[ENG SUB] Go Ahead EP27 (谭松韵、宋威龙、张新成主演)

  • last month


00:30当初 流下眼泪 When I first shed my tears
00:46用力地 长大 I grew up with all my strength
00:51就算彷徨 也在继续闯 Even if I hesitate, I will keep going
01:06勇敢着 所谓天黑 The so-called darkness of the sky
01:13不过是 以为 It's just a thought
01:19生命啊 一种迂回 Life is a journey
01:26让我们学会 无畏 Let us learn to be fearless
01:42举杯 献在你 走到哪儿 Let's raise a toast to where you are now
01:52一起走吧 Let's go together
02:12这也太劲爆了吧 This is too explosive
02:18是不是啊 Is it?
02:19什么劲爆呀 什么东西啊 What is explosive? What is it?
02:21李老板 非常的劲爆 Boss Li, it's very explosive
02:24这要是大家都看到了 If everyone sees this
02:25非炸了锅不可了 they will blow up
02:27算了算了算了 等会儿再说吧 Forget it. Let's talk about it later
02:29你看这大V转发量这么高 You see, David's traffic is so high
02:31一会儿就上热搜了 He will be on the hot search soon
02:33那还是瞒不住的 That's not going to be hidden
02:35这事咱们来说不好 This is not good for us
02:37你们到底说什么呢 What are you talking about
02:38非想给我们看看 You want to show us
02:39急死人了 I'm so anxious
02:40就是 你赶紧的吧 That's right. Hurry up
02:42分享来给大家看看 Share it to everyone
02:43那李老板 那我就用我学姐的手机 Then, Boss Li, I'll use my sister's cell phone
02:45分享朋友圈了 to share the Moments
02:46快快快 你别磨叽 Come on, come on, come on
02:48一天到晚磨叽磨叽 all day long
02:55好 好了吗 Is it ready?
03:09好了 It's ready
03:39走 Go
03:59李老板 你这是脚踏两条船啊 Boss Li, you are stepping on two boats
04:09吃饭 吃饭 吃饭 Let's eat. Let's eat
04:34过来说清楚 Come and make it clear
04:40这个傻子 树洞都写得那么清楚 What a fool. He even wrote down the hole in the tree
04:46家里开面馆 楼上邻居家的哥哥 被他妈抛弃的小哥 这个组合不会有别人了 The family runs a noodle restaurant. The neighbor's brother was abandoned by his mother. No one else will be in this group
04:55我早就跟他说了 I told him
04:56跟两个哥哥说清楚 他非得拖着 I told the two brothers to make it clear. He had to drag it
04:59他早就跟你说了 He told you
05:01果然你们两个比较好 You two are better
05:03而且你知道了也不告诉我 And you didn't tell me you knew
05:05不生气 不生气 Don't be angry. Don't be angry
05:07我们回去慢慢说 Let's go back and talk
05:09走了走了走了走了走了走了走了 Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go
05:11你们虽然没有血缘关系 但是在一个家庭里长大 算是真正的兄妹吧 You don't have a blood relationship, but you grew up in the same family. Are you real siblings?
05:15你怎么对他有这种想法 Why do you have this idea of him?
05:17你说的是我妈跟爸结婚之后的情况 You mean after my mom and dad got married
05:20但事实上呢 我跟李渐渐并没有实际上的兄妹关系 But in fact, Li Jianjian and I don't actually have a brother-sister relationship
05:24那要这么说的话 你跟我有什么区别 If you say so, what's the difference between you and me?
05:26我爸不把你当亲儿子养吗 你除了不睡在我们家 你难道不是亲兄妹吗 My dad doesn't treat you like a son-in-law. You don't sleep in our house. Aren't you siblings?
05:30小时候可是我亲手把李渐渐从坏人手里抢过来的 邻居们都看到了 When I was a kid, I stole Li Jianjian from the bad guys. The neighbors saw it
05:34李渐渐给我爸敬了茶 我们拜了天地 跟听话阿瓦欽有什么区别 Li Jianjian made tea for my dad. We worshiped the heaven and earth. What's the difference between you and me?
