• el año pasado
La tarde del 22 de noviembre de 1963, una de las mayores tragedias de la historia de los Estados Unidos tuvo lugar en Dallas, Texas. El presidente John F. Kennedy fue asesinado, y la responsabilidad de protegerlo recaía en su servicio de seguridad. A pesar de los protocolos establecidos, el equipo de seguridad enfrentó múltiples fallos que han dejado una marca indeleble en la historia. En un esfuerzo por comprender los eventos de aquel día, los hombres que formaron parte de su equipo de seguridad se han reunido para revivir sus recuerdos y reflexionar sobre lo que salió mal.

A través de sus testimonios, se revela una compleja red de decisiones, presiones y circunstancias que contribuyeron a esta tragedia. Cada uno de ellos comparte su perspectiva, permitiendo a los espectadores adentrarse en un relato humano que trasciende las frías estadísticas y los informes oficiales. La culpa y el dolor han permanecido con ellos durante décadas, y es a través de estas conversaciones que intentan encontrar respuestas y, quizás, un poco de paz.

Este relato no solo examina el atentado en sí, sino que también explora las implicaciones más amplias sobre la seguridad presidencial y cómo este evento cambió la percepción pública sobre la protección de los líderes. La tragedia de Dallas sigue resonando, y las lecciones aprendidas continúan siendo relevantes en el contexto actual.

**Hashtags:** #JFK, #AsesinatoDallas, #SeguridadPresidencial

**Keywords:** JFK, asesinato, Dallas, seguridad presidencial, tragedia, testimonio, historia de EE. UU., servicio secreto, fallos de seguridad, legado.


00:00:00This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:00:06They are violent and unpleasant and can hurt the sensitivity of young viewers.
00:00:30This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:00:36They are violent and unpleasant and can hurt the sensitivity of young viewers.
00:01:00This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:04This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:08This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:12This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:16This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:20This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:24This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:28This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:32This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:36This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:40This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:44This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:48This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:52This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:01:56This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:02:00This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:02:04This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:02:08This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:02:12This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:02:16This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:02:20This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:02:24This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:02:28This program contains images of the tragic murder of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
00:02:33I think about the 11 S, and of course I don't pretend to minimize it.
00:02:37We already know pretty quickly who was responsible.
00:02:41The Ruby Harry Boswell murder leaves much doubt on the board.
00:02:48Why! How did it happen?
00:02:49Who'd want to shoot the president? What did he do?
00:02:50Who would want to shoot the president? What did he do?
00:02:52We have suffered a loss that cannot be weighed.
00:02:57To give the United States the feeling that the wounds were closing,
00:03:01President Johnson decided to form the Warren Commission.
00:03:07When they finished their work in 1964,
00:03:10the Warren Commission published a report, the Warren Report,
00:03:14where it came to the conclusion that Oswald had killed Kennedy
00:03:18and that he had acted alone.
00:03:20But that didn't make sense.
00:03:22A lot of people published books in which they said
00:03:24they didn't believe that was the definitive answer.
00:03:26What happened with the autopsy? Something was not right.
00:03:29People want to know the truth.
00:03:31Who really killed President Kennedy?
00:03:34The commitment of the Warren Commission was to end the rumors of a conspiracy.
00:03:38And they did that.
00:03:40But at what cost? The truth.
00:03:43I think it's highly unlikely that it was a single man.
00:03:46There had to be some coordination.
00:03:48People know it's a montage, but I'm an ordinary guy,
00:03:52and what I say doesn't count.
00:03:55I guess what they wanted was for people to misunderstand and not worry
00:03:58that a strange guy was the one who killed Kennedy.
00:04:01But that's not the case.
00:04:04Why don't Americans believe the government's conclusions?
00:04:07And what do they think is the truth?
00:04:11To answer these questions,
00:04:13Canal Historia has commissioned the largest and most exhaustive survey
00:04:16on the topic ever carried out.
00:04:19A scientific investigation among thousands of Americans
00:04:22from all regions of the country
00:04:24to determine what they believe about JFK's murder.
00:04:30The largest experts in the United States on Kennedy's murder
00:04:33will comment on the evidence to explain the surveys
00:04:36and clarify why Americans believe what they believe.
00:04:43The results will offer us a definitive guide to decades of research
00:04:47and will convincingly reveal who, more than anyone else,
00:04:51is considered by Americans to be responsible for JFK's death.
00:04:58When the Warren Commission published the report in 1964,
00:05:02the surveys showed that only 31% of Americans rejected the findings.
00:05:07The majority accepted that Oswald killed Kennedy and acted alone.
00:05:12The new investigation by Canal Historia in the United States reveals
00:05:16that today the proportion of citizens who do not believe
00:05:19that Harvey Oswald acted alone is 71%.
00:05:26It was a conspiracy, plain and simple.
00:05:28I think he collaborated with other people.
00:05:30There are five shots, that's a conspiracy.
00:05:42The most important thing to remember is that the suspicions of a conspiracy
00:05:46did not originate with the conspirators.
00:05:48They did not start with Oliver Stone.
00:05:50The suspicions of a conspiracy originated with the circumstances of the murder.
00:06:12During a moment it seemed that the committee could not pass
00:06:16because it was impossible to control the crowd.
00:06:19People were swinging to the street.
00:06:22We are always concerned in any situation with a crowd,
00:06:25who is in it and what intentions it has.
00:06:29And that's why we always look for what comes out of the ordinary
00:06:32in a group of people like this.
00:06:36Then the car makes a turn to Elm Street,
00:06:40going down about 16 miles per hour.
00:06:48And then there was a bang.
00:06:52I thought someone had thrown a firecracker
00:06:55next to President Kennedy's car.
00:06:57I thought, what a heavy joke.
00:07:00And then there was another bang.
00:07:06I saw the president grab his throat.
00:07:09And he moved to his left.
00:07:11I knew he was in trouble.
00:07:13I jumped and I started to run to the president's vehicle.
00:07:22And then there was a third shot.
00:07:29It's impossible that he did so many shots.
00:07:31We're talking about a rocket launcher.
00:07:33There's no time.
00:07:34I don't think it's possible that a guy from that distance
00:07:37would be able to make those shots.
00:07:39A new national survey of the History Channel reveals
00:07:42that the proportion of Americans who believe
00:07:44that Oswald's rifle could not make the shots
00:07:47with enough speed is 61%.
00:07:51And I saw the president's car explode.
00:07:56It was such an explosion that it caused an expulsion of blood
00:07:59and bone fragments all over the back of the president's vehicle.
00:08:02Over the trunk and over myself.
00:08:06The limousine accelerated to Park Lane Hospital.
00:08:09They put Kennedy in an emergency wheelchair.
00:08:12Dallas doctors did their best to save his life.
00:08:17His heart was still beating.
00:08:19And as he was the president, they had to at least try.
00:08:27John F. Kennedy died at approximately one o'clock today.
00:08:32Here in Dallas.
00:08:37Then there was a confrontation in the lobby of Park Lane Hospital.
00:08:41We have secret service agents and aides
00:08:44who wanted to take the body of Dallas to Washington, D.C.
00:08:55I think the whole reason they took him out of Dallas
00:08:58was to manipulate the evidence, the physical evidence of the body.
00:09:01The autopsies had to say certain things to coincide with others.
00:09:05The proportion of Americans who believe
00:09:07that the government's actions immediate to the murder were suspicious
00:09:11is 67%.
00:09:16Here comes a man again.
00:09:21I'd like some legal representation.
00:09:23I didn't shoot anybody.
00:09:25I'm just a taxi.
00:09:29I think it was just a poor devil who was shot.
00:09:32The CIA uses a lot of people.
00:09:34Oswald was set up.
00:09:37The proportion of supporters of the conspiracy theory
00:09:40that Lee Harvey Oswald was telling the truth
00:09:42when he claimed he was just a Turk's head is 80%.
00:09:47Police officials are frankly worried.
00:09:49They don't want anything to happen to Oswald.
00:09:53Two days later on a Sunday,
00:09:55Dallas police announced that they were going to move Lee Harvey Oswald
00:09:58to the sheriff's department.
00:10:00And Jack Ruby, the owner of a nightclub
00:10:02who had been in that police station for two days,
00:10:05walked up to the crowd,
00:10:06saw Lee Harvey Oswald,
00:10:08and pulled a .38 out of a short gun.
00:10:14He was killed in police custody
00:10:16by a guy who was wearing a hat
00:10:18and looked like a central actor for a mafia movie.
00:10:21You're all running into a conspiracy.
00:10:25Lee Oswald has been shot.
00:10:27There's a man with a gun.
00:10:29Absolute panic.
00:10:31Jack Ruby was involved with the mafia.
00:10:33His mission was to silence Lee Harvey Oswald.
00:10:36My personal belief is that it was a set-up.
00:10:39The proportion of Americans who believe
00:10:41that Jack Ruby received the order from the mafia
00:10:43to silence Oswald
00:10:45is 62%.
00:10:51A half a century has passed.
00:11:00The people aren't buying the lie.
00:11:03You can't get them to agree
00:11:05that the sky is blue.
00:11:07But they'll agree with this.
00:11:09There was a conspiracy.
00:11:11But there's no evidence that Oswald
00:11:13had any association
00:11:15with any of the groups
00:11:17that are believed to be behind the assassination.
00:11:19The FBI conducted 25,000 interrogations.
