Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 101 (en Español)

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Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 101 (en Español)
00:06The Latino parece más fuerte si está saliendo del coma
00:11Está reaccionando al medicamento yo no voy a ser capaz de justificar lo que diste
00:17pero creo que quiero darte la oportunidad de reunirte
00:19de que si es un buen padre
00:23Si lo que me pidas
00:26Me ha bajado el periodo mi vida
00:30Me gustaría pedirte que de puertas adentro
00:33nos permitirá más buscar nuestra propia felicidad
00:36por cierto estaba pensando que me gustaría ir contigo al tócalo te parece bien
00:45Lo que deberíamos hacer es denunciar a la justicia y que pague por lo que ha hecho esa decisión solamente me corresponde a mí
01:03Y entonces te diste la vuelta de verdad pensé Joaquín esta mujer es demasiado para ti. Tu padre soy yo, Otassio
01:13Y ella pensó que hasta eso mismo era también mentira que no fue Valentín quien la mató sino
01:30Sueños de libertad
01:33vivir de otra manera
01:35alas para volar
01:37adonde el alma quiera
01:39sueños de libertad
01:41el corazón no espera
01:43está pidiendo otra oportunidad
01:45sueños de libertad
01:48sueños de libertad
01:50aunque el pasado duela
01:52volver a comenzar
01:54amar a quien yo quiera
01:56gritarles libertad
01:58vivir sin miedo
02:00y sin mirar atrás
02:18Sueños de libertad
02:39Ya verás que ya vamos a pasar a ver siéntate aquí
02:46And you?
02:48Me, by your side, as always.
02:55I love this house.
03:01Finally, I feel like I'm with people who...
03:08With people who what, Mom?
03:13With people who love me.
03:22But two more beautiful women.
03:25Good morning.
03:28Mrs. Mercedes, you look splendid.
03:31Will you have breakfast with us?
03:34Well, I've already had breakfast, but...
03:37But I'm going to sit with you for a while.
03:39I'm not going to deprive myself of an offer like this,
03:41especially not from my mother-in-law.
03:44Thank you, Celia.
03:47Look, Mom, they brought your favourite cake.
03:52There's no flan.
03:54No, but you love this cake.
03:56You had it the other day for breakfast.
03:59Would you like some?
04:07Today it's a bit absent.
04:10However, I don't know, you seem happy, don't you?
04:15It gives me a lot of peace to have her at home.
04:18I want to recover all the lost time.
04:21That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Begoña.
04:25It's good for you to get out of these four walls from time to time.
04:29Yesterday you looked happy walking with Julia around the house of fairies.
04:33Well, I came back exhausted.
04:35But Julia needs a bit of normality.
04:39That's what I mean.
04:41You and I also need to recover it.
04:45As a couple, I mean.
04:49And what are you thinking about?
04:53About going out.
04:55You and me.
04:56Alone to dinner.
04:58And do you know where I was thinking?
05:01In that French restaurant where they serve that wonderful tart that you liked so much.
05:06Where was I?
05:08You mean Alfonso.
05:10Oui, madame.
05:15I don't know, Jesus. I don't want to leave her alone at night.
05:18It's when she needs me the most.
05:20It will only be a couple of hours.
05:22And she's not far from here.
05:25She's in good hands.
05:26We can tell Dina or Tere to keep an eye on her.
05:33Look how well she is.
05:34Now is the perfect time to make that escape.
05:37We'll be fine.
05:42Well, Begoña, it doesn't matter. I don't want to.
05:43It's okay.
05:45We'll go to dinner.
05:48You won't regret it.
05:50The tart deserves it.
05:53Well, I'll see you later.
05:54Enjoy your breakfast.
06:05Did Luis cut your cake?
06:11It's clear that the production has improved thanks to the good disposition of the workers.
06:16Yes, Luis had a great idea with that bonus.
06:19It has been noticed since this week.
06:202.5% more yesterday and 3% in the night shift, which is the most complicated.
06:26It's clear that we made the right decision.
06:28Let's see how Jesus takes it.
06:29I'll bet whatever you want that he says it's a coincidence.
06:38The list of materials I need for the laboratory.
06:42We take note and make the order.
06:45Very well.
06:46Hey, Luis, where are you going?
06:49I'm busy. I have work.
06:51Well, this is now also part of your work.
06:54You're in the middle of a crisis.
06:56This is now also part of your work.
06:58You're in the management team.
07:00Do you remember?
07:02Yes, please, take a seat.
07:05I was telling Marta something about transportation.
07:13Let's see, the delivery of the north zone has been delayed lately and I think I know why.
07:19The fleet of vans is the last ones and they have been repaired several times, but they are still failing.
07:24Well, we could hire mechanics full-time.
07:28Marta, that's not the solution.
07:30I don't think it's worth investing in more and more repairs so that in less than a month they will fail again and we have to stop the orders.
07:36I see where you're going.
07:38But there's no money for new vans and we've already talked about that.
07:40Marta, sooner or later we'll have to do it.
07:46I don't think it's necessary to renew all the vans at once, right?
