ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 9

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ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 9


00:00Previously on Love Island U.S.A.
00:19Go up there and fucking say something.
00:22Hey lovebirds.
00:23Can I talk to you?
00:24Welcome to the war.
00:25Was popping off.
00:26What do you want me to say to that?
00:27Well you just asked me how I'm fucking feeling.
00:31Give me like two seconds.
00:33I really like you.
00:34I just don't know if you're right for me.
00:35I just need to be alone.
00:37I just feel really stupid.
00:44If you would like the chance to couple up with either Andrea or Nicole please stand
00:49at the front of the fireplace.
00:53The boy I want to couple up with is, is Kendall, Rob, Buck.
01:20Welcome to Love Island USA. In the recoupling, Andrea stole Rob from Leah. You could say
01:25Rob shed Leah like, uh, what's that long scaly reptile that sheds it's skin again?
01:50Hakeem and Cordell, you may now sit down.
02:08Sit down, Logan.
02:25Leah and Hannah, you are now single and vulnerable. Hashtag moving on.
02:37Yeah, let's go.
02:47Taking her to Soul Ties is crazy. Bye.
02:51Do y'all want to party now?
02:53Hannah, we don't have tequila, babe.
02:57I'll be fine. There's a side to me that this villa has yet to see, and I just want to say
03:04thank you and fuck you to Rob for bringing it out, so thanks.
03:09These dudes are bitches.
03:12I'm literally just having such a hard time, like, thank God, like, you can cradle him
03:18while he cries in the corner.
03:20Yeah, please do.
03:21Quit your crying, cowboy.
03:22It's not no game anymore.
03:24It's not no game anymore.
03:25It's not a game, baby.
03:27You're scaring me.
03:28Everyone should be scared because I've been behaving myself so fucking well, and look
03:32what it got me.
03:34Don't behave no more.
03:35It's not.
03:36Or at least the shackles.
03:38I think I just got stuck with the fucking thirstiest man alive because he folded up every bombshell
03:43that walked through the door, and I honestly hope that they work out because I'm never
03:49speaking to him again.
03:54Sorry, it's so, like, theatrical.
03:57Oh, my God, the drama.
04:00He waited to be, like, ooh.
04:02That is so calculated.
04:04He waited.
04:05It's so calculated.
04:07It's so weird.
04:09He knows what he's doing.
04:10He knows what he's doing, and it's, like, so embarrassing.
04:13I feel like I have a weight lifted off my shoulders.
04:18And then she makes him feel like they're in high school, and they're, like, fucking
04:2130 years old.
04:23I don't give a fuck.
04:25That's my thing.
04:26I don't think anyone understands that.
04:28After I saw him crying like a bitch on the floor yesterday, I literally got the ick.
04:33I couldn't even sleep next to him because of it.
04:36I feel, I feel.
04:38That was disgusting.
04:39You're crying to me?
04:41I should be crying.
04:42Fuck you, bitch.
04:50How are you feeling?
04:51I feel bad, but, like, she literally mouthed fuck you, like.
04:55Last night, right?
04:57Just then.
04:58Oh, wait, what?
04:59I wasn't looking.
05:00She went, fuck you.
05:02Yeah, she mouthed the words fuck you to me, so.
05:05That made me feel way better about my decision.
05:07Better about your decision.
05:08Yeah, like.
05:09I was scared.
05:10I know.
05:11For this to happen.
05:13Because it was scary.
05:15I do feel like I made the right decision.
05:17It's different with you?
05:18Like, I feel different?
05:19Yeah, that's exactly how I felt, like, just processing everything.
05:22I was like, I couldn't explain it.
05:23It just felt, like, safe and, like, genuine.
05:26It just felt, like, real.
05:27Like, I don't know.
05:28I haven't felt this way for someone in a long time, which is, like, crazy to me, which is, like, insane.
05:34I've been in three couples now, but this one feels different.
05:37I'm just, like, I feel like a little kid.
05:39Like, I'm just, like, giddy.
05:40I mean, this is exactly why you're here.
05:41You know, you take chances.
05:42You get to know somebody, and you let your guard down, and then, like, things happen.
05:48And here I am.
05:50Yeah, I think you should kiss me first for once.
05:52You think so?
06:19I don't want to do that for a while.
06:21Me too.
06:22I told you if I want something, I'm going to go after it.
06:26Like, this just feels so nice.
06:28I have no idea.
06:33Hakeem stepped forward to be recoupled and break up with Liv.
06:36I can't think of anything worse.
06:38Well, maybe stepping forward, not being chosen to recouple, and having to crawl back to Liv.
06:43Can we have this chat, so I can get this over and done with?
06:45You want me to talk?
06:46Yeah, so I can get this over and done with.
06:50Good luck, sir.
06:52All right, so just to preface this conversation, I'm going to keep it respectful.
06:57You're a liar.
06:58Liv, we've been having issues nonstop from the start.
07:00Oh, my God.
07:02I just don't understand how you're now sitting here and saying to me that, like,
07:06oh, we've had problems this entire time.
07:08We have.
07:09When you said I could get over them if you changed and worked on it.
07:12There are some things that you're not going to be able to get over and work on to that degree.
07:15Then say that to me.
07:17We've already talked about that there's things that we're not compatible with and that we need to work on,
07:21and that I'm actively exploring other options.
07:23No, but you said to me.
07:25What's up?
07:26So I have to tell you blatantly, like, hey, boom, we're done.
07:30Clap your hands.
07:31What are we saying?
07:32Are you actually serious?
07:33Tell me what you're trying to say, because I don't understand what you're trying to say.
07:36So you're saying that you've, this entire time, you've been like,
07:38there's not differences, it's not going to work,
07:40and that was you pretty much saying that it's over.
07:42Is that what you're telling me?
07:44Have we not been having issues and all that stuff from the start
07:46that I've been telling you to work on consistently overall?
07:49You give me rule after rule after rule after rule.
07:52I'm not going to continually put, like, try to continually put effort in.
07:55Because I call you and your fucking friends out on their bullshit.
07:59So don't give me that.