05:38我阿瓦欽 你现在跟我扯这些歪理 那我算什么 我还同养夫呢 What am I? I'm also a husband
05:43我从小就跟李渐渐睡在一张床上 那要按这种情况的话 我们以后不在一块 那这不天打雷劈啊 I've been sleeping in the same bed with Li Jianjian since I was a kid. If we don't sleep together in the future, it'll be a disaster
05:49你要这么想我也没有办法 你要不要回去问问李爸 你是把你当儿子养还是女婿啊 Do you want to go back and ask your dad if he treats you like a son or a son-in-law?
05:53你闭嘴吧 你问问你妈 你要是跟李渐渐在一块他能同意吗 Shut up. Ask your mom. If you sleep with Li Jianjian, will she agree?
05:57我跟谁在一起不需要我妈同意 只需要当事人同意就可以了 I don't need my mom to agree with me. I just need the client to agree
06:00好 当事人同意 那太好了 好 那我告诉你 李渐渐对于咱俩都没有那种想法 那她把咱俩都当哥哥 Okay, the client agrees. That's great. Then I'll tell you that Li Jianjian doesn't have that kind of idea about us. She treats us as brothers
06:08只是对你没有 She just doesn't treat you
06:10你醒醒吧你 Wake up
06:11是你醒醒吧 我们已经在一起了 我没来得及告诉你而已 Wake up. We're already together. I didn't have time to tell you
06:15你们俩在一块 他是不是出现幻觉了 李渐渐 You two are together. Did he have an illusion, Li Jianjian?
06:28你们俩真在一块儿啊 You two are really together
06:30你没把他当哥哥啊 You didn't treat him as your brother, did you?
06:39不是 No
06:41小哥 Brother
06:42那为什么都是哥哥 你就选他不选我啊 Why did you choose him instead of me when they are all your brothers?
06:45你别吓他 Don't scare him
06:48都这么宝贝了 He's so sweet
06:51我就问他一句就是吓他了是吧 I just asked him and I scared him, right?
07:01我就不明白了 I don't understand
07:12为什么都不要我啊 Why don't you want me?
07:30为什么都不要我啊 Why don't you want me?
08:00冰糖水 冰糖水 冰糖水 冰糖水 冰糖水 冰糖水 冰糖水 冰糖水
09:30I'm not angry.
09:32I just wish I could stay in this room forever.
09:40It's not something to be ashamed of.
09:43The one you didn't choose is the one who's more pitiful.
09:49Why did you choose Ling Xiao?
09:50Although he's not a rich second generation,
09:53he's still better than you.
10:01If he chooses He Ziqiu,
10:04Ling Xiao will be pitiful.
10:06And what's wrong with Ling Xiao?
10:09Ling Xiao is good.
10:11But being in love is a collision of two families.
10:14If he chooses He Ziqiu,
10:16there will be no problem of breaking off the relationship.
10:20That makes sense.
10:23If I were a man,
10:25I would also choose Li Jianjian.
10:27I would choose Li Jianjian.
10:29You don't choose me, either?
10:32How can I choose you?
10:33It's just a collision between your mom and my mom.
10:36We'll be a couple for at most three years.
10:39We'll fight for custody.
10:41My mom won't give in.
10:43My mom won't, either.
10:45All right, all right.
10:48You're all women.
10:52Yue Ling, let's be bad girls together.
10:57All right.
11:06Let's have noodles at the gate of the community.
11:09No, no, no.
11:10Let's go to Li Jianjian's house.
11:11No, I want to eat noodles cooked by Uncle Li.
11:14Come here, Tian.
11:23Hurry up. It's getting cold.
11:30Let's go after breakfast.
11:32No, I have something to do later.
11:34Go ahead.
11:41What's wrong?
11:43Don't be angry.
11:46I'm not angry.
11:48Why should I be angry?
11:57Your boyfriend is here.
12:01Let's go. I don't want to talk to you.
12:14Let's eat.
12:28What Weibo?
12:30How could it be me?
12:33There are many people like me in our family.
12:39It's really not me.