07:50We could do it in phases.
07:51Not a single one is saved.
07:53And have you looked at the second-hand market? Because there are usually interesting offers.
07:56These vehicles don't work second-hand.
07:58I see. Have you looked at it?
08:00No, but...
08:01So how do you know?
08:02Luis, I know. Everyone knows.
08:04Well, if everyone knows, that's it.
08:08Andrés, what you propose costs a fortune. Tell me where we would get it from.
08:12I have it quite clear, Marta.
08:15From the money we have saved in the expansion of the laboratory.
08:24The queen is looking at me, tell me.
08:27Ah, Digna, tell me.
08:30Oh, what a fatality.
08:32Joaquín has called someone to repair the pipe.
08:37Well, don't worry, woman, don't worry if you come later today.
08:40In fact, I'm going to see you.
08:43Come on, cheer up.
08:48Come in.
08:50Come in.
08:54Ah, come in, sir. Close the door.
09:00But you arrived early, didn't you? We would have been later.
09:04I need to talk to you.
09:07I understand.
09:09Sit down, please, don't stand there.
09:12Look, Mr. Damián, I don't assume it.
09:15One does not have a father overnight, do you understand?
09:19You can ask me whatever you want.
09:22Well, I don't know where to start.
09:24What do you think if we start at the beginning?
09:26Maybe that will help you assume it.
09:28Well, yes, because yesterday I was about to call my mother to ask her questions.
09:31No, it's better if this stays between us.
09:33I have already told you that I am willing to solve all your problems.
09:37I have already told you that I am willing to solve all your doubts.
09:41But your mother deserves to be calm, so it is better not to move the subject.
09:47I agree.
09:49Your mother and I got along very well.
09:53We had a nice relationship.
09:56But we met too late and ours couldn't be.
10:00It seems so, because I'm here as proof, sir.
10:02But I was married and I couldn't do that to my wife.
10:05As much as it hurts to hear it.
10:08And then how was the relationship with my mother all these years?
10:13Your mother is worthy of admiration.
10:16Then she met a person who has been a good father to you, I think.
10:20It was.
10:22And she ...
10:25kept the discretion.
10:27She protected us all.
10:31So then you protected her all this time.
10:33Now I get certain things.
10:35She asked me to find you a job at the factory and I did.
10:38If that's what you're asking yourself.
10:40No, I already imagined that.
10:44Look, Mr. Damián.
10:46I need to ask you a question and you have to be totally honest with me, please.
10:51Of course.
10:54What did you think when you found out that my mother was pregnant?
10:57What did I think when I found out that my mother was pregnant?
11:06I have found in Germany a company that sells high-quality wagons at competitive prices.
11:13And I can also finance it 100%.
11:15We could buy them at the maximum terms.
11:18It would be more expensive, but month by month they could be assumed.
11:22What do you think? Because we will all have to agree.
11:24I have already said everything I had to say.
11:27We will buy them second-hand and reserve money.
11:30For the laboratory.
11:33Yes, I am already clear that you have no intention of betting on modernity.
11:37Anyway, I'm going to leave.
11:41You can do whatever you want, more or less as always.
11:44I'm going back to work.
11:48The real one.
11:52What the hell is he thinking?
11:54Leave it, Marta.
11:56I'm not going to leave it.
11:58Luis has a lot more style than all this.
12:00And for a well-justified negative, he can't act like this.
12:04The expansion of the production laboratory is a dream for him.
12:06It has always been.
12:07And I thought that in this position ...
12:09What? What did you think?
12:10That in this position he didn't have to fight things?
12:13I don't know, Marta.
12:14Lately I don't recognize it.
12:17Maybe he's lost his mind.
12:18I don't know.
12:20Anyway, we should start making numbers.
12:23We have to sell the proposal to Jesus.
12:25And that's two against.
12:28Because you will support me, right?
12:31Let's make those numbers first.
12:33It was a surprise when I found out that your mother was pregnant.
12:38And since you have asked me sincerely, I will tell you that it was not a pleasant surprise.
12:44I was very scared.
12:46I understood the great mistake I had made.
12:52And I was very selfish.
12:56I was ...
12:58Very cowardly.
13:00I only thought about maintaining my status in front of the company and my family.
13:06But ...
13:09When you were born,
13:11when I found out about your existence,
13:14when Angela spoke to me for the first time about you,
13:19I understood that a child is never a mistake.
13:22And from that moment on, I began to help her financially in everything she asked me.
13:28I swore to myself that I would never be short of anything.
13:31Although I knew that you would always be missing something very important.
13:36To meet your real father.
13:40Now I have it in front of me.
13:42And I hope you don't feel disappointed.
13:46I'm confused, Don Damián.
13:50I understand.
13:52And ...
13:53And here I am.
13:54Me, to clarify your doubts.
13:56Whenever you want, you can come see me and ...
14:01raise your doubts.
14:03To ...
14:04reproach me.
14:05What you need to fit all this into your life.
14:08Although I know it won't be easy.
14:10I'm afraid not.
14:12And ...
14:14It is important that this remains ...
14:17between you and me.
