• 2 months ago
The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 3-03.The Bygraves/ Down with School


00:00I can make my world come true, all my dreams will see me through, doesn't matter what may come my way, believe me now, I will win some day.
00:20Say hello to the sharks. Anything to say before I feed you to the fish? Yeah, you're a big pathetic crate.
00:34Look what he's done to Dolly!
00:58Are you alright Dolly? Yeah, he said, did I want to feed the fishies? I didn't know he meant me!
01:05Come, let's play.
01:12Brilliant I'm afraid. I don't like to tell but sometimes... You did the right thing.
01:18Tracy Beaker and Justine Littlewood, can I have a word please?
01:24Can you believe that? She thinks we're picking on the tiddlers. He's got to go. The sooner he gets fostered the better. Yeah, boo'd have him.
01:33No, you promised! I said I'd try and sort something. I want to go and see my grandpa. I'd just like someone to go with you the first time.
01:41I could go with him. No, you're right, bad idea. Never mind.
01:49Satisfied? Now there's two of us.
01:52Watch my lips. It was Michael who was bullying Dolly.
02:03Right, I give up.
02:06Good, this nice couple have been in touch, again. I say they don't discourage easily. If you'd like to meet them I could...
02:17Nobody in their right minds would live with these people. They're a total nightmare. Not to mention desperate. They'd foster anybody.
02:36On second thoughts, can you set up a meeting?
02:42So, who've you got then?
02:44What are you on about?
02:46Elaine's set us up with mystery families today. It's a bit like a blind date, you know.
02:49Number three, does your house ming of cabbage?
02:55Michael, Barbara and Dave Crenshaw.
02:58What, you know them?
03:00I hope you like ballroom dancing.
03:03She'll teach you the tango. You'll be fine as long as you don't stare at her warts.
03:07I don't want to learn to dance.
03:09Trust me, you'll be happy just to get out of the car.
03:11They both smoke it really reeks.
03:12Or cigarettes?
03:14No, cat sick.
03:16I could switch with you.
03:18What do you want?
03:20You'd better leave Dolly alone from now on.
03:22Yeah, alright.
03:34It's not too bad, eh? Nice house, good sized gardens.
03:37Thanks to the pigs.
03:39It's a bit harsh.
03:40Grandpa shouldn't be in a nursing home, alright? There's nothing wrong with him.
03:43Jackie, Jackie!
03:47Hello, my love.
03:49Hey, they said you wasn't coming.
03:51Well, they lied then, didn't they?
03:53Grandpa, this is Crash.
03:56Hi, nice to meet you.
04:00Oh, hi. Are you the...
04:02The Bygraves, that's right.
04:04And you must be Tracy.
04:06Oh, let me look at you.
04:08Tracy's not feeling very well.
04:10Oh, dear.
04:12That is a shame.
04:14There's someone else. He was meant to go out with another family, but they let him down.
04:18You don't think he'd like to meet us, do you?
04:22I'd say there's quite a good chance. Follow me.
04:25Come on.
04:39Come and sit here, Michael.
04:45We're sorry the other lot let you down. Their loss.
04:49It must be so difficult.
04:51Yeah, well...
04:53I nearly forgot.
05:01It's a rhyming dictionary.
05:03Bet you've not got one already.
05:05Er, no.
05:09Indispensable when you're writing a song.
05:11Or poetry.
05:13I write the odd poem myself, Michael.
05:16Read him the one about the kittens.
05:19Um, could you excuse me a minute, please?
05:34Two people. Loud. Tell them that I'm sick.
05:37Tracy said that I don't have to do what you say.
05:40You want a taste of my kettle of nine towels?
05:42What's that?
05:44Trust me, you don't want to find out.
05:46Well, how was I supposed to know? Just how rich are they?
05:49Well, they just won the lottery. How rich does that make you?
05:52I don't know yet.
05:54What if you didn't go on with them?
05:56So what? I could get sent off to private boarding school.
05:58Have my own swimming pool or a pony.
06:00Yeah. But what about Michael?
06:02He doesn't know yet.
06:04I'll have to get them back off him before he twigs.
06:16I'm afraid he's sick. Very, very sick.
06:19And now I'm much, much better.
06:22There. Now beat it.
06:26Now then, where are we going?
06:31Bad luck, Beaker. Ka-ching!
06:44A hearse.
06:47A funeral director.
06:49Call Bygrave.
06:53So there I was, everyone in the stadium on their feet,
06:57flashbulbs popping so I could hardly see,
07:00and this Belgian in me, neck and neck.
07:03Carry on. I'll just get us some drinks.
