ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 8

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ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 8


00:00Give me, give me, give me some time to think, I'm in the bathroom lookin' at me.
00:14Previously on Love Island USA.
00:17I got a salad!
00:22Two bombshells.
00:27Four dates.
00:29Changed everything.
00:34I'm in trouble.
00:41I really like you.
00:43You're a fucking liar.
00:44Will you just ask me how I'm fucking feeling?
00:47I've been wasting my whole time here with you.
00:51A shocking twist.
00:55The boy I want to couple up with is...
01:05Welcome to Love Island USA.
01:07The islanders are enjoying their evening after snake wrangler Rob spent his afternoon necking Andrea.
01:13And that man knows a thing or two about necks.
01:16Snakes are all neck, after all.
01:19Let's get going.
01:22What's up?
01:23Love you guys.
01:38Alright ladies.
01:39Oh my gosh, you guys.
01:40Let's chat it up.
01:42So we obviously need to know how your day was, finally.
01:46So it was like a beach picnic.
01:48It was so cute.
01:49Like blankets, pillows, flowers.
01:51We had like a bottle of champagne and a charcuterie board.
01:55Wait, who did you go on your first date with?
01:57My first date was with Cordell.
01:58Okay, and how was that?
01:59It was good.
02:00It was okay?
02:01Okay, so it was more than good.
02:02He surprised me because I was like, I wanted to take him on a date just to see if he would like open up.
02:07And we had a really good talk on the date.
02:09And then he kissed me.
02:10He kissed you?
02:11How was the kiss?
02:12Yeah, it was good.
02:13It was good?
02:14Okay, and then you went with Kenny.
02:15Okay, and how was your second?
02:16It was really good.
02:18Can you compare the two?
02:20The thing with Kendall is like we have so much in common.
02:24And he looked really cute too.
02:26Wait, did you kiss Kendall?
02:28So who was better?
02:30Wait, you kissed Kendall?
02:31Hell yeah, if I was a bum shot, I'd be kissing them both too.
02:34I'm like literally in the same, like basically like the same head space.
02:38Like you can't really like compare the two, but it wasn't like they were closed off.
02:42Like I appreciate them just even giving me the chance to like be able to get to know them.
02:47And they kind of weren't like closed off, whatever.
02:49Did you guys kiss?
02:50We did.
02:54Yeah, just both?
02:56Yeah, okay.
02:57But it was like, I don't know.
02:58It was just kind of like, it just happened.
02:59It wasn't like initiation in that way.
03:01It was kind of just like.
03:02In the moment.
03:03It was in the moment, but like we kind of like talked about it.
03:05I feel like I will say like, like Rob was like very respectful.
03:08Like he was about it.
03:09He did like make it clear like, like that where he stood with, with you.
03:14So, you know, he, he made it clear and he was very respectful about it.
03:18Like I like definitely like more initiated that just because I wanted to see like if there was something there.
03:24But, but yeah, they both were very respectful.
03:26Like that's why I appreciate them both.
03:27Like they were very vocal about where they stood with you guys.
03:30I'm trying really hard not to be petty after hearing all of this.
03:34And I'm going to try really hard not to because I'm 24 fucking years old and we don't play child's games anymore.
03:40But it's obviously not fun to hear that your couple kissed someone and he had like a wonderful time with her.
03:49And yeah.
03:55Come here baby girl.
03:56Don't you get from the front of this.
04:00I know I'm sweating.
04:01Let's get a sexy mommy.
04:04Suck it up.
04:07What did they say?
04:09Well, they kissed both.
04:11Wait, what?
04:15Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
04:19No, wait, wait, wait.
04:22Wait, what?
04:23And they went really well.
04:24They both went really well.
04:26Went really, really well.
04:28Hannah, Ken was about to tell you he kissed Nicole.
04:32Okay, so I need you to play it cool.
04:34Try not to nod.
04:35And if you're going to nod, just don't do it aggressively and at an abnormal pace.
04:41I'm sure you're curious about the date.
04:43How did it go?
04:44Yeah, so like Nicole and I, we have a lot of similarities, I'd say.
04:49But I want to be honest with you and tell you everything.
04:52We did kiss.
04:53And for my track record with you and how I've been, like the last thing I'm going to do is just hold things, hold information from you.
04:59Well, I'm glad that you told me and, you know, you're upfront and honest because I really respect that.
05:04Like I've always said, if we're, you know, meant to be, you know, I feel like you kind of have to get tested.
05:10Yeah, yeah, I love how you're reacting to this.
05:13Not going to lie, like, people are going to do what they want to do at the end of the day.
05:17I'm not just going to wait around for somebody.
05:19Like, I got to feel 100% too.
05:21Like, you know, if it's not me, I'm going to find my person regardless.
05:25Yeah, I feel like I'm in a spot where I'm open to having those conversations.
05:30But at the same time, I still want to make a priority to give Nicole times she deserves.
05:35I feel like I need to do this for myself to see if there's anything.
05:38And if there's nothing, there's nothing.
05:40And boom, then I'm good for us.
05:42But if there's something there, obviously, like, it's going to be explored.
05:47Ladies and gentlemen, it's a love island first.
05:50Cordell is walking up the stairs with no legs.
05:54Oh, no way.
05:56He's just got camouflage pants on.
05:58They get me every time.
06:00The date was fun, right?
06:07I'm fucking chilling.
06:09This is so nice.
06:10It is.
06:12I like this.
06:13What's this?
06:14I feel like.
06:15You got a full ass sleeve.
06:16Oh, yeah.
06:17You want to check it out?
06:18I want to see all your tattoos.
06:19Yeah, so.
06:20What are the ones on this hand?
06:22This is my mom's name, Mia.
06:27That's so weird.
06:29Is it another ex?
06:30Did that say Nicole?
06:32Nicole in who?
06:33Nicole Howard?
06:34Yeah, that's my aunt that passed away.
06:36But it's kind of weird because your name is because there's like a.
06:41This one?
06:42This one?
06:43This shading?
06:44Did this hurt?
