ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 15

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ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 15


00:13It's murder on the dance floor
00:16Our boy discovered the truth. She told me she took a backseat. She wanted nothing to do with it
00:22And then she said nothing. You're joking. I tried to be very
00:25Backseat on everything. It's not true at all
00:29She was very heavily pushing towards Andrea, and I know I'm not the only person who thinks it
00:37Islanders dance to stay or stray so far
00:54Fucking looking stupid I'm over here
00:56Giggling and shit about this girl. I don't even feel the same way to feel like I was played
01:04Our new bombshells arrived to kick-start the party
01:24Exotic day beautiful smile beautiful
01:29You Kayla and Serena voted for her
01:33I'm epic. I never said I didn't talk shit about you. I've literally
01:39Live shut the fuck up on your own fucking action
01:52Welcome to Love Island USA
01:54Bombshells Kenny Nigel and cast they are enjoying the warm fire and the even warmer welcome from our twisters
02:01Enjoy it while you can guys because up on the balcony. It's frosty
02:10Let's remember everyone up here has their own thing that are attractive
02:15Okay, come on. Get out of these my feet hurt. Why am I gonna let my feet hurt over this? I'm watching
02:21You're a bad bitch. Remember that you're a bad bitch. I know I'm a bad bitch
02:24Where are you from Houston, Texas born in Michigan? Wait, how old are you? I'm 28
02:31Yeah, I'm 28. And when's your birthday?
02:34December 18 December 18. Okay, so I'm a Sagittarius
02:43Okay, I'm 24 24
02:55Had a high school sweetheart we dated for three years and then I haven't had anything serious since wait
03:01I want to see what the bun looks like what you look like
03:05Blonde with roots. No, I'm kidding. My name is Cassidy, but you can call me Cass. I live in Miami now
03:12I'm 27. What are you for work? I am in public relations. So I'm a head of PR for a tech company
03:25Honestly, I'm across the board I definitely don't have a type I feel like personality has to seal the deal so
03:31Open to it
03:33Cassidy dang like she is
03:36beautiful, so I'm really pumped to
03:39See her walk through those doors because immediately I'm thinking yes someone I could chat to
03:43To not only get to know but also finally puts the pressure on the coal
03:47Okay, so top two girls that just I know you guys just got here
03:51But you're you would like to pull first right here these two
03:57We got top two we got Leah and Janae love it, okay
04:00Um, I would the top two I'd probably say Janae as well
04:06And I'd probably say Lee as well, oh damn y'all both got that time to fight just do you have any
04:22No, I'm just excited to like chat with everyone
04:24Cuz I feel like we only got a chance to see like part of the personality and you need the whole
04:30Package so off the bat the most outgoing guys and we're definitely Miguel and Kendall
04:35I really like that because I like a guy that could be themselves. You have to have looks to catch your eye
04:41Personality to close the deal. There's more boys and guys. There's more boys. No, there's more girls and guys
04:46No, there's more boys and girls
04:51Kenny waste no time pulling Leah for a chat. This guy knows how to seal the deal
04:57He doesn't know how to seal a shot, but one of it to it bad
05:01How are you? Like talk to me about you?
05:07So, let me tell you what I know so you have a lot of pets
05:14Donkey horses a horseback ride. I have pigs. I love dogs. I do a lot of foster work. I downloaded Rover
05:27Hi, honestly, I feel fine. I knew what she was gonna do in the game 100% knew what she was gonna do
05:32I wanted to see her make the decision and then I'm not gonna
05:35Do the switch up beaches
05:38She's a good guy. Yeah, you're a kind person
05:42Thank you me
05:46Oh, oh
05:47I thought Kenny was really handsome. He's tall
05:51He's fun to talk to and he said that I have really nice feet and toes so that must mean something
06:01Connors up there. Oh shit. Good. Dude. Very good. Just not
06:06I think we have a lot in common
06:10And you're gorgeous. That's really sweet
06:13Janay seems impressed by new boy. Nigel me too
06:16His name's Nigel and he's under the age of 80 can't wait for Casa more with sex pots Gertrude Albert and Agatha
06:24You said or I heard that you like travel through like Asia
06:28Yeah, so I spent my summers in like Thailand Korea
06:32Philippines Singapore because like, you know when your military it's free. Yeah
06:37How to spell Mississippi in Thailand, of course Korea I learned how to swim. Oh, there you go. Yeah
06:43I still can't really swim that well. So you guys
06:46I don't know if I'm ready. No, you're not gonna miss out on this. It's a nice fool. Do you think Janay's buzzing?
