Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 26 Completo en Español

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Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 26 Completo en Español
00:00My mom used to collect postage stamps from all over the world, and she once told me that Mr. Winches too.
00:11Oh, I didn't know that.
00:13Yes, the thing is that my mom left it stipulated in her will that she wanted to leave all her collection to him.
00:20And well, I would like to fulfill my mother's last wish. Do you know where I could find it?
00:27Let me see. Can I look for the address that is registered in the bank?
00:35You don't know how much I'm going to thank you.
00:37With pleasure.
00:46Here you go.
00:48Thank you very much.
00:50I hope you can find Mr. Winches and that you can fulfill your mother's last wish.
00:56I hope so. You are a charm. Thank you very much.
01:01Have a good day.
01:02Excuse me.
01:03You're welcome.
01:13How did it go?
01:15Very well. I got Winches' address.
01:18But how did you get it?
01:21Sentimentalism never fails.
01:24I told the manager that my mom had passed away, that she was a customer of Winches, and that I had left her a collection of stamps.
01:31Oh, only you. Hey, are you going to look for it?
01:35Of course.
01:36Hey, but be very careful, please. Stay alert. They're not going to be following you.
01:41No, don't worry. We're in touch.
01:44This way, please.
01:48Come in.
01:53I'll send the waiter to take your order in a moment.
01:55Yes, please.
02:00We're going to eat here.
02:02We deserve a good meal, don't you think?
02:04I don't have any money. How are we going to pay for it?
02:08You're coming with me. Don't worry about that.
02:11Is that why you asked Marta for the money? To spend it on this kind of restaurant?
02:14Of course not. That money is for something much bigger.
02:18A big business. I have to tell you.
02:24Very kind of you. Thank you very much, young man.
02:32Come in.
02:34Can I come in?
02:36Come in.
02:38Can I come in?
02:45What can I do for you?
02:47I've finished ordering all the tickets. Where do you want me to put the boxes?
02:52Tell Alvaro to put them in the warehouse.
02:56How can I help you?
02:59Since Vicente doesn't work here, you could be my assistant.
03:03Yes, whatever you say.
03:05Tell Veronica to give you my schedule so you can have it.
03:08Okay. Excuse me.
03:18Florencia told me to give you her schedule.
03:22To you? How could she?
03:25What do you want it for?
03:27I'm going to be her new assistant.
03:30Now Florencia has gone crazy.
03:32Can I have it, please?
03:41And I'm going to need a desk here.
03:55Dario, how are you? I'm Regina.
03:57Fine, ma'am. How are you?
03:59I'm fine, too.
04:01I'm glad to hear that.
04:02How's Sara?
04:03Carmen told me that she had an emergency surgery.
04:06Sara, my daughter?
04:08Carmen must have gotten confused. Is Sara okay?
04:11In fact, she's in Veracruz doing rafting.
04:13Can you give me Carmen, please?
04:15She's not here, but as soon as she gets back, I'll tell her to call you.
04:18Don't worry. I'll call her in the afternoon.
04:20I'm going out now. Say hi to her.
04:22You're welcome.
04:30How have you been feeling since you ran away?
04:33I imagine you're very lonely.
04:35No, not really.
04:36Lisette, Frida, and Lorena have turned out to be very good friends.
04:40How can you say that you're comfortable with them?
04:43They're very good people and they're supportive of each other.
04:53You shouldn't hang out with them.
04:55You shouldn't hang out with them.
04:57And much less work as a waitress at a bar.
05:00You have more class than that.
05:02All jobs are worthy.
05:04Besides, I feel very safe there.
05:08I'm going to help you change your life completely.
05:11You and I are going to go to Spain together.
05:14Yes, yes, I would love to.
05:18But nothing. I don't expect it to be worth it.
05:20You and I are going to go to Spain together. That's it.
05:26Of course, first I would need the help of your friends.
05:30No, I don't think they'll lend anything.
05:32They're very angry because you blackmailed Marta.
05:35Oh, how sensitive.
05:38I'm going to return that money.
05:40And with interest.
05:41It's a loan.
05:44Of course.
05:46How do you think I was going to take advantage of her?
05:48No, no, I'm not like that.
05:54Have you seen Carmen?