07:06Me legs were like rubber.
07:08Well, he gets in front, then keels to the back,
07:11and I'm in the back.
07:13I'm in the back.
07:15I'm in the back.
07:17I'm in the back.
07:19I'm in the back.
07:20Well, he gets in front, then keels straight over,
07:23so I crawl across the line on me knees.
07:26You should have heard that crowd roar.
07:28Wow, Mr. Hopper, fitter than me.
07:30Oh, by the way, lad, you didn't tell me,
07:33who was your young lady friend?
07:35She seems very nice.
07:42This is fantastic.
07:44You really shouldn't have gone through this trouble just for me.
07:46Oh, it was no trouble, Michael.
07:48That's right.
07:50To be missing this?
07:54Oh, it's so nice sitting here with you.
07:56If you only knew what we've wanted to have...
07:59Er, Nellie.
08:01So, your lives are really going to change.
08:04Have you thought about what it's going to be like?
08:06Oh, Michael.
08:08All the time.
08:10I just think we should be a bit careful.
08:12Very wise.
08:14But you don't want to go and blow it all now, do you?
08:16We certainly don't.
08:39You care to try one of these, Michael?
08:44What's that, eh?
08:46A my wife's speciality.
08:48Liver Rissole.
08:55Now, do you like singing?
08:57I bet you do.
08:59We're in a choir.
09:01Maybe you could join if...
09:03Er, Nellie.
09:09I'm sure you know this one.
09:11Join in if you like.
09:13Kumbaya Manor
09:22Kumbaya Manor
09:30Kumbaya Manor
09:42You know, this is actually a nice place.
09:44You've been at Damping Ground too long.
09:46And I was just thinking,
09:48it might not be such a bad idea for Grandpa to stay.
09:50Don't be stupid.
09:52No, really.
09:54He asked me who you were.
09:56What do you mean?
09:58I mean, if he can't remember who you were,
10:00maybe he just needs a little bit of looking after, that's all.
10:02Does that look like someone who needs looking after too?
10:10We've so enjoyed today, Michael.
10:12Yeah, me too.
10:15We'd like to have a word with Elaine about you.
10:17If it's alright.
10:19Start the ball rolling.
10:23No, that's great.
10:25I mean, if you haven't got too much to think about.
10:27With the big win and everything.
10:33But we haven't won anything.
10:35But what about the lottery?
10:38It's a mugs game.
10:47What were you two thinking?
10:50We were just trying to help.
10:54Him get fostered.
10:56You wish.
11:00The one day I was hoping for a break.
11:03So you mean he's not leaving?
11:05No, Justine.
11:06So that's it then?
11:08Er, not quite.
11:10There's something I want both of you to do.
11:14So that's sort of the story.
11:16Yeah, it was just a bit of fun.
11:20It's just we can't have children, you see.
11:23Silly to get our hopes up.
11:26But it's everything, don't you think?
11:30Having your own family.
11:37Yeah, you're right.
11:39It is.
11:41Look, we're really, really sorry.
11:43Yeah, honestly.
11:45And if there's anything we can do.
11:47Yeah, anything.
11:50You said that's the end of visiting time.
11:52Oh, hello.
11:54Can I introduce my granddaughter, Jackie?
11:56Little Jackie Hopper.
11:58Not so little now, eh?
12:00Well, time to move along.
12:02Must say, you've got a very nice place here.
12:06Which is your room?
12:08Grandpa, this is where you live.
12:11Is it?
12:14Oh, that's right.
12:17Miss you, love.
12:19I'll be back soon.
12:26OK, I've timed the nurse's rounds.
12:28And I could probably slip him out next time.
12:29If you'd just stall her for a minute.
12:31Jackie, I don't think this is a good idea.
12:33I'm sorry.
12:35Look, don't worry.
12:37I'll get him out, one way or another.
12:50Oh, girls.
12:52We'll put yesterday behind us, shall we?
12:55Tracy, I've got some new clothes to put on.
12:56I don't think so.
12:58Not yet.
13:00Too much on my mind.
13:02Who knew adults had feelings?
13:04Besides, we've got a visit.
13:08With who?
13:27Got to admit, this is miles better than doing your homework.
13:31Oh, I hate Mondays.
13:33Double maths on a sprocket.
13:37Hey, Crash.
13:39Don't forget you've got a spelling test today.
13:41Oh, no.
13:43Run away again, Jackie.
13:45Just because your grandpa's a champion runner,
13:47it doesn't mean you are, too.
13:49That is enough, Michael.
13:51I've got to go.
13:53I've got to go.
13:54I've got to go.