08:00You sit up there telling me all your fucking rules, that I'm immature,
08:04but you're so immature, fuck off.
08:06You're actually a piece of shit and, oh, my God.
08:09So I'm immature, yet you're yelling and walking off?
08:12Because you can't get it through your thick head.
08:15You're yelling and walking off,
08:16so you're real mature for yelling and walking off.
08:18Yeah, yeah, I am.
08:26You can't sit down and have an honest, true, mature conversation without trying to yell.
08:29No, I can, I just don't want to have to listen to your bullshit all the time.
08:31Yeah, you don't want to do it because you're not mature.
08:33You're not mature enough to listen to that.
08:35You're not mature enough.
08:36If you were mature, you would sit down and talk to me like a civilized person,
08:39like everybody here, whenever they have problems,
08:41nobody just yells and goes erratic like they do right now, like that you're doing.
08:45You are literally the most negative person in the house,
08:48and you're the root of a lot of problems here.
08:50Don't say that, don't say that.
08:52So you need to stop about all those issues about what's going on, okay?
08:56I'm the most negative person here.
08:59No, don't be talking about my friend like that.
09:01I am.
09:02For sure.
09:04Not negative at all.
09:05Not at all.
09:06She's the most positive fucking person.
09:10No, I'm not a horrible person.
09:13I can't sit there and listen to him be so condescending and rude to my face.
09:18He's not understanding it, and then to say that in front of him,
09:21like, go be with whoever you want to be, but just don't string me along.
09:27Like, I just have no, I don't even know.
09:40Welcome back to Love Island USA.
09:45After her argument with Hakeem, things are getting a bit too much for Liv.
09:55That was so fucking mean.
09:57Girl, what the fuck?
09:58You don't deserve that at all.
10:00What the fuck happened?
10:02He's so fucking rude.
10:04He's rude as fuck.
10:05I'm no good at this.
10:07He's rude as fuck.
10:08I'm not going to sit there and let you be so fucking condescending to me.
10:12I'm not going to sit there, so I am going to walk away.
10:16You all right, bud?
10:17As good as I'll ever be.
10:19What was that?
10:20She was there just getting off, yelling, cursing at me.
10:23Like, what did she say?
10:25She felt like I wasn't up front to her and I lied to her,
10:28and she thinks, oh, you should have just told me that this wasn't working out.
10:31Were you surprised that he stood up there?
10:34I can't do it anymore.
10:36I can't.
10:39I can't.
10:41We clearly have issues, and I'm clearly exploring other options.
10:45She just got up in her emotions and just started acting out.
10:53She's always the one stirring the pot in all these situations.
10:56She's definitely fiery.
10:59I'm so mad, I just need to, like...
11:03It's not on you at all.
11:07Dude, that's really not OK on Hakim's part.
11:10That's fucked up.
11:16I'm feeling shit, absolutely shit.
11:19Everyone in here apparently thinks that I'm so negative and vindictive
11:24when all I've ever done is put everyone before me.
11:29Oh, it's so, like, frustrating.
11:32It just hurts.
11:34It just hurts.
11:35Like, why are you going to play petty?
11:40You know, I just, I'm so grateful how, like, mature you are, you know?
11:46Like, it's always clear where we stand, and I love that so much.
11:49I'm looking at everyone and their situations,
11:52and I just feel like if only they had someone like you,
11:55they'd feel way much better.
11:59Of course.
12:00I appreciate it.
12:01And I think, obviously, right now, like, you absolutely are my best connection.
12:05But we're in here to test relationships and explore connections.
12:12I am interested in having a conversation with Leah,
12:15because I do, like, think she's a really cool girl.
12:18She is.
12:19So, I think we do have a lot in common.
12:23It's hard to say if there's, like, a connection there or not,
12:26but I would just obviously, like, let you know exactly how it went.
12:30I'm a super drama-free guy, too.
12:32You gotta knock on wood whenever you say something like I'm a drama-free guy.
12:36I gravitate towards Leah, and now that Leah and Rob are not in a couple,
12:42I'm interested in her and getting to explore that connection.
12:45I think the biggest thing for me in talking to Janae about that
12:51is clear and honest communication.
12:54We're fine.
12:55Yeah, we're great. We're great.
12:58We're great.
12:59I don't want you to feel like me talking to Leah if she, like, came to grab me
13:03would be like, oh, wow, she's coming to grab me.
13:09Gosh, no. Please go for it.
13:11Like, I would never be like, absolutely not.
13:13Like, I'm not the jealous type.
13:15And then, you know, it's the strongest connection.
13:17So, if it is you two, I mean, obviously I'll just cry myself to sleep every night,
13:21but I'll make sure you don't hear me, of course.
13:34After all the stress with Rob, Leah is looking for someone a little bit more laid back.
13:39And you don't get much more laid back than Connor.
13:42Close your legs and sit up straight, man.
13:45Why am I apologising to a man for having to pick between two women?
13:48I don't know. It makes me feel like I can't be mad,
13:51and he's only allowed to have his feelings.
13:53That's fucking valid. You're allowed to be a man.
13:55And I even apologised for making up. I literally apologised so much.
13:58I said, sorry that you're mad, that I made you mad, that I was upset.
14:02Poor fucking Rob. Poor fucking Rob.
14:04Rob got to choose from two fucking bad bitches.
14:07I don't know, dude. I'm fucking struggling to, like, ride this line.
14:11It's okay.
14:12I like Rob. He's my friend.
14:15Which sucks. But I like you a lot, too.
14:20And I just told Janae that, like, I am very open to getting to know you.
14:26And I told her that I did feel like there was, like, a stronger connection when we talked.
14:30And then I, like, shied away because I felt like you and Rob were going so well.
14:36Obviously, like, I care about you.
14:39I tried. I don't want to go.
14:41Why does it matter if it hurts him? He's the one who has options.
14:44He's literally not been vulnerable once, and yet I'm here again,
14:48vulnerable and single.
14:50And I said I'm sorry probably 20 times. He only said it once.
14:58We're, like, talking over there.
15:00And he was like, I would be open to talking to you.
15:04I just hope her intentions are pure when she talks to Connor,
15:07knowing how close him and Rob are.