05:57She hasn't come here.
05:58The food is ready.
05:59Shall we eat or do you prefer we wait for Carmen?
06:01No, no, no, let's eat.
06:04I'm going to tell Matias.
06:09It smells very good.
06:10What did you prepare?
06:11Pumpkin soup, beef tinga and mashed potatoes.
06:17Sit down and start eating.
06:24The soup is delicious.
06:28And what's wrong with you?
06:29I'm starving.
06:31And why is that?
06:32Until my grandmother doesn't come back to live with us, I'm not going to eat.
06:38Well, you can end your hunger strike because your grandmother is going to come back to live here.
06:42Really, Grandma? Is it true?
06:44Yes, it's true.
06:45Wow, you'll see how well we're going to have fun.
06:48I have no doubt.
06:50But eat because you're going to get cold.
06:57Young lady, the bill, please.
07:00What did you think of the plan?
07:04What I'm not sure is that the others want to join.
07:06You have to help me convince them.
07:08I'm going to do everything I can, but I don't promise you anything.
07:10No, you have to promise me because without them we can't do it and it's a wonderful plan.
07:15Thank you very much, sir.
07:19Oh, how strange.
07:22My bag is open. I didn't leave it like that.
07:28Oh, no, no, no, please, please, no.
07:30No, no, no, it's not possible.
07:32They stole my wallet.
07:34Oh, no, let's see, did you search well?
07:36Of course I searched well.
07:37In all the closets, in all...
07:39But at what time?
07:40I know, I know.
07:42Do you remember when we entered that this man knocked me at the entrance?
07:46I'm sure it was there at that moment when we entered the restaurant.
07:48And now what are we going to do?
07:49I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, ladies.
07:51I couldn't help but listen to what's going on and...
07:53It's terrible. It was my wallet and there I had everything.
07:56Everything, my cards, my identifications, all my money.
08:00What am I going to do? My daughter doesn't have her wallet either.
08:03Well, don't worry about the bill.
08:05I'll pay for it.
08:06The important thing is that you go and cancel your credit cards immediately before they make bad use of them.
08:11Oh, no, no, what a shame, what a shame.
08:13But yes, I do accept it.
08:15Sorry, but thank you very much.
08:17Thank you very much.
08:18God sent you, you are an angel.
08:20How nice, thank you very much.
08:22At your service, Abraham Hurtado.
08:23Oh, thank you, Abraham.
08:24I am Rebecca.
08:26Oh, thank you.
08:27How wonderful that there are decent people like you.
08:30Thank you very much.
08:31At your service.
08:32Thank you very much.
08:33Thank you very much.
08:34And please, go to your cards.
08:35That is very important.
08:36Yes, yes, you are absolutely right.
08:38Thank the Lord, my daughter, please.
08:41Let's go.
08:42Thank you very much, young man.
08:43The Lord is in charge.
08:45Thank you, Abraham.
08:46It was a pleasure to meet you.
08:47I hope to see you soon.
08:49Let's go, young man.
08:54What's up with you?
08:55The last time we talked, you told me you were going to return to Buenos Aires.
08:59Well, I'm almost there.
09:00I didn't always go.
09:01Now I need to get a job.
09:03And what happened with your job at your dad's construction company?
09:06That construction is not my thing.
09:07Besides, things with my dad are a little complicated.
09:11Yes, I wanted to see what possibilities there are to work here at the foundation.
09:15Would you like to work here?
09:16I would love to.
09:17It really catches my attention to be able to collaborate on something like this.
09:20It would be a good job.
09:21Is there a chance?
09:22Yes, I guess so.
09:24My dad always needs people who are willing to help him.
09:29Look, finish your coffee and we'll talk to him right away, okay?
09:36Oh, did you see it?
09:37Oh, did you see it?
09:38Did you see that we didn't have to worry about the bill?
09:41Oh, you're thick.
09:43For a moment I believed it.
09:44I thought they had stolen you.
09:45I even got very anxious.
09:48Oh, you've lost your mind, dear.
09:50Oh, but I'm going to put you in shape again.
09:54This is just the beginning.
09:56With the plan I have, we won't have to be wearing out in theaters.
10:02A life full of luxuries awaits us.
