A couple head to a cabin in Joshua Tree for 4 days to quit smoking HD Drama, Romance

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A couple head to a cabin in Joshua Tree for 4 days to quit smoking HD Drama, Romance
00:00:00No, put that one down. It's gross. It's for boys' pee.
00:00:12Should we say something?
00:00:17Great power of love and happiness and health, we turn this wretched and disgusting form
00:00:26of self-destruction over to you forever. Deliver us from the obsession to poison ourselves
00:00:36and deliver us into your pure breath of life forever. Amen.
00:00:50May you remove these roadblocks from my life so that I may reach the stars.
00:01:20Wow. I really want a cigarette now.
00:01:34Do you really spend $5,000 a year on smoking?
00:01:38Probably more.
00:01:40All that money should go towards something small and shiny in a tiny little velvet box.
00:02:02I can't wait to get out of this fucking city. Nature's pure, that's what we need.
00:02:08I just wish it was Tahiti.
00:02:09Yeah, me too.
00:02:12Next trip. I promise.
00:02:15We really need to support each other, okay? I don't want to be the only non-smoker when we get back to L.A.
00:02:20You won't. This isn't my idea of some desert bang-bang. I made a decision to quit, and I really mean it this time.
00:02:29Well, I can do it if you can.
00:02:31It's just us against them.
00:02:35I'm at a fashionable place. I'm walking down the road you told me.
00:02:46You hear that?
00:02:48I thought nobody was supposed to be here.
00:02:51We're not supposed to be here.
00:02:53Are you sure that this is the right place?
00:02:56I don't know.
00:02:57What do you mean you don't know?
00:02:59I follow Bob's directions.
00:03:10I'm gonna call Bob.
00:03:15No answer. Shit.
00:03:22I'm gonna get my knife.
00:03:24Jules, please be careful.
00:03:27God lives inside you.
00:03:30He sees the deep-down, desperate perversity and sin in every man's heart.
00:03:35He sees how you really are.
00:03:38Matthew 15, 8.
00:03:40Anybody here?
00:03:41His people draw nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoreth me with their lips.
00:03:46But their heart is far from me.
00:03:49Your calamity will come suddenly.
00:03:57Danny! It's all right!
00:04:05What a dump.
00:04:15What movie is that from?
00:04:19That is Liz Taylor and Virginia Woolf.
00:04:23Quoting Vinnie Davis in Beyond the Forest,
00:04:27which was directed by King Vidor after he made one of my favorite films,
00:04:32The Fountainhead.
00:04:44Come on.
00:04:57For doing this with me.
00:05:03Thank me?
00:05:07Sweetheart, this is beautiful.
00:05:12I love it.
00:05:26No, Pepe Le Pew.
00:05:29I really don't want that right now.
00:05:36Fine, I'll do it.
00:05:54Stop staring at me.
00:06:17I love you.
00:06:20You love me because you need me.
00:06:23No, I need you because I love you.
00:06:38I'm hungry.
00:06:42Well, if I were a bird, I'd fly off
00:06:46and gather you out some worms.
00:06:53What would you feed me if I were a cat?
00:07:01Well, first I'd murderize your mouse
00:07:05and drop it at your feet.
00:07:08Then I'd serve it up with a side of lizard legs
00:07:12and fur balls that I'd lick from your hairy tail.
00:07:22Monday, March 15th.
00:07:259.30 a.m.
00:07:28Joshua Tree.
00:07:30Bob's house.
00:07:33Morning coffee and newspaper.
00:07:35Morning routine.
00:07:36Level of need.
00:07:37One through five.
00:07:38Five being the highest.
00:08:02My friends are in here.
00:08:05And here is your brother, Mr. Coffee.
00:08:41What the fuck?
00:08:52Oh, fuck, fuck.
00:09:28Step outside to a full refreshing flavor you can trust 20 times a pack.
00:09:33Start your day with confidence and make the difference where it counts.
00:09:38Rich, bold, and designed for that certain pleasure.
00:09:44Be that.
00:09:47Be that.
00:09:49Be that.
00:09:52Are you okay?
00:09:54Are you okay?
00:09:57Yeah, I'm okay.
00:09:58You're not freaking out yet?
00:10:04When it's time to smoke, fill your lungs with confidence.
00:10:12We should talk about the plan.
00:10:14What plan?
00:10:15You know how we're gonna get through this.
00:10:18We already talked about that.
00:10:19We're gonna do it through the love and support of each other.
00:10:22But I did buy all these tools.
00:10:23I think we should decide how best to use them.
00:10:26Okay, well, you can do whatever you want.
00:10:27I've done this before, and I know it works for me.
00:10:30Well, you listen to yourself.
00:10:31You've done this before.
00:10:34Yes, but I wasn't ready like I am now.
00:10:37Just humor me.
00:10:39All right?
00:10:40Okay, I'll humor you.
00:10:42See, I got everything right here.
00:10:46Now, first off, I've got nicotine gum.
00:10:51And they got a new flavor.