06:51Wait, what's it? I'm happy for her
06:55Which is very weird, yeah
06:57I'm not gonna hold you
06:58I would hate to share my birthday month with my significant other only because I take my birthday so serious
07:05Yeah, I feel like you have like a whole birth month. Like I started planning and like September October. Yeah, I got that
07:09But yeah, I got that personal and like we just drop off a cupcake for me. There's like a whole 10 pound cake. Yeah
07:16Hey, don't give me a freaking cupcake, dude
07:18Janay's she's obviously gorgeous. I mean, she's she's really like just diverse. She's well-traveled
07:24It seems like she seems like she's just really bubbly and it definitely felt like it
07:28It didn't we didn't really want to stop talking like it was definitely like a pretty like chill relax
07:33Just free-flowing Bob and I like that a lot. I want to do like a triathlon or something
07:36It's on my bucket list eventually. Yeah, that's like a lot of training. Yeah a lot
07:39Maybe if you if the lessons go well
07:44Just you know, we'll see if the lessons go well, then maybe we can consider, you know, but
07:50You know, I like to think I'm decent, you know
07:53I'm like so corny. It's not even funny
08:00Kendall better appreciate this chat with Cassidy to get her to Fiji Brad the intern had to agree to look after our dogs
08:07Poor guys got enough on his plate with Rob's snakes and three of Leah's pigs
08:11Big question for you here. Do you like dogs? I love dogs. Amazing. I have to
08:18Okay, they're both rescues. So they're mixed with like 30 different breeds, but they're yes, they're the loves of my life
08:23Oh, no, they're talk. They're like having chats. Who is it? Oh
08:30Is that Kendall, oh my god Kindles with blondie. Oh my god. Okay. I don't care. I love dogs
08:37I've had one dog and she lived 18 years. Oh my gosh. Yeah, wait, that's such a good life
08:41Okay, first chatting with Cassidy
08:44I'm feeling excited like just putting so much energy and effort into Nicole and I've just been watching her just
08:49share her time with Miguel and I so chatting with someone new who I think is attractive and and
08:57Potentially could be a connection here
08:59Felt so good to do being here and being open has like opened my eyes to like wow
09:05I could really actually find someone in here and that's why I'm honestly like I'm looking to find someone here
09:09Like yeah, I really like I just want to be in that relationship where we're both buzzing off each other and everything's easy
09:17I'm just shocked
09:19Like I'm just shocked because of the chats me and Kendall have had and how he's low-key made me feel bad about getting to
09:23Miguel and now he's and now you're not standing on business like you're I feel like my actions have like met what I've been saying
09:29I agree like he's allowed to do he wants to do but don't make me low-key feel bad
09:33Which he kind of did about getting to know someone
09:36When you're gonna I go ahead and do this. I feel a little I think that's the term mugged off
09:40Like I do feel mugged off. Yes. He embarrassed me. Yes. He hurt me
09:43Yes, he then got to have a chat with a new girl, but you know what in the back of my head
09:47There's also two new beautiful men that walked in that now I can definitely get to know and he can't say shit to me
09:52About it. I am open to chatting with you more if you are. Yeah. No, definitely
09:56I'm so glad you pulled me like so I was like, I was like, oh she's pulled me first
09:59I'm I don't know that means anything
10:01I'm gonna take that with a grain of salt
10:05If anything this makes how I'm feeling easier like thank you for making my decision for me because I was torn so
10:13Nigel's 12 minutes into his evening and he's on his second girl already his nights are just like mine
10:19But instead of girls, I've got pints of ice cream less Jenny and Serena more
10:25Ben and Jerry
10:28Sunday yeah, I wish you were here. I'm here. You listen Travis Scott. Yeah, this phrase always reminds me
10:35Oh, yeah. Yeah, big Travis Scott fan
10:38Something like that. Are you big like into rap in general or like I am an R&B girly through and through I'm gonna say
10:44Please do perfect. Perfect. I feel like I should have been born in like 1992. Oh, yeah
10:49I just love like really 90s music. Okay, one of my love languages putting people on like bomb ass. I'm a music person
10:58Let's start with R&B. Yeah
11:00Just to make sure just make sure I get the right answer. I was not expecting that shit
11:04Yeah, and then bro like with you and Serena I
11:08Personally think once you speak to her you're gonna feel a lot better. I would say hear her out. I'm not upset
11:12I'm a hero, but it's just like I'm not mad at all. I'm just I feel stupid. It shouldn't be my foot
11:18What would you say? Like you're looking for key qualities. I look for I love ambition
11:22Like I need you to have like long-term goals, you know something that you're striving for
11:26I look for like a protector and a provider
11:28Because I'm a little bit traditional obviously nice was very handsome and we had a lot of things in common
11:33I'm open. I've been open and honest with Cordell about that as well
11:38We're both open to exploring other connections and testing out our connections
11:41Like when you sit traditional like is that like house?
11:43Yeah, I'm working and like I feel like being a mother is like full-time job. Like I don't want no iPad children
11:48I don't want no nanny raising my kids. Yeah, and I want four kids
11:54We sit in there she said she happy about everything she happy about the pace that we move in
12:00This is exactly what you know, she wanted to be at right now and good right here where we at
12:06And she said she felt the same way
12:09Fucking looking stupid as fuck if she felt otherwise
12:12She should have stayed true to her word
12:14Like she say she keep it real with you and tell me if it was something else and she didn't
12:29Just mean, you know, I like organization I like, you know, there's a place I like organizations it flies fuck just look stupid
12:39You're good bro, I'm in this bitch looking stupid y'all want me to y'all fucking warm
12:59Welcome back to Love Island USA hours later our stickers are finally rejoining the group
13:05It wasn't planned. We locked them upstairs and some idiot lost a key you try get an emergency locksmith in Fiji at 2 a.m
13:13sub new faces
13:15How are you doing on welcome to the
13:21Nice to meet you
13:27Obviously had a conversation with Nigel was good. Nigel seems very mature. All right, what's everyone's types?
