Bad Prom HD ( Comedy )

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Bad Prom HD ( Comedy )
00:00:00You ready?
00:00:02As I'll ever be.
00:00:10Stop trying to peek at Maddy's nipples!
00:00:13Oh my god! Dad!
00:00:16Sorry about that.
00:00:17Apparently he doesn't know he's an adult.
00:00:21You wanna race?
00:00:22Nah, not today.
00:00:25Afraid you'll lose.
00:00:28Yeah, you're right.
00:00:30I mean, boys are just so much faster and stronger.
00:00:34Total suckers!
00:00:36Thanks for that head start!
00:00:37Oh shit!
00:00:39Incoming freshman Maddy Datner is on point to finally beat her arch rival Cole Reed.
00:00:45And the crowd goes wild!
00:00:50I don't want people to think I'm a loser.
00:00:52Worst case, you always have me. At school and next door.
00:00:56Oh hey, hold on.
00:01:13But, um, do you really think high school is going to be all that different from middle school?
00:01:17Probably not.
00:01:18It's all the same kids we've known since kindergarten.
00:01:21How much could people really change in three months?
00:01:43If you want, I'll meet you at class.
00:01:45Oh, okay.
00:01:46See you later.
00:01:48What's up, bro?
00:01:54Who are those tiny whities?
00:01:56Nice to meet you, tiny!
00:01:59You need a boxers, kid?
00:02:09Guess who got a new nickname?
00:02:20Is that Tidy?
00:02:22Ooh, Tidy! Fantastic, baby!
00:02:25Keeping it clean, Tidy.
00:02:32Hey, Tidy.
00:02:33You think you're fooling people with those headphones,
00:02:35but I know you've been listening and keeping track of how many times you've been called Tidy
00:02:39because you're totally lame and obsessed with your shitty nickname.
00:02:42Good morning, city.
00:02:44The only thing good about this morning is that it's one day closer to graduation.
00:02:49Oh, no.
00:02:51The M&Ms are an inspiration!
00:02:53The M&Ms are goddesses!
00:02:55The M&Ms are called that because their first names are Maddie and Marissa,
00:02:57which starts with an M.
00:03:11Sup, Stuffs?
00:03:14Come on, Maddie! G2G!
00:03:18It's Stuffs with a T, not Stuffs!
00:03:23Why do you even try anymore?
00:03:25You know they don't listen to you.
00:03:26It's the principle of the thing.
00:03:34Principal Statsil here,
00:03:36welcoming all you sexy young things back from spring break.
00:03:39Prom is just around the corner.
00:03:41Don't wait to find a date.
00:03:43The last thing you want is to squander the greatest night of your young lives
00:03:46on some third-tier loser from AP Calc.
00:03:50So consider this your official save-the-date
00:03:53for May 17th, the night of the big P.
00:03:56Prom, that is.
00:03:58Good day.
00:04:02All righty, then.
00:04:03Group study time.
00:04:04Pair up, pair up, pair up.
00:04:16The Queen of all dicks!
00:04:19Could you please focus on something other than making your peers hate themselves?
00:04:23Now go ahead and take out your phones
00:04:25and use them in ways your parents and I will never understand.
00:04:31Oh, what do we have?
00:04:32Come on!
00:04:33You can't hide your drawings from me forever.
00:04:35Only until they're finished.
00:04:37Ugh, when's that? 2047?
00:04:39May 17th.
00:04:40The art school I've applied to is hosting a gallery night
00:04:43and they've asked me to show my drawings.
00:04:44That is the best news ever.
00:04:46Thank you for officially giving me a reason to miss prom.
00:04:51Hey, guess what I'm doing on May 17th?
00:04:54Um, nobody cares?
00:04:56I'm going to Cole's art show and everyone else can suck it.
00:05:02Oh, what do we have here?
00:05:05Cole on Instagram.
00:05:07And where is he at?
00:05:09Oh, of course.
00:05:10Maddie Dadner's feed.
00:05:11It's just for inspiration.
00:05:13From Maddie's feed?
00:05:15Why can't you pick one of the other 16 billion girls on Instagram?
00:05:18Come on. Everyone is on her feed.
00:05:21Did you guys see Maddie's eyebrows from last weekend?
00:05:24On fleek.
00:05:26There's a very specific reason why she has the most followers in the entire school.
00:05:30Because no one's monitoring pervy old dudes who don't want to pay for porn.
00:05:33Sad but true.
00:05:35But it is also because of her hair.
00:05:37Every day since freshman year, Maddie's had a different hairstyle
00:05:40and posted a photo of every single one.
00:05:45Even you can't resist the M&M's.
00:05:47The M&M's are an inspiration.
00:05:49The M&M's are goddesses.
00:05:51The M&M's are...
00:05:52Not even here right now.
00:05:54What is wrong with all of you?
00:05:56Like you're innocent.
00:05:57I know, you still talk to Maddie sometimes.
00:05:59Yeah, and I self-love for it.
00:06:01I look at myself in the mirror and say,
00:06:03Stupid bitch, she stole your boyfriend.
00:06:05Stupid bitch, she stole your boyfriend.
00:06:12I am running out of lines for a play.
00:06:14Oh, yeah.
00:06:16I know that play.
00:06:18I live that play.
00:06:28Charles Adams may not have been accepted by his presidential father, John,
00:06:32but you can find acceptance.
00:06:34You're fitting in.
00:06:38Tidy and stuffed.
00:06:40That's a match made in heaven.
00:06:42It's stuffed with a T, idiot.
00:06:53Hi, Maddie.
00:06:54Oh, my God, your hair looks great today, Maddie.
00:06:58I can't believe I used to be friends with them.
00:07:00Wish I never met a single one of them.
00:07:02I used to be a them, so there is a one.
00:07:04Easy with the riddles, Master Baggins.
00:07:07Actually, if you were still a them, we wouldn't be friends.
00:07:10Can you please not bring up the incident that brought us together?
00:07:13Tidy, we've rehashed that one enough to make a breakfast.
00:07:16And a second breakfast.
00:07:17We're Levinses.
00:07:18You need to stop that.
00:07:21What do you think about this one?
00:07:23I feel like it captures the essence of high school.
00:07:25Sports, winning, Cain and I.
00:07:31Well, what about this one?
00:07:35Shouldn't we use photos of, like, the whole squad?
00:07:37Not just you and Cain.
00:07:39Well, sure, but we discussed having an aspirational power couple pic of Cain and I.
00:07:42I just have to find the best one.
00:07:44Why don't we just do a collage of your hair pics and call it a day?
00:07:48Marissa, you riled?
00:07:50But if you could stop being a selfish pigeon for one sec, that would be great.
00:07:53Did you just call me a pigeon?
00:07:55So what if I did?
00:08:01How dare you.
00:08:09Come on, you know I would never betray you like that.
00:08:13Go with the football pic.
00:08:14It's more iconic.
00:08:16Like a Taylor Swift song.
00:08:17You're so right.
00:08:19Now on to the group shots.
00:08:21I'm going to the ladies' room.
00:08:23Be right back.