14:20Not even María del Carmen must know the truth.
14:23I couldn't risk this getting to my children's ears.
14:28Don Damián, look, it's going to be hard for me to deceive my wife, who is very intelligent.
14:31What happens if her children find out?
14:33Well, imagine.
14:37I would be in a very complicated position.
14:41You understand, right?
14:42I understand.
14:43No, don't worry.
14:44Trust me, I'm not going to say anything.
14:46You can also trust me, you know that.
14:48Even if I have deceived you all this time.
14:51But I am willing to do things right.
14:54As far as possible.
14:56And what does that mean?
14:58Well, that here I will be for what you need.
15:00And not as a boss, but as a father.
15:06Tassio, the other day I asked you ...
15:09if you would be able to forgive your father if you had it in front of you.
15:14And you couldn't answer me.
15:15And you couldn't answer me.
15:22At least talking about my real father for the first time is helping to close certain wounds, right?
15:28I understand that this is not a forgiveness.
15:32Look, for that I'm going to have to give a little more time.
15:36Because when the wounds close, Don Damián, they heal more than ever.
15:39I know, son, I know.
15:42Thank you, Ana.
15:54Thank you for joining me for the school, it was worth it.
15:57You're welcome, woman.
15:58That's how we set the day.
16:00What a story, Ernesto's story.
16:03How shameless, how could he swing like that?
16:07I'm not going to see him again, Inés.
16:08I'm not going to see him again, Inés.
16:09And this morning I have already made it clear to Joaquín
16:12that I am going to get rid of the sewing course.
16:15Because I waste too much time and I end up coming.
16:17As long as you have excuses.
16:19You can already think of one to let your husband go.
16:22Let's see how you hide now that you have your son-in-law.
16:25Who tells us to get into these branches, really?
16:35Good morning, mom.
16:40Are you going to introduce us or do I have to do it?
16:43Of course, she is ...
16:45I am Asunción, a distant cousin from Huesca.
16:48I have come to spend a few days in Toledo.
16:51Haven't we seen each other before?
16:53No, I don't think so.
16:55I'm going to go ahead and look at a showcase.
17:01What a surprise.
17:03Destiny has reunited us.
17:05Destiny? I don't know.
17:08Well, it's okay.
17:09I've been wandering around Toledo for hours trying to find you.
17:12I was very worried about how you were yesterday.
17:15What happened yesterday should never have happened.
17:18Are you referring to the concert or ...?
17:19You know exactly what I mean.
17:22I don't know, Gemma. I thought you were looking for that kiss like me.
17:24No, you're wrong, Ernesto.
17:26And you're putting me in a very compromised situation.
17:29I'm sorry to approach you like this in the middle of the street,
17:31but I have no way of dealing with you.
17:33And that makes me unbearable.
17:34Well, it's for the best.
17:36If only you gave me your phone number.
17:37Don't insist, really.
17:39Please, I'm a lady and you're a gentleman,
17:41and these are not ways to act, to chase me here, really.
17:48Sorry, we should get going.
17:50We're going to the fashion designer to take care of the dresses.
17:54Have a good day.
17:57Well, nice to meet you.
18:06Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
18:08What? Have you broken up with him?
18:10Well, not exactly, but I hope it's been very clear to him.
18:13Gemma, you should have been explicit.
18:15That man is clearly obsessed with you and he's going to get back at you.
18:20I don't know, this situation.
18:23So little style.
18:25So little that I don't think it's appropriate for a person to dissolve.
18:28What do you mean by that?
18:30Well, that he has chased you here without your permission.
18:32A real gentleman would never put you in this situation.
18:35Let's go home, please.
18:37I don't have the strength to go to Porteras right now.
18:39I'll give him any excuse. Come on, let's go.
18:43We're going to look for a cabin and call the driver.
18:45Don't worry, I'll get you out of here.
18:56Son, this corner is already dry.
18:59Very good.
19:00What a mess.
19:03From your room and Luis's, nothing is saved, mother.
19:08It looks like a shipwreck.
19:10And all because of a damn pipe.
19:13Let's hope the plumber doesn't take long to come.
19:16And I hope it doesn't take long to solve this.
19:19For now, we have to empty the rooms,
19:22take the contents out of the drawers of some rooms,
19:26and put the furniture to dry.
19:27A disaster, mother, a disaster.
19:29Without a doubt, maybe he will come to sleep in the living room.
19:32No, not at all, mother.
19:34You take care of our bedroom,
19:36and Gemma and I will sleep on the sofa.
19:38I'm not going to get a marriage out of your room.
19:41So don't insist, I sleep on the sofa.
19:45Your back is no longer for these tricks.
19:47Do me the favor of being right.
19:52Uncle, Santi.
19:58Holy God.
20:00What a mess.
20:02Because you haven't seen how it was from above.
20:05Only the Noah's Ark is missing.
20:07We are waiting for the plumber to come.
20:10Who did you call in the end?
20:12Marcial, the one who solves our problems in the factory.
20:14Yes, he doesn't work badly, but ...
20:16Yeah, he's a little slow, I know.