00:10:52You mean one that doesn't taste like licking an ashtray?
00:10:56No, they fixed that.
00:10:58A lot of R&D went into that.
00:11:01What in the world are you holding?
00:11:03It's an inhaler.
00:11:04Nicotine inhaler.
00:11:05It delivers the nicotine orally.
00:11:14It's like smoking a joint.
00:11:15Millions of people have used these tools to quit smoking.
00:11:21Trust me.
00:11:22I know, but you know what?
00:11:23I'm not millions of people.
00:11:24I am Danielle Thomas, and I do not smoke.
00:11:30Look at this.
00:11:31This is a big rubber band.
00:11:34While you're thinking about smoking,
00:11:36you'll connect the snapping to the smoking you won't want to smoke.
00:11:40I've got lip balm.
00:11:42I've got lots of lollipops here.
00:11:47Self-affirmation CD.
00:11:51Last but not least, the journal record keeper,
00:11:54widely recognized as the most effective way to identify the addiction as it happens.
00:12:00Mom, how does that work?
00:12:03All right, well, let me read you an entry.
00:12:05Date, Monday, March 15th.
00:12:08Time, 9.30 a.m.
00:12:11Place, Joshua Tree, California, Bob's house.
00:12:16Reason, morning coffee.
00:12:20Do you smoke?
00:12:24I journaled it, though.
00:12:27But I journaled it.
00:12:28Wait, well, hold on.
00:12:29You smoked.
00:12:32Are you?
00:12:33I had one.
00:12:34You're cheating me.
00:12:35But then I did my due diligence.
00:12:36I put it in the journal record keeper.
00:12:40Oh, my God.
00:12:41I don't even know how to take that.
00:12:43Honey, it's not a big deal.
00:12:45It's not a big deal?
00:12:46It's not that big a deal.
00:12:47We quit.
00:12:48It's a system.
00:12:50You're so weak.
00:12:53It has been 14 hours since we stopped, and you've been sleeping for 10 of them.
00:12:58What is your problem?
00:12:59We said we were going to do this together.
00:13:01We are doing it together.
00:13:02We were supposed to.
00:13:03We are not doing this together, okay?
00:13:05You're doing it your way, and I'm doing it my way,
00:13:08and we're going to work this whole thing out.
00:13:10You're not doing it at all.
00:13:11That little fucking toilet prayer preacher thing was just a fucking lie.
00:13:15No, it wasn't, all right?
00:13:16I was waiting.
00:13:17To lie to me?
00:13:18That's what you're waiting for.
00:13:20No, I'm not.
00:13:21You won't talk to me when we finish.
00:13:25No, no, no.
00:13:26Just do this your own way.
00:13:27Dude, you're a coward for not saying anything before last night.
00:13:30It is complete and total bullshit.
00:13:33This is just another example of your lame, passive-aggressive bullshit.
00:13:36Oh, well, it's also an example of your self-righteous delusion
00:13:39that you think you can make behavior go away by just wishing it away.
00:13:43You can't wish yourself into something new.
00:13:45I can do whatever I want, actually.
00:13:49You've got to have a plan of action,
00:13:51not just some romantic notion of what you want without ever working towards it.
00:13:58We'll see who quits and who doesn't.
00:14:03Be that.
00:14:06It's just harder for me, babe.
00:14:07You know how my brain works.
00:14:09Well, Jules, you really just need to stop trying to be so controlling all the time.
00:14:14You just need to act with your heart instead of your head.
00:14:21Uh, this is the trail.
00:14:25No, this is the trail.
00:14:27The trail.
00:14:30See what I mean? This is the trail.
00:14:33No, it isn't.
00:14:34Yes, it is.
00:14:36No, that's not the trail.
00:14:38Yes, it is.
00:14:43God, this is so beautiful.
00:14:46You can see forever from here.
00:14:54The fear is just killing me.
00:15:00I feel like life is just passing me by and I'm just too afraid to reach out and grab it.
00:15:09I make myself a prisoner.
00:15:14I don't know, maybe I'm just supposed to make babies.
00:15:19Maybe that's my purpose in life.
00:15:23Make babies.
00:15:26You just need to get out in the world, babe.
00:15:28Do something good for yourself.
00:15:30Help people.
00:15:31Be a part of something.
00:15:36Did you know that octopuses die after mating?
00:15:44I feel that way with you, baby.
00:15:47They also have three hearts.
00:16:08Oh, shit.
00:16:13I think we're stuck up here.
00:16:15There's no fucking way down.
00:16:17What? What are you talking about?
00:16:18The way we came up, we can't get down.
00:16:20Shit, you gotta be kidding me.
00:16:24Oh my God, we're gonna...
00:16:27I told you that I would die young.
00:16:30I knew I shouldn't have listened to you.
00:16:34Go off the trail, she says.
00:16:36We're stuck up on the side of a cliff.
00:16:38Oh, shit.
00:16:39All you care about is yourself.
00:16:42Fuck you!
00:18:25What are you doing?
00:18:29This is for emergency.
