• last year
Jenny Live Energy Tulum - Tantra Testimony


00:00OK, well, something's bringing me here.
00:02There's a magnetic thing.
00:03He felt something strange.
00:04He almost fainted at the seminar.
00:06So when he started the practices and the Tantra sessions,
00:10after breaking that point, he realized that, oh, it's really
00:12no big deal, but it is strong to be
00:14in a room full of other naked people that you don't know.
00:16So he's like, but from then on to now, I can tell you stories,
00:19he says, that are really interesting and that things
00:22that have happened that he would never imagine would happen.
00:25So that's where we're at with the conversation, you guys.
00:28Jenny, I love your new look.
00:30I also love you naked.
00:31I love me naked, too.
00:32Yo también me gusto desnuda.
00:35Dice, Jenny, Eddie, irradia una energía de tranquilidad, Jenny.
00:39Dice, Jenny, es raro que irradies tanta tranquilidad si
00:42en tu pasado sufriste bastante.
00:43Son pocas las personas que cambian su energía.
00:45Tienes mucha fortaleza.
00:47Y por eso voy a escribir mi libro,
00:48para que sepan todo lo que yo he pasado y he hecho,
00:52y cómo lo revertí completamente y multiplicado por 100.
00:55Así que esa es la idea.
00:56OK, ¿qué?
00:59¿Por dónde?
01:00El primer grupo, porque tenemos el seminario que son
01:02básicamente la recepción que puede dar un cuerpo al otro,
01:05que puede ser simple, ¿no?
01:06Que es el abrazo o hasta la mirada o las manos.
01:08Entonces, ya entrando en lo que es del chi, ¿no?
01:12La energía sexual.
01:14Después de la primera sesión, ¿cómo te fue?
01:15¿Qué sentiste?
01:16¿Qué cambios vistes?
01:17¿Después de la primera sesión?
01:19O sea, la primera estamos hablando de la segunda, ¿no?
01:21No, sí, claro.
01:22Más o menos.
01:24Después de la vez que nos vimos afuera,
01:27y ya cuando entramos e hicimos nuestra sesión,
01:30pues fue algo bastante.
01:33Si tú hablabas.
01:34Fue algo bastante, pues, increíble.
01:38Yo le llamo increíble hasta ese momento.
01:41Ahora ya lo entiendo.
01:42Ahora ya entiendo por qué fue.
01:46Yo, vaya, sentía tanto algo, o sea,
01:51sentía tan extraño lo que pasaba que mi pensamiento fue,
01:55aprende, trata de aprender todo lo que te digan aquí, ¿sí?
01:58Para llevarlo a cabo, porque no fue, o sea,
02:01no fue algo de fuera, sino fue algo que yo sentí por dentro,
02:04el día que nos abrazamos.
02:06Entonces, a partir de ahí, recuerdo que tu primera
02:08enseñanza fue precisamente esa, o sea,
02:10la de tratar de proyectar y enfocar desde nuestra mente,
02:14Tratar de no ver, pues, esa sesión con esos tabús y con
02:18ese morbo, sino más bien con la plena conciencia de querer
02:23elevarte, de querer crecer, ¿no?
02:25Entonces, a partir de eso, bueno, pues,
02:27yo enfoqué en mi mente lo que quería,
02:29muy arcaico en ese momento, ¿no?
02:30Sí, sí, sí, sí, creo que muy clave, ¿no?
02:32Fue como, quiero esto.
02:34Sí, pero bien, bien, o sea, no sabía cómo hacerlo.
02:36Entonces, pues, obviamente, digo, la primera sesión,
02:39pues, entras en.
02:40Es que no hay forma de saberlo.
02:41O sea, es algo que simplemente sucede y tienes que permitir
02:43que suceda.
02:44Es como que darle permiso a que la energía trabaje en tu cuerpo.
02:47Y tú le diste permiso.
02:49Bueno, ya.
02:50Por eso digo sí.
02:51En cuanto sí, y en cuanto la energía siguió y siguió y
02:53siguió, pues, me envolvió.