10:04So go making the idea.
10:07You'll see.
10:08You'll see.
10:11Did you make dessert, Grandma?
10:12Oh, of course.
10:14I couldn't miss it.
10:15What did you make?
10:17Rice with milk.
10:18Oh, of course.
10:20Well, with that appetite, your hunger strike won't last long.
10:23I did it to scare you and bring Grandma back.
10:28I knew you weren't going to let me starve to death.
10:30Oh, but since I don't like to be manipulated, maybe I would have let you.
10:34Oh, Dad.
10:35Don't worry.
10:36I would have brought you some hidden food.
10:39Oh, good afternoon.
10:40I'm glad you're here.
10:41Would you like something to drink?
10:42There's pumpkin soup and beef stew.
10:45But first, she and I need to talk.
10:48Come with me.
10:55What's going on?
10:56Why didn't you let me sit down to eat at the table?
10:58Because you lied to me.
10:59Your sister is neither sick nor operated on.
11:01What did you do with the money?
11:03I wanted to surprise you.
11:05I had a giant sign made with neon lights at the entrance to the oasis.
11:08You don't want to see my face.
11:10It's the truth.
11:11I can prove it to you.
11:12I just came from fighting with the supplier because he's giving it away.
11:15Don't leave me.
11:16I told him I was going to get the money back.
11:18I don't believe you.
11:19You're hiding something from me.
11:20I'm not hiding anything from you.
11:22I wanted to give you a gift.
11:24Let's see if you take me into account again.
11:26Because since the waitresses arrived, you haven't seen me again.
11:28I'm fed up with that story.
11:30You can't deny it.
11:31I'm sure something's going on between Estrella and you.
11:34You don't want to turn things around.
11:35You want to be the victim, but you're not going to make it.
11:37I don't believe any of that story you just made up.
11:40What did you do with the money?
11:42I'm not telling you any story.
11:44If you want, come with me to the man I paid.
11:47Come on, so you can see how they swindled me.
11:51What do you want me to do to make you believe me?
11:53Tell me the truth.
11:54But apparently that's not going to happen.
12:01Hello, Dad.
12:02Can I come in?
12:03Yes, son, come in.
12:07This is Vicente, a good friend.
12:09Nice to meet you.
12:10Likewise, sir.
12:11Have a seat.
12:12What brings you here?
12:14Vicente is very interested in working for the foundation.
12:20The motivation to work for a foundation
12:22is the desire to help those who need it most.
12:25And that's why I'm here.
12:27The motivation to work for a foundation
12:29is the desire to help those who need it most.
12:32But you'll understand that the salary I can offer you...
12:34No, no, no, don't worry.
12:36What I want is to collaborate.
12:38If there was something I could do.
12:40The children attend several workshops.
12:42Can you think of something you can teach them?
12:44I really like to draw, and the truth is that I don't do it badly.
12:48I could give them a drawing workshop.
12:50Good idea.
12:51Don't we have a workshop like that?
12:53It can also help with anything else you need,
12:56like the facilities,
12:57support the children to do the homework,
13:00People like you are what we need in the foundation.
13:03When can you start?
13:05Well, tomorrow if you want.
13:07Don't say more.
13:12What do we do with Carmen's food?
13:14We're going to put everything in the fridge,
13:16and if she's hungry, she can reheat whatever she wants.
13:20What happened to Monce? They're late.
13:23I'm sure Esther is brainwashing her.
13:25Well, I don't know how I'm going to get along with her
13:27when she's taking advantage of us.
13:32We were just putting the food away.
13:33You're going to have to reheat it.
13:35Oh, we already ate. Thank you.
13:37How are you?
13:38Counting the days until you leave.
13:40Lizette, don't be mean.
13:42Esther doesn't have bad intentions.
13:45On the contrary, we were talking and she has a proposal for you.
13:51Look, it's something very easy, fast, and simple.
13:54We're going to fill our pockets with money.
13:57What do you say?
14:17Good morning.
14:18What can I get you?
14:19Good morning.
14:21Is Mr. Claudio Vilchi here?
14:23No, he doesn't live here anymore.
14:26They gave me this address at the bank branch.
14:29I need to talk to him.
