Persona 3 Reload Ch 41 The Story of Little Girl and Stripey

  • last month
00:00:30Hey, hey, what do you want to do next?
00:00:32It's your turn, okay?
00:00:33You get to pick.
00:00:39Aw, I hate the see-saw.
00:00:42It makes my butt hurt.
00:00:51I don't want to go home.
00:00:53I don't like it there.
00:00:56Can we stay here a little longer?
00:01:00Do you think it's reasonable to venture into thisriking stock market?
00:01:04Wonderful guys like you deserve special treatment,
00:01:07because you spent the money extravagantly.
00:01:11But let's cross this overriding sentiment...
00:01:13Classic situations.
00:01:16It's ok, we'll talk tomorrow.
00:01:17You know, my mum and dad...
00:01:20All they ever do is fight.
00:01:22And just the other day,
00:01:26they said they were getting a divorce...
00:01:28I told them not to, but they won't listen.
00:01:32They probably don't care about me.
00:01:36Hey, you'll play with me again later, right?
00:01:40We're friends now.
00:01:41We are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
00:01:44You have to come see me, okay?
00:01:58My tummy's grumbling.
00:02:02Can we go to Wild Duck?
00:02:09You're the best!
00:02:10I wonder what the daily burger is today.
00:02:17I love going out to eat.
00:02:21Because when I go with my mom and dad, everybody gets along.
00:02:25We used to have so much fun together.
00:02:28Why would they get a divorce?
00:02:34They don't love each other?
00:02:42I don't want them to get a divorce!
00:02:44Mom and dad must hate me!
00:02:49No, divorce is stupid!
00:02:51I hate it!
00:02:58Sorry, I know it's awkward for you if I cry.
00:03:15I try not to.
00:03:19I have to go home now.
00:03:20Thank you for playing with me today.
00:03:26Hey, hey!
00:03:27Have you seen Stripey?
00:03:29We were playing tag, but I don't know where he went.
00:03:37Oh, Stripey!
00:03:38There you are!
00:03:43You don't look so good.
00:03:45Are you sick?
00:03:48I'm surprised you could tell.
00:03:52You really are sick?
00:03:56No, I was kidding.
00:03:58You're so easy, Maiko.
00:04:01No fair!
00:04:01I trusted you!
00:04:03Don't tease me just because I'm a kid!
00:04:09And who are you?
00:04:15Ah, so you're the one she was talking about.
00:04:19I was wondering what you were like.
00:04:21Do you see yourself as her guardian,
00:04:23or are you simply two children playing together?
00:04:28Hey, I'm hungry now!
00:04:31I want takoyaki!
00:04:35You can eat with us too, Stripey!
00:04:38No, I'll pass, thanks.
00:04:40See you later.
00:04:49He's gone.
00:04:51I usually see him around the shrine on Sundays.
00:04:53I passed by on the way to cram school.
00:04:55Okay, it's takoyaki time!
00:05:04It's so hot I almost burned myself!
00:05:08I remember one time my dad burned his mouth on this stuff
00:05:11because I put too many in his mouth at once.
00:05:14He was like...
00:05:18Dad hasn't been coming home much these days.
00:05:21It's my birthday soon.
00:05:23Do you think he'll come home and see me?
00:05:26You really think so?
00:05:33My mom always gives me presents on my birthday,
00:05:36but she hasn't asked me what I want this year yet.
00:05:40If they really loved me, I wouldn't get a divorce.
00:05:44You're the only one who spends time with me.
00:05:48Oh, I have to go home!
00:05:50Today is laundry day.
00:05:51If I don't do laundry, the house gets really messy.
00:05:54See you later, okay?
00:06:00So, you know how it was my birthday the other day?
00:06:02Well, guess what?
00:06:04Mom and dad both remembered!
00:06:06They really do care about me!
00:06:14They were smiling and happy and everything!
00:06:18I got so many presents.
00:06:20I even got a birthday cake!
00:06:22It's been so long since we ate together as a family.
00:06:25We used to do it all the time.
00:06:27How come mom and dad don't get along anymore?
00:06:31I know!
00:06:32I'll just ask them why.
00:06:33If I know why, I can fix it and make it all better!
00:06:37I'm gonna make mom and dad happy again!
00:06:39Wish me luck, okay?
00:06:41Okay, I'm gonna ask them.
00:06:45Let's play again later, okay?
00:06:49I don't know what to do!
00:06:55My dad...
00:07:14He hit me!
00:07:17He hit me!
00:07:19He's so mean!
00:07:21He's not fair!
00:07:29You think so too?
00:07:31Dad's mean!
00:07:33Stupid meanie!
00:07:36All I did was ask why they're getting a divorce.
00:07:39They got mad at me and said to stay out of it.
00:07:42So I kept asking, but...
00:07:45Dad yelled at me and...
00:07:47They kissed me!
00:07:50And mom said it was my fault for asking so much.
00:07:54I don't know if they love me anymore.
00:07:56Do they just wish I would disappear?
00:08:05But then...
00:08:06Why do they get so mad?
00:08:12What if I ran away from home?
00:08:14I want to know how they really feel about me.
00:08:17If they love me, they'll try to find me, right?
00:08:23It's a secret, okay?