06:45Yeah, this whole tribute.
06:46No, I like this.
06:47Was to my grandma that passed away.
06:49Her name was Tina.
06:51The crazy thing about it is we talked about.
06:54She only had one tattoo on her body, and it was a blue butterfly.
06:56And I said, Granny, I'm going to get that on me.
07:00And I want you to choose a spot.
07:02Where would you like that?
07:04She said right there.
07:05Right there.
07:06She told me once she passed away, she's going to get reincarnated as a blue butterfly.
07:11And she's going to land right here.
07:13So you'll know it's me.
07:16I was like touching his arm.
07:17And I'm just like, huh.
07:19I was listening, but I also was kind of touching his body and looking at him.
07:23Soaking it all in.
07:24It was nice.
07:25I would say it was pretty intimate.
07:27Kendall and Kordell, they're just so different.
07:30And I like them for different reasons.
07:32I mean, having two guys to choose from, it's not the worst problem in the world.
07:37Where the fuck has Rob been?
07:41I haven't seen my bitch Andrea.
07:44I feel bad for her.
07:47If I was in her shoes, that's a hard thing.
07:51I mean, it's bound to happen, though.
07:53While Aaron was on his date, Kayla spoke so nicely about his job.
07:58She said he was a massive dick hand.
08:02At least I think that's what she said.
08:06How was your day?
08:07I want to hear all about your date.
08:09So good.
08:10So, so good.
08:11Seriously, can you please fill me in and be serious for one second?
08:14Yeah, no, I will.
08:15What would you like to know?
08:16What have you heard?
08:17And how would you like me to go about it?
08:21Tell me how you feel.
08:23The date actually did go really good.
08:24Like, I actually did like it.
08:26And at the end, we did obviously kiss.
08:29Do you feel like your connection with her was comparable to our connection in the beginning?
08:33Right now, in this current situation, like, I don't really know
08:37because I've only, like, talked to her a couple of times.
08:40And it's definitely, like, different.
08:43I think that we're two completely different people.
08:46Yeah, I think you two are as well.
08:47Like, hugely different.
08:49Yeah, I think you are two different people as well.
08:51And there's definitely things that, like, she's better at than you.
08:55Like what?
08:56One million percent.
08:57Like, I think she's very, like, level-headed and she's, like, very, like,
09:03I'm not going to say screwed on, but I think she knows what she wants.
09:07If you're feeling like your connection is stronger than ours,
09:11please, if I'm not your first choice, then I don't want to be your second choice.
09:14It would be doing me a disservice.
09:17So, yeah.
09:19So you wouldn't be sad?
09:20So if I pick her, then you're OK with that?
09:22I mean, no, of course I wouldn't be upset.
09:26Like, the last thing I want is for you to, like...
09:31I know, I know.
09:33Yeah, obviously I want what's best for you, but it really fucking sucks.
09:37The seasons change like you and I
09:41I feel us drifting like the tide
09:46I do not want you to feel like this.
09:48I guess I'm just confused on how you feel.
09:50I don't want you to feel this.
09:51Where you feel with me isn't clear-cut.
09:54Throw you a rope, you throw it back
09:58Like, I don't know where you stand with me and how you feel.
10:01Like, I feel like I'm always a broken record, like, explaining to you how I feel all the time,
10:05but then I feel like I don't get it back.
10:07Keep trying
10:12It just scares me.
10:14Like, am I missing something?
10:17Don't go
10:21Don't leave
10:24I'd rather just keep the peace and not upset Kayla by not chasing after Andrea.
10:31But then that's, like, an injustice to myself.
10:35I don't know what to do. I just don't want to upset either of them.
10:38And if I didn't like you and I didn't, I don't know, then...
10:41Yeah, it's just hard. It's really fucking hard.
10:44I'm not going to sit here and pretend, like, I don't know.
10:50Stay with me
10:57Well, well.
11:00Let's hear it. Run it down for me.
11:03It went really well. It went really well. I do like her.
11:08And we kissed.
11:10I saw it first.
11:12You did already?
11:13I did, I did.
11:15She told me.
11:16Okay, fair enough.
11:17But it doesn't take, you know, take away from us.
11:21But, like, I do want to continue to get to know her.
11:25The world is your oyster.
11:27I know. I figured, I mean, I didn't think you were going to, like...
11:31Yeah, I'm not going to, like, I don't...
11:33I know.
11:39I mean, yeah, she's really nice.
11:46And I'm glad you guys had a good time.
11:53I figured as much.
11:55Like, you just be cool.
11:58What, did you want me to be crying?
12:00I didn't think, I didn't really expect it.
12:02I thought maybe you'd be a little, like, shook up.
12:05But I'm glad you're not.
12:07Yeah, I feel like I'm fine in, like, um...
12:10You're so cool.
12:15Because you just get it.
12:16It's not common.
12:21Thanks for the chat.
12:24Oh, I didn't do it.
12:26I can't get you out of my head.
12:30Boy, it's more than I dare to think about.
12:38La, la, la.
12:48Welcome back to Love Island USA.
12:51Kendall and Nicole are shocked that they both are fans
12:54of one of the most popular movie franchises ever.
12:57Wait till they find out they both need oxygen
13:00and they both like puppies and orgasms.
13:03Okay, Star Wars.
13:04Star Wars.
13:06And Monkey Ball.
13:07I know.
13:08We have so much in common.
13:09No, the Star Wars thing makes me so happy because, like...
13:11Not a lot of people like Star Wars.
13:13He's very friendly, so it's hard to read
13:15because he's a genuine good guy.
13:17So it's like, I'd rather you, like, let me know straight up.
13:20I'm chilling, like, you want to talk to me?
13:22You want to talk to me?
13:24I love movies, and I will go to the movies by myself on a Sunday,
13:28like, have a whole large popcorn to myself,
13:30and, like, be so content.
13:31Do you want to know what me and my dad used to do?