14:31I told you he doesn't live here anymore.
14:33I don't even know him.
14:35I just know that before I rented, he was the previous tenant
14:38because they've come to look for him several times.
14:40Oh, my God.
14:42Well, thank you very much.
14:43Sorry for the inconvenience.
14:44Don't worry.
14:56What's up?
14:57Did you find Vilchis?
15:00He doesn't live in the address they gave me at the bank anymore.
15:03It can't be.
15:05He took care of them so as not to leave any trace.
15:08Don't worry.
15:09I'm going to find him.
15:11At some point, something has to appear that tells us it was from him.
15:15Anything, I'll keep you posted.
15:17If you do it,
15:18you can be in debt with you for life.
15:20Well, with a meal in a good restaurant,
15:23I give myself for well served.
15:25Take it for done.
15:46At least listen to what Esther wants to propose to you.
15:49I'm not interested in hearing anything.
15:51Neither am I.
15:52Neither am I.
15:53Did you hear?
15:54None of them are interested in your proposal.
15:56They are not willing to get into trouble for a handful of money.
15:59But they are not going to get into any trouble.
16:01I already have everything well studied.
16:04In fact,
16:05they are encouraged and I return the money you gave me.
16:08With interest.
16:09How about?
16:10Listen to her.
16:11It suits us all.
16:13Don't let your brain be washed by this
16:16Listen to me and then decide.
16:18The business is about getting a...
16:20Did you hear?
16:22I already gave you the money you wanted.
16:24And we accept that you stay two nights.
16:26There is no more.
16:27Just let them tell you what this is about.
16:31Anything you propose,
16:32it's surely a scam.
16:34And none of them want to go back to delinquir.
16:37For some reason they call you the superior, right?
16:39It seems that what you say is still being done here.
16:41That's right.
16:42This is my house.
16:43And I impose the rules.
16:45We don't make deals with swindlers.
16:50You lose it.
16:54Yes, tell me.
16:55Please, could you tell Commander Rojas
16:57to come to my office?
16:58I'll let him know.
17:04At your service.
17:06I've been thinking that maybe we should go
17:08visit Mrs. Marta.
17:09Maybe she has information
17:11about where they might be.
17:12I don't know.
17:13I don't know.
17:14I don't know.
17:15I don't know.
17:16I don't know.
17:17I don't know.
17:18I don't know.
17:19I don't know.
17:20I don't know.
17:21I don't know.
17:22I don't know.
17:23I don't know.
17:24I don't know.
17:25I don't know.
17:26I don't know.
17:27I don't know.
17:28I don't know.
17:29I don't know.
17:30I don't know.
17:31I don't know.
17:32I don't know.
17:33I don't know.
17:34I don't know.
17:35I don't know.
17:36I don't know.
17:37I don't know.
17:38I don't know.
17:39I don't know.
17:40I don't know.
17:41I don't know.
17:42I don't know.
17:43I don't know.
17:44I don't know.
17:45I don't know.
17:46I don't know.
17:47I don't know.
17:48I don't know.
17:49I don't know.
17:50I don't know.
17:51I don't know.
17:52¿Te ayudo con algo, jefecito?
17:54No gracias.
17:55¿Estás bien?
17:57Más o menos.
17:59Si me quieres contar algo, aquí estoy.
18:01No, no tiene importancia.
18:03Puedes confiar en mi.
18:06No es falta de confianza.
18:07Simplemente no quiero hablar del tema.
18:08¿Y si adivino?
18:10¿Me cuentas?
18:11¿Tienes problemas con Carmen, verdad?
18:15No sé qué le pasa.
18:16Últimamente la desconozco.
18:18Es otra persona.
18:19¿A qué te refieres?
18:20Todo el tiempo se está quejando,
18:21She lied to me, and it hurts me because in a relationship without trust, nothing works.
18:28But I don't want to talk about it, you don't have to listen to my dramas.
18:32Oh no, no, no, don't say that, we're friends, right?
18:35And I don't have any problem listening to you.
18:37In these dramas.
18:43She doesn't answer me.
18:45Are you sure she lives here?
18:47Yes, I brought her here once.
18:50Do you know someone who can give us some information?
18:54No, but I'm going to ask.
