‍♀️ Day 5: Gut Reset Meditation ‍♀️

  • last month
Welcome to Day 5 of our Gut Reset Phase! Today’s meditation is all about deepening your connection with your body and mind. As we progress, this practice will guide you towards cultivating self-awareness and compassion, which are essential for a healthy gut and overall well-being. Let’s keep moving forward with positivity and peace!

**What to Expect:**
- Guided meditation for self-awareness and compassion
- Mind-body connection practices for gut healing
- Calming breathing techniques to release stress

- Enhanced gut health and digestion
- Increased emotional well-being
- A deeper sense of inner peace and connection

Take this time to nurture yourself, allowing the meditation to bring balance and harmony to your gut and mind.

**Reminder:** Stay committed to your practice. Every day is a step closer to better health and peace of mind.

**Subscribe and hit the notification bell for daily meditation videos!**

#GutHealth #Meditation #WellnessJourney #Mindfulness #StressRelief #HealthyLiving #DetoxProgram #AarogyaWave


00:00Hello, everyone! A very warm welcome to today's meditation session. I'll just share the views.
00:22I hope all of you have created a corner in your homes where you can meditate at the same place every day.
00:30You might be thinking that you can meditate anywhere. Why do we need one special place?
00:37Actually, when you meditate at the same place, the energies you engage in stay alive for a very long time.
00:48So, considering that you use the same place to meditate, the energies of that place get heightened.
00:59So, imagine that you can only go to that place to relax and easily engage with those energies.
01:08So, that's the whole idea of why you should meditate at the same place every time.
01:18So, great! Let's start today's session.
01:26So, first of all, let me ask you something. We'll just get you thinking.
01:31We talk to a lot of people throughout the day. We have a lot of conversations and discussions.
01:38In all these discussions and conversations, there is one conversation that is the most important.
01:45What is that conversation? You can think about it. Just give yourself a little time.
01:50What are the things that you do during the day? You talk to a lot of people.
01:55But in all those conversations, there is one conversation that is the most important.
02:01What could that conversation be?
02:03Actually, the conversation that you have with yourself is very important.
02:12The way you believe yourself, the way you think you are, the same way you streamline everything else.
02:23So, the way you talk to yourself is very important.
02:29I mean to say, do you consider yourself worthy or not? Do you forgive yourself or not?
02:37Do you feel guilty for something all day? Do you blame yourself for something?
02:43Or do you keep yourself very relaxed and happy?
02:47Do you see yourself as a negative person or are you very positive for yourself?
02:53Your self-talk determines so much more than you think.
03:01What did I do to make you think like this?
03:04You thought about yourself for a minute and said,
03:07Oh, this will not look good on me at all. The way my body looks is not appealing at all.
03:15You didn't even say that. You just thought about it in your mind.
03:20And you think what difference does it make?
03:23But do you know, each and every cell in your body is eavesdropping on what you are thinking.
03:31The way you think, the same feeling, the same vibration you send into every cell of your body.
03:39And in the same way, there is functioning in every cell of your body.
03:43You must have heard, you can heal your body.
03:46You have the power to heal your body.
03:49The way your thoughts work, the way you start thinking, the way your thought framework works,
03:56In that way, your body is healed and created.
04:01So that's how very important it is.
04:05So from today, watch consciously.
04:10You don't have to do moral policy every time.
04:13It's not like you're afraid to think. Don't do it like that.
04:19But become very conscious and observant of what kind of thoughts you bring to yourself all day.
04:27Because the kind of thoughts you are bringing to yourself, that's how you are creating yourself.
04:33On the one hand, you are thinking about yourself,
04:37Whatever I am today, I completely accept it.
04:40Because whatever you are today, you have created yourself.
04:43Whether it's your eating habits or your sitting habits, whatever your lifestyle is,
04:47You are what you are today because of that.
04:51So if this is the case today, accept it very lovingly.
04:57And after that, chart out a graph of what you want to become.
05:02But that journey has to be joyful.
05:05You know that life is a journey.
05:08It's not about some point.
05:11There is no race that we are running and we've reached here and life's over.
05:16It's not like that, right?
05:18We have a target of this weight. We have a target of this much muscle gain and stuff.
05:22And we reached here and we won it.
05:24We have target of becoming AVP or a VP or somewhere in the life.
05:28And we reached there and we won it.
05:30Lot many times we reach there and then we realize,
05:33Oh, these last 10-15 years were for this and this is how it is.
05:40So actually life is right now.
05:45This every moment which is passing by which you are living every day is exactly your life.
05:52So live it with lot of acceptance, lot of love, passion and kindness.
05:58And who will you give this to first?
06:00To yourself.
06:05There is a very amazing story.
06:08So there is a person who is looking for love.
06:13So he says that he never got love in his life from his parents or from his lover.
