Persona 3 Reload Ch 44: The End of The World

  • last month
00:12Then you must already understand what people fear the most
00:18What they tried to turn away from that is the wretched thing I have become
00:25We know that
00:27Yeah, we're ready
00:30It's the one absolute for all living things.
00:35Then, you must also understand that it is futile to resist.
00:41Will you still face me?
00:43Surely, there must be fear in your hearts.
00:48Yeah, of course I'm scared.
00:51But who gives a shit?
00:53I've got too much to live for.
00:57I'm sick of running away.
00:59Living means looking death square in the face.
01:02So I won't back down.
01:04Not even from you.
01:07Even if I have to sacrifice myself, I will stop you.
01:11This is my choice.
01:17I see.
01:20Get ready, everyone.
01:21Nyx is attacking.
01:24I'm also sensing multiple shadows approaching from the lower floors.
01:29Stand by, team. Intercept those shadows.
01:31This is the final battle.
01:33Victory at all costs.
01:54Come on, everyone. Let's band together and win this.
01:57I know we can do it.
02:02All right. Here I go.
02:08And with this, you're finished.
02:15The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate.
02:22Entrusting his future to the cards, he clings to a dim hope.
02:31Yes, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
02:39Attaining one's dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.
02:56Nyx's Arcana just changed to the Magician.
03:02His properties changed along with the Arcana. Be careful.
03:09It doesn't matter how many times he changes Arcana. I'll scan him no matter what.
03:13I'll hit them where it hurts. I don't care what you want.
03:16I'm not backing down.
03:24I did it.
03:39The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
03:43A voice within one's heart whispers the most profound wisdom.
03:59Nowhere to run.
04:04You're defenseless now.
04:11The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
04:15Celebrate life's grandeur, its brilliance, its magnificence.
04:34Damage inflicted.
04:46The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
04:50Only courage in the face of doubt can lead one to the answer.
05:10I'm detecting a surge of power from Nyx's sword.
05:14I want to protect this world and everyone in it.
05:18Now's the time.
05:19I know I can do it.
05:26I appreciate it.
05:33How dare you.
05:42Not like this.
05:47I'll get him this time.
05:49The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
05:55It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guide one's self.
06:23Nyx's feathers are floating.
06:25What is this?
06:27There's some kind of special power in those feathers.
06:30Be careful.
06:31You're going to be way more vulnerable to mental ailments.
06:36Nyx just changed the Hierophant.
06:39We won't be defeated.
06:41Hear my prayers.
06:44Let me help you all.
06:51Here I go.
06:54I'm quite natural.
06:58Not done yet.
07:02This is it.
07:05A perfect strike.
07:07The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
07:11It is both joy and wonder in coming to understand the hearts of others.
07:26Nyx just changed to the Lover's type.
07:29Not yet.
07:31No matter how long it takes.
07:43The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
07:47One of the greatest blessings attained from the gift of life is the freedom to pursue one's personal goals.
08:06Nyx switched to the Chariot now.
08:10Everyone is with me.
08:12This time, I will defeat you all.
08:15Much obliged.
08:17The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
08:21To find the one true path, one must seek guidance amidst uncertainty.
08:36Nyx changed to the Justice Arcana.
08:49Now, let's end this.
08:55Just one more.
08:57Take that!
09:02The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
09:06It requires great courage to look within oneself and forge one's own path.
09:23He changed himself to the Hermit!
09:25Shall I move to strike?
09:38The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
09:42Ever-present alongside time is fortune, cruel and unflinching.
10:00Now it's the Fortune Arcana!
10:10Damage inflicted!
10:18Don't bother!
10:20You can't hide from me!
10:25The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
10:29One needs strength to endure and rise above suffering.
10:44Nyx switched to the Strength Arcana!
10:48Releasing output!
10:50Maximum firepower!
10:55Show no mercy!
10:58One last strike!
11:01Your time is limited.
11:03The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
11:08In the face of unavoidable disaster lies the opportunity to search for redemption.
11:18The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
11:26Nyx changed to the Hangman!
11:29Father, please watch over me!
11:48The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate.
11:57Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope.
12:04Yet the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
12:09Beyond the journey you have taken lies the absolute end.
12:15It matters not who you are.
12:18One thing is always certain.
12:21Death awaits all.
12:38I sense the Death Arcana!
12:42This is Nyx's true form!
12:46I didn't want you to suffer, but the time for that is long past.
12:53Is this really what you desire?
12:56Well, I already know the answer.
13:00Very well, let us continue until the world meets its end.
