Persona 3 Reload Ch 42: Aigis Decision

  • last month
00:31Is this a joke? Some kind of trick?
00:36No, it's not a joke or a trick. She's currently recovering in the same hospital as before
00:46she probably
00:48Shidori? Shidori's?
00:57Hey Junpei, what about your cleanup duty? Jeez, what's gotten into him?
01:05Well, I guess it's a moot point now but
01:09Perhaps it's for the best that he found out this way. I think I'll head to the hospital after this too
01:15Could I ask you to come along?
01:24Huh? Junpei? You took off that fast and you still haven't gone inside?
01:37Well, I mean it's kinda
01:41We'll wait outside. It wouldn't be good for all of us to charge in.
01:46I agree. Go on, Iori.
01:50You go in too.
02:02Her damaged endocrine system and other internal organs have completely healed. She's still weak, but
02:09There's no more danger of her dying in two years
02:17Is it really you? I'm not dreaming. Am I?
02:29It's true. It is you, Shidori.
02:37Who are you?
02:46I thought so. Transmogrification is the proof that one lacks potential.
02:52I had a feeling this might be the case
02:55This is Kirijo-san and Iori-kun. They were your friends last year
03:06My name is Shidori Yoshino. I'm sorry. It hasn't quite hit me yet, but
03:14I guess I don't remember anything of the past few years. It's like
03:20I was having a really long dream
03:29It seems all of her memories after she awakened to her persona are gone. She remembers everything that happened before then
03:37But as for you all
03:48I think
03:50It's better for her that she doesn't remember all that stuff about the fighting
03:56and suppressants. When you're having a nightmare
04:00It's better to be able to wake up
04:04I didn't say it was a nightmare. Don't put words in my mouth
04:08It was a dream of meeting a kind, warm person at the end of a long tunnel
04:16I can't remember it clearly
04:19But I wanted to make him happy and that
04:23I think
04:25There were flowers
04:28A room filled with them
04:34Shidori, take it easy
04:37Don't force yourself to remember
04:41Flowers in a room. If she can remember that part clearly, then maybe
04:50Do you remember how she'd occasionally use her power to make flowers bloom again?
04:56She'd always do it for the flowers in her room on the days when Iori-kun would visit
05:02And she would always spend more time on the flowers she received from you, Iori-kun
05:08She never even looked at me when I brought them in though
05:15Now I see
05:17Any flower she touched would be
05:20mysteriously preserved. I ended up keeping them all for my research, but after the autopsy I
05:27Put them all on her chest as a tribute. Now that I think about it
05:32That must have been the night she began to transmogrify
05:37The power to share one's life with others. Could she have reclaimed the life energy she'd given to those flowers?
05:46Well, there's no real proof, but compared to her previous state
05:51She's changed. The loss of her power is part of it, but furthermore
05:57Excuse me? Are you talking about me?
06:01We were talking about how you want to live now
06:04Hm? What do you mean by that? Of course I want to live. I have to find the person in my dream someday. I don't have time to lie in bed forever
06:18Supposing you do find him, what will you do after that?
06:26That's none of your business
06:31The strength of two hearts connected brought about a miracle, or rather, a victory
06:40No... Chidori...
06:44Hey, hey
06:46Why are you crying?
06:49I... I can't help it. I...
06:55I've never been so happy in my entire life
07:04Have some self-control now. Let's go
07:52Very intriguing.
08:11I'm using different beans today.
08:12I went to a coffee shop and bought some real ones this time.
08:15I made sure to store them in the fridge and I only ground them right before brewing.
08:19I also learned you need to be mindful of how hot the water is as well as how you pour it.
08:28Yes, I practiced with the cheaper beans from before since I can't afford too many of the expensive ones.
08:34Although, it was hard to drink all that coffee, so I added a lot of milk and sugar.
08:41Well then, let's drink, shall we? Cheers!
08:44One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
08:47Mmm, still really bitter. So bitter.
08:51But it's not only that. I could actually taste some of the sweetness and richness this time.
08:58The beans and brewing technique can make a huge difference, huh?
09:02Oh, and the smell was great too. I'm feeling a little nostalgic, actually.
09:11Thanks for joining me. You can go on ahead.
09:13I'm gonna practice a little more to try and get the hang of this.
09:17Let's make some more if we ever get the chance.
09:24First, I gotta use the bathroom. I drank a lot while I was practicing today.
09:36Hey, dude!
09:40Yep, yep.
10:10The hell's this? It says, no playing catch in the park.
10:15Kinda messed up, don't you think? Playing catch is how kids are supposed to make friends.