13:36I'm looking for a woman like I'm tired of dealing with girls
13:40Situation ships one-night stands hookups. I'm kind of over all that like I just want to build like I just want to settle down
13:47Someone stable someone that's looking for the future, but I'm open to just talking to everyone. I feel the same way
13:53I feel like it's been a lot of just kind of like stuff. That's not really going anywhere
13:58So yeah, I want something legit something serious something I can actually like like stick with you know, something that's that's real
14:04So that's why I'm here. Oh, is it Kashi? Yeah. Yeah
14:10Okay, so I don't really have a top three honestly
14:13I feel like people that I initially would have been attracted to you coming in like behavior wise maybe turn me off
14:20But that's why I like want to get to know I don't date based off looks like it has to catch your eye initially
14:26But like the personality seals the deal. So I feel like once I hear
14:32I'm a PR. So I got this on lock. Yeah, that's great. Cool. Welcome to the villa
14:39Happy to be here
14:47The girls are heading for a quick catch-up
14:49Nicole wants to know what the new girl is like and live wants to know if anyone can spot or 200 bucks to pay the
14:54Locksmith he's cash only
14:57All right, ladies. We have a lot to talk about. So who do you think the girl?
15:02I think she'd be into Robin Miguel for sure. She pulled Kendall before Rob. I'll tell you that
15:09Even the girls. Well, she seems sweet. You always had a more of a conversation
15:15Good chat, she's fucking gorgeous. Oh, yeah, she's gorgeous. I was like
15:19Obviously, she's very attractive. But there's one chat
15:21I mean, I'm just obviously I'm open to getting to know her because that's what this fucking process is
15:26I really didn't get much of a read off her personality
15:28But I mean obviously she's really pretty like I wouldn't be opposed at all
15:32Raise your hand if you were shocked by Kendall's reaction
15:35Not shocked not because you're like openly exploring right now
15:39So you openly admitted that you're gonna get to know two people
15:42It wouldn't make sense for him to stay on the dance floor if he knows for a fact that you're open
15:47I feel so stupid for me to be so honest with him about getting to know one guy
15:52And if he's doing that out of spite, I don't care. It's not
15:55What the fuck is going on over there, bro
15:58Yes, but he has to protect his heart because he's been taking this. He's been taking L's back
16:05I didn't give him a no. I said I still like you more than I like mcgill. You know, no, that's
16:09Holy shit, nicole's going crazy right now. No, no, no, no. Oh my gosh. I'm, sorry
16:21I already get it
16:22but you guys need to get like
16:24He hasn't ever once said to me like he's open to getting to know like that's not that's why i'm caught off guard. Yeah
16:31That would have been the perfect moment for him to show that he doesn't care like about this other guy
16:36I'm getting to know like he wants me and he's standing by it. Like that's hot. That's confident. I get it
16:41it's not a good feeling having to like share someone but
16:46Lord, take the chance while you had it. That could have been a perfect moment for him
16:50guys, like am I am I
16:52Am I in the wrong on this? I think you're overthinking
16:55I think I don't think I don't think you're in the wrong at all
16:57If nicole feels some type of way about me getting to know this girl that's like
17:05That's insanity. Well, it's because
17:08She good. She just she ended up standing there looking like a dodo. That's why like this is getting literally blown out of such crazy
17:13Proportion right now. That's the issue here. The fact that people are this buttered is crazy
17:18I think kindle just scared of getting his heart hurt again. Yeah, cool. So am I and now it's her
17:24Hi guys, what's up? What's up? Um, do you want to go for a chat? Sure. Why not?
17:36I was busting moves. You should have seen
17:44How are you feeling after that
17:47I don't know man literally earlier today
17:50Earlier today
17:52We said we were still going to be open and that we weren't going to close things off yet
17:56So that's why i'm like, okay when I close things off
18:01Kind of go without dancing because that's what we had agreed on
18:05But like obviously now I want to know if you feel differently and like i'm still open to explore
18:11But I am happy with what what's going on right here. So that's why I stayed up and danced. But yeah, I did feel stupid
18:16I'm, not gonna lie to you
18:20It's time for bed and our islanders are talking about testing their relationships with these bombshells
18:25Kind of like how I tested my iphone with a sledgehammer
18:31There we go, that's a lot better
18:40I'll be all the way straight 100 as well. I generally don't see any more than like sexual attraction
18:46Yeah, but why did you just say that from the start because I was trying to get to know you
18:52Enjoy your life, brother
19:05I don't want to chat to this kid like
19:08I'm, sexually drunk deep, but that's it. No, we didn't on my life and I went
19:18I think i'm gonna pull janine for a chance to see where she's at what she's like. She's cool. She's cool
19:26Oh my gosh, who's this teddy bear it's missing an ear because it's my dogs but like
19:30It just smells like them. You're like I need
19:39I mean I still feel a little stupid. I know I shouldn't because I got that, you know
19:42But that's just me
19:47You always got your hand in your hands bro, that doesn't mean i'm touching my balls. Yeah, i'm literally not touching my balls
19:59Do I need to build a divider like live I don't it's up to you
20:13Welcome to the village night everyone
20:33But that's just me
20:54Welcome back to love island usa the girls are thrilled
20:58Nigel doesn't shy away from saying how he feels and the producers are thrilled that he doesn't put his phone on silent mode when he
21:09It's the feeling when
21:12Everything is new and you don't know what to do, but you're doing it
21:16You're doing it
21:21Nigel kenny and cassidy today you'll be going on a secret group date with one islander each of your choice
21:29Please wake them up get ready and head to the dock where a boat is waiting for you
21:34Hashtag no time to snooze
21:36Hashtag morning glory, baby
21:52I know
22:11She's stunning
22:13Y'all some crazy motherfuckers day one. That's how we started. Huh? So excited to go with miguel
22:19I don't think it's hit me yet
22:21Yeah, honestly, right. It's literally my first day here and we're already going on a date. I think all the guys are amazing
22:26Yeah, and they all have different personalities
22:28So I was like you should definitely just chase the rainbow and see which one you like
22:32I actually really am excited to think that like we have five
22:38I just hope we get to know each other and we have laughs and it's really easy going you guys ready?