00:08:25Don't tell mom and dad I'm running away.
00:08:27I know you won't tell.
00:08:30I have to go now.
00:08:32Let's play again sometime!
00:08:36I can't take it anymore!
00:08:39Mom and dad just keep fighting!
00:08:41I begged them to stop fighting so much, but...
00:08:46They told me to leave them alone!
00:08:55I made up my mind!
00:08:57I have to run away from home!
00:09:06Sorry, I don't want to be a brat.
00:09:09But I made up my mind, and I'm gonna run away!
00:09:13I better start packing soon.
00:09:17What should I bring if I'm running away from home?
00:09:20I need lots of snacks, right?
00:09:22And my... insurance card?
00:09:33Running away is easier than I thought!
00:09:35Now, I just gotta decide when to sneak out.
00:09:43Either way, I'm gonna give it a try.
00:09:46Don't worry, I'll be just fine, okay?
00:09:48I'm gonna miss playing with you, though.
00:09:52When I run away, mom and dad will have to work together to find me!
00:09:59This is gonna be great!
00:10:01I gotta make sure I'm ready to go.
00:10:05Thank you for always helping me.
00:10:08But I gotta say bye for now.
00:10:11I have to run away now!
00:10:14Remember not to tell mom and dad, okay?
00:10:30Hey, you!
00:10:31Have you seen a little girl?
00:10:32She's in elementary school.
00:10:35Will you just take a second and calm down?
00:10:41Calm down?
00:10:42What if something happens to her?
00:10:45Oh, please.
00:10:46This is what happens when you force a child to study non-stop.
00:10:50Why are you always like this?
00:10:52Everything has to be my fault!
00:10:54That's because it is your fault!
00:10:56This never would have happened if you'd been watching her.
00:10:59Look, we don't have time for this.
00:11:01I think I know who you are.
00:11:03You're the one, right?
00:11:05Maiko's told me about you.
00:11:07She said she played with a high school kid instead of practicing piano.
00:11:12This is the first I'm hearing of this!
00:11:14What the hell did you do to my daughter?
00:11:20Shut up!
00:11:21Stop jumping to stupid conclusions.
00:11:24I'm sorry about this.
00:11:26We're Maiko's parents.
00:11:29We haven't seen her since this morning.
00:11:31When we checked her room, we found a note that said,
00:11:34I'm running away.
00:11:36She's never done anything like this before.
00:11:46Excuse me?
00:11:47You don't know anything!
00:11:53Listen, if you have any idea where she is,
00:11:56I'm begging you to tell us.
00:12:06Takoyaki stand?
00:12:08Oh, that place!
00:12:09Right, let's try looking.
00:12:25And you, too?
00:12:26Well, I...
00:12:31Maiko, are you okay?
00:12:33You're not hurt anywhere?
00:12:36I'm okay.
00:12:39Oh, thank goodness.
00:12:42Why would you do such a thing?
00:12:44I was worried sick!
00:12:45Do you think that's funny, giving me a heart attack like that?
00:12:49Hey, that's enough!
00:12:54You made me worried, too!
00:12:57I was so scared!
00:12:59You said you were getting a divorce, and I didn't know what to do!
00:13:07I don't want you to get divorced!
00:13:16Oh, so that's what this is all about.
00:13:18We're really sorry, Maiko.
00:13:21Why don't we go home and talk about it?
00:13:23It's awful we pulled you into this.
00:13:26I'm not sure what else to say.
00:13:30Hey, I told you to keep it a secret, but...
00:13:44I'm kind of hungry.
00:13:47Let's go out to eat!
00:13:48What do you want to get?
00:13:53Oh, I want a frog burger from Laza!
00:13:58Come on, let's go!
00:14:07The other day, Mom and Dad,
00:14:10they talked to me about why they were getting divorced.
00:14:13It was sad.
00:14:15But I listened to the whole thing.
00:14:17Did I do good?
00:14:27So, Mom and Dad,
00:14:29they said when there's no love,
00:14:32it's hard to stay married.
00:14:34But they said not to worry,
00:14:38because they would love me no matter what.
00:14:42So I told them,
00:14:45it's okay if they get divorced.
00:14:47It must be hard to live with someone you don't love.
00:14:51Hey, so I have to choose if I want to live with Mom or Dad.
00:14:57Who do you think I should pick?
00:15:04Yeah, I love my dad.
00:15:07He always buys me toys and stuff.
00:15:11Mom cries all the time now.
00:15:14I don't want her to be all alone.
00:15:16Maybe I should go with her.
00:15:20Oh, if I go with Mom,
00:15:22I might have to move somewhere far away.
00:15:25And then I won't be able to play with you anymore.
00:15:29It's no fair!
00:15:30I miss you too much.
00:15:34You better get home.
00:15:35Hey, will you hold my hand on the way home?
00:15:42Hey, I know!
00:15:44Let's get some takoyaki!
00:15:50Oh, I think I know now.
00:15:56I'm gonna go with Mom.
00:15:57She can't cook or clean or do anything on her own.
00:16:02So I'm gonna be there to help her.
00:16:04I think Dad's gonna be okay by himself.
00:16:06He can get along fine without me.
00:16:10So, um, Mom and I are gonna move away soon.
