say something.
15:19Lord Bi Jun.
15:28Lord Bi Jun.
15:35Lord Bi Jun.
15:42Liu Qiu Yu.
15:45Take my horse out.
16:11Liu Qiu Yu.
16:29Why hasn't he come back yet?
16:41Liu Qiu Yu.
16:47Liu Qiu Yu.
16:59Are they trying to make trouble
17:01and treat me like a monkey?
17:07Wait and see.
17:09Without my family,
17:11I will make you get out of this door.
17:13Liu Qiu Yu.
17:37Do you really think this is your home?
17:39You are welcome.
17:52Ji Yang.
18:13Ji Yang.
18:15Is this the Divine Beads?
18:29Ji Yang.
18:30How are you?
18:32It doesn't matter
18:35whether I live or die.
18:44Ji Yang.
18:53The needle is too soft.
18:54I can't get the Divine Beads out.
18:56How can he stand it
18:57if it continues like this?
18:59Ji Yang.
19:12Ji Yang.
19:14It's your turn.
19:29Ji Yang.
19:37Nan Yan.
19:40Your Divine Beads
19:42have been cleaned up.
19:47Have a good rest.
19:58Ji Yang.
20:16Sister, what's wrong with you?
20:20Did he bully you?
20:21I'll clean him up for you.
20:22If you have nothing to do,
20:24go to the chief.
20:26I want to be alone.
20:28Did he really bully you?
20:32It has nothing to do with him.
20:58Ji Yang.
21:28Ji Yang.
21:51When I brought you to the Shadow Clan last year,
21:54I promised myself
21:56that I would wait for you
21:58until the New Year's Eve.
22:00Then I would send you back.
22:03I still broke my promise.
22:06I'm sorry.
22:08Think about it.
22:28Ji Yang.
22:44What did you do?
22:46For a long time,
22:47you didn't say anything
22:48and ignored me.
22:49You didn't do anything.
22:50The Phoenix Banner of Shuanggu, Wutou Ink.
22:53This thing is not only immortal,
22:55but also has the effect of calming the spirit.
22:57Although the spiritual power is not clear,
22:59but it requires full force to harden.
23:01How did you get this?
23:04It has nothing to do with you.
23:08You are so petty.
23:09You don't even look like a man.
23:11It has nothing to do with you.
23:14You are so petty.
23:15You don't even look like a man.
23:40What kind of stuffing did you make today, sister?
23:43How much do you have? How much do you have? How much do you want me to eat?
23:45Water chestnut and shrimp stuffing. Eat it while it's hot.
23:51What kind of stupid thing did you do to make my sister like this?
24:01I'm confused.
24:03I forgot to add salt before.
24:34Open it.
24:50I'm not eating it.
24:59Eat it.
25:02Eat it.
25:09Eat the bun.
25:31Eat it.
25:50Why are you still here?
25:52Didn't the clan master kick you out?
25:54The clan master left me a letter.
25:56If you don't accept it, go find him.
25:59I don't need to say anything else.
26:01It must be you who lied to her.
26:03Isn't that my ability?
26:05Yes, ability.
26:07Go. Get out of Yang Yue village now.
26:11She can't go.
26:15This stinky fox is a bad water.
26:17Without a word of truth, you were fooled by her.
26:19She has found the bride.
26:21How is that possible?
26:23Who told her?
26:25Who else could it be?
26:27It should be you.
26:31How could I lie to her?
26:33How about this?
26:35When you get better,
26:37you don't have to hide in Yang Yue village.
26:39At that time,
26:41let's do a big business together.
26:45That's because
26:47you pretended to be stubborn and lied to me.
26:49That's because you are stupid.
26:51Why didn't my sister be fooled by me?
26:53I'm stupid?
26:59Nan Yan.
27:01Nan Yan.
27:03She doesn't understand.
27:05I can't blame you.
27:07Nan Yan.
27:09You can't say that in front of me.
27:25Nan Yan.
27:51Greetings, master.
27:55Xing Zheng said that
27:57Niang's Peng Shan was dead.
28:03Everything has its own fate.
28:05Don't be too sad.
28:25Thank you, master.
28:55Thank you, master.
29:25Thank you, master.
29:55Di Jun Shao Cang.
30:15Di Jun Shao Cang
30:17exposed my identity
30:19and ruined my fortune.
30:25I won't give up easily.
30:27I won't give up easily.
30:31I have found out
30:33that Di Jun left Die's Mansion that day
30:35and fought with the elder of Dao Sheng Tian.
30:37Finally, he met a woman in Fang's family
30:39and escorted her back to Yang Yue village.
30:41A woman?
30:43A woman?
30:45What's the relationship
30:47between this woman and him?
30:49They were close friends.
30:51They held hands all the way in Fang's family.
30:53Di Jun Shao Cang
30:55escaped for his crime
30:57and Yu Xia
30:59fell in love with him.
31:05Now that I have someone I love,
31:07things will be
31:09much easier.
31:23I want to help you.
31:25When we have no busy affairs,
31:27we should have good intentions.
31:29My sister treats me well.