00:11:23They examined each and every one of his steps
00:11:25and they found nothing.
00:11:27Not a single word about a conspiracy was leaked.
00:11:31Because there was nothing to leak.
00:11:38A new survey of the History Channel
00:11:40reveals the current list of suspects
00:11:42that Americans believe were behind the assassination.
00:11:45When the government doesn't like something,
00:11:47it makes it disappear.
00:11:48Experts will discover the evidence
00:11:50that refute or corroborate each theory.
00:11:52The president was pushed back
00:11:54just in the trajectory of a shot
00:11:56from the grass mound.
00:11:58And it will come to light
00:11:59the main suspect that Americans believe
00:12:01that killed JFK.
00:12:19I don't think Lee Harvey Oswald
00:12:21could have done it alone.
00:12:22Oswald didn't act alone.
00:12:24I don't believe there was a lone shooter.
00:12:26I just don't believe it.
00:12:28To understand who believes the people
00:12:30that were behind the assassination,
00:12:32a new survey of the History Channel
00:12:34in the United States
00:12:36has asked thousands of citizens
00:12:38from all social classes
00:12:40and all states in the country.
00:12:42The best experts will analyze
00:12:44the surveys in depth
00:12:46and show the physical evidence
00:12:48and come to the definitive conclusion
00:12:50of who believes the majority of Americans
00:12:52that killed JFK.
00:12:54And it all starts with the theory
00:12:56that there was a second killer.
00:13:06I'm not surprised that there are
00:13:08many statements of witnesses
00:13:10that saw different things.
00:13:12Can 50 people be wrong
00:13:14and say they heard the shots?
00:13:20Probably we were the closest witnesses
00:13:22to President Kennedy
00:13:24when he was shot for the third time.
00:13:26The car was right in front of us.
00:13:30We threw ourselves to the ground
00:13:32because I thought that shot
00:13:34went over our heads,
00:13:36from behind us,
00:13:38from the grass mound.
00:13:40It's complicated
00:13:42because different witnesses
00:13:44can declare different things.
00:13:46Some talk about the number of shots
00:13:48but not the address.
00:13:50It's something very misleading.
00:13:54The Dallas police interrogated
00:13:56a lot of people.
00:13:58The vast majority of them
00:14:00provided evidence of a conspiracy
00:14:02about shots from the front
00:14:04and shots from different directions.
00:14:06We saw the shots, we saw the smoke.
00:14:08It's not true.
00:14:1012% said they knew
00:14:12where they came from,
00:14:14from the Texas School Books warehouse.
00:14:1612% thought they came
00:14:18from the grass mound.
00:14:20No group of witnesses
00:14:22is a solid proof of anything
00:14:24because Dilley Square
00:14:26is a big echo chamber.
00:14:28There are a lot of reverberations.
00:14:30The government said
00:14:32that all the shots
00:14:34came from behind the limousine
00:14:36but at least 44 witnesses
00:14:38and 97% of Americans
00:14:40were not aware of this.
00:14:50The headshot came
00:14:52from behind the limousine,
00:14:54one between the hedges
00:14:56and the other in the building.
00:14:58I think there was a triangular arrangement.
00:15:02When investigating
00:15:04the shooting locations
00:15:06in Dilley Square,
00:15:08examining the general framework
00:15:10is crucial.
00:15:14A virtual reconstruction
00:15:16of Dilley Square
00:15:18will allow investigators
00:15:20to visualize the murder
00:15:22from all angles
00:15:24and analyze what the Americans
00:15:26believe happened that day.
00:15:30If I was meant to take a shot
00:15:32at a particular area,
00:15:34I would take a shot
00:15:36at a particular area.
00:15:48This is the crime scene.
00:16:00He will help Matthew
00:16:02with 50 years of evidence.
00:16:04History was changed.
00:16:06A lot of people don't believe
00:16:08that it was just one guy
00:16:10from the book depository.
00:16:12Another theory of a second shooter
00:16:14is that there was someone
00:16:16at the west end of the depository.
00:16:18There are theories
00:16:20that the shooting
00:16:22could have come from the registry building
00:16:24or from the courthouse.
00:16:26There are people who think
00:16:28that it was the Daltex building.
00:16:30There's a clear trajectory.
00:16:34There's even a theory
00:16:36that a shot was taken
00:16:38from the collector.
00:16:40But that location
00:16:42has not a lot of space
00:16:44for the rifle.
00:16:48But of course,
00:16:50the most famous of all
00:16:52is the grass mound
00:16:54where many people
00:16:56believe that a second shooter
00:16:58fired the fatal shot.
00:17:02I believe that the shot
00:17:04from the grass mound
00:17:06was the fatal shot.
00:17:08The infaust grass mound.
00:17:10You can't tell me
00:17:12that there wasn't a shooter
00:17:14because when the shots rang out
00:17:16that's where the people
00:17:18crouched down.
00:17:20The number of supporters
00:17:22of the conspiracy theory
00:17:24that there were shots
00:17:26but for many Americans
00:17:28the most convincing proof
00:17:30of the existence of a second shooter
00:17:32was captured in a domestic movie.
00:17:34If we move
00:17:36to this concrete wall here
00:17:38above it was a cluster
00:17:40of the city called
00:17:42Abraham Zapruder
00:17:44who took the one that
00:17:46almost without any doubt
00:17:48is the most famous
00:17:50and important
00:17:52domestic movie in history.
00:17:54This is what could have
00:17:56actually happened.
00:17:58I remember watching the movie
00:18:00over and over again
00:18:02to see if I could find
00:18:04something that the experts
00:18:06hadn't seen.
00:18:12I was able to get
00:18:14a copy
00:18:16which they didn't know about.
00:18:18They didn't know.
00:18:22Geraldo Rivera saw it
00:18:24and asked if they could
00:18:26broadcast it on Good Night America.
00:18:38It's like a rag doll.
00:18:40The head falls back
00:18:42and the body follows it.
00:18:44People understand the trajectory.
00:18:46The head falls back
00:18:48and the body follows it.
00:18:52The head falls back.
00:18:54If I punch you in the head
00:18:56it goes back, it's clear.
00:18:58People who believe
00:19:00that the movement of the head
00:19:02in Zapruder's movie
00:19:04indicates a shot from the front
00:19:06are 73%.
00:19:10I understand why people believe that.
00:19:12On TV, in the movies
00:19:14the body doesn't fall back
00:19:16and they shoot it from behind.
00:19:18But it turns out that when you talk
00:19:20to experts in ballistics and forensics
00:19:22that's not true.
00:19:24Depending on the movement
00:19:26you can tell where the shot comes from.
00:19:28Then you have to examine the wound,
00:19:30the x-rays and the photographs
00:19:32to determine where the shot comes from.
00:19:34The medical evidence is irrefutable
00:19:36and indicates that the shot
00:19:38came from behind.
00:19:44The committee of representatives
00:19:46begins public hearings
00:19:48into the assassination in 1963
00:19:50of John F. Kennedy.
00:19:52The committee does expect
00:19:54its scientific evidence
00:19:56to settle once and for all
00:19:58whether there was a single assassin
00:20:00or whether another gunman
00:20:02was there that day in Dealey Plaza.
00:20:04The team of experts
00:20:06using new electronics techniques
00:20:08examined a Dallas police tape recording
00:20:10that may have picked up
00:20:12the sounds of the gunshots.
00:20:14In some part of Dallas
00:20:16a motorcycle police officer
00:20:18left the microphone open
00:20:20during the assassination.
00:20:22It could have been one of the drivers
00:20:24of the president's committee
00:20:26in whose case
00:20:28it would have picked up
00:20:30the sounds of the gunshots.
00:20:32But they don't sound like gunshots
00:20:36They sound more like gunshots.
00:20:42Then they went to Dealey Plaza
00:20:44and actually fired test shots there.
00:20:46It turned out that there was
00:20:48less than a 5% chance
00:20:50that a random model
00:20:52would match the recording
00:20:54and a 90% chance
00:20:56that everything would match.
00:21:02The Dictabelt evidence
00:21:04showed that there were
00:21:06shots fired
00:21:08more than Lee Harvey Oswald
00:21:11The probability of 95%
00:21:13or better,
00:21:15there was indeed a shot
00:21:17fired from a Grassy Knoll.
00:21:23The only problem was that
00:21:25the sound was made
00:21:27one minute after the assassination.
00:21:31The presidential limousine
00:21:33was on its way down the street
00:21:35on the way to Parkland Hospital.
00:21:38Dealey Plaza was chaos.
00:21:40You hear the crowd noise?
00:21:42Not at all.
00:21:44What you do hear
00:21:46is just a policeman
00:21:48sitting on a motorcycle
00:21:50in a quiet place,
00:21:52probably the trademark
00:21:54where the president
00:21:56was going to show up.
00:21:58And sirens going by
00:22:00which is the committee
00:22:02taking the president
00:22:04to Parkland.
00:22:06And even today,
00:22:08there is still controversy
00:22:10in the community of experts.
00:22:12But probably,
00:22:14because of the recording,
00:22:16the statements of the witnesses
00:22:18and the movie,
00:22:20the proportion of Americans
00:22:22who think there was
00:22:24an assassin besides Oswald
00:22:26in Dealey Plaza
00:22:28is 64%.
00:22:30But even if Oswald
00:22:32was the only killer,
00:22:34I don't think he would
00:22:36act alone.