12:43I'll hang up.
12:45Someone from the studio is coming.
12:52It's so obvious.
12:54It's me.
12:55It's me.
12:56It's so obvious that it's me.
12:59My high school classmate.
13:01I haven't contacted him for 800 years.
13:04With your magical configuration,
13:06can you find another one in China?
13:12I know you're in a lot of pain now.
13:14But I still want to say
13:16if it were me,
13:17I would be so upset.
13:19Both of you are so nice.
13:21Who should I choose?
13:23Of course, it's Ziqiu.
13:26He's a rich man.
13:28If he gets married, he must choose a rich man.
13:31Although Lin Xiao is a doctor,
13:34he will be very rich in the future.
13:35But he's still far from being rich in the family.
13:39But Lin Xiao is very handsome.
13:42He's handsome, but he can't eat.
13:46But you're so handsome.
13:48Why don't I feel hungry when I look at you?
13:50I feel full when I look at you.
14:01Li Jianjian.
14:04Our insurance payment is here.
14:07So fast.
14:08So fast. I thought it would take a month.
14:10That's great.
14:12We have money.
14:14We have money.
14:15We have money.
14:16I'll buy you a pair of limited edition sneakers.
14:18Thank you, baby.
14:20But I think
14:21we should use some of the money for publicity.
14:25Give me some of my money.
14:27I need it urgently.
14:28I'll transfer it to you now.
14:29No, no.
14:30Did you hear me?
14:33It seems that you really don't know the importance of publicity.
14:36If we want to make the studio better,
14:38we have to...
14:40Boss, go ahead.
14:41If I hear you say this again,
14:43I'll let you go. Understand?
14:49Good. Go to work.
15:01Don't eat sugar after brushing your teeth at night.
15:03And don't sleep with sugar.
15:07Come down.
15:10Remember what the doctor said.
15:11After eating, you must use the water.
15:18Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao, look at this.
15:21Did Li Jianjian send this letter?
15:23Is it you?
15:26It must be. It must be.
15:28So this is what happened in your family.
15:31You came back from Singapore.
15:32Where is your mother?
15:35If I were you,
15:36I would pretend not to know this.
15:38I can't hold it. I'm too excited.
15:40Your experience is so wonderful.
15:51I don't think it's wonderful
15:53to see a father who was busy with work
15:55and a mother who took care of a car accident
15:58in Singapore after graduating from high school.
16:00At least I don't think this kind of experience
16:01can be called wonderful.
16:06Well, Lin Xiao.
16:23Lin Xiao.
16:24I'm looking for the Huangli Tower shop
16:26near your university.
16:28Where is it?
16:30It's at the intersection.
16:31You can see it
16:32if you turn in from the beef noodle shop.
16:35Okay, okay. I got it.
16:36Okay, I'm hanging up.
16:54What's up?
16:56How is mom recently?
16:57She is a psycho.
16:58What else can she do?
17:00But she has a normal life.
17:03She seems to be in a good mood.
17:05Yesterday, she went to invite friends to dinner.
17:07Today, she went shopping again.
17:09Her family is going to be ruined by her.
17:11She is so sad.
17:12She is so sad.
17:13She is so sad.
17:15She is so sad.
17:16She is so sad.
17:17She is so sad.
17:18She is so sad.
17:19She is so sad.
17:20She is so sad.
17:23Are you on holiday?
17:25Don't piss her off at home.
17:26Be good.
17:28Don't go out with your classmates all the time.
17:29I notice that every day.
17:31I know.
17:32Stop nagging!
17:33Or you come to set her up.
17:49Here are your desserts.
17:50Wow, you're so fat today.
17:51The sun came out from the west.
17:52Don't be too touched.
17:53I sold the rest yesterday.
17:55You're welcome.
17:58Are you okay?
18:01What's wrong?
18:02I'm fine.
18:04That's good.
18:04I just want to ask you.
18:05I'm afraid you'll get into trouble.
18:06If you're here to laugh at me,
18:07get out of here.
18:09He Ziqiu.
18:10Do you have any conscience?
18:12I'm concerned about you, okay?