00:08:26Marissa, I'm so impressed.
00:08:28No abbreviation.
00:08:29Laughing out loud.
00:08:39She needs to take this.
00:08:45Pam, you forgot your...
00:08:48You pig!
00:08:51Maddie, it's not what it looks like.
00:08:53So it's not my boyfriend and best friend making out, but rather some optical illusion of that?
00:08:58Well, if you'll believe that, then yes.
00:09:00Oh, my God.
00:09:02You, I can't even...
00:09:04Yeah, Maddie, you're right.
00:09:06Oh, fuck.
00:09:07It's not what it looks like.
00:09:15Believe it.
00:09:28Maddie, what's wrong?
00:09:34Kane didn't do something without consent, did he?
00:09:40I mean, yeah, he did.
00:09:41Oh, not my baby.
00:09:44Not my baby.
00:09:45Call the police.
00:09:46Not like that.
00:09:47Thank God.
00:09:48Confrontation remains a challenge for me.
00:09:50That and dairy.
00:09:51I hate high school.
00:09:53I just want it to be over.
00:09:55I just want it to be over.
00:10:00Honey, honey, listen.
00:10:01I'm going to tell you something.
00:10:02Your father and I, we can relate.
00:10:04Our high school years, they were pretty much the equivalent of being locked in an emotional prison of constant ridicule and torture.
00:10:12Your father got the living crap kicked out of him on a daily basis.
00:10:16And I was called a greasy-headed troll.
00:10:19Everything happens for a good reason.
00:10:22Although it may feel horribly humiliating and punishing and cruel at the time.
00:10:28I don't like him.
00:10:32I never thought that the perfect popular kids in school would have anything to get this upset about.
00:10:38Well, maybe she's not that popular.
00:10:44Oh, no, honey.
00:10:45Your father didn't mean it.
00:10:47Honey, I...
00:10:50We're bad parents.
00:10:52Ditto to that.
00:11:05Why can't you just pop your head in and ask me how my day was like any other human father?
00:11:10So it was lame, huh?
00:11:11No, it was fine.
00:11:13I'm guessing you still don't have a date for the prom.
00:11:15You know my art show is that night.
00:11:17Art is boring.
00:11:19Prom is about sex.
00:11:21Sex is exciting.
00:11:26Look, I know you're kind of a weirdo.
00:11:29Getting laid before graduation is kind of a pipe dream.
00:11:32But maybe there's some girl out there who's weird just like you that's down to clown on prom night.
00:11:39What a classy male role model I have.
00:11:42What do you want from me, Cole?
00:11:44I was prom king.
00:11:45I ruled over a night where dozens of virginities were laid to rest.
00:11:48I think I want a DNA test for my graduation present.
00:11:52Forget it.
00:11:53You stuck with me for life.
00:11:55Dad, come on.
00:12:07I know this is inappropriate, but I bet that girl's killer in the sack.
00:12:15I'm sorry.
00:12:36You okay?
00:12:37I'm fine.
00:12:46What happened, Maddie?
00:12:52Okay, we don't have to talk.
00:12:55We can just wait for my dad to shout something offensive from my house.
00:13:01It's okay.
00:13:02It's a good distraction from the fact that I've been completely betrayed by both my ex-BF and my ex-BFF.
00:13:08In a way, it's not that bad.
00:13:12In a way, it's not that surprising.
00:13:17Prom and graduation are just around the corner.
00:13:19Everyone is losing their minds trying to create one last set of picture-perfect memories they can post to prove how awesome their high school experience was.
00:13:32You're right.
00:13:34You know, it's been a while since we hung out like this.
00:13:37Does consoling you sobbing constitute us hanging out?
00:13:46Do you remember when we drew those chalk outlines of ourselves on the front sidewalk and called the cops as a prank?
00:13:54Do you remember that transmutation circle I added nearby?
00:13:56Yeah, I do.
00:13:58Did you ever watch Brotherhood?
00:14:00God, no.
00:14:04Was it good?
00:14:06Doesn't matter.
00:14:13I thought he loved me.
00:14:18You know what? Screw him.
00:14:21They are drama absurdity.
00:14:26And I know you.
00:14:29I see you at school and you are different from all of the other popular kids.
00:14:35Then why don't you ever talk to me?
00:14:38Can I ask you the same thing?
00:14:50Come on, we're taking a selfie.
00:14:52No, no, no, no.
00:14:54Yeah, come on, let's go.
00:14:57Okay, but I've never done that before.
00:15:02Wait, you're a selfie virgin?
00:15:06A surgeon?
00:15:10Oh, I am so taking your selfie virginity.
00:15:12Smile, look happy.
00:15:16Wait, why are you taking so many?
00:15:18So many? I'm just getting started. I have to take at least 40 before I can post.
00:15:23You'll get used to it.
00:15:24What is your Insta so I can tag you?
00:15:26Oh, no. No, no need for that.
00:15:28Give me your phone. Come on, give me.
00:15:36Wow, did you do these?
00:15:39Uh, yeah.
00:15:41My drawing skills are pathetic. I don't have any cool talents whatsoever.
00:15:47Actually, I remember something that you were pretty amazing at.
00:15:58The crowd goes wild.
00:16:06Alright, you done?
00:16:08You ready to crown me victor?
00:16:16What happened to 40 pictures?
00:16:18Moments like this should be unfiltered.
00:16:28Oh, P.S. You are being followed by the whole school on Instagram.
00:16:34By product.
00:16:35Why did you do that? I don't want people seeing my stuff.
00:16:41I'm deleting my account.
00:16:43Very funny, Cole.
00:16:50Oh, we are so different now.
00:16:53Maybe you are. I'm not.
00:16:57Why did we stop talking?
00:17:04You don't remember?
00:17:13I never called you that.
00:17:15Yeah, well, when that happened, that was the beginning of the end for us.
00:17:20What's up, bro?
00:17:26How you doing, Tidy?
00:17:28She got this.
00:17:50I don't really know what to say.
00:17:52Doesn't matter.
00:17:54What gets me, though, is that Kane and I used to be friends.
00:17:57Well, at least we're friends again.
00:18:01We are?
00:18:05We are.
00:18:09Damn it!
00:18:11Why did all of this have to happen right before prom?
00:18:14That's it.
00:18:16What's it?
00:18:19As long as you go to prom, your high school experience won't be a complete bust.
00:18:23And if you're crowned prom king or queen, it's like being told you win at high school.
00:18:28Yeah, but sometimes it's the gay kid or the transsexual kid or the crippled kid.
00:18:32So that the popular kids can feel like good people for allowing it to happen.
00:18:38I never thought of it that way.
00:18:41See, um, what the popular kids don't realize is that most of their awesome high school experiences
00:18:48are at the expense of the unpopular kids' feelings.
00:18:53What if we ruined it?
00:19:00You mad, bro?
00:19:02No, I'm serious. I mean, don't they deserve it?
00:19:05I think you're just a little upset about what happened today.
00:19:07No, this is my chance to reject the last four years.
00:19:11We'll make it a night that they never forget.
00:19:13We'll do it by completely rejecting the prom.