20:18If you need me to squeeze him, you just have to tell me.
20:21No, uncle, don't worry, we won't have any problems.
20:23We'll be able to manage well.
20:25Gemma's room is here and has been saved from the water.
20:27The others, no.
20:29So I'll have to sleep in the living room until everything is fixed.
20:32No way, you'll come to sleep at home.
20:34No, I don't want to bother.
20:36Mother, it's the best option.
20:38I insist.
20:40I don't think it's a good idea.
20:42I appreciate the offer, but no, no.
20:44Mother, please.
20:46It's a barbarity that I have to sleep on the sofa.
20:48We don't know how long it will take the plumbers to fix the leak.
20:51Please accept his invitation.
20:53I don't like sleeping outside my house.
20:55Woman, it's your sister's house.
20:57Your sister's house is like your house.
21:01Well, it's fine.
21:03It will only be a few days.
21:07Can I help you with anything?
21:09No, you're already helping a lot.
21:11He will help me now.
21:13I'm going upstairs, that's it.
21:15You can imagine.
21:17Well, what you really need.
21:18No, no.
21:20Don't worry.
21:22That he has accepted, with how stubborn he is.
21:24It's all a triumph.
21:30It's urgent.
21:32A pipe has broken in my mother's house.
21:34I have to go there.
21:36I'm sorry if I can help you.
21:38What did you want?
21:40I've been looking at the list of materials you asked for this morning
21:42and I can't afford to sell it anymore.
21:44Very well.
21:45But with the money I've given you, it's enough.
21:48Anything else?
21:50Yes, we're going to be like this for a long time.
21:53I see you're not willing to talk.
21:55Look, Andres, I'm not here to waste time.
21:58You don't seem very happy with your position in the board.
22:02Look, I know I came first,
22:05but the truth is that I didn't expect things to be like this.
22:08Like what?
22:10I think it's obvious.
22:12There is no money for the expansion of the laboratory,
22:13and no money for your German vans.
22:15It's clear that there are still classes.
22:18It's not decided yet, but come on, you can deny it.
22:20Your vote counts more than the rest.
22:22Don't worry, in the end the numbers will fit you.
22:24Do you need anything else?
22:26The material is about to arrive.
22:28Very well.
22:30Good morning.
22:36Problems in the paradise of cousins?
22:39We have work ahead of us, Jesús.
22:40So don't waste your energy making bad jokes.
22:45By the way, Marta has told me about the vans.
22:48And forget it.
22:50I think you're not aware of the needs of the company.
22:53What I am aware of is the company's accounts.
22:56And with the liquidation of the mortgage and the payment to the workers,
22:59the first thing we have to do before spending again is to recover.
23:02Honestly, I think that if we save on repairs,
23:06over time it would be beneficial for the accounts.
23:08Andrés, I'm not telling you to forget the proposal.
23:11I'm telling you to leave it for later.
23:14And if you don't want to do it for the company, at least do it for your cousin.
23:17I don't think he feels very good that you prioritize your interests over his.
23:20Luis has qualities to occupy the position he occupies.
23:23He just needs time.
23:25Well, there's no time for little kid's tricks.
23:27You've had them for years and you have them one day like this.
23:30And another too.
23:32Yes, but at least they respect me, Andrés.
23:36And do you think I don't?
23:38That you've come out of here very angry.
23:44Do you know where Rosa is?
23:46No, I haven't seen her.
23:52Perfumerías de la Reina, tell me.
23:55Yes, it's me, Jesús de la Reina.
23:57Ah, man.
24:02A table for two, my wife and me.
24:05Well, the most romantic you have.
24:08I don't know, something cozy.
24:12With some candles, maybe.
24:14I'll make it up to you, don't worry.
24:18Very well.
24:20See you at nine.
24:22Thank you, goodbye, au revoir.
24:28What's that smile for?
24:30Whatever you like, little brother.
24:33Begoña has forgiven me.
24:35I think it's information that might be useful to you.
24:39I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.
24:43I think you do understand, look.
24:45But I'll write it to you in stone so there's no doubt.
24:48You've lost.
24:50So you can go to Olite,
24:52where our father unleashed you with such good judgment.
24:54Olite can wait.
24:56You'll have me here, breathing down your neck.
25:00Jesús, I don't trust you.
25:02But come on, I don't think that's a surprise.
25:05How scary.
25:08Come on, let's go.
25:22Father, please, don't sing, or I'll cut it.
25:30There, that's it.
25:32Look how handsome you look.
25:34What a pleasure.
25:35If I had forgotten,
25:37the feeling of having someone else shave your head.
25:39I have a memory of when I was little,
25:41where my mother shaved his head.
25:43Oh, your mother.
25:45No one had shaved my head since then.
25:48And the truth is that today I feel a little older, you know?
25:52Why do you say that?
25:54Because when I shaved my father for the first time,
25:58I realized that it was no longer him
26:00who had to take care of his son,
26:02but now it was me who had to take care of him.
26:05Oh, Father, that's why you don't have to worry.
26:08Yes, in fact, I'm going to ask Damián
26:11to help me with my work.