00:22:38Experts will analyze the evidence
00:22:40to determine
00:22:42which theories they rule out
00:22:44and which theories they support.
00:22:46And the main suspect
00:22:48that the Americans
00:22:50think killed JFK
00:22:52will come to light.
00:22:54It happened in Dallas.
00:22:56It had to be the work
00:22:58of the far right.
00:23:00He was standing
00:23:02exactly where they shot
00:23:04the president.
00:23:06Oh my God!
00:23:08If the strategic command
00:23:10took off after the assassination
00:23:12with hydrogen bombs in the planes,
00:23:14we were on the edge
00:23:16of a nuclear war.
00:23:32The American people
00:23:34and the Soviet Union
00:23:36are in the same boat.
00:23:38They're taking me in
00:23:40because of the fact
00:23:42that I live in the Soviet Union.
00:23:44I can't believe it.
00:23:46Hanging over Oswald
00:23:48is the suspicion
00:23:50that he could not be
00:23:52some plot,
00:23:54perhaps a Soviet plot
00:23:56to decapitate
00:23:58the American government.
00:24:00Russia was the arch-enemy
00:24:02of the United States.
00:24:04President Kennedy was killed
00:24:06by the communist enemies
00:24:08of the United States.
00:24:10There are those who think
00:24:12that the detonator
00:24:14of the shots at Dilley Square
00:24:16was an event that happened
00:24:18a year earlier.
00:24:20The missile crisis.
00:24:22October of 62.
00:24:24The tension between the Soviet Union
00:24:26and the United States
00:24:28escalated when they could be
00:24:30on the edge of a nuclear war.
00:24:32The U-2 spy planes
00:24:34took photos that showed
00:24:36that the Soviets were deploying
00:24:38nuclear missiles in Cuba.
00:24:40But in reality,
00:24:42the war is not just about
00:24:44shooting, it's about leadership.
00:24:46That's right.
00:24:48Kennedy's response
00:24:50could save the world
00:24:52from nuclear annihilation.
00:24:54It shall be the policy
00:24:56of Cuba against any nation
00:24:58in the Western Hemisphere
00:25:00as an attack.
00:25:02Russia and the United States
00:25:04were on the verge
00:25:06of an atomic war.
00:25:08Kennedy stood firm
00:25:10and Khrushchev blinked.
00:25:12For Khrushchev,
00:25:14it was an humiliation
00:25:16inside the Politburo
00:25:18and inside Russia.
00:25:20When you're practicing
00:25:22getting under your desk
00:25:25A new national survey
00:25:27of History Channel,
00:25:29the most exhaustive ever
00:25:31done on the subject,
00:25:33reveals that the number
00:25:35of Americans who believe
00:25:37that the hostilities of the Cold War
00:25:39were at their peak
00:25:41because of the missile crisis
00:25:43in Cuba is 84%.
00:25:45Before this panorama,
00:25:47many Americans think
00:25:49that the details of Oswald's story
00:25:51are too suspicious
00:25:54Is he a member of any
00:25:56Communist front organization?
00:25:58Russians could have recruited him.
00:26:00I think that's important.
00:26:02The KGB would have the resources
00:26:04to do that.
00:26:06By the time he was 17,
00:26:08he had already moved 21 times.
00:26:10He had been fooled.
00:26:12He had been fooled.
00:26:14And what was his response to that?
00:26:16To grab onto something
00:26:18that everybody in the United States
00:26:20hated, the Soviet Union,
00:26:22and he latched onto it.
00:26:24Like many other men
00:26:26with problems of that period,
00:26:28as soon as he got older,
00:26:30he wanted to get out of the way
00:26:32and get into the Marines.
00:26:34And what happens?
00:26:36To him, that was chaos.
00:26:38His comrades didn't like him.
00:26:40They'd throw him in the showers.
00:26:42They called him Osvaldovich
00:26:44as soon as they found out
00:26:46that he liked the Russians.
00:26:48So instead of liking the Marines,
00:26:50suddenly, without warning,
00:26:52in the summer of 1955,
00:26:54he takes a boat in Helsinki, Finland,
00:26:56shows up in Moscow,
00:26:58and announces that he has deserted
00:27:00the Soviet Union.
00:27:02He deserts the Soviet Union
00:27:04before Gorbachev.
00:27:06But even today,
00:27:08who in the hell deserts the Soviet Union?
00:27:10He gets over there
00:27:12and pretends to become a Soviet citizen.
00:27:14He's a guy who deserts the Soviet Union
00:27:16and marries a Russian.
00:27:18I didn't know that Oswald
00:27:20was in the Soviet Union.
00:27:22You don't go to Russia on vacation.
00:27:24The number of Americans
00:27:26who didn't know that
00:27:28at the age of 20,
00:27:30Oswald deserted the Soviet Union
00:27:32is 76%.
00:27:43Police today seized one man,
00:27:45Lee H. Oswald.
00:27:47He is identified as chairman
00:27:49of a Fair Play for Cuba committee.
00:27:51I believe that he actually acted
00:27:53on behalf of the Cuban government.
00:27:55It seemed like there were a lot of things
00:27:57going on back then with Castro,
00:27:59so they had a lot of enemies.
00:28:03In the summer of 1963,
00:28:05Oswald becomes a public figure
00:28:07with his activism in favor of Castro
00:28:09for the first time.
00:28:11He's out on the streets of New Orleans
00:28:13in summer,
00:28:15wearing short sleeves,
00:28:17handing out pamphlets
00:28:19to join a Castro movement.
00:28:21Oswald revered Fidel Castro.
00:28:23He was a passionate supporter
00:28:25of the Cuban revolution.
00:28:27Five days before his assassination,
00:28:31in an important speech
00:28:33on foreign policy in Miami,
00:28:35practically urged the Cuban people
00:28:37to rebel against Castro,
00:28:39promising military aid
00:28:41if they did.
00:28:45The Mangosta administration
00:28:47was the attempt of the Kennedy administration
00:28:49to overthrow Castro,
00:28:51preferably before the 1962
00:28:53Congress elections.
00:29:01The U.S. government
00:29:03tried to assassinate the president of Cuba.
00:29:05Is that true?
00:29:09They admitted it to be true.
00:29:11Castro was quoted as saying
00:29:13that Kennedy and his brother
00:29:15take care of themselves
00:29:17since they too can be victims of an attempt
00:29:19that will cause their deaths.
00:29:29The number of Americans
00:29:31who did not know that Castro threatened Kennedy
00:29:33is 67%.
00:29:39Oswald's stay in Russia
00:29:41and Cuba's support
00:29:43would soon converge,
00:29:45only weeks before the assassination.
00:30:11In Mexico City,
00:30:13the KGB agent in charge
00:30:15of the assassinations
00:30:17in the Western Hemisphere
00:30:21Less than a month
00:30:23after that meeting,
00:30:25he killed the president of the United States.
00:30:37A History Channel investigation
00:30:39in the United States
00:30:41shows that those who believe
00:30:43that the communists were behind the assassination
00:30:45are 14%.
00:30:49From Castro's perspective,
00:30:51our government, the CIA,
00:30:53tried to kill the president of Cuba.
00:30:55Do I think Castro was responsible
00:30:57for the president's death?
00:31:01He was a politician
00:31:03and he politically came from it.
00:31:05He survived Kennedy,
00:31:07he survived Johnson,
00:31:09he survived Nixon and Ford,
00:31:11he survived Carter and Reagan
00:31:13and all the others.
00:31:15And he hasn't done that
00:31:17by taking great risks.
00:31:19Is there any circumstantial evidence
00:31:21that the Soviets were involved
00:31:23in the president's death?
00:31:27At the highest levels.
00:31:29Do I believe that?
00:31:33The Soviets did nothing
00:31:35They needed the war.
00:31:37They wanted the war.
00:31:39The mafia benefited
00:31:41from John Kennedy's death.
00:31:43The question is,
00:31:45was the CIA a operation?
00:32:05I don't shoot anybody, do I?
00:32:07I'm just a taxi.
00:32:09I think Lee Harvey Oswald
00:32:11was exactly what Kennedy was.
00:32:13When Lee Harvey Oswald
00:32:15says he's a Turkish leader,
00:32:17I believe him.
00:32:21The CIA is the biggest mafia in the world.
00:32:23The CIA is always a possible suspect.
00:32:25The CIA.
00:32:27The CIA.
00:32:29Without a doubt,
00:32:31the CIA was involved
00:32:33in the assassination.
00:32:35Was the CIA
00:32:39in the JFK assassination?
00:32:43Something that always comes up
00:32:45is that the CIA hated
00:32:47President Kennedy
00:32:49and wanted to get rid of him.
00:32:51They wanted to get rid of him
00:32:53for their own interest.
00:32:55They thought he was talking
00:32:57to communism
00:32:59and wanted to get him out of the way.
00:33:01The failure at the Bay of Pigs
00:33:03was a failure of the United States policy.
00:33:05The thinking here is that
00:33:07after the Bay of Pigs,
00:33:09the CIA received
00:33:11more than a slap in the face
00:33:13from the Kennedy administration,
00:33:15without a doubt.
00:33:17The leaders of the CIA
00:33:19didn't consider Kennedy
00:33:21as an enemy.
00:33:23Kennedy apparently said
00:33:25he was going to dismantle
00:33:27the CIA.
00:33:29They had to get rid of him.