00:19:16I don't care.
00:19:18We'll make it a night that they never forget.
00:19:20We'll do it by completely destroying it.
00:19:23I mean, it sounds fun, but I already have plans that night.
00:19:29Hot date, huh?
00:19:31What's her name?
00:19:33The art school that I've applied to is hosting a gallery night for their prospective students.
00:19:40But come on, Cole.
00:19:42This is how you win at high school.
00:19:45Do it with me.
00:19:52Fine. I'm in.
00:19:59We're doing this. I can't believe we're doing this.
00:20:01You and me back together again.
00:20:03Reality check. We're gonna need some help.
00:20:06No way.
00:20:08No way? What do you mean no way? You hate them all worse than I do.
00:20:11I'm just not that riled.
00:20:13Getting revenge on the popular kids, that's like bullying from our side.
00:20:16So you in?
00:20:18She's involved.
00:20:20Yeah, not happening.
00:20:22Hey, Cole.
00:20:24Holy shit, he talked to you.
00:20:26Listen to me. Come on.
00:20:28This is our last chance to create the memories we want to leave high school with.
00:20:31Hey, you're Cole, right?
00:20:33I'm so sorry. I was trying to follow you on Instagram, but for some reason I cannot find your account at all.
00:20:38What's the deal?
00:20:40I deleted it.
00:20:49Yeah. Definitely want no part of this.
00:20:52Siti, we're trying to make a statement.
00:20:55A statement? Since when have you spoken up about anything, you basic bitch?
00:21:00Siti, find your chill.
00:21:02Why? Because suddenly life isn't perfect for little Miss Popular and now she wants her revenge?
00:21:07Why should I give a shit?
00:21:10Oh, excuse me, Tidy. Didn't see you there.
00:21:12Don't call him that.
00:21:14What is up with you, Maddie?
00:21:16Taking selfies with this loser and not returning my texts?
00:21:19I almost got desperate and used my phone.
00:21:22As a phone.
00:21:24To like actually call you.
00:21:28What are you looking at? Stuffs.
00:21:30My name is...
00:21:35You know what?
00:21:37Forget everything I just said.
00:21:39I'm in.
00:21:47Principal Statshill here.
00:21:49Another inspiring day comes to a close here at Charles Adams High.
00:21:55I've been fielding complaints from the juniors about the amount of time I spend discussing the senior prom.
00:22:00I say get a senior to take you.
00:22:04It's only statutory if you get caught.
00:22:07Oh, and finals are right around the corner, so...
00:22:11Study, I guess.
00:22:26Stay away from me.
00:22:28I came to pee and you were an unfortunate byproduct.
00:22:32So gladly.
00:22:33Marissa, wait.
00:22:39How long has it been going on between you and Kane?
00:22:45Does sending him nudes count as the beginning?
00:22:49Typical Marissa.
00:22:51Yes, yes, yes. Typical whore Marissa.
00:22:54Way to slut shame.
00:22:56He was my boyfriend and you were supposed to be my best friend.
00:22:59We may be the M&Ms, but everyone knows it's all about Maddie.
00:23:03And her hairstyles and her Instagram and her boyfriend.
00:23:06None of that is my fault.
00:23:08What about giving me an eating disorder by yelling,
00:23:11Delete it! Fat!
00:23:12Anytime I post a bikini pic on Instagram.
00:23:14I was trying to be helpful.
00:23:16And never tagging me in any pics of us?
00:23:17Claiming you'll never do that for anyone just so you'll get more followers?
00:23:21And then you go and tag Tidy?
00:23:24Oh, enough with the abbreviating.
00:23:26Tagging you on Instagram and hooking up with my boyfriend are not even in the same universe.
00:23:29The BF you wouldn't even have if it weren't for me.
00:23:31Stop abbreviating!
00:23:34Wait, what?
00:23:35The only reason Cain was in the gym during cheer practice
00:23:38and saved you from that basket toss gone awry
00:23:40was because I texted him.
00:23:42Then with Faith's cruel twist, you landed in his arms.
00:23:45Your perfect meeting was an accident.
00:23:48Not some Disney princess destiny bullshit.
00:23:53So, why are you doing this now?
00:23:56Easy. Prom.
00:23:59I know how much being crowned queen means to you.
00:24:02Which only makes me want it more.
00:24:04And me with Cain equals prom queen.
00:24:09Now just reflect and listen to my urine hit the water.
00:24:22I reflected.
00:24:23My whole life has been a lie.
00:24:25Excuse me!
00:24:30Ready to do this, Datner?
00:24:32Hell yeah.
00:24:48How do you do this?
00:24:4939 more, here we go.
00:25:36Now we're gonna need more people to pull this off.
00:25:37Who would wanna help us?
00:25:38Every kid you and your ex-friends ever made fun of.
00:25:58What's up, big guy?
00:26:06Today, you guys, I got you a pulled pork sandwich.
00:26:09You're not going to believe what I got for you.
00:26:11A little hot dog.
00:26:12I can't eat that.
00:26:13Oh, my mom packed you a necklace.
00:26:14Wait, no, please.
00:26:15Sausage rings.
00:26:16Oh, look at that.
00:26:17Fresh ham right out the deli.
00:26:19Eggs are non-kosher, okay?
00:26:20How about this one?
00:26:22Can you pick that up for me, please?
00:26:26I can't move without it on my head.
00:26:28You guys are killing me right now.
00:26:29I have to get to class.
00:26:32Dude, shut up, strings.
00:26:34It's called tssit-tssit.
00:26:35Yeah, whatever, strings.
00:26:37Strings, strings, strings, strings, strings, strings, strings, strings, strings, strings.
00:26:56You're so sweaty, it's like your body is literally crying for help.
00:27:11I can't believe you're talking to me.
00:27:14Not kidding, but the sweat stain on your back literally looks like the United States of
00:27:19I'm posting this.
00:27:21I'm posting this.
00:27:22Sweat that makes up stains in an abnormal way is seriously gross.
00:27:31You look like a swan.
00:27:33Did you go in the pool?
00:27:35It's not my fault.
00:27:36I have a glandular issue.
00:27:51Boo Radley was an outsider.
00:27:56A recluse who never left his house thanks to the terrible rumors spread about him.
00:28:02Those were supposed to be for my boyfriend.
00:28:05Please stop spreading them around.
00:28:10You shared it with them?
00:28:18You shouldn't have trusted me.
00:28:32High school is the goddamn worst.
00:28:47Who here did the reading and knows the difference between DNA and RNA?
00:29:00The difference is...
00:29:02Wait, I'm sorry, what?
00:29:05The difference is...
00:29:08Anyone else?
00:29:10Yes, Akiva?
00:29:12The difference is...
00:29:13He sounds like a sick parrot.
00:29:15Squawk, squawk, little bird.
00:29:17He's such a nerd.
00:29:36I'll never speak again.
00:29:45I'll never speak again.
00:30:15I'll never speak again.
00:30:46Go, go, go!
00:31:01We are going to destroy prom for all the a-holes who destroyed high school for us.
00:31:05Seriously, who cares about the stupid prom?