18:57I'll wait for you.
19:06You look great with those wigs.
19:09No one asked for your opinion.
19:11Oh, you don't get rid of the evil genius.
19:14You're just like when you were in jail.
19:16And I don't want to put in their place the people who go crazy.
19:19So don't make me lose my patience.
19:21Come on, Lizette, don't get hooked.
19:24And you, don't move her, better look for something to entertain you.
19:27Now, let's go to work, girls.
19:29Yes, let's go.
19:43What happened?
19:45The pension woman told me she hasn't come all day.
19:50I'm worried that Marta was right.
19:52And Estefania has sent her people to take revenge on her.
19:56If that's the case, I'll never forgive her.
19:59Let's wait, we have to look for her.
20:01Do you know where she might be?
20:05Let's go.
20:11What movies do you like?
20:13Action, romance, suspense.
20:16I'm not going to watch TV with you.
20:19Oh, don't be a clown.
20:21I'm not a clown.
20:23I'm just not interested in sharing anything with you.
20:28What a temper, huh?
20:38Can I come in?
20:41Do you want to see if two of you come with me?
20:43What's that?
20:44A contest show.
20:45Oh, perfect, I love those shows.
20:48Sit down.
20:56Do you want another cushion?
20:57No, no, I'm fine here.
20:59I'm staying.
21:01I hope you don't catch a cold.
21:03Oh, my life, thank you, how nice.
21:18What are you doing?
21:20Distracting myself.
21:22There was nothing to watch on TV.
21:24I don't know if it's a good idea for you to be here.
21:28It's okay.
21:30Why am I going to be locked up and going down the stairs?
21:33There's a bar where I can have a good time.
21:36I don't think the others agree that you went down.
21:39Well, I don't care if they agree or not.
21:43Don't be like that.
21:44Can you bring me a margarita?
21:48I'll bring it.
21:51I know what to do.
21:52According to her, nothing's going to happen.
21:54The only thing she wants is to provoke us.
21:56I can't stand her.
21:58She asked for a margarita, I'm going to get it.
22:10I was worried because you weren't coming.
22:13I went to the supermarket because there was nothing left in the fridge.
22:17I brought dough so we could make a pizza to celebrate your return.
22:20I love it, that's so cool.
22:22What did you do?
22:24I went to see Rodrigo.
22:25The one I told you that his dad has a foundation to help kids on the street.
22:29And I was talking to him.
22:31What do you think?
22:33I already have a job.
22:34Wow, congratulations.
22:37What are you going to do at the foundation?
22:39I'm going to give a drawing class.
22:41Are you good at drawing?
22:43Kind of.
22:44There are a lot of things you don't know about me.
22:46I see.
22:47I didn't know you liked working with kids.
22:51I feel like life changed me in just one day.
22:55I came back to live with you and I have a job that excites me a lot.
22:59I don't need anything anymore.
23:06For good reason, we're celebrating today.
23:09We're going to make dinner.
23:11You turn on the oven, please, so it warms up.
23:14And then you add the cheese.
23:16In the meantime, I'm going to make the tomato sauce.
23:18At your service, Captain.
23:28Can I come in?
23:29Yes, come in.
23:34I feel terrible about you.
23:36And I wanted to apologize for not telling you about Juan Pablo.
23:41Oh well.
23:43It's already done.
23:45I promised you that I would never hide anything from you again.
23:48And that's why I want to tell you something.
23:54I had a cell phone with which I communicated only with Juan Pablo.
23:59And a few weeks ago they called me from that number.
24:03And did you answer?
24:05Silly, yes.
24:07But I hung up immediately and turned it off.
24:09Surely someone found the cell phone and called you.
24:12Yes, they must be investigating.
24:14How awful.
24:16Things are more complicated than I thought.
24:19There's something else.
24:22There's more?
24:23Charo always knew from the beginning my relationship with Juan Pablo.
24:29Yes, she helped me go to the suite to take out all my things so that there would be nothing left that would involve me with him.
24:34Well, how is it possible that Charo knew everything and I didn't?
24:36Dad, please forgive me.
24:38Forgive me, but I need you and don't leave me alone.
24:41Enough, enough, please stop asking for forgiveness.