13:56That is enough, Michael.
13:58You ought to lock her up, Shelley.
14:00Hey, maybe they should have done that at school
14:02instead of chucking her out.
14:04They didn't chuck me out.
14:06Michael, enough.
14:08I'm just inside.
14:10I have better places to go, OK?
14:22They chucked you out.
14:24You can do your homework here on your own.
14:26In between running away, that is.
14:28Michael, which part of enough don't you understand?
14:30At least when Jackie was at school,
14:32she didn't spend every lunchtime alone.
14:34Just drop it, Crash.
14:36I'm sure when Michael settles in,
14:38he'll make lots of new friends.
14:42Jackie, I'm away on a course today.
14:44Oh, great. I'm going to see Grandpa.
14:46Your home tutor has left you loads of work
14:48and Nathan is going to supervise you.
14:52I'll see you later.
14:54I haven't promised him anything.
14:56I wish I was staying home with you, Jackie.
14:58Me too, even if it is with Nathan.
15:00Tracy, you're not seriously thinking about bunking off, are you?
15:03It's football day today.
15:05And Chico Spenge.
15:07And history.
15:09You're meant to play them well in.
15:11Big deal.
15:13I'd much rather spend the day with Jackie.
15:15I don't see why I can't have a bit of home tutoring too.
15:17Especially as Nathan's in charge.
15:25You'd never pull that off.
15:27Just watch us.
15:29Have a nice day at school, Michael.
15:33Have a good day at school, dudes.
15:35Hurry up, Bounce.
15:37You're going to be late for Miss Penwell in.
15:40Layla, your physio's coming round today.
15:45But I'll miss my play rehearsal.
15:47You'll miss it.
15:49You'll miss it.
15:51You'll miss it.
15:52I'll miss my play rehearsal.
15:54It's all arranged.
15:56But I'm a psychopathic fairy.
15:58And I get to zap everyone into a coma.
16:03Do it.
16:05We're doing Sleeping Beauty.
16:07Sorry, Pumpkin.
16:09I don't want to miss school, Nathan.
16:11It's not fair.
16:13I know.
16:22I know.
16:38Michael, what's happened?
16:40I fell down the stairs.
16:42Foot hurts.
16:44Let's have a look.
16:46I think I'd best ring you an ambulance.
16:48No, I'd best get to school.
16:50Whoa, dude, you're not going anywhere.
16:52Hey, yeah, come on, you two.
16:54You're going to be late.
16:56Don't worry about us, Nathan.
16:58We're not going anywhere.
17:02School stinks, big time.
17:04As from today, we're into home education.
17:06You can't do that.
17:08Jackie does.
17:10Oh, come on, dudes.
17:12You've got to go to school.
17:14I mean, think of all the important things you've got to learn,
17:16like who invented the bicycle and who discovered the potato.
17:18We're not going, Nathan.
17:20And there's nothing you can do about it.
17:22Yeah, everything's fine.
17:24Come on, quick.
17:26Keep your wig on.
17:28We're going, we're going.
17:53Jackie, it's about time you did some work now.
17:56Don't be a sport sport, Nathan.
17:58Chill out, Nathan.
18:00Chill out?
18:04Chill out?
18:06Right, that's it.
18:10You want to stay home?
18:14Meet your new tutor.
18:18So, two thirds is bigger than three quarters.
18:22It's got to be the other way around.
18:24What is it?
18:26Three fifths?
18:28I don't know.
18:30Pass me that bit of cake there, Tracy.
18:33This one?
18:35Mmm, this one is yummy.
18:37Tracy, stop eating the maths equipment.
18:41You all right?
18:43Come on, pack it in now.
18:45This isn't fractions.
18:47Come on.
18:49Have another fifth.
18:50What's going on?
18:52Eighth of cake, Elaine.
18:54Elaine, you got my message.
18:56What message?
18:58I've just popped in to see how Jackie's getting on.
19:00Why aren't you in crash at school, Tracy?
19:02We've decided we want to be home tutor too.
19:04Jackie's a special case.
19:06You know that.
19:08The school will take her back the minute she stops running away.
19:10Blah, blah, blah.
19:12You can't force me to go to school, Elaine.
19:14And if Jackie's not going, neither are we.
19:16I've tried everything.
19:20In that case, there's only one thing to do.
19:22Phone Shelly.
19:24Tell her to get back from her course.
19:26No, Nathan.
19:28Allow them to experiment with home education.
19:30You're not serious?
19:34But I can't take much more of the doing my head in.
19:36There's these three here.
19:38Michael's falling down the stairs and hurt his foot.