22:45Okay, let's do our date
22:47Let's do it. Let's go ladies
22:49Are you really guys?
22:52Okay, that's exciting. I'm sorry. You're good. You're stunning
22:56This is crazy
22:57It feels good to be chosen like I love spontaneous
23:01Um, and i'm excited to get to know more about nigel
23:04Day day day day day day day day
23:11The villa from this view is insane
23:18Kendal and lever waking up in a communal dorm room with no one in their bed or as I called it college
23:34Draw me a sign what you feel like what the fuck you guys think they're like on a date another day in paradise
23:48It's a logical explanation on her disappearance so i'm not gonna
23:55Yeah, bro, don't freak out
24:00So you think fucking kenny took serena or nigel yeah, probably kenny what do you think they're doing
24:07They're jet skiing. I'm gonna be so jealous. I'll actually be mad
24:11How romantic
24:13Being woken at the crack of dawn to be whisked off on a magical date to a floating island
24:18When i'm woken up at the crack of dawn, it's my wife telling me that i'm breathing loudly
24:33Oh my god, this is so nice
24:54That's one way have you ever done anything like this before never really
25:00They're not gonna bite you no, I promise are you scared? No, i'm good. I'm good
25:04You can switch but I feel like it's like titantic vibes like you're jacked and i'm just like
25:09I'll save you my love
25:12Oh shit, why is this so high? Okay. Yeah, you got this. Don't worry. You got it. Three two one
25:21Yo, that was wild
25:28Okay, ready i'm gonna try not to make a fool of myself
25:34When she went
25:53I never even talked to you about the situation. But how did you guys like come to a conclusion with
25:57The whole andrea nicole jenny thing. I tried to take a really big back seat to it. Yeah
26:04Because I knew I literally said like if we think andrea robb is gonna like hate me and think like it was me
26:11It just came down to like certain things that like were said
26:15We're not like out to like ruin rob's life or ruin andrea's life. Yeah, he's definitely still fucking broke though. Yeah
26:24I told you did I not tell you my conversation with miguel. It was like
26:29I do want to be like honest with you. I definitely find you sexually attractive
26:34But like that's it and I just went okay, they came up and laughed
26:39Because if you don't laugh you cry
26:41I can't believe he said that though last night to you. That's actually fucked
26:46It hurts
26:48there's more to me than just my looks like I think my personality is better than my looks if i'm honest, but
26:56But i'm good it'll pay off live because like you're so great and don't cry
27:04I'm sorry. Oh live. Can we hug you and i'm fucking soft, dude
27:18Cheers sir, cute little floaty day. Cheers. You did all the work. Thank you
27:23I'm, not lazy. I promise but it just looked way better when you did all the work and you just pushed me around
27:27I'm blessed to be with you and to be in your presence. Really?
27:30That is so sweet of you to say what would you say are some of your interests?
27:34I really do love to travel because I was a military brat. So like that's all I really know
27:38I've been to 17 countries. You're lying outside of the u.s. Name your top five your favorite
27:44um, japan
27:46I was raised there. Okinawa, japan. I lived there for five years
27:50Japan is not your favorite. That's crazy. Japan is not your favorite. I've been to kyoto. I've been to osaka the culture
27:57It's rich the food everything everything is clean clean facts, I know I lived there for five years
28:05Well, here's to a great day little mermaid cheers, is that your first time snorkeling? No, but it's yours you did a great job
28:12Yeah, i'm not gonna lie. I was a little bit. I didn't know how my swimming skills were gonna go about
28:17You're a little fish in there
28:20Yeah, are you hungry i'm sorry this pizza looks so good i'm gonna feed you
28:25Don't miss my mouth
28:32You're like lactose intolerant or anything, right? No, I am
28:38Don't wait don't surprise me
28:47Nicole's had a rough 24 hours
28:50Last night she found out kendall wanted to explore new connections and this morning
28:55She's found out the pool was intended for toddlers
28:59Nicole you free?
29:02Yes, look at that stance that's a fist stance good luck. Good luck. Nicole. We love you
29:10I've been dying to freaking talk to you. This is last night, but yeah, I want to hear you out
29:14So this is your time. I'll hear you out
29:18So the game
29:20I at first I didn't even think about myself the first thing. I was like, oh
29:23I'm like
29:24Nicole is for sure not gonna be standing in the yellow
29:27Because she's currently
29:29Literally speaking to miguel. I need you to be like dead honest with me right now
29:34Did so like are you standing there out of spite because i've been so honest with you out of spite
29:39Of course not. I was just trying to get through your mindset
29:41I've never had an issue with you getting to know miguel. Obviously you said you didn't like it
29:46Like of course, I don't enjoy it when I have such great conversations with you and we vibe and like
29:51It feels so right and then I have to see that similar energy with another guy
29:56But that's i'll be honest with you. Obviously that doesn't make me feel good. Like I have feelings
30:00Last night. It's just like caught me off guard. Yeah, I know. I know you were just looking at how I was feeling and just
30:06Like not acknowledging it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Honestly, nicole. I'm sorry for making you feel that way. That's the last thing I want
30:13I have a question. Do you know like the whole like leah and angela situation?
