ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 7

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ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 7


00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:12Previously on Love Island.
00:16Grace, Tiffany and Will, it's time to get ready for a night away with an islander of your choice.
00:21A sleepover.
00:28Let's go baby!
00:29Scott Saucy.
00:31What do you actually think you're looking for there?
00:33Looking for you, innit?
00:42Mr Lips.
00:43I feel like the past two weeks has just been loads of lies to me.
00:46I don't think that bad.
00:47You've got shit in your eyes then.
00:48Sometimes dreams come true, you know what I mean?
00:50Can't catch a break, can you?
00:51When is someone going to care about my feelings?
00:53These women say baby.
00:56Our news travelled fast.
00:59Hearing Grace would have been the person he would kiss.
01:01The games of how you feel.
01:03Obviously I think it's best that it would come from you.
01:19It's time to head back to the main villa.
01:21It's new beginnings people.
01:22It's time.
01:24It's so easy with us and like we do just click.
01:26I really don't feel like I've done anything wrong.
01:28I had a little kiss with her.
01:29Oh, did you?
01:30To face the music.
01:35I feel so embarrassed.
01:36I literally feel like walking up this villa.
01:53The sleepover's a mile from the villa as the crow flies
01:57or a mile and a half as the drone flies
01:59because the neighbour bunged a drone pilot 50 euros
02:02to cruise over his garden and check on his chihuahua.
02:09How are you feeling, darling?
02:10I'm good, how are you?
02:12I've been waiting for someone to walk in who I could...
02:17I don't know.
02:18I've been waiting for someone to walk in who I could look at
02:22and like feel a certain way.
02:24I feel like I know how you feel about me.
02:26Yeah, you know how I feel about you.
02:27Yeah, I know, I know, but that's the truth.
02:28Me and Simone feel like I still need to have a chat with her.
02:30She's a really nice girl.
02:32Like, do you feel like that's fully done with her?
02:34No, there's definitely still something there.
02:38But I don't want to close it off.
02:40I feel like she tries to close it off,
02:41but I'm still like looking at it like I did like her,
02:44you know what I mean?
02:45It's a bit difficult and now,
02:47especially now you've been like,
02:48yeah, there are still feelings there for Samantha.
02:50Listen, I'm gutted that what happened.
02:53I am truly gutted that it, like, whatever happened between us,
02:57it stops and that, like...
02:58Yeah, but...
02:59It makes me realise how lucky I was to have you at that time.
03:02No, I appreciate that.
03:05Me too.
03:14How's your night been?
03:15Very good.
03:16I mean, second night in.
03:17But I've enjoyed myself.
03:18It's been good to be here with you.
03:20Mm. Really?
03:21Mm. Thanks.
03:22Are you excited to see, like, where we'll go?
03:25I mean, I feel like this is just the start.
03:28It's good that we're the same age too.
03:29Yeah, I know.
03:30You know what I mean?
03:31Like, similar places in life.
03:33We'll have a nice time in bed.
03:34It'll be nice, do you know what I mean?
03:37Just the two of us.
03:39What do you think your position's going to be like
03:41going back to the villa, obviously, with Omar?
03:43Mm, I'm not going to completely cut him off.
03:45Yeah, of course not.
03:46I'm still interested in getting to know him.
03:48Do you know what I mean? Because he's been so lovely.
03:50Yeah, you've got to give everyone a good chance.
03:52Yeah, exactly.
03:53It would be unfair not to.
03:54Obviously, you're still going to get to know other girls, though.
03:57Yeah, of course.
03:58I'm still going to speak to them and that,
04:00but, like, I've already made it clear to you how I feel.
04:03You are a priority to me, so...
04:08Do you like that?
04:09You can call me what you want.
04:13What do you want me to call you?
04:18You're moving quick, fam.
04:23Kieran regrets making stupid comments
04:25during the beer pong challenge.
04:27Me too, although I didn't get paid for mine,
04:29which always takes the sting out.
04:32Don't... No, no, no, no.
04:34Don't wah-wah-wah.
04:37Basically, do you know what after you kissed Wil?
04:41I may have made a comment in passing.
04:45A comment. I think it was Omar.
04:47Omar just asked me, saying, like,
04:49if you were going to choose, who would it have been?
04:52For me, instead of me kissing Jess.
04:56I said Grace.
04:58I don't... I don't know.
05:03Why would you say something like that after that?
05:07I don't know. I didn't mean it.
05:09It was out of pitying us.
05:11Because I don't fancy Grace.
05:13Well, you obviously do. No, I don't.
05:15You obviously do. I don't.
05:17Beefy, are they? Yeah.
05:19She sounded very snappy, then.
05:21What do you want me to say?
05:23Crack on with her, like?
05:25I'm not going to crack on with her.
05:27You obviously fancy the girl over there.
05:29I don't know if you want to. I don't.
05:31I don't want to get in the way.
05:33You don't even care, do you, mate? Stop doing it.
05:36If you want to make comments like that,
05:38that just shows how immature you actually are more than what...
05:41I thought you weren't peaceful.
05:43Oh, Jesus. Oh, no.
05:45What did she say?
05:46She said that just shows how immature you actually are.
05:50We'll see if she's OK.
05:52I've made my bed of gold lining, you know.
05:55Now she thinks I fancy Grace.
05:58But it's not the case at all.
06:01It's been left on a weird one.
06:03I've just got to make it clear to her
06:05what I've been saying to her, that, you know,
06:07she's the only one in here for me, and, you know,
06:09when I say, like, I am closed off, I just want to make her happy.
06:15What have you done?
06:19Wait there, wait.
06:22Right, Nicole...