31:31I work for her willingly.
31:33Why do I have to do things for you?
31:37If I am short of an outlaw,
31:39Either work or leave.
31:47I'm telling you,
31:48I didn't steal anything at all.
31:50It's this person
31:51who's always looking for trouble.
31:52Yes, yes, yes.
31:53You're not lazy,
31:54but you can't help stealing things.
31:56Let me see what you've been stealing lately.
31:58Where is it?
31:59Did you steal anything else?
32:01What's this?
32:09It smells good.
32:18What spell did you cast on him?
32:21It wasn't me.
32:22It really wasn't me.
32:23Sister, let's hurry and leave.
32:32It's been a long time.
32:33Let's go.
32:37Do you know what that is?
33:19He's quite good-looking.
33:21No wonder the Heavenly Emperor likes you.
33:28As expected, your fate with my sister
33:31is not over yet.
33:50The 200-year-old Spirit Fruit
33:58has turned into a fox fur in a blink of an eye.
34:00I've been using the Soul Suppression Technique for many years.
34:02You bastard.
34:04You're the first one to dare to lie.
34:08please spare my life.
34:09I was muddle-headed that day.
34:10I was just lucky.
34:12I'll definitely give you
34:13the 500-year-old Spirit Fruit later
34:15so that you can enjoy it.
34:17I don't care about the Spirit Fruit anymore.
34:23I want you to take off your fur
34:25and make me a fox fur sausage.
34:29Is that okay?
34:31I've been wandering around.
34:33I'm old and my hair is messy.
34:35If I make a sausage out of it,
34:36it'll be a waste of money.
34:38I don't deserve your noble status.
34:40Please forgive me.
34:45It's not that I can't forgive you.
34:56Unless you obey me.
35:07I'm still young.
35:18from now on,
35:19you'll be the only one
35:21in my heart and my eyes.
35:25You're so honest.
35:29But, sister,
35:32I'm your roof.
35:34Isn't that enough?
35:36Why do you bring a girl back?
35:42That young man and you
35:44are my perfect match.
35:46I just wanted to bring that girl back
35:49and make her a bait.
35:53Of course,
35:54the Heavenly Emperor.
35:58If you try to kill me again,
36:00I'll tell everyone
36:01you're hiding here.
36:03You know who I am.
36:05That's easy.
36:06I'll report to Chief Meng later.
36:09I didn't realize
36:11that he's the Heavenly Emperor.
36:13Little bastard,
36:14what are you thinking about?
36:17Why do you want to
36:18provoke the Heavenly Emperor?
36:21He exposed my identity
36:23and ruined my efforts
36:24to run the butterfly business for many years.
36:27If I don't make him a puppet,
36:28I'll be in trouble.
36:32I think the Heavenly Emperor is a man of great foresight.
36:34It's hard to deal with him.
36:35do you have any plan?
36:38He was hit in the soul box first
36:40and was chased several times.
36:43I don't believe he's still as powerful as he was.
36:46What's more,
36:47I've been in this mansion for a long time.
36:50Anyone who enters the town will be affected by spiritual power.
36:53Even if he has the ability
36:55to get through the Heaven and Earth today,
36:57he'll still
36:59be trapped here.
37:04I have something to tell you.
37:16It's been a long time.
37:18Why is there no sound of stars?
38:30Don't be afraid.
38:46Put me down!
38:47You are a lowly woman!
38:49Let me go!
38:51How dare you touch me!
38:53You don't even call me sister.
38:56You're rude.
39:33Let them go!
39:35You can let them go
39:37as long as you
39:38give me your bead.
39:42Why do you want my bead?
39:43It's all because you self-righteous cultivators have forced our Demon Clan to such a miserable state.
39:49I, as the Elder of the Sky Slayer, have to hide my identity,
39:52turn myself into a house owner, and live in the Fang family.
39:55But if I have your orb,
39:58I can use it at any time.
40:01I can be free for five weeks.
40:05No! You can't give it to her!
40:07She took the orb, and I don't know how many people's lives I've caused!
40:14You'd better think carefully.
40:17Which is more important, the lives of these two young masters,
40:20or the orb?
40:44When I stand by your side
40:50Everything in the world becomes useless
40:56Except for your eyes
41:02Every minute, every second that I share my heart with you
41:10Our story is like smoke and flowing water
41:13Falling into your eyes
41:16Can you hold my hands tightly
41:20No matter it's a white cloud or a warehouse
41:24From the beginning
41:28Until the end
41:32Just let me go forward with you
41:36Just let all the brilliant fireworks stay for you
41:44When the wind blows
41:48When the wind blows
41:52From your eyebrows to my heart
41:56Like a mirror, the wind rises and the rain falls
42:00How can I understand
42:02Hold on to me
42:05Hold on to me
42:08Hold on to me
42:14Can you hold my hands tightly
42:18No matter it's a white cloud or a warehouse
42:22From the beginning
42:26Until the end
42:30Just let me go forward with you
42:35Just let all the brilliant fireworks
42:38Shine for you
42:43When the wind blows
42:47When the wind blows