02:55Me envolvió esa semana, precisamente,
02:58lo que me sucedió.
03:00Después de que vine.
03:02So, he's saying, no me acorda de lo que habla en inglés.
03:06He's saying that he started feeling,
03:08ahora me olvidé todo lo que me dijiste, repítemelo.
03:11He's saying that his first experience,
03:14it was basically like, I just brought it into words to saying
03:18that you felt something so strange,
03:20but you had to continue feeling something more.
03:22Like, what is this?
03:23Trying to discover.
03:24And that he saw some changes afterwards
03:26that he's going to tell us about.
03:28Ah, estamos lejos.
03:28¿Podemos ponerlos aquí, por favor?
03:30A ver, chicos, estamos poniendo el TikTok para que,
03:32si logramos leer los mensajitos.
03:33No, no, no, no, no.
03:35Ahí está.
03:37¿Tú los lees?
03:38¿Llegas más o menos?
03:41And that it was breaking all those taboos
03:43that we were talking about,
03:44allowing the energy to flow through the body.
03:45And he kept hearing in his head,
03:49just, you're here to learn, learn as much as you can.
03:51And specifically put it to work,
03:53put that energy towards a specific goal
03:55so that it becomes a reality,
03:56because that's something that I always kind of like to enhance,
04:00because your mind is your conduit.
04:02Your body generates, your mind is the one that sends a signal
04:04and says, hey, you, I want you to work on this for me now.
04:07So, it's like, yeah, we have these little workers,
04:09these little minions.
04:10Así es.
04:11Tenemos minions en la cabeza, ¿no?
04:12Sí, sí, sí, te van diciendo y te van moviendo.
04:14Pónganse a trabajar.
04:18Take interview in English.
04:19Yeah, I know, I was trying to translate.
04:20Sorry, sometimes I'll forget.
04:22Me tienes que acordar de lo que te estaba diciendo.
04:23Sí, sí.
04:24So, now we're on the part where, OK,
04:25so he started with the Tantra groups.
04:27Now, what happened the week after he did his first Tantra
04:30group and allowed this process to happen?
04:32La primera semana, entonces, ¿qué pasó?
04:34Bueno, después de que vinimos, a mí se me estaba atorando
04:37un negocio.
04:40Me habían avisado que hasta el próximo año,
04:43a finales del próximo año 2024, iba a salir, pues,
04:47lo que estábamos buscando.
04:49Entonces, bueno, esa semana, como por el miércoles de esa
04:55semana, me llama mi socio y me dice, gordo, ¿qué crees?
05:00Yo, ¿qué pasó?
05:02Ya salió el permiso.
05:03Ay, no, ¿cómo crees?
05:03No te creo nada.
05:05Entonces, eso fue lo primero.
05:08¿Qué pensaste?
05:09Cuando yo estaba aquí, el día que tuvimos la sesión,
05:15tú nos dijiste, enfóquense en algo que ustedes quieran.
05:17Y entonces, yo dije, pues, ¿qué quiero?
05:18Quiero esto.
05:19Quiero que suceda esto.
05:20Quiero que me den mi permiso ya, pronto.
05:24Con toda mi fe, con todo mi amor, con todo lo que,
05:27como tú nos decías, ¿no?
05:28Como tú nos dijiste en ese momento.
05:30Entonces, algo me impulsó a pensarlo,
05:31en el momento que estábamos haciendo la energía.
05:33Claro, para ti eso era algo que ocupaba una parte importante
05:36en tu cabeza.
05:36Por eso fue lo primero que vino a tu mente.
05:38Así es.
05:39Yo siempre les digo, piensen en algo que les haría más feliz.
05:42Porque una vez que estás feliz, es como vos empezás a usar tu
05:44propia energía, ¿no?
05:45Además, te genera tranquilidad.
05:47O sea, te genera paz.
05:48Cuando tú enfocas y entonces proyectas,
05:52sabes que va a suceder.
05:53Digo, la primera vez no sabía que iba a suceder.