06:23What's his actual preflick?
06:25What's he said? Come on, what's he said?
06:27Yesterday, the boy, you said to him,
06:29oh, who...
06:31Who would you...?
06:33Cos Nicole had a good kiss with Will or something.
06:35What would you have done in that situation?
06:37Oh, I wouldn't have had Grace, he said.
06:41Did all the boys know that, as well?
06:43All the boys were there, none of them told me.
06:45They're all rats.
06:47Don't worry, Fionn, OK? You did the right thing.
06:49Yeah, I know.
06:51Sometimes doing the right thing is going to end up like this, innit?
06:55Just got to make peace with it, no?
06:57Just give it time, Jeremy, cos obviously it's just a lot to process.
07:01I knew this was going to be the reaction, but...
07:05The thing is, you've taken it on the chin, Jeremy.
07:09And I'm proud of you.
07:11But she thinks now, I want to get to know Grace,
07:13I fancy Grace, but I don't.
07:15But you said that.
07:17I said that to her, I told her everything I was thinking.
07:19The fact of the matter is, it was petty of me to say it,
07:22cos I didn't mean it anyway.
07:26So he's basically saying... Boys!
07:28I actually hate all boys.
07:30Right, well, do you know what's just annoying?
07:33It's the fact how much of a kick-off he was over you doing that.
07:36He's literally foaming over the kiss I had with Will in the thing,
07:39and then doesn't even watch it, and then made me feel awful
07:42for having a snog with someone in a challenge,
07:44and then he goes, he goes, I would have picked Grace anyway.
07:47But, Nicole, he's playing up to the boys.
07:49Yeah, but that's what you don't want. I'm just shocked, I didn't expect it.
07:52What was the conversation about, then?
07:54So, I don't know, like, the ins and outs.
07:56Something along the lines of, if I wanted to...
07:58He could have kissed Grace and not wanted to.
08:00Yeah, but he didn't.
08:02But he kissed Jess out of respect, cos that's your best friend.
08:05Do you know what I mean?
08:07Wait, so he could have kissed Grace if he wanted to?
08:10Choose her, then, babe, cos I'm the one who's gone and picked by Will.
08:13But, Nicole, he doesn't want to, though.
08:15He didn't act on it, that's the main thing you have to remember.
08:18He came and said it, owned up to it and came to you, do you know what I mean?
08:21That shows that he respects you more.
08:30It's two different villas, two different worlds.
08:33Nicole's not talking to Kieran cos she's angry at him,
08:36while Tiffany's not talking to Ronnie cos he's got his tongue wedged in her mouth.
08:40You OK, babe?
08:42I'm just pissed off, to be honest.
08:44I can't be arsed to speak to the boy, I don't want to speak to him at all.
08:47If I wanted to kiss her, I could have kissed her.
08:49I said to Grace, look, it's going to be very, very, very hard through my head.
08:53End of the day, though, he didn't kiss her.
08:55He didn't, but, like, stop playing up to the lads.
08:57This is what we need, men, we don't need children.
09:00I thought you lot were good.
09:09What a welcome you've had. I love this place.
09:12I don't fancy anyone in there as much as I do of him.
09:20I do feel like is there going to be a bit of, like, animosity tomorrow?
09:26They're going to literally come back tomorrow and be like,
09:28we had the best night of our lives, it was carnage... Party!
09:31Party, party. Mate, there's six of you there, chill.
09:33We had a bit of a party, innit? That's a soiree, mate.
09:36That's a swinger's soiree, mate.
09:46I'm well happy with how it's gone, bro.
09:48Yeah, mate, that's you now, wasn't it?
09:50Yeah, she's top.
09:56Back in the big bed.
10:00I'm sure they'll probably sleep right now.
10:02I reckon they've been really respectful.
10:07Not everyone's like you.
10:12It's definitely been the best day since we've been here.
10:42This is for you.
10:49I love you.
11:13It's morning, and as ever, the bill has been given the once-over
11:16by my cleaning company, Sterling Cleaners Limited.
11:18Sterling cleans from a sterling company.
11:20Terms and conditions apply, your house may end up dirtier
11:22than before we cleaned it.
11:29Rise and shine, everyone.
11:31Omar, we've had the lovely Uma tonight.
11:36Bit of a strange one.
11:39How do we think our friends are doing this morning?
11:51One of the best nights of my life.
11:56How you feeling this morning, mate?
11:58Buzzing, bro. Ooh!
12:07Uma would kiss Will, no?
12:09I'm not sure she would. I'm not sure she would.
12:12I don't think Joey would have.
12:14What a load of shite!
12:29It was nice to have a cuddle with someone.
12:31Yeah, it was nice. Do you know what I mean?
12:33Cos I haven't even had a cuddle. I didn't even cuddle with Aya.
12:36Did you not? No.
12:40Thank you!
12:44That's really cute.
12:49There's nothing more you can do.
12:51She's just going to be upset and you've got to let her be upset.
13:04How you feeling?
13:06Good as I can be, mate. As good as I can be.
13:09It's not a big deal, man. It's not.
13:12You're basically hurt, though.
13:14What? What's the big deal?
13:16Like, obviously, we closed it off, innit?
13:19Yeah, 100% you closed it off.
13:21Now she thinks I fancy Grace,
13:23and then if I don't fancy Grace,
13:25she thinks that she's not as mature as what I thought
13:29because I made a petty comment.
13:32Mac, it weren't a comment that was any malicious.
13:35You think she hasn't said passing comments?
13:37You just haven't heard them.
13:39It's not anything, bro. It's not anything.
13:41She's upset. I get it.
13:43I get it, but, bro, this ain't...