13:13I am with you to the very end!
13:18Stay strong, everyone!
13:21Thona, engage!
13:26You cannot avoid death. To live is to die.
13:31We are one in the same.
13:34The time has come.
13:38I can't afford to lose!
13:42I'm here, G. I think I can use it now.
13:46Not good.
13:52Behold. This is the path you have chosen.
14:01The Arcana has revealed.
14:08I'm... scared.
14:11Kirito-senpai, you have to clear your mind!
14:16Let's see.
14:18Junyo, hear me. Please help them.
14:28I guess, is she going to be okay like that?
14:32Is she going to be okay like that?
14:41All shall fall.
14:43It's... cold.
14:48It'll all be okay. Together, we can't lose.
14:59Nowhere to run!
15:03You're defenseless now!
15:17Did we do it?
15:33Such a pity.
15:37You understand your fate, yet you still fight against it with all your might.
15:46If only there were more like you, then perhaps the Fall could have been prevented.
15:54But, it's too late now.
16:02It's too late.
16:29What is that?
16:32It's the moon.
16:34It kind of looks like... the Oji-kun's getting pulled into it.
16:39No, wait. It's the moon that's being pulled down to us!
16:43You're kidding me. Are you saying that...
16:46the next is the moon itself?
16:50It's coming.
16:52Soon it will descend upon us.
16:54Crashing into the Earth!
17:06What the... where am I?
17:14Hey, what's going on? What the hell is that?
17:17Hey, look up there! Is that the moon?
17:20What is going on?
17:22I can't get a signal!
17:26My phone isn't working. What's going on?
17:30There's red stuff on the moon!
17:32Have you heard anything about this? What's going on?
17:34Holy crap! Look at the moon!
17:37Holy shit, this is amazing!
17:40The apocalypse! The world is finally ending!
18:00To be continued...
18:13At last...
18:27How marvelous!
18:30I can't believe the moment has finally arrived!
18:35Shut up!
18:37What are we going to do?
18:40Something's coming from the moon!
18:51What is this? It's like something's crushing me!
18:57This is... nothing!
19:03Even now you continue to struggle!
19:08Shut up, you bastard!
19:12Death will be patient no longer.
19:17Can't you see that?
19:19What can you hope to accomplish now?
19:23I wish you were here to see it all end, Jin.
19:31I will never give up! Never!
19:37Why? What good will it do to rise up?
19:43Just give in.
19:47Hell no! I'm not backing down!
19:52We made our choice! We risked our lives for it!
20:16God damn it!
20:19We've come so far! It can't end here!
20:32Okay, gotta stay calm. That's right, like Fuuka was when she saved me.
20:38I'm the one who said we're always connected. That's how I know you're still hanging in there, Fuuka.
20:43I'm scared as hell right now, but I know I can't give up.
20:49Right, Fuuka?
20:52What's going on?
20:55Am I dreaming?
20:58Man, what am I gonna do?
21:01How can this be happening?
21:06What on earth?
21:09Is that coming from the school?
21:13Are we in the afterlife, dear?
21:18I have no idea. What the heck is going on?
21:26What's going on? Why is the world suddenly declaring an emergency?
21:32Someone's gonna have to pay big for this one!
21:37I guess all I can do is believe in them. Don't die out there.
21:52There's no need to worry. This isn't the afterlife. You're still very much alive.
22:00Do you remember what I once told you? How the strength of your social links will determine your potential.
22:08Listen. Can you hear their many voices? Each one's power is faint, yet they all reach out to you. Can you feel them?
22:22Close your eyes and listen. Their voices may be faint, but you hear them, don't you?
22:45I'll always have your back. All I can do right now is pray, but whatever it is, man, don't worry about a thing. I know you can do it.
22:56I know you're facing a difficult task somewhere out there, but I truly believe that you can overcome any obstacle.
23:05Something frightful is going on, but we're not giving up.
23:10That's right, dear. We have to be strong for him.
23:14Something crazy's going on here, but I know you're out there doing all you can. I'm not gonna lose hope. I learned that from you.
23:24I'm okay right now, and it's because you gave me the courage to stand on my own. So please, you can't give up.
23:33Oh God, I'm freaking out here. But I know he's doing his best out there, too. I don't even know what he looks like, but I know he's okay. I can feel it.
23:46I know you're trying to stay focused. You were there when I needed you. I hope I can do the same.
23:54Hey, can you believe what's going on? I know you must be doing everything you can, so I will, too.