13:33When I was a kid, we would always go to movies on Sundays,
13:35and we would go to one, and then he would plan it
13:37to where we didn't buy tickets for the next one
13:39and sneak into another one and do a double,
13:41and then he would fill up the large popcorn for us.
13:43Cause it's the Great Bells.
13:45I love that.
13:46We would spend all day in there.
13:47I think that's why I love movies, though.
13:49That's where I, like, I feel like I get my emotions out.
13:51So you, like, take on the emotions of the movie?
13:56I'm in the movie.
13:57I, like, feel it.
13:59I was just thinking about, like, our date earlier.
14:01I was like, oh, my God, I'm feeling this girl a little bit.
14:04Like, yeah, no, this is just, like,
14:07you'll see what comes with my head.
14:08Like, I just say how I feel.
14:10You were thinking about that?
14:11A little bit.
14:13Just a little bit.
14:17No, I like that.
14:19I wasn't sure.
14:20You're hard to read.
14:21Am I hard to read?
14:23I feel like I'm pretty, like, I don't want to say easy to read,
14:26but, like, I'm pretty open with how I'm feeling.
14:29No, and I know, like, you're, like,
14:30obviously it's still early, too,
14:31so you're keeping, like, some options open,
14:33but it's good to know that you're feeling me a little bit.
14:35Yes, yes, I'm feeling you for sure.
14:38I got that little, like, schoolgirl nervous vibes.
14:42He surprises me.
14:44He just has a confidence to him that I really like.
14:47Yeah, he's hot.
14:49I like him.
14:53I'm not saying Andrea's trying to attract snake wrangler Rob,
14:57but she did dress like an anaconda.
14:59Plus, she slid into the garden on her belly.
15:02Hop in.
15:03Hop in.
15:04Need help?
15:05Maybe a little bit.
15:08Honestly, like, being straight up with you after, like, our date,
15:12it went so well that I kind of, like,
15:15didn't want to go on a second date.
15:18Like, I honestly, like, yeah, I swear to you.
15:21It was a really good date.
15:22Yeah, it was.
15:23And it was a really good kiss.
15:24It was.
15:25I like you.
15:26Like, I like you.
15:28When I'm with you, I'm like...
15:32This is good.
15:33Yeah, same.
15:38Hey, baby girl.
15:40How you doing?
15:41I'm good.
15:42Come sit down.
15:43Do you want to move your feet for a sec?
15:49I feel like I'm at a point where I'm, like...
15:53If, like, that's what you're into.
15:56That's what you're into.
15:58What do you mean by that?
16:00I just think I'm not in a place right now to, like,
16:02convince someone to pick me over another person.
16:06And if I even have to be in that position,
16:08then I don't think, like, I'm meant for that person.
16:13Okay, well, we got to get down to brass tacks here, okay?
16:18Would you catch snakes with me?
16:21Catch snakes with you?
16:23Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?
16:25Yeah, like, I'm intrigued by that.
16:27It's, like, the interest is there.
16:29Like, I'm not scared.
16:31Because I know, like, you know what you're doing.
16:32I know a thing or two.
16:33I'll take care of you.
16:34That's the deal breaker.
16:35It is a deal breaker.
16:37It's not actually not a deal breaker.
16:39But it's important.
16:42I just sat here like, damn, I'm stupid as fuck.
16:44No, you're not.
16:45Because I feel like I'm so nice and so chill...
16:48Tunnel vision.
16:49...that it, like, bites me in my ass.
16:51And it's just not fair.
16:52You feel like you're tunnel vision as well?
16:53Yeah, I do.
16:54I kindle.
16:55That's how I felt with you.
16:56I play, I, like, play favourites and it fucking sucks.
17:00But now I'm, like, clearly he's not.
17:04He seemed really happy about it, to be honest.
17:07I think you're jumping to conclusions.
17:08I think you're doing what I was doing the other day and you're spiralling.
17:11It's fucking embarrassing.
17:15Come here.
17:19What's your problem, buddy?
17:20If it bites you, I don't think I could be around him.
17:23You said if it bites me, you don't think you could be around me?
17:25Around him, because then he would scare me.
17:28Put your hand out.
17:30Don't freak out either.
17:31No, I'm going to freak out now because you said that.
17:33Don't freak out.
17:34Don't freak out.
17:35Don't freak out.
17:36Don't freak out.
17:37Don't freak out.
17:38Don't freak out.
17:39Don't freak out.
17:40He likes you.
17:41He really does.
17:42He doesn't like me.
17:43It's going to be all right.
17:44I love you, Leah.
17:45I love you.
17:46I've got to give you a hug, too.
17:49You've got to know your worth.
17:50I wish he could see what we saw.
17:52I wish he could see what you saw.
17:59Oh, God.
18:03He's in your hair.
18:04Yeah, that's okay.
18:05Would you kiss me if this was my hair?
18:07I would.
18:08Only because it's you.
18:09All right.
18:10But I kind of want him to get out.
18:12He's out.
18:13He jumped out?
18:15That was good.
18:16That was good.
18:17It's important.
18:18I needed to see how you would react.
18:21I'm looking for him again.
18:26I hate when you think someone's a good person and they're not.
18:30How are you feeling?
18:32I swear.
18:33You think I'm spiraling?
18:35Maybe it's not that bad.
18:36I don't know.
18:37I don't know.
18:39I don't know.
18:40From my point of view, it's pretty obvious he's very, like, he's about you.
18:44That's because she just got here yesterday.
18:46So I'm just like, this is annoying because I'm like, I just feel like really stupid.
18:50And then, like, they're up there for so fucking long.
18:53Go up there and fucking say something.
18:56What are you doing sitting here and telling me?
18:59You can preach to me.
19:00You can preach to me and we can walk around here and go, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:03Guys, I don't want to fight with him.
19:05Look what he's going to come down here and say.
19:07So what?
19:08You think I should go up?
19:10You know what I mean?
19:11Our date went so well and, like, he did kiss me too.
19:15Like, it just wasn't the same.
19:18I just couldn't stop thinking about you.
19:20Like, I just couldn't.
19:22Yeah, I swear.
