Caroline Dubois vs Maira Moneo (03-08-2024) Full Fight

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00:00In the dressing room you know what I expect, a clean fight. Obey my commands and you will protect yourself at all times. Touch gloves.
00:31And off the back of that previous encounter between McKenna and Laws, a very expectant, adrenaline fuelled crowd at ringside here at Oakwell.
00:41Dubois has a much superior reach of these two. She may look to use that early on, just try and blunt those attacks of Maneo who will look to keep that guard tight and work her way in.
01:11Good lead right hook there from Dubois. She's a right handed southpaw so that lead hand is naturally her strongest hand. It's unusual but not by any means unheard of.
01:28And using this jab as well in the early stages and it's the right thing to do Matt because she does have that reach advantage. You've got 10 rounds here, you don't want to give Maneo encouragement by fighting her kind of fight.
01:49Exactly, try and bag as many of these early rounds as you can by doing as little as possible, conserving energy so you've got plenty left in the tank for the second half.
01:57Sharp right hand to the body there from Dubois, a shake of the head from Maneo who will be wanting to try and dare Dubois into mixing it up at closer range. She wants to goad her into that if she can.
02:11Not just the reach Andy but she's got the better movement, the better feats as well Dubois so yeah bagging as many of these early rounds by boxing the outside will make life easier in the second half of the fight.
02:41You're at your best when you're nice and relaxed and you're letting her fall in. That lead hand just gets her to start her attacks. When you put your hand out it's just getting her to start that right hand and then you can time it.
03:11Didn't really work out too well. Again Dubois looping that left hand over the top. See another round over there, lovely shot. Good first round for Caroline.
03:24Maneo starting the round southpaw. Good stiff jab again there from Dubois. Maneo's got to try and move that head, roll those shoulders, work in behind the jab.
03:49If she comes in straight lines then Dubois will be able to pick her off without too much trouble. Maneo getting her feet more into the kind of range she wants them at there and working her way to the body.
04:01There's that left hand again from Dubois just dips off to the right hand side throws it slightly over the top and then rolls away off the back of it.
04:31Sharp body work there again from Dubois. She's got that wide stance, dips those knees, gets nice and low.
04:55That's where Maneo wants to be up close where she can, oh good body hop there from Dubois that was a beautiful shot.
05:02Went to the body with the right hand and then just switched up to the head and at the minute whatever distance this is at Dubois has the advantage.
05:10I was going to say that Maneo wants to be up close personal landing those shots but the uppercut combination is getting her rhythm. Dubois just, she's even having a bit of a, up close.
05:41Love lift us up where we belong.
05:49Up where we want to go.
06:10Two rounds in and a good start here for Caroline Dubois. One of those maybe a little bit low but that was where she switched up to the head.
06:23Yeah ripping those body shots in and then finishing the combination with the right hook to the head there. Lovely shot.
06:27The situation at lightweight is that Katie Taylor is still the WBC and WBA champion. Good left uppercut there from Dubois as Maneo came forward.
06:45She has relinquished the IBF and the WBO who are now with Beatrice Ferreira and Rhiannon Dixon. Taylor of course the undisputed super lightweight champion.
06:54She defends against Amanda Serrano later in the year. After that fight you would expect there to be a conversation between her and the WBC and the WBA probably about whether she does intend to come back down to lightweight again or not.
07:12And if the answer is no then those belts will become vacant. She's been such a brilliant champion that they've given her plenty of time. Which whilst it's frustrating for other people Matt I don't really have a problem with.
07:29No it's understandable isn't it when you've a fighter of that status you're allowed that little bit more grace.
07:37Maneo just trying to work away at close quarters there but Dubois is happy to have it there.
07:47The shot Dubois has landed in this fight more than I've ever seen her land before. That looping left hand over the top. You know a lead right hand has always been brilliant. The jab, the body shot off the right hook. But that looping left hand over the top is working a treat for her tonight.