00:33:31Now, this is not about
00:33:33the entire organization,
00:33:35it's about the right-wing
00:33:37alcoholics in the CIA
00:33:39who hated President Kennedy
00:33:41from the moment he was elected
00:33:43and from the Bay of Pigs
00:33:45until after he was assassinated.
00:33:51The CIA uses a lot of people.
00:33:53Lee Harvey Oswald
00:33:55was a very important agent
00:33:57of the intelligence.
00:34:05Now we know
00:34:07that Lee Harvey Oswald
00:34:09had been in the Soviet Union.
00:34:11Did he go there to desert?
00:34:15We believe he was sent there
00:34:17by the CIA as a spy.
00:34:19We don't know
00:34:21if he was in the Soviet Union
00:34:23during an intelligence operation.
00:34:25There were many similar
00:34:27desertions at that time.
00:34:29Two in particular
00:34:31with a profile very similar
00:34:33to that of Oswald.
00:34:35Both men had previous military
00:34:39Suddenly they announced
00:34:41they wanted to stay there
00:34:43and after a few years
00:34:45they came back.
00:34:47But he gets over there,
00:34:49he wants to become
00:34:51a Soviet citizen.
00:34:53So he goes to the CIA
00:34:55to commit the biggest murder
00:34:57in the history of the United States.
00:34:59What a nonsense.
00:35:05Then Oswald,
00:35:07who had renounced
00:35:09his American citizenship,
00:35:11who sent the devil to the United States
00:35:13and broke his passport,
00:35:15goes to the US embassy
00:35:17and on the weekend
00:35:19he and his Russian wife
00:35:21were arrested and
00:35:23accused of treason.
00:35:25He becomes a normal citizen.
00:35:27The proportion of supporters
00:35:29of the conspiracy theory
00:35:31that Lee Harvey Oswald
00:35:33was recruited by the CIA
00:35:35and worked for it
00:35:37is 42%.
00:35:39Even so,
00:35:41there is no evidence
00:35:43that relates Oswald to the CIA.
00:35:45With one possible exception.
00:35:47Three months before the murder,
00:35:49Oswald held a brief meeting
00:35:51with a group of Cuban exiles
00:35:53known as the DR.
00:35:57The Student Revolutionary Directory
00:35:59was a group of young Cubans
00:36:01from the University of Havana.
00:36:03Castro's new government
00:36:05had expelled them from college
00:36:07and they had organized
00:36:09to fight against Castro.
00:36:11Oswald spoke to an activist
00:36:13of the DR.
00:36:15He told him he wanted to help
00:36:17Castro and he gave him
00:36:19his Marine manual
00:36:21to show him that he knew
00:36:23how to do things like fly bridges
00:36:25or set trap bombs.
00:36:27Oswald's explanation was that
00:36:29he wanted to infiltrate
00:36:31the anti-Castro movement
00:36:33and claimed that he was
00:36:35harassing him with the information
00:36:37he obtained.
00:36:41When Kennedy was killed,
00:36:43the DR. was the first
00:36:45to report that a Castro supporter
00:36:47had killed the president.
00:36:49So the DR. was
00:36:51completely involved in the matter.
00:36:57The CIA funded the DR.
00:36:59for propaganda purposes
00:37:01and for collecting information.
00:37:03The evidence suggests
00:37:05that the CIA was trying
00:37:07to publicly identify
00:37:09Oswald as a Castro supporter.
00:37:11The United States was going after Castro.
00:37:13They were looking for an excuse
00:37:15to invade Cuba.
00:37:17By saying that he did it for Castro,
00:37:19they already had a reason
00:37:21to go in.
00:37:23They had the justification
00:37:25against the international community.
00:37:27So the question is,
00:37:29was that CIA operation?
00:37:31A new National History Channel survey
00:37:33reveals that the number of Americans
00:37:35who did not know that Oswald
00:37:37tried to infiltrate a group
00:37:39related to the CIA
00:37:41was 83%.
00:37:45Even so, for many,
00:37:47the most suspicious detail
00:37:49is how far the CIA
00:37:51has supposedly tried
00:37:53to hide Oswald's contacts
00:37:55with the DR.
00:37:57It's called cover-up for a reason.
00:37:59The CIA tries to hide everything.
00:38:02We had total access
00:38:04and full cooperation
00:38:06from all the US
00:38:08investigative agencies.
00:38:10We were very interested
00:38:12in the files of the DR
00:38:14and we wanted to find out
00:38:16who was involved.
00:38:19So I went to the guys
00:38:21who were on the Congress Committee
00:38:23and I asked them
00:38:25if they remembered
00:38:27this guy John Ives.
00:38:29And they said, yeah,
00:38:31you know, he was a real HDP
00:38:33and so being there
00:38:35was telling us.
00:38:37They told me that the CIA
00:38:39was in charge of the DR
00:38:41in 1963
00:38:43and John Ives was in charge
00:38:45of the DR in 1963
00:38:48and John Ives didn't say anything.
00:38:56This guy John Ives,
00:38:58he was in charge of the DR
00:39:00in 1963.
00:39:02Legally, John Ives
00:39:04was a potential witness.
00:39:06Some CIA agents called him
00:39:08the night of the assassination
00:39:10to ask him about Oswald
00:39:12so he knew something
00:39:14but he had never said anything.
00:39:16The information that we received
00:39:18from the agency
00:39:20was filtered by a person
00:39:22I consider a witness.
00:39:24I think that equates
00:39:26to obstruction of justice
00:39:28and that invalidates
00:39:30everything they gave us.
00:39:36The number of Americans
00:39:38who believe that the CIA
00:39:40lied or retained information
00:39:42about the JFK assassination
00:39:44was 81%.
00:39:48But if the CIA was hiding something,
00:39:50what could they be hiding?
00:39:53Do I think they were involved
00:39:55in the assassination?
00:39:57Probably not.
00:39:59Do I think that when all of that
00:40:01comes to light,
00:40:03it's embarrassing to the agency?
00:40:07The question that I've always
00:40:09wanted to ask the CIA
00:40:11is if they knew enough
00:40:13about the Oswald assassination
00:40:15to not tell the FBI
00:40:17about it.
00:40:21So what did the CIA know
00:40:23about Oswald?
00:40:25Why didn't they tell the FBI?
00:40:27If that's what happened,
00:40:29they should be ashamed.
00:40:31Even if the CIA wasn't involved,
00:40:33the feeling that they
00:40:35are still retaining information
00:40:37can explain why now
00:40:39the proportion of supporters
00:40:41who believe that the CIA
00:40:43was behind the assassination
00:40:45is 23%.
00:40:51The motivation that can be attributed
00:40:53to them is that Kennedy
00:40:55was talking to communism.
00:40:57The reality is that he was not.
00:40:59He was an implacable enemy
00:41:01of communism.
00:41:03And the head of the CIA
00:41:05was John McComb,
00:41:07a personal friend of Kennedy.
00:41:09And he's going to conspire
00:41:11to assassinate him?
00:41:21There are theories that he was
00:41:23the driver of Kennedy's limousine.
00:41:25But there is no evidence
00:41:27that he was the driver
00:41:29of Kennedy's limousine.
00:41:39To bring to light
00:41:41what the Americans believe
00:41:43about the assassination,
00:41:45a new history channel survey
00:41:47in the United States
00:41:49has asked thousands of citizens
00:41:51from all over the country.
00:41:53To get to the main suspect
00:41:55that people currently believe
00:41:57that he was behind the assassination.
00:41:59And for many Americans,
00:42:01determining who it was
00:42:03begins with the theory
00:42:05that Oswald could not do it.
00:42:07One target in motion.
00:42:09And how many times did he shoot?
00:42:11Three? Come on, man, please.
00:42:13That Oswald did it alone
00:42:15is the conspiracy theory.
00:42:17I don't think it's possible
00:42:19that a guy from that distance
00:42:21shot himself.
00:42:31With the time it takes
00:42:33to reassemble the rifle
00:42:35it is impossible
00:42:37that he shot himself.
00:42:41The alleged weapon of the crime,
00:42:43a Manleaker Carcano,
00:42:45is considered by all experts
00:42:47in long guns
00:42:49as the lowest quality
00:42:51of its class manufactured
00:42:53anywhere in the world.
00:42:55It's a joke.
00:42:57One of the major questions
00:42:59is the issue of whether
00:43:01Oswald or anyone else
00:43:03with a red-shot rifle
00:43:05had time to fire three shots
00:43:07in the available time frame.
00:43:11Physical evidence suggests
00:43:13that only three shots were made.
00:43:15We know exactly
00:43:17when the last one was made.
00:43:21What we can never know for sure
00:43:23is when the first one was made.
00:43:25When the car disappears
00:43:27behind the traffic light,
00:43:29Kennedy has not been reached,
00:43:31but when he comes out,
00:43:33it is evident that he has.
00:43:35And if that's the first shot,
00:43:37the killer didn't have more
00:43:39than 5.6 seconds.
00:43:41Now that we know
00:43:43how much time the Manleaker
00:43:45has to act, let's do a test.
00:43:55We're going to use a rifle
00:43:57exactly from the exact same lot
00:43:59that Oswald purchased his from.
00:44:01So we're really going to have
00:44:03to compare the same elements
00:44:05to see if the rifle can handle it.
00:44:07Keep down the arrow,
00:44:09so I can see the target.
00:44:11Roger that.
00:44:15Let's do it.
00:44:37Let's do it.