05:56Era como tirar un anzuelo y a ver qué pesco, ¿no?
05:59Era simplemente ver por qué se sentía así estar aquí.
06:03Sí, o sea, algo había extraño.
06:07So he's saying that the first week that that happened,
06:09there was like this really big business that he
06:11had that wasn't coming through.
06:12And the permit was going to come through like in a year in 2024.
06:16So they were losing money.
06:17So after the session, that was like the only thing
06:20that he focused his mind towards with the energy.
06:22And after the session, a couple of days
06:24after, all of a sudden, he got a call saying
06:26that that permit came through.
06:27So I always say, when you focus your energy specifically
06:31towards one thing, right?
06:32And that one thing, you know that if you reach it,
06:34you're going to be a lot happier.
06:35Then you're going to be generating
06:36your own positive energy.
06:37So that's the idea.
06:40Hola, ¿qué tal, Carlos?
06:42Eres una persona muy interesante.
06:43Es que él ocupaba ese día apoyo, ocupaba alguien que lo
06:48De repente hablamos de Apolo, no entiendo.
06:51Ese día apoyo ocupaba, bueno, no sé lo que quisiste decir.
06:55All right, guys.
06:58¿Cuándo cambió?
06:59¿Cómo veías el sexo?
07:01¿Fue inmediato? ¿Tardó?
07:02Porque es algo también mental, ¿sabes?
07:04Bueno, esa parte es igual.
07:06O sea, otra.
07:07Es como ir evolucionando, ¿sí?
07:09Una caja de Pandora, ¿no?
07:10No, bueno, más bien, no es de Pandora, no.
07:13¿Es mala?
07:15Al contrario, yo creo que es más bien como ir descubriendo,
07:19ir quitando capa por capa hasta llegar a lo que todos buscamos,
07:24encontrarnos a nosotros mismos.
07:25Tu esencia.
07:26Exacto, entrar.
07:28¿Por qué?
07:29Porque si bien es cierto que, pues, es un tabú todo esto,
07:33también es cierto que de eso venimos, ¿sí?
07:35O sea, la energía que crea, que crea todo lo que vemos,
07:39que todo lo que hay.
07:40Entonces, cuando empiezas a ver precisamente que, o sea,
07:45lo que se crea, ¿sí?
07:47Y conforme vas teniendo una mayor apertura, ¿sí?
07:51Vas encontrando que no es malo, sino todo lo contrario,
07:57y que el sexo es el medio, precisamente,
08:01para llegar a esta, o para alcanzar una iluminación.
08:06Sí, digo, yo no he llegado, obviamente no, pero, híjole.
08:10Sí, ¿cómo que no?
08:11No sé.
08:13Bueno, es que no quiero pecar de soberbio,
08:14pero sí he visto muchas cosas.
08:17Mi percepción, mi conciencia ha cambiado muchísimo.
08:23He says his conscience has changed tremendously.
08:25Alguien dijo que te ve preocupado.
08:27Para nada, ¿te estás preocupado, Ale?
08:29No, ¿qué vas a estar preocupado?
08:31He's saying that his perception of life and of sex overall
08:34just changed, because you realize that this is just
08:36a conduit to reach an elevation, a higher level.
08:41So it's learning, kind of like you're opening a box
08:43and removing things, and everything you remove
08:45is something new that you're learning.
08:47So every time is a new experience, a new teaching,
08:50Hola, Cipriano, bienvenidos.
08:52¿Cómo estás?
08:53Bienvenidos, amigos.
08:54Estamos en vivo.
08:54Si quieren preguntar, estamos hablando sobre el tantra.
08:57Estamos hablando sobre la energía, sobre experiencias.
09:01Con Alex.
09:02Alex, con nosotros.
09:04Nuestro estudiante de tantra número uno.
09:09¿Dónde estabas?
09:10Entonces, pues en ese momento es cuando dejas de ver el sexo
09:15y dejas de ver, pues, el cuerpo como algo prohibido, ¿sí?