08:02Steps in nicely with the jab there Dubois.
08:18Again timing it lovely.
08:20Good short left hand and sits down on it again there and it's that wide stance, that nice low crouch. It gives her a really strong base to punch off. Let's go backstage to Polly, she's with Callum Simpson.
08:37Right cool. Callum we just interrupted your pre-fight snack. What was it some sweets?
08:41Grape flavoured sour patch sweets. Just been to a few American candy shops. Got a few this afternoon so yeah just had a few pre-fight snacks.
08:49Well look you're here now and you've had a standing ovation from the crowd. How emotional was that?
08:53Emotional. For me obviously I've got to keep relaxed and not get my emotions get involved. But yeah it was pretty amazing. Probably emotional for them and my family to be honest. But yeah it was amazing, great atmosphere.
09:04Sell out tonight. Hometown hero. Do you have any pressures on your shoulder right now?
09:07No pressure at all. It's like would you ask a surgeon if you had pressure? You wouldn't expect a surgeon to be getting an operation to feel pressure so it's my job. I'm a professional so I'm going to go out there, enjoy it and stay focused.
09:17Good luck. Thank you very much.
09:19It's always interesting to me Matt to see at one point fighters flick the switch. Often it's when they're getting rapped but he's already rapped there. He's ready to go. He just needs to pull the gloves on and he's still super relaxed.
09:28Yeah very much so. Very calm which is good. Biggest night of his career. Biggest atmosphere. Biggest pressure. First title. Hardest opponent. He needs to stay cool.
09:45Dubois just aiming the uppercut there. Just fractionally short with it then good work with the jab.
09:51Yeah she's boxing very well here Dubois. Rene is struggling to get into it and it's not for the want of trying.
10:21Kevin Parker just having a little word with Dubois there. He felt that she maybe just put the head in there slightly as she moved in. I didn't see it myself but the referee is a lot closer than we are.
10:37Just catching Maneo at range as she came in there. Dubois rattling off the three punch combination. She needs to keep doing this because Maneo will keep coming forward all night long. We know that and if at any point Dubois looks like she might wilt then she'll look to capitalize.
10:59Maneo is very tough and determined and gritty. She's taking some big shots and she's still coming forward. Still trying to force that pace. Still trying to work that body of Dubois.
11:17Dubois just inching those feet backwards as Maneo comes in. Trying to keep that space to use those longer levers.
11:29And she's used that jab effectively so far Matt. Yeah really good. Mixing it up between just putting it out there, scoring points then really stamping it through. Getting some power into it like that one there.
11:50They're sickening shots to get hit with. A real stiff, hard, accurate jab.
11:59You just pick the moments when to work. This girl is getting more and more frustrated. When she gets frustrated she gets reckless and she's going to walk on to all your shots. You pick and choose when to have it out with her.
12:11Four rounds done. Lovely. Little drop back. Bum bum bum. Start going one two hook or jab, drop back, lift hook.
12:18That right hook needs to come into play.
12:49To be found lacking in the stamina department.
12:52That's good work from Dubois. Just touching with that lead hand. Maneo came in, took her feet back out and then just caught her as she came forward.
13:19There's not an awful lot that Maneo can do about that.
13:49I think the referee just having a little bit of a word there with Maneo about a touch of holding but also maybe a little bit of punching after he's given instruction to break. It's very loud here and this is the first time she's fought in the UK.
14:12It'll be the first time that she's fought with an English speaking referee so I think she probably just missed the instruction to be honest.
14:32Dubois just finding that range and crunching that left hand straight down the middle.
14:42Boxing on Sky Sports. Brought to you by Volterra.
15:13I'm Robin, leader of the hoods.
15:16I'm gonna beat on you.
15:18I'm a vegetarian.
15:43And they went very, very quickly.
15:47That is a setting for Simpson and Shelley later on and the one that Dubois and Maneo are enjoying currently.