00:16:17Hey, even if I'm gone, we'll still be friends, right?
00:16:28Friends forever.
00:16:30Ever and ever and ever, okay?
00:16:34You can't forget about me.
00:16:36Never ever, okay?
00:16:40I gotta get ready to move.
00:16:43I have to go home now.
00:16:44See you later!
00:16:49Hey, come on!
00:16:51Let's play on the jungle gym!
00:16:53And the seesaw, and then kick the can, and then—
00:16:55And then let's play everything!
00:17:04Ah, I'm tired.
00:17:07No way you'll forget about me now, right?
00:17:10We played so much.
00:17:12Today, I'm moving far away.
00:17:20Um, Dad told me I would always be his daughter, no matter how far away.
00:17:27We're still family, so I don't have to be sad.
00:17:32Family is special.
00:17:34Do you think I'll have a family of my own one day?
00:17:37Yeah, you're right.
00:17:44I hope.
00:17:46Oh, um, when I'm all grown up, can we get married?
00:17:57You're supposed to say yes!
00:17:59I don't want to marry anyone else!
00:18:03Take this, okay?
00:18:05I made it just for you.
00:18:15Someday, let's get real wedding rings.
00:18:34Close your eyes, okay?
00:18:45Don't be so shy!
00:18:46Well, bye-bye.
00:18:49We'll see each other again, okay?
00:18:51I just know it!
00:18:57I remember you.
00:18:58You're the one who was playing with that elementary school girl.
00:19:02She was very bright.
00:19:05Her face shone with the warm light of new life.
00:19:10And then there's me, cooped up in the hospital, struggling to breathe.
00:19:15I'm just a faint glimmer compared to her dazzling light.
00:19:20Misery is a harsh mistress.
00:19:22I feel as though I'm lying in an unyielding darkness.
00:19:27Do you understand how I feel?
00:19:34And if you're not lying, then you're just ignorant.
00:19:39Any day now, I'm going to die.
00:19:42I have an incurable hereditary disease.
00:19:46Unless you're in my situation, you can't understand how I feel.
00:19:50But I prefer it that way.
00:19:52I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
00:19:54There are no platitudes to stave off death.
00:19:59Sorry about that.
00:20:00I didn't mean to depress you or anything.
00:20:03It's been quite a while since I spoke to someone my own age.
00:20:08It's only natural for those dwelling in the depths of darkness to yearn for the light.
00:20:14I'm glad we can meet, though.
00:20:16If there is a god, I'll be able to thank him soon enough.
00:20:20However, I doubt we will ever meet again.
00:20:24This was just a chance encounter.
00:20:26Nothing more.
00:20:31You're not like the others.
00:20:49I honestly didn't expect you to come back.
00:20:53Nobody treats me like a normal person.
00:20:57Not even my friends or family.
00:20:59They all keep their distance and say,
00:21:01Oh, what a poor soul.
00:21:03All they feel is pity and curiosity towards me.
00:21:08Sorry to disappoint them, but I'm not the poor soul they think I am.
00:21:13Dying isn't so bad, is it?
00:21:16What's the point of dragging out your time in this world anyhow?
00:21:20You must have a hopelessness festering within as well, then.
00:21:26I can't remember a time without it.
00:21:29Thank you for coming today.
00:21:31You seem different from the rest.
00:21:35I'm not sure I know how to describe it exactly,
00:21:38but you don't look on me with pity the way everyone else does.
00:21:42Damn it.
00:21:48What did I do to deserve this body?
00:21:54I hope we can meet again.
00:22:04It's starting to settle down, I think.
00:22:07Thank you for coming.
00:22:09It's comforting to have someone with me.
00:22:12Why do I have to face this alone?
00:22:16Why am I the one?
00:22:17I can't run around like I did as a child anymore,
00:22:20because my legs and heart won't even let me.
00:22:23All that's left is to draw my sheets around me and
00:22:27count the beats of my heart until they stop forever.
00:22:31Why is this only happening to me?
00:22:39Of course not.
00:22:40No one could.
00:22:42I don't even know.
00:22:43I mean, I understand the reason I'm dying,
00:22:46but what even is the meaning of it?
00:22:50There isn't any meaning to life that I can find,
00:22:53so perhaps I'm not missing all that much.
00:22:58I wish I could run away,
00:22:59but if my body were capable of that,
00:23:02I wouldn't be here anyway.
00:23:03No matter what I do,
00:23:06my body is there to remind me
00:23:09I'm going to die.
00:23:13Why me?
00:23:22Please don't leave just yet.
00:23:24It's almost too much for me if I'm alone.
00:23:34Yes, you're right.
00:23:36But I'd still like to talk.
00:23:39For just a little longer.
00:23:43I'm feeling a little better now.
00:23:50It's starting to get dark.
00:23:52Don't worry.
00:23:52I'll be fine now.
00:23:55I hope I can see you again soon.
00:24:00I'm doing better today.
00:24:02I know it probably looked dire last time, right?
00:24:05Sorry if I scared you.
00:24:07I'd been reading a book before we met that day.
00:24:09I guess I got so absorbed in it
00:24:11that I didn't realize how cold the wind was.
00:24:14Do you enjoy reading books?
00:24:19I see.