30:18Did she ever like bring up the fact that?
30:21The reason to get her out was because she was here for the wrong reasons
30:25and it was just unfortunate that she had a strong connection with someone in here because that's why she was
30:30No, I know for a fact it was nowhere near the decider that never came into my brain
30:34I do feel like she is very disgenuine
30:37and I feel like
30:39She is hurt by the way rob treated her and i'm not saying her feelings are valid but her behavior's not
30:45We all stood up for for why we chose that decision
30:48And I think it's very it says a lot about someone's character to them be like it wasn't me. It wasn't me
30:53It wasn't me like
30:55She has been saying some things to save her own ass and to get back in the good books of other people
31:00But in doing so she's putting me kaylan serena down. There's been times where she's been there for me and we have got along
31:07But I don't trust leah
31:09John, like someone saying that like they took the back stand for it when that was oh, yeah, she said that again earlier
31:16To me she was like, yeah, I took the vaccine. She said it again. The truth always comes out here, right?
31:23That's like my type of first date something that's like fun and like
31:27Not so serious. What about you? I would say
31:30Jumping. Yes, but holding your hand while jumping. Oh as well is definitely
31:39What is your dating history like i've been in four relationships so far
31:44So I feel like now like i'm i'm 28
31:46Like i'm just looking for somebody who like I can have that like comfort level with
31:50But also like still have that playful type of relationship. Yeah
31:55Bro i'm telling you that they gotta be on a date
31:57She'll tell me if if there's a connection between whoever she's feeling so i'm trying to cut her a little bit
32:03Ain't shit there. I'll wake up. I'm like what the fuck
32:06What's going on?
32:07I hope she don't kiss one of them. I can't say nothing because I kissed like nicole in my date, but for me it'll be
32:15That'll be going back off her word
32:16That's her being a slow burner because that was the whole reason why she didn't kiss me in the beginning
32:20I want her to be honest the truth if it went well, tell me how well it went if it didn't
32:24Hell, yeah, i'm gonna be i ain't gonna jump for joy in front of her though and be like, okay cool, you know
32:28I love it, bro. I love it, bro
32:33You're so beautiful and it's crazy
32:36You're so beautiful. It's nuts
32:38Thank you, beautiful smile. Thanks
32:40Beautiful lips. Thank you. Thank you very much. I feel like you're a good kisser as well
32:46I'm, okay. Okay. Yeah, I think i'm gonna have to find out
32:52You you'll find you maybe you'll find out later on oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, you're not gonna give me a kiss
32:57No, not right now
32:59Yeah, no, I have to you know be a respectful queen I am still in like a couple, you know, I respect that
33:11You're smooth
33:13No, it is your voice. It's like butter. I ain't gonna lie. I feel like you have a little player side to you
33:18It's a little player. I feel like every man needs to have a little bit player
33:21Have a little bit of fun, of course, you gotta have a little bit of a vibe. That's why we're there
33:29I think we should uh, definitely get to know each other a little more i'm gonna have to do something to
33:34Make my mark known, you know, I mean, yeah
33:58Good kisser. Oh lord, you're gonna get me in trouble
34:06You're really handsome you seem really smart the red flag that you're single i'm interested in a woman
34:12I think i've been messing around with did you know i'm 27, right?
34:16You're 24. I mean older
34:19i'm interested
34:22Have you ever dated an older woman I have
34:24I think right now
34:26i'm looking for a woman like someone that I can build with someone that I could
34:30Settle down with I feel like a cougar but it's kind of cute
34:34Oh, yeah, i've been looking at your lips all day, I don't know why can I get a tea
34:46You're risky
35:00Welcome back to love island u.s.a
35:03Rob is talking to deckhand aaron about leah and by the sounds of things. He's about to abandon ship
35:10I think i'm gonna talk to leah today. Yeah
35:16Just like
35:18Tell her you're not interested
35:19I mean all I know at this point is that she's lied about a lot of stuff
35:23to me
35:24And it looks like she kind of got
35:26The girl I was coupled up with sent home
35:31Was looking to benefit from that
35:33the next day
35:35So i'm actually really disappointed in her. I am too
35:39I just think that that is something that needs to happen calmly, you know, not crazy
35:45Just be like hey, I know these these facts
35:49This is how they make me feel
35:51I really wish you the best kind of deal, you know, yeah. Yeah
35:55Everyone reaps what they sow
36:01Definitely plan on letting her know that my door is closed and that she should just keep on moving to these new bombshells
36:09Yeah, I don't know. Hope hope it works out for her
36:12Can you believe?
36:14She's been running around
36:16Telling all these people this shit and she just hasn't come up to me if her and I don't talk anymore. That's fine with me
36:23things are
36:25Maybe a little tense between lee and I and I feel like i've given her a lot of opportunities to be honest with me
36:31And it seems like she maybe hasn't been 100 honest with me. She knows that we know at this point
36:37and I feel like that's part of the apprehension of coming to me and saying something because it's just like
36:42What do you say? What the fuck?