15:11Because if it's not pure, it's going to piss me the fuck off.
15:13Because, bitch, I'm fucking 27.
15:15Like, this shit's not a fucking game to me.
15:17Like, I take this shit so fucking seriously, and I'm just, like,
15:20just really worried because I just hope everyone's intentions are pure,
15:23and it's going to make me so upset.
15:26Fuck, I don't like this.
15:30Listen, listen.
15:32Me and him are doing so well, but then here comes Leah out of nowhere.
15:35And, of course, I want to see her happy, and I want to see Connor happy.
15:39But I also want to be happy, too.
15:41Like, I deserve happiness just as much as anyone else.
15:43They have a lot in common.
15:44Like, they both live in fucking L.A., and they both like fucking plants.
15:47Like, I like fucking plants, but I can't name all the fucking plants.
15:50Like, fuck.
15:51No, listen, listen.
15:52Do I need to go fucking study fucking plants?
15:54No, listen.
15:55Because I won't go study some stupid-ass fucking plants.
15:58But I like plants.
15:59They're not stupid, you know?
16:00I'm just, like...
16:01All you can do right now is be confident in you and yourself.
16:03I just wish I knew plants.
16:04We're talking about plants.
16:05Yeah, well, you really went by the words.
16:08Go in with bonsai plants.
16:09They're well easy.
16:11These are all bonsai.
16:12Like, these are all bonsai plants.
16:13It's called a succulent.
16:14And they hold water because they live in the desert loads.
16:17OK, they live in the desert.
16:18Yeah, they live in the desert.
16:19And then they flower, like, once every, like, four years and stuff as well.
16:22And then, do you know what a cheese plant is?
16:24Fuck, no, I don't.
16:25Yeah, cheese plants.
16:26I'm from Hawaii.
16:27We have plumerias and fucking...
16:28See that one there on the left?
16:29See that one there?
16:30That's a cheese plant.
16:31So when you walk past, you'll be like,
16:32yeah, that's a cheese plant right there.
16:33And you'll be like, oh, my God, how do you know that?
16:35If you're wrong, I will literally fucking kill you.
16:37They're called a Swiss cheese plant.
16:39Amazon Rainforest, remember that.
16:41After getting some space,
16:43Serena's now turning all her focus on Cordell.
16:46Hey, at least she's doing a better job than the camera guy.
16:49How are you feeling?
16:50I'm feeling good.
16:51At the end of the day, the decision wasn't in my hands.
16:53And, you know, I would have been all for it if she would have chose me, yeah.
16:57How do you feel?
16:58Still necessarily haven't gotten that, like, romantic spark with anybody.
17:03But for me, I know it takes a minute to get that.
17:08Like, I'm not, like, a quick sparkler.
17:11That's cool.
17:12You know what I mean?
17:13And usually, like, when you're steady, like, trying to, like, grab the black cat or, like,
17:17pet it or, like, you know, bother it, it's, like, running off.
17:20But, like, once you, like, chill or whatever, the cat comes and it's, like, warming up.
17:25I definitely feel like that's me.
17:27Like, I'm the, like, I need to, like, slowly get there.
17:30But, like, I feel like I'm still open.
17:33That's fine with me.
17:36It was weird.
17:37As soon as I kind of stopped showing Serena a lot of interest, I'm back on her radar.
17:43You know, if we somehow alignments connect and cross, then, you know, I'll be open to explore it.
17:49It just won't be like it was the first time.
17:51I don't know.
17:53Women are so weird.
17:55Yeah, do your thing.
17:56And, you know, I'm going to do mine.
17:58And whatever happens, I'm open.
18:07If there's another universe, please make some noise.
18:13Your boy's going to get a cuddle in tonight.
18:17Yeah, it must be nice, man.
18:18I ain't getting shit.
18:20Just cook in this paradigm.
18:22Don't believe in paradise.
18:25The human decency in Rob is shameful of not speaking to me after.
18:33Everything he does is so theatrical.
18:35He literally was like.
18:41And then stands up.
18:45And then looks up like this.
18:46You deserve an Oscar for that, bitch.
18:56Life better or sadder.
18:58Not to break this pattern.
19:01Go show Rob. Go show Rob. Go show Rob.
19:05Herbie, where'd y'all get that from?
19:09Can I get a yee-haw?
19:13I'll be better or sadder.
19:17None of this matters.
19:20Dreaming or sadder.
19:24Oh, I'm going to miss you.
19:26I know.
19:28How are you?
19:29I'm good. How are you?
19:31I'm good.
19:32That's good.
19:33That's good.
19:39How do you sleep?
19:40With my eyes closed.
19:42I am a roller.
19:44You're a roller.
19:55I'm giddy right now. I'm happy.
19:57I'm happy too.
19:59I'm glad you're here.
20:00Me too.
20:02Sorry, my toes are so cold.
20:04They're not. I would tell you.
20:07I'll be better or sadder.
20:11None of this matters.
20:14Dreaming or sadder.
20:32Don't forget you can join in on the Love Island USA fun and even control the action
20:41by voting for your favourite couples, who you want to see go on dates and more.
20:47Just download the Love Island USA app and watch new episodes at 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific, only on Peacock.
21:01Welcome back to Love Island USA.
21:04Janaye hasn't slept a wink, partly because she's worried about Leah and Connor,
21:08but mainly because she's stayed up all night reading her new copy of Gardening for Dummies.
21:22Are you good?
21:23Yeah. No, I actually slept so fucking good.
21:28I feel kind of bad for Liv now, though. I actually do feel really bad for her.
21:31I don't want her to be sad. I might make her breakfast as well.
21:34Shall we do that?
21:40What have you got cooking in there?
21:43Oh, butter.
21:44Oh, it says Liv!
21:46I think it's hard because we want to go and try and reach out a lot with someone
21:50who's been through a lot.
21:53I think it's hard because we want to go and try and reach out a lot with someone
21:57for the sake of reaching out.
21:58No, I just am hurt.
22:00It's not fair.
22:01Oh, you guys are...
22:03OK, we're going to leave this with you.