00:24:20That's something we have in common then.
00:24:23Nowadays, reading books is all I do.
00:24:26I find that they give me a way to escape everything else.
00:24:29I can just get lost in the book's private world.
00:24:34Do you read books all the way through?
00:24:40Oh, do you?
00:24:42I don't usually reach the end either.
00:24:44Although I think our reasoning differs.
00:24:48The more engaging a story is,
00:24:50the more I want to get lost in it.
00:24:53But I'm always afraid to finish it.
00:24:56Because once I finish the story,
00:24:59I'll have to come back to reality.
00:25:02This inescapable body of mine...
00:25:05Heartwarming stories filled with hope.
00:25:08Those are the kinds of books I like to read.
00:25:10They give me a little solace
00:25:12when I have to come back to the real world.
00:25:18It looks like the sun is already setting.
00:25:21Time is so ruthless.
00:25:23I hope we have another chance to talk.
00:25:31I got really into my reading last night
00:25:34and never went to sleep.
00:25:38I thought I'd be fine
00:25:40since I've lost sleep from the pain and anxiety of my illness before.
00:25:45But I suppose I'm not doing my health any favors like this.
00:25:54Or rather, I suppose I should apologize.
00:25:58It's been so long since anyone told me off or anything.
00:26:02I came out here because I was hoping to find you.
00:26:05I only have so much time left, you know?
00:26:09Do you remember when I said I like reading heartwarming stories?
00:26:12There are as many stories as there are stars in the sky,
00:26:16but I don't think any of them are what I'm looking for.
00:26:19The problem is,
00:26:21none of those stories were written for people like me.
00:26:25I guess I'm just being selfish.
00:26:28Just like I am with you, too.
00:26:31You're always coming to visit me,
00:26:33keeping me company and talking with me.
00:26:36How much of your valuable time have you spent with me?
00:26:39I don't deserve it.
00:26:41You're spoiling me.
00:26:42That's why I like you so much, though.
00:26:49Sorry, I was in such a good mood that I overexerted myself.
00:26:53I'd like to see you again sometime.
00:26:56Say, how do you feel about a pink alligator?
00:27:02I thought so, too.
00:27:04I knew you'd understand.
00:27:07See, it's the main character of a story that I'm writing.
00:27:10He was born in a lush, green forest,
00:27:13but he turned out to be pink.
00:27:16He stands out so much that he can't hunt for food easily,
00:27:20so he's always hungry.
00:27:22The other animals in the forest are all pink,
00:27:24the other animals dislike him and call him disgusting,
00:27:28almost like he's cursed.
00:27:31So he was used to living alone.
00:27:35But one day, he made a friend.
00:27:37It was a little bird that had trouble flying.
00:27:41Every day, the bird would stand on the pink alligator's back and practice.
00:27:47It's kind of embarrassing to tell you this.
00:27:50So, what do you think?
00:27:55I've never written a story before, so I'm worried it's not going to be very good.
00:28:01But what matters is that I'm writing it for myself.
00:28:04Perhaps I can show you the entire novel someday.
00:28:09I actually came up with it the other day.
00:28:11I decided I wanted to write a heartwarming story just for myself.
00:28:15I'd like it to be a hopeful tale about finding the meaning in one's life.
00:28:21I think of you when I write.
00:28:23It's like I can hear you telling me not to die just yet.
00:28:28The wind is going to pick up soon.
00:28:30I can feel these kinds of things now.
00:28:32I hope I have enough time.
00:28:36We should leave.
00:28:38I'd like to see you again sometime.
00:28:44I've been writing more of my story.
00:28:46How much did I tell you about?
00:28:48Oh, right!
00:28:48The pink alligator and the bird became friends, right?
00:28:53This was the alligator's first friend, and he was very happy.
00:28:57They started going to the river every day,
00:29:00and the alligator would listen to the little bird sing.
00:29:04But the pink alligator still had trouble hunting because of his color.
00:29:08He was so terribly easy to spot, and his prey always had plenty of time to escape.
00:29:15Eventually, he became so hungry that he grew dizzy.
00:29:19In one afternoon, he accidentally ate the bird as it slept in his mouth.
00:29:25Of course, he immediately realized what he'd done.
00:29:28He drank swamp water to vomit his friend back up.
00:29:32But he was too late.
00:29:33The bird was already dead.
00:29:37After that, he couldn't bring himself to eat anything.
00:29:40He couldn't bring himself to eat anything.
00:29:44That's as far as I've written.
00:29:46I haven't decided on an ending yet.
00:29:52Oh, is it really that dark?
00:29:55For me, it's hard to tell.
00:29:57The words I use come from my own life.
00:30:00I don't really have a point of reference.
00:30:02But I see.
00:30:03So this is depressing for others.
00:30:07You know, when I mentioned I was writing a diary, that was a lie.
00:30:12I was writing my will.
00:30:14I couldn't face reality.
00:30:16And I was essentially screaming curses into my notebook.
00:30:20For now, though, I'm writing my story in the same notebook.
00:30:24It probably isn't very good.
00:30:27But it contains some things that I've learned during my short life.
00:30:30When it's done, I'd like you to be the first to read it.
00:30:34Meeting you is why I started writing it, you know.