18:14I just asked someone to be here
18:15to increase your popularity
18:16so that you won't go bankrupt.
18:17I'm sorry to disappoint you.
18:19I can still hold on.
18:20And I'm going to have a new product
18:21on the market soon.
18:24Mingyue, here.
18:26You asked her out?
18:27Can't I?
18:34I asked him to do a legal consultation.
18:37What do you want to drink?
18:38I've ordered.
18:38Iced latte.
18:39You guys talk first.
18:40I'm going to work.
18:44Sit down.
18:50I have an appointment with Ms. Liu at 2 p.m.
18:51I hope I won't be late.
18:52No, you won't.
18:53I can write my materials wherever I want.
18:54That's great.
18:55I haven't finished my draft yet.
19:00Do you think
19:02after Jianjian chose Ling Xiao,
19:04Ziqiu is too calm?
19:07He's like a normal person.
19:08He even came to make breakfast for us this morning.
19:11That's right.
19:14Uncle Li is his father.
19:15He can't turn his back on him just because he doesn't love him.
19:18Although Hua is right.
19:19Men's fragility is deep in the night.
19:23But they grew up together.
19:26How can they have such feelings?
19:28I think it's because they grew up together.
19:31So they can't see other people.
19:34That's right.
19:35But seeing him so patient,
19:37I feel sorry for him.
19:39It's okay.
19:40He's a man.
19:40Give him some time.
19:48Here's your coffee.
19:50You're welcome.
19:52I'm leaving now.
19:53See you later.
20:09Massage can only be done with blood.
20:11It increases the elasticity of the skin.
20:14There's no way to massage the wrinkles that have formed.
20:18I didn't know that.
20:19Of course you didn't know.
20:21He's good,
20:21but you didn't give him time to think.
20:24He did not know it.
20:26Because you didn't know.
20:27He's making you more and more annoying.
20:28He's still young.
20:30He's not your son.
20:31He's not my son.
20:32You're still ours now.
20:34You're still ours.
20:35You're still ours.
20:35He's not our son.
20:36I'm not even your daughter anymore.
20:38Look at you.
20:39You're too old.
20:40You're still mine.
20:41My heart is broken.
20:42I'm your daughter.
20:43I'm not your daughter.
20:43You're my daughter.
20:45I'm your daughter.
20:45I'm not your son.
20:46I won't mention him.
20:53don't you plan to get Ziqiu back?
20:57I don't think he hates you.
20:59He worked so hard to grow up.
21:03I can't get him back?
21:05Did you see how Zhao Huaguang did?
21:08You can't be greedy.
21:11But you couldn't do anything back then.
21:14You kept him there for his own good.
21:19Who would believe that?
21:22You are too stubborn.
21:25We are at this age.
21:26We are younger than the young.
21:29Why bother yourself?
21:34If you think you are old, say so.
21:38I don't think I am old.
21:39I don't feel embarrassed.
21:42Besides, Dongdong is still so young.
21:45I have to work hard to raise him.
21:47You never know what it means to be soft.
21:49You don't know how to bow.
21:59Is this Dongdong's mom?
22:00Come quickly.
22:01Your Dongdong bit his classmate.
22:04Okay, I'll be right there.
22:06What's wrong?
22:07I have to go to Dongdong's kindergarten.
22:10Dongdong's mom.
22:11We had a deal.
22:13If Dongdong does this again,
22:16we can't keep him in our kindergarten.
22:19As long as other kids don't steal his toys,
22:22Dongdong won't attack others.
22:24But these kids are still young.
22:26How can we avoid stealing toys?
22:29The teacher can't keep an eye on them.
22:31Other kids' parents
22:33have a lot of opinions about our kindergarten.
22:35We have to ensure the safety of other kids.
22:39Yes, but...
22:41Dongdong's mom,
22:42I sincerely advise you
22:44to send Dongdong to a special school.
22:49Dongdong's autism is not natural.
22:51I've been taking him to see a psychologist.
22:54I understand.
22:55When Dongdong is mentally healthy,
22:57you can send him here.
