Persona 3 Reload Ch 27 Sparks of Love_1080p

  • 4 months ago
00:10Wonder what this is
00:12I'm curious where it came from, but it's getting late. We should head back
00:17All right this time. I'm not gonna lose. Let's go Koromaru
00:42Don't you worry she's she's crying because she's happy
00:46She's an emotional woman bless her heart. She's been like this since the day we met
00:52You see all the graduates from my son's class have come together
00:57They're collecting signatures to save the persimmon tree
01:02They say the tree is a memorial to their former teacher. They don't want it to be cut down
01:14Guess it's over your head being a transfer student and all
01:19Those three short years of high school made memories so precious they still cherish them decades later
01:27They've given their precious time for our son, I don't know what to say. I'm so grateful
01:37You must be the one who called on them for this, right
01:48Don't pretend it's just us you don't have to be so modest
01:52You're a samurai a modern-day samurai
01:58Before you know it you'll graduate and step boldly into adulthood
02:03Don't forget about us you hear
02:05Someday, I'd love to grab a drink you and me
02:10But for now you'll have to make do with this
02:14See you again soon
02:22Welcome back
03:06Have detected a gaze upon us for an estimated seven minutes now. Oh
03:13Sorry, I just wanted to watch was I bothering you
03:22Thanks, I was just curious what it's like to study for an exam
03:27Um, is it alright if I study with you if it isn't too much trouble, I mean
03:33My data states that elementary school does not feature regular examinations. Is this information inaccurate?
03:41No, you're right, we don't really have tests that we need to study a whole week in advance for
03:49Sorry, um, if you're not okay with it I can just oh
03:58Thank you, I'll go get my workbooks now
04:04Next question. What is the term used to describe the property of having zero electrical resistance?
04:11Oh, I know superconductivity
04:16Correct amada-san
04:25I just happened to see it on TV. It was an ultimate technique in feather man. Not that I care about that stuff
04:36Oh, sorry koromaru, I guess I was being a little loud let's get back to studying
04:44It appears that amada-san has entered a state of non REM sleep he is in a deep slumber
04:52Sleeping here may cause his body temperature to decline sharply risking illness. Shall we wake him?
05:05Understood I wonder what kind of dreams amada-san will have
05:12Let's transport him carefully to prevent waking I will accompany you on the way to his room
05:25Well, look who it is I knew you sounded familiar I'd recognize that shrill grating voice anywhere I mean
05:35I don't have all the free time in the world like you high school kids. So let's try to keep this short
05:40My son gave you money that was supposed to pay for his cram school. I'd appreciate it if you'd give it back
05:47Let's just be done with this. I won't bother you again. If you return the money now
05:53Um, look sir, I don't think you have the full picture here. Your son said he hates cram school
06:00That's why he was hiding in the park by himself
06:04Was doing him a favor if anything you should be thanking me
06:14See you think so, too
06:18Well, what's this someone sure is bold today you sure you're not gonna start screaming emergency and run away
06:28My you really don't have a clue do you no wonder you don't understand how your son feels
06:34Besides haven't you heard? He's my bodyguard now
06:40Look I should be the one forgiving you and even if I did there's no way you're getting into paradise
06:45People like my dead brother non-believers like you you're not welcome there
06:52Talking to you gives me a headache
06:54You know my son, right?
06:56He's still in elementary school. And yet he has a better head on his shoulders than you do your parents have my sympathy
07:04I'd be ashamed if my son was neck-deep in this cult as you are
07:10What what did you just say to me
07:14So that's how it is. Huh? You're just like the rest of them. You think I should have died instead
07:19Don't you?
07:22You don't think I'll ever hold a candle to my twin brother, don't you?
07:27Knock it off damn kid. God. This has been such a waste of time fine
07:33If that's how you want to play that just you wait and see
07:37Better watch yourself kid hang around this guy for too long and they'll scam you too. I tell my son the same thing
07:45Choose your friends carefully
07:47Now, excuse me
07:53Come back when you've learned a little respect actually don't come back ever
08:05We won we fought that guy off as long as you're here I've got nothing to fear
08:11All right, I was dying of hunger wasn't I come on
08:19Oh, it's you welcome back
08:39By the way
09:18Decided to hold this study session for us to concentrate on the upcoming exams
09:23Amada I invited you to join us so you can focus on your own studies. Your presence is welcome here
09:31Thank you for inviting me I'll make sure not to be a bother to everyone
09:36To the rest of you. I want you to set a proper example and take your studies seriously
09:45Are you going to study with us crotch on good boy?