00:31:08Pretty much everyone at school except for us.
00:31:11Well, how do we know that this isn't some cruel game that she is playing to humiliate us later?
00:31:16I would never do that.
00:31:18So we're just supposed to forget about all the pain your people put us through and help you out?
00:31:22Yeah, no way. I'm out.
00:31:28Listen, here's something I've learned the hard way.
00:31:32Popularity is just some ridiculous concept that ruins people's lives.
00:31:37Truth is, you're the lucky ones.
00:31:39I'm envious of all of you.
00:31:41And Eminem is envious? Of us?
00:31:45Yes. Despite being rejected, you all have stayed true to yourself.
00:31:49I've always done everything in my power to fit in.
00:31:52And I'll admit, my reasons for doing this, they're pathetic.
00:31:56My popular boyfriend leaves me for my popular best friend. Big deal, right?
00:32:02But it's not too late to correct the errors of my ways.
00:32:06I don't deserve your trust.
00:32:10But I do want to change things.
00:32:15Together, we can make a statement.
00:32:19So what do you say?
00:32:39I have no idea how we all understood that, but...
00:32:43Okay, we're in.
00:32:48Look at you guys. Maddie is like the Khaleesi in Cole is King of the North.
00:32:52Then what does that make me?
00:32:54Brienne, the badass lady knight? Eh, I'll take it.
00:32:59What's up, losers?
00:33:00Whoa, a popular person.
00:33:02It's okay, guys. He's one of us.
00:33:05Your text was cryptic, Siddy, but...
00:33:08Now I see.
00:33:09See what?
00:33:10Just trying to find a place to fit in.
00:33:12Apparently I'm too gay for the straights and too straight for the gays, but...
00:33:17Maybe with you, Cole, is where I fit in.
00:33:21If you help us out, Cole will blow you no questions asked.
00:33:23I what?
00:33:24Unlike on the basketball court, I shall pass.
00:33:27Sorry, buddy. No offense, but...
00:33:30You're just too fat for me. But I'm still in.
00:33:32What's the plan?
00:33:33We meet. Away from school. My place tomorrow.
00:33:36And I...
00:33:39Sorry, I just wanted the last word.
00:33:42Maddie Datner, report to the principal's office.
00:33:44Maddie Datner, principal's office.
00:33:46Principal's office.
00:34:02Madeline Datner.
00:34:04Maddie, Maddie, Maddie!
00:34:07Maddie, the model student.
00:34:09Maddie, Miss Popular.
00:34:12Maddie, Maddie.
00:34:14Who reminds me so much of myself.
00:34:18Why am I here?
00:34:19Because of this.
00:34:23I'm not sure I follow.
00:34:24That is a picture of you and Cole Reed.
00:34:29Cole Reed is weird.
00:34:34He's always drawing.
00:34:35Looking like he belongs in a hipster version of iCarly.
00:34:38And he doesn't even belong to a clique.
00:34:41Are you trying to tell me who I can and can't be friends with?
00:34:44Oh, Maddie.
00:34:45I just don't want you squandering your reputation here at the finish line.
00:34:49What do you mean?
00:34:52High school sets the tone for life.
00:34:55Look at me. Honor society. Yearbook.
00:34:58And the only freshman ever to be elected class president.
00:35:01And captain of the cheer squad.
00:35:06And where did that lead me?
00:35:08To becoming the youngest high school principal in the history of the state.
00:35:13Right back where it all began.
00:35:14Here at Charles Adams High.
00:35:18I don't get how this has anything to do with me.
00:35:21The point is...
00:35:25I didn't throw it all away at the last minute by hanging out with...
00:35:32Those people.
00:35:33And what do you mean by those people?
00:35:35Oh, you know what I mean.
00:35:37Not really.
00:35:38Oh, come on, girl.
00:35:40You're a smart cookie.
00:35:42Yeah, and I don't get it.
00:35:44The losers!
00:35:45Don't hang out with the losers!
00:35:49Just looking out for you, hun.
00:35:50By calling my friends losers and printing out my Instagram feed?
00:35:54I don't even know how to do that.
00:35:56Oh, there's an app for that.
00:35:57Why are you even on my Instagram?
00:35:59Oh, honey.
00:36:01If you think the entire faculty isn't following their students online,
00:36:05then you're cray cray.
00:36:09Think about what I said, okay?
00:36:11Selfie time?
00:36:16Oh, this lighting is great.
00:36:18Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, Maddie!
00:36:19Turn around!
00:36:20Turn around!
00:36:21Oh, Maddie!
00:36:27So when can I read it?
00:36:31When it's good enough.
00:36:32Which may be never.
00:36:36You're so talented.
00:36:39Any art school would be crazy not to take you.
00:36:43So, yeah.
00:36:45You're in my room.
00:36:47So I am.
00:36:49Oh, it's no big deal.
00:36:51Not a deal at all.
00:36:52No, I don't really think it's a big deal.
00:36:57So, what did Statsdale say?
00:37:00Oh, just enough for me to know that I'm 100% doing the right thing and ruining prom.
00:37:07You are doing the right thing.
00:37:10Well, we are.
00:37:20Listen, Cole.
00:37:22I'm sorry about everything that's happened since the first day of high school.
00:37:25We've been over this before. It's fine.
00:37:29No, it's really not.
00:37:34We used to hang out in here all the time.
00:37:40And I used to sit right here, just like this.
00:37:43Jesus, how many hours do you think we spent playing Pokemon in here?
00:37:46Like a million.
00:37:49And we'd talk about how crazy it would be when we turned 16 and were able to drive.
00:37:54Prom wasn't even on our radar back then.
00:38:04I have to be honest.
00:38:08I used to think about prom even back then.
00:38:13Wait, are you having second thoughts about our plan?
00:38:17I guess I'm just saying...
00:38:20I guess I'm just saying...
00:38:23As much as I want to go through with it, I think part of me just wishes I could go to prom.
00:38:28Does that make me a hypocrite?
00:38:31Not really. I think to some degree we all kind of want to go.
00:38:36Society, right?
00:38:39Good. At least I'm not alone.
00:38:43What do you say we kick it old school style?
00:38:46How so?
00:38:48Like, eat microwave popcorn, watch some TV?
00:38:53You said Brotherhood was good, right?
00:38:59So the beginning is almost exactly the same as the original Fullmetal.
00:39:04But then it takes this huge turn.
00:39:07Ooh. Suspenseful.
00:39:09You remember it, right?
00:39:12Refresh my memory.
00:39:13Gotcha. Okay, here we go.
00:39:15Edward and Alphonse Elric.
00:39:21They got transmutation circle thing. They're trying to bring their mom back.
00:39:24It all goes wrong.
00:39:25Alphonse loses his body.
00:39:26Edward loses his leg.
00:40:11Hey, baby.
00:40:12Not now.
00:40:13WTF? Come on, King. Let's give everyone a show.
00:40:15Jesus, would you stop it?
00:40:18What's your damage?
00:40:19This was a mistake. We're done.
00:40:24Did you see who Maddie was going to prom with?
00:40:27Oh my god, he's totes hot. I am totally voting for them for prom king and queen.