00:45:08Shooting well,
00:45:09that's pretty impressive.
00:45:11Now, there is no doubt
00:45:13in any reasonable brain
00:45:15that that's three shots
00:45:17and three blanks.
00:45:19At least we've been able to prove
00:45:21that the rifle is capable of doing that.
00:45:23He could have used this type of weapon
00:45:25to assassinate the president.
00:45:37And I think the evidence
00:45:39makes it clear
00:45:41that it was his rifle
00:45:43that he asked for by mail,
00:45:45that he put in the deposit
00:45:47that day,
00:45:49and that the shots were made
00:45:51with this gun.
00:45:53Common sense tells us
00:45:55that he did it.
00:45:57I would totally disagree.
00:46:01Okay, the rifle can do the shots,
00:46:03but we've done it in the shooting gallery.
00:46:05If you're going to shoot a living person,
00:46:07the most powerful person in the world,
00:46:09you're going to be scared.
00:46:11You're going to have a rush of adrenaline.
00:46:13There are a lot of external elements
00:46:15that you have to take into account
00:46:17when you're shooting.
00:46:19The guy had to be phenomenal
00:46:21to do it well.
00:46:23With a rush of adrenaline of that caliber
00:46:25to make so many shots.
00:46:27People say that he wasn't
00:46:29such a good shooter.
00:46:31I don't understand
00:46:33It wasn't so bad,
00:46:35that's clear.
00:46:37When he got into the Marine Corps,
00:46:39at first he was a precision shooter.
00:46:41That is, he could hit a target
00:46:43of 25 centimeters
00:46:45at 180 meters away
00:46:47if he looked eight times ten times.
00:46:49That's a pretty good shooter.
00:46:59After the shots
00:47:01at Dilley Square, he fled.
00:47:0345 minutes later, he killed
00:47:05Agent J.B. Tippett
00:47:07of the Dallas Police Department
00:47:09who had stopped him on the street
00:47:11to interrogate him.
00:47:13Oswald pulled out his revolver
00:47:15and shot Tippett.
00:47:17According to a version of events,
00:47:19he shot Tippett four times
00:47:21and shot him in the head.
00:47:23And half an hour later
00:47:25at the Texas Theater,
00:47:27he resisted being arrested
00:47:29and was released.
00:47:31But there is another evidence
00:47:33that for me is irrefutable
00:47:35and often ignored.
00:47:37Most Americans
00:47:39don't know that in April 1963
00:47:41Oswald tried to kill
00:47:43General Edwin Walker,
00:47:45one of the most prominent figures
00:47:47of the right wing in the United States
00:47:49who was defending the need
00:47:51to eradicate the communist dictatorship
00:47:53from Cuba.
00:47:59The window had wooden panels
00:48:01and the bullet deviated
00:48:03without hitting Walker in the hair.
00:48:11People wonder if he was able
00:48:13to kill the president.
00:48:15I no longer question
00:48:17if he was capable or not.
00:48:19He has that in him.
00:48:21The proportion of Americans
00:48:23who did not know that Oswald
00:48:25had previously attempted
00:48:27to kill him was 66%.
00:48:33The evidence that Oswald
00:48:35made the shots seem overwhelming.
00:48:37Even so, many argue
00:48:39that this does not answer
00:48:41the most important question.
00:48:43How is the magic bullet explained?
00:48:51The magic bullet
00:48:53is a bit implausible.
00:48:55I don't think it's possible
00:48:57to explain how the bullet
00:48:59turns and deviates magically.
00:49:03The most important controversy
00:49:05of all is the wounds
00:49:07of the men who were in the car.
00:49:09There are seven wounds in all.
00:49:11The US government
00:49:13said that the sniper
00:49:15made three shots
00:49:17and missed one of them.
00:49:19It's very clear what caused
00:49:21the last one.
00:49:23We must have the answers
00:49:25for all of the other wounds.
00:49:29We call it a magic bullet
00:49:31because to do everything
00:49:33the government said it did,
00:49:35it had to be magic.
00:49:37The bullet strikes President Kennedy's back
00:49:39and then goes up through his body
00:49:41to come out more or less
00:49:43through the tie knot.
00:49:45It stops in the air for 1.6 seconds,
00:49:47goes up to the right,
00:49:49then down with the left
00:49:51reaches Governor Connally
00:49:53in the right armpit,
00:49:55comes out through his chest,
00:49:57makes a turn to the right
00:49:59towards the outside of the car,
00:50:01turns in a circle to enter
00:50:03through the wrist,
00:50:05comes out of the wrist
00:50:07and hits his left thigh.
00:50:09This is what the government
00:50:11would have to have done.
00:50:13The next argument
00:50:15that conspiracists make
00:50:17is that the bullet
00:50:19hit the limousine
00:50:21right in front of JFK
00:50:23when, in fact,
00:50:25we know it was sitting
00:50:27about 30 centimeters
00:50:29to Kennedy's left.
00:50:31Therefore, you generally
00:50:33have to draw a straight line
00:50:35all the way from the sniper's rifle
00:50:37to the last wound
00:50:39in Connally's thigh.
00:50:41And what about the fact
00:50:43that the bullet was found
00:50:45in an impeccable condition?
00:50:47And I had never seen a bullet
00:50:49as intact as when I put it
00:50:51into the rifle.
00:50:53Intact, Matthew?
00:50:55In fact, the bullet is not intact.
00:50:57It is crushed by the base
00:50:59and folded in half.
00:51:01The debates continue
00:51:03to this day,
00:51:05which would explain
00:51:07why most Americans
00:51:09are still not convinced
00:51:11that Oswald acted alone.
00:51:13Those who believe that Lee Harvey
00:51:15killed Oswald
00:51:17are 29%.
00:51:19A majority of Americans
00:51:21believe that Oswald
00:51:23had someone else.
00:51:25But the History Channel survey
00:51:27reveals that they do not agree
00:51:29on who could have been
00:51:31their accomplices.
00:51:45In the last 50 years,
00:51:47at one time or another,
00:51:49the conspiracy community
00:51:51has precisely identified
00:51:5342 groups,
00:51:5582 murderers,
00:51:57and 276 people
00:51:59who were involved
00:52:01in the murder of Oswald.
00:52:03In the last 50 years,
00:52:05the conspiracy community
00:52:07has precisely identified
00:52:0942 groups,
00:52:1182 murderers,
00:52:13and 214 people
00:52:15who were involved
00:52:17in the murder of Oswald.
00:52:21I think what confuses people
00:52:23is this.
00:52:25They think that anyone
00:52:27who had a motive
00:52:29for Kennedy not to like him
00:52:31or to kill him
00:52:33was behind Oswald.
00:52:35There was a secret society
00:52:37within the government.
00:52:39By going around in a convertible
00:52:41or in a convertible,
00:52:43you can see that
00:52:45Oswald was behind Kennedy.
00:52:51In the movies I've seen,
00:52:53it is clearly seen that
00:52:55it was the driver,
00:52:57the driver who shot him.
00:52:59The driver who turns
00:53:01like a compressed air gun.
00:53:05There are theories
00:53:07that say it was a job
00:53:09that it was the driver
00:53:11of Kennedy's limousine
00:53:13who shot him in the shoulder
00:53:15and he hit the fatal shot.
00:53:17The driver's theory
00:53:19actually comes from some frames
00:53:21taken from the movie
00:53:25with very poor quality,
00:53:27in which when the driver,
00:53:29William Greer,
00:53:31the oldest member
00:53:33of the security staff,
00:53:35reaches out his arm
00:53:37but of course,
00:53:39the injured were John Connelly,
00:53:41Mrs. Connelly, Jackie
00:53:43and the secret service agent
00:53:45sitting on the driver's right
00:53:47and no one sees this.
00:53:59The number of supporters
00:54:01of the conspiracy theory
00:54:03that the driver of the limousine
00:54:05shot Kennedy
00:54:07is 2%.
00:54:15It was to uncover the truth
00:54:17about the aliens.
00:54:35The theory does not suggest
00:54:37that Kennedy was killed
00:54:39by aliens,
00:54:41but by a clandestine group
00:54:43of military leaders,
00:54:45government scientists
00:54:47and CIA agents
00:54:49known as the Twelve Majesties.
00:54:51Supposedly the group
00:54:53was formed to study
00:54:55the remains of the UFO
00:54:57that crashed in Roswell,
00:54:59New Mexico in 1947.
00:55:05Yes, it's documented.
00:55:07And then they tell you,
00:55:09well, it's just misinformation
00:55:11for you to believe,
00:55:13so who knows?
00:55:15Theories, speculations,
00:55:17it's all nonsense.
00:55:21an unauthenticated document
00:55:23appears in which it is stated
00:55:25that they were concerned
00:55:27that Kennedy Lancer,
00:55:29according to the key name
00:55:31of the secret service,
00:55:33was killed.
00:55:35It's too much nonsense
00:55:37to talk about it.
00:55:39The number of supporters
00:55:41of the conspiracy theory
00:55:43that JFK was killed
00:55:45to hide the existence
00:55:47of aliens is 3%.
00:55:49No document
00:55:51of the Twelve Majesties
00:55:53has been authenticated.
00:55:55But what has been corroborated
00:55:57is the photographic evidence
00:55:59that something strange
00:56:01has happened.
00:56:11Someone puts the umbrella up
00:56:13and people react immediately.
00:56:15That was a signal.
00:56:21It was a windy and sunny day.