22:59Maybe for Dongdong,
23:01in a kindergarten without a sense of security,
23:04it will only aggravate his illness.
23:09Dongdong's autism is not natural.
23:11I understand.
23:13Dongdong's autism is not natural.
23:16I understand.
23:38Dongdong, what's wrong?
23:41Dongdong, it's okay.
23:43Let's go home and rest for a few days.
23:45We'll come back in a few days, okay?
23:48Hug your mom.
23:50Be good.
24:00Wang Nanxia, this is you, right?
24:02And this is the report.
24:04And this is your complaint letter.
24:06Lastly, this is the compensation fee.
24:09If there's nothing else, we'll leave first.
24:17You're welcome.
24:19Wait a minute.
24:26you're really something.
24:27You helped me with the show,
24:28and now you're helping me with the show.
24:30No wonder my mom likes your show so much.
24:32She always says that your reporters
24:34are beautiful and patient.
24:36I'm just doing my job.
24:38Doing your job.
24:41I heard from Li Jianjian that
24:42you wanted to study law when you were in high school, too.
24:44We almost became peers.
24:45I wanted to study journalism.
24:46My mom wanted me to take the law exam.
24:48But I was under a lot of pressure,
24:50and I failed the college entrance exam.
24:51I only got less than 550 marks.
24:53You went all the way?
24:55Yes, but my mom wanted me to re-study.
24:57I told her that I was scared as soon as I entered the exam room,
24:59so I couldn't re-study.
25:01In the end, she gave in.
25:03She said, either you study journalism locally,
25:05or you re-study.
25:06You can't study abroad.
25:09Parents want their children to stay with them.
25:11It's normal.
25:13You were forced to come back, too.
25:15No, I wasn't.
25:16My family is happy with me.
25:17I wanted to stay with them.
25:20When I was young, my dad was doing business.
25:22My mom had to take care of the house.
25:24It wasn't easy.
25:25When they got old, I had to stay with them.
25:28Your parents are so nice.
25:30In our family,
25:31everyone listens to my mom.
25:33At first, my mom wanted me to be successful.
25:35But after the exam,
25:37she gave up.
25:38She wanted me to stay with her,
25:40listen to her,
25:41get married and have kids.
25:44I was only 25.
25:45The whole world helped me find a boyfriend.
25:48You have a blind date?
25:49Yes, I have to deal with it.
26:06Why did you take a detour to pick me up?
26:09I'll pick you up every day, okay?
26:12You seem to be in a good mood today.
26:14Did something good happen?
26:18Tell me.
26:20If you don't tell me, I don't know what you're thinking.
26:24When I met you when I was young, you were so warm.
26:25Those wild kids said you were a bad guy.
26:30Nothing good happened.
26:31I just thought after work,
26:33I'd go to a place where I could see you.
26:36It's like a dream.
26:39You're good at telling stories.
26:42Tell me honestly, have you ever had a girlfriend?
26:44Of course not.
26:45What about good girlfriends?
26:52I have one.
26:55She's a classmate from my university.
26:57She's also from Xiamen.
26:58At first, because we're from the same hometown,
27:00we were close.
27:02Later, we became friends.
27:03She helped me a lot.
27:05Helped you?
27:06Sometimes, she helped me with my classes.
27:08Sometimes, she helped me with my homework.
27:11Tell me about your university.
27:13I don't know.
27:14But I know a lot of things about you.
27:16I didn't have a boyfriend when I was in university.
27:19That's not what I'm talking about.
27:22The malatang stall at the entrance to your university is still there, right?
27:26How do you know?
27:29Qi Mingyue.
27:30Also, didn't you plant a tree in your university?
27:33It's all grown up now, right?
27:37You're afraid I'm not an immortal?
27:40Let's go.
27:46It's all grown so tall.
27:48You're already 7 years old. You're not a baby anymore.
27:53How did your tree become a wish tree?
27:56Look at the trees around here.
27:58They were all planted by the same group when I was in first grade.
28:01My tree is the best and the most beautiful.
28:03Our school has a tradition.
28:05If the tree planted by the same group is the best,
28:07it means that it's energetic and lucky.