24:43You are my daughter and I will never leave you, whatever happens.
24:46Now what matters is to find out who is behind all this.
24:50Do you have any idea?
24:51I think Lorena Martinez.
24:53Surely she gave Ismael the address of the suite and that's why he got there.
24:56Do you think he's still in contact with her?
24:58I can't be sure, but it's a possibility.
25:01They were together once, whether we like it or not.
25:04And surely he wants Ismael to help him not to return to prison.
25:07Bad thing.
25:08Hormones put more than neurons.
25:11I'm very afraid that he will believe the story that he is innocent.
25:14No, no, little daughter, we have nothing to fear.
25:17We have done everything very well.
25:19No, no, little daughter, we have nothing to fear.
25:22We have done everything very well.
25:24Except your relationship with Juan Pablo.
25:28Excuse the interruption, Veronica is waiting for you in the living room.
25:32Good night.
25:45Everything okay with your dad?
25:47He took us very seriously.
25:49I told him about my relationship with Juan Pablo.
25:52The phone we had and the suite where we saw each other.
25:55How awful, how he took him.
25:57Very bad.
25:58I couldn't believe he was the last to find out about my things.
26:10Excuse me, here are your drinks.
26:20What happened?
26:21Elick sent you a message.
26:23Let's see.
26:25I got the address of Vilchis.
26:26I went to look for him and he no longer lives there.
26:28The guy managed to disappear without leaving a trace.
26:31But I'm not going to give up.
26:33I'm not going to stop until I find him.
26:38All right?
26:39Not as I expected.
26:49Hey, hey, hey, hey.
26:51Hey, hey.
26:52Now, now, now.
26:54Now, now, now.
27:04Why do you think Mrs. Marta would be in a place like this?
27:07This is her son's business.
27:14I'll bring you your drinks right away.
27:41Good evening.
27:42Good evening.
27:44Have you found Mrs. Marta Pineda?
27:46She's not here.
27:47She must be at her house.
27:49No, no, she's not there.
27:51We're going to wait for her to show up.
27:53Excuse me.
27:54The thing is, the place is full.
27:56We don't have tables available.
27:58There's a free table here.
27:59Can we sit down?
28:01Yes, yes, yes.
28:02Yes, of course, of course.
28:04Go ahead.
28:05I didn't see her.
28:18Hey, I recognize your face.
28:21I don't remember where you're from.
28:23Oh, I remember now.
28:25You're a football player, right?
28:27Uh, no.
28:28I think you're lying to me.
28:30Well, maybe.
28:31But I feel like I've seen you before.
28:33I saw you somewhere.
28:36You're the announcer.
28:37Of course.
28:38Me neither.
28:39You've probably seen him on TV.
28:42Because he has an official position in a department
28:45that is responsible for maintaining public order.
28:48Oh, no, come on.
28:51So you're really smart, aren't you?
28:54Well, it's an honor that you're
28:56coming out of your category with us.
28:59Thank you, thank you.
29:00Could you send someone to take care of us?
29:02Yes, yes.
29:03I'll send them right now.
29:06But first, tell me if you're here
29:08just like Mr.
29:10We work together.
29:12I'm the police chief.
29:14Oh, no, no.
29:15You're on another level, aren't you?
29:18Hey, I'm the head of security here.
29:20But my dream has always been to join the police.
29:24Isn't there a way for you to help me out?
29:27Look, it's for this one that didn't go wrong.
29:31Send us a waitress or I'll find one myself.
29:35Oh, no, no, no.
29:36That's all I needed, sir.
29:38I'll get you a waitress, okay?
29:42I can't stand seeing you here
29:44sad over that idiot Ismael.
29:46Let's have a drink.
29:47Oh, no.
29:48No, thank you, but I don't feel like going out.
29:50Don't tell me that.
29:52You have to go out and distract yourself.
29:54But I don't want to.
29:55I'm going to decide for you.
29:56You don't have the capacity to think
29:58about anything else but Ismael.
30:00Come on.
30:01Let's make you look very pretty.
30:09It's there.
30:10It's there.
30:13What happened?
30:15Ismael and Commander Rojas are here.
30:17Are you sure?
30:19They're in the corner, at table 12.
30:21Oh, my God.