09:21Si no encuentras que es la puerta, ¿sí?
09:25La guía.
09:26Eso está muy bonito.
09:27La guía para conocerte, ¿sí?
09:30O sea, vaya, el universo nos dio un cuerpo,
09:33un cuerpo bellísimo, perfecto.
09:35Y sobre todo, al cuerpo le dio una mente, ¿no?
09:39Dicen que tienes miedo a lo desconocido.
09:47Es que no hemos llegado.
09:48A ver, faltan las experiencias sobrenaturales todavía.
09:51No hemos llegado a ese punto.
09:53Quizás al principio sí le tenías un poquito de miedo, ¿no?
09:57Es que, mira, cada sesión es distinta.
10:00Y hay unas que son muy fuertes.
10:03He was saying that you have to understand your body is
10:06the key to the unknown, OK?
10:08So it's understanding how to use it,
10:09understanding how to move the energy,
10:12and that's what's going to take you to limitless possibilities.
10:15Sí, lo está.
10:16Es difícil ocultar los problemas, ja, ja, ja.
10:19No te entiendo, amigo.
10:20Ah, probablemente es que como me estoy agarrando las manos.
10:23Pero no, no estoy nervioso.
10:24Suelta tu cuerpo.
10:25Sí, sí, sí.
10:27He's like, loose your body.
10:28He's saying he's nervous.
10:29He's not nervous at all.
10:30OK, tu primera experiencia extrasensorial.
10:33¿Qué es lo primero que viste que te acuerdas?
10:36Uy, caray.
10:37Fue un día.
10:39His strongest experience, the first thing that he saw.
10:41Sí, fue un día en el que estábamos cuatro personas.
10:47Yo estaba del lado derecho.
10:50Y entonces empecé a sentir muchísimo calor, ¿sí?
10:54Ah, pues el día del cuenco.
10:55Un día que estábamos.
10:56Ah, y una vez que vino un muchacho con un cuenco.
10:59Y, wow, muy poderoso el sonido.
11:01Por eso es cuando hablamos de la vibración, ¿no?
11:03O sea, cómo influye.
11:05Lo único que sí no busquen grabaciones en internet,
11:09porque sí me ha pasado que encuentro cuencos y de repente
11:11Enrique sale, apaga eso, que está trayendo negatividad yo.
11:16Pero sí suena como una, y sí, o sea,
11:18se ve que le meten algo a propósito para que la gente,
11:20pues, ya sabemos, ¿no?
11:21Lo que pasa.
11:22Sí, es manipulación de energía hacia el malo.
11:26¿Y qué produjo eso en ti?
11:28He's saying the first time there was a bowl, sound bowl,
11:33sound healing bowl maybe, and it produced something on him.
11:37Pues en ese momento yo empecé a sentir desde mis pies que
11:43subía un calor y empecé a sudar, a sudar, a sudar, a sudar.
11:49Cierro mis ojos y a ti te veo desde el torso, así, una luz.
11:57Esta no la sabía, yo no la había escuchado.
12:00Así que vas subiendo desde tu torso.
12:03Y entonces yo abría los ojos, obviamente,
12:05porque fue así.
12:07Y otra vez, te cierro, te cierro los ojos y veo y digo, OK,
12:16OK, respiré.
12:19De hecho, ese día Enrique dijo, ¿cuánta energía se vivió?
12:25El punto es que estaba Ibi, estabas tú, cabeza con cabeza,
12:29y en ese instante se juntó todo.
12:32Como una sola energía.
12:33Como una sola energía.
12:35El cuenco sonaba.
12:38Cada quien estaba en su rollo y yo estaba así.
12:41Yo tenía las manos así, hacia arriba, ¿recuerdas?
12:44¿Por qué?
12:45Yo las ponía abajo contigo y me empujaba.
12:48Entonces, lo que yo sentí fue que quería salir.
12:53Y fue en ese momento que me conecté.
12:54Yo sentí desde mis piernas, me conecté,
12:57y ahí fue donde sentí la conexión con él.