00:30:38I've been trying to come up with a good ending.
00:30:40But I just can't decide.
00:30:43And I'm running out of time.
00:30:46I've got to go now.
00:30:47But I hope to see you again.
00:31:00Just give me a minute.
00:31:02Give me a minute so I can calm down.
00:31:09The pain comes and goes.
00:31:10But I'll be fine once it passes.
00:31:13It's getting better.
00:31:17I stopped taking my medicine.
00:31:20It's not going to cure me anyway, right?
00:31:23It just eases my pain and suffering.
00:31:25My medicine makes me drowsy.
00:31:28And if my hands go numb, then I can't write.
00:31:32I have to finish my story.
00:31:36The reason I haven't finished my story
00:31:39is because I haven't found the meaning of my life yet.
00:31:42I'll get absorbed in my writing, erase it,
00:31:46and then lose sight of how to reach the end.
00:31:50I'm not sure if I can do it.
00:31:52But I'll get absorbed in my writing, erase it,
00:31:55and then lose sight of how to reach the end.
00:31:59When I'm with you, I can almost see it.
00:32:02It's because you've been here for me.
00:32:05It seems like you might have given me a reason to finish.
00:32:10I'm probably writing this book to find my own meaning in life.
00:32:14And if I do find it, if I do finish the story,
00:32:19we'll spend a little more time together after that.
00:32:22The sun is setting.
00:32:26That's it for today.
00:32:28But I hope to see you again.
00:32:33So, I'd like you to celebrate with me.
00:32:37As of today, I am a free individual.
00:32:44No, not quite yet.
00:32:46Almost, though.
00:32:48I just came from the hospital.
00:32:50They were going to admit me, but it's no longer needed.
00:32:54I guess my body is too weak to undergo surgery.
00:32:59So I've opted out of examinations and medication.
00:33:02I'm done with the hospital.
00:33:05Now, I'm just waiting for the end.
00:33:09But I don't feel like I'm being singled out anymore.
00:33:13Everyone is waiting to die all the same.
00:33:16Some just have longer to wait than others.
00:33:19But once the time comes, it's the same for all of us.
00:33:23I'm still a little lonely, but I've moved past the sadness.
00:33:30Could I get a better look at you?
00:33:32I want to remember your face.
00:33:38I'm a little bit tired today.
00:33:42The story is almost done.
00:33:44So I'll show it to you soon.
00:33:46I'll come see you again.
00:33:51I've been waiting.
00:33:52I finished my story and wanted to show it to you.
00:33:56I was having a lot of trouble with the ending.
00:34:00But I finally figured it out.
00:34:02After the alligator ate his friend, the bird,
00:34:06he cried and cried for a long time.
00:34:09In fact, he was so sad that he couldn't speak.
00:34:14That he drowned in his own tears.
00:34:18His tears became a sparkling lake around which grew beautiful flowers
00:34:25and a tree that bore delicious fruit.
00:34:28The other animals in the forest came there often to relax.
00:34:32But none of them knew the alligator had created it.
00:34:36Or that he was gone.
00:34:39The end.
00:34:41That's the ending I decided on.
00:34:43Even though the alligator didn't find meaning in his life,
00:34:47the residents of the forest did.
00:34:50They just didn't realize it.
00:34:53The meaning of my life isn't something I should spend my time on.
00:34:57It's more about how I was able to affect others.
00:35:02So for me, or you, or anyone,
00:35:06just simply existing gives our lives meaning.
00:35:09People can't survive without help from others.
00:35:13We all depend on one another.
00:35:17I don't know how to explain it, but does that make sense?
00:35:26I'm glad.
00:35:32This is the notebook I wrote my story in.
00:35:35I've poured my heart and soul into it.
00:35:38I wanted to give you this since you shared my final moments.
00:35:42Ah, my body feels lighter.
00:35:54I'm so grateful to have met you.
00:35:56It seems so insignificant, but maybe there was some meaning in it for both of us.
00:36:06In the end, I'm glad that I was born.
00:36:12I have to go now.
00:36:25Maybe someday we'll meet again.
00:36:29I'd like that.
00:36:43By the way...
00:37:07So, uh...
00:37:20Not at all.
00:37:36Yes, that's it.
00:37:38Hell yeah!
00:37:42That's true.
00:37:47Well, that's...
00:38:01Oh, hey!
00:38:02Been running into you a lot lately.
00:38:04Aren't you freezing in this weather?
00:38:06Oof, you guys must be pretty dedicated.
00:38:07I'm seeing a lot of weirdos lately.
00:38:13I get it when people are stressed out in the spring, but why now?
00:38:24You're as peppy as ever, Coral John.
00:38:27Maybe all that warm fur makes a difference.
00:38:30It's so freaking cold.
00:38:32We're gonna get sick if we stay out here in this.
00:38:34Let's head back home.
00:38:39Was that a cat's meow?
00:38:41Could it be?
00:38:48Are you...
00:38:54It is Mi-chan-san!
00:38:56I'm so glad!
00:38:58Let's go tell the old lady about this.
00:39:04Oh, there, there.
00:39:07You seem a little skinnier than you used to be.
00:39:11This little one is all I have left to keep me company.
00:39:17I was so lonely when Mi-chan was missing.