13:47I think maybe you should allow her to be upset
13:50and just let her get her head round it.
13:53Yeah, I'll talk to you later, innit, but...
13:55You can just say I didn't mean it.
13:57I don't think you got off on it. I did.
13:59I've already said that, mate.
14:01I've said everything I wanted to already.
14:08How are you boys feeling this morning, though?
14:11I feel good, man. What about you, Emma?
14:14Obviously, yesterday, it's definitely a bit, like, weird
14:17not having Emma around to, like, chat to her when you want.
14:21So, let him get back and...
14:24..I guess get back to what I need to do, innit?
14:26You know what I mean?
14:28Do you think I've had a class in here?
14:30Yeah. What?
14:31Do you think I've handled the situation well?
14:33Yeah, much better than I would. Do you? Yeah.
14:36I'd be going nuts.
14:37I feel like you... Oh, my God, gorgeous, Mimi.
14:40I feel like you could have seriously lost your shit with him
14:44and you haven't. Yeah.
14:45Oh, boys.
14:47Like I just said last night, I feel, like, probably used.
14:52But you've not been used because you had a lovely date with him.
14:55He's been lovely while he's been here, too, in that sense,
14:58but it's only now that you might feel it but you don't look it.
15:03I just don't want to be, like, so, like, did he kiss?
15:06Do you know what I mean?
15:07No, the thing is, we shouldn't have to ask that.
15:09They should tell you that themselves.
15:11Them girls owe us nothing right now.
15:13It's the boys that owe you something.
15:15I don't think they'll tell without asking me.
15:17One of my other favourite saying skills is,
15:19you can't control how anybody else behaves or reacts,
15:22but you can control how you do.
15:24Love that.
15:26True, innit?
15:27I'm actually looking forward to hearing what went on in the villa.
15:30You can't have an enclosed space with someone,
15:32especially with Jo and Grace, they've already got history.
15:35Like, I know what probably happened.
15:37Come on, Nicole, Kieran might have messed up,
15:39but all he's asking for is a little bit of grace.
15:42Oh, God, sorry, bad choice of words.
15:44Nicole, do you want to go talk?
15:48Where do you want to go?
15:50Fire pit, busy.
15:55I feel like they both know it's nonsense.
15:58But it's not. It's like...
16:01Kieran is, like, actually trying to be genuine.
16:05Yeah, look, I fucking...
16:08I'm shit with my words, but...
16:11I feel shit about it all.
16:13It was a passing comment.
16:15That literally meant nothing.
16:17Obviously, you have a joke with the boys.
16:19Don't get me wrong, Grace is a stunning girl,
16:21Will is a stunning boy, so there's going to be comments that are made.
16:24I shouldn't have said it, cos I didn't mean it.
16:26It was stupid of me to make a comment.
16:28It was petty and it was immature.
16:30It's fine, if you want to get to know them...
16:32No, I don't.
16:33Don't think you've got to hold back.
16:35No, I don't.
16:36It's not the case, if that's the way you want to be.
16:38You're not understanding.
16:40If I still wanted to get to know other people,
16:42I wouldn't have closed it off with you.
16:44It's just not nice to hear, is it?
16:46No, it's not.
16:47And if it was everyone, I wouldn't like it either.
16:50This is one of them I didn't think before I speak.
16:53I just think now it's, like, spoken about,
16:55it doesn't need to be brought up again.
16:57Like, obviously, I know she's a pretty girl, she's stunning,
17:00but I think, like, just a little...
17:02I don't know if you can have a laugh with the boys.
17:04I have a laugh with the girls.
17:05I've probably said stuff that's joking around with the girls.
17:08You've said stuff that's joking around with the boys.
17:10But I think it's just, when it comes to stuff like that,
17:13it's a bit too much information in here.
17:15So it was just a bit of a kick in the teeth,
17:17but we move on from here now, it's done.
17:19Comments have been made, they can just be put to bed.
17:22And just leave it as that.
17:25And think before you speak, OK?
17:29Back at the sleepover, our footballer's got a problem,
17:32cos Harriet, Jess and Grace all like Ronnie.
17:35Basically, we need more Ronnies,
17:37but as fans at Lew's FC have made clear,
17:39there's only one Ronnie Vent!
17:42One Ronnie Vent!
17:44There's only one Ronnie Vent!
17:47Good night, wasn't it? Yeah, it was really good.
17:49I had fun, it was nice.
17:51And sealed with a little kiss.
17:53Yeah, it was nice. It was nice to have a kiss, wasn't it?
17:55Yeah, 100%.
17:57I would love to stay here for a few more days.
17:59Me too. Just me and you, though.
18:01Just me and you. Just me and you.
18:03Not the others.
18:05No, not with them as well.
18:07Are you excited to go back?
18:11Yeah. I am.
18:13How are you feeling, a bit nervous at all, or not?
18:15No. No? No.
18:17No nerves at all.
18:19Are you feeling nervous?
18:21I'm not, but...
18:23You're in a couple, aren't you?
18:25But it's not like that, is it?
18:27Mm. Mm. I'm not nervous.
18:29What are you going to tell them?
18:31I'm going to say it was amazing.
18:33It was so cute. It was like a couple's dream.
18:35They're going to want to know everything.
18:37I know. I'm not going to go into, like, loads of detail.
18:39I'm just going to, like, we're just going to let them know,
18:41obviously, like, how the day was, how the night was,
18:43what we got up to.
18:45It's not really so hard, anyway. Know what I mean?
18:47No. I just don't want any, like, animosity or, like,
18:49do you know, like, just from the girls,
18:51because, obviously, like, I'm nowhere near as...
18:53Do you know what I mean? I've known them all for a day.