06:19And now even my children don't love me.
06:21No one loves me.
06:23So he goes to a Guru and asks him,
06:27How is it possible? I love everyone but I don't get love.
06:31So Guru gives him an orange fruit and says squeeze it.
06:37He squeezes it and says squeeze it and give me apple juice.
06:42He squeezes it a lot.
06:44Orange juice comes out from inside.
06:47It comes out more.
06:48He thinks that Guru is saying this so from somewhere inside, apple juice will also come out.
06:52It doesn't come out.
06:53Then he asks, Guruji, only orange juice is coming out from inside.
06:58Whatever I am squeezing, only orange juice is coming out from inside.
07:01Apple juice is not coming out.
07:03There is a moral of the story.
07:06The more you squeeze yourself, the more it will flow inside you.
07:13So from the window through which you create your thoughts,
07:19you create exactly the same outside.
07:23And from that mirror, you see everything.
07:26Meaning, if you accept yourself, love yourself,
07:32and accept everything fully with that love,
07:37you will try to become a better version of yourself.
07:40You will see everything around like that.
07:42You will find everyone loving.
07:44You will find everyone passionate.
07:46You will find everything positive.
07:48Because exactly that is what is sitting inside you.
07:52You see the world with the same mirror the way you see yourself inside and outside.
07:59There is not much difference.
08:02It's so simple.
08:03So imagine, you cannot keep a very positive thought for the outside world.
08:09If you are not positive for yourself.
08:11So today's meditation topic is all about loving yourself,
08:19accepting yourself, and becoming one with yourself.
08:24The whole journey starts from here.
08:28You will get all your answers here.
08:32Once you start calming yourself down,
08:37start calming your mind,
08:40you will realize that you don't need any answers from anywhere.
08:44You will have it all inside.
08:46And no one can give you your answers.
08:50Your answers are only for you.
08:54We will close our eyes slowly.
08:58We will do guided meditation only.
09:00I will teach you somatic poses.
09:07In the first pose, we will place one hand on the crown chakra.
09:12We will place the other hand on the heart chakra.
09:15Then we will take the hand from the heart chakra to the navel chakra.
09:18Meaning, we will bring the mind to the heart chakra.
09:21So crown chakra to heart chakra, then crown chakra to navel chakra.
09:27Second is, you will place your fingers like this.
09:32You will cross your fingers.
09:34Then you will bring it to the heart chakra.
09:37Like this, like a self hug.
09:40And third, you will bring your hands opposite to each other.
09:45You will cross your hands.
09:47And hold it right over your chest.
09:50And press both your hands with love.
09:55You will tell yourself again and again that everything is okay.
10:00All is good with you.
10:04I think all of you have seen this movie, right?
10:07All is well.
10:09When was the last time you said this to yourself?
10:12When was the last time you said this to yourself?
10:18When was the last time you said this to yourself?
10:23When was the last time you said this to yourself?
10:25You may not have said it.
10:26You may not even remember it.
10:28So, the love that you are looking for here and there.
10:33First, bring it from here, here and here.
10:37Then you will get love from everywhere.
10:41Because it will fill up.
10:44You cannot fill up with an empty vessel from outside.
10:49You have to fill up your own vessel.
10:52After that, when that vessel overflows and spreads all over the world.
10:57Then it will come back.
10:58Then you will say, that's too much.
11:01Where do I keep it safely?
11:03And then you know, you will have to take care of it.
11:07Because you will know.
11:08There is no love to hold on to anything.
11:14Focusing on something.
11:16Focusing on the objects.
11:17Focusing on the feelings.
11:18Focusing on the people.
11:19Getting clingy with the stuff.
11:21Is not the way of life.
11:26Because everything is changing, right?
11:28Maybe college time was the best time.
11:31But you cannot stay there.
11:35Job time was the best time.
11:38But you cannot stay there either.
11:39And I think young age was amazing.
11:43You cannot stay there either.
11:45So, if everything is changing.
11:48And we have seen how everything is changing.
11:52Then how can you imagine that.
11:54Any other situation.
11:55Or any other people.
11:57Or any other feelings.
11:58Or your friends.
11:59Or anything else can change.
12:01Why not?
12:04Everything has a right to evolve.
12:06Everything has a right to explore.
12:08And you cannot blame people and situations for your present.
12:13The only person you can hold responsible for your happiness.
12:18Is you.
12:23Close your eyes slowly.
12:25Come to your comfortable position.
12:27Try to keep your meditation cushion separate.
12:33You will not change the position of everything.
12:36Keep your area of meditation clutter free.
12:40Bare minimum.
12:43Take as less energy as possible.
12:49Just focus on your breath.
12:52Do not force.
12:54No engagement.
12:56No inhale.
12:58No exhale.
13:00Just start watching that breath going in.
13:04And out.
13:06When you get control over your breath.
13:09Then slowly look at your thoughts.
13:12As soon as you start looking at your thoughts.
13:15You will run away.
13:17Try to concentrate on that gap.
13:23When you try to concentrate on gaps.
13:26Your thoughts will come back.
13:28Then ignore your thoughts.
13:31Focus on your Ajna Chakra.
13:35And make yourself physically, mentally and spiritually relaxed.
13:41Then do some positive affirmations.