19:23No, I appreciate the honesty.
19:26I mean, like, keep this between us.
19:31I don't know.
19:32My gut, I just kind of, like, have a good feeling.
19:37About us.
19:43I cannot stop looking at you.
19:50Hey, lovebirds.
19:51Would you mind if I get up in here for a sec?
19:55What's up?
19:56Can I talk to you?
19:57Yeah, I can go.
19:59Do you want me to come with you?
20:00No, I want her to come with me.
20:01Yeah, I'm talking to you.
20:10What's up?
20:13Um, yeah.
20:14What's going on?
20:15I just feel dumb.
20:17I just feel like it's kind of mean.
20:18Like, we didn't even get to finish our talk and then you guys are up here in soul ties
20:22talking for, like, two hours.
20:23That's right.
20:24That is mean, Rob.
20:25I'm sorry.
20:26I don't care what you say.
20:27That's mean.
20:28I will apologize.
20:29That was a long time.
20:30I should have left sooner.
20:31I'm sorry.
20:32Oh, I just feel so stupid.
20:33You don't get it.
20:34I don't want you to feel stupid.
20:35I know you.
20:36I know what we have, and I'm not just, like, ready to walk away from that at all.
20:42But, like, there's something there with her, and I want to figure it out.
20:46And I think that's fair.
20:49It's rare for me to like girls, especially off-rip.
20:55I'm so glad you like her.
20:56I hope you guys, like, live happily ever after.
20:59Don't do that.
21:01I just don't want, like, to, like, get my feelings hurt.
21:04I don't want to hurt your feelings, but the fact is, like, I've now gotten into a position
21:11where that's going to happen.
21:12Someone's feeling it or getting hurt.
21:14Literally, what do you want me to say to that?
21:16It's rare for me to like girls off-rip and you're sitting here like, I really like her.
21:20I'm not saying that.
21:21I'm just saying that's why, like, I wouldn't just do this to you.
21:24Then you're a fucking liar because yesterday you were like,
21:27I don't think you have much to worry about.
21:30I would tell you.
21:31So off-rip is crazy, but okay.
21:34I feel like every time we talk, you're like, you don't trust me.
21:38I've never said that.
21:41You've been calling me a con man for, like, a week.
21:43Okay, no, I'm fucking around calling you.
21:45You say it's half true.
21:46You poured a cup of water on my face because...
21:48Okay, that was like a joke.
22:14I'm really upset.
22:17It's not.
22:25I didn't mean it.
22:52I've been honest with Leah.
22:53I think I've always told her how I felt.
22:56She doesn't trust me.
22:59I felt invisible.
23:00It didn't matter what I said.
23:01We just were going in circles and...
23:04I felt like I was hurting her and there was nothing I could do and I...
23:10I just felt like she didn't believe me.
23:17Don't look at me, please.
23:18Come here.
23:19No, I can't right now.
23:20Come here.
23:21I can't.
23:22Can I just say one thing?
23:23Yes, yes, please.
23:24I'm good.
23:27My intention was never to, like, hurt your feelings.
23:30I wasn't trying to make you feel bad or tell you what to do.
23:33I didn't.
23:34You just asked me how I'm fucking feeling.
23:37How are you feeling?
23:42I really like you, Leah.
23:46I really, really fucking do.
23:50Fuck, give me, like, two seconds.
23:52Just give me two seconds.
23:57I really like you.
24:00And I mean that.
24:02I think you're amazing.
24:03I think you're an amazing woman.
24:07There's no buts, you know?
24:08It's just, I don't know if you're right for me.
24:11Hold on.
24:12You said you don't think I'm, you're, you don't think I'm for you.
24:16I did not say that.
24:18I said I don't know.
24:23Since we're havishing things out, I don't think you listen to me.
24:27And I think you cut me off often.
24:29And that really hurts my feelings because I don't talk a lot.
24:33And I feel like, sexually, like, I think you're gorgeous.
24:37I think you're sexy.
24:38I think you're gorgeous.
24:39I think you're sexy as fuck, but I feel like we don't really have a groove.
24:47You're allowed to feel the way you feel.
24:52And there's nothing wrong with that.
24:58I think I need some time.
25:01Just, like, to process everything.
25:12Will you give me a hug?
25:14Of course.
25:33Hey, Robert.
25:34I just need a minute.
25:42I just need to be alone.
25:58Where is he?
25:59Where is he?
26:06I literally don't know how, how, how it got here.
26:10I keep trying to think back, like, where it went that wrong and then it just flipped like that.
26:16Wait for me, baby.
26:17I'm coming with you.
26:21Now I'm wishing, like, I just never heard the things he said tonight.
26:27I feel heartbroken.
26:28I literally feel sick.
26:34No, no, no.
26:35That was bad.
26:53Welcome back to Love Island USA.
26:55After his fight with Leah, Rob's hiding under the pool deck,
26:58kinda like how my dog hides under the bed after he's peed on the couch.
27:02I've sent intern Brad in to try and lure him out with some bacon bites.
27:06That was so bad.
27:08He starts listing shit out that I do.
27:12And he's telling me.
27:13He was like, obviously, like, I think, like, you're gorgeous,
27:16but, like, that, like, sexual, like, chemistry, like, isn't there.
27:23And I'm like, we've literally made out in bed.
27:26What the fuck?
27:29What the fuck?
27:31That is so embarrassing to me.
27:34I swear you better not let that motherfucking man
27:37make you feel like you're not the sexiest bitch.
27:40That literally just made me feel, like, so weird.
27:45Don't let it.
27:48Come here.
27:49I feel really blindsided.
27:51I'm like, if you think I'm, like, that horrible
27:53and, like, this, like, ogre to touch,
27:55then it's like, why are you touching me every night?
27:58Why are you kissing me?
27:59Why did you want to recouple with me?
28:02If you hated me that much,
28:03then why wouldn't you just stay with Liv
28:05if it was that fucking gross to you?
28:08Like, that shit's so embarrassing.
28:16How am I meant to sleep in bed with him
28:18when he thinks I'm, like, a fucking ogre?