10:19Adults can't just ban it cause they feel like it.
10:28Oh. Yeah, that'd be the logical response.
10:32But I'm just saying, if more places end up like this, it's gonna be a real problem for kids who wanna play baseball.
10:40In any case, I didn't know it was banned here till today.
10:43When I first moved here, I played against the wall every now and then.
10:48This whole catch thing, it's cause I wanted to get my arms back in shape.
10:54I've been thinking about maybe getting back into baseball again.
10:59I still have no clue what I wanna do with my life.
11:01And if I keep trying to avoid it, I'll have nothing but regret hanging over me.
11:06Next time I'm asked what I'll be doing in two years, I wanna have a real answer.
11:13That's why I'm picking baseball back up.
11:16You, uh, think that's the right call?
11:24Oh yeah?
11:26Well, that makes me feel pretty good about it, then.
11:30Anyway, here. This is for you.
11:37Today was a bust, but we'll try again another time.
11:40Hang on to that till then.
11:43Though I guess we'll have to wait till after, you know what, huh?
11:49I don't know.
11:52Honestly, I've been feeling like this since April.
11:56I can barely juggle what I've got on my plate as it is.
11:59Let alone think about the future.
12:01Our senpais, though. They're such badasses.
12:05They're still prepping for exams, even with everything going on.
12:10Man, it's been a hell of a year.
12:14We were gonna look back on all this someday and wonder how we ever got through any of it.
12:18And it wasn't all good.
12:20And we hit more than a few rough patches.
12:23Guess you could say our short lives have been pretty wild so far, huh?
12:34Despite all that's happened, I'm glad you became our leader.
12:39I know I said you should do what you want to do.
12:42Thanks for choosing to fight.
12:45Well then, let's make sure this chapter of our lives ends on a happy note, alright?
12:52And then, Hollywood will turn our adventure into a movie!
12:56I'd be the lead, obviously.
12:58Dude, you'd be a shoo-in for Best Supporting Actor.
13:05That serious crap ain't our style, is it?
13:07Come on, let's head home.
13:09We'll figure out how to sweep the Oscars on the way.
13:14I suppose.
13:45Oh, that reminds me.
14:00Mmm, putting in the effort to cook a homemade meal always makes it taste extra good.
14:08Well, shall we start cleaning up?
14:26By the way...
15:05Just the other day, my high school organized a class reunion.
15:15Ha ha ha! I had a splendid time.
15:19I laughed just thinking about it.
15:22I doubt you'd understand how I feel, since you're still in high school,
15:27but a class reunion is a very important event.
15:31It's the perfect opportunity to show everyone how pathetic their lives turned out.
15:38Like that cat who made fun of me for eating plain rice.
15:42Or the ingrate who threw my holy socks in the trash.
15:46Now, they both look at me with envy.
15:49What'd they make in a year, I make in a month.
15:53My business is doing great, and I'd say I have a satisfying private life as well.
16:00Let me take you under my wing as our exclusive model.
16:04It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
16:07Don't think I would extend this offer to just anyone.
16:13Oh! Remember that 40,000 yen you gave me?
16:18I'd say you've gotten your money's worth at this point.
16:21My time is worth at least 100,000 yen per hour, you know.
16:26Just think of all the free advice I've given you.
16:29You can thank me later.
16:43Oh, right.
17:13I see you're back.
17:30Hey. Surprised to see you out here. It's freezing.
17:34Oh, yeah. Career consultation's tomorrow, isn't it?
17:37You know what you're gonna say?
17:39At the very least, tell them what they want to hear.
17:42Miss Toriumi's pretty scary when you piss her off.
17:45Every time I fall asleep in class, she demands I apologize with a more and more expensive cake.
17:51Dude, you gotta hear me out.
17:55So, what do you think?
17:57I mean, I'm pretty much set on going to college after graduating.
18:00I heard some people aren't planning on doing anything at all.
18:03No college, no job. They just don't want to put the effort in, I guess.
18:08I know it's a pain, but I think they've got it all wrong.
18:11I actually kinda like the way things are, you know?
18:18Oh, you agree with me, boy?
18:20Like you actually understand what I'm saying.
18:23Anyway, I'm gonna head out.
18:25I'd better buy a cake just in case.
18:29You know what?
18:35Yep, yep.
18:59Let's begin, shall we?
19:01I'm not going to say much, though.
19:03In the end, it's your decision.
19:05Alright, first question.
19:07After you graduate, are you planning on going to college or getting a job?
19:16I see.
19:17Well, if you've already thought about it and made your choice, then there's nothing else for me to say.
19:23What's most important is that the decision is yours.