26:14Are you serious?
26:16Why not?
26:18I haven't felt so good in a long time.
26:20For God's sake, Father.
26:22That medicine has healed his body,
26:24but it has side effects on his head,
26:27which is like maracas.
26:31What a joy to see you out of the bedroom.
26:33Yes, it seems that the medication is working,
26:36although my daughter still doesn't trust me.
26:39Oh, Father, please, you're exaggerating.
26:41Trust her.
26:43She knows what she's doing.
26:45Ah, three against one.
26:47Although there may be a draw.
26:51Isidro, how are you?
26:53Oh, boss.
26:55I see you are very well accompanied.
26:57Be patient, you will soon recover your life.
26:59Ah, three against one.
27:01We'll leave you.
27:03Let's go, daughter.
27:05Father, be careful,
27:07this is the first time you go out on the street.
27:17How's it going between you two?
27:21What do you mean?
27:25Fina is still looking at me with suspicion.
27:29You haven't told her about the agreement we reached, have you?
27:34I haven't told her anything,
27:36because nothing will change between us.
27:38I don't understand.
27:40I think I'm not obliged to give you explanations.
27:43No, no, of course not.
27:46But I thought we could talk about our life.
27:48No, this was not in our agreement,
27:50so I would like my private life to continue being so.
27:53Wow, I didn't know you were so bothered to talk to me.
27:56No, what bothers me is that, despite everything,
27:58I have to continue to pay you bills.
27:59Marta, I didn't mean to meddle in your affairs.
28:01Then don't.
28:20Come in.
28:24Can I come in?
28:26Yes, Jaime is attending external consultations.
28:30I guess you're here because of what we were talking about yesterday.
28:33I don't think in any other way.
28:35Come in.
28:39Have you found out anything new?
28:41Not yet.
28:43I can't stop thinking about the reasons why you suspected
28:45that Jesus killed Clotilde.
28:48Andrés, please, don't say that so openly.
28:51I regretted it as soon as those words came out of my mouth.
28:55You also want to know the truth as much as I do.
28:57Of course.
28:59We have to be prudent.
29:01At the moment, we only have speculations.
29:04Besides, I don't know if it makes any sense
29:06to keep removing that topic.
29:08What if it's Begoña who's sleeping with a murderer?
29:11It also seems useless to you.
29:13Try to understand me, Andrés.
29:15I don't feel comfortable talking about this
29:18when Begoña herself doesn't even want to talk about it.
29:20But she's cornered. Don't you see it?
29:22All I see is that she wants to forgive Jesus.
29:24And I can't meddle in that.
29:26But I can.
29:27I swore I'd keep her safe.
29:29And I can't break my word.
29:34All right.
29:37Begoña found out about the relationship
29:40between Valentín and Clotilde.
29:42It seems they were really in love.
29:44And when she found out about the infidelity,
29:46Jesus killed his wife for revenge.
29:48There has to be something more to it.
29:50Andrés, are you sure you want to continue with this?
29:53Because there are things that could go wrong.
29:55Like your business.
29:57Your family.
29:59What else did you find out?
30:01I need to know, please.
30:06Julia what?
30:09Julia is Valentín's daughter.
30:11Your cousin.
30:15There's no room for doubt.
30:17The child's blood group is incompatible
30:20with the one Jesus and Clotilde would have generated.
30:22On the other hand, it is in the case
30:24that the parents were Valentín and Clotilde.
30:28I found out through an analysis
30:30I had stored in Navaresto.
30:34My God.
30:36And my brother knows?
30:38Yes, he does.
30:40Begoña told him.
30:43After the initial impact,
30:45he decided to continue taking care of the girl
30:48as if she were his own daughter.
30:49Assuming that is to know my brother little.
30:52Don't you think so?
30:54Now I understand many things, Luz.
30:57Jesus has been seeing in Julia the lover of his wife.
31:02It may seem that he has left her behind,
31:04but that resentment will arise again.
31:09You're scaring me.
31:11We all have reasons to be scared.
31:14But do you really think
31:16Jesus was able to kill Clotilde?
31:17He tried to kill Begoña.
31:19He is capable of anything.
31:24If all this is true,
31:27why did Valentín run away to Brazil
31:29knowing he had a daughter?
31:31Maybe he didn't know.
31:33And in the letter you told me,
31:35did you give him Valentín's farewell letter from Brazil?
31:38No, Dignás gave it to Begoña.
31:40Everything I know is through her.
31:42But why do you ask?
31:44Because it may be false.
31:45What if Begoña was made up to protect Jesus?
31:48No, because she would do something like that
31:50with everything she has suffered for him.
31:52I don't know.
31:54The only way to find out is by asking her.
31:58No, you can't do that.
32:00She will know then that I have told you more than necessary.
32:03You can't do it.
32:05She would take me as a traitor.
32:07Luz, I know your friend is important,
32:09but the most important thing is to save Begoña and Julia's lives.
32:11If you talk to her, she won't look me in the face again.
32:13We are protecting her.
32:15She will understand.
32:17Your friendship is so fragile.