00:40:31Me too.
00:40:32No, I didn't say it until now, but I totally ship them.
00:40:50No lunch today?
00:40:51Nothing here is kosher.
00:40:53Wait, you're Jewish too?
00:40:56You don't look like it.
00:40:58On my mom's side. My dad's a struggling Buddhist.
00:41:04Show me your nigga.
00:41:05What's all the hollering about?
00:41:07Um, I can't touch a girl, even the slightest bit.
00:41:12So, unless you're my wife, we can't.
00:41:18Oh no.
00:41:21I didn't mean...
00:41:22Well, never mind.
00:41:27Oh, how exciting.
00:41:29Prom king and queen right beside us.
00:41:32Shouldn't we be excited that we're all technically going to prom now?
00:41:35Wait, guys, hold on. I want to document this moment.
00:41:38I'm going to take a selfie and tag all of you in it.
00:41:47Hold on, hold on.
00:41:49We have to take at least 40 or 50 to make sure we all look good.
00:41:52We all look good.
00:42:12Hey, Tidy.
00:42:13Calling me that is not going to help you get whatever you want from me.
00:42:15But I got your attention.
00:42:16You didn't get my attention so much as shove me into a locked closet.
00:42:19Yeah, but you didn't fight back.
00:42:21Lisa, what do you want?
00:42:23You, me, prom.
00:42:25I'm already going with Maddie.
00:42:27Ditch that pitch and come with me.
00:42:29Are you high?
00:42:30A little, but that doesn't mean I don't mean what I say.
00:42:32Why do you want to go with me?
00:42:34Your profile is on the up and Kane's is on the down.
00:42:37If I go with you, prom queen could be mine.
00:42:40What makes you think I would ever go with you after what you did to Maddie?
00:42:43You're an idiot if you think she's actually going to end up going with you.
00:42:46Kane wants her back and Kane gets what he wants.
00:42:49She'll abandon you and your loser friends in a heartbeat.
00:42:51You don't know her like I do.
00:42:52I think it's the other way around.
00:42:54Besides, she just wants to go as friends.
00:42:57On the other hand, if you go with me, I'll make it very worth your while.
00:43:06Let me take off those tidy whities.
00:43:09Yeah, no.
00:43:10Wait, which one? You said yes and then you said no.
00:43:13It's going to be a pass.
00:43:14Pass? You can't just pass.
00:43:16Or shoot the ball, whatever.
00:43:18You're not really good with sports metaphors, are you?
00:43:20Not really.
00:43:33Hey, city, wait up.
00:43:35What is it, Dattner?
00:43:36Well, I thought we could have some girl time.
00:43:39You're shitting me.
00:43:41What, you don't do girl time?
00:43:43Somewhere in there I know you do.
00:43:46Oh, great.
00:43:48Hey, Maddy.
00:43:49What's up, Stuffs?
00:43:50My name is Stuffs.
00:43:52It's Stuffs, not Stuffs.
00:43:55And I have nothing more to say to you.
00:43:59You really don't want to go to prom with me?
00:44:01Not even slightly.
00:44:05Why don't you want to go with me?
00:44:07Are you dense?
00:44:08Because you cheated on me with my best friend.
00:44:11It was a mistake, baby.
00:44:13And now that you're with Tidy...
00:44:15I mean, Cole,
00:44:16I realize that I can't stand to throw away our relationship like this.
00:44:19Maybe you should have thought of that
00:44:20before you had your tongue hanging out of Marissa's nose.
00:44:23She sent you that pic?
00:44:26Never mind.
00:44:27Look, I fucked up.
00:44:29All right?
00:44:30And I don't expect things to go back to normal.
00:44:32But we have talked about prom for years.
00:44:34We have to go together.
00:44:36Just because you apologize
00:44:39doesn't mean you get what you want.
00:44:40Doesn't mean you get what you want.
00:44:47I'm sorry.
00:44:50Right? Truly.
00:44:53But please don't let a single mistake
00:44:54rob us of our final memories together.
00:44:58At the very least,
00:45:00don't embarrass yourself
00:45:01by making new ones with the losers at school.
00:45:06Nice speech.
00:45:08You know,
00:45:09to some of us,
00:45:11you're the loser.
00:45:16You know, maybe if I kept dating Stuffs all these years,
00:45:18she'd be less of an emo asshole.
00:45:20I'm not emo.
00:45:24Come on, let's go hang out with Cole and the others.
00:45:28You and Kane?
00:45:30Oh, come on. You knew.
00:45:31No, I didn't.
00:45:33You're the one he left for me.
00:45:35Yes, technically.
00:45:36But seeing as I don't really care...
00:45:38at all,
00:45:39just drop it, okay?
00:45:40So when Marissa said she got some girl out of the way,
00:45:43that was you?
00:45:44You're that girl?
00:45:46How do you not know this?
00:45:48I mean, you're best friends with all of the people
00:45:50who hate me and call me Stuffs.
00:45:52I never took part in it.
00:45:54I don't even know why they call you that.
00:45:55Tell me.
00:45:58All of the boys have been talking about
00:45:59which one of us has the biggest chest.
00:46:01That is so judgmental.
00:46:03Like, we can control our bodies.
00:46:05I've been stuffing for, like, two weeks.
00:46:08I'm getting so much attention.
00:46:11Toilet paper in my bra.
00:46:12It totally sells.
00:46:14Kane, are you going to talk to me today?
00:46:16Oh, jeez.
00:46:18I'm so sorry.
00:46:19I'm so sorry.
00:46:20I'm so sorry.
00:46:21I'm so sorry.
00:46:22I'm so sorry.
00:46:23I'm so sorry.
00:46:24I'm so sorry.
00:46:25I'm so sorry.
00:46:26Wait, but isn't he dating someone?
00:46:28Yeah, but she's a total antezema.
00:46:31Wait, she's black?
00:46:32No, she's as flat as a pancake.
00:46:36He'll lose interest soon enough.
00:46:46Hey Kane.
00:46:48Hey, there's my girl.
00:46:50I'm going to go get more fries.
00:46:52I just missed him.
00:46:53Oh, I'm so sorry, uh-huh Wow
00:47:15Stuff's was born all because I wanted Cain to like me
00:47:20And then he ended up with me, you know, it's funny I might have become you had that not happened
00:47:30Maybe it's better. You didn't maybe I'd say definitely
00:47:37Come on Dattner, let's go
00:47:44All right, so TJ and Emil you rig it above the stage and
00:47:49That is our grand finale. Just one small issue. It's Shabbos tomorrow, so I can't do anything involving electricity
00:47:57or using the phone
00:47:59Or money until after sundown. Don't worry. I'll come to your house and take care of the dirty work for you
00:48:07Okay, sounds great perfect looks like we're good to go
00:48:22You're so right
00:48:25What was that nothing, okay now I have to see
00:48:30Yep, he's right nothing. Well now I have to see oh
00:48:36Well now we have to see what is it Marissa pics, oh, let me see that
00:48:44It's for the scandal not the girl parts gross just chill guys, okay, she's just trying to get me to go to prom with her
00:48:53This is perfect beyond
00:48:58All right, um fill me in
00:49:01You have to take her
00:49:03Wait, what? Oh, oh, I get it
00:49:07All right. Somebody just clue me in here
00:49:10If she goes with you then we can set her up and ensure everything we have planned she gets the worst of
00:49:17What's this
00:49:20Son having a party boy in God's name when anyone want to come to a party he throws Oh
00:49:26Cuz no freaks
00:49:30But Maddie is here
00:49:34You were just finishing up oh, I'm so sorry you guys are leaving
00:49:39You know Maddie if you want to hang out, I'll totally get you guys beers, but you can't tell your parents. Okay, okay, huh?