16:00And this is how you've got it at home and I don't think there's any other way that you could score it really. Maneo has been competitive absolutely but the better shots like that left hand there have come from Dubois.
16:13Yeah, that's exactly Andy. Big effort from Maneo. There's nothing she could be doing. I don't think she could be trying any harder.
16:22The will is there but she doesn't have the speed of foot or the sharpness to compete with Dubois. She's trying but she's coming off second best. Again, lovely shot over the top there.
16:35And Maneo put a big shift in actually at the start of that sixth round to really try and make an inroad, to try and make an impact because she'll be aware that she's slipping behind on the scorecards and she needs to do something about it.
16:48Just trying to swag her in, coming in a little bit square as she does at times and trying to put some pressure on Dubois here.
16:56I think Maneo will be hoping that Dubois... Huge left hand there from Dubois. She was coming forward. That was a beautifully timed shot.
17:09Shane McGuigan have been talking about that a couple of rounds before. You let her come forward, let her commit and then time that and she'll walk onto it. That is exactly what happened. Dubois again there looking for it.
17:21Maneo knew where she was when she went down. She kind of broke that forward with her glove as she landed on her backside and looked pretty solid when she got back up there. That was a very, very good shot.
17:43And a ten out round.
17:51Again, it's the same shot that she's been landing all night. That left hand over the top, walking her onto it. Well timed. Perfect distance.
18:06And actually that's a shot that she might land more and more now because the more desperate Maneo gets, the more risk she takes. She's got to be more open for that shot.
18:22The way she throws that, just dips off to her right hand side, throws it in that kind of shallow arc and chops down with it really.
18:35She's in complete control here Dubois in this final eight minutes that we have remaining. I'd imagine we may well see a click through the gears here. There's another solid looking left hand from Dubois.
19:05And when you look at Dubois as well as a lightweight, she's a really imposing physical specimen. She's got strong legs, strong backside, wide back, big shoulders on it.
19:30It can't be easy to make nine stone nine, but she seems to do it okay. But on fight night, she looks huge in there compared to Maneo.
19:38Huge, big, strong, very athletic, speed, fitness. She's an athlete, isn't she? As well as a natural fighter.
19:46Just finding a space for that right hook on the inside there Dubois. Referee just gets between the pair of them.
20:01Maneo continues to come forward, trying to look for those openings. Just has her head rocked back by a jab there.
20:15You can see how Maneo has achieved everything she has. The grit and toughness. Still trying.
20:28Now another lovely one-two there from Dubois.
20:33Find a few seconds of the round and Dubois just prowling and hunting a little bit.
20:37OK, let's go backstage to Polly. She's with Zac Chilly.
20:49Zac, it's all been about Callum this week. Does that give you the hunger, the desire to get the job done tonight?
20:55Honestly, it's all been about me. That's what's been in my head. I see all the booing me, so I'm all in their heads. So yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
21:01In what fashion are you going to silence that crowd tonight?
21:04God willing, inshallah, I will knock him out and the crowd will then start supporting me.
21:08Give us your prediction tonight before you walk out. These final moments.
21:12A lot of pain for Callum Simpson and his fans and a victory for Zac Chilly, inshallah.
21:16Good luck tonight.
21:35Well, Shane McGuigan of the opinion that in this final three rounds Dubois can get the stoppage.
21:43Just wanted to have a listen in there after we heard from a very relaxed Zac Chilly.
21:47Like Callum Simpson, he's ready for this. He's going to relish this, walking out in front of this crowd.
21:53There won't be an ounce of apprehension or trepidation in Chilly, that is for sure.
22:05And again, she came onto that left hand there, maybe didn't quite land clean.
22:09Smothered it a touch, but Maneo in these closing stages, he's not looking to cover up and get through this match.
22:16He's a mile behind her and she'll know it, but she's trying to win still.
22:20Yeah, it's a testament to her. She's still pushing herself forward.