18:55Yeah. I don't think there will be.
18:57Well, obviously, we're still going to speak to everyone there.
19:00Yeah. Like, so far, it's very early.
19:02I've literally been here for, like, two days, so... Yeah.
19:04Yeah, and obviously, you've got your situations over there as well.
19:07Yeah. But, yeah, I'm liking how it's going with you, so...
19:09Yeah. I think, you know, just carry on getting to know each other.
19:11100%, yeah, like, I won't put ever no pressure on anything.
19:14Do you know what I mean? Obviously, like, I know you've got to get to know people,
19:17so don't think anything like that, but my situation back there...
19:21Mm. ..is...
19:23Left it with, like, I'm open. Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
19:26So there won't be no ag or anything your way.
19:29I think if she looks a bit upset, like, I'll give her the time of day...
19:32Yeah, of course. ..and just be like,
19:34oh, girl, do you want to, like, have a little chat and let's catch up?
19:37I'll chat... Obviously, I'll chat to her as well.
19:39Like, I'm... I need to talk to her.
19:41Yeah, cos I do think she'll be feeling a bit shit. Yeah.
19:44I had to pick someone at the end of the day, didn't I, so... Yeah.
19:47Yeah, you as the chosen one. Chosen the best.
19:53God, there's so much greenery, isn't there?
19:55Just loads of views, isn't it? Yeah.
19:57This view here. Mm, it's a nice view.
19:59Yeah, you've got the best view.
20:01Got the best view in the arse.
20:05Aw. Aw.
20:08Harriet's worried that after cracking on with her and Jess,
20:12Ronnie's going to make a move on Grace.
20:14Harriet, did you ever meet a footballer
20:16who didn't dream of getting his hat trick?
20:18Surely Ronnie is not going to jump from Jess,
20:22jump to me and then jump to Tiffany when he doesn't even know the girl.
20:26Actually, surely not. Surely not.
20:28The thing is, Ronnie, yeah, like, is he going to do that
20:30with every single person that comes in the door?
20:32But I think this will be the tell. It questions, like...
20:34What he's doing. ..is he actually in here for a purpose
20:36or is he here for a lad's holiday?
20:38Mm, I think that too. Do you know what I mean?
20:40Yeah. But I think, for me, I just want to know,
20:42like, it's the anticipating that's, like, and the waiting around
20:45that's, like, doing me in a bit, cos it's, like,
20:47it says more about him than it does me. Yeah.
20:50For him to, you know, jump from Jess, then jump to me
20:53and then jump to a new girl that he literally doesn't even know yet
20:56would be a little bit of a kick in the teeth.
20:58How are we? Good, baby, how are you? All good.
21:00How are you feeling? I'm OK.
21:02All good, all good.
21:04Shaunie, baby.
21:07The anticipation.
21:09Get your graft on, baby.
21:11Who are you going to go for? I'm going to go Tiffany first.
21:14Are you going to tell Tiffany what sweet she is?
21:16Don't call her a strawberry lace, cos it hasn't worked out.
21:19No, I'm going to have to change it up.
21:21I'm going to have to think something else.
21:23No, don't think of something else, just actually think what sweet she is.
21:26Mm. Am I still a strawberry lace?
21:29You're a strawberry pencil. Yeah, but am I still that?
21:32No, you're a sour apple now. Initially, weren't you fierce,
21:34who was your type?
21:39I would say Jess, to be fair.
21:41Jess, maybe you, actually.
21:43I never actually spoke to you, I think I was a bit scared.
21:46Why? I'm not that scary, am I?
21:49You were just so confident and loud,
21:51I felt like I was quaking in my boots for some reason.
21:53Oh, Shaun!
21:55Is it that nice? Tiffany's giving Ronnie a bit of protection.
21:58Ronnie, mate, you'll need a lot more than sunscreen if Harriet finds out
22:01what you got up to last night.
22:03I feel like I need... Oh.
22:06I've got a text.
22:10Oh, shit. What now?
22:12Islanders, it's time to head back to the main villa.
22:15Hashtag completed it.
22:21Do you think you completed it? I think a kiss would have completed it.
22:24I'm a slow girl. I'm on the right track, though, aren't I?
22:27Yeah, I'm sure you're on the right track.
22:29It's new beginnings, people.
22:31It is. It's the start of something new, guys.
22:33The start of something new.
22:38Aw, look how cute we all are.
22:40I know! I'm going to miss this.
22:42I know, we're going to go back to the villa and be like,
22:44what the hell, who called the love bug?
22:49We completed it. We completed it.
22:52We completed it.
22:54Girls, I've had such a nice time, obviously with the boys, but also with you.
22:57Let's give it Bumshells Unite. Bumshells Unite!
23:04I'm going to go back, speak to Owens,
23:06but I'm just going to be honest with him.
23:08What's the worst that could happen?
23:10What's the worst that could happen? You're so right, bro.
23:12When I'm speaking to Sam, I do feel like I should say, like,
23:15we have had a kiss.
23:17The truth is, I'm a little bit nervous.
23:19Yeah, I'm the same, if you're right. We'll see.
23:23Let's go, go, go!
23:25Bye, villa! It's been nice knowing you!
23:51Oh, here we go.
23:55Oh, Jess!
23:57My babes, I've missed you!
23:59Hi, how was it?
24:01Did you have a good time?
24:03It's been ages.
24:05How are you?
24:07Yeah, OK.
24:09How are you?
24:11What did you do? What did you go through?
24:15How are you?
24:17Yeah, I'm all good. Yeah, I had a good time.
24:19Have a good night!
24:21You good, bro?
24:23How are you, babe?
24:27Hi, my darling.