28:10So, everyone will treat it as a wish tree.
28:13I only knew that you can take care of people.
28:15I didn't expect you to take such good care of the tree.
28:18The tree seedlings are already good.
28:20When I was young, my dad taught me how to pick the tree seedlings.
28:24Spring, autumn, and winter.
28:26If it doesn't rain, I'll water it.
28:27Qi Mingyue said that you take care of this tree like a son.
28:34I love trees so much.
28:37When it's alive, it's very quiet.
28:40One day, if it dies, it will turn into wood.
28:43I want to carve it into a tree that will never die.
28:48You want to complete a long-term, time-related art of behavior.
28:52You can say that.
28:58What are you doing?
28:59When I see a wish tree, I want to make a wish.
29:02You weren't like this before.
29:04When we watched the meteor shower,
29:05you thought it was childish to make a wish.
29:08The older you get, the more superstitious you become.
29:11Aren't you?
29:12I'm not. I've been superstitious since I was young.
29:28You're so simple-minded.
29:35Do you think you can write, love is eternal?
29:38That's not simple-minded. That's old-fashioned.
29:44What are you doing? Put me down.
29:46The school is going to come and punish me.
29:49Do you know how short you are?
29:51How short am I? I'm 1.5 meters tall.
29:54You're 1.5 meters tall.
29:56How am I short? I'm 1.62 meters tall.
29:58Tell me the truth.
30:00No. Okay, okay. 1.6 meters.
30:04What's wrong with 1.6 meters? I'm in love with you.
30:06In love with me?
30:06What am I in love with?
30:26I'm in love with you.
30:39That's it?
30:49Why are your eyes so big?
30:56In everything in life you are, you are
31:04Never let go to rip at nothing
31:08I'll never trade my love for you
31:15You're still mad?
31:16You're next time.
31:20Do you think I'm short?
31:21I don't think you're short.
31:24You're already so short, it's not good for my cervical vertebrae.
31:30Okay, then next time you kneel and talk to me.
31:32It's not good for my cervical vertebrae.
31:34Okay, I can kneel for you once.
31:36Wait for me to buy a ring.
31:42Don't, don't, don't.
31:44We've only been together for a few days.
31:47Don't say such serious things.
31:50Say something relaxing.
31:54The food here is pretty good.
31:57Qi Mingyue likes it the most.
31:59When we were in college, although we weren't in the same school,
32:01we always came here for gatherings.
32:04The taste is good, and the price is cheap.
32:06Isn't it?
32:08In the future, bring Xiao Ge here too.
32:16In the future, when you get along with your siblings,
32:18you should keep your distance.
32:21I know.
32:33In the future, when we're in front of Xiao Ge,
32:35we should also keep our distance.
32:41I'm afraid that she won't be able to accept it.
32:46If she doesn't accept it, then I won't accept it.
32:48If she doesn't accept it, then I won't accept it.
32:50She'll laugh at me.
32:52You can't be so heartless.
32:54Or do you want me to choose again?
32:56Choose her?
32:58Why are you like a hedgehog?
33:05If you pity me, then I'll pity you to the end.
33:07If you don't want to see others pity you,
33:09then turn around and pity others, okay?
33:11What do you mean pity?
33:13Who are you looking down on?
33:18Don't you pity me at all?
33:49Who is pitying you?
33:51Can you stop messing around?
33:53I know that you broke up with me because of this.
33:55Do you want to verify it again?
34:13If you do this again, I won't accept it at all.
34:19It's okay.
34:21It's okay if you don't want to.
34:23We've been together for more than ten years.
34:25We're already family.
34:27It's more secure than pure love.
34:29It's enough for you to be with me.
34:32I don't care.
34:34I care?
34:36How can you think like that?
34:38What do you want me to think?
34:40If I don't like you, how can I agree to be with you?
34:42We're already together.
34:48You said that if I fell, you would catch me.
34:50That's different.
34:52I know it's different.
34:54If I don't force you to accept me,
34:56will you choose me?
35:01You can live well by yourself.
35:03You have a lot of friends.