32:22Sir, I'm sorry,
32:24but I had a puncture in the wheel of the car
32:26when I went to pick it up.
32:28Do you know how long you've had us on the street?
32:30And when we got to the point where we were, they were gone.
32:32Of course we were gone.
32:34We waited 40 minutes.
32:36And 15 more until we found a taxi.
32:38Look, I'm really sorry.
32:40I'm the one who's sorry.
32:42I have swollen legs and I caught a cold.
32:44If they had been a little more patient,
32:46I'm sure I would have taken them without a problem.
32:50You arrived late and the problem is that we haven't been patient.
32:52Come on, this is the last straw.
32:54Since when does a lady have to wait for her driver?
32:56Don't you think it's the other way around?
32:58I just told her I had a problem with the car.
33:00But anyway,
33:02I remind her that I am not hired exclusively
33:04to meet her needs.
33:06But hey, where do you come from?
33:08Do you think it's normal to talk to me like that?
33:10What's going on?
33:11No, no, no.
33:13Look, Mr. Damián,
33:15I have been polite at all times.
33:17I was just telling the lady
33:19that I had a car accident on the way to Toledo
33:21and I arrived later to pick her up, nothing more.
33:23An hour has passed.
33:25And I'm not in a position to stand for so long.
33:27But I've already told her what happened.
33:29What else do you want me to do?
33:31Look, the only thing I know
33:33is that having a hired driver,
33:35we had to take a taxi.
33:37Even Gema has given me money to pay for it.
33:39Well, if it's the taxi money that worries you,
33:43These are not ways.
33:46You can't talk to any member of this family
33:49in that tone.
33:51Don't forget that you are an employee
33:53and we pay you to be at our service.
33:56Finally, some sanity.
33:58And let it be the last time
34:00that you address any member of this house
34:02in that way,
34:04with that lack of respect.
34:06Is that clear?
34:12A few apologies will be enough.
34:15Ask the lady for forgiveness, please.
34:22What are you waiting for?
34:24Didn't you understand what I just told you?
34:29I understood it perfectly, Mr. Damián.
34:37my most sincere apologies.
34:39This will not happen again.
34:41Apologies accepted.
35:06My goodness.
35:09But how is this?
35:11You didn't let me go out for so long.
35:14My mother's bedroom and my brother's
35:16are flooded.
35:18So we have work for several days,
35:20squeezing water
35:22and putting everything in order.
35:24Well, don't worry, I'll help you with everything.
35:26No, no, honey.
35:28You sit here, you hurt your ankle yesterday.
35:30What? It almost doesn't hurt anymore.
35:32Don't argue with me. Sit down, please.
35:35Be careful.
35:39Come on, you too.
35:41Going to Toledo with your ankle like this,
35:43a great idea.
35:45You have to rest.
35:47Don't worry about me, honey, really.
35:50The pain has almost completely disappeared.
35:52It's okay.
35:56My God.
35:58I hope the memories I have of your father
36:00in the bedroom don't get wet.
36:02Don't worry, mother.
36:04I'll take care of that.
36:06There are many details
36:08that I have kept for years
36:09so that they don't spoil now.
36:11And that suitcase?
36:13Damián invited me to go to the big house
36:15until all this is fixed.
36:17And us?
36:19No, our bedroom is intact.
36:21We can stay.
36:23Yeah, sure.
36:25Gemma, have you brought the retails?
36:28Well, you'll see that it was late
36:30between one thing and another
36:32and the store was closed.
36:34But if that's why you went, woman,
36:36look what I thought of telling Teresa
36:37that you were going to force your ankle
36:39and you insisted.
36:41And now you tell me you haven't brought it.
36:43But what do I do now?
36:45Well, I was thinking of asking Tassio
36:47to go tomorrow morning
36:49so he can have them right away.
36:51And I can take care of the housework
36:53and I won't be late.
36:55I needed them for today.
36:57I want the crib clothes as soon as possible.
36:59I don't want Damián to give that to the couple
37:01when the child is going to take communion.
37:03Well, I wouldn't be in such a hurry either,
37:05there's no need.
37:07Are you going to organize the tasks for me?
37:10Let's see, let's see.
37:12Honey, since your ankle is better,
37:14why don't you try to find the retails?
37:16I'm running away from the factory and I'll go with you.
37:18I don't want to go to Toledo.
37:20Look how we have the house.
37:22It doesn't matter, forget about the house.
37:24I also want to go for a walk.
37:26No, don't worry, I'm going alone.
37:29Really, I don't want to hurt you at the factory.
37:33I'll go and don't worry, Dina,
37:34this afternoon I'll have the fabrics
37:36to finish the crib.
37:38Very good.
37:40Well, I'm leaving.
37:43See you later, mother.
37:49You are a love.
37:57Jaime, do you have a moment?
38:01I thought you didn't want to see me.
38:04Sometimes I can be a little rude.
38:08But I would like to explain myself.
38:11Come with me, please.
38:17I don't like to talk about Fina.
38:20I'm sorry I brought it up.
38:22No, it's not your fault.