09:53Koromaru son says that he will accompany us here as we study
09:58Well, aren't you a little hard worker unlike Junpei over there who can't stop yawning
10:07Can't really deny it
10:09Wouldn't mind being in his place right about now dogs. Never have to study for exams like this man. What a life
10:23Right, if we were dogs we could just play all day
10:30He says it's not all fun and games
10:32Koromaru son tirelessly patrols the neighborhood each day
10:37You hear that you think you could keep that up every single day
10:43Damn it the dog wins again
10:47Koromaru son may not have an obligation to study, but he has another important mission
10:55True he's been protecting that shrine this whole time. That sounds like something far more difficult
11:03Guess if you want to be a dog you'd better develop some diligence like Koromaru here
11:10Being a dog is harder than it seems you'd be better off just studying to base on
11:17Stop don't look at me like some pitiful creature
11:21All right, that's enough chit-chat, let's concentrate on our study
11:27All right, I think we can begin wrapping things up good work everyone and
11:33Iori after all the dog talk. I do hope you were able to get through the material you needed to cover
11:42What oh
11:44I see. So you're still learning then as a dog. I'll need to give you strict behavioral training
11:53I'm kidding. It was a joke. I'm totally cool being human. No training needed. I'm good
12:01That will conclude the group study session it is time for a much-deserved rest
13:07How's everything going
13:23By the way
13:57Excuse me
14:29Hey, what's up, is that your dog? Oh, he looks like a smart one unlike his owner
14:36I'm just joking
14:38So how's life man?
14:41And I love how the girl in that show has this mature vibe, you know what I mean
14:52Whoa, looks like this guy's had his fair share of fun. Yes. We should start heading home then see it's cool
15:02Way to go
15:28Guess so
16:10If I may speak
17:02Like this I guess
17:07Welcome I'll be taking care of you today. Are you ready to order or do you need a little more time?
17:14Hmm it's too bad the school festival got canceled. I already went to all the trouble of putting this on
17:20So maybe I should wear it around the dorm for the day
17:26Sup Yuka, Tom. Hey, does that mean you gotta call me master?
17:34What's going on Takuba you planning to work at Mitsuru's mansion or something
17:42Forget it. I've been meaning to return this but now that I look at it, it's a real uniform
17:49Huh? It's not just a costume. Oh
17:52I should take a picture before I give this back to Senpai
18:00Need your help with something
18:03Sure one sec, I know I'll drag Fuuka down with me at least then I won't be alone in the embarrassment
18:22Kari-chan those clothes. I've got a couple spares if you want to try one on how about it?
18:35Huh, um, wait
18:39Worry just hold still it's a little tricky to put on so it'll be faster if I help
18:47Wait you Kari-chan
18:57Oh, hey, what's up? Oh
19:01My gosh, that is such a cute dog
19:05You are so lucky. I'm not allowed to have pets at my place. Oh
19:09Wait, did you hear cause did it again?
19:16Seriously how many times does it have to happen? This is exactly why his towel stinks so bad. Oh
19:28Sorry, I got in the way of your walk didn't I I should start heading home anyway. See you later doggie
19:54Am so nervous for some reason
19:57The others are here in the dorm, too. I hope no one finds out I snuffed you into my room
20:03They'll hear me if I'm too loud
20:09Wait, I didn't mean it like that don't get the wrong idea, okay
20:32Wanted to give you something and this is for you
20:41You know what it is, right it's the strap from my cell phone I got it at the opening ceremony for the moonlight bridge
20:49It's been my special keepsake for years now because my dad bought it for me I
20:58Used to talk to the little charm attached to it when I was alone in my room
21:05You must think I'm nuts, huh, but ever since I got to know you I've stopped talking to it
21:13It means a lot to me so I should explain why I'm giving it to you
21:18I'm only gonna say this once. Okay, I
21:26Love you
21:30That's it
21:36Hey when this is all over maybe we can spend some time together just the two of us
21:44in fact
21:46Would it be all right if I jumped the gun a bit and took some of that time right now
21:53I'm not ready to say good night yet
21:58I'm blushing aren't I?