19:26And yours alone.
19:28If someone else makes it for you, you'll regret it later.
19:32And then, you'll have to live with the consequences.
19:35Whatever they may be.
19:38But, to be honest, I'm not that worried about you.
19:42You've really matured over this last year.
19:45In fact, you've changed so much, I almost don't even recognize you.
19:49Don't tell me you haven't noticed.
19:51What do you think has helped to bring about this change the most?
20:06I see.
20:07Well, whatever the reason, you should be proud of the young man you've become.
20:12That's all for now.
20:13I hope you have a successful third year.
20:17Let's see, uh...
20:19Who's next?
20:20Ah, Aigis-san.
20:23Would you mind letting her know?
20:35Oh, the next one up for career consultation?
20:38That'd be Aigis-san.
20:39She was just here a second ago, but I guess she went out.
20:44Maybe she's on the roof?
20:46Seen her go up there alone every now and then.
20:52Good luck.
20:53So, do you think she's gonna go to college, or get a job?
20:56She's full of mysteries, isn't she?
21:00She's changed recently, though, don't you think?
21:02Like her expressions and stuff.
21:05Again with that?
21:07You ever gonna stop thinking about hitting on girls?
21:11I don't mean it like that.
21:12All I'm saying is...
21:32Oh, I'm sorry I went off on my own.
21:35It's nothing, really.
21:37I just needed some time to think.
21:42After New Year's, when I had time to gather my thoughts,
21:46I realized something.
21:51When I fought Ryoji-kun that night,
21:53I got really scared when my consciousness began to fade.
21:58But that wasn't all.
22:00I was also confused and ashamed
22:03when I realized I couldn't defeat him.
22:05But I couldn't defeat him ten years ago, either.
22:09And I didn't have those feelings then.
22:11I... I really have changed.
22:21I've been thinking a lot about this change that's occurred in me.
22:25In the past, if I didn't understand something,
22:28I would just ask someone to explain it to me.
22:31But ever since I decided to live for myself,
22:34no one's been able to answer the questions I've been facing.
22:41But there's one thing that I do understand.
22:44The reason why I wanted to be close to you
22:47The reason why I wanted to be close to you
22:50was so I could monitor death.
22:52But I...
22:59Even though death is gone now,
23:02I... I still want to be by your side.
23:07I still don't know what it means to live yet,
23:10but I want to learn the answer.
23:12And I think I can if I'm with you.
23:17So please, please take me with you.
23:20I may not be strong enough,
23:22but I'll fight with everything I have.
23:43Welcome back.
23:51So, um...
24:04Hey, um...
24:12I think...
24:17Why, certainly!
24:25Excuse me.
24:31That is...
24:36There, there.
24:53I think...
25:07Oh yeah!
25:10I'm gonna go get some coffee.
25:29I always find this to be so relaxing.
25:32I suppose you could call it a moment of bliss.
25:35Let me know whenever you're in the mood for more tea, I'd be happy to treat you.
25:44The battery and tire pressure look good, and I've already changed the oil, so that's fine.
25:55Indeed, maintaining and customizing a motorcycle is almost as enjoyable as riding it.
26:03Though if I start tinkering with the suspension and whatnot, there'd be no end to it.
26:09There have been days I've lost track of time doing this, and had to run into meetings covered in oil.
26:14It seems I'm the type of person who can fall very deep into things. I'll have to be more careful.
26:21Oh, by the way, the matter involving my ex-fiancé was resolved sooner than I expected.
26:27They ended up reaching out to us about a potential business arrangement.
26:31Without any of the marriage talks, of course.
26:33We managed to negotiate some favorable terms, so that should put the company back on track.
26:39I could have decided to burn that bridge, but I'd prefer not to shut down a genuine attempt to compromise.
26:46It may be thanks to you that I've become so open-minded.
26:50All right, before we head out, I had a small gift for you, since you've done so much for me.
27:05It's the key to my motorcycle. I'm not going to run from my future anymore.
27:10Rather, there's no longer any need to.
27:14This motorcycle isn't meant to be an escape from my feelings.
27:17It's a dear friend that gives me the freedom to go wherever I please.
27:23Once I realized that, I felt that I absolutely had to show it to you.
27:27As our leader, I think it would be quite fitting if you had the skill to ride my dear friend here.
27:33When this is all over, let's take this motorcycle and go on a trip somewhere together.
27:38One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...
27:44Isn't it?
27:45We'll have to start thinking about where we want to go.
27:48I look forward to the day you learn how to ride it yourself.
27:52Once we go on that trip, I imagine it'll be full of things I've still yet to see.