00:56:23There wasn't a cloud in the sky.
00:56:25And in the entire
00:56:27march of the committee
00:56:29there was only an open umbrella
00:56:31that holds a man
00:56:33on the north sidewalk
00:56:35of Elm Street,
00:56:37right where the president was shot.
00:56:39One wonders
00:56:41what he was doing
00:56:43if it wasn't a visual signal.
00:56:59...contain a gun or a weapon of any sort?
00:57:03Maybe you ought to turn that way with it.
00:57:09It opens a lot and bends backwards.
00:57:11And they turned it into a huge joke
00:57:13instead of worrying
00:57:15who the umbrella man really was.
00:57:17It's a visual signal.
00:57:21The umbrella man claimed
00:57:23it wasn't a signal,
00:57:25but a reverse protest.
00:57:27During World War II,
00:57:29the father of JFK, Joseph Kennedy,
00:57:31supported British Prime Minister
00:57:33Neville Chamberlain
00:57:35in his policy of appeasing the Nazis.
00:57:37The umbrella of the Chamberlain brand
00:57:39was a push against Joseph Kennedy
00:57:41for not having confronted
00:57:43Hitler and fascism.
00:57:45But despite this reverse explanation,
00:57:47the proportion of Americans
00:57:49who believe the umbrella man
00:57:51gave the signal to shoot
00:57:53is 8%.
00:57:57I believe in an America
00:57:59where the separation of church and state
00:58:01is absolute.
00:58:03I do not speak for my church
00:58:05on public matters,
00:58:07and the church does not speak for me.
00:58:09The theory claims
00:58:11that although the Vatican
00:58:13was enraged by Kennedy's speech,
00:58:15what really alarmed the president
00:58:17was his desire to return
00:58:19the North American banking system
00:58:21to the United States.
00:58:23It was his desire
00:58:25to return the North American banking system
00:58:27to the gold standard.
00:58:29JFK did not want to leave
00:58:31the gold standard
00:58:33and they did not accept it.
00:58:35The theory suggests that after returning
00:58:37to the gold standard,
00:58:39JFK would have eliminated the Federal Reserve
00:58:41and that the Vatican had contributed
00:58:43to creating it,
00:58:45so they secretly controlled
00:58:47huge amounts of wealth.
00:58:49As he was not willing
00:58:51to risk losing the Federal Reserve,
00:58:53he announced his assassination.
00:58:55They probably sent him to a gunman.
00:58:57The proportion of supporters
00:58:59of the conspiracy theory
00:59:01that the Vatican was behind
00:59:03Kennedy's assassination
00:59:05is 2%.
00:59:09There is no evidence
00:59:11that supports the theory
00:59:13that the Vatican ordered JFK's death.
00:59:23The theory alleges that Dallas
00:59:25was the heart of Republican territory
00:59:27and was fueled by massive distrust
00:59:29of the Kennedys over the joint
00:59:31U.S.-Soviet space exercises
00:59:33requested by Kennedy.
00:59:35Alleged Nazi agent
00:59:37George de Morenschild
00:59:39is said to have recruited Oswald
00:59:41for the assassination.
00:59:45Unfortunately, there are so many
00:59:47theories of boring people
00:59:49that who killed Kennedy
00:59:51is not a secret.
00:59:53I think it was the agent
00:59:55of the secret service
00:59:57who drove the car.
00:59:59I think there was someone
01:00:01in the grass mound.
01:00:03No, there was a killer up there.
01:00:05It's a shame, because in the end
01:00:07it's about the death of a president.
01:00:09It's a political murder.
01:00:11There is a person with bloodstained hands
01:00:13and as we turn this into a carnival,
01:00:15we do an ugly service
01:00:17to what happened that day.
01:00:19The percentage of people who believe
01:00:21that one of the suspects
01:00:23was responsible for the murder
01:00:25is 14%.
01:00:43The president was assassinated
01:00:45fired from this building.
01:00:47Evidently, it wasn't Oswald.
01:00:49Who do you believe? Who do you trust?
01:00:51The first choice would not be the government.
01:00:53People know that something is hidden
01:00:55and they don't trust the government.
01:00:57Period. That's all there is to say.
01:00:59Was John F. Kennedy assassinated
01:01:01by the US government?
01:01:09In the councils of government
01:01:11we must guard against
01:01:13the acquisition of unwarranted influence
01:01:15by the military-industrial complex.
01:01:31My personal opinion
01:01:33is that the primary reason
01:01:35that the president was assassinated
01:01:37was that he was going to end
01:01:39the Vietnam War,
01:01:41which for them was a factory of money
01:01:43They wanted the war,
01:01:45and he was going to get rid of it.
01:01:47They had to get rid of it.
01:01:49However, Lyndon Johnson
01:01:51supported the Vietnam War.
01:02:03Many conspirators say
01:02:05that Kennedy had decided
01:02:07to leave Vietnam.
01:02:09This simply goes against
01:02:11probably the best source
01:02:13on this subject is an interview
01:02:15with Bobby Kennedy
01:02:17in which he sharply denied
01:02:19that Kennedy intended
01:02:21to withdraw from Vietnam.
01:02:23The fact is that we will never know
01:02:25how Kennedy would have changed things.
01:02:27But he said officially
01:02:29that the Vietnam War
01:02:31was a war that they had to win
01:02:33or lose for themselves
01:02:35and that South Vietnam
01:02:37could not be allowed to become communist.
01:02:39The proportion of supporters
01:02:41of the conspiracy theory
01:02:43that Kennedy was assassinated
01:02:45for refusing to continue
01:02:47the war in Vietnam
01:02:49is 26%.
01:02:53There are those who say
01:02:55that the evidence of the involvement
01:02:57of the government
01:02:59begins at Parkland Hospital
01:03:01with the suspicious treatment
01:03:03of Kennedy's body.
01:03:05I think that was where
01:03:07the conspiracy theory
01:03:09was designed to prepare
01:03:11the narrative of the facts.
01:03:13I think the only reason
01:03:15they took him from Dallas
01:03:17was to be able to start
01:03:19manipulating the body.
01:03:21To me, the greatest evidence
01:03:23of a conspiracy
01:03:25is the medical evidence.
01:03:27Kennedy's environment
01:03:29had the power
01:03:31to do something
01:03:33they were never allowed to do.
01:03:35It was in Washington, D.C.
01:03:37where the autopsy was performed.
01:03:45We have, performing this autopsy,
01:03:47two Navy pathologists
01:03:49at Bethesda Hospital
01:03:51who had never done
01:03:53any surgery or autopsy
01:03:55in their entire careers.
01:03:57The whole thing was an amateur
01:04:01Now, when you see something
01:04:03that is not true,
01:04:05it's either a conspiracy
01:04:07or incompetence.
01:04:09It was not done
01:04:11according to the protocol
01:04:13because Kennedy's family
01:04:15was waiting in the room
01:04:17and Robert Kennedy
01:04:19was the Attorney General.
01:04:21So there was really
01:04:23a greater attention
01:04:25to his feelings
01:04:27than there was
01:04:29to other people.
01:04:31The answer to the question
01:04:33of why it's obvious
01:04:35because it was good
01:04:37to be in a controlled environment.
01:04:39There were about three dozen
01:04:41people in the room
01:04:43including four-star generals
01:04:45and admirals.
01:04:47It was a military endeavor,
01:04:49not a scientific endeavor.
01:04:51And then, it's sometimes been
01:04:53stated that there were
01:04:55contradictions between
01:04:57the statements of the Dallas
01:04:59family and the
01:05:09I managed to collect
01:05:11a list of 82 witnesses
01:05:13who saw the president's
01:05:15head wound.
01:05:17Every single one of them
01:05:19said that the president's
01:05:21head wound was in the rear.
01:05:23It showed the shot
01:05:25from the right or the left
01:05:27but all the doctors from Parkland
01:05:29who treated him and I interviewed
01:05:31said the same thing.
01:05:33They put the president in there
01:05:35and they were only concerned
01:05:37about one thing,
01:05:39not the autopsy.
01:05:41They were concerned about
01:05:43saving that man's life.
01:05:45They thought they had
01:05:47a chance to do it.
01:05:49They were only concerned
01:05:51about that.
01:05:53They didn't turn around
01:05:55and they didn't turn around
01:05:57and they didn't turn around
01:05:59and they didn't turn around
01:06:01and they didn't turn around
01:06:03and they didn't turn around
01:06:05and they didn't turn around
01:06:07and they didn't turn around
01:06:09and they didn't turn around
01:06:11and they didn't turn around
01:06:13and they didn't turn around
01:06:15and they didn't turn around
01:06:17and they didn't turn around
01:06:19and they didn't turn around
01:06:21and they didn't turn around
01:06:23and they didn't turn around
01:06:25and they didn't turn around
01:06:27And neither did I.
01:06:29And neither did I.
01:06:33There was a cheaper written
01:06:35by a dictature of the United States
01:06:37has stated that it is important
01:06:39that there were American people
01:06:41who believe that Harvey Oswal
01:06:43did a conspiracy operation.
01:06:45The deenders of conspiracy theories
01:06:47will quote him
01:06:48very selectively they don't Quote
01:06:50which part of the conversation
01:06:52But why is it so important to them that we believe it?
01:06:56The seven members of the Warren Commission come to the White House
01:06:59to give to the President the results of their painstaking investigation.