36:52No fucking way
36:55Yo, they're motherfuckers are on the boat. Let me park the boat. You need a deckhand
36:59I don't like to brag but I do have my pb level two
37:01So I could have definitely driven that better than that guy but um, I was very jealous. That's the craziest part
37:08Laying on my lounge chair having a nice relaxed day
37:12I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie
37:16I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie
37:20I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie
37:22Lounge chair having a nice relaxed day and I hear
37:28And it's my bitches are back with the bombshells and they look like they had such a blast
37:37What the hell you must have sneaked out at like four in the morning
37:44How did you guys get up like that?
37:46Yeah, so you sneaky fuckers not waking us up before you went
37:52Take the center stage what happened bro. What the fuck did you do?
37:55We was in the middle of the ocean on a fucking floating bar, bro
38:05That sounds amazing, okay, okay, that was amazing. How was she? Yeah, we had a little kiss
38:15That was the best day i've ever had in my life. Shut up. Shut up
38:18That's the best day of your life the best day. Oh my god in terms of just experience
38:23Like in terms of just experience. That was probably the best day. I'm excited for you
38:28He's like a smooth talker. He's a charming guy. He's a very charming guy. He's slick
38:35So you're with nigel? Yes. Okay nigel and you know, we're just vibing whatever whatever
38:40It was a cool chat and then he's like I bet you're a good kisser
38:44And then I was like, I mean probably he's like I want to see
38:47And then I was just like nah
38:52I said no i'm just not about to kiss you like we're not kissing baby. Good for you
38:58Yeah, he was a cool dude
39:00We laughed a lot chat was easy with him like it was never like awkward or uncomfortable or yeah anything like that
39:07Like we're goofing around
39:08But your girl it takes her a minute. I ain't gonna say I fancy him, but he cool people. I felt good. I felt janae
39:16We were giving each other looks, you know a lot of our communications like non-verbal I feel like we were vibing
39:23I mean at the end I went in for a kiss and I didn't get what I wanted but
39:27I mean, she doesn't have anyone next to her in bed like
39:31Not yet. There we go. We like yeah, not yet. Not yet
39:35Kenny it was so cute. I'm so happy for you. We're just sitting there and we were like locking legs and we're just
39:41Yes, did you get fanny flutters? Is that what it's called?
39:50Ladies and gentlemen, i'm feeling
39:54like the vibes
39:56the handsome kenny
39:58You know, it seemed like he liked me, but only time
40:01will tell if he does
40:03He asked for a kiss during our talk and I was just like
40:07I'm not about to do is give my all and every single one this one. I'm gonna make him work for it
40:10So I was like you can get a kiss on the cheek because you gotta work for this one. You know, yeah
40:14Yeah, but it's gonna cost you pancakes. It's gonna cost you. Thank you. Thank you, please. Thank you. Yeah, I did the dancing
40:33Welcome back to love island usa the islanders are getting ready for the evening. They were gonna have a pizza party
40:39Unfortunately, we've been blacklisted by every delivery joint in fiji
40:44Dancing the sky as we come alive
40:48electric tonight
40:51Probably try and talk to weird. I just want to be like we're good. No bad blood. Like I know where your head's at
40:57we're fine like
40:59Nicole how are you feeling you and kendall hash things out?
41:03Yeah, i'm feeling good. I'm excited for tonight. Tell us about your date
41:06I don't have you know, the stronger feelings obviously because I have stronger feelings for somebody else already
41:11Obviously right now cordell's still my number one
41:19How's everyone feeling for tonight
41:23Liv did you think any of the new guys are cute? I barely chatted or talked to them. I mean they're good looking
41:30Sorry, i'm just like
41:36That's better than i'm an orgasm
41:59Tell me what you want to tell me
42:00Serena spent her day chatting with nigel on a luxury floating bar in the middle of the ocean
42:07But now cordell gets his chance to chat to her on a sofa in the middle of the garden
42:14again, so yeah
42:17Literally was thinking about you the whole day. So did not tell me like how was it? Hey, yeah, it was good
42:23I mean conversation was good
42:25I mean, you know
42:27obviously on dates people be kissing and
42:32So we made out no, i'm just kidding
42:37I ain't gonna lie to you
42:39I ain't gonna lie to you, dawg. I was like, bro. Did you see my face?
42:44Oh, you played too much
42:46I had to get you back for that fire pitch
42:51I got you
42:54No, he definitely tried I was like, I mean i'm very happy in my couple and like
42:59um, i'm not here to do no shits, you know disrespectful shit, but i was like because
43:03If he went on a date he started making out with somebody like I would feel a certain type of way
43:06so like i'm not gonna be coming over here trying to
43:09Or come over, you know, like i'm like i'm just not doing that like, you know, i'm not with that
43:13And i'm fucking with that. Yeah
43:16I still can't believe you got my my heart drop. That's right. I felt that bitch in my stomach. I was like, hold on
43:21Yeah, but but yeah, but I made it clear that I was happy where I was at. I do like you more
43:29And yeah
43:35You know
43:39But no that's
43:40Damn, that's such a good thing to hear like real shit
43:43I feel a little bit of relief because we are still open but for her to even be saying things like that
43:50She ain't never been saying no shit like that at all
43:52So I definitely feel like we progressing to even something more but i'm not gonna look too far ahead in the future
43:59I really appreciate
44:05I really appreciate like us being able to talk and compromise on what's going on and
44:11I'm happy that you're happy
44:19How are you
44:20I'm doing well. How are you guys?