00:39:21I don't know how I can thank the both of you.
00:39:27Is being by oneself lonely?
00:39:32Oh, yes, dear.
00:39:33When you get to be my age,
00:39:36you'll find that all the wealth in the world won't take care of you.
00:39:41No one can truly live alone.
00:39:45Some of my neighbors have delightful children, but...
00:39:52They aren't interested in old ladies like me.
00:39:58Well, Mi-chan, shall we go home?
00:40:05Thank you so much, you two.
00:40:11It seems that living is something that can't be done alone.
00:40:21Yes, it's important to keep someone in your thoughts
00:40:25and to know that you are in theirs.
00:40:28To be able to contact them anytime and to touch them.
00:40:37But I do understand one thing.
00:40:40It seems I feel happy when I'm together with you.
00:40:46But I have to wonder if living means to be able to connect with other people.
00:40:53How close to that goal can I come with a body like mine?
00:40:59Just kidding.
00:41:00I've been exceedingly negative lately.
00:41:03I wonder what's wrong with me.
00:41:05We should start heading back.
00:41:08It couldn't be.
00:41:15Why don't we try adding some spice today?
00:41:18Go ahead and blend it however you like.
00:41:20Ah, I always find this to be so relaxing.
00:41:23I suppose you could call it a moment of bliss.
00:41:29Let me know whenever you're in the mood for more tea.
00:41:32I'd be happy to treat you.
00:41:56Yeah, exactly.
00:42:00Yep, yep.
00:42:11Ah, that old lady.
00:42:13She's Michan-san's owner.
00:42:17Hey, Granny!
00:42:18I got a date tomorrow.
00:42:20But, uh, I don't have any money or anything.
00:42:22You know?
00:42:24Oh my, is that so?
00:42:27Oh, you poor thing.
00:42:30You've always been such a good boy, Kiyoshi.
00:42:34This advance on your allowance will just be between you and me.
00:42:39Come on, quit it!
00:42:41I told you not to call me Kiyoshi!
00:42:45But it's such a beautiful name.
00:42:48I picked it out myself, you know.
00:42:51It was the name of a fine doctor from my home village.
00:42:57Yeah, I know, I've heard.
00:42:59Come on, hook me up already!
00:43:03Oh, yes, yes.
00:43:05It's not much.
00:43:07Try not to say anything.
00:43:09Spend it all in one place.
00:43:13Sweet, thanks!
00:43:13See ya!
00:43:15Be careful!
00:43:17And visit again soon.
00:43:25I have something I want to ask the Kiyoshi-san.
00:43:35Kiyoshi-san, please wait!
00:43:39Hey, don't call me that!
00:43:46Do you know me?
00:43:49Well, yeah, you're famous.
00:43:52I'm Kiyoshi Sakuma.
00:43:54I'm a first year.
00:43:57Everyone calls me Joe, Aigis-senpai, so you can just...
00:44:02I would like to ask you something, Kiyoshi-san.
00:44:05Do you mind?
00:44:09Uh, sure.
00:44:12Kiyoshi-san, do you feel lonely when you are by yourself?
00:44:18Huh? What?
00:44:21Your grandmother said that she's lonely because she has nobody else.
00:44:26What is this, a lecture?
00:44:29No, I just want to know.
00:44:32Why don't you visit your grandmother more often?
00:44:36If you are her relative, you may have the power to alleviate her loneliness.
00:44:42I mean, I am her grandson, but...
00:44:45Look, I don't need a lecture from you, all right?
00:44:48It's none of your business, okay?
00:44:51Kiyoshi-san, have you ever considered what it means to live?
00:44:57To live?
00:44:59Personally, I think the bonds between people are what's most important.
00:45:04That's what your grandmother is slowly losing.
00:45:11To live?
00:45:12Are you kidding?
00:45:13No one actually talks like that.
00:45:15What more do you need out of life than to have a blast?
00:45:20To have a blast?
00:45:24I mean, you're happy when you're having fun, right?
00:45:26So hell yeah!
00:45:27We're alive to have a good time!
00:45:31A good time?
00:45:32A good time.
00:45:34So, what do you say, Aika-senpai?
00:45:36If you got time, why don't we...
00:45:39Thank you, Kiyoshi-san.
00:45:43Let's go.
00:45:46What the hell?
00:45:48So you were just trying to play me?
00:45:52Screw you!
00:45:58I can't understand Kiyoshi-san's feelings.
00:46:02And I even made him angry.
00:46:05Did I do something wrong?
00:46:15I see.
00:46:16I wonder why hearing you reassure me that way is...
00:46:21Well, it makes me happy.
00:46:25Ever since I decided to live, I've been asking why and how more frequently.
00:46:32The more time I spend with you, the more I discover that I don't understand.
00:46:38That when I ask myself why I'm not alive, I never have an answer.
00:46:46Is this what you call frustration?
00:46:51But at the same time, I feel extremely lucky.
00:46:54I would even say I'm more fortunate than others, despite not being human myself.
00:47:00After all, you are very important to me.
00:47:04And I get to be by your side.
00:47:07It's strange how two conflicting feelings can coexist.
00:47:11In all honesty, though, my feelings towards Kiyoshi-san are unusually harsh.