38:24I don't like to talk about her because she's a dead end.
38:31Let's see, wait, I don't understand, Marta.
38:35Are you telling me that you are going to give up
38:37your relationship with Fina now that you have free will?
38:39Free will, you say?
38:41Yes, that was our agreement.
38:43Maybe I have free will with you,
38:45but out there there is a whole world
38:47that I have to continue hiding from.
38:49Well, I'm afraid that doesn't seem like it's going to change.
38:54That's why I haven't told Fina anything.
38:56Ours is already settled,
38:58so it's for the best.
39:00No, Marta, I don't like to hear you talk like that.
39:03You are a fighter.
39:05A clandestine relationship always goes wrong.
39:08And how long would it take me to get overwhelmed
39:11in case she finds out about us?
39:13Or to back out out of fear?
39:15Even worse, to hurt her.
39:18You really love her.
39:23She made me happy.
39:26And are you really going to give up those happy moments?
39:29Those moments were an illusion.
39:30No, what is an illusion is to believe
39:32that you are going to be happy rejecting the love of your life.
39:35Marta, I've seen how you look at her.
39:38I used to look at you like that.
39:41I'm very sorry that everything turned out like this.
39:44Do you really want to give up everything?
39:47Our agreement was to be free to do whatever we wanted, right?
39:54Well, this is what I want.
39:55Okay, if you are so sure, go ahead.
40:01I have to go back to the pantry.
40:11Thank you for listening to me.
40:14Thank you for trusting me.
40:26That's very good.
40:28The wound is healing without problems.
40:31That's great.
40:33Luz, thank you very much for coming here to see me.
40:36You don't have to thank me.
40:38It's my job.
40:40And I'm your friend, remember?
40:46How is your mother?
40:48Well, she has her moments of lucidity.
40:51And the truth is that she is much better here than in the sanatorium.
40:53At least you are together.
40:55And I sleep better since she is at home.
40:58I have to go give her the medication.
41:01Who is it?
41:02I'm Andrés.
41:03I need to talk to you.
41:05Come in.
41:10Hi, I was leaving.
41:11No, no, please stay.
41:14What is that so urgent?
41:16I have to go see my mother.
41:18Be brief and I'll send you with Roque.
41:22I know that Luz and you came to suspect
41:24that it was Jesus who killed...
41:25Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
41:28What are you saying?
41:31What have you told Luz?
41:32Begoña, I don't...
41:33If you care about your friend,
41:34it's time to put the cards on the table.
41:36This is incredible.
41:38Both of you get out of the room, please.
41:40I know you came to that conclusion
41:41to discover the relationship between Crotilde and Valentina.
41:44But I don't know if I can trust you.
41:46I don't know if I can trust you.
41:48I don't know if I can trust you.
41:49I don't know if I can trust you.
41:51I know that Julia is not Jesus' daughter.
41:53Andres, for God's sake.
41:54This is not the moment or the place.
41:56I'm the one who trusted you.
41:58Begoña, please,
42:00I only ask that you understand our concern.
42:03The only thing I understand right now
42:04is that you are not the person I thought you were.
42:07We just want to help you.
42:08But I didn't ask for help.
42:10And you?
42:11How do you show up here
42:12making these kinds of accusations?
42:14Are you crazy?
42:15We're just watching you.
42:16What you're doing is crazy, Andres.
42:18Andres, Jesus didn't kill Clotilde.
42:21There's a letter that Valentina sent from Brazil
42:23in which she confesses to the crime.
42:26Begoña, forgive me for doubting, but...
42:29that letter exists.
42:32Now you're calling me a liar?
42:35Let's see, why would she do it?
42:36Why would she lie?
42:37To protect Jesus,
42:38which is what you've been doing since you got out of that cabin.
42:40And why would she protect him if she thought he killed his wife?
42:42Let's see.
42:44That's what we wanted to understand.
42:45Begoña, you're not afraid.
42:47What I'm afraid of right now
42:49is that you've agreed to separate me from Jesus
42:51by telling terrible lies about him.
42:53What, you don't want me to be happy, or what?
42:55What we want is for you to stay alive.
42:57Get out of here, right now.
43:00My husband is not a murderer.
43:02And I hope I don't have to repeat that phrase ever again.
43:07Didn't you hear me?
43:09Get out of here.
43:11Both of you.
43:17Get out of here.
43:50I didn't want to wake you up.
43:52No, I hadn't slept.
43:53I was looking a little inside.
43:56That's what my mother used to say
43:58when I caught her taking a nap on the sofa.
44:01You know, I went out for a walk today.
44:04I know.
44:06A little birdie told me.
44:08How was the experience?
44:10Well, imagine.
44:11I thought I'd never get out of this cabin again.
44:15We have to be very grateful.
44:18I'm sorry you have to worry so much about me.
44:23As you are recovering,
44:26I think you're going to take care of me
44:29and see how you do it.
44:31And I would have loved to, you know.
44:33I know.
44:35Is it better?
44:38It's better.
44:40Is it better?
44:43Is it necessary?
44:45It's part of the treatment.