00:18:30For what?
00:18:32This is an emergency.
00:18:43You know, these are extenuating circumstances.
00:18:46I'm sorry.
00:18:56Find a way off this fucking mountain.
00:19:02Julius, what are you doing?
00:19:10Be careful.
00:19:16I love you.
00:19:18I love you.
00:19:32You did it.
00:19:33Oh my God, I can't believe you actually made it.
00:19:36That's amazing.
00:19:38Just wait there for a minute, honey.
00:19:40I'm gonna go around the other side and help you down from there, okay?
00:19:43Please hurry.
00:19:45I will, all right?
00:19:47I'll be right there.
00:19:49I'm sorry.
00:20:03Death is so quiet.
00:20:09It's the oxygen, though.
00:20:12I am the world's largest ladybug.
00:20:17I am not familiar to any of them.
00:20:30Your luxury escorted tour of Holland begins in the tulip-filled...
00:20:33Danielle, can we, uh, turn the music down, please?
00:20:36Turn the TV off, hon.
00:20:41Imagine the vision of tulip-filled countryside as little clogged ones.
00:20:48Precious windmills, puffing tulips, smoked Edam cheese, and shagged tobacco.
00:21:07Can we please turn the TV off?
00:21:11I'm watching it.
00:21:12No, you're painting.
00:21:14How can you do both?
00:21:16It hurts me.
00:21:19Are you painting commercials?
00:21:22Sweetie, you got the music on, you got the TV on.
00:21:24I really need to finish these fucking travel brochures before we get back.
00:21:29What do you mean, whatever?
00:21:32Can we turn off the TV, for me, please?
00:21:37You can do whatever you want.
00:21:41I'm sorry, but I am a little irritable myself.
00:21:46Are you kidding me?
00:21:50In case you've forgotten, it's been 24 hours for me.
00:21:55That's for me, not for you.
00:21:58But no, go ahead, turn off the TV.
00:22:01Have it your way.
00:22:23Where are you going?
00:22:24Get a drink!
00:22:25I thought we had a deal.
00:22:26You don't drink, I don't take drugs.
00:22:28Change my mind!
00:22:30Julius, get back here!
00:22:41Jesus Christ, Dani, this is completely unacceptable!
00:22:44This is totally fucked up!
00:22:45Okay, okay, okay.
00:22:46This is like shit that a two-year-old child would do!
00:22:51What the fuck, seriously!
00:22:53Okay, well then, here!
00:22:55There, there's the money for the T-shirt and the towel there!
00:23:00You see any chance I could bum a...
00:23:07I don't smoke.
00:23:14I'm trying to quit myself.
00:23:18See this?
00:23:20Kind of hard to get a good suck off of these lips, don't you think?
00:23:26I guess so.
00:23:28My old man died from the damn things.
00:23:3155, emphysema.
00:23:46I'm sorry.
00:23:48Well, don't be.
00:23:50Anyone that smokes should accept the consequences.
00:23:56You think I miss him?
00:23:59You're damn right I do.
00:24:02I miss him every day.
00:24:05There were times when his pain got so bad...
00:24:09You've never seen anyone in such pain.
00:24:12I sat by his bed for seven months.
00:24:15By the end, he couldn't speak or breathe.
00:24:19The fucking disease had taken over all of his body.
00:24:26You know, before he got sick...
00:24:30I used to judge him for every little thing that bothered me.
00:24:36Now those are the things that I miss the most.
00:24:45I miss him.
00:24:47I miss him.
00:25:13So where is everyone tonight?
00:25:16You still want that cancer stick, huh?
00:25:20They're out back.
00:25:28No alcohol outside.
00:25:46All these fucking donkeys are living around there...
00:25:49and they're pissing around on the riverbank...
00:25:51and it's soaked down to the water table...
00:25:53and we're fucking drinking that shit.
00:25:55That's nice.
00:26:01Hey, guys.
00:26:08Any chance I could bum one of those cigarettes off you?
00:26:12Any chance I could bum one of those cigarettes off you?
00:26:16You're a joker smoker, huh?
00:26:25I'd pay you.
00:26:29Two bucks.
00:26:35My old lady, she'd clean me out, you know?
00:26:38Well, at least you got an old lady that can clean you out.
00:26:43Hey, you got a picture of her?
00:26:47A picture of her?
00:26:52Yeah, I got a picture of my old lady.
00:26:58That's my... Hey.
00:27:02Oh, baby!
00:27:06Isn't that your girlfriend?
00:27:08Hey, hey, hey.
00:27:12I tell you what.
00:27:14Bring me this little girl, I'll give you a whole pack.
00:27:17Well, then you'll bathe her and bring her to me, right?
00:27:27Yeah, look, just give me the photo back. I'll split, man.
00:27:29Forget about the cigarette. It's okay.
00:27:32Just give it back and...
00:27:35So it's gonna be like that, huh?
00:27:38What's the matter?
00:27:40We ain't good enough to smoke with.
