पूर्व PM शेख हसीना के बेटे Sajeeb Wazed ने कहा, ‘मैंने उन्हें समझाया कि आपको देश छोड़ देना चाहिए’

  • 2 months ago
बांग्लादेश की पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री शेख हसीना के बेटे साजिब वाजेद ने आईएएनएस के साथ खास बातचीत में बांग्लादेश में मौजूदा स्थिति के बारे में बात की और कहा, ये जो हुआ वो बदला देने के लिए हुआ, एक छोटा सा प्रदर्शन था और वो भी हमारी सरकार द्वारे लिए गए फैसले के खिलाफ नहीं था कोटे को हमारी सरकार ने नहीं बनाया था हमारी सरकार ने 2-3 साल पहले ही कोटे को हटा दिया थाI लेकिन स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के परिवारों कोर्ट गए जिसकी वजह से ही प्रदर्शन शुरू हुआ I कुछ पश्चिमी समूह विरोध को भड़काते रहे और बात मेरी मां की सुरक्षा पर आ गई I प्रदर्शनकारी प्रधानमंत्री के आवास की ओर मार्च कर रहे थे और मेरी मां देश छोड़कर नहीं जाना चाहती थीI मैंने उनसे बात की और उन्हें समझाया कि आपको देश छोड़ देना चाहिए, अन्यथा वे आपको मार देंगे I


00:00Obviously, we've heard most of what has happened, but what has happened is that there was a
00:05sequence of events.
00:07It was a minor protest, and it wasn't even against really a decision of our government.
00:11The quota was not made by our government.
00:14Our government had actually removed the quota many, two, three years ago.
00:20But the families of the freedom fighters went to court.
00:24The court reinstated the quota, and that's why we had the protest.
00:28But I think all along, other vested groups, some other vested groups, kept inciting this
00:36We accepted the protesters' demands.
00:38We wanted a peaceful resolution.
00:42Even when the violence happened, we formed a judicial committee to investigate, and we
00:49suspended police officers.
00:51But I think there was some group that kept inciting the protesters, and ultimately it
00:57turned violent, and it became an issue of my mother's safety.
01:02The protesters were marching on the prime minister's residence.
01:06My mother did not want to leave the country.
01:09She, even at the last minute when she went to the military airbase and she told her sister
01:17to get on the helicopter, my aunt put me in touch, called me and put me in touch and said,
01:25your mom doesn't want to leave.
01:27And I talked to her and I convinced her that you have to leave because they will kill you.
01:33She did not wish to leave Bangladesh.
01:37So this is the situation.
01:38I think this situation was escalated deliberately on July 15th.
01:45First of all, there was no reason for the protest because it was not a decision of our
01:50It was a decision of the courts.
01:51And our government was actually appealing against the court decision.
01:55So if they had just waited for the court decision, the quota would have been ruled.
02:01Secondly, first, the protests were peaceful.
02:05Our police were guarding the protesters.
02:08Because it was peaceful, on the night of 15th of July, someone started marching, some group
02:15started marching at Dhaka University in the middle of the night, in darkness, chanting
02:19we are Rajakar, we are Rajakar, which is, they took one of my mother's statements out
02:24of context.
02:25My mother said, we don't want Rajakar's families to get government jobs.
02:31That is what she said.
02:33But these, whoever was instigating turned it into saying that my mother called the student
02:39protesters Rajakar.
02:40She did not say that at all.
02:44And chanting we are Rajakar in the middle of the night at Dhaka University is like chanting
02:52in Jerusalem in the middle of the night, we are Nazis, we are Nazis.
02:56What would, what do you think would be the reaction of the people of Jerusalem?
03:00And so that's what happened.
03:02All our pro-Awama League students, they got angry.
03:06They attacked the protesters.
03:08They got into a fight with them.
03:10The police tried to stop the fight and in trying to stop the fight, some of the police
03:14officers used excessive force.
03:18Our government immediately suspended those police officers.
03:21Our government formed a three-member judicial committee to investigate the deaths.
03:27But I think that whole incident was designed to set up so that then they could claim these
03:33protesters to be martyrs and escalate the situation to demand the resignation of the
03:39And that is what has happened.
03:40And I think that there are outside forces here, inside forces.
03:45Many of the protesters were armed with firearms.
03:47They attacked police stations with guns.
03:50Why did the protesters have guns?
03:53Where did those guns come from?