00:47:20Kiyoshi-san has warm, soft hands to embrace those precious to him.
00:47:26And yet he...
00:47:27What is this ugly feeling?
00:47:31Is it...
00:47:34Let's stop this.
00:47:35It isn't right.
00:47:38Yes, I am stopping right here.
00:47:42Shall we go home then?
00:47:57Excuse me.
00:48:12So, today we'll talk about...
00:48:15I just can't concentrate.
00:48:17I get so worked up when I picture his face.
00:48:24He really did it.
00:48:26He betrayed me.
00:48:28I won't sleep a wink tonight.
00:48:31There was a young man who was working for me.
00:48:34A hard worker who graduated from a distinguished private university.
00:48:39But this month, he couldn't meet his sales quota.
00:48:42So I docked his pay.
00:48:45Self-confidence went down the drain.
00:48:47Then, I just stopped coming to work.
00:48:56He's probably cooped up in his home or something now.
00:48:59None of my business.
00:49:02I just mailed him a letter of termination.
00:49:07It's his fault the company's in the red this month.
00:49:09I've wasted so many resources.
00:49:12All those expenses for training, hardware, facilities, labor costs.
00:49:17Oh, it makes me sick just thinking about the net losses.
00:49:27Well, he only worked for me for two years.
00:49:32So, at least I won't have to provide a pension.
00:49:36I better not talk about it or I'm going to pass out.
00:49:40It's difficult growing up with no money.
00:49:43You can't even afford shoes for gym class, you know?
00:49:47Barefoot in the winter is torture.
00:49:50I've been thinking.
00:49:52How would you like to model exclusively for my company?
00:49:56Your innocent appearance would be a perfect camouflage for the ugly realities of business.
00:50:03Think about it, will you?
00:50:05Join me and you'll never have to worry about being shoeless in P.E.
00:50:14Oh, better get going.
00:50:16We're short-staffed now, so I'll have to re-evaluate the budget for next month.
00:50:21If I decide to hire someone new, their training is going to cost a fortune.
00:50:27Oh, you're Kiyoshi-san's grandmother.
00:50:36Good afternoon.
00:50:38Oh, you're those nice students from before.
00:50:43Hello there.
00:50:44You have great timing.
00:50:47I was just hoping to run into you two again.
00:50:50The truth is, Mii-chan's disappeared again.
00:50:57Oh, so it's a recurring problem.
00:51:00Don't worry, though.
00:51:02At least this time, we have an idea of where to find her.
00:51:07No, that's all right.
00:51:10I believe that this time, Mii-chan went in search of something.
00:51:19In search of something?
00:51:21When cats feel that their life is nearly over, they look for a place to wait for the end.
00:51:31Isn't that what they say?
00:51:34Wait, but what about...
00:51:38It's okay.
00:51:41Mii-chan even came to say goodbye to me before she left.
00:51:46So, I don't think I'll need you to find her anymore.
00:51:55Besides, it's more or less the same for me.
00:52:00My day will eventually come, too.
00:52:04And when it does, I hope I can rest in peace without making trouble for anyone else.
00:52:17Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:52:20But I did want to make sure I thanked you two again.
00:52:26It was nice to see you.
00:52:29Well, good day.
00:52:34Wait, miss!
00:52:38You're not alone.
00:52:40I'm certain of it.
00:52:43Oh, yes, you're right.
00:52:46No one is ever truly alone.
00:52:50Not as long as they continue to live in this world.
00:52:56See, I have the company of a fine young lady such as yourself.
00:53:06Bless you, dear girl.
00:53:08You have a kind heart.
00:53:13See you later.
00:53:17Yoshi-san said that people live to be happy.
00:53:22Was Mii-chan-san happy?
00:53:29Was Mii-chan-san grateful to have been born?
00:53:33For what purpose was Mii-chan-san born?
00:53:44Life. Where does it originate? Where does it go?
00:53:48What reason does life have to exist?
00:53:53Living means connecting with others.
00:53:56All life eventually ends.
00:53:58Living means connecting with others.
00:54:00All life eventually ends.
00:54:03Parting seems to be a natural and inevitable aspect of life.
00:54:09An unavoidable end.
00:54:13Life is cruel.
00:54:17I wonder, will I too someday have to part with you forever?
00:54:22I do want to live, but that's not the only thing.
00:54:29I... it's not just about becoming more human.
00:54:33It's about you.
00:54:36Being with you.
00:54:39What... what is this feeling?
00:54:43What do I want to do?
00:54:47I'm sorry for getting upset.
00:54:50I'm going to head back.
00:54:55Welcome back!
00:55:04By the way...
00:55:20Oh yeah!
00:55:21I'm glad I met you.
00:55:23I want to say thank you for everything!
00:55:25No problem!
00:55:26I'll make sure to come back!
00:55:28I'll be waiting for you!
00:55:30See you again!
00:55:34Oh, right!
00:55:45Here comes the champ.
00:55:47Now things are getting exciting!
00:55:50Get him, Amada!
00:55:51We heard you guys were going to have a match, so we came to witness it.
00:56:03These kinds of things need an audience, don't you think?
00:56:07When I told them I wanted to beat you, they all offered to help.
00:56:12I set up a training routine for him, and gave him advice on his movements.