30:24Is that Isabel from table 11?
30:25Yes, yes, yes.
30:26I'll go get her.
30:27Hey, a client wants you to play this song for him.
30:30I'll play it as soon as the truck leaves.
30:32No, now.
30:33He's consuming you very well.
30:35Why don't I wait here until you play it?
30:39No, right now.
30:48Hi, Sofia.
30:50Are you at home today?
30:51Yes, why?
30:52I found something about Vichys.
30:54I'm going there.
30:55No, no, no, no, no.
30:56Remember that they're watching her.
30:58I'll see you at Violeta.
31:00I'm going there right now.
31:20What's up?
31:23Well, I'm going to hide.
31:38Can you explain to me what's going on?
31:40Ismael and Comandante Rojas are here.
31:42If Eric doesn't tell me, maybe they'll find me.
31:45What do we do?
31:46Let's get out of here.
31:51Excuse me, I'm sorry,
31:53but my boss just told me that this table is reserved.
31:57Can I move on to another table?
32:00Sure, no problem.
32:03Anyone else would have given me a cough.
32:05Hey, can you send us someone?
32:07No one's seen us.
32:09No one?
32:10Yes, no one.
32:11Excuse me for a moment.
32:17This place is a mess.
32:18It seems so.
32:20Here's the card.
32:22You can see what you want to drink.
32:24Someone will come to take your order.
32:31It's the police.
32:42What did you find out?
32:43Do you know where Vilchis is?
32:46He's still underground.
32:47But I saw his contacts,
32:50and I saw that he has a sister.
32:53There are several photos of them together on his profile.
32:56What's her name?
32:57Antonieta Vilchis.
32:58He's probably with her.
33:00Tell me you managed to get his address.
33:03It's in that.
33:08We're out of luck.
33:09Now they're going to find us.
33:11Calm down.
33:12If we don't move from here,
33:13there's no way they'll see us.
33:14There are a lot of people.
33:16I don't want to go back to jail.
33:18It would have been better if we turned ourselves in.
33:20Shut up.
33:21Not even crazy people go back to hell.
33:23What are you doing here, Ismael, Commander?
33:25They came to look for Mrs. Marta.
33:27I told them she wasn't here,
33:28but they decided to stay and wait.
33:30We have to tell the superior.
33:33What are you doing?
33:35Get to work.
33:36That's what you get paid for.
33:37Not for chatting.
33:38Come on.
33:39Calm down, Mom.
33:40It's just a little breath.
33:42No one denies that.
33:43Come on.
33:46You're in more danger.
33:48Tell the superior.
33:49You stay upstairs,
33:50and please don't leave the room at all.
33:56Never raise your head,
33:57and don't look anyone in the eyes.
33:59The most important thing.
34:00Turn your back on him wherever he is.
34:03All the time, okay?
34:05And you, don't take your eyes off them, Ismael.
34:07If you see them get up or something, let us know.
34:09Yes, okay.
34:10I moved them from the table.
34:11I sent them to the corner.
34:14Let's go.
34:19Invisible eye.
34:21Invisible eye.
34:22Invisible eye.
34:23Invisible eye.
34:24Invisible eye.
34:25Invisible eye.
34:28I really missed being with you
34:29and living these things.
34:33You don't know what it was like for me
34:34to arrive and find the house empty.
34:36I don't even want to remember.
34:39Then let's erase those sad days.
34:41Can I tell you a secret?
34:42Tell me.
34:44I kept one of your t-shirts, and...
34:48I slept holding it every night.
34:51My love.
34:53I promise we'll never be apart again.
35:02Frida, come here.
35:03What do you want?
35:05The police officer is there,
35:06Marta's friend.
35:07The DA is there, too.
35:09I can imagine you didn't call them, right?
35:11How could you?
35:12We're trying not to be seen,
35:14and you should be doing the same.
35:24Hey, what do you think?
35:26A friend of mine left me stranded,
35:29and for my bad luck,
35:31my ex-husband is out there,
35:33and I don't want her to leave me alone.
35:35Would you let me buy you a drink
35:37and we can talk?
35:38You don't need to buy me anything.
35:40It's a pleasure to talk to you.
35:42Oh, how kind.