24:29Girls, fire pit!
24:31Oh, my God!
24:33Babe, it was so...
24:35I can't wait.
24:39Oh, my God, you look lush.
24:41Are you telling me, boys?
24:43I don't want to rub it in,
24:45but it probably has been
24:47the best day and night I've had in here so far.
24:49Is it?
24:51I'm not going to lie, it was actually amazing.
24:53We had, like, a bit of food,
24:55and there was, like, steaks on plates,
24:57and, like, fish, yeah, sea bass, yeah.
24:59Some, like, calamari, abalone.
25:01We had, like, a little party.
25:03But, guys, I'm telling you, like, he's actually so nice.
25:05Really? Yeah, I'm actually so chuffed with him.
25:07Really? Yeah, honestly.
25:09He's even, like, I'm getting what I want.
25:13It's me!
25:15Did you have a kiss? No, we didn't have a kiss.
25:17I said, you better work for it, boy.
25:19But, yeah, we had a little cut.
25:23We did!
25:25I can't believe that I'm the one.
25:29Go on, Will.
25:31What have you got for us, lad?
25:33I've made it sort of clear to her that I am pretty interested,
25:35but I'm not closing anything else off.
25:37Do you know what I mean?
25:39I'm still going to get to know everyone else,
25:41but, yeah, I've really enjoyed it.
25:43No, like, she's cool.
25:45Nice girl, got on and up.
25:47What did you do to her?
25:49Just finished with a little kiss on that, yeah.
25:51It went really well,
25:53but, obviously, it's so early.
25:55I'm definitely still open and stuff.
25:57Obviously, he's caught up with you, babe.
25:59But, like, yeah, it was really nice.
26:01We did have a little kiss, like, on the day bed,
26:03but, I mean, like, in bed,
26:05like, there was no, like, cuddle or anything like that.
26:07What about you, Grace? How was your time?
26:09Obviously, you girls know the situ, like, with Joey,
26:11so I think it was nice for us
26:13to just kind of, like, chat, like, one-on-one
26:15and just, like, catch up and see the vibes,
26:17but we're really getting on.
26:19I feel like it kind of feels like how we were
26:21when we met last year, and it's so easy with us
26:23and, like, we do just click,
26:25so I'm just going to see where it goes.
26:27Joey, Joey.
26:29Joey, Joey.
26:31Where do I start?
26:33There's definitely something there.
26:35Like, the minute she walked in,
26:37I ain't going to lie, like,
26:39I can still feel, like, that special feeling
26:41that I had when I was with her.
26:43Yeah. She's an absolute soul.
26:45No, not that.
26:47But she's beautiful inside and out as a person.
26:49She really is.
26:57Wow, I look like an absolute fool.
26:59Babe, no, you don't.
27:01Oh, my God.
27:03Babe, I just think, I know it's hard,
27:05but just don't overthink until he has a conversation with you.
27:09Yeah, I have.
27:11You haven't. I have.
27:13You haven't.
27:15You need to speak to him and see if he needs to pull you.
27:17I don't want anyone to speak to him right now.
27:19He doesn't give a fuck about how I feel,
27:21because if he did, he'd have come there then
27:23or there yesterday,
27:25and he'd have reassured me and made sure I was OK.
27:27And once it's yesterday, I'm OK.
27:29That's fucking rude.
27:31Have you seen Samantha?
27:33Yeah, she's speaking to Harriet.
27:35Are you going to speak to her?
27:37Is she all right? Is she good?
27:39Yeah, I think so.
27:41Uma's pulled Omar for a chat while he's enjoying an ice cream
27:43from my company, Sterling Ice Creams Ltd.
27:45Sterling ice creams from a sterling company.
27:47Terms and conditions apply. Ice cream not suitable for human consumption
27:49may cause diarrhoea.
27:51Was it quiet without me, hun? 100%.
27:53Really? Oh, I missed you. Give me your cards.
27:55Yeah, of course.
27:57No, I don't think... I actually did miss you.
27:59Really? 100%.
28:01It's cos you have a big personality.
28:03So how are you feeling about, like,
28:05me going away last night and stuff?
28:07We were obviously... We were trying to get to a point
28:09where we could, like,
28:11get to know each other a bit better.
28:13A bit better, on a deeper level. Yeah, no, I agree.
28:15How did you feel about things?
28:17I mean, I was excited, obviously,
28:19because we have good chat too,
28:21but I think that definitely we should still
28:23continue our chats, cos we have good chats,
28:25you know, and we get along.
28:27Hey, I'm not saying that. I was going to stop.
28:29I know, I know, but I just wanted to reassure you.
28:31Do you know what I mean? Obviously.
28:33But we do have a strong... Will and I do have
28:35quite a strong connection, but it doesn't mean
28:37anything that we can't continue exploring
28:39our connection.
28:43Uma is a lovely, respectable
28:45woman. She obviously wanted to
28:47get across how she felt. Just let me
28:49know what the situation is at the moment.
28:51Do you know what I mean? I've got to get on with it
28:53kind of thing. Still got to have my conversations
28:55with Uma and build my own connection
28:57as much as others want to build connections with her.
28:59I think you kind of don't want somebody to
29:01have what you want with someone else.
29:03Harry, want to...?
29:05Not really. Here you go, Babs.
29:07Want to have a little chat? Yeah, go on.
29:17All right, Abra's? Good, how are you?
29:19Yeah. Did you miss me?
29:21Did you miss me? A little bit.
29:23Um, yeah, obviously...
29:25Go on, go on. I wanted to just pull you off.
29:27Go on. I don't know what I said, but, yeah,
29:29it was just like a date type of thing.