00:49:54Dude when your balls drop
00:50:00All right, well on that note, let's call it a night
00:50:06We'll see you guys later. Bye
00:50:19Thought you took off
00:50:21Well, I tried but your dad insisted on showing me his school yearbooks
00:50:26all four years
00:50:30I'm so sorry. Nobody should have to endure that alone
00:50:35Hey, you're really incredible in leading us all
00:50:39More like you. It's all your idea. I'm no leader. Well, I think you are
00:50:47So, are you sure you want me to take Marissa to prom I
00:50:53Know it sounds mean
00:50:55But yeah, I mean she deserves it. And now that Cain's not gonna take her we need to ensure that she shows up. Yeah, I
00:51:04was just kind of
00:51:07Really looking forward to going with you
00:51:10Oh, I mean, I know it just be as friends and all
00:51:14impossible crushes and whatever but even just getting to hang out with you for the night, it's just
00:51:25I'm I'm sorry. It's okay. I don't know what I'm doing. It's fine. I gotta go
00:51:56You all right chick-fil-a, I'm fine mom. I'm fine
00:52:01Honey, I know you don't always love our advice, but you can try and talk to us and we can try not to screw it up
00:52:09I feel like I'm on a treadmill going way too fast for me to possibly step off
00:52:13So I just keep going faster and faster. Wait a minute. I don't understand. I thought you hated the gym
00:52:18No, mom. I'm talking about prom. Oh
00:52:24Metaphors are not our cup of soup. I just don't like I don't get why I care about it so much
00:52:30Because missy mu ever since you were a little girl
00:52:33All you talked about was prom
00:52:34You would try on my dresses and dance around in your room with your little Teddy Ruxpin doll
00:52:39So shoot you were adorable. You even crowned your other stuffed animals King and Queen
00:52:44I hate to admit it, but I want to be prom queen
00:52:48Even though it sounds stupid and shallow. It doesn't sound stupid at all. No, it's a little shallow, but it's not stupid
00:52:54Most girls feel that way
00:52:56Did you want to be prom queen? Of course? I wanted to be prom queen, but I'm sorry
00:53:00Nobody was gonna put a crown on Murphy Dattner's and Christine Lickenfeld head. Oh, come on
00:53:05I know it's hard to believe because we're so cool now, you know
00:53:09It's kind of bizarre to have a daughter who's like the most popular girl in school when we were thought of as being so weird
00:53:16People still call us weird to our face. You guys are weird
00:53:22See, well, what was your prom like?
00:53:24Attention everyone, this is the moment we've all been waiting for. This is the crowning of this year's prom king and queen
00:53:37Murphy Dattner and Christine Lickenfeld
00:53:48I'm so sorry that happened to you guys. Yeah, no pain. No gain
00:53:53Listen honey, you're a good girl
00:53:55If going to prom and being crowned prom queen is gonna make you happy
00:54:00Then we say go for it go for it
00:54:02And don't you dare worry about what anybody says or what anybody thinks you be you
00:54:09Okay, I love you, I love you too much you won't want thank you
00:54:17Night peanut I
00:54:21Think this is the one time we gave good advice. Let's enjoy it because it's not about to happen again. No never
00:54:26You're killing me. You're killing me. You're taking bread out of my children's mouth. Get here. Look, I don't care what look at it
00:54:33Hey uncle Moish
00:54:35I'll I'll call you back. How much money would it take for you to cancel all the limos for the prom tonight? I
00:54:42Never do that
00:54:43Well, what if I told you were sure enough you'll fry him and he was willing to spend the rest of his bar mitzvah money
00:54:47Listen girl who uses piercings to get attention. How do I know you're really here for my nephew F Ryan?
00:56:20Hey lover, when's the limo coming?
00:56:22Limo canceled for cabbing it. What I can't be seen coming from I mean, okay doesn't matter as long as we're together
00:56:30Prom's gonna be lit. Maybe you could do that thing on Instagram where you're looking at me with hard eyes. Yeah, whatever
00:56:36No need to get riled. I know you're upset Maddie and Cain got back together, but don't take it out on me
00:56:41Yeah, I'm not upset about anything
00:56:47Know competition for sure, but I think everyone feels really bad for you. So we still have a shot at winning King and Queen
00:56:56Hello earth to Cole
00:57:01Either way, you're so gonna get late tonight
00:57:14What the fuck Maddie
00:57:18Leave her alone man. Okay, don't just wait, please
00:57:23What are you doing? Cool? Calm down. How could you do this to me to all of us? It's complicated. Try me
00:57:28It's all happening too fast. Did last night mean nothing to you? No, I just decided
00:57:32I'm not gonna let petty revenge get in the way of me having the prom that I've always wanted
00:57:36Yeah, but with the guy that ruined high school for me that guy I don't expect you to understand
00:57:42I just want to go to prom with my boyfriend and take pictures and enjoy the last moment of high school like any other
00:57:47Normal kid. Yeah, it's cliche, but I don't care everything about high school is cliche
00:57:54Especially the part about the popular girls make human garbage fires
00:58:01Look I promise this is for the best now you can go to your art show
00:58:07Look I won't rat you guys out
00:58:10But with everything you've planned just don't ruin prom for me, okay
00:58:19Are you done with the fight? Can we go now?