22:24Southpaw stance now back to orthodox.
22:28But Dubois has just been so sharp tonight.
22:31Not just with her punches, but even her movement.
22:34Rolling out on the knees, spinning, getting off the rope, back into the center of the ring.
22:38You know, side to side, lateral movement.
22:40She's never allowed Maneo to ever really get into the fight.
22:46That's exactly right. Not much has happened to really encourage Maneo at any point.
22:53There's nothing that's occurred to make her think that there might be some kind of weakness she can exploit.
22:59Having said that, she just caught Dubois as she was on her way out there with her right hand.
23:23Again, just chopping down with that left hand.
23:26Maneo well set for it that time.
23:30We are live at Oakwell, of course, the home of Barnsley FC.
23:34Callum Simpson was down here earlier in the week with the Barnsley players.
23:40They had a friendly against Derby County, which they won 3-0.
23:45It was a very close game.
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25:09...and encourages Dubois to come forward.
25:32Left hand again now, just crunching through the guard.
25:38But she does have a solid chin, Maneo.
25:40Because when she was put down, the impact was doubled because she was coming forward.
25:45But you could see that she wasn't hurt.
25:47No, she was okay.
25:48I think it was balanced as much as anything, I think.
25:52But again, she gets nailed down with another hard left hand.
25:55Body shots as well.
25:56But she's tough, Maneo, because she's taken so many hard shots from Dubois tonight.
26:0340 seconds, 40 seconds.
26:06Shea McGuigan just beckoning Dubois in.
26:0830 plus seconds remaining in the round.
26:2120 seconds.
26:26Stop boxing, don't punch.
26:33Go, go, go.
26:35Big right hook again there from Dubois.
26:37Just dips off to her left hand side this time.
26:39And caught her clean on the jaw.
26:42And she just didn't shift it in, Maira Maneo.
26:45One more round remaining here.
26:49And it's been another very good performance from Caroline Dubois.
26:53Unless something extraordinary happens in this final two minutes,
26:56it's going to run out the winner here.
27:02Yeah, I mean, that was a beautiful right hook there.
27:04Just finished that left-hand-right hook combination.
27:07And we know she's a right-handed southpaw, so that would have been a heavy shot.
27:11But as we said, Maneo, extremely tough.
27:18And she threw that right hook, actually, when you look at it there,
27:21absolutely perfectly, because she was coiled around to that side
27:24on the back of her left hand.
27:26Full rotation, her feet probably lifted slightly off the ground.
27:29All that power going through those knuckles,
27:31and Maneo was able to take it.
27:33It's impressive, isn't it?
27:34Yeah, definitely. Like I say, really, really tough.
27:42So, tenth and final round.
27:43These two caught to the centre for a touch of gloves.
27:47Caroline Dubois has won every round in this fight.
27:53And she will be looking to see if she can try and force that stoppage
27:56in this next two minutes.
27:57It will take a perfectly executed punch.
28:02It's going to take something that Maneo just doesn't see
28:05and isn't really braced for to put her away.
28:07Because if she sees it coming, then she's going to survive it.
28:10I don't think so.
28:11She's shown solid whiskers, good chin.
28:17Even the knockdown, she jumped straight up.
28:19She was okay, so, yeah, I think it would...
28:23Maybe she gets caught with a big right hook mid-exchange,
28:26a shot she doesn't see, but other than that,
28:29I think she'll most likely see it out.
28:35I think Dubois' hair has just come loose.
28:38They just need to tie that up for the remaining...
28:43..few seconds, really...
28:46..of the bout.
28:48If not, those could quite easily just whip into the eyes of Maira Maneo.
28:55Remember Paulie Mallon, as you're getting his braids cut off
29:00against Andura in Man City.
29:09I don't think Carolina Dubois would be too impressed if that happened.
29:13Seymour Guigan would be a brave man
29:15if he decided to go down that route, I think.