29:31Um, had dinner and
29:33all that, and at the end of that, like, I had a little
29:35kiss with her. Oh, did you?
29:37Um, but obviously,
29:39just wanted to tell you before
29:41anyone else did type of thing. Yeah.
29:43It was just the way it went, like,
29:45we got on, I got on with her. Mm-hm.
29:47And it was like, yeah, you're there for...
29:49Do you know what I mean? Yeah, fair enough.
29:51I'm not saying, like,
29:53I don't think it's still going to happen, me and you,
29:55because I do, but I want to get to know you still.
29:57Obviously, we're coupled up, so... Yeah.
29:59I just wanted to put it out there and, obviously,
30:01see what you think of it. Yeah, obviously,
30:03do you know what I mean? I've literally been coupled up with you
30:05for two days. Yeah. I appreciate you telling me,
30:07though. Yeah. Obviously,
30:09it's a bit awkward, but... Did you kiss her in bed?
30:11No. OK.
30:13Not in bed. OK.
30:15You missed us.
30:17I did miss you. You missed us.
30:19A little bit. A little bit?
30:21Did you miss me a little bit?
30:27Ronnie kind of just said it in a casual way,
30:29like, yeah, like, we kissed
30:31and that, like, classic, do you know what I mean?
30:33Am I surprised?
30:35No, not at all, but I'm
30:37glad he told me.
30:39I found the
30:41light, found
30:43the light,
30:45slip out
30:47of me.
30:49Are you OK?
30:51What are you doing?
30:53Are you OK?
30:55Come here.
30:57What's wrong?
30:59The first thing he was going to do, then,
31:01Joan, was pull you, you know?
31:03He was. He's been looking for you.
31:05He doesn't want to. I know he don't.
31:07You don't, obviously, want to speak to him right now,
31:09and now is not the time.
31:11But he will be pulling you,
31:13but you need to have that conversation when you can.
31:15I was
31:19would have done anything,
31:21would have given everything.
31:23What was your head
31:25thinking? Yeah, I need to speak
31:27to her. I want to speak to her. I just feel like she's always
31:29giving me the cold shoulder. As soon as
31:31they entered the building, like, she just
31:33ripped me off. When I stayed on the day bed,
31:35you know what I mean, all that, it's just like,
31:37I don't think it should be like that regardless. No, yeah.
31:39I wouldn't have done any of this to her.
31:41Yeah. Do you know what I mean?
31:43I have actually tried, like, a lot.
31:45OK, fair enough. I've done my best.
31:47I just think, yeah, the longer, I feel like
31:49maybe we should just talk, because the longer it goes on, the more
31:51it's like... Yeah, of course, we need to talk. Everyone's asking,
31:53are you OK? Are you this? And also,
31:55communication, like, communicate with me. Don't just...
31:57Do you know what I mean? She's not telling me
31:59anything, guys. It's just hard.
32:01Hmm. I know. Well, what are you going to do?
32:03Put her tonight? I'm trying to find her now.
32:05Where can I find her?
32:07OK, well...
32:09Go on, I'll speak to you in a sec. OK.
32:11I just want to come down
32:13and we'll go and sit on the day beds, will we, Matt?
32:15No, cos if he bullies me, I'm just going to fucking flee.
32:17He doesn't give a flying fuck
32:19about my feelings, so he says I'm
32:21unrespected, he can't oppose it.
32:23No, he doesn't. That's a fucking
32:25load of lies. He doesn't want to look like a bad person.
32:27But you don't know until you hear him out what he's going to say?
32:29No. The fact that I've had a ball by his hands.
32:37Do you know what I want?
32:39Do you know what I want?
32:41Honestly, just leave me with Jess for a bit, please.
32:43She'll come down
32:45in a minute.
32:47She's fine, she's not. Yeah, she's fine.
32:49She'll come down in a minute, Joe.
32:53It's just embarrassing.
32:55I just feel really embarrassed.
32:57It's out of your control. You've not embarrassed yourself.
32:59He's made you embarrassed,
33:01so that's on him. You've not treated someone wrong.
33:03You've not made someone feel that way.
33:05Your morals and your values have stayed the same,
33:07do you know? It's the dramatics,
33:09cos they give a fuck, don't they? Well, no.
33:11Oh, yeah. What do you want to do?
33:13Are you staying up here or are you coming back?
33:15I'm going to go down there and make sure he doesn't come up here
33:17while I'm up here on my own when we're in the mood for anyone.
33:19I didn't want him to see that I was upset because,
33:21in reality, I'm embarrassed because
33:23Grace walks in and I just get, like,
33:25kicked to the curb.
33:27It's not nice. Are you sure you're OK?
33:29Do you want anything? No.
33:31And I love you
33:33always in my heart,
33:35you're the one,
33:37you're the one.
33:53If I fall nine times,
33:55then I'll get up...
33:57The Islanders are getting ready for another big night,
33:59so I've loaned Omar my favourite face soap.
34:01Damn you, Omar.
34:03If I fall nine times,
34:05then I'll get up, get up...
34:07I've been trying to find her all day.
34:09Like, the minute we got back from the villa,
34:11all I wanted to do was speak to Samantha.
34:13I want to talk to her, I need to communicate.
34:15Otherwise, it's just, like,
34:17it's just dwelling on me.
34:19Bro, it needs to be addressed ASAP.
34:21Did she guess something?
34:23Did they guess?
34:25I feel absolutely nothing.
34:27I'm going to have to just take it,
34:29however she feels. Do you know what I'm saying?
34:31She's going to feel a certain way.
34:33I really don't feel like I've done anything wrong.
34:35Well, yeah, but...
34:37I feel bad.