00:58:28Hey rage monster what's going on in here? What do you care? I care that you're destroying the house
00:58:33You're about to go off to college and never look back. I still live here
00:58:39How do you went to prom with Cain
00:58:44Well, it makes sense Cain's awesome, are you serious right now? Yeah, I'm serious. He's way cooler than you. Oh
00:58:50Cole, I'm sorry. I know how you feel about Maddie if I was 25 years younger
00:58:55I'd want to hit that too. Yeah, and I know about your prom plans
00:58:59How you left your blueprints out they were in my room. Yeah out in your room
00:59:05Okay, you know sometimes I come in here and I hang out
00:59:08Pretend like I'm not an adult with a job and responsibilities. It's very stress-relieving. Oh
00:59:12My god, sometimes I think what it'd be like to go back and make different choices, too
00:59:22You're being weird anyway, it doesn't matter I was doing it for her
00:59:30Maybe but you were doing it for the other kids, too
00:59:34Ever since you were a little boy, you're always much nicer to people than I ever was I admire that
00:59:41You're being nice what's happening
00:59:47Maybe you didn't know her some kind of a dick
00:59:50Well, no, don't argue. I know it's true
00:59:54Which is why you have to see your plan through so people like Cain
00:59:59Don't become like me
01:00:03I have so much regret when I think about how I treated people. Oh
01:00:08God what I did at prom, but you were prom king
01:00:11You were popular had tons of friends. I've seen the portrait
01:00:19Yeah, but I was an asshole
01:00:22This is why your mom eventually left me
01:00:28Prom king was the highlight of my life except for you
01:00:34That was
01:00:36Supposed to be like a sweet moment, but yes
01:00:44So what happened at your prom
01:00:48Wasn't my finest hour that's for sure
01:00:52Attention everyone. This is the moment. We've all been waiting for
01:00:57This is the crowning of this year's prom king and queen
01:01:02Murphy Dattner and Christine Lincoln fell
01:01:14I'm the prom king obviously
01:01:18Well, I'm gonna get laid. All right night losers
01:01:21You did that to Maddie's parents
01:01:24Yeah, and then I bought the house right next to them so I could torment them indefinitely. That's insane
01:01:30Why don't you stop because
01:01:33nobody sabotaged my prom
01:01:36Dad you're reaching if someone had ruined my prom. I'd be much less of an asshole
01:01:41We'd live in a nicer house and your mom wouldn't have abandoned you. I'm begging you destroy that prom
01:01:48You'd be doing everybody a huge favor
01:01:54Good talk
01:02:29Need a yellow
01:03:00Get this party
01:03:16Students and welcome to the best night of your lives
01:03:28Seriously you'll be lucky if you can top it. Oh and don't forget to vote for your prom king and queen
01:03:34Oh, and don't forget to wear a condom or pull out
01:03:39Whatever. Have a great night
01:03:47We good to go yeah
01:03:50The voting out for prom queen and king is that the guarantee Marissa and Cain win and we are totally ready to carry them with
01:03:56Paint that reference is so played out. Can't we call it ricking them from Degrassi?
01:04:01Oh my gosh, do not reference that stupid show who cares what we call it
01:04:06All right. We just have to make sure that they're both up there at the same time
01:04:10Where's that her?
01:04:12She's out
01:04:15That pitch well the proverbial jig is up my friends
01:04:22We don't need Maddie to validate this all those people out there
01:04:25Just want their perfect high school memories to their perfect high school life. We can't let that happen again
01:04:32So let's go out there and give them just a small taste of what they've done to each and every one of us
01:04:39You guys ready to make this a problem. They will never forget. Yeah, hell yes, so I'm turned on right now
01:04:44Let's bring it in
01:05:14Can I get in?
01:05:28Leave us alone, Marissa.
01:05:29Are you kidding me?
01:05:30You forgive him and not me?
01:05:32F this.
01:05:34Hey, bae.
01:05:36I have something special for you.
01:05:39It's over here.
01:05:41What's so funny?
01:05:45Nothing at all.
01:05:47Yeah, whatever.
01:05:48Here you go.
01:05:49All right.
01:05:50All righty.
01:05:52Hand me the flash drive.
01:06:16I wish I would have met you sooner.
01:06:26I would have given anything to have a friend like this the past four years.
01:06:28I wish we would have met sooner, too.
01:06:33And if I am, it's okay to look.
01:06:37No seriously.
01:06:38Look right now.
01:06:44Now plug in the HDMI cord and let's get out of here.
01:06:46Got it.
01:06:54What are you staring at, sweats?
01:07:00Oh my god.
01:07:16Oh, you're gay.
01:07:18No, bro.
01:07:20Are you gay?
01:07:22No, you're out of the clip.
01:07:24No, you're out of the clip.
01:07:26No, you're straight.
01:07:28Girl, you're straight.
01:07:30No, you're out of the clip.
01:07:32You're out of the clip.
01:07:34Hey, now.
01:07:36Hey, now.
01:07:38Everything is still okay.
01:07:40Just calm down.
01:07:42Now then, let's watch your life and memories.
01:07:44The best memories that any of you will ever have.
01:07:50Hit it!
01:08:08I have to admit,
01:08:10this feels pretty good if I am.
01:08:14If I am?
01:08:32It's not me.
01:08:34It's me.
01:08:36It's not my penis.
01:08:38It's not my penis!
01:08:44Oh my god.
01:08:52You realize you're probably
01:08:54going to get arrested for distributing porn, right?
01:08:56Worth it.
01:08:58Oh my.
01:09:00You are coming with me, little man.
01:09:02No, I can't be touched by a girl.
01:09:08Well, we will never
01:09:10be able to unsee that.
01:09:12Which might not be a bad thing.
01:09:14Alright, all you
01:09:16crazy kids. Voting is
01:09:18officially closed.
01:09:20It's time to find out our king and queen.
01:09:22What the hell are you doing?
01:09:24Going against my better judgment.
01:09:26I know you're still in love with me.
01:09:28Sorry, though. No happy ending for us.
01:09:30I'm saving that for Maddie.
01:09:32You could be such an
01:09:36Wanting to be with my
01:09:38girlfriend when we win king and queen makes me an
01:09:40asshole? You're the one trying to get with me right now.
01:09:42Okay, first of all, in your dreams.
01:09:44And second, I know you're
01:09:46not an asshole, Kane. You just mastered
01:09:48acting like one.
01:09:50As a former prom queen, this is
01:09:52a moment that you never forget.
01:09:54It symbolizes an entire school
01:09:56coming together and agreeing
01:09:58upon one thing.
01:10:02You know, I remember when you weren't such a complete
01:10:04douche lick. And somewhere in my
01:10:06cold, dead heart, I
01:10:08promised you I wouldn't cry this year.
01:10:10I still want my
01:10:12last memories with you to be something more than
01:10:14just terrible.
01:10:16Let's reveal this thing.
01:10:18I know how I left you
01:10:20for Maddie was shitty.
01:10:22Then why did you do it? Because I had to.
01:10:24No, you didn't.
01:10:26You could have just broken up with me like a
01:10:28normal person.
01:10:30Instead of giving in to all the pressures of
01:10:32becoming king jock and kicking me
01:10:34to the curb like some stray dog.
01:10:37This year's king and queen are
01:10:39Can I get a drumroll?
01:10:43OK, I'll do it myself.
01:10:47I mean, whatever
01:10:49happened to that sweet kid that used to ask
01:10:51permission to kiss me?
01:10:53Who used to give me rubber bands everyday
01:10:55because you knew I liked to play with them.
01:10:57Not surprisingly.
01:10:59Maddie and Kane!
01:11:03Are you kidding me?!
01:11:05I gotta go.
01:11:06Trust me, you don't want to.
01:11:15What the hell, guys?
01:11:16That was supposed to be Marissa.
01:11:32This is a surprise.
01:11:34OK, this was all Maddie's idea.
01:11:35She does not deserve our judgment.
01:11:38Wow, Cole.
01:11:39That was very big of you.
01:11:41Yeah, very big.
01:11:42This is something I've always wanted.
01:11:45Uh, Cain?
01:11:48Where's Cain?
01:11:50You're a good guy, Cole.
01:11:52You're a bigger man than either one of us are.