00:27:45If I had a cigarette, that wouldn't be a problem.
00:27:52Oh, okay.
00:28:11All right.
00:28:13Where's my two bucks?
00:28:20This is not my way!
00:28:23This is not my way!
00:28:25I told you we needed the tools!
00:28:28I told you we needed the tools!
00:28:31Hey, take it easy!
00:28:34I told you we needed the tools!
00:28:37I told you we needed the tools!
00:28:41Take it easy, man.
00:28:54What the fuck was that?
00:29:02Date, Monday, March 15th.
00:29:04Time, 11.16 p.m.
00:29:07Place, redneck bar from hell.
00:29:10Reason, I'm a piece of shit.
00:29:13Level of need, zero.
00:29:34Soulagement de la vie sans toi
00:29:43Soulagement de la vie
00:29:52Rien, ce n'est rien
00:30:00Rien, ça ne fait rien
00:30:11Car je ne peux plus chanter
00:30:19Je ne peux plus chanter
00:30:23Je ne peux plus chanter
00:31:16I'm sorry.
00:31:23I'm sorry.
00:31:53I'm sorry.
00:32:24The Cigarettes
00:32:40Cigarettes are the same as running the old age home
00:32:46for the janitor or the convenience of the administrative staff.
00:32:50It is something that is running your life
00:32:54that is outside of you
00:32:57that makes you a prisoner to it.
00:33:00Try to imagine yourself being a prisoner
00:33:05having shackles on your legs
00:33:08and being confined continuously
00:33:13and told every day what time you have to do something
00:33:16how you're going to do it
00:33:17what color it's going to be
00:33:18what flavor it's going to be
00:33:19all being decided by something outside of you.
00:33:22That's the prison I have to go get it out of
00:33:25that I have to have
00:33:27and all of those things
00:33:29when you give them up
00:33:31when you leave that prison
00:33:33and you walk out
00:33:34try to imagine
00:33:37how great you feel
00:33:39when the controls are in your hands.
00:33:42So, you
00:33:45who wants to leave that prison
00:33:48and have control of your own life
00:33:51the rewards
00:33:53of course a longer life
00:33:55of course a better feeling about yourself
00:33:58of course a more
00:34:02feeling about the power of you
00:34:04as a perfect creation
00:34:06in charge of yourself
00:34:08and in every aspect of the study of humanity
00:34:12when people are given control of their life
00:34:15they are more fulfilled
00:34:18more productive
00:34:19more creative
00:34:21more giving
00:34:22more contributing human beings
00:34:28that's all you get
00:34:30it's an awful lot
00:34:32controls from within
00:34:35rather than from without
00:34:40being an interdirected person
00:34:43is really what I'm talking about
00:34:45rather than being an ex-smoker or not smoking
00:34:49controls from within
00:34:52rather than from without
00:35:40where are you?
00:35:41I don't know where you are
00:35:42I just woke up and
00:35:44you're nowhere to be found so
00:35:47call me
00:35:48call me
00:35:49you don't leave people you love
00:35:51you don't do that
00:35:52so call me please
00:35:53call me
00:35:54you can't just leave me
00:35:57you don't
00:35:58abandon people
00:35:59you don't abandon people you love
00:36:01you don't do that
00:36:02you don't do that
00:36:14My darling, we have been together a long time.
00:36:17You held me when I was afraid.
00:36:19When I was down, you brought me up.
00:36:21And when I was happy, you made it even better.
00:36:23You've always been there for me, always.
00:36:25I can't remember what my life was like before you came along.
00:36:29I suspect it wasn't much of a life at all.
00:36:31You've always inspired my work
00:36:33and filled my days with indescribable pleasure.
00:36:36This might strike you as a bit abrupt,
00:36:38and for that, I'm sorry.
00:36:40But I can't keep going on like this.
00:36:42This relationship is killing me.
00:36:44I never thought I could make this decision, but I have.
00:36:47I must stop being selfish.
00:36:50Somehow, I feel much lighter for it.
00:36:53I hope that you understand no matter what,
00:36:55I will forever love you.
00:36:57Yours always,
00:37:12acoustic guitar plays softly
00:37:34Broken whispers and screams
00:37:39Walking backwards again
00:37:44Still pushing me on
00:37:49Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:37:52Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:37:55Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:37:58Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:38:01Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:38:04Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:38:07Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:38:10Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:38:13Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:38:16Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:38:19Acoustic guitar plays softly
00:38:22And so it goes
00:38:26And I can't go on high
00:38:33Oh, hi.
00:38:37Is Bob here?
00:38:38Who's Bob?
00:38:39Where's Bob?
00:38:40Excuse me, who are you?
00:38:41Nice kimono.
00:38:42I'm Dennis.
00:38:43I'm Benji.
00:38:44We're here to camp.
00:38:45Is that cool?
00:38:47Bob's not home.
00:38:49Bob didn't tell you?
00:38:50No, Bob didn't.
00:38:51You're Bob's girlfriend?
00:38:53So, you have a boyfriend?
00:38:55Oh, can't wait to meet him.