13:01La primera vez que conecté con el universo de esa manera.
13:05Yo esa no la sabía.
13:06Qué interesante.
13:07Qué buena experiencia. ¿Dónde fuiste?
13:09Yo quiero ir.
13:10Por favor, dame la dirección.
13:12Se siente raro hablar de esto sabiendo de que esto es yo.
13:16Es como que, pero bueno, no tengo a quien más lo haga,
13:19así que son experiencias muy bonitas y hay que contarlas.
13:22So he's saying that the first Tantra session he saw in me,
13:25first he started feeling a lot of heat coming from his leg up
13:28to his torso.
13:29And that he sort of opened his eyes and saw me, you know,
13:32we lay, and there's like a group of us, right?
13:34And he saw this yellow light on the top of my body.
13:37So he would, when his eyes were closed,
13:39so he would open his eyes to see if it was real.
13:41And then it closed them again, and the yellow light
13:43was still there.
13:43And he was feeling like it was pushing his hands up.
13:46And he ended up going up like this with his hands.
13:49And that's, he says, the first time he ever really felt
13:52like he connected with the universe.
13:53There was such a powerful energy of everybody generating,
13:56everybody participating, that there was like this unison.
14:00We were no longer individuals.
14:01We were one.
14:02That's real, Jan.
14:04There comes a point, when you work in a group with the energy,
14:07specifically this energy, there comes a point where, yes,
14:11everything becomes one.
14:13It's a symbiosis, right?
14:17Everybody starts vibrating in the same channel.
14:20And the vibrations come together.
14:22And that's the moment when, I mean, I felt it.
14:27Yes, exactly, a strength that told me,
14:31let go of it, let go of it, let go of it.
14:34And, well, it was something, even exhilarating.
14:37I mean, that day I went out, tired, like this,
14:40oh, damn, wow, a lot.
14:43I usually don't sweat that much.
14:46When we're in the sessions, I say, sometimes I do.
14:48But this time it was tremendous.
14:50This time it was, I remember, I was like,
14:53what a shame, damn, what's happening to me?
14:55The boy got a towel.
14:57So, well, that was the first time I was able to connect.
15:01Obviously, before this, we had several sessions.
15:04And there was always a moment when I felt like I wasn't there.
15:11That you were going somewhere.
15:12Yes, I mean, but not to a specific place,
15:15but rather, like there was a pause.
15:18In time, right?
15:19Yes, there was something.
15:21It's like time stops.
15:22I mean, it's very difficult to explain,
15:24but literally, it's like time stops.
15:26There's a moment when you go like this,
15:29very soft, very calm.
15:32You float, that's what we call floating.
15:34And in that moment you breathe, and then you come back,
15:37if I understand correctly.
15:38And you're there again.
15:39So, it happens to you more and more,
15:42until you...
15:45Well, in my case, I can maintain it.
15:48Of course.
15:49And, well, I've felt orgasms
15:52without having a cleansing, without having a...
15:56Without ejaculation, yes.
15:58Well, I always tell you that,
16:00well, if you're part of our page,
16:02where we talk about sexual energy,
16:04but that the idea of sexual energy and sex itself
16:08is not to do it in order to get to...
16:11I mean, if the body has an ejaculation,
16:13it has to be natural and not provoked.
16:15Why? Because that way we know that if you come,
16:18it's because your body is deciding
16:19that it needs to discharge energy that doesn't correspond to the body.
16:22However, when you're with someone generating positivity,
16:25with a purpose, with your partner,
16:28or in a tantra group, with positivity,
16:30be careful where you go,
16:32well, it's different.
16:35You allow everything to flow and,
16:38as he says, expand, literally.
16:41So, he's explaining a little bit of what he felt the first time.
16:44He said that he felt this expansion inside of him,
16:47that, you know, everybody just became one.
16:50It was just unison.
16:51And getting to that point and level of connecting with the universe
16:54in that sense is just something that he explains as unbelievable.
16:58I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things.
16:59It's just, it's a little difficult to translate everything, you guys.