35:44Regina Sepúlveda.
35:46Nice to meet you.
35:47Joaquín Cáceres.
35:48Nice to meet you.
35:49Joaquín Cáceres.
35:50Nice to meet you, Joaquín.
35:51What do you do for a living?
35:52Well, I have a degree in systems,
35:54and I teach at a university,
35:56and I'm also a consultant for a company.
36:00Excuse me, miss.
36:01I'm sorry to bother you.
36:02No, no.
36:03Can someone serve us?
36:04It's not a bother.
36:05Excuse me.
36:08I don't see any waiters,
36:09but I can serve you.
36:11A dark beer, please.
36:12A dark beer?
36:13A Cuba Libre with your ice.
36:15I'll bring it to you.
36:28Marta, Marta.
36:48Marta, Marta.
36:50What is it?
36:51We need your help.
37:13What is it?
37:14You look terrible.
37:15Ismael and Comandante Rojas are downstairs.
37:18Did they come to pick you up?
37:20That's terrible.
37:21But they can't see you.
37:22Lock yourself in the room and don't go out.
37:25Please, take them out of here.
37:27Yes, yes, that's what I'm going to try to do.
37:29Take your cell phone in your hand
37:30to let you know when they've left, okay?
37:34But get in.
37:42Don't worry.
37:43Don't worry.
37:44Although there aren't many Antonetas in the network,
37:46I have to discard them.
37:52I have their address.
37:54Calle Palomares, number 18,
37:57Colonia Azores.
38:02If you want one, get one for the monkey!
38:35I couldn't betray you.
38:36But you betrayed me!
38:38And it's a coincidence that I'm your boss!
38:41Sir, it's just that I...
38:43The girl asked me and...
38:44I don't want to hear your excuses, Charo.
38:48Let it be the last time you hide something from me.
38:51Because if you do it again,
38:53I won't hesitate to kick you out.
38:57Is that clear?
38:59Yes, sir.
39:00It won't happen again, I promise.
39:03Please forgive me.
39:13See what I'm telling you?
39:14Your waitresses and nothing is the same.
39:16Please don't start.
39:21And now what?
39:22Where the hell is Angelina?
39:24She's been waiting for one of her months and the clients are desperate!
39:27She had a little headache and went upstairs to rest.
39:29But I'll take care of it, don't worry.
39:31What table is it?
39:32The 15th, but how are you going to...
39:33Hurry up!
39:34But now!
39:38Eric, I need your help.
39:40Take this to the table of the chief of police, please.
39:43What's wrong with Mrs. Marta?
39:44Well, she's going to be late.
39:45It's better if you hurry up.
39:47Otherwise, she's going to get color blindness.
39:53Yes, yes.
39:56I'm sorry for you, really.
39:58But there are a lot of people and one of the waitresses felt bad
40:01and had to leave.
40:02You know, those things that happen, right?
40:04No, don't worry.
40:05No, no, how am I not going to worry?
40:07It's just that I rarely visit people as important as you
40:10and as Mr. Commander.
40:12No, really, I admire you, huh?
40:15And if you help me get into the police,
40:17I'm going to live eternally grateful.
40:24How exciting, right?
40:25I'm going to be like the guys from the SWAT,
40:27I'm going to be in full action.
40:32Good evening.
40:34Mrs. Marta.
40:35I'm glad you're here.
40:36The gentlemen have been waiting for you for a while.
40:39Thank you, Eric, thank you.
40:41Of course, to serve you.
40:42See you later.
40:47What are you doing here?
40:48I insisted on the commander that I wanted to see her.
40:51We went to the pension to look for her, but since she wasn't there,
40:53we thought she could be here.
40:55If you want to talk to me, let's go somewhere else.
40:57There's a lot of noise here.
40:58No, there's no need.
40:59We don't take a lot of time from her.
41:05Andy Alina, open the door.
41:13Why aren't you working?
41:15I don't feel well.
41:16My head is going to explode.
41:17Well, take a pill and go to work.
41:19There are a lot of people, you have to attend to them.
41:22I'm sorry, but I can't.
41:24Let's see.
41:25If you don't want me to fire you, get down to work right now.
41:29Did you hear me?
41:31Come on, how are you doing?