28:22I'm not sleeping in bed with him.
28:24Now I'm wishing, like,
28:25I just never heard the things he said tonight.
28:28I don't know if we can make it back from this.
28:31It didn't end well.
28:33I just feel really stupid.
28:35Don't feel stupid.
28:37And now I feel like, guys, like,
28:39now I feel like I can't talk to any of them
28:41because it's too late.
28:59A lot of curveballs.
29:01A lot of curveballs.
29:07I sit by myself.
29:15He's not affectionate towards me.
29:17He never, like, touches me.
29:19He doesn't kiss me.
29:20Like, I feel like I was a friend to him, to be honest.
29:24He definitely said, like,
29:25I don't care to, like, hurt feelings
29:26in the sense of, like,
29:27I'm going to do what's best for me.
29:29He does like her and he does value her,
29:31so I feel like he's not, like,
29:32100% going to be, like,
29:33I'm dropping that and exploring this.
29:35Like, he still wants to, like,
29:36see where that goes.
29:38Girl, you know what?
29:40You get the fuck.
29:41Whatever he now thinks.
29:43That's just how it is.
29:44That's just how it is.
29:45That's just how it is.
29:46That's just how it is.
29:47That's just how it is.
29:48That's just how it is.
29:49That's just how it is.
29:50That's just how it is.
29:51Whatever he now thinks.
29:52That's just how it is, unfortunately.
29:58You're trying to juggle people's emotions
30:00whilst also juggling your own.
30:13You can't.
30:14You can't.
30:15And I won't fucking let you.
30:17I'm taking my ass out there with you.
30:18The fuck?
30:19I feel really bad.
30:23Hey, Gordell.
30:25I'm going to sleep with you later.
30:51In hopes you're on the other side
30:55Talking to me too
30:57Or am I a fool
31:00Who sits alone
31:03Talking to the moon
31:21What's going to happen today?
31:33You don't mind a little?
31:35You roll with it.
31:36It excites me.
31:51What happened?
31:53The drama, bitch.
31:55He started crying.
31:57He was like,
31:58someone's feelings are going to get hurt
31:59and I just think it's so fucking corny
32:01because it's like,
32:02y'all literally spoke twice now
32:04and you're out here fighting with me over that shit.
32:06I was like crying.
32:08I had tears coming out of my face.
32:10And she's still explaining how she feels.
32:12It's just impossible for me to do
32:14what I think is best for me
32:15without hurting someone.
32:17He was saying,
32:18I think you're so sexy,
32:20but do you feel like sexual chemistry?
32:25And he was like,
32:26it just doesn't feel natural sometimes.
32:28I'm so confused.
32:35What the fuck?
32:37I'm going to freak out.
32:39The lady's whipping it up in the kitchen, baby.
32:41Look at that flip of the wrist, baby.
32:45I want to give Liv a shot,
32:47so I can actually give effort into it
32:49without like, you know,
32:50diverting my attention.
32:52Oh, sorry.
32:53You didn't squirt it too high.
32:58Did I lose my life for this bacon?
33:01No, thank you.
33:03Should we say hell no?
33:14Oh, shit.
33:17So big ass breakfast.
33:19Did I do well?
33:20God damn.
33:21It was good, it was good.
33:22Hello, beautiful.
33:24How are you?
33:25Not so good, and yourself?
33:27Yeah, same.
33:29Why you?
33:30Just sad about you and Rob.
33:32How is he?
33:33Does he hate me?
33:34No, of course he doesn't hate you.
33:36I think if he hated you,
33:37he probably wouldn't be super upset
33:39about the situation and crying and broken.
33:42I don't think Rob is a person that cries a lot.
33:45I feel like Leah just didn't believe that I care.
33:47You cried.
33:49For me, that's freaking out.
33:51Can I just tell you
33:52what I thought was so hurtful to me
33:54is like, you didn't see me all day.
33:56We talked for really briefly,
33:58and then you're back talking to the girl
34:00that you were just on hours on end on a date with.
34:03That is hurtful.
34:04I don't care what anyone says.
34:07That is hurtful.
34:08In my heart and soul,
34:10like, I'm like a very loyal person,
34:12even if that person doesn't want me to be.
34:14I still give him that.
34:16At the end of the day,
34:17if you do go separate ways,
34:19then obviously it was never meant to be in the first place.
34:30Welcome back to Love Island USA.
34:32After last night's outburst,
34:34Andrea has secured an exclusive interview with Rob,
34:37and she's asking the question everyone in America once answered.
34:41Like, what happened?
34:43I just kind of lost it, and I started crying.
34:45No way.
34:47She just started going right back in,
34:48telling me how she felt,
34:49and, like, when I clearly was very vulnerable
34:51and, like, breaking down and, like, feeling a lot,
34:54and she didn't even ask me how I felt
34:56or what was going on or, like, anything.
35:00And I just lost it.
35:01I was like, you don't even care.
35:03Last night, Rob gave Leah a lot of red flags.
35:07So this morning, she took all those red flags
35:09and stitched them into a gorgeous one-piece.
35:12Now that's upcycling.
35:15Say anything.
35:16Yeah, it'll be between us.
35:17You want this to stay between us?
35:18Yes, I do.
35:19OK, it'll stay between us.
35:20Um, he just said things that I'm, like...
35:22I don't know if he said it just because he...
35:25It was, like, heat of the moment.
35:28I just feel kind of weird because, like...
35:30What, did he say something that hurt you?
35:32Kind of.
35:33What did he say?
35:34I just feel, like, weird about it.
35:36What did he say?
35:37Um, he just was, like,
35:39Sometimes, like, our sexual chemistry isn't natural.
35:43I don't know, like, what he meant by that.
35:46And maybe...
35:47No, he just wants you to show more of that sexual side to him
35:50to see if that chemistry's there.
35:51That's probably as simple as that.
35:53And that's something, obviously, you could work on.
35:55You could turn that sexy on like that, so...
35:58What, you've kissed me now.
