Gyanvapi Case के मूल वाद में हुई सुनवाई, 19 अक्टूबर को अंजुमन इंतजामिया मस्जिद कमेटी रखेगी पक्ष

  • 4 hours ago
ज्ञानवापी केस के मूल वाद में आज सिविल जज सीनियर डिवीजन फास्ट ट्रैक कोर्ट में सुनवाई हुई है। हिंदू पक्ष ने अपनी दलीलें रखी हैं। कोर्ट ने मामले में अगली तारीख 19 अक्टूबर निर्धारित की है। 19 अक्टूबर को अंजुमन इंतजामिया मस्जिद कमेटी अपना पक्ष रखेगी। हिंदू पक्ष के अधिवक्ता मदन मोहन ने कहा, "1991 से ज्ञानवापी केस का मुकदमा चल रहा है। उस मुकदमे में 18 अप्रैल 2021 को एएसआई सर्वे का ऑर्डर हुआ था। लेकिन इसके बाद जो मुकदमा पांच वादिनी महिलाओं का हुआ वो 18 अक्टूबर 2021 को हुआ। पांच वादिनी महिलाओं का मुकदमा व्यक्तिगत केस है। लेकिन 1991 का मामला जनप्रतिनिधि वाद है, जिसका परिक्षेत्र संपूर्ण भारत है...।"

#Gyanvapi #GyanvapiCase #GyanvapiMosque #Varanasi #UP


00:00In the case of Vastuta 1991, on 18th April 2021, the ASI survey was ordered.
00:11But the case of 5 women was filed on 18th October 2021.
00:21There was a time difference in both the cases.
00:26The case of 5 women was an individual case.
00:32The case of 1991 is a public representative suit.
00:37It is a public representative suit, which covers the whole of India.
00:41In that case, it was asked that the ASI survey, which has been done, is not complete.
00:47In that case, case no. 91 is 31-32.
00:51In case no. 31-32, no ASI survey has been done.
00:56So, that has also been done.
00:58And the specialty of Indian Purva Tatva is the excavation.
01:04So, the excavation of 4 by 4 feet from any place,
01:07goes straight to the central dome of Gyanvapi Masjid,
01:12and the main place of Jyotirlinga is found there.
01:16So that the ASI survey can be completed.
01:19On this basis, the Hindu party has put its side in the Yugal Sambhu court today.
01:25And on 19th October, the Muslim party has also asked for time to file a complaint against them.
01:32So, the next hearing is on 19th October.
01:35So, what is the next message?
01:36No doubt, as we have given a lot of cases to the High Court, Supreme Court,
01:42on that basis, we hope that the Muslim party has some space left to file a complaint.
01:49They will file a complaint.
01:50After that, no doubt, the case of ASI survey will be filed by the High Court.
01:56And then they will deliver it later, according to their schedule, according to their convenience.
02:02So, we hope that the complete report of the ASI survey will come in this case.