22:35Excuse me
23:45Sorry, I'm late I ran into some unexpected trouble
23:50All right, here goes back me up would you
23:56I'm gonna make pancakes
23:59Think you can help. I guess you could say I've got a craving. I used to eat them all the time at the orphanage. I
24:07Know they sell frozen ones nowadays, but nothing beats freshly cooked, right?
24:18I don't really need a reason do I I just felt like it
24:23Well, let's go on and get started, okay first things first
24:31What exactly do we do first I
24:35Think the recipe said to use lots of butter and to regulate the pan's temperature with a damp washcloth
24:42Wait, we put a washcloth in the pan
24:46Won't it burn?
24:56Thanks, I don't know how to cook anything besides the stuff I use for bodybuilding
25:00I can break the eggs and mix the batter. I'll leave the actual cooking part to you. Oh
25:07Better go get the plates. All right. I think this will be enough. Oh
25:15Check it out
25:17Wow, look at all the pancakes I knew something smelled good
25:23Yeah, just give me a minute we can eat once I bring them out would you mind getting everyone else and don't forget a mother
25:36It's like a tartar is some pancakes
25:40Did the two of you make all of these yourselves
25:44Yeah, although this guy was the one who cooked them I said I had a hankering but we might have made too much I
25:52Like pancakes, but no way I can eat all of these myself
25:56If you guys could pitch in that'd be great
26:00So you like pancakes too sonata son, thank you. I can't wait to have some
26:07I'll make some tea. I've got some leaves that it'd be great for the occasion
26:12It's pancake party time as they say
26:24Thanks for the pancakes you were really good
26:27Tasted like a lot of care went into them
26:30If you ever make some again, I'd like to help out too
26:38For as many as we made they sure did disappear fast
26:44Cookings not really one of my strong points a certain someone would always say
26:49If you pour protein powder on the ingredients, then you shouldn't be in the kitchen dumbass
26:55Most of the time I only ever got to watch someone else cook so I never really learned myself
27:02Anyway, thanks for helping out today. I'm hoping that cheered everyone up a little
27:14Yeah, pretty much
27:17They did things like this back when I was at the orphanage. I just wanted to recreate it
27:23My sister used to cry all the time there
27:26But the pancakes always brought a smile to her face
27:31Do you remember that metal you found in the package from my parents my sister Miki
27:37She made that back when we were at the orphanage
27:41Based on the letter that came with it, I guess my parents found it when they were cleaning
27:47Miki was gonna give that to me after we learned I was getting adopted out and leaving but then that fire happened right after
27:55And this metal was all that was left of her
28:04Miki used to always say she wanted to thank me for being so strong in time. She was really quiet
28:10And she'd always be following me around. I don't really remember doing anything special for her
28:16But I guess she was relying on me as her older brother
28:21Seeing that metal made me think
28:23Would my sister be proud of who I am now? Am I really strong and kind enough to deserve that metal?
28:31If I'm being honest, I
28:33Don't really know what it means to be strong or kind
28:37Everyone who's ever said that to me has left without telling me the most important part
28:41You saw how I was today
28:44This is all I'm capable of right now. I haven't grown at all since I was a kid
28:51They'd laugh if they saw me now
29:05I'm glad you feel that way, but I've still got a long way to go. I
29:11Realized I've just been running away all this time
29:14Making excuses about having my own problems
29:18But from now on
29:20I'm gonna protect it all we promised we'd become strong together. I
29:26Won't let him down
29:34Thanks, I really appreciate that I'll be counting on you next time
29:41The point of this whole thing was to cheer everyone up and yet I'm the one getting supported here, you know, I
29:49Think you're the kind of person my sister would have looked up to
29:54All right, that's enough talking about the past let's hurry up and finish clean
30:08Ran into that group of punks on my way home from shopping today. There were even more from this time and
30:15One guy managed to get a good hidden
30:19Don't worry though, I didn't do anything that would get me in trouble with the police
30:23I just let them throw as many punches as they wanted until they got tired and gave up. I
30:29Thought I could dodge them all but I guess I've still got room to improve
30:38All right time for class I know you've been busy lately, but you all remember to do your homework, right?
30:46Just because you're not taking a humanities class next year doesn't mean you can blow off classic lit
30:52Hey, are you all listening to me?