00:38:57We're gonna camp out.
00:38:59She doesn't speak Spanish, bro.
00:39:03We should score your Gucci dance.
00:39:06Cool, join us.
00:39:08He's a really good cook.
00:39:11We'll see.
00:39:15I do like your clothes.
00:39:16Nice shoes there.
00:39:17I've seen you in a pair of those before, remember?
00:39:20Bob's got a cool friend.
00:39:27The higher places.
00:39:31The highest places you can get to as a human being.
00:39:34All revolve around the same theme.
00:39:37Endlessly around the same theme.
00:39:40Controls from within.
00:39:42Inner direction.
00:39:43I make the choices.
00:39:45I run my life.
00:39:47I'm in charge of me.
00:39:51You go to an old age home.
00:39:54And we found simple little studies.
00:39:58We look at these old people.
00:40:00Who we think are toward the end of their life.
00:40:02And we watch how we treat them.
00:40:05And we feed them at a certain time.
00:40:07And we tell them what they're going to eat.
00:40:08And we arrange the furniture in their room in a certain way.
00:40:12And we put all of this together.
00:40:35Come on.
00:41:05Come on.
00:41:35Come on.
00:41:36Come on.
00:42:06You a burner?
00:42:10That just depends on what you mean.
00:42:13The wacky tobacco.
00:42:16The kind skunk.
00:42:18The humble dumble.
00:42:23I smoke a lot and then I stop.
00:42:27I'm supposedly on restriction right now.
00:42:31Somebody else around here is a fucking burner.
00:42:34A dumb ass little fire in the pool.
00:42:37I quit smoking cigarettes yesterday.
00:42:41You know, a pot.
00:42:43It helps me.
00:42:51Helps me too.
00:42:55My ex tried quitting.
00:42:59It really helps.
00:43:11I got my own methods.
00:43:14I once quit for a whole five months.
00:43:20Five months, huh?
00:43:22I can see that.
00:43:26So what happened?
00:43:31I don't know.
00:43:34I got bored, I guess.
00:43:37Don't be bored.
00:43:39Don't be bored.
00:43:43Are you like a masseuse or something?
00:43:46You could say I've had some expression sessions, yeah.
00:43:52You're pretty good with your hands, that's for sure.
00:43:55What is that?
00:43:57It's called the Snow White.
00:43:59Snow White.
00:44:02You're silly.
00:44:05You're so silly.
00:44:08I love Snow White.
00:44:19Honey, I'm home.
00:44:22Hey, man.
00:44:23Don't get up.
00:44:24Oh, hey, dude.
00:44:25Julius, right?
00:44:27Hey, man.
00:44:30This is my bro, Dennis the Man.
00:44:34You know Danielle, right?
00:44:38You want some food?
00:44:40I'm low, bro.
00:44:50Go down.
00:45:00That's good.
00:45:06That's good.
00:45:59Look at that.
00:46:00That guy was in his underpants.
00:46:02He was, wasn't he?
00:46:09I want to go home.
00:46:11Okay, fine.
00:46:13Just leave, Ben.
00:46:14Run away.
00:46:15Do what you always do.
00:46:17I'm running away, Will.
00:46:19Looks like you're keeping pretty good company without me.
00:46:25You're lucky that I'm even talking to you.
00:46:29Well, I don't want to take any precious time away from you and Charlie fucking Manson out there.
00:46:36So go ahead.
00:46:38Go get out.
00:46:39Get on with it.
00:46:40If I wanted to be with somebody else, I wouldn't be in this miserable place with you to begin with.
00:46:45I am so tired of your self-pity.
00:46:49I come home and you're practically blowing some other guy?
00:46:53And I'm a crybaby?
00:46:55That guy happens to be here with his lover.
00:47:00They're gay.
00:47:01They're gay.
00:47:02Stop acting like such a victim.
00:47:06We're gone all day.
00:47:09All day?
00:47:10I didn't know where you were.
00:47:11I couldn't get a hold of you.
00:47:12And then you just saunter in at five o'clock feeling all sorry for yourself.
00:47:17And you decide to play the martyr.
00:47:19That is just so predictable.
00:47:21You talk about how you're predictable?
00:47:26How about this?
00:47:30What the fuck are you doing taking Vicodin?
00:47:33You have your tools and I have mine.
00:47:35What the fuck are you doing going through my things?
00:47:38All the love and the support that you were talking about, you've got the nerve to call me a coward?
00:47:42Okay, fine.
00:47:43Fine, everything is my fault.
00:47:45There, I take all responsibility.
00:47:56Did that make you feel better?
00:47:59Does that make you feel better, you poor, poor baby?
00:48:02Do you want me to pat you on the back, bake you a little cookie?
00:48:05You feel better now?
00:48:07I've been battered.
00:48:12I've been beaten and run down and I saw the ghost of James Dean.
00:48:19About anything would make me feel better.
00:48:25It wasn't supposed to happen like this.
00:48:49Now why are you all dressed up?
00:48:51Why am I all dressed up?