17:01I'm sorry.
17:02But if you have questions, please let me know.
17:03I did miss something about translating, didn't I?
17:05You talked a lot and I translated for 30 seconds.
17:08What did I miss?
17:10No, I think...
17:11In summary? Did I summarize it well?
17:13I think so.
17:16What happened in your environment, around you?
17:19The people around you, the people around you,
17:21people who left, people who came.
17:23When I started doing this,
17:27well, yes, when they started us,
17:31you know, we had the task
17:36of telling our environment,
17:40of trying to expand it, precisely.
17:44And there were people who did a lot of...
17:49No, not a lot of damage.
17:50There were people who didn't...
17:53who didn't get along, yes.
17:55With whom I probably had certain conflicts.
17:58And I say, there were one or two, maybe,
18:00because the truth is that I've always had good friends.
18:02You're a very good agent.
18:03Well, I've always had good friends
18:05and I'm dedicated to public relations, so...
18:08It's a gift.
18:09But those people left my life
18:13and there started to be a lot of changes.
18:18I started meeting different people, new people.
18:21Maybe you progressed more, right?
18:23And above all, they were people who transmitted to me...
18:28Good energy, yes.
18:30They transmitted positivity to me, they told me good things.
18:32Of course.
18:35So, all of this made me think and made me change, yes.
18:40It made me search, read, find...
18:43What did you find?
18:46I mean, I have people who have told me,
18:48I've found information about the Greeks,
18:50I've found information about, I don't know,
18:51the time of who knows who, but...
18:53Normally, from the Egyptian part, right?
18:55Or from India,
18:56that's where you hear more about Tantra and sexual energy.
18:58Yes, I found a page,
19:02I don't remember its name right now,
19:04but there it explained and invited
19:08to generate for oneself,
19:12through breathing and mind,
19:17And try to feel the same.
19:21Yes, I mean, all...
19:22Well, most human beings who are old enough
19:25to be able to experience sex,
19:28we have in our mind the memory of what we feel, right?
19:32Of what...
19:33So, when you combine it,
19:36I mean, what you felt the first time,
19:37and the second, and the third,
19:38you combine it with a consciousness...
19:40Or in general, what you always feel.
19:42Yes, yes.
19:43You combine it with consciousness,
19:45then you can start to feel for yourself,
19:49and you become aware of it.
19:52Of course.
19:53When you become aware of it,
19:54then you can fragment it.
19:57I mean, you can feel and think.
19:59Because it's hard...
20:00You're very smart.
20:03I love how he explains it,
20:04I don't think I've ever explained it like that.
20:06It's hard to think in the moment.
20:09I mean, it's hard to think when you're in ecstasy,
20:13it's very hard to even have an image.
20:16People usually get carried away by that,
20:18which is what we always talk about,
20:20which is the physical, not just anything else.
20:43He was saying it really good.
20:45Know how to fragment it and make it into something.
20:48So, send that power that you're feeling of excitement
20:52towards a specific goal,
20:53and that's when you're going to see amazing results.
20:55It's like everything just changes.
20:57So, he started doing some breathing exercises
20:59where you breathe, like, pretty much...
21:02I think it's like a tough breathing,
21:04like hard breathing.
21:08And trying to remember that arousal moment, right?
21:12And then bringing that energy back.
21:14Very interesting.
21:15I love how you explain it, I love it.
21:18So, after that,
21:22comes control.
21:26The will.
21:27After this is control.
21:29Once you let it in and you know what you're doing,
21:31it's, how do I control it?
21:33It's a power.
21:34It's a power, totally.
21:35That's precisely the power.
21:37When you get to the point of control,
21:39not only the control after the point of no return,
21:43but the control of your energy,
21:46what you're feeling,
21:47how you're dosing it,
21:48how you're carrying it,
21:50you can have control of many things in your life.
21:54And, well, I mean,
21:55who controls himself at that moment,
21:58controls his mind, right?
22:01At least for moments.
22:03Yes, of course.
22:04And in life in general,
22:06you start to have that...