44:22How's your day?
44:23I feel like I haven't talked to some of you guys because I was gone all day
44:26But I feel like we haven't talked at all. Yeah, what are your goals? I was just about to ask you that
44:31I don't really have goals. My plan is no plan, but obviously it'd be really great if I found a girlfriend. Yeah
44:36I almost left but I stayed so that's good. I'm glad you stayed. Are you? Yeah
44:43You have nice eyes, thank you
44:46I like your tattoos. Thanks coming out of your shell a little bit
44:50Right now yeah, I was like you need to get this man talking you've been so quiet
44:54Oh, has that been what you've been thinking? Yeah
44:58I talk all the time
44:59I've never heard you speak. You just have to walk up and say hello
45:04Wait, you don't have an accent. Yeah, it comes out when i'm nervous
45:07Okay. Well, I hope I get to hear it
45:10I might have to try pretty hard for that
45:13My goodness
45:16Liv is all dressed up for a romantic chat with nigel and nigel is all dressed up for a game of ping-pong after
45:25Where are you from? I'm from houston, texas. Have you lived there your whole life?
45:28No, I moved there three years ago
45:29So i'm initially or originally from michigan if you're familiar with that at all super up north super cold
45:35So you like grew up in snow? I did. Do you snow or skateboard? I snowboard
45:39I ski
45:41Well, there's not really snow in australia, so yeah, I was gonna say have you ever seen snow before
45:47When I was really really young
45:49Talking to liv, you know, it definitely felt like there was there was something there possibly. She's obviously really cute
45:55I really like the way she thinks I love like
45:58Somebody's gonna be straight up and I also very much like I will fight for my friends
46:02Yeah, you're loyal comes with like the downfall though for sure
46:05Like you're not thinking about like all the shit going on around you. I can't though
46:09Well, yeah, how could you you wouldn't be able to fucking like live no pun intended I do like
46:16That was such a dad joke
46:18I liked how confident he was within himself and that he's able to
46:22Really be interested in conversations and not just be like, uh, like he was genuinely intrigued
46:27Which I found was like really like something you'd look for in someone. I'm a dad joke kind of guy
46:32That's good. I like people they can have a laugh. Well, I I really enjoy talking to you
46:35Thank you
46:39Connor's playing frisbee with the guys. Unfortunately for him. Leah doesn't think he's much of a catch
46:54Connor can we talk? Yes
47:02Yellow, um, do you wanna go to the dock? Sure
47:09Leah's anything for connor right now as we speak
47:12I thought this would be a good spot to see
47:15the dog
47:16Where's a good spot to view the dog?
47:19Should we go to the kitchen? Not this one the kitchen or the yellow couches yellow couches. Let's go to the yellow couches
47:23Oh my god. Yeah, let's go. There we go
47:30I think like
47:32I think like you got me at a very like vulnerable time
47:37And I think like it felt really right in the moment
47:41And then like it slowly started feeling like wrong
47:46Okay, and not it's not you. It's me. I'm the problem. It literally has nothing to do with you
47:53That whole it's not you it's me thing is just so cliche like how corny is that?
47:59Like you just have the fucking moment to like bury the hatchet and just own it and just say i'm so sorry
48:05She just can't
48:11Fuck she's cutting it off. What if he's cutting it off too though? He can't he can't he's stuck. Yeah
48:21Just feel like we had so many conversations where I was like
48:24No, I would love you to be honest. I was honest. I until today
48:29I feel like I was very upfront with you
48:31I told you like I had uneasiness and I'm like I still felt something towards rob in my eyes at least like I feel like
48:39I never was telling you like i'm all in like I only want no, I know that you're too good for me
48:48Do feel bad for him kind of
48:51I think you're like a really good person and I think like I just have like a lot of weird shit going on
48:58You're just so like put together and then there's me
49:07I was upset that I felt like you weren't being honest with me that that pissed me off for sure
49:14I felt like maybe a few days in here had been wasted like last night because
49:22I mean it I just felt stupid feels like the whole village trying to tell me that you're not into it
49:27and then I was like, I don't know she's telling me she is and then
49:32You're not so that fucking sucks
49:47Thank you for saying i'm a nice guy, of course, i'm sorry
49:51You have absolutely nothing to apologize for I am the problem
50:00All right, well we're good we are good
50:04Thank you
50:10No, nothing literally nothing i'm back in chicago, I feel it
50:26Welcome back to love island usa
50:28Serena has taken her best day to all the fields and since calling things off with connor all leah feels is relief
50:37I yeah, I mean connor took it really well. I don't think he like enjoyed hearing the fact. I'm sure he wasn't surprised either
50:44Well, yeah, no, he said he wasn't surprised and I was like i'm really sorry
50:49it just comes down to like
50:52Like putting myself first maybe back to single and vulnerable, baby
50:58Times the charm drama mama
51:02That's right
51:03Yeah, it's done and she was finally honest, which is I was like, okay
51:08Well, at least you were finally honest you learn from that shit you learn from that shit
51:13So now your next thing is gonna be okay
51:16This is what I took from that. I grew
51:18And the next person is up simple as that
51:22And now you know that it's cut. It's it's done. Yeah
51:24I feel like an idiot because it just it felt like the writing was on the wall
51:28Kind of the whole time. Can I talk to you for a minute?