35:59You think I have no sexual chemistry?
36:01You got plenty of it, just...
36:02Yeah, there's sexual chemistry for sure.
36:04So I wouldn't worry about...
36:07having any of that.
36:09Just think, sexy, sexy, I'm sexy, I'm sexy.
36:12Who's sexy? I'm sexy.
36:14Who's sexy? I'm sexy.
36:16Who's sexy? I'm sexy.
36:17Who's sexy?
36:20It's just a lot of emotions.
36:23Also, I haven't ejaculated in a really long time.
36:26You're like, so that's an issue.
36:28It's not an issue, but I think that has something to do with it.
36:30You think that would help the situation.
36:32Kind of.
36:33I just think that it clears my mind a little bit, and I just...
36:36Yeah, it's okay.
36:37I don't know why I told you that.
36:38It's just, it's great. It's good to know.
36:40Yeah, just being honest.
36:41Just being fully transparent.
36:42As you should.
36:43Fully transparent.
36:44She was just supportive.
36:45Like, without having to say anything,
36:47like, I just felt supported.
36:49She's getting all green lights from me.
36:51I just felt so good this morning.
36:52I was just excited to talk to you today, honestly.
36:54Like, I was just really excited, like, happy about, like,
36:56how everything went yesterday, so I just wanted to, like,
36:59keep it going.
37:01Yeah, I did too.
37:02At the end of the day, like, he has to be selfish,
37:04and I'm just happy that he's putting himself first
37:07and not letting something get in the way
37:09of something that could be really good.
37:11In here?
37:13You can't spare feelings.
37:14Yeah, I know.
37:15Like, you have to be honest.
37:21After rejecting Cordell only one day ago,
37:24Serena's already finding him more attractive.
37:27By that math, those 11 girls I asked to prom in 2005
37:31must think I'm an absolute stud by now.
37:33Last night, it was cute that you gave him a hug
37:35before you went to bed with Leah.
37:38Long hug, cute hug.
37:39You know when you drop someone
37:41because you're good off with them,
37:42it's, like, on to the next,
37:43but if you see that person with someone else,
37:45it's, like, hold on.
37:46I wanted my space, and I was never getting that,
37:48even when I had the conversation with him,
37:49and now I'm finally getting my space.
37:51I'm not the type that I can't have my man
37:53constantly, like, being up under me.
37:56So, like, I like when men are, like,
37:59doing their own thing.
38:01And, okay, at first, Cordell wasn't even on the radar.
38:03Now he's back on the radar.
38:04We love that. We love that.
38:07Yeah, he's respecting my boundaries, you know?
38:09Like, he's respecting that I need someone
38:12that's respecting my boundaries to feel...
38:14Let me tell him.
38:17So, like, with me and Cordell becoming friends,
38:19like, he's respected that,
38:21respected those boundaries, and let me be.
38:23So I will be open to having, like, more chats with him.
38:26Still, like, as friends,
38:27but if something comes more from it,
38:29like, I'm not gonna be like, don't ever.
38:31You know, like, it is what it is.
38:33Like, I don't know what the hell could happen in this.
38:35But, like, clearly, everything's very unpredictable.
38:38So, like, I'm not, like, completely shutting it out,
38:41but, like, this is where I want to be right now.
38:45I'm so stressed.
38:46I'm sorry.
38:47And I know you want to talk to her, so...
38:49I'm really scared, and I cry a lot
38:51because I like you a lot,
38:52and I'm scared that something's going to happen.
38:56I'm not afraid to see you.
39:01Yeah, I kind of like you.
39:04I kind of like you.
39:06You kind of?
39:11How are you feeling?
39:12Tell me some good news.
39:13I got good news for you.
39:15I talked to my sister, Serena.
39:19You're back on her radar, is what I'm trying to say.
39:25There you go.
39:27Yeah, so you talking to the group, right?
39:29She was like, yeah, like, you know,
39:31he's giving me the energy I finally asked for,
39:33and it makes her want to be more open now, you feel me?
39:36When you're applying too much pressure,
39:38she was closed off, like, no, you're giving me the egg,
39:41absolutely not, like, give me space.
39:43You gave her space,
39:44now she feels like she can blossom and open now,
39:47you see what I'm saying?
39:48You know, I'm cool with it.
39:50It is nice to hear that.
39:51Everybody deserves a second chance.
39:53I'm just pretending like you ain't even telling me,
39:55so I don't try to change up anything, so.
39:57I just like that.
39:58I was like, yay, because I saw the good in you,
40:00and I was like, just wait for it,
40:01and she sees the good in you, too.
40:03It was just a lot of it,
40:04and now you're giving it to her at the perfect amount.
40:07Whatever you're doing, keep on doing it.
40:09Miss Nicole.
40:11I haven't talked to you.
40:12I know.
40:13Do you want to talk?
40:14We need to talk.
40:15You've been avoiding me.
40:16You've been avoiding me.
40:17You're not that important.
40:18I know, you don't really like me.
40:19No, no, no, I want to talk to you, too.
40:21You're going to learn my love language
40:22is making fun of somebody.
40:23That's mine.
40:24This is why I said you're the foolish version of me.
40:27Do you want to sit here?
40:28Yeah, no, let's do it.
40:29Tell me why I literally just told Kendall,
40:31I was like, dude, I'm like, if a guy can't take my shit,
40:33that's how I say I like you.
40:35100%, like, legit.
40:36Like, I'm going to like, I'm going to roast you.
40:38Like, you know,
40:39unless you know how to like really like take a joke.
40:41Tell me, I feel like I don't know you.
40:43I like don't know anything about you.
40:44Okay, but you live in Miami?
40:46Are you from Miami?
40:47Nah, I was born in Jamaica, so.
40:49How long did you live there?
40:50Until I was about five, six.
40:51Where is Jamaica?
40:52You're like, I have no clue about geography.
40:55I'm bad with geography.
40:57It's okay, I'll give you some geography lessons, right?
40:59You don't need to keep, I don't need your lessons.
41:01You know what I like, though?