22:09That control.
22:10And you start to apply it in everything.
22:13There's a control of emotions,
22:15a control of thoughts.
22:16The control of thoughts is what...
22:18It's difficult.
22:20And it has made me explode.
22:21I mean, when I was able to detect a thought that wasn't good...
22:27And get it out.
22:28And get it out.
22:29At that moment I said,
22:31I'm there.
22:32It's not easy.
22:33But yes, you got to a point...
22:34Didn't it happen to you that you did it almost automatically?
22:38Or were you focusing on it?
22:40I didn't do it automatically,
22:42but I did detect it.
22:44The day I detected it,
22:45it's like when you speak a second language.
22:48When you understand it,
22:49you say,
22:51You explained it to me.
22:52But you're talking to yourself.
22:53At the end of the day,
22:55it's something I didn't understand how to do.
22:58Of course.
22:59Bad thoughts came and you get stuck in them.
23:02You get hooked on those thoughts.
23:04I would have done it easier.
23:05That's why I'm here.
23:08But you know what?
23:09No, it's more beautiful.
23:10In the end,
23:11all this process,
23:15it is what it is.
23:17This process is what it is.
23:19He says,
23:20once you get control of that energy,
23:22imagine being on the highest peak of excitement in your life,
23:26and you hold on to that moment,
23:28and you learn how to docify the energy,
23:30you learn how to control it,
23:33and you send it towards goals that you want to achieve.
23:36He says,
23:37once you do that,
23:38then another thing comes.
23:39It's the control of your thoughts,
23:40the control of your body,
23:41the control of...
23:42What else did you say?
23:43The control of the mind,
23:44the control of the body.
23:45The control of the mind,
23:46the control of the excitement,
23:47until the point of no return,
23:48and then it comes back.
23:49The control of your arousal,
23:50which is basically the energy,
23:51the control of your energy.
23:52So it's the control of your energy, basically.
23:54And it's the point of no return,
23:55where once you get to do that,
23:56you have control of almost everything in your life.
23:58The emotions.
24:00Imagine control in your mind.
24:01So he's saying,
24:03when you get negative thoughts,
24:04and all of a sudden...
24:05Can we play that again?
24:07You get negative thoughts,
24:08and they would kind of beat you.
24:09Well, he said,
24:10you have to learn to go ahead and do it again.
24:13No, it was for you to do it.
24:15Let's see.
24:17How is this TikTok?
24:18Let's see,
24:19he says they took us out.
24:20Why did they take us out?
24:21That's not nice.
24:23We're very dressed up,
24:24so it can't be.
24:28The theme.
24:30The theme?
24:31The theme is very hot.
24:32In fact,
24:33I think we're wearing it quite prudently.
24:35I mean,
24:36we're geniuses.
24:39Looking beautiful.
24:40Hey, guys.
24:42Jenny says,
24:43a question.
24:44What do you think happens
24:45to one's energy
24:46when people die?
24:47It's not what I think,
24:48it's what I know,
24:49because there is something
24:50that I do love to do,
24:51which is to free suspended souls.
24:52I don't know if at some point
24:53you had to do that therapy,
24:55Free souls?
24:59of course.
25:00In fact,
25:03we're going to...
25:04We're going to use the energy
25:05to free suspended souls.
25:06Do you remember
25:07if you had any connection
25:08or not?
25:09Leaving the chapel,
25:10I saw...
25:11You saw?
25:12I saw some people
25:13I didn't know,
25:14and who don't work here either.
25:16people create people.
25:19don't tell me anything.
25:21Or do I have a very bad memory?
25:24in fact,
25:25I didn't tell you that.
25:26At that time,
25:27that day,
25:28I don't know,
25:29I don't remember,
25:30but at that time,
25:31that day
25:32you told us
25:33we were going to do that,
25:34I felt...
25:36I can remember
25:37almost all the...
25:40let's answer then.
25:42it says,
25:43do I know
25:44where the souls go
25:45when we die?
25:46It says,
25:47or do you believe?
25:48What was the question?