00:56:17I also wanted to build my legs and core, so I've been going on runs with Koromaru.
00:56:25And I took on the role of being you for practice matches.
00:56:30We figured if he couldn't land a hit on Junpei, then beating you would be out of the question.
00:56:36But hey, spare a thought for the guy covered in bruises over here!
00:56:40Man, he really didn't hold back anything on me.
00:56:46Well then, let's do this!
00:56:58You're doing good, Amada! Keep it up!
00:57:01You can do this. Just take it half a step further.
00:57:05You're doing good, Amada! Keep it up!
00:57:14Crap, did he get hit?
00:57:20The next one's coming! Get up!
00:57:28Hey, are you guys up there?
00:57:36Oh yeah, that's a clean hit! The winner is Amada in the blue corner!
00:57:46I just got lucky. Plus, I did kind of cheat.
00:57:51No, you saw a window of opportunity and you took it. That's something to be proud of.
00:57:59Fuka and I bought some roasted sweet potatoes.
00:58:03I was looking for everyone to come eat with us, but what are you guys doing up here anyway?
00:58:08We're witnessing a showdown between men. Right, Amada?
00:58:13It sounds kind of weird when you put it like that. But yeah, I guess so.
00:58:19It was a great match on both sides.
00:58:24Huh? I don't really get it, but it sounds like you're having fun.
00:58:29It's cold though, so you should head inside soon.
00:58:33Oh wait, did you say sweet potatoes? Count me in!
00:58:38I bought them for Amada-kun. Junpei, you can have the skin and the burnt parts.
00:58:42Hey! What am I, a dog?
00:58:46Thanks for the match. I learned a lot from it.
00:58:54No, I just got lucky. I was stuck on the defensive that whole time.
00:58:59But I think I did do better than our last fight. Now I just need to apply this to a real battle.
00:59:05Technically, we're tied 1 to 1 now, so the next match decides the real winner.
00:59:11Not sure I actually have a chance though.
00:59:14But I hope you'll let me challenge you again sometime. You gotta promise, okay?
00:59:20Okay, then until that time comes, will you hold on to this for me?
00:59:30That's the key to the house I lived in with my mom.
00:59:35Whenever I look at it, I remember the time I spent with her.
00:59:40That house is filled with all kinds of memories we shared together.
00:59:46I know the final battle isn't going to be easy.
00:59:49But no matter what, I want to come back here.
00:59:52I feel like this key will connect us to each other.
00:59:57And I hope, someday, maybe I can be that person someone can always come back to.
01:00:03Just like how Mom and everyone at the dorm was there for me.
01:00:09Sorry for talking for so long. Shall we go down and have some sweet potatoes?
01:00:14So our next match would be next year? Or maybe even longer than that.
01:00:19I know! How about once I reach the same height as you?
01:00:22And if we're around the same build, I might stand a chance.
01:00:26Oh, but you'll probably be even stronger by then.
01:00:34When that time comes, I wonder what everyone will be like.
01:00:38It's exciting just thinking about it!
01:00:44I'm sorry to ask this so suddenly, but can you come with me?
01:00:49There's something we need to discuss.
01:00:53Uh, you want all of us, or just him?
01:00:57Just him for now.
01:01:01Come with me to the student council room.
01:01:20Isn't it kind of weird that she'd only want to talk to him?
01:01:25Eh, probably big, important student council business.
01:01:30Maybe, but Senpai was acting a little weird.
01:01:34She had that look she gets when she's keeping some terrible secret.
01:01:39Ah, you worry too much.
01:01:43Well, I guess we might as well head home.
01:01:47Hey, wait a sec, Junpei!
01:01:49According to the seating chart, if he's not here, you have to take over cleaning duty.
01:01:54Have fun sweeping the hallway!
01:01:57What? Since when?
01:02:03There's something you have to know.
01:02:05Do you remember Chidori, the girl who was with Strega?
01:02:09I don't mean to alarm you, but the truth is, there's a chance that she may wake up today.
01:02:21I know what you're going to say, and yes, we did see her die with our own eyes.
01:02:26However, a few days later, her body began to undergo transmogrification.
01:02:32For the past few weeks, she's been in a sort of stasis, neither living nor dead.
01:02:40What do you mean?
01:02:44I don't know. It may be related to her Persona's abilities, but that's mere speculation.
01:02:51The reason I wanted to talk to you is...
01:02:54How do you think we should tell Iori? You see, she's probably...
01:03:02Yes, it's me. I see. Yes, I understand.
01:03:10That was the hospital. They say she's just awakened.
01:03:13It's hard to believe, but it seems that Chidori really has come back to life.
01:03:22Did I hear that right?
01:03:27Chidori is... Huh? Is this a joke? Some kind of trick?
01:03:34No, it's not a joke or a trick. She's currently recovering in the same hospital as before.
01:03:41But... Iori... She probably...
01:03:47Chidori... Chidori's... Alive?
01:03:56Hey, Junpei! What about your cleanup duty?
01:03:59Jeez, what's gotten into him?
01:04:03Well, I guess it's a moot point now.
01:04:06But perhaps it's for the best that he found out this way.
01:04:10I think I'll head to the hospital after this, too. Could I ask you to come along?