13:44Close your eyes slowly.
13:47If you do not want to close your eyes suddenly.
13:49Then let it be.
13:51Just stay with the music.
13:55Focus on your breath and close your eyes.
14:21Close your eyes.
14:23Close your eyes.
14:25Close your eyes.
14:27Close your eyes.
14:29Close your eyes.
14:31Close your eyes.
14:33Close your eyes.
14:35Close your eyes.
14:37Close your eyes.
14:39Close your eyes.
14:41Close your eyes.
14:43Close your eyes.
14:45Close your eyes.
14:47Close your eyes.
14:49Close your eyes.
14:51Close your eyes.
14:53Close your eyes.
14:55Close your eyes.
14:57Close your eyes.
14:59Close your eyes.
15:01Close your eyes.
15:03Close your eyes.
15:05Close your eyes.
15:07Close your eyes.
15:09Close your eyes.
15:11Close your eyes.
15:13Close your eyes.
15:15Close your eyes.
15:17Close your eyes.
15:19Close your eyes.
15:21Close your eyes.
15:23Close your eyes.
15:25Just watch your breath.
15:27the way its going in...
15:29and out.
16:01Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
16:31Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
17:01Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
19:13Slowly, bring one palm on your crown chakra and connect it with your heart chakra.
19:21Just watch your breath and relax, release.
19:24Fill yourself with a lot of self-love thoughts, something like, I completely accept myself,
19:33I love myself just the way I am.
19:36And feel it from inside.
19:40I am accepting myself today, right now.
19:47And I allow all the goodness and abundance to come to me.
19:59Today is my day.
20:05Inner peace.
20:06Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:07Connect with yourself.
20:11Inner peace.
20:12Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:13Connect with yourself.
20:16Inner peace.
20:17Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:18Connect with yourself.
20:21Inner peace.
20:22Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:23Connect with yourself.
20:26Inner peace.
20:27Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:28Connect with yourself.
20:31Inner peace.
20:32Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:33Connect with yourself.
20:36Inner peace.
20:37Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:38Connect with yourself.
20:41Inner peace.
20:42Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:43Connect with yourself.
20:46Inner peace.
20:47Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:48Connect with yourself.
20:51Inner peace.
20:52Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:53Connect with yourself.
20:56Inner peace.
20:57Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
20:58Connect with yourself.
21:01Inner peace.
21:02Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:03Connect with yourself.
21:06Inner peace.
21:07Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:08Connect with yourself.
21:11Inner peace.
21:12Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:13Connect with yourself.
21:16Inner peace.
21:17Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:18Connect with yourself.
21:21Inner peace.
21:22Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:23Connect with yourself.
21:26Inner peace.
21:27Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:28Connect with yourself.
21:31Inner peace.
21:32Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:33Connect with yourself.
21:36Inner peace.
21:37Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:38Connect with yourself.
21:41Inner peace.
21:42Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:43Connect with yourself.
21:46Inner peace.
21:47Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:48Connect with yourself.
21:51Inner peace.
21:52Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:53Connect with yourself.
21:56Inner peace.
21:57Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
21:58Connect with yourself.
22:01Inner peace.
22:02Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
22:03Connect with yourself.
22:06Inner peace.
22:07Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
22:08Connect with yourself.
22:11Inner peace.
22:12Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
22:13Connect with yourself.
22:16Inner peace.
22:17Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
22:18Connect with yourself.
22:21Inner peace.
22:22Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
22:23Connect with yourself.
22:26Inner peace.
22:27Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
22:28Connect with yourself.
22:31Inner peace.
22:32Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
22:33Connect with yourself.
22:36Inner peace.
22:37Say all this to yourself, loud and clear.
22:38Connect with yourself.
22:41Inner peace.
22:42Inner peace.
22:43Inner peace.
22:44Inner peace.
22:45Inner peace.
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27:05Inner peace.
27:06Inner peace.
27:07Inner peace.
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27:15Inner peace.
27:16Inner peace.
27:17Inner peace.
27:18Inner peace.
27:19Inner peace.
27:20Inner peace.
27:21Inner peace.
27:22Inner peace.
27:23Inner peace.
27:28I am your Supra-conscious.
27:32This one sentence is most important for every manifestation,
27:36every meditation.
27:39Self love.
27:41For the benefit you.
27:44We will slowly start with Shab-Anthar with some thoughts.
27:47And completely relax.
35:28Slowly rub your both the palms, over your eyes.
35:42I know you all can go into a deep yoga nidra now, so please relax and sleep with this feeling
35:52and with this feeling, every day you will be so fruitful, so productive and you will realize your true potential.
36:01Thank you so much.
