Bangladesh में हिंसा और तख्तापलट को लेकर Robinder Sachdev ने कही बड़ी बात

  • 2 months ago


00:00Look, there is definitely uncertainty ahead and for the next few months, obviously, the army will play an important role.
00:07Now, the immediate thing is that the violence that is happening on the roads, mob violence, anarchy, etc., should be stopped.
00:14Hopefully, it should be stopped in the next 4-5 days. The army should put a curfew, martial law, whatever it is.
00:19So, this is an immediate thing.
00:21Because of this, yes, there is violence and especially the people of Indian origin are also in danger there.
00:25We have more than 10,000 Indian citizens who are working there, technicians, students.
00:31Apart from that, the minorities in Bangladesh, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, etc., they are also vulnerable for them.
00:37So, this is in the next 4-5 days. Hopefully, it should be stopped.
00:41Then the army of Bangladesh says that they will make an interim government, which is a kind of technocrats.
00:48But what will be the role of that government?
00:50I think that the role of the government should be that it should prepare for the election and get the election done.
00:55Then it will depend on how long that interim government says that they have made plans for the election.
01:01The army says that the environment is good, the election should take place.
01:04So, in 3 months, in 2 months, in 6 months, we cannot say anything, what will happen next.
01:09But the role of the army will remain important.
01:12Sheikh Haseena's and his party's situation in Bangladesh has almost melted down.
01:20So, Sheikh Haseena is still in India, but it is being said that he will go to London or some other country.
01:26There are 2-3 factors in that.
01:28They can go. It is also possible that the UK government will give a visa.
01:32In which visa will they go? Asylum. That has to be worked out.
01:35And remember, the British government and the American government have been angry with Sheikh Haseena for a long time
01:41that she is suppressing democracy in her country.
01:44So, now what is the meaning of political asylum? But Britain can give it.
01:48Sheikh Haseena has a sister there, she is a British citizen and his daughter is a member of the Labour Parliament.
01:55You can imagine, all the leaders of Pakistan and Bangladesh have big properties in London and Dubai.
02:04They have big money, bank accounts in London or Dubai.
02:08So, London is convenient, but there is a problem in London or the UK for Sheikh Haseena.
02:14That problem is that there is a lot of Bangladeshi diaspora there.
02:18And a very large number of Bangladeshi overseas people are against Haseena.
02:24So, this will happen in the hotel where she will live or in the house where she will live.
02:28After that, there will be a show, this is happening, that is happening.
02:31So, she will think that she is better in Dubai.
02:35Because in Dubai, law and order, such demonstrations are not allowed.
02:39So, this will be a small challenge for her in Britain.
02:43Otherwise, I think India will avoid living in India.
02:48And we should avoid their long-term stay here.
02:52Oh, certainly, it is a very scary atmosphere and this scary atmosphere will increase.
02:57Look, there are two things.
02:58One is that Sheikh Haseena's party made a lot of mistakes.
03:02Opposition is also very wrong.
03:04BNP party and Jamaat-e-Islami, they want to bring Islam in Bangladesh.
03:10Jamaat did not want partition from Pakistan.
03:14So, they are also stubborn.
03:16Sheikh Haseena was working to suppress them, but it was a little more severe there.
03:22In a way, some atrocities were also committed by their government.
03:26Now, they have moved away.
03:27So, now, these BNP and Jamaat people, their overall emotion will be high at this time.
03:33And, I think, there will be a lot of danger against Hindus.
03:38For now, it is possible that Bangladesh Army will take a tough step.
03:42India Government is saying.
03:43And, overall, look, not only Hindus are being killed there.
03:46Bangladeshis are also being killed.
03:47Muslims are being killed.
03:48Those who have killed 300 people, are killing the leaders of Awami League.
03:52They are burning their houses.
03:53They will put them in jails.
03:55So, there is chaos everywhere.
03:57But, yes, if you see a Hindu temple or a Hindu business or a Hindu shop,
04:04then there is a chance that there will be an attack.
04:07So, although, if the army does the right thing and stops the violence, it will stop for a while.
04:13But, in the long term, it is a matter of fear and danger for Hindus.
04:19Yes, the campaign for India had started.
04:22India Out.
04:23India Out had started in Maldives.
04:24In the same way, it had started in Bangladesh about 6 months ago.
04:27So, now, obviously, it will take more risk.
04:29So, there are challenges for India.
04:31But, I think, our government, because it is our neighbor,
04:34we have a boundary of about 4000 km from Bangladesh,
04:37which includes 2000 km of Bengal and the rest of the states of 2039.
04:41So, the Indian Government, and I think Minister Jai Shankar has also said,
04:44we will definitely talk to the Bangladeshi authorities.
04:47Because, look, we believe that the army is neutral and professional.
04:51Not with the politicians, even if we do it now.
04:53But, the army is professional.
04:55And, right now, the army is in control.
04:57So, first of all, the Indian Government will definitely, yes,
05:01do professional communication with the Bangladeshi Army.
05:04Secondly, we will increase our border security.
05:07Because, in large numbers, people will be interested in coming here.
05:11Those who are really suffering, some of them can be Hindus,
05:14and some of them can be terrorists.
05:16So, this is a challenge on our BSA border.
05:18And, secondly, we will beef it up.
05:21And, secondly, the Bangladeshi Government, I think,
05:23we will immediately go to that.
05:25We are in a working relationship, so we will definitely stay.