35:05I can't. I don't.
35:07I must have you. You must be there.
35:12I'm not the only one in your life.
35:14Don't you have anything else you like to do?
35:22What do you do in Singapore
35:24besides taking care of Chen Ting and her sister
35:26and going to school?
35:32I miss you.
35:34I miss home.
35:37I miss being with you.
35:49I want to live by your side.
35:53I want to come back to see you
35:55and marry you.
35:58I want to have a child
36:00and a family
36:03and have a happy life.
36:11I've thought about the name of the child.
36:24Liao Liao.
36:26What's wrong with you?
36:29Are you sick?
36:34No one has found out
36:36that you're sick.
36:48The person I really love
36:50I've seen him from afar.
36:53He's in the distance
36:55and in the middle of the light.
36:59He's so dazzling
37:01and complete.
37:05But in a place I don't know
37:08he was broken.
37:10I don't know
37:12how painful he was
37:14in the deep night
37:16and how he found himself
37:18piece by piece
37:20and became complete and dazzling.
37:24Now I'm close to him
37:26and finally see
37:28his deep crack.
37:41Your brother didn't tell you
37:43about the university.
37:44How could he tell me?
37:46Didn't you
37:47contact him secretly?
37:49I just reported your news
37:51to him unilaterally.
37:52He's my superior.
37:53Do you understand?
37:56How dare you say that?
37:58It's a human skin.
37:59Who knows you're a glutinous rice ball?
38:01Black sesame seeds.
38:02Don't tell anyone.
38:04Be careful, okay?
38:06Did you get the money
38:07we lent to your ex-boyfriend
38:15Li Jianjian.
38:18You two are so close now.
38:20You even took him to see your tree.
38:23So sweet.
38:27Why are you like Meng You?
38:29You suddenly want to know
38:30about Lin Xiang's life in Singapore.
38:32If you really want to know,
38:33just ask him directly.
38:36I think there's something
38:38wrong with my brother's mind.
38:40Your brother has something wrong
38:42with his mind.
38:43You have a good hearing.
38:45Let me tell you.
38:46In this age,
38:47if someone has something wrong with his mind,
38:48you can't even go out
38:49to talk to him.
38:52But I can.
38:55But why do I think
38:57your brother has something wrong
38:58with his mind?
39:00You chose Lin Xiang.
39:01How much did he suffer?
39:03When I came back just now,
39:04I met him at the door.
39:05He was so angry.
39:06He came back
39:07when you came back?
39:09I went to his store today.
39:10I took my sister
39:11who reported my family
39:13to make a legal consultation
39:14with Zhuang Bei.
39:15But he was not in the store
39:16in the afternoon.
39:17The clerk said
39:19the business was not good recently.
39:24I'm sorry.
40:15Why are you still up?
40:21Say something.
40:25What's wrong?
40:27Why are you so angry?
40:28You look like you're going to die.
40:33I had a setback.
40:37Tell me.
40:38What's wrong?
40:47I can't tell you now.
40:49I'll tell you later.
40:52You keep it a secret from me?
40:56Then why did you call me?
40:59I need to have the courage to face it.
41:02I need you to cheer me up.
41:08Do you need me to cheer you up?
41:11Don't you run a gas station yourself?
41:14Don't our whole family
41:15always come to you to cheer up?
41:19The gas station is running out of gas.
41:23I remember the first time I held your hand.
41:30You kissed me like I was all you had.
41:38One became bigger and the other became smaller.
41:45Time let us meet again in the middle.
41:53Goodbye, goodbye, my children.
41:59Maybe you leave here.
42:03Maybe the way home is getting longer.
42:08Walk slowly, don't look back.
42:15I'll stay here.
42:19Look back with you.
42:31I miss your old house.
42:37One day you find a new life.
42:42It's like a leaf flying to a faraway tree.
42:52Those years are like yesterday.
43:03Goodbye, goodbye, my children.
43:09Maybe you leave here.
43:14Maybe the way home is getting longer.
43:19Walk slowly, don't look back.
43:26I'll stay here.
43:30Look back with you.