01:07:02The Commission answers unequivocally Lee Harvey Osler.
01:07:06He acted alone.
01:07:09We get nine men, white men of mature age.
01:07:11And I'm not saying this in a pejorative sense.
01:07:13I'm a white man of mature age.
01:07:15But nine white men of mature age presented the final report that says,
01:07:18this is what happened.
01:07:20They publish their report and say, we're done, we're out.
01:07:23And the result was that over the years,
01:07:25books have been published that say they don't believe
01:07:27that that's the definitive answer.
01:07:29There are gaps. What about the autopsy?
01:07:31Something's not right.
01:07:36They put out a report that told the truth about who killed the President.
01:07:40But they didn't touch on some of the complicated, intriguing, scandalous aspects.
01:07:47They had to rely on the FBI and the CIA.
01:07:50That's fine. It's just that for some, the FBI and the CIA did it.
01:07:53The FBI destroyed evidence.
01:07:55It destroyed a note of Oswald.
01:07:57The CIA lied repeatedly to the Warren Commission.
01:08:00It wasn't perfect, but still they did a pretty precise job.
01:08:04And it wasn't a contaminated process.
01:08:06It was done by integral people.
01:08:10But few are willing to give the government the benefit of the doubt.
01:08:14The proportion of Americans who believe the government
01:08:17has uncovered the truth about the murder is 77%.
01:08:30It would be reasonable to think that if they didn't have anything to hide,
01:08:34like a conspiracy, why did they bother to classify the files?
01:08:38The problem is that that's not the case.
01:08:41Those records were classified because of an old regulation
01:08:45of the national archives,
01:08:47according to which the documents are archived for 75 years.
01:08:51It's all deals with the issue of invasion of privacy.
01:08:54The Warren Commission has earned a terrible reputation
01:08:57for covering up the murder for 75 years.
01:09:01But it wasn't like that.
01:09:03The classification of the files encouraged people's suspicions.
01:09:07Currently, the History Channel survey shows
01:09:10that the proportion of supporters of the conspiracy theory
01:09:13that the US government was responsible for the murder of JFK
01:09:17is 22%.
01:09:38The killer is changed from his T-shirt.
01:09:42There is Leon's wall.
01:09:51Who walks into a major police station in the United States
01:09:54and shoots a guy who's going to handcuff him?
01:09:56I think it's evident that there's a connection with the mafia.
01:09:59According to the saying, the dead don't talk.
01:10:02A reasonable person can say it's a coincidence,
01:10:05but I don't believe it.
01:10:06It looks like a conspiracy to me.
01:10:08The mafia benefited from the death of John Kennedy.
01:10:11And what's worse is they got away with it.
01:10:19If you judge a person by their enemies,
01:10:22John Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy were the biggest men that ever existed.
01:10:25The mafia hated them both.
01:10:27Without a doubt, Bobby Kennedy harassed the mafia.
01:10:30That's known.
01:10:31The two brothers were a threat to the mafia.
01:10:33I think it was a set-up.
01:10:36THE MAFIA
01:10:57There are lots of stories about his connection with the mafia.
01:11:00I would not want to talk about the veracity of any of them
01:11:03because it's very difficult to know what the truth is.
01:11:06We don't have the FBI files on Joseph Kennedy
01:11:10or the documentation of the Kennedy Library.
01:11:23You have to ask yourself why the mafia would want to kill Kennedy.
01:11:26Because his brother Bobby, the Attorney General,
01:11:28was under terrible pressure and he was trying to end it.
01:11:31The President and his brother Bobby Kennedy
01:11:33fought the only effective war in the history of the United States
01:11:36against organized crime.
01:11:38They were winning.
01:11:49If we look for a cell phone, nobody had one stronger than the mafia.
01:11:52And if we look for the media, well, that's what they do.
01:11:55THE MAFIA
01:12:01There were plots between the CIA and the mafia
01:12:05in an attempt to kill President Castro.
01:12:09The agency knew that the mafia had contacts in Cuba
01:12:12and that the mafia was interested
01:12:14because Castro's arrival to power
01:12:16turned out to be a devastating blow for it.
01:12:20They wanted to recover Cuba because they lost all their casinos.
01:12:25THE MAFIA
01:12:33The mobsters felt betrayed
01:12:35because they had tried to help their government
01:12:37and serve their country
01:12:39and Robert Kennedy was going against them
01:12:41with more force than ever.
01:12:43The FBI confronted them at the Chicago airport
01:12:46and Capo Giancana totally lost it
01:12:48and sent the FBI agents
01:12:50to their boss and the boss of their boss.
01:12:54If you follow a path without going back,
01:12:56they will come for you.
01:12:59A new survey of the History Channel in the United States
01:13:01reveals that the proportion of supporters
01:13:03of the conspiracy theory
01:13:05that believes that the mafia had motives
01:13:07to assassinate Kennedy
01:13:09for the harassment he subjected her to
01:13:11is 54%.
01:13:14And guess what?
01:13:15It didn't work.
01:13:16Even though the mafia killed John,
01:13:18who is still the Attorney General?
01:13:19Bobby Kennedy.
01:13:21In fact, he continued to be almost an entire year.
01:13:25And if during that year
01:13:27he had come to believe
01:13:29that the mafia had killed his brother,
01:13:31they could expect a revenge
01:13:33of unknown proportions.
01:13:40There is Lee Oswald.
01:13:45He's been shot.
01:13:47Lee Oswald has been shot.
01:13:49In my opinion, Jack Ruby is the reason
01:13:51that a lot of people think there was a conspiracy.
01:13:53It looks like the mafia silenced the killer
01:13:55a couple of days later.
01:13:57You immediately go back to your contacts with Ampag.
01:14:00You just can't push them aside.
01:14:02They're in there.
01:14:03Ruby was hired by the mafia.
01:14:05His mission was to silence Lee Harvey Oswald.
01:14:12Jack Ruby ran a company
01:14:14controlled by the mafia in Dallas,
01:14:16a strip club.
01:14:18So he was vulnerable.
01:14:20Now he was very useful
01:14:21when the events were unleashed
01:14:23and Oswald was arrested
01:14:25because he had spent an enormous amount of time
01:14:27in Dallas the last 10 years
01:14:29barring up the Dallas police.
01:14:31And that is how he came in
01:14:33and came out so many times.
01:14:36The House Assassination Committee
01:14:38looked at his phone records
01:14:40and found something like 50 phone calls
01:14:42weeks prior to the assassination
01:14:44to the major mafia figures.
01:14:47He was calling mafia people
01:14:49because he was having problems
01:14:51with a union called
01:14:53the American Association of Variety Artists.
01:14:56That was the strippers' association.
01:14:58A union of the mafia.
01:15:02As for being a mafioso,
01:15:04what kind of advantages do you get
01:15:06from being well-related to the mafia?
01:15:08Well, I'm sure the unions
01:15:10connected to the mafia
01:15:11won't give you any problems.
01:15:13So he was not a mafioso.
01:15:16The House Assassination Committee
01:15:18examined him in great depth
01:15:20to see if he had any
01:15:22international contact with organized crime
01:15:24and found absolutely nothing.
01:15:26He was not a member of organized crime.
01:15:28He was not associated
01:15:30with organized crime.
01:15:32Ruby volunteered to take a polygraph test
01:15:34and passed it.
01:15:36He came out clean.
01:15:38It turns out that Ruby
01:15:40was not a mafioso
01:15:42despite the efforts to portray him
01:15:44as a mafioso.
01:15:46Not at all.
01:15:48His lawyers said that Jack
01:15:50sincerely believed
01:15:52that he would only be taken
01:15:54to jail for doing this
01:15:56and that in a very short time
01:15:58he would be in the hands
01:16:00of people from all over the world
01:16:02who wanted to say hello
01:16:04to the guy who killed
01:16:06the president's murderer.
01:16:14In the background
01:16:18that knows the truth.
01:16:20He was ordered to do that
01:16:22by the mafia.
01:16:24That's what I believe.
01:16:26But in any case, he silenced Oswald
01:16:28and prevented us from being aware
01:16:30of what he might have said.
01:16:32The number of supporters
01:16:34of the conspiracy theory
01:16:36that Jack Ruby had close ties
01:16:38to the mafia
01:16:40is 74%.
01:16:44To me all this
01:16:46seems like a puzzle.
01:16:48What has happened
01:16:50is that more things have emerged
01:16:52that point in the direction
01:16:54that the mafia was involved
01:16:56in the assassination.
01:16:58The heads of organized crime
01:17:00in this country
01:17:02had a lot to gain
01:17:04and they gained it
01:17:06with the assassination.
01:17:08A new national survey
01:17:10of the History Channel
01:17:12But how many are there?
01:17:14Are there more than those who believe
01:17:16that it was the communists, the CIA
01:17:18or the US government?
01:17:20After 50 years of unceasing
01:17:22search for the truth,
01:17:24the main suspect of the JFK assassination
01:17:26for the US
01:17:28is about to be revealed.
01:17:42I believe that the mafia
01:17:44took care of...
01:17:46He is not the first
01:17:48nor would he be the last
01:17:50silenced by the mafia.
01:17:52When you investigate the mafia,
01:17:54it was just one thing
01:17:56after another
01:17:58that led us to have
01:18:00deep, deep concerns.
01:18:02The point of assassinating
01:18:06was to see
01:18:08if there was a possibility
01:18:10to end the war
01:18:12of Robert Kennedy
01:18:14against organized crime.