01:11:56Mutey, hit it!
01:12:30Now you know what it feels like.
01:12:33How could you do this to me? I never did anything to you.
01:12:59It wasn't supposed to go down like that. It wasn't supposed to be you.
01:13:02You blame your entire shitty high school experience on me as if you being a loser is my fault.
01:13:07You just stood on the sidelines judging me, thinking you were better than me.
01:13:11You're right. I'm sorry.
01:13:15Sorry's not good enough.
01:13:24Are you kidding me? Half-Tiny lives!
01:13:28Half-Tiny's back!
01:13:31I can't believe it!
01:13:44I'm sorry, Maddie. But this is all on you.
01:13:47What? I didn't even do anything.
01:13:50Exactly. You never do anything!
01:13:54Which is exactly why guys like Kane think it's okay to torment us endlessly.
01:13:58Because there are no consequences to their actions.
01:14:01You stay their friend. You go to their parties. You become their girlfriend or boyfriend.
01:14:05You stand idly by like citizens in war who believe they have no blame for the atrocities that happened in high school.
01:14:12So yeah, we ruined your night.
01:14:15So what?
01:14:17We didn't shoot up the school.
01:14:20None of us committed suicide.
01:14:23Even though we may have thought of it just because of the way you treat us.
01:14:27And the saddest part is that most of us just wish you liked us.
01:14:33We even fell in love with you.
01:14:36We all grew up together.
01:14:40The only people in our entire lives we'll be able to say that about.
01:14:43And here we are using all these new forms of communication not to bring us all together but to rip each other apart.
01:14:50Movies have been made for decades about how cruel we are to each other.
01:14:54And we can relate just nothing ever happens.
01:14:58High school is just a popularity contest.
01:15:01But for some reason that's not good enough so we created an actual popularity contest.
01:15:06For prom king and queen to verify just how unpopular the rest of us are.
01:15:15What is up with that?
01:15:31Fuck the prom!
01:15:35Yeah, fuck the prom!
01:15:37Fuck the prom!
01:15:45Fuck the prom!
01:16:16Wait, can we have a second?
01:16:20Make it quick.
01:16:23I knew this would happen.
01:16:26We didn't even get to dance.
01:16:29I told you, I'm Shomer. I can't...
01:16:35Alright, that's enough. That's enough. Back up. Back up.
01:16:40You're gonna be on the sex offender list for the rest of your life, kid.
01:16:43Definitely worth it.
01:16:55Do you wanna dance?
01:17:01Nope, I'm sorry. Can't do it. Nope, can't do it.
01:17:15Felicity Stubbs.
01:17:20You don't respond to your own name anymore?
01:17:23Well, no one's called me that since...
01:17:28Well, you.
01:17:31Dance with me, Felicity.
01:17:43You were the one in me, the one in me, girl.
01:17:49You were the one in me, the one in me, girl.
01:17:54You wanna dance?
01:17:59Cole, can we talk?
01:18:12Moments like these should remain unfiltered, right?
01:18:43Well, they let me out on probation, but I'm on the sex offender's list indefinitely.
01:18:48Let's discuss the fact that we're trending.
01:18:51Fuck the prom! So awesome. Why wasn't I speaking before?
01:18:54Oh my god, daddy's hair.
01:18:57This is the same hairstyle.
01:19:00That hair, though!
01:19:03The hair? It's the same!
01:19:06It's the same!
01:19:09That hair, though!
01:19:11The hair? It's the same!
01:19:14Dude, her hair's the same.
01:19:18Is that hair again?
01:19:21It's the same.
01:19:24It's the same.
01:19:39Cole, wait!
01:19:44Just give him a few more days to cool off.
01:19:53Well, hello! To what do I owe the pleasure?
01:19:56Is Cole here?
01:19:58He's probably out playing some 68-sided dice game somewhere.
01:20:01Perfect. Can I come in? I'm looking for something.
01:20:05Oh, and do you know what school Cole's art shows for?
01:20:07I don't care.
01:20:28Cole Reed!
01:20:33Kane Healy!
01:20:36TJ Clark!
01:20:40Larry Maxx!
01:20:42Abby Klein!
01:20:44Emile Clem!
01:20:46I love talking!
01:20:49Maddie DeBob Dattner!
01:20:52Woo! That's my girl!
01:20:56You know, you may have cleaned your act up a little bit, but I still think you're weird.
01:20:59Oh, said the lonely perv.
01:21:06So you got in.
01:21:09So I did.
01:21:11When do you leave?
01:21:13Right now.
01:21:15Yeah, it starts this weekend.
01:21:17Are we gonna make one of those stupid high school past run facts keep in touch?
01:21:22I mean, if that's what you need to protect your vulnerable feelings.
01:21:25Me? Vulnerable?
01:21:27Mister, I'm in a speech art prom with my pants around my ankles.
01:21:30Says Miss, I saved my ex-BF who used to give me rubber bands.
01:21:35Shut up.
01:21:39Thank you for not making high school completely suck.
01:21:44We're supposed to hug now or something.
01:21:52All right, guys, selfie time.
01:21:55I thought once your hair got boring you didn't care about selfies, Dattner.
01:21:58And get in the picture.
01:22:01Sorry, I'm out.
01:22:03Wait, what? How come? Okay.
01:22:06Gotta go.
01:22:08Dude, you're just gonna leave?
01:22:10Come on. Come on, Cole.
01:22:15I gotta go, guys.
01:22:17Maddie, Maddie, you can't go.
01:22:21Dude, I don't know how you haven't figured this out yet, but Maddie's the whole reason you got into art school.
01:22:27What are you talking about?
01:22:29She was the one that sent your portfolio to the head of admissions.
01:22:31How do you not know this?
01:22:33Because nobody told me that.
01:22:35Oh, my God, you are such a dumb boy.
01:22:37Thank God I'm off to college real real, I'm gonna wait.
01:22:40What am I supposed to do?
01:22:42Thank her?
01:22:56Can I borrow your book?
01:22:59Yeah, of course.
01:23:02I owe you a huge thank you.
01:23:05For what? Being a terrible friend or for ruining your prom?
01:23:11You know exactly what I'm talking about.
01:23:16Cole, you're one of the most incredible people I've ever met.
01:23:20Not to mention hands down most talented.
01:23:23I'd kill myself if you didn't make it into your dream school because of me.
01:23:32What's this?
01:23:35A going away present.
01:23:37But you're the one moving, shouldn't I have given you a gift?
01:23:40You already have.
01:23:42Come on, open it.
01:24:23It says you love me.
01:24:26Is that real or is that just the story?
01:24:30It's not fiction.
01:24:35We should...
01:24:39Can't you stay till the end of summer before school starts?
01:24:43I don't think so.
01:24:46Things got so intense between us so quickly.
01:24:49I think like the best of her just friends.
01:24:53I don't think so.
01:24:56I don't think so.
01:25:00I think like the best of her just friends.
01:25:06Yeah, you're probably right.
01:25:14Do you think college will be easier than high school?
01:25:19I hope so.
01:25:24So, what do we do now?
01:25:30I don't know.