30:59What's wrong Fuuka you look kind of down
31:05Talk to me what's bothering you?
31:10It's just our Akaki some pie. Oh
31:16Yeah, it's pretty shocking I'd never seen him in school but he'd always be hanging around town
31:24And now he's just
31:29It's hard to put it into words
31:32It took it for granted that everyone would always be around but nothing would ever change
31:40Some things you can never get back. I didn't consider how easily it could happen
31:47Once I realized that I
31:50Started thinking about my parents
31:53I've sort of been avoiding the question, but is it okay for me to leave things with them like this?
32:02Parents, huh? Yeah, that's a tough one. But I think you'll work it out Fuuka
32:09Moriyama what are you waiting for? Come on up
32:14Yeah, yeah
32:18Would it kill you to give your classmates a proper goodbye
32:23Huh, what's going on?
32:30Hi everyone, I know I haven't been here that long, but I feel like I've made some good friends
32:36I'll remember each and every one of you after I transfer. Thank you all
32:40How's that?
32:44Wait transfer
32:53You're a weird one, you know that the biggest bitch in school is leaving and you're gonna miss her
33:00You're transferring and you didn't say anything
33:05It's not like it would have made a difference why make us both depressed
33:10But yeah
33:12My dad suddenly collapsed and they say it'll take a while for him to recover because of some complications
33:18We don't really have that much money so we can't afford to stay in this area
33:26You know now that I think about it
33:29You're the only one who bothered being friends with a weirdo like me, but like I said before
33:35We're both in the same boat. My parents act like I don't even exist. I hate living with them
33:40That's why I was so jealous when you moved into the dorm
33:47You know, you've really changed Fuuka you're a lot more cheerful now, but why'd you move when your house is like right here
34:01If you don't want to say that's okay, I'm sure you've got your reasons
34:06But if it's something that you and your parents can work out
34:10And do it while you have a chance
34:13It'll be a while before my dad's in any condition for us to have a heart-to-heart
34:21What am I doing this isn't what I wanted to talk about
34:26You know Fuuka I
34:28Used to think every day was just the same
34:30Depressing routine and I'm only saying this because it's you but you don't really get many second chances in life
34:43I guess this is the last time I'll see this view I
34:49Won't be in school next week cuz I'll be packing so I guess this is goodbye
34:59Don't you dare come see me off I want to say goodbye on my own terms
35:07Come on don't give me that look
35:10But you're leaving so suddenly
35:15Hey, I'm not all broken up about this just so you know
35:18I've changed a lot since I met you. I'm gonna try and figure out what I really want to do with my life. I
35:26Know you can do it
35:31Well now I really feel like I got to do it no pressure, right
35:38I got one last thing. I want to say before I go
35:42If you just accept the way things are and you'll never move forward
35:48Just like me
35:53So, I hope you can figure out what you want to
35:58What I want I
36:04Used to try and please everyone just to fit in I was afraid of not being liked
36:11so I
36:12Always went along with the people around me
36:15but I
36:17Never really thought about what I wanted
36:22That's so you
36:24Well, if they don't like you for who you are, I say screw them
36:29But I like you Fuka
36:34Even if you hate yourself
36:37That's kitchen
36:40Well, I better get going
36:53Huh Natsuki John
36:58Even if we're apart, we're still connected
37:03So we can always talk, right?
37:07Thanks for being my friend
37:09I'm kind of tearing up now
37:14That's kitchen
37:17Even if we're apart, we're still connected
37:25I get it now
37:27That's kitchen. I'd always assumed my powers were a reflection of my faults
37:32I was always worried about how other people see me and that's why my powers. Let me see others
37:40But I guess there is something I want after all
37:45Seeing everyone getting along and working together makes me so happy
37:50so I
37:51Want us to treasure this forever?
37:55I have the power to connect people even when they're apart. My persona has given me this amazing gift
38:03The friendship I've always wanted
38:35What are you all doing here
38:38It is unusual to find you up on the rooftop
38:42Well, we didn't see you around so you weren't sure if you were all right
38:48I think I figured it out
38:55I've made up my mind. I'm going to do everything I can with the power. I've been given
39:01This is what I've decided. I want to do
39:05Um, sure
39:10Sorry, I guess that was out of nowhere wasn't it you sure you're all right
39:50Fall apart