24:03Everyone else is scared, but not me. You showed me how to be tough. I won't give up.
24:12How are you doing? Ça va, I hope? I am here for you, like you were there for me.
24:18What on Earth made me think of you at a time like this? Well, I suppose you did teach me a thing or two about trust.
24:28You were the one who taught me that running away never solves nothing. And I bet you're somewhere out there fighting the good fight right now.
24:40Well, I'm here for you, too, kid.
24:43I'll take on any challenge that comes my way without passing blame. You taught me that. I bet you're fighting right now, too, huh?
24:52You saved me. I was so blind before. I'm sure you've got things under control, right? You always do.
25:02I know I'm not the only one who's suffered. You've endured a lot, too. But you can't just give up.
25:10But you can't just give up. You taught me that.
25:16Can you hear them? These are the voices of hope that wish to help you.
25:22Separately, they are weak, but together they will bring about a great change in you.
25:29Now is the time to draw on the true strength of the bonds you have forged.
25:41I never dreamed of seeing that card with my own eyes. This is indeed a surprise.
25:50Behold the greatest power that you and I shall unveil. It is the power to bring about a new beginning or the ultimate end.
26:01With this newfound power, it might now be possible. Perhaps you can save those you hold dear from that which cannot be defeated.
26:13What you have in your hands is the power of the universe. Nothing is outside the realm of possibility for you now.
26:22We will soon reach your destination.
26:25It seems that, in addition to death, fate has brought us together again.
26:31I have been waiting for this moment for so long.
26:36I have been waiting for this moment for so long.
26:40I have been waiting for this moment for so long.
26:44I have been waiting for this moment for so long.
26:49It seems that, in addition to death, fate has also dealt you the wild card.
26:57You must accept your destiny. Our contract has been fulfilled.
27:03I have completed my role as well.
27:06You were truly a most remarkable guest.
27:18How are you even standing right now?
27:22Hey, you can't be going out there by yourself.
27:26No, don't go!
27:33No, wait! What are you doing?
27:37Damn it!
27:40I'm sorry.
27:43No, wait! What are you doing?
27:47Damn it! Why? Why the hell can't we get up?
27:53Don't do this. We've already come so far together.
27:59God damn it!
28:03Why aren't you listening? Come back!
28:42To be continued...
29:13What can we do? How can we help him?
29:19Don't give up! We're gonna get through this. Together!
29:25Give him strength! Take my life if you must!
29:29To be continued...
29:59To be continued...
30:11You promised, didn't you? Please, you have to make it back!
30:19All right, let's do this.
30:29To be continued...
30:32To be continued...
31:02It's him.
31:05Yamagishi, is he all right? What happened?
31:09Everything disappeared after being covered in that light.
31:14I don't sense anything now.
31:17Don't tell me he...
31:21What the hell are you saying? It's impossible! Try again!
31:27I can't be the only one!
31:30No way...
31:33Damn it! Not again!
31:36We put our lives on the line just like he did. In fact, we came here expecting to die. So why only him?
31:46Why am I so powerless? Am I really unable to protect the ones important to me? This is what I was trying to prevent!
31:55You're out there, aren't you? I know you are! I refuse to believe that you're gone! Answer me! I know you're listening!
32:05We're here! Say something, please!
32:20Don't worry.
32:23That voice...
32:26I will sleep once again. Peace will return to this universe. For you. And for him.
32:38He's found the answer to life's greatest question. It just happened a bit sooner than it will for the rest of you.
32:47Life's greatest question?
32:51Aikis, you'll find the answer one day as well. Your life, too, is precious. You're replaceable.
33:01You just need to realize how the bonds of friendship have changed you.
33:06The bonds of friendship...
33:10The Dark Hour will soon vanish from this world. You will truly be liberated from its dominion. The legacy of life will continue.
33:21Congratulations. You have the miracle you sought. May we meet again someday.
33:36Now where... how did we end up back... Hey, look over there!
33:42Whoa, what's up with Tartarus?
34:12It's finally happening. Everything's going back to normal.
34:17Our job is done.
34:24Wait, is that...
34:43You're back!
34:46Oh, thank goodness!
34:49You sure took your damn time! Seriously, you were really stringing us along there.
34:55You had me going. I was starting to think we'd never see you again.
35:00Guys, come on. This isn't the time to be crying.
35:05You're crying too, Sonata-san.
35:09Finally, the team's all here.
35:14Leader... Huh? I'm...
35:18Oh no, they won't stop. What's wrong with me?
35:35To be continued...
36:05To be continued...
36:35To be continued...