25:49What do you think
25:50happens to the energy
25:51once we die?
25:52I can't tell you
25:53out of belief,
25:54I can tell you
25:55of what I know
25:56as a fact,
25:57because if there's
25:58something that we do,
25:59I prefer to say,
26:00I prefer to help a soul,
26:01you know,
26:02an energy of a soul
26:03than a physical person,
26:04because normally
26:05they know
26:06the truth of life,
26:07they know
26:08the way of the energy,
26:09so there is no
26:11let's say,
26:13You know,
26:14as if people
26:15are the opposite.
26:18one day they're good
26:19and the next day
26:20they might not be.
26:23so I was saying
26:24what his experience was
26:25when we did
26:26energy focused
26:27on releasing suspended souls
26:28outside of the chapel
26:29when he left,
26:30so it's like people
26:31that don't work here,
26:32people that were just there,
26:33but they were not people.
26:34So I'm like,
26:35I didn't know that.
26:38it was very interesting
26:39to see them.
26:40It was for a moment,
26:42and I also
26:43blocked myself,
26:44I mean,
26:45I was scared.
26:46To not scare you.
26:50you're walking
26:51through the jungle
26:52and suddenly,
26:53I mean,
26:54I know the people
26:55who are here
26:56because there aren't
26:57any of them.
26:58And I think it's
26:59really interesting
27:00because I don't
27:01know anything
27:02about them,
27:03I don't know
27:04about that time,
27:05nor about this parallel
27:07they looked weird.
27:08You knew
27:09they weren't.
27:10And then,
27:11in the end,
27:12I just
27:13closed my eyes,
27:14I breathed
27:15and asked the universe
27:16to protect me
27:17with all the energy
27:18we had generated.
27:19Were you scared?
27:20A little?
27:22I was scared,
27:23yes I was scared,
27:24yes I was scared
27:26But wow, I've seen so many things in this time.
27:29What else have you seen?
27:31He says that they look like they weren't from this time.
27:33It was basically ghosts, you know, that you could just tell that they weren't from this dimension or anything.
27:40I'm a good interviewer. Yeah, I want to know everything.
27:42He says, Jenny, do you want to know everything?
27:44I say, yes, these are things that I hadn't heard before.
27:46And he's like, oh, really? So what happened?
27:48Oh, it was that day? Oh, okay.
27:50I live on another planet.
27:53Well, what can I say?
27:55This year, I've expanded my mind.
28:00Yes, thanks to you, thanks to everyone who is here.
28:04How have you been able to implement this practice and this, which is something so different,
28:09that people usually don't practice, the subject of tantra or conscious sex,
28:13with the subject of couples?
28:15Which doesn't fit.
28:23Once you learn this power that you have inside of you,
28:26it's difficult to find people that think the same way.
28:29Look, it's not even necessary to talk about this.
28:32Because, I mean, not us, but with people, right?
28:35I've met girls,
28:37in which we are talking,
28:41and they're like a bad movie.
28:44I mean, you put on the movie, and in five minutes,
28:46you're already thinking about anything else.
28:49Bad dates, Alex.
28:52How many dates?
28:55And your mind?
28:56The power of energy.
28:57I'm telling you.
28:59Let's see if it wakes up.
29:00Let me wake someone up, at least.
29:02When you bring this to a conversation,
29:04how do the girls respond?
29:06Well, at first, they think it's a trick to get them to bed.
29:12So I'm like, oh, you're starting to talk about this to me?
29:15No, wait.
29:16I'm just telling you.
29:18I'm just telling you because that's what's happening to me.
29:22And besides,
29:24the people who live with me now,
29:27and who know me now,
29:32are all those people who didn't leave.
29:36How can I explain it?
29:37And as you said, to meet girls and so on,
29:41when I tell them,
29:42no, it's not as much as you think,
29:44and I start explaining it to them,
29:45and I start telling them,
29:47and some of them tell me,
29:48no, you're crazy.
29:49How do you think it's going to work?
29:51Others get pissed off, but...