22:04There you go. That's yours. This one's yours. This one's yours.
22:08And then we'd just like to say we're really sorry on Hakim's behalf.
22:16We love you, Liv. We love you, we love you, we love you.
22:23Thank you so much.
22:28Our first breakfast date.
22:30Where do you want to go?
22:32Just eat right here.
22:35On the floor?
22:36Yeah. Do you want a bean bag?
22:37No, it's fine.
22:38We can get you one.
22:39It's OK. This is perfect.
22:44He's so fucking annoying.
22:46Why am I apologizing to this man, like, so much?
22:49This is actually really good.
22:51This is the best breakfast I've had since being here.
22:53I mean, it's avocado toast.
22:56It's not hard to fuck that up.
23:05Janaye's not going to be happy.
23:07Connor's sweet-talking Leah in the kitchen.
23:09What are your favourite candies?
23:11My favourite candies?
23:13I like Nerds Ropes.
23:15Oh, shit.
23:16Those are good as fuck.
23:17I like the... or the Clusters.
23:18The Clusters are tea.
23:20The, like, Laffy Taffy banana.
23:22Oh, fuck no.
23:23If we're going chocolate, Snickers.
23:25Snickers is so good.
23:32I have a fucking conversation anywhere but in the kitchen while I'm making a smoothie.
23:36We're, like, surfing Manhattan Beach.
23:38Oh, nice. I love Manhattan Beach.
23:39I need to.
23:40Or Newport.
23:41Oh, I love Newport.
23:43I'm, like, such a Bali girl.
23:44I forgot my shades, but guess what?
23:46I'm a star anyways.
23:48Hey, what?
23:49Anything the fuck I want to say, right?
23:57Um, I'm going to go talk to Leah.
24:01Okay, go.
24:02And just get that out of the way.
24:04Go do it.
24:05All right.
24:08Can we talk real quick?
24:13I thought I'd interrupt.
24:14Lather yourself up, Freddo.
24:16Don't sweat it.
24:17I won't.
24:20You good?
24:21I'm good.
24:25Hello, baby girl.
24:29I just wanted to talk to you.
24:33There was a lot of emotions last night.
24:35And it seems pretty clear how you feel.
24:38So, I think it's just best if we leave it in the past.
24:43What do you think?
24:45I think that, like, I'm just appalled at this point.
24:50Like, I didn't even—
24:51Like, it literally, like, pains me right now to even look at you.
24:56Like, I'm, like, appalled.
24:59Thing is, you said, like, I really care about you.
25:02And I care about your feelings.
25:04And that's just apparent that you don't.
25:10Oh, my fucking God.
25:12If you want to know what's apparent to me is that you don't care about my feelings.
25:16Oh, fuck.
25:17Shit is hitting the fan.
25:20I'm not here for your feelings.
25:21I'm here—
25:22I'm not here for yours, and you're sitting up there talking about your crying over.
25:25You have to pick between two bitches.
25:26Why the fuck would I sit here and help you feel better about yourself
25:30when you have gained something each time and I've lost something every time?
25:34And you're here worried about how you're feeling?
25:36I think she's screaming.
25:40What do you mean? Where?
25:41They're at the fire pit.
25:42Screaming? Oh, shit.
25:43I'm looking.
25:44You could have sat there and said that that's what you wanted and that's that,
25:47and you could have been—
25:48I didn't get a chance.
25:49And you don't need to—
25:50Yes, you had a perfect chance.
25:51You had thousands of chances.
25:52You could have said it last night.
25:54She's obviously upset because she's been, like, thrown to the side.
25:58I'm not trying to tell you.
25:59I'm not—I'm just trying to communicate.
26:00I'm only trying to figure out—
26:01Who the fuck's—
26:02Clearly, you're not here for my feelings.
26:04You don't have to reiterate that at all, Rob.
26:08Oh, fuck.
26:11I'm just—
26:12You don't care about me.
26:13You never cared about me.
26:14That's not true.
26:15Yes, it is.
26:16You are not acting like you ever did.
26:20This is some shit right here.
26:23You were obviously crying because you didn't want to—
26:27No, sorry, I don't care.
26:28I literally don't think you ever liked me or cared about me
26:31because that is how your actions have aligned.
26:33Point blank, period.
26:35It's like, I think it's Rob showing his true colors.
26:38It only took less than a week for it to show,
26:40but I'm glad that it showed now.
26:43And I fucking want my brain cell back, bitch.
26:46You don't understand what, like, how I'm feeling,
26:49and it makes me feel like shit.
26:50I do understand your feeling.
26:53But you don't understand—
26:55How you're feeling.
26:56I like her.
26:57I want to be with her.
26:58I don't give a fuck.
26:59I didn't ask.
27:00I didn't ask.
27:01I want to be with her.
27:02I don't give a fuck.
27:03I didn't ask.
27:04Do you not understand that?
27:06I don't want to talk to you.
27:07I don't want to look at you.
27:08Then you should have said no when I asked to talk.
27:10Because I thought you were going to be mature about it,
27:12but you clearly aren't.
27:13No, you don't need to be like,
27:14me, me, me, me, me.
27:15I like her and not you.
27:17I'm not saying—
27:18That's not the point of this conversation at all.
27:20You just—
27:21I'm just letting you know.
27:22I'm just reiterating that.
27:23Like, dude, I'm telling you how I feel,
27:24and then you're sitting here like,
27:25I like her.
27:26I think that this should end.
27:27This conversation.
27:28I do too.
27:29I don't want to talk to you.
27:32I said everything you said.
27:52Welcome back to Love Island USA.
27:54Connor and Leah scored courtside seats for the ping pong game.
27:57I mean, who doesn't love ping pong?
27:59Well, the sound guy, for starters.
28:01It's been an absolute nightmare trying to record this chat.
28:04What's up?
28:06What's up?
28:07What's up, dude?
28:08What's up?
28:09Can I sit here?
28:12I'm ready.
28:13You ready?
28:14I feel like our era as kids,
28:16there was just, like, cartoons were terrifying.
28:19Like, if you look back at the cartoons—
28:21Courage the Cowardly Dog.