00:48:54Because I was waiting for you.
00:48:59Didn't you get my messages?
00:49:18I had a little accident.
00:49:36Do you want to get a drink?
00:49:43Not really.
00:49:46Me neither.
00:49:53You want to smoke?
00:50:03Me too.
00:50:12And then we're making all the progress in the world.
00:50:15I'm not a hack.
00:50:36Go home, go anywhere.
00:50:42Don't drink that, Jules.
00:50:43It's only going to make it worse for you.
00:50:56I can't fucking take this.
00:50:58Fuck, man.
00:50:59Knock it off.
00:51:01You're acting like a fucking baby.
00:51:04I mean, honestly.
00:51:06Complaining about it and making a temper tantrum doesn't make it any easier.
00:51:10Not at all.
00:51:11I'm going through the exact same thing that you are, and you don't see me whining and crying about it.
00:51:17Get over yourself.
00:51:24Yes, wow.
00:51:27Hey, you guys want to join us for a soy protein shake and a bongo?
00:51:30Oh, no thanks.
00:51:32We're actually going to go out and explore a little bit.
00:51:34That's cool, that's cool.
00:51:35Hey, man, I just wanted to apologize.
00:51:37I had a quick shower yesterday, man.
00:51:39I hope everything's copacetic, you know?
00:51:46I think your car is cool.
00:51:57Hey, if you guys want to join us for dinner tonight, we're going to be having a little curry tofu stir fry with a little burdock root and some saffron oil.
00:52:05That sounds delicious.
00:52:12But watch out for those scorpions.
00:52:14They might get you.
00:52:15They bite.
00:52:16They're going to get you.
00:52:18Make sure to hydrate.
00:52:23I got to pull so far up my ass.
00:52:25I am an ass.
00:52:27I got to pull so far up my ass I can't even dance or eat grass.
00:52:31No class.
00:52:32Got no class.
00:52:33I got to pull up ass.
00:52:44You know, I don't understand why it is that you have to be such a jerk sometimes.
00:52:48I just choose not to hang out with those hesher hippies.
00:52:55You act like such a child sometimes.
00:53:23Can I help you?
00:53:31Go ahead.
00:53:32Have one, Danny.
00:53:33It'll make you feel better.
00:53:35But then I lose my days and I have to start all over.
00:53:39Excuse me?
00:53:42Oh, I just quit.
00:53:46That's too bad.
00:53:47Seems like you want one.
00:53:51Thank you for so much of my life.
00:54:20I can't.
00:54:50I love brownies.
00:55:01They kill me.
00:55:02They're so rich.
00:55:04I love stuff that's rich.
00:55:07Me too.
00:55:13Julius Terrell.
00:55:15That's my boyfriend.
00:55:16He's right out there.
00:55:24It's his car.
00:55:28Did he paint it like that?
00:55:29Or are those all separate pieces?
00:55:31He bought it like that.
00:55:33It was cheaper.
00:55:51So let me guess.
00:55:52You're back to being a prick again.
00:56:06Do you want to know what your problem is?
00:56:09You really need to lighten up.
00:56:16The brakes are working.
00:56:53That was not my fault.
00:56:57You did it on purpose.
00:56:58I know you did.
00:57:05Oh my god.
00:57:07It's still moving.
00:57:10No, no, no, no.
00:57:32Motherfucker, it bit me!
00:57:37Oh no, no, no, no.
00:57:40No, no, no, no, no.
00:57:58You can't just leave him here like this.
00:58:01We can't just do that.
00:58:11We can't do that.
00:58:19please take the soul of this innocent creature
00:58:23to live in your love and your light forever.
00:58:31please find it in your heart to
00:58:35forgive Julius of
00:58:38this crime.
00:58:40I'm sure, Laura, that you will find a way for him to repay you for this murder.
00:59:05God works fast.
00:59:10God works fast.
00:59:12God works fast.
00:59:37What are you doing?
00:59:39I'm taking in the waters.
00:59:42Yeah, and hepatitis too.
00:59:45Don't be ridiculous.
00:59:49It smells awful, like sewage or something.
00:59:54It's just the sulfur, hon. It's just...
00:59:58It's really warm. Come on, get in, get in.
01:00:00You really have lost it, haven't you?
01:00:04I wouldn't get in there if you paid me to.
01:00:08It's nature's cure. That's what it is.
01:00:11No. This is nature's way of telling you to stay away. That's what this is.
01:00:18You know, I feel my pores opening up already. I do.
01:00:22I will tell you there is absolutely no difference between this and what those rich ladies spread all over their fat asses.
01:00:30Are you an expert on spas?
01:00:33Actually, I am.
01:00:36You know, when I lived in Italy, I would spend weeks at Montecantini with Amadeo.
01:00:41There you go with the boyfriends.
01:00:43We had this amazing little bungalow all to ourselves, and every single day I would get aromatherapy and mud baths and massages.
01:00:52And when I was with Robert in Kyoto...
01:00:55Yeah, Kyoto. There was this, like, ryokan that we had.