41:02What's that?
41:03Because you're sarcastic like me,
41:04but I feel like on my face, you can tell I'm joking.
41:06Oh, for sure, you can tell I'm joking, though.
41:08No, I can't, you're so serious.
41:10What do you do for work?
41:12So, like, when I was 19 in college,
41:14started my own business with like personal training,
41:16and then I started doing online training,
41:18and then I got good at that,
41:19and I started showing people how to build
41:21basically their own online business,
41:22and so I've just been coaching people.
41:24Is it different kind of businesses, or is it all like?
41:26No, just for fitness.
41:27Just for fitness?
41:29Do you know I used to be a personal trainer?
41:30Did you?
41:31I see the guns a little bit.
41:32I know, I used to be way,
41:34but I have like all the weightlifting records
41:36at my high school.
41:37I have like a private stretching person,
41:40comes and stretches me twice a week.
41:42Sounds sexual.
41:43If you know how to get the stretches going,
41:44you know, I can swap you in a little bit,
41:46you know what I'm saying?
41:47Some home stretches?
41:48That's too big.
41:49I don't think I could even move you.
41:51The whole lifting.
41:52Still don't know where that's at right now.
41:54That's in the air, honestly.
41:56Nicole, she know she look good,
41:57you know what I'm saying?
41:59More so than that, like truly, truly, truly,
42:01the vibe of our energies,
42:03I feel like I left that conversation
42:05feeling more uplifted.
42:07What is your type?
42:09I like dark features.
42:10Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's fine.
42:11You like what you like.
42:12Yeah, so like.
42:13I'm Filipino.
42:14It's a little different.
42:15There we go.
42:16A lot of my friends say that I go for ugly guys,
42:18which is also mean.
42:20You go for ugly guys?
42:21To me, they're hot.
42:22They might not be conventionally,
42:24but that's what I'm trying to say,
42:25is someone's personality gets me.
42:27But they're really ugly, though.
42:29I don't think they're ugly.
42:30But your girls call them ugly.
42:32That's different.
42:33I think they're hyping me up.
42:34They're like, you could do so much better.
42:36Yeah, you could do like a Hakeem, right?
42:37Something like that.
42:40And they'll be happy.
42:41Sorry, I'm like, I love it.
42:43I'm just like, I have not,
42:45I don't think anyone,
42:46none of the other guys has your confidence.
42:48This is fucking hilarious.
42:49Yeah, it's a little hard to come by, B.
42:52I like your laugh, too.
42:53Oh, thank you so much.
42:54Thanks for talking to me.
42:55We gotta talk more.
43:12Welcome back to Love Island USA.
43:14Rob is pulling Leah for a chat.
43:16Leah, please don't interrupt him again.
43:18He's threatening to go hide
43:19under the ping pong table this time.
43:21And we're fresh out of Bacon Bites.
43:23Leah, nice to see you.
43:26Wanna go for a talk?
43:29Where do you wanna go?
43:38Um, yeah.
43:42Why don't you come to bed?
43:45You could've come to bed.
43:46Where do you sleep?
43:51Soul ties?
43:52That's ironic.
43:54I was just doing what I felt like you and I needed.
43:58That is all.
43:59And I truly feel like that was the better decision.
44:03I was a bit thrown off by you saying,
44:05like, I don't even remember the term you used.
44:07Sexual chemistry.
44:08Like, sexual chemistry is, like, horrible.
44:10I wish I didn't say that.
44:11And I didn't say that.
44:12You're exaggerating.
44:14I feel like we're trying to put a Lego thing together
44:17and we don't have the instructions or something.
44:21I don't know.
44:22I don't, like, like people very easily.
44:25But I do like you a lot.
44:27I know.
44:28I feel the same way.
44:33You don't hate me?
44:37I could never hate you.
44:41So you're not mad?
44:45I was never mad.
44:46There wasn't a single point where I was mad.
44:48I was just hurt.
44:49I was really hurt.
44:50Do you forgive me?
44:53Um, yeah.
44:56I forgive you.
44:57I still like you.
45:00I don't want to not pick you at all.
45:03But I like her.
45:04I know, in the back of my mind,
45:06I would regret it if I didn't see where things went with her.
45:09So I don't want to have any regrets
45:11and I don't want to, like, hold back either way.
45:16So what?
45:17You're over it?
45:22I don't know.
45:23It does feel different to me.
45:25I don't know.
45:26How could it not?
45:27That was crazy.
45:28That was a crazy night.
45:29There's clearly feelings there.
45:31They don't just go away after a day,
45:35at least for me.
45:36It was just really sad, like,
45:38to see us get to that place last night.
45:41But I don't know what the future holds.
45:43I really don't.
45:45I don't know what I'm doing.
45:49The Islanders have been hanging out in the garden all day,
45:52but now they're going upstairs to spend hours getting dolled up
45:55to hang out in the garden all night.
45:59I like Kendall.
46:01I like Jordel.
46:02I feel like I need to do some kissing.
46:05I think I'm going to be...
46:08The only single clip.
46:10I just want to dance alone.
46:12I ain't never going home.
46:14I just want to dance alone.
46:18Apparently, like, I'm back on Serena's radar.
46:21Please, still put real eggs in other people's...
46:23I'm still doing what I'm doing.
46:27I feel like I just fucked my whole experience here
46:29because it was raw.
46:31I'm so over this shit.
46:35I did have a really good chat with Nicole.
46:37It was short, but it was sweet.
46:40And it was like...
46:41We've never had a convo at all,
46:42but we talked to them and it was like,
46:43this feels really good.
46:44I just want to dance alone.
46:46I ain't never going home.
46:48I think we all look hot and I feel good.
46:50And I want us all to have a good night.
46:52I just want to rock.
46:58My hand is going to drip.
47:00You look gorgeous tonight.
47:04You look like my baby doll.
47:05You look like my baby doll.
47:06My baby doll.
47:12Do you think we'll stay coupled up the whole time?
47:14If you're lucky.