28:22Yeah, Courage the Cowardly Dog.
28:23Did you ever watch that?
28:24I've watched that.
28:25I fucking love, and to this day, Spongebob.
28:28What Spongebob character do you think you are?
28:32You are so fucking Squidward.
28:34Holy shit.
28:35That is—
28:36She's Squidward.
28:38I just also like this one of my sisters.
28:40Like, I love Leah.
28:41And I don't resent her for this.
28:43I just, you know what I mean?
28:44I wish it was anyone but Leah.
28:45But it's Leah.
28:46And I know she has an amazing personality,
28:48so I already know how that's going to go, you know?
28:50Have you always just lived in Calabasas, though?
28:54Yeah, I love it, though.
28:55It's just really cool because there's a lot of, like, trails, too,
28:57for, like, hiking and also for horseback riding.
28:59Yeah, yeah, yeah.
29:00I love horses.
29:01I love horseback riding,
29:02but it's been a really long time since I've been on a horse.
29:05You should come.
29:06Yeah, oh, absolutely.
29:07With Connor, I feel like it feels very, like,
29:11like I can just, like, breathe.
29:13Like, I don't need to, like, worry about hurting his feelings
29:17or stepping on his toes.
29:19I gotta show you some pictures.
29:21Like, the garden I had, tons of cilantro.
29:24I had Thai basil.
29:26Love Thai basil.
29:27Oh, I bet you didn't know what that is.
29:30What the fuck?
29:31That's amazing.
29:33It just sucks being in this position, you know what I mean?
29:36Like, I'm just really good at predicting the future,
29:38and this is the one time I hope I'm wrong.
29:41I've never wanted to be so wrong before.
29:45Right now, like, the word on the street is that,
29:50not the word, like, don't take this with a grain of salt,
29:53but that Connor is really feeling Leah.
29:56I'm not stupid, I see it.
29:58Yeah, you see it, you're not an idiot.
30:00You'll find out a lot more about what's going on
30:02if you really, really chat with Leah.
30:04She doesn't even mention anything about Connor
30:07because she's so focused on Rob.
30:09I'm so serious.
30:11Have you brought that up to Connor?
30:13I can't, because it'll look like I'm a hater if I do it.
30:16I'm just going to do me,
30:17I'm going to act like she's not the competition,
30:19I'm going to just continue to be myself,
30:21whatever happens, happens.
30:22Leah, I don't know where her head's at,
30:24what's her, like, you know, what is going on with this girl.
30:27I feel like I can't talk to her too much
30:29because she's still, like, the op, if I'm being honest.
30:31Like, I'm not able to confide in the op like that,
30:34so it's weird, but we'll just see how this goes.
30:38You've got to go full, like, when I say full Janae,
30:41you've got to be, like, putting your hand here,
30:43you've got to be going here, like, sitting on his lap,
30:46like, use everything you've got,
30:47and you know how beautiful you are?
30:49Like, you guys are both, like, literally, like,
30:51Greek god and goddesses.
30:52Because right now I feel like he's, like,
30:54sleeping on you right now.
30:55You've got to wake his ass up.
30:57Yeah, but I walk up to him like this.
30:59Oh, God, I don't dare.
31:02Yeah, like, there's no way he's going to be like,
31:05it's missing.
31:06What were you saying?
31:07He's like, Leah who?
31:09Leah who?
31:10I never heard of shit.
31:11Okay, brush that off.
31:13Let's have a good day.
31:14Rest of our day.
31:15And you've got to keep me posted
31:17on how that chat is with Connor.
31:20Hakeem's finally plucked up the courage to talk to Liv.
31:23Now, I'm not saying he's scared of her,
31:25but he has greased himself up
31:26just in case she tries to grab him.
31:29I wanted to explain to you
31:30that you didn't really understand
31:31or wasn't receptive to at the time.
31:34So, like, I would love to have a chat,
31:35like, fully to explain everything
31:36so you fully understand.
31:37I don't know if you're free right now to talk.
31:39Yeah, sure.
31:44I never wanted you to, like, not get to know anyone.
31:47No, no, no, not at all.
31:48I think the thing was,
31:50I know I had talked about the aspects of, like,
31:52there were some components
31:53that maybe we're not compatible on,
31:54things like that,
31:55and I was really trying to see that through
31:56and give it more time.
31:57And honestly, I would say you were improving
31:59on a lot of the things that we talked about,
32:00like, 100%.
32:01The way he was sitting there,
32:04just looking at me, like, in a condescending manner,
32:06was just eating me up.
32:09One thing I was a bit confused about is, like,
32:11after you stood up and said you wanted to get to know others,
32:15he goes, so fine and stuff,
32:16why didn't you pull me for a chat to explain to me then?
32:20Why did I have to come up to around you
32:23to then be like, do you want to have a chat?
32:26Living and learn, you know,
32:27I could have improved on certain scenarios last night.
32:29I wasn't perfect.
32:30When we were talking and having the argument,
32:32you weren't taking any accountability
32:35and the blame was all me, and I broke.
32:40I don't hold against you.
32:41The entire thing didn't go as how it probably should have.
32:44There were things that were said that were disrespectful.
32:46I'm going to improve and be a better person off of those things.
32:48I apologize for things that may not have been said in the best way,
32:51and that's all I can do.
32:52That's all I ask.
32:53That's it.
33:01Would you like to have a snack?
33:03Yeah, sure.
33:05You want to sit here?
33:06Yeah, wherever you want.
33:10I think Connor and I want to get to know each other more.
33:16Yeah, I'm aware.
33:18Because we just wanted to do it in a respectful manner.
33:23And I didn't want it to feel sneaky or shady or anything.
33:27It was just something that we both kind of felt
33:32and didn't speak on it until last night.
33:36I think we have a lot in common,
33:39but I just didn't want you to feel like you're in the dark
33:43or anything shady or weird is going on.
33:45Thank you for that.
33:46I appreciate that.
33:47I respect that.
33:48I'm just not used to ever being someone's second choice.
33:52You know what I mean?
33:53Don't take it personal.
33:54I don't process things like a lot of girls do.
33:56You guys act out and stuff.