29:17So into the final minute.
29:21And still Maneo comes forward.
29:23Again, she has her head rocked back by a couple of jabs there from Dubois,
29:26who looks to try and time that left hand as Maneo comes forward.
29:43Oh, what a shot.
29:48Wrong left hand again, just kept that lead hand low.
29:52Gipped to the right-hand side and slung that one
29:55just slightly off-centre.
29:58Little bit of variety and that's where it saw it land,
30:01but again, our visitor was equal to it.
30:05Closing ten seconds of the fight.
30:09And Carolina Dubois is going to keep her IBO World Lightweight title
30:13and the WBC Interim title and put herself into mandatory position
30:18basically to fight Katie Taylor.
30:20And Taylor decides to continue and drop back down to lightweight.
30:26Next year at some point, Barry McGuigan watching on the ringside,
30:29very pleased with what he saw.
30:31And again, to be honest, it's another pretty flawless performance there
30:34from Dubois.
30:36She wasn't really caused too many problems by Maneo,
30:39who came forward relentlessly throughout the fight.
30:42She hit her with some very, very good shots,
30:45which would have put plenty of other fighters away, but not her.
30:48It was an excellent performance again from Dubois.
30:51It's a shame really for Maneo because what she put into it,
30:55the effort and how good she is, we know she's very capable,
30:59but she just couldn't get into the fight at all.
31:01And that was just down to the simple fact that Dubois was on fire tonight.
31:05So sharp, so accurate, variety,
31:09not just the right hands, but the left hands were working brilliantly.
31:12You see it there, that lead looping left hand,
31:15that's a hard shot to land.
31:17Boom, right on the point of the chin, the accuracy.
31:20Top draw.
31:22Top draw.
31:29And that's the only way you could score it.
31:31Ten rounds to nil, plus a point for the knockdown.
31:43I spied him at ringside earlier, Kell Brook.
31:47Joining the Stadium Fighter Club,
31:49the headliners of the Main Event Stadium Fighter Club.
31:51Finally, finally.
31:57Boxer's done their part, Sky's done their part.
32:00It's nice for me to perform.
32:03Good to see you, I appreciate you coming as well.
32:05What's it looking like out there, all right?
32:07Good atmosphere.
32:12Any advice?
32:14Just go out and focus on what you need to do.
32:17Be prepared, don't you know what I mean?
32:19Get into your rhythm.
32:21Focus more, listen to your coach.
32:23You know what I mean?
32:25Yeah, just spend the time.
32:27Do a good job, that's it.
32:29Is that camera recording?
32:31Is this camera recording?
32:33About ten years ago, I used to work for Scots Men's Wear,
32:36the sales assistant, on the weekends and evenings.
32:39He used to come in, the man, he used to be like,
32:41I want them, them, them.
32:43I used to have to get his shoes for him.
32:45You'll not remember, I never mentioned that at Box.
32:47I used to have to loosen his shoes up for him.
32:49I've looked up to him for years.
32:51It's absolutely extraordinary.
32:53Kell Brook has done this, of course.
32:55He boxed in the open air of Bramall Lane
32:57against Errol Spence.
32:59It didn't go his way that night,
33:01but it has most certainly gone Caroline Dubois' way this evening.
33:08She's up in the ring in the centre with the referee
33:10and her opponent, here's Big Mo.
33:18Ladies and gentlemen,
33:21after ten full championship rounds,
33:24we go to the judges' scorecard for the official decision.
33:27Judge Victor Laughlin sees it 100-90,
33:30Judge Glenn Dawson sees it 189,
33:33and Judge Sergio Marquez sees it 99-90.
33:36Declaring your winner by unanimous decision,
33:39and the new Iran WBC lightweight champion of the world,
33:46and still the IBO lightweight champion of the world,
33:51sweet Caroline Dubois!
33:57So 10-0 for Caroline Dubois
33:59as she continues her march towards world title.