47:16Andrea and Nicole have caught the eye of many of our boys,
47:19and I'm not saying they're the most tempting bombshells ever,
47:22but three of our cameramen have left their wives.
47:25Kevin, John, Derek.
47:27Good luck, lads.
47:29OK, you need to fuck it, bitch.
47:31You were booked and busy today.
47:33Oh, my God, I know.
47:34So, like, I finally, like, pulled Rob today
47:36because I wanted to see, like, what, like, happened, whatever.
47:39And basically, she was, like,
47:42repeating over and over again what she was upset about
47:44and, like, wasn't really hearing him out.
47:47Like, he was trying to explain,
47:48and, like, he kept repeating, like, what he was thinking.
47:50Like, she just wasn't validating his feelings,
47:51and he felt, like, not seen.
47:52And he was just, like, she never asked once how he felt about it
47:55and, like, is not putting herself in his shoes.
47:57I feel like he hasn't been that disrespectful to her, though.
47:59At all.
48:00Obviously, he likes her, but he likes me, too.
48:02And, like, this is what this place is about.
48:04It's like you guys are, like, drawn to each other.
48:06It just feels like they're, like,
48:07it feels like the puppy-dog stage, you know?
48:09I can feel him, like, when I'm with you, like, looking at you.
48:12It's fucking wild.
48:13That's so cute.
48:14And you?
48:15I love that for you.
48:16No, I'm good.
48:17I don't know.
48:18I want Kendall and Kordell to, like, court me a little bit.
48:22You know?
48:24Like, because I feel like I like both of them.
48:25Like, you need to tell him because guys are literally stupid.
48:29They're stupid.
48:30So, yeah.
48:31Did you see him pull me?
48:33I think he's hot, but I'm, like, I don't know.
48:35The chats are definitely leaving me confused.
48:38I came in here to find someone I really vibe with,
48:41but I got to follow my gut and just do what I think is best,
48:44and I think the people who, you know, say they're there for me,
48:46I think will see.
48:48I need to start maybe, like, taking a little...
48:50Vocalising, too.
48:51Vocalising or just taking a little bit of a risk, you know?
48:55Me and Akeem have got this game
48:57where every day I give him an unusual word
48:59to subtly sneak into conversation as naturally as possible.
49:05No, I'm feeling really good.
49:06Feeling, like, top of the world?
49:07Feeling good.
49:08No, I appreciate you earlier, though.
49:10For telling me to, like, talk to him,
49:12because I was really like,
49:13oh, let me try to figure out what stuff was going on.
49:15Talking to Nicole, you know, we started just chopping it up.
49:17Like, I was throwing a joke at her, she was throwing a joke back.
49:20I was catching it, throwing it back at her.
49:22That's the best.
49:23Yeah, she has a good energy.
49:24Nicole and I hit it off really, really well.
49:26It was, like, a little tingly that I got from it.
49:28So I wanted to explore that further.
49:31Oh, shit.
49:33Oh, shit.
49:34I got a tag!
49:36No fucking way.
49:39No fucking way.
49:40Someone get the paramedics.
49:42Holy shit.
49:43Oh, my heart is racing.
49:45Islanders, please gather at the fire pit immediately.
49:49Hashtag moment of truth.
49:51Oh, shit.
49:53What the fuck does that mean?
49:56What the fuck?
50:00Nice knowing you, sister.
50:03I'm scared now.
50:06Oh, shit.
50:31I got a tag.
50:35Andrea and Nicole, please stand up.
51:05Andrea and Nicole, it is now time to decide
51:08who you would like to couple up with.
51:22Oh, shit.
51:41Boys, if you would like the chance to couple up
51:44with either Andrea or Nicole,
51:46please stand at the front of the fire pit.
51:55Right now?
52:12Chocolate for you.
52:26I'm sorry.
52:30Oh, my God.
52:35Oh, my God.
53:05Oh, my God.
53:28I'm sorry.
53:30I'm sorry.
53:32Oh, my God.
53:34Oh, my God.
53:58It's okay.
54:04It's okay.
54:20You got this, babe.
54:34Loving is all I think about
54:38I just can't get you out of my head
54:44But it's more than I dare to think about
54:54Oh, my God.
55:01Andrea, from the boys standing up,
55:03you must now choose who you want to couple up with.
55:06La, la, la
55:08La, la, la, la, la, la
55:12La, la
55:14La, la, la, la
55:17Can't get you out of my head
55:21I want to couple up with this boy
55:23because it's generally been a long time
55:28since I felt butterflies with someone.
55:34From the second we started talking, it was so easy.
55:41And spending more time with him
55:43kind of confirmed this connection
55:45that I haven't felt in a long time.
55:57The boy I want to couple up with is...
56:05I just can't get you out of my head
56:10I just can't get you out of my head
56:41Oh, no
56:45Nicole, please now choose
56:47who you want to couple up with.
56:49I've got my eyes on you
56:54I've got my eyes on you
57:00I want to couple up with this boy
57:02because ever since coming into the villa,
57:05he's made me feel extremely welcomed.
57:08I like all the conversations we've had,
57:11and we have a lot in common.
57:14He makes me laugh.
57:16He makes me smile.
57:18He makes me happy.
57:20I've got my eyes on you
57:24This wasn't an easy decision.
57:27I definitely had a lot to think about,
57:30but I think I know,
57:32I do know where my mind is at.
57:36The boy I want to couple up with is...
57:52I want you
57:57I've got my eyes on you
58:01I've got my eyes on you
58:05I've got my eyes on you
58:10I've got my eyes on you
58:15When I've got my eyes on you
58:35I've got my eyes on you
58:42Fuck you.
58:48Fuck you.
58:54I've got my eyes on you
59:01On Thursday nights.
59:03After I saw him crying like a bitch on the floor,
59:06I literally got the ick.
59:08Shut the fuck up.
59:09You can't sit down and have an honest conversation.
59:11I just don't want to have to listen to your bullshit.
59:13I don't want to talk about it.
59:20I just hope her intentions are pure.
59:23This shit's not a fucking game to me.