33:58I just keep it to myself.
34:02What are you thinking about right now?
34:05I can tell you're sad.
34:06You don't have to be sad.
34:07No, I'm not sad about that.
34:09Why are you crying?
34:19You don't have to cry, girl.
34:21I'm just really disappointed in how everything ended up.
34:25That's okay.
34:26That's okay.
34:27We don't know what to expect in here.
34:29This place is always full of surprises.
34:31You know what I mean?
34:32You're okay.
34:33You're stronger than you think.
34:34I need you to know that.
34:36You're stronger than you think, okay?
34:39I don't know what goes on that cute little snake head of his,
34:42but it'll take him time.
34:48It's okay.
34:49Oh, my gosh.
34:50Please don't cry.
34:55It's a great day here at BG.
34:57Two to one.
34:58Two, two.
34:59Three, one.
35:00Listen, I got put in a position today that I couldn't come through for me
35:03or my boyfriend, but at the end of the day,
35:05nothing's ruining my mood today.
35:07I don't know.
35:08I just keep getting myself in weird fucking situations,
35:11and it just sucks.
35:13It literally feels like I'm the only one doing weird shit all the time.
35:17You're not.
35:18Stop thinking about shit like that and just do you.
35:20You in here for you.
35:23Oh, fuck.
35:24Oh, shit.
35:26I got a text.
35:30Islanders, pucker up.
35:32Tonight you will take part in a kissing game presented by Maybelline.
35:36Hashtag kiss and makeup.
35:38Hashtag hot and bothered.
35:47You're not just going to be kissing me?
35:50I think I'm a good kisser.
35:51I've never had anyone tell me I'm a bad kisser.
35:54We better practice. Come here, baby.
35:57It says kiss to makeup, so I think that's directed at me.
36:01I really think that some results are going to stir the pot,
36:04so I'm excited.
36:06Everyone's kissing everyone.
36:08Everyone just spit near his mouth.
36:10I want to kiss you, that's it.
36:12It's so enticing.
36:16On Saturday nights.
36:18Wow, what a week it's been so far, but the party doesn't stop there.
36:22Join me for Love Island USA aftershow.
36:25As well as exclusive interviews and content,
36:28I'll be joined by special guests Callum Hall,
36:31Deb Chubb, and the gorgeous Selly Vazquez
36:34to unpack this week's breakups, shakeups, and makeups.
36:39You don't want to miss it. See you there.
36:53Welcome back to Love Island USA.
36:55The Islanders are getting ready for a game of Kissing Booth,
36:58where you make out with a bunch of blindfolded hot people.
37:01It's all the rage in Beverly Hills.
37:03Me and Ariana play it every Wednesday after brunch.
37:06I feel like Hakim would be a good kisser.
37:08I just hate when they go too much too fast too soon.
37:13Feelings when we get hurt.
37:14You rate the girl you're with a six,
37:16and then you kiss a girl you're not comfortable with,
37:18and you're like ten.
37:19So good.
37:20I love everything Maybelline's got.
37:22Maybelline is fire.
37:23Maybe I'll couple up with Maybelline.
37:30Yeah, I'm feeling this.
37:33Look at you.
37:34Look at you.
37:35Look at you. Look at us.
37:37Cheers to kissing tonight,
37:38and cheers to everyone looking fucking sexy.
37:51Here's to a fun night with the most fun people,
37:56and shout out to Maybelline for making me look good enough
38:01to steal one of your guys' man.
38:15It's time to find out if this lip gloss is smudge proof,
38:18as tonight's game is Kissing Booth.
38:20Make me proud, girl.
38:28First up, the boys will be blindfolded
38:30while wearing noise-cancelling headphones.
38:35The girls will make their way down the line kissing each boy.
38:49You guys taste great.
38:51The boys will then rate each kiss out of ten.
38:54She started getting up on that neck.
38:56I'm a little freaked.
38:57All right, out of ten, for real.
38:59The girl with the most points will win bragging rights.
39:04And next up is Leah.
39:13Whoa, fuck.
39:19Leah was holding nothing back.
39:29I don't know why he's crapping his ass, though.
39:35It was definitely someone who wanted to be kissing me.
39:41Who is this?
39:58He's, like, so awkward.
40:01That was a very solid kiss,
40:02probably one of the best ones I've had since I've gotten to the villa.
40:07Whoever that was, they had some serious curves, too.
40:11I'd probably give that kiss a nine.
40:14I felt like they didn't want to kiss me.
40:17I'll give it a six.
40:20Thank you, boys.
40:21Next to pucker up is Lev.
40:37I was definitely not going to kiss Hakim.
40:39I didn't want to waste my time.
40:47Look at me, look at me.
40:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
40:53No, no, no.
40:54Never take a hit when you're breaking to the top.
40:56Mind on the game, yeah, this beat about to drop.
40:58I've been hearing, they calling me the beast.
41:00Keep your head up, keep your mic on me.
41:02Don't you like it?
41:05Don't you like it?
41:06Hey, hey!
41:07Don't you like it?
41:09Don't you like it?
41:10Hey, hey!
41:12The hangover.
41:13I found that.
41:15Kendall, how was the kiss?
41:18It wasn't my favorite kiss.
41:20Had to open my mouth a little bit too wide for that one.
41:22I'd give it a six.
41:23Yeah, so it seems like we got a little hater in the building,
41:26you know what I'm saying?
41:27I'm going to give it an amazing zero.
41:29Oh, my God.
41:31It was aggressive as fuck, to be honest with you.
41:34I'm going to rate it about a bit seven.
41:36I was a little more toothed than tongue.
41:38I'll give it like a six.
41:40Shut the fuck up.
41:41I mean, the boys had a lot to say.
41:44Can you just not handle it?
41:46Kissing next is Hannah.
41:52A kiss can make you feel different emotions and feelings,
41:56so I wanted to see if a kiss could make something happen.
42:08Pretty safe boundaries, I'd give it a seven.
42:10Nine in the building, nine.
42:12So, I'd say I'd give it an eight.
42:14It was a good kiss.
42:17Kayla is ready to go.