34:43Not really worked out with Jess,
34:45but tonight's a new night.
34:47I think I'll chat to the new girls.
34:49Ronnie said to me that
34:51he kissed her.
34:53Actually, he started off with,
34:55did you miss me?
34:57There were times I wasn't sure,
34:59but now...
35:03Will, what are you saying tonight, boy?
35:05Just going to continue what I'm doing, bro.
35:09I feel like the connection's there, so...
35:11My advice, don't put all your eggs
35:13in one basket, though.
35:15Yeah, I know, bro.
35:23Got a bad feeling.
35:25Do you?
35:27I've got my crystals out,
35:29just in case. Shut up.
35:31See where the wind blows you when I'm out there.
35:33Hopefully it's a big breeze straight into the tea, dog.
35:47Welcome back, everybody, from your raunchy
35:49night away.
35:57You OK?
35:59Do you want to go and have a chat?
36:01Go on.
36:03You look lovely.
36:19How are you?
36:21Good, thanks. How are you?
36:23I'm good.
36:25I saw you upset earlier.
36:27I feel embarrassed, if I'm being completely honest.
36:29Why are you embarrassed?
36:31Was I just a little bit of a placeholder
36:33until someone else came in?
36:35I didn't want this to be the outcome.
36:37I still want to carry on, you don't.
36:39That's how it's coming across.
36:41From what's happened over there,
36:43why would I want to carry on?
36:45Did you kiss each other or not?
36:49You ruled me out.
36:51The minute them bombshells walked in,
36:53I was done.
36:55I'm never going to win with someone you've got history with,
36:57so I backed off.
36:59I'll be real with you, there are feelings there, of course.
37:01I just feel ashamed.
37:03I feel like a tit.
37:05I'm just embarrassed.
37:07I get that, and I'm here for you.
37:09But let me be here for you.
37:11Stop pushing me away.
37:13There's nothing that anyone...
37:15You are pushing me away.
37:17There's nothing that anyone in this villa can say to me
37:19that's going to make me feel better.
37:21I'm so...
37:23I feel like I'm just being put next to Grace,
37:25and I look at her, she's unbelievable,
37:27do you know what I mean? It's embarrassing.
37:29You're beautiful, what are you talking about?
37:31You're pushing the situation away.
37:33You're writing it off completely.
37:35I don't know why you're doing this.
37:37For two weeks, we've had...
37:39There's been no physical touch,
37:41there's been no cuddles,
37:43and then she's come in and you've just gone over there
37:45and done it with her.
37:47That's hurtful, that's fucking shitty.
37:49No, it's not, get over it.
37:51Are you going to let me be there for you,
37:53regardless of how you feel, what you want to do?
37:55Mm, OK.
37:57Yeah? Mm.
38:01It's just excuses, excuses, and then I'm saying,
38:03oh, OK, let me be there for you to care about you.
38:05Piss off, do you know what I mean?
38:07Definitely not,
38:09cos you clearly know that I'm embarrassed.
38:11So, get fucked,
38:13pile of bollocks.
38:15What did he say about the actual thing, being there?
38:17He kissed her and all that, yeah.
38:19Did he?
38:21You didn't kiss me once in two weeks.
38:23But did he say he wants to get to know you, yeah?
38:27What, he didn't say he'd written it off?
38:31What, so you're done?
38:35I'm just embarrassed.
38:37No, no, no, she's so embarrassed.
38:39But you've done nothing to be embarrassed.
38:41Babe, babe, how are you handling that situation?
38:43It was good.
38:45That is a lot to me.
38:47Yeah, that is a bit...
38:49That's horrible.
38:51I feel horrible.
38:53That's a horrible thing to do, that, you know.
38:55Babe, I know it's not fair.
38:57It seems like he has a cause, though.
38:59Cos I haven't once admitted I liked him, do you know what I mean?
39:01But I obviously clearly don't, though.
39:03Shaun and Jess are history,
39:05which means the Candyman's single again
39:07and looking for love.
39:09What Shaun needs is a matchmaker,
39:11ideally orange flavour, but it'll take mint at a push.
39:13My situation so far has obviously been a bit complicated.
39:15Waiting for the right person to come my way sort of thing,
39:17so when you obviously walked through,
39:19I was buzzing.
39:21Cos obviously, like, sort of what,
39:23like, my type, one favourite sort of thing.
39:27So I was, yeah, proper excited when you walked through the door
39:29sort of thing, so...
39:31Yeah, that's nice, isn't it?
39:35And obviously you've got a whistle wait.
39:37Obviously, like, I spoke to Ronnie more, like, the day before,
39:39probably, so that's why, like, I chose him.
39:41If you was to think of anything?
39:43Like, pick a mix, obviously.
39:45Yeah, pick a mix, yeah, like, anything fizzy.
39:47Like, the sour cherries, I guess.
39:49See, they were all my old favourites.
39:51They really?
39:53Yeah, chops and changes over time, do you know what I mean?
39:55What's your favourite?
39:57At the minute, like, a fizzy peach, you know what I mean?
39:59Fizzy peach?
40:01I like my women.
40:03I thought I was a bit of a fizzy peach.
40:05Oh, yeah, I think you are.
40:07You've got a bit of a peach on you.
40:09Hello, over here.
40:11Are you OK?
40:13Yeah, I wanted to speak to you earlier.
40:17But I felt like it was right for you and Joe to sit there.
40:19Yes, definitely.
40:21Yeah, I just feel like
40:23it's just a bit of an awkward situation
40:25and I just think, like,
40:27I don't want you to feel, like, pushed out or upset
40:29or, like, I'm not communicating with you
40:31or that he isn't.