01:18:16We have accounts of discussions
01:18:18among the heads of organized crime
01:18:20that raise the issue
01:18:22of assassinating Bobby.
01:18:24And one of them said
01:18:26that if they killed Bobby
01:18:28the president would send the Marines
01:18:30to chase them.
01:18:32But on the other hand,
01:18:34if they killed the president
01:18:36Lyndon Johnson would become
01:18:38the Attorney General
01:18:40for a long time
01:18:42and the pressure would disappear.
01:18:44And in fact that was
01:18:46how it happened.
01:18:48The proportion of supporters
01:18:50of the conspiracy theory
01:18:52that believes that the mafia
01:18:54was behind the assassination
01:18:56is 27%.
01:18:58But the mafia
01:19:00is just a suspect among many.
01:19:02A new survey of the History Channel
01:19:04in the United States,
01:19:06the most exhaustive survey
01:19:08carried out on the subject,
01:19:10now reveals which group
01:19:12is for the country
01:19:14the main suspect
01:19:16of the assassination
01:19:18of John F. Kennedy.
01:19:20In the position number 5,
01:19:2214% of supporters
01:19:24of the conspiracy
01:19:26believe that one of the marginal theories
01:19:28explains the assassination.
01:19:30In the fourth position,
01:19:32also with 14%,
01:19:35in the number 3,
01:19:37the suspect for 22%
01:19:39of supporters of the conspiracy theory
01:19:41is the US government.
01:19:47In the number 2,
01:19:49according to 23% of supporters
01:19:51of the conspiracy theory,
01:19:53is the CIA.
01:19:57So the main suspect
01:19:59that according to supporters
01:20:01of the conspiracy theory
01:20:03of the assassination
01:20:05of John F. Kennedy
01:20:07is the mafia.
01:20:09Kennedy undoubtedly
01:20:11messed with the wrong people.
01:20:13Kennedy's assassination
01:20:15could be a revenge of the mafia.
01:20:17They may hire someone
01:20:19to liquidate him.
01:20:21It makes sense
01:20:23that the most likely
01:20:25is that the mafia
01:20:27is the organization
01:20:29that was behind the attack.
01:20:32Jack Ruby
01:20:34all by himself
01:20:36is a crucial reason
01:20:38to think that the mafia
01:20:40was behind the assassination.
01:20:42This does not mean
01:20:44that they did it.
01:20:46The organized crime
01:20:48was investigated in depth
01:20:50and no one found
01:20:52the slightest credible evidence
01:20:54that he was involved
01:20:56in the assassination.
01:20:58The best evidence
01:21:00is those that have a scientific basis,
01:21:02those that rely on a well-founded science
01:21:04that dates back decades in the past
01:21:06and that has been put to the test
01:21:08in the courts.
01:21:10No person other than Oswald
01:21:12has been connected by evidence
01:21:14to the assassination.
01:21:20But 50 years later,
01:21:22most Americans
01:21:24are still convinced
01:21:26that there was a conspiracy
01:21:28to assassinate Kennedy.
01:21:30The survey of the History Channel
01:21:32reveals that Americans
01:21:34believe that the government
01:21:36has hidden the truth
01:21:38about a series of historical events.
01:21:40It is considered a healthy aspect
01:21:42of the American character
01:21:44to question the official version
01:21:46of his government.
01:21:48Despite this,
01:21:50the lack of physical evidence
01:21:52of a conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy
01:21:54still generates more suspicions
01:21:56about the assassination of Kennedy.
01:22:00William Manchester said that
01:22:04Oswald's end has something
01:22:06that doesn't fit with Jack Kennedy.
01:22:08If we think about the Holocaust,
01:22:10for example,
01:22:12there is some equality.
01:22:14On the one hand,
01:22:16there are 6 million dead victims.
01:22:18On the other hand,
01:22:20the Nazis,
01:22:22the worst possible criminals,
01:22:24we have a young and charismatic
01:22:26president on the one hand,
01:22:28and on the other hand,
01:22:30a 24-year-old sociopath
01:22:32with a $20 rifle.
01:22:34There is no balance.
01:22:36You want to put something
01:22:38heavier on Oswald's plate.
01:22:40And a conspiracy,
01:22:42it goes very well.
01:22:44For me,
01:22:46it's like a prism
01:22:48that reflects our society
01:22:50and human nature.
01:22:52In this self-examination,
01:22:54the National History Channel survey
01:22:56has not only discovered
01:22:58that a majority of Americans
01:23:00believe it was a conspiracy,
01:23:02but what part of the country
01:23:04has those beliefs?
01:23:06It seems that men are slightly more
01:23:08likely than women
01:23:10to believe in a conspiracy.
01:23:12The inhabitants of the southern states
01:23:14are more likely to believe
01:23:16in a conspiracy than those in the north.
01:23:18The non-whites are more likely
01:23:20to believe there was a conspiracy
01:23:22than the white Americans.
01:23:24While the over-50s
01:23:26are more likely
01:23:28than those between
01:23:3018 and 49 years old.
01:23:32People with incomes
01:23:34below $100,000 a year
01:23:36are more likely to believe
01:23:38in a conspiracy than those
01:23:40who earn more than $100,000.
01:23:42And people without a university degree
01:23:44are more likely to believe
01:23:46than those who have it.
01:23:48And in a surprising sample
01:23:50of bipartisanship,
01:23:52Democrats and Republicans
01:23:54are equally likely
01:23:56to believe in a conspiracy.
01:24:00But regardless of sex,
01:24:02age or income,
01:24:04most Americans believe
01:24:06we still don't know
01:24:08who was behind the murder.
01:24:10People are interested.
01:24:12It was the assassination
01:24:14of the President of the United States.
01:24:16It is still today as important
01:24:18as it was then
01:24:20to ascertain who did this
01:24:22and why was it done.
01:24:24But you know,
01:24:26the change will never change
01:24:28the fact that Oswald alone
01:24:30physically committed the crime.
01:24:32And there is no evidence
01:24:34until 50 years later
01:24:36that someone helped him.
01:24:40Something smells fishy
01:24:42and asking us questions
01:24:44It's hard to imagine
01:24:46that a single man
01:24:48could do something like this.
01:24:50I definitely think
01:24:52there was a conspiracy.
01:24:54I think the increase of skepticism
01:24:56from an initial acceptance
01:24:58of the Warren Commission
01:25:00to almost absolute skepticism
01:25:02today is a reflection
01:25:04of the information
01:25:06we have obtained.
01:25:08There is no definitive evidence
01:25:10yet, but there is
01:25:1282 people with medical training,
01:25:14government agents,
01:25:16investigators over the years,
01:25:18all have come forward
01:25:20to say that the shot came from the front.
01:25:22The other side will say
01:25:24aren't they just wrong?
01:25:26How can you be so arrogant?
01:25:32That's not to say
01:25:34that a reasonable person
01:25:36can't say that Lee Harvey Oswald
01:25:38did it alone
01:25:40but there are enough evidence
01:25:42that there were more people involved.
01:25:46On the other hand,
01:25:48a reasonable person
01:25:50can say that he is not crazy,
01:25:52a conspiracy,
01:25:54but there is enough evidence
01:25:56to give credibility
01:25:58to a conspiracy.
01:26:00When someone comes to give me
01:26:02their opinion about the assassination,
01:26:04it's like a Rossard test.
01:26:06It tells me more about that person
01:26:08than it tells me about the evidence.
01:26:10It can explain why the mystery
01:26:12still remains.
01:26:14The truth is out there,
01:26:16but the data has been stuck
01:26:18in so many controversies
01:26:20that the proportion of Americans
01:26:22who believe that we will never
01:26:24know all the truth
01:26:26rises to 89%.
01:26:28We will never know.
01:26:30There are too many cover-ups.
01:26:32We will never know.
01:26:34If we haven't been able to know,
01:26:36when we hear the truth,
01:26:38most of us won't believe it.
01:26:40There are two realities here.
01:26:42One is that in essence
01:26:44it's a very simple case.
01:26:46In fact,
01:26:48a few hours after the shooting
01:26:50in Dilley Square,
01:26:52Dallas police knew
01:26:54that Oswald had killed Kennedy.
01:26:56And when they learned his background,
01:26:58they accepted beyond any reasonable doubt
01:27:00that he had acted alone.
01:27:02That reality still exists.
01:27:04It's a very simple case,
01:27:06but there's another reality.
01:27:08Because of the hundreds
01:27:10and hundreds of allegations
01:27:12in the last 50 years,
01:27:14this simple case has been transformed
01:27:16into the most complex murder case
01:27:18in the history of the world.
01:27:20Nothing even remotely comes close.
01:27:22Nothing even remotely comes close
01:27:24more than a murder event
01:27:26that happened in a single day
01:27:28in the history of the world.
01:27:30Almost all of them are political
01:27:32conspiracy propaganda.
01:27:34So all the people of the United States
01:27:36have suffered for 50 years
01:27:38a continuous bombardment
01:27:40of conspiracy propaganda
01:27:42and that finally happens.
01:27:44We, the citizens of America,
01:27:46will light our country
01:27:48and all its citizens
01:27:50and the glow of that fire
01:27:52can truly light the world.
01:27:54And so,
01:27:56my fellow Americans,
01:27:58ask not
01:28:00what your country
01:28:02can do for you,
01:28:04ask what you can do
01:28:06for your country.