42:30As soon as she kissed me, I was like, oh, that's Kayla.
42:32Like, I literally knew it straight away.
42:43That was fucking great.
42:45It was just my speed.
42:47Those were very soft.
42:48I'm going to give that one a nine.
42:51That felt like a future wife kiss to me,
42:54so I'm giving it a ten out of ten.
42:56Best one so far.
42:58Very solid.
42:59Nine out of ten.
43:01Andrea's go next.
43:09I'm here.
43:11I'm here to play.
43:15And I really put in work to try and get my score up.
43:33Gave me butterflies.
43:35Didn't want it to stop.
43:37Her tongue almost reached the back of my throat or something.
43:40I'd give that one an eight.
43:41I'm going to rate it a solid nine.
43:43She bit that lip, and I like that.
43:45That was a really good kiss.
43:47Just the right speed, just the right motion.
43:50Found my hands wandering a little bit on that one.
43:52They don't make shake like that at Dairy Queen.
43:55I'll give it a ten.
43:59Now it's Nicole's turn.
44:07Honestly, I wasn't here to mess around.
44:19That was a fucking good kiss.
44:25That was sexy, passionate.
44:27She smelled good.
44:28Ultra effective.
44:29I'm going to give it a ten.
44:32At first I was a little caught off guard.
44:34At first I was a little caught off guard,
44:36because she had yanked my hair by my jacket,
44:38but it was good.
44:40I like that initiative, though.
44:44It was an eight.
44:45She held my hand.
44:46She smelled good.
44:47Probably a nine out of ten.
44:49I can't lie.
44:50I had a good kiss going.
44:51I want to go up there and slap him upside his head,
44:54because you better watch it.
44:56And finally, Jenny.
45:10They obviously saved the best for last.
45:24I will fuck them up if I get that grade.
45:26I'm going to have to be honest,
45:27that one was a full course meal,
45:28because it had everything.
45:29It even caught the little feel on it,
45:31something plump and right.
45:34I just love it.
45:35That was a ten for me.
45:36That was a very good kiss.
45:38Hand on the body was a nice touch.
45:40I thought that was going to go low, not high.
45:42Probably give that one a seven.
45:46Oh, fuck off.
45:48And the best girl kisser is...
45:56I think I, like,
45:57blew all the men off their feet tonight.
45:59I don't think they were expecting that.
46:01I knew it.
46:02I'm going with it.
46:08Like what you've seen?
46:09Pucker up with Maybelline.
46:11Scan the QR code to shop now.
46:29Welcome back to Love Island USA
46:31We're in the middle of the kissing booth game
46:33and it's the boys' turn.
46:37Let's start off with boy number one.
46:50I just got in there and started kissing girls.
46:52There was one kiss that was a little bit longer,
46:56It was so hot.
46:58His lips were so juicy and soft.
47:02It was a slow, sexy kiss.
47:05He definitely caught my attention.
47:27Leah, hot damn, what was that?
47:31Felt like strong hands, soft lips,
47:35someone who could throw me around.
47:37Really sexy.
47:38Yeah, I'll probably go nine.
47:42Why we didn't get that shit?
47:44You know why.
47:45You know exactly why.
47:48Hannah Banana.
47:49I'm going to give him a seven.
47:51I don't know, I need more.
47:53I think she got it wrong.
47:54Right, I think the homegirl over here got it wrong.
47:58I mean, it sounds like Leah's was way better than everyone's.
48:04I wish she would have grabbed my ass.
48:05That would have been nice.
48:06But I liked it.
48:08I'll give it like a eight.
48:12No, Connor's was average.
48:14Next up is Cordell.
48:16Let's get it.
48:18I love these comments.
48:20They're so sweet.
48:23I'm excited about this.
48:24I love it.
48:25I'm all for this.
48:26I'll give it like a six.
48:28I need to talk to someone.
48:29I need to talk to someone.
48:30You do, you do.
48:31I need to talk to someone.
48:32I have a good feeling.
48:34I have a good feeling about this.
48:36Is this about Cane?
48:38Yeah, this is about Cane.
48:39Yeah, this is about Cane.
48:40♪ You wanna get like me ♪
48:42♪ Hair is to my waist and my face game G ♪
48:44♪ Walk into the room and my stare icy ♪
48:46I love neck kisses.
48:48So I was like, ooh, maybe this is Cordell kissing my neck.
48:53Ooh, shit.
48:56♪ Smell so clean, make a mind, get the girl ♪
48:58♪ Hot pink, hot pink, hot heated ♪
49:00♪ Hot pink lip gloss, so sweeted ♪
49:03♪ Hot pink lip gloss, can you see it? ♪
49:06♪ If I say it, then I mean it ♪
49:08♪ Hot pink, hot ♪
49:10That has to be like a four out of 10.
49:12This guy was literally making out with my bottom lip.
49:16I feel like I got another syringe of filler
49:19in my bottom lip.
49:21If I need plump lips,
49:22I can just go ask Cordell to go suck them off.
49:25Okay then.
49:30Goodness gracious, Target.
49:31Yeah, I think I got it all.
49:33I'm gonna give it a 10, like,
49:36the neck definitely was giving some fanny flutters.
49:40Like, it was, I mean, a homeboy was doing his one, so.
49:45Kendall's ready to go.
49:48♪ She wanna do whatever she like ♪
49:50♪ Flip fast, die young, that's a hell of a life ♪
49:54This kissing challenge,
49:56I'm not gonna get second.
49:57I'm not gonna get fifth.
49:59First place.
50:02♪ She wanna party, mixing all of her drinks while we party ♪
50:06I'm not trying to get a nine from Nicole.
50:07I wanted her to be like 10,
50:08so I gave Nicole a little bit more.
50:11♪ We going up, so I need two more shots of my cup ♪
50:14♪ And we don't care if the cops showing up ♪
50:16♪ About to open up the door, looking at them like what? ♪
50:19♪ Looking at them like what? We going up ♪
50:21♪ So I need two more shots of my cup ♪
50:23♪ And we don't care if the cops showing up ♪
50:25♪ About to open up the door, looking at them like what? ♪
50:28♪ Looking at them like what? It's a night to go, go ♪
50:31♪ We going up tonight, go, go, we going up tonight, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go,
51:02How was that kiss?