44:46Yes, it's necessary.
44:48Do you think I'm doing it to annoy you?
44:50Come on, drink.
44:52Come on, come on.
44:53I'll do it a little more.
44:55Jaime told me you can eat something now.
44:59So I've prepared the peas cream,
45:01which you like so much.
45:03I'm not very hungry, but if you've prepared it,
45:05I'm sure it's worth trying.
45:06Of course you're going to try it.
45:08I'll take care of it.
45:10And now that I'm going to be living here,
45:12I'm not going to stop watching you for a second.
45:15What are you living here?
45:19The house has been flooded.
45:22My room has been a mess.
45:25Damian has been very generous
45:27and he has left me a room
45:29so that I can live here for a few days.
45:31Yes, yes, he has been generous, yes.
45:36the other day you were going to tell me something about him.
45:39Do you remember?
45:44I don't know if it's worth taking into account
45:46the statements of Humor y Pundo.
45:48No, at that time you were in perfect shape.
45:53You told me
45:55that Damian had a dark side
45:58and that I shouldn't get carried away by him.
46:01That's what I said.
46:02That's what you said.
46:07And don't tell me you were delirious
46:09because it's exactly the same thing he told me
46:11when I asked him.
46:13Ah, you asked him.
46:14Yes, I asked him.
46:16And I didn't get anything clear.
46:18I hope to do it now.
46:21What secret are you both hiding?
46:26That's something he can only answer.
46:30Throwing the stone and hiding your hand
46:32is not your style and it's not right, Isidro.
46:34The boss and I have returned to our worthy friendship
46:37and for nothing in the world would want to betray his trust.
46:42Very well.
46:45Then tell me just one thing.
46:47Look me in the eyes.
46:50Does that secret have anything to do with me?
46:57It seems you have a conversation pending.
47:03Very well.
47:04Finish it.
47:07Come in.
47:28Did you want to see me?
47:31I'm very sorry to have spoken to you like this in front of my daughter-in-law,
47:34but it's the only way to keep us safe.
47:38Very well.
47:39I see that you are not even able to say it to my face.
47:43If you are going to be the driver of this family,
47:45you have to learn to keep your shape.
47:47I know it's a very different job from the one you did at the factory,
47:51but I'm sure you'll soon get used to our eccentricities.
48:05Don Damián, can I ask you why you told me you were my father?
48:10You needed to know and I thought the time had come.
48:13Well, you were wrong.
48:15Don Damián, before I could at least imagine how my relationship with him would be,
48:18how all this would be,
48:20but now I know it doesn't mean anything to you.
48:22How can you say that?
48:23What happened in the kitchen was an unimportant incident.
48:26What that woman said was not true.
48:28Nor will your shapes be the right ones.
48:30But what I was saying was unfair, Don Damián.
48:32Look, I am able to put up with a good slap if necessary,
48:35to bend my ears, to apologize if I have done something wrong in my work,
48:38even if it was not correct, but as long as the boss asks me, not my father.
48:41I think I was wrong telling you the truth.
48:44And so much that you were wrong.
48:46And now you want me to lie to my wife and my mother.
48:48But why did you tell me this?
48:50And you also told me that I could count on you as a father, but what does that mean?
48:53That I can give you my help, my advice.
48:57The same thing I was doing as a boss,
48:59but now knowing that you are ashamed of me.
49:01No, that's not true.
49:04I thought you would appreciate knowing it, that's why I told you.
49:07No, you told me because you couldn't stand the guilt.
49:09Because you became selfish again, like when you misunderstood me.
49:12Look, it would be better if I left my job as a driver and went back to the factory to be one more,
49:16which is what I am to you.
49:17You can't be talking about that.
49:18Don Damián, really, please.
49:19I didn't want any of this.
49:21What good is having my father here if he won't even treat me like a son?
49:32I love her as if she were my granddaughter.
49:38It would be better if you let me follow my path.
49:39No, Gemma, wait, please.
49:42I know you're a maid and you work at the Queen's house.
49:45But how dare you?
49:47What Tassio has just told me is that he is not willing to be a bastard.
49:50He feels like a second son, Isidro.
49:52I came to ask you if I could get my old job back here at the factory.
49:56Don Damián won't fire you.
49:57No, no, no.
49:58On the contrary, it was my fault, Joaquín, that I missed all this.
50:01He knows everything about me.
50:02Where I live, where I work, what my name is.
50:05I also love Julia.
50:06And the sooner I'm with her real family,
50:08the less difficult it will be for her to understand certain things.
50:10But do you really think that Julia is capable of assuming
50:12that her father is not the person she thought he was?
50:14I already imagine you in Latin America or Africa.
50:17A fate like this factory is for someone...
50:19someone my age.
50:21I'm very happy that you're seeing your doctor again.
50:23Do you want me to go with you?
50:25I'm very happy that you're seeing your doctor again.
50:27Do you want me to go with you?
50:29Because we could take the opportunity to take a walk
50:31and see an exhibition.
50:33I want you to trust me.
50:34So tell me,
50:36what is it that takes away the dream of Damián de la Reina?