01:00:59And there were servants waiting on me hand and foot.
01:01:02You were expensive back then, too, weren't you?
01:01:08Take that back.
01:01:10I'm sorry, I'm just sick of hearing about every guy you've ever slept with.
01:01:13I'm sick of hearing about how you're going to make it.
01:01:17You sit around telling me how great everything is going to be, and here you are sitting in a fucking toilet telling me to jump on in.
01:01:30I have an idea of how I want to live my life, and this is not it.
01:01:39It's never going to be good enough, huh? Huh?
01:01:43Never going to be good enough? I get no thanks, no appreciation.
01:01:46Okay, fine, yeah. Thank you so much, Julius.
01:01:49Thank you for sharing your one-bedroom estate in North Hollywood with me.
01:01:53I do so much shit that you don't even know about.
01:01:56I do stuff I don't even tell you about.
01:01:58There were times that I had to pawn my fucking computer to pay your cell phone bill.
01:02:02You know, I never asked you to do anything for me.
01:02:04I never ever asked you to pay my phone bill or whatever.
01:02:08You didn't, and you didn't have to.
01:02:09I did it because I love you.
01:02:11I did it because I care about you, because I want you to be happy.
01:02:14Okay, well then don't sit here and throw it in my face, okay?
01:02:17I'm not a whore.
01:02:19Either give unconditionally or don't give at all.
01:02:21That kind of kindness is just so fucking oppressive.
01:02:24I can't stand it.
01:02:26It's nice that my love is oppressive. It's very sweet.
01:02:29Do you see what I mean?
01:02:31You walk around like you're so perfect.
01:02:36I don't know how anyone could ever live up to your expectations.
01:02:40You want to talk about expectations?
01:02:42There's never going to be a house.
01:02:48There's never going to be a ring.
01:02:51And there is certainly, certainly never going to be a child.
01:02:58You can't cut it.
01:03:00I can't cut it?
01:03:02Who hasn't worked in over a year?
01:03:04All you do is lie around all day.
01:03:07You call what you do work?
01:03:11You're just a hack.
01:03:14Chasing one shitty job after another.
01:03:17I don't even know why you bother calling yourself a screenwriter, huh?
01:03:22Where's that big movie that you've been threatening the world with for all these years?
01:03:27At least I have something that I'm dedicated to.
01:03:30At least I have a dream.
01:03:32At least I have a fucking path in life that I've had since I was a kid.
01:03:35You spend a few years selling your pretty ass and you think that the world owes you something?
01:03:39You think that that's like a real job that people do.
01:03:42Well, it's not.
01:03:44Real people have to work for a living.
01:03:47And it's not pretty and it's not glamorous.
01:03:50And there aren't Robertos or spas or Montecatini at the end of the day.
01:03:55I'm not a fucking trophy.
01:03:58I never said you were a whore. I never said you were a trophy.
01:04:01I've supported you. I've been supportive.
01:04:05I've tried to be here for you every step of the way while you figure your shit out.
01:04:09I can't seem to make you happy.
01:04:11You want to know why?
01:04:12I can't make you happy because you don't like yourself and you have no idea what will make you happy.
01:04:17Stop fucking analyzing me.
01:04:20I can't stand being held up to your impossible standards of who it is that I'm supposed to be because I'm just me.
01:04:28You don't accept me for who I am.
01:04:32What's to accept?
01:04:34You rebel and rebel and rebel against me like I'm your fucking father.
01:04:38I can't go back in time and tell you things that you should have heard from him.
01:05:09Hey, hey!
01:05:12Hey! No, no!
01:05:18It's all gonna go to shit.
01:05:20Thanks, Danny!
01:05:24Ow, Julius!
01:05:36What happened?
01:05:37I don't know, I don't know.
01:05:39Something bit me.
01:05:40I don't know, something bit me.
01:05:41I think there's like a wasp nest.
01:05:43Do you see something?
01:05:44Yeah, I just see it.
01:05:46It really hurts.
01:05:47Hold on, baby.
01:05:48Just hold on.
01:05:49I'm gonna fix it right up.
01:05:51Be right there.
01:05:52Just hold on.
01:06:01It's okay, honey.
01:06:02It's all right.
01:06:03Here, let me just...
01:06:05Let me clean it.
01:06:08You threw mud on me!
01:06:09Leave me alone!
01:06:10I don't want you touching me.
01:06:11I just want to go home.
01:06:14I want to just go home.
01:06:29Oh, God, what's that awful smell?
01:06:33Probably just the town shit I was soaking in.
01:06:45Benji bit by a tarantula.
01:06:48God, he's ridden us.
01:07:04I look like one of those forest animals.
01:07:07Best beaver I've ever seen.
01:07:14Wasn't talking about your face.
01:07:17I got you something.
01:07:21A joint?
01:07:23For your cramps.
01:07:33You really love me, huh?
01:07:35Oh, yeah.
01:07:44I'm sorry I said those things earlier.
01:07:48I didn't mean them.