51:32No, i'm just kidding. It's all right. Here we go. Fire pit. It's kind of cold. Where are you going?
51:38come here
51:43You look nice, thank you. You look nice too. Thank you. Oh, he did polio. What the fuck?
51:52So, how are you feeling
51:54Feeling good you
51:57I've been better. Yeah, i've been a lot better. Um, yeah
52:09So, you know the other night when you pulled me up there and you said that
52:14That you've never talked bad about me and you never talked bad about andre
52:16You never talked bad about me to andre and all that
52:20I mean, I knew that was all a lie when you were saying it but it's kind of like
52:23I don't know. I just didn't want to fight you
52:25So I was like, okay if she's lying about all that what else she's lying about and I I really didn't want to dig but I
52:30Did I asked around and that's just not the case. You lied to me
52:36And you had a big part in it. Apparently saying who?
52:41It doesn't matter, you know, it does matter because that's not fucking true. It is leah
52:47I just want to know why like no, no, no, no, i'm not doing this with you. Liv was saying shit
52:53Kayla was saying she didn't ask live and I asked kayla and they said that
52:57That was you and then it wasn't a joke. I feel like live
53:02Well, can you please come here?
53:08What can you riddle me why this man thinks I had a huge part in
53:13In andrea leaving riddle me that right now
53:16Well, I do think it's a bit hypocritical that you said that you've taken a back seat in the conversation
53:20I said that I wasn't trying to give a very large opinion. It was at the end of the day
53:29At the end of the day everyone made that Kayla and serena voted for her
53:34I was still not the one who voted for her and I never brought that up. Okay, you go in there i'm gonna go
53:42I told erin my exact reasoning. It literally had nothing to do with rob at all
53:46but do you think it's a bit weird that like
53:49We preached sitting right there
53:51That we all are going to back and stand on the decision that we made is together
53:55Wait, let me finish and that i've heard that you were claiming you had no part in it
54:00And I never said I had no part in it
54:03What you took a backseat backseat backseat. I meant to the whole thing. Oh my god
54:09What did you what you didn't you was just as vocal as we were?
54:13No, you're not fucking understanding what i'm saying. I'm saying to their
54:16Liv shut the fuck up
54:20Oh, no, I cannot. Okay. Tell me what your backseat means then like i'm dead serious
54:26Like you're about to piss me the fuck off. What is backseat mean to you?
54:30How about if you listen and stop being a bitch for 30 seconds, you'll understand it
54:37Backseat I meant as into their their entire relationship
54:41Do you understand what backseat means in my eyes, but your eyes aren't always correct
54:52I'm saying my I think you're trying to save your ass if i'm honest
54:55No, I mean, I don't need to save my ass because I never said I didn't talk shit about you
55:00I've literally you did say that you're just when you're just you're kind of contradicting yourself how
55:04You know what?
55:05You're not doing on your own fucking actions
55:07Because I stood up for you and those three girls and I didn't even fucking vote for her to go. No, no
55:13No, you took that shit and ran with it. I've never what do you mean?
55:15I took this that you called me. I never fucking said I had no part in it. Oh my god. Do you have ears?
55:21All right, what the fuck?
55:24Meanwhile cordell
55:28Oh, yeah people are going but I want to get to know you
55:32You talk shit about him you talk shit about andrea and you're fucking what did I say about andrea own it
55:39I want to say something. No, you don't because I feel like I should be involved in this conversation
55:43Verbatim you took a back seat to the decision. You didn't want to be a part of it
55:47You didn't want her to go home and that you wanted me to be happy and that you cared about rob
55:51Like I I can remember it. Trust me. This is all that's been on my mind. This is all that's been on my mind
55:56I never said like oh my god
55:59I had can you just like wake the fuck up?
56:08You are caught red-handed what we're not about to do is gang up on leah, i'm not getting up
56:14We can clear some shit up right now because what we're not about to do is sit here and start
56:21Let me help
56:23But at the end of the day, she's running your name my name and her name. That's not fucking true
56:29Like you just preached to me
56:35I said in your situation
56:40If that's what you've convinced yourself to believe then that's what you convince yourself to believe
56:45You know what at the end of the day?
56:46I'm not going to keep going back and forth, you know, and you've convinced yourself that that's what you said
56:51Then god help you babe. God fucking help you live
57:21Well, welcome to your first day of love island guys, you're no fucking way bro
57:25I just I just want to know why you've been lying to me this whole time
57:27I wasn't lying to you this whole time like you're just you're you're just gonna keep the ball rolling with the lies
57:35I just want to let you know my doors are shut. Don't have to worry about me
57:40Have a good night bro, you're literally ridiculous
57:49You right bro, no, i'm just gonna go to the dock for a little bit
57:57Wanted leah to admit at least one of the lies many many lies she has told me but
58:03Kind of felt good to call her out on her shit
58:08I really don't like calling girls crazy, but I can't think of another word that shit
58:42She's so manipulative
58:46And the recoupling will mean one islander will be done
58:52on more