40:33It's not you, though, is it? It's him.
40:35Do you know what I mean?
40:37It was just a bit, like, of a kick in the teeth.
40:39Do you know what I mean?
40:41Like, I've been covered up with him for two weeks
40:43and then, like, I get it, yous have got history
40:45but it was like, oh, ouch.
40:47Yeah, I get that.
40:49I just don't think he's handled it the best way that he possibly could have.
40:51It's hurtful, do you know what I mean?
40:53Because I do feel like he was, like,
40:55waiting for someone else to come in
40:57and I was just, like, a placeholder for the first two weeks.
40:59Yeah, I think it was just something you two needed to sort
41:01and I think you were both probably feeling a little bit awkward
41:03and avoiding things
41:05but now you've chatted,
41:07I just don't want you to feel like I'm...
41:09No, it's not you.
41:13No, honestly, it's fine.
41:15OK, good, babe.
41:19I feel like I've done everything
41:21that I could have done authentically.
41:23I'm just trying my best to let everybody know
41:25as soon as things kind of go on
41:27so no-one feels like they're in the dark.
41:29How has your first proper night been?
41:31Well, today?
41:35It's been ballsy, babe.
41:37Oh, right, Maddie Vickers.
41:41Who's there?
41:49There's no reason to keep anything a secret, is there?
41:53But, yeah, where is your head at, then?
41:55From the way we've gotten from the start
41:57and obviously yesterday,
41:59I'd say, yeah, it's going well moving forward.
42:01But, no, I'd probably choose you.
42:03Oh, that's nice to know.
42:05Have you spoke to him yet?
42:07Are you going to?
42:09No, I'm not going to.
42:11If he wants to know me, that's fine, but...
42:13you know.
42:17When it comes to Samantha,
42:19Joey's made his bed and he's got absolutely
42:21no intention of lying in it.
42:23Sleeping arrangements, yeah?
42:27You don't want to sleep in that single bedside, do you?
42:29You don't want to be in that single bed on your own?
42:31You don't?
42:33I'm definitely not sleeping in that bed in there.
42:35I'm definitely not sleeping on a dog bed,
42:37whatever this is fucking called.
42:39What's this called?
42:41Day bed.
42:43So there's only one place to go in there?
42:45Mm. What?
42:51We can go in there and sleep together.
42:53Oh, cos we're not in a couple?
42:57Sweet. We might as well.
42:59It's a good idea, to be fair, I didn't think of that.
43:01It's a great idea.
43:03Do it. Perfect.
43:13I can't believe he's just done that.
43:15Oh, my God.
43:17I actually can't believe he's just done that so in her face.
43:19He hasn't kissed Samantha for a week to be a minute.
43:21He's just snuck her on the day bed, I think that's a bit cheeky, that.
43:23Oh, shit.
43:25Where is she?
43:27On the sofa there.
43:29Samantha hasn't seen it.
43:31No, she's not seen it, no, she's not seen it.
43:33Grace, it's so hard. OK.
43:35I can't help but kiss her, I ain't going to lie.
43:37I'm being real, you feel exactly the same.
43:39Yeah, no, I know. I'm listening.
43:41I'm letting you, if anything, I'm actually letting you lead.
43:43Yeah, let me lead. Yeah, I am.
43:45Let me lead.
43:47How the fuck have we just been the ones to see that?
43:49I know why, you know, innit?
43:51We've got a tower.
43:53We've got a tower.
43:55I am obviously not going to sleep in that bed tonight.
43:59Where's one place where me and her can go tonight?
44:01No invite needed.
44:03Has anyone slept in there yet? No.
44:05Well, me and Grace will happily christen it tonight.
44:07Not in that way, just like...
44:09Not in that way.
44:11Obviously not in that way, just like...
44:13Obviously not in that way.
44:15Yeah, just sleep, you know what I mean?
44:17You don't have to get the whips and chains out and start getting all kinky.
44:19That's not what I'm on.
44:21I'm on being with the girl that I like
44:23and I want to stay in bed with her tonight.
44:25It's as simple as that.
44:39Joey just kissed, um,
44:41Grace on that day bed over there.
44:45We got so close
44:49when it slipped out of our hands.
44:51What do you mean, kiss her?
44:53Kiss her on the day bed, lay in front of everyone.
44:55Like a proper neck now? Yeah.
44:57From what we can see.
44:59Don't get upset over it.
45:03He's embarrassing, not you.
45:05That's disrespectful.
45:07And she's disrespectful as well,
45:09doing that in front of you.
45:11Goes the few
45:13inside my head
45:15I wish I could have said
45:17I'm not over the edge
45:19but I'm close
45:21To do that literally
45:23so close to where you sat
45:25I think is a bit of an audacity.
45:27Why do you need to kiss in front of everyone
45:29when I'm fucking sat here?
45:31Don't let me see you get upset.
45:33Don't, Samantha.
45:35I don't wanna know
45:37how you'll get over me
45:41or how you're gonna let me go
45:43as we turn into a memory
45:45I don't wanna know
45:47I don't wanna know
45:49It's just,
45:51everything just feels really in my face.
45:53I feel embarrassed.
45:55You've got nothing to be embarrassed about.
45:57You've not embarrassed yourself.
45:59That now just says more about him than it does you.
46:03Joey and Grace have just kissed
46:05on the day bed when I was sat there.
46:07In front of my face.
46:09Was they kissing over there in front of everyone?
46:11Yeah, yeah.
46:15In front of everyone.
46:21I literally feel like walking up to this fella.
46:23Stop, you know, stop saying that.
46:25You were not.
46:27You were staying right by my side.
46:29I don't wanna know