19:40Layla's upstairs complaining because she's got physio.
19:42Take a deep breath, Nathan.
19:46Exhale now!
19:49Why don't you take a break?
19:51Go and make yourself a nice cup of tea.
19:55I'll take over here.
20:03Now, supposing I had a large pie.
20:05And I cut it into pieces and I...
20:07What kind of pie?
20:09I don't know.
20:10I wouldn't buy a pie if I didn't know what flavour it was.
20:12Me neither.
20:14It could be dodgy meat passed off as apple and blackberry.
20:16Or snot and bogey.
20:18Look, the point is...
20:20The point is, Elaine, this is very, very boring.
20:22Well, what do you want to learn about?
20:24How about why we're here on this planet?
20:26Or the secrets of the universe?
20:30Or the solar system?
20:33Hi, Layla.
20:35Do you want to game of cards?
20:38Hi, Layla.
20:40Do you want to game of cards?
20:42Play some cards if you want to.
20:44You choose.
20:46Go away.
20:48That's not very nice.
20:50You should be happy.
20:52Day of school.
20:54I don't have a choice.
20:56I make some people healthy and cool.
21:00Funny day, isn't it?
21:02One minute's fine.
21:04Next minute's not.
21:06Shall I test you?
21:09Hey, look, I can fly.
21:11I can fly.
21:13Michael, stop it.
21:15Give me them back, Michael.
21:19Pay attention, everyone.
21:24I will present to you the solar system.
21:27I'm going to demonstrate how a black hole operates.
21:30A black hole sucks in all matter, like this.
21:34I'm not sure that's a good idea.
21:36Nothing can survive a black hole.
21:38Planets, stars.
21:45Elaine, Michael's got my costume wings.
21:49I have not.
21:51Don't be silly, Layla.
21:53What on earth would a big boy like Michael want with those?
21:55Oh, my goodness.
21:57My poor thing.
21:59How could you chase him around like that, Layla?
22:03You've got nothing better to do.
22:04You'd better join us.
22:06Right, we'll give the room a little tidy
22:09and then we'll start some nice geography work.
22:11Do you like geography, Michael?
22:13Yes, my favourite subject.
22:15Is everything all right, Elaine?
22:19Oh, Layla, your physio coach has had to cancel.
22:21So you can make your rehearsal after all.
22:23How can I rehearse?
22:25Someone's hidden my script in costume.
22:35And little by little,
22:37over hundreds and hundreds of years,
22:40slowly, the river makes a new course.
22:44Take a shortcut, but doing it very slowly.
22:48So slowly that you wouldn't even notice it.
22:51Carving itself a new path,
22:54but still leaving the old path behind.
22:57It's a long journey,
22:59but it's worth it.
23:00Carving itself a new path,
23:02but still leaving the old route, which...
23:07Where are you all going?
23:09It's lunchtime, Elaine.
23:18I don't think anything could be more tedious than school.
23:21But this has been my best day ever.
23:23It shouldn't be so boring here on my own.
23:25Why do they think sandwiches are always so soggy?
23:27I'll swap the whole lot for just a tiny little bite of chocolate sponge.
23:30Oh, me too.
23:32Ooh, it's the cross-country race this afternoon.
23:34Is it?
23:36Oh, I wish you'd come back to school, Jackie.
23:38Me too. They're giving away a silver cup for first prize.
23:41You'd win easily.
23:49Who says you can come in my bedroom?
23:58Think it's funny, do you?
24:00My brother got me this.
24:04Well, see how funny you find this.
24:09No, I didn't mean...
24:13Michael, give them your stuff back now!
24:16You'll be lucky. I've got two rippling pieces.
24:21Michael, I thought you'd hurt your ankle.
24:25That really is very naughty, Michael, to pretend like that.
24:28He has hit it, Elaine.
24:31One minute it's fine, and the next it's not.
24:39Sorry I broke your picture, Michael.
24:42It's OK.
24:44Oh, Bobbins, and I thought you were just pulling our leg.
24:49Look, let me help you. Come on.
24:52Elaine, Nathan, I want to go back to school.
24:56School? Yeah?
24:59Yeah, great! What an absolutely great idea!
25:03OK, I'll give the headteacher a call.
25:07Come on, let's go.
25:09My favourite hitter starts any minute.
25:12Let me help you, Michael.
25:16Don't worry, we'll just nice geography this up.
25:19Now, are you quite sure about all of this, Jackie?
25:22She's 110% sure. Aren't you, Jackie?
25:25I've decided I'm ready for school, but I don't know if school's ready for me.
25:28There's only one way to find out.