51:03That guy just went in for it.
51:05I really hope it's who I thought it was.
51:07I'm going to give that one a ten.
51:10Thank God I'm wearing panties.
51:11Oh my gosh, that was crazy.
51:13Finally someone grabbed my ass like it's there.
51:16Nine out of ten.
51:17That was a good one.
51:19Proud of you.
51:21Whoever it is.
51:23I want to know who that was.
51:24Yeah, me too.
51:26Hakeem's next.
51:28Kiss my lips.
51:31Kiss my lips.
51:33I had to turn up the temperature tonight because honestly a lot of the other kisses, it was kind of boring to me.
51:40I wanted to give them the Hakeem experience.
51:43It's a privilege, you get to taste some of this magic.
51:46I made a honey bunny, babe, I made a flower.
51:48So keep it, keep it coming if you're hungry for the power.
51:51If you're hungry for the power.
51:54If you're hungry for the power.
51:55If you're hungry for the power.
51:57If you're hungry for the power.
51:59Hakeem was like a mosquito that you just kept trying to kill, but it wouldn't die.
52:11I knew from the get-go that it was Hakeem.
52:17And then I was like...
52:29This kiss making me feel hot, sweaty, spicy, sexy.
52:35I want more.
52:46Everything about it just makes me feel some type of way.
52:56You're crazy.
52:59Now that we just finished that triathlon, let's hear it.
53:02One out of ten.
53:04I feel like he was like hungry.
53:09So you know what, I'll give you like a six, maybe five.
53:15Wait, which one is it, five or six?
53:22Liv, talk about it.
53:25I'm going to give it a five.
53:27I mean it wasn't bad, but I mean like I'm kind of over it.
53:32On to the next, right?
53:35I'm not going to lie, that shit was really good.
53:39I don't know who that is, but we might need to chat after that.
53:44Come on girls.
53:46I think it was a ten to be honest.
53:48Get it girl.
53:49Yeah, I think that was a ten.
53:51That was a really good kiss.
53:55Like a fire ass porno.
53:57I like pornos.
53:59All right boys, we're hitting the home stretch.
54:02Let's welcome boy number five.
54:04Number five.
54:18I would say the kiss was very like sensual, like it was good.
54:22I would say he's a really good kisser.
54:34This kiss did not feel like a challenge kiss.
54:38It just felt like us together kiss.
54:45I feel like I had kissed all the girls and all the guys.
54:48I'd had enough kissing, like I only want to kiss Andre at this point.
54:58You know your man's lips, you can just tell.
55:00It was a good kiss.
55:04Good kiss.
55:18I was like, wow, what's going on here?
55:20There's cameras, my mom's watching, there's people watching.
55:25It was so crazy.
55:29Your mom's watching dude.
55:31Serena, how was yours?
55:32I feel like those lips are a little familiar.
55:35I hope it's who I think it was.
55:37I liked the grab and the little spin dip.
55:40I wish there was a little bit more tongue, but overall it was good.
55:43Eight out of ten.
55:47I feel like I already know who it is because I think he already knows what I like.
55:50So I'm going to just give it an eight out of ten.
55:53Oh wait, maybe I don't know who it was.
55:55No, I think you're wrong.
55:57I don't think I'm wrong.
55:59Serena, you seem a little bit confused.
56:00Who do you think the kiss was?
56:02I thought the kiss was Aaron.
56:04It was Giving British.
56:06Andrea, how about you though?
56:08Is that a little higher?
56:10That's like a hideaway.
56:12That's all I'm going to say.
56:14I need to go somewhere else right now.
56:16That's a ten and I hope everyone enjoyed it because that's the last one you're getting.
56:21Oh, that speaks volumes.
56:23You know how I know it was Aaron?
56:25Because he smacked the shit out of my ass.
56:27I thought that was so cute.
56:28I hope that wasn't Rob because Rob wouldn't smack me like that.
56:32It's an eight.
56:34I'm going to give it an eight.
56:36Gosh, I hope that was Aaron.
56:38That was not Aaron.
56:40That was a snake slayer.
56:44You dirty little boy.
56:47Let's find out if they did save the best for last.
56:51Boy number six.
56:52Sit back down, Aaron, because a bombshell is on their way to take your place.
56:56Oh, exciting.
56:58Who is it?
57:00Maybe it's Maybelline.
57:02I'm only joking.
57:04It's Miguel.
57:06My name is Miguel.
57:08I'm 27 years old and I'm a model from London.
57:10I'm a bit of a lover boy.
57:12You know, I'm a big cuddler, but I won't lie.
57:14I do have some fuckboy traits and it keeps things fun.
57:16I'm a six foot king with muscles to last and they ain't just for show.
57:20I've got the strength to match too.
57:22You better run for your life.
57:24I'm the whole package when it comes down to it.
57:27And you're going to see the game when I step in.
57:29You better run for your life.
57:32Hold on, my boy.
57:34Why don't you take a seat real quick and let me handle it from here, yeah?
57:39How the fuck is this dude?
57:41What the fuck going on in this bitch?
57:43Yo, that shit was crazy as fuck.
57:45I was not expecting that shit at all.
57:47I'm like, what the fuck is going on right now?
57:48I'm like, what the fuck is going on right now?
58:18This kiss feels like a man.
58:21Like, you can tell he knew how to handle a woman.
58:42This kiss literally making me feel hot, spicy, sexy.
58:49I'm not taking my time with this shit.
58:51Sorry, bro.
58:58Oh, we're jumping his ass after this.
59:16Don't love me, destroy me.
59:22Who the fuck was that?
59:27That was not Aaron.
59:29No, it was not Aaron.
59:31Don't love me, destroy me.
59:35Tomorrow night.
59:37This is the man that I've been waiting for.
59:40The bombshells res.
59:42With makeup, without makeup, you're dying.
59:44What's up?
59:46Makes waves.
59:49Grow up.
59:50I'm grown.
59:51That's not your boyfriend.
59:53You're literally making shit up.