01:07:50You were just trying to be hurtful, weren't you?
01:08:01Come here.
01:08:03Come here.
01:08:13I think that you are a brilliant, brilliant writer.
01:08:20And I know that you're going to succeed.
01:08:25So just be that.
01:08:28If we can quit smoking, we can do anything, huh?
01:08:51We made it.
01:09:03Day four in Allswell.
01:09:07A mouse!
01:09:18I feel much better today.
01:09:24Me too.
01:09:27Except I think I'm getting a rash from all that raw sewage.
01:09:30My swelling's gone down.
01:09:37Is it me, or does it smell better?
01:09:41The air.
01:09:51You know why you're perfect for me?
01:09:56Because only a weirdo like you could love a weirdo like me.
01:10:09Do you remember when you said that thing about making myself happy?
01:10:15Well, um...
01:10:18I've been thinking a lot about that, and...
01:10:22I realize that I basically just define myself by the two of us together, you know, not by who I am.
01:10:31And that's why I've decided that when we...
01:10:36get back to L.A., I should move out.
01:10:44I'm moving out.
01:10:46I should move out.
01:10:47When we get back to L.A., I should move out.
01:10:48I'm moving out.
01:10:52I'm just so tired.
01:10:53It's just gotten way too easy.
01:10:56Too safe. It's just so convenient.
01:11:00And I have no motivation for anything in this life I'm living.
01:11:06And it's just like you said, there's no excuse for complacency, remember?
01:11:09I have to figure out how to put myself first.
01:11:11I can just stay with Melanie until I figure things out.
01:11:15I love you.
01:11:19You know what? I actually really think that this would be good for the both of us.
01:11:23Don't tell me what's good for me.
01:11:28Because I don't want you to go.
01:11:29It's not your decision to make.
01:11:31And I'm unhappy all of the time.
01:11:34I'm sad. Can't you see that?
01:11:38I've noticed a lot of things about myself.
01:11:42And what I need to change and...
01:11:44This has nothing to do with you.
01:11:49I love you the way you are. I don't want you to change.
01:11:51I like...
01:11:53I like everything about you.
01:11:56We're a team.
01:11:58We quit smoking together.
01:12:02No, we quit for ourselves.
01:12:30If you really love me, you know, you want me to do this.
01:12:34You want this for me.
01:13:00So I was thinking maybe we could take a look at some...
01:13:04Some class schedules.
01:13:07Maybe find a course we could take together.
01:13:15Like art history or Italian cinema.
01:13:21Exotic animal care.
01:13:24I don't know.
01:13:26You know, the idea of going back to school was great and all,
01:13:28but I was kind of thinking maybe I could do something a little bit more practical.
01:13:32You know, something I could actually make money at.
01:13:37I was just reading this article
01:13:40where they did a study on the longevity of relationships.
01:13:43You know what they found out?
01:13:49The couples that stayed together the longest have one thing in common.
01:13:54And that's that the man always lets the woman be right.
01:14:02They say if we all just agreed that all men are five years old
01:14:08and all women are insane, well, everything would be just fine.
01:14:14You know what?
01:14:16I'm hungry.
01:15:05Can I help you find something?
01:15:08That one. How much?
01:15:11Let me double check here.
01:15:22I don't...
01:15:24I don't have that kind of money right now.
01:15:28Do you have anything cheaper?
01:15:31How much do you have to spend?
01:15:41All I've got is the emergency hundred.
01:16:00I bought this with...
01:16:03the money I made from the only script
01:16:07that I ever sold.
01:16:11I did pay $1,500 for it.
01:16:18most I could give you for this would be...
01:16:27It's a deal.
01:16:28Would you like me to wrap this?
01:16:31I'll just take it the way it is.
01:16:32It's all right. I got it.
01:16:33I get very busy here as you can see.
01:16:35I understand. Yeah.
01:16:36I thank you for this. Enjoy my watch.
01:16:49Where have you been?
01:16:52Get out.
01:16:53What? Why?
01:16:57Why? What's going on?
01:17:00What's that?
01:17:04Daniel Thomas, I love you.
01:17:10What are you...
01:17:13Will you marry me?
01:17:17Oh my God.
01:17:25Oh my God.
01:17:39Oh my God.
01:17:45I can't believe this is actually happening right now.
01:17:50Oh my God.
01:18:01Are you serious?
01:18:05I have never been so sure of anything in my life.
01:18:10Oh my God.
01:18:13I mean...
01:18:18What do you expect?
01:18:19I mean, this is really the sweetest thing.
01:18:21I mean,
01:18:24the most amazing thing that you've ever done for me.
01:18:29I mean, I can't give you an answer right now.
01:18:31I can't...
01:18:34I can't actually
01:18:36give you an answer at this moment.
01:18:39You don't have to.
01:18:49Just know that I love you forever.
01:19:09I love you.
01:19:39If all this light I shouldn't feel
01:19:49Keep it locked away
01:19:55Except while I'm dreaming
01:20:02Try to understand