27:58You were the one who taught me the joy of new discoveries.
28:02I can hardly wait.
28:08I can't wait.
28:16All right, I think we've talked enough.
28:19Today, it's my turn to show you something.
28:22Go ahead and sit on the back.
28:25Don't worry, it's just a short drive.
28:28I even prepared a helmet for you.
28:30The weather is perfect today.
28:33The view...
28:35Here goes.
28:37Hold on tight.
28:42Oh, welcome back.
29:18Before I enlighten you today, well...
29:22You notice anything different about me?
29:30Ooh, so you can tell?
29:34I had my hair cut.
29:37I had my hair revitalized.
29:39Doesn't it look healthier now?
29:43It's quite a hassle, but appearances are a big part of the job in my line of work.
29:49That said, I'm the total opposite at home.
29:51I dress like a slob and only shower every three days.
29:55Let me come up with an analogy.
30:03Imagine an organically grown cucumber that looks all deformed.
30:07Compare that to a cucumber that looks perfect, but was grown using chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
30:13Which one do you think the supermarket would rather stock?
30:23That's the simple truth.
30:25Awkwardly shaped cucumbers don't pack together very well.
30:29So, stores prefer straight ones.
30:32Taste and safety aren't even a consideration.
30:34They'll carry cucumbers that even pests wouldn't eat.
30:40So, why do consumers still buy these cucumbers when they know the truth?
30:46People trust what they see.
30:48The world is governed more by appearances than realities.
30:52That's why, as much as I hate spending money, I buy expensive ties to win people's trust.
31:01Wait. You know what I just said earlier?
31:03The part about me dressing like a slob and not showering every day.
31:07Don't you dare tell anyone.
31:09I can't afford to have people start believing I'm ordinary.
31:15I only admitted it to you personally.
31:17No one else has a clue, okay?
31:25Just a reminder.
31:27Do not tell a soul.
31:30If you break your promise, well, I guess I can trust you.
31:34Run along now.
31:38The wind is calm today.
31:40I don't detect the usual scent of the sea.
31:46I'm sorry about the other day.
31:48I think my heart is growing closer to that of a human.
31:53But because of that, I've realized something.
31:58The heart and body are inseparable.
32:00A human heart can only function properly within a human body.
32:06Um, have you ever come here alone with someone else before?
32:10Perhaps you gazed out at the view together and spoke quietly.
32:16Oh, I didn't mean to pry.
32:18I was just curious.
32:28What? But...
32:30I'm only shaped like a human.
32:32And besides, I'm a machine.
32:38Actually, I've been a little worried.
32:41At school, I am seen as a human girl.
32:44I was concerned that if I stayed too close to you, it could cause a misunderstanding.
32:51If that is the case, please tell me right away.
32:55I wouldn't want to prevent you from becoming closer to another person.
33:10The view from up here is beautiful.
33:13That must be why I sometimes see couples alone up here after school.
33:18They might be leaning against one another, or embracing.
33:24I never gave it a second thought before, but lately, it pains me to see them.
33:31I think I've come to realize that this is the kind of connection I can never have.
33:38As my heart grows more and more human, it only becomes clearer how much sets us apart.
33:45Just because my heart is developing doesn't mean I can actually become human.
33:50I've known this since the beginning.
33:56I'm sorry. I lost control of myself again.
34:01But I still care about you, and that won't ever change.
34:05No matter what happens.
34:08Even I find it strange. Why do I feel this way?
34:12Why are you so important to me?
34:24So this is... friendship.
34:30Oh, so that's it. I finally understand.
34:35I have another wish. One just as precious as my desire to live.
34:40But I don't know if it's something a machine like me can be allowed to have.
34:47Let's go home.
34:49I see you're back.
35:07That was fun.
35:10Well, we should probably head to bed. Have a good night.
35:15Isn't it interesting how the sunlight on a winter's day seems clearer than it is during the summer?
35:22Maybe it's because the sun is lower in the sky, and you don't have to look up to see it.
35:27I've gotten so used to this view. But no two times is it ever exactly the same.
35:32You could say the same thing about one's day to day, and each life as well.
35:38The promised day is almost here. January 31st.
35:47Whenever I come up here, I get lost in my thoughts.
35:51I can't let it end like this. I want to protect it all.
35:56Thoughts like that.
35:58Since last time, I've tried thinking things through more rationally.
36:04I thought about that old lady and Michan-san. And Kiyoshi-san as well.
36:10I wonder if Michan-san was alone until the moment of her death.
36:15Somewhere no one could find her.
36:17I think the old lady wanted to be there for her at the end.
36:23To live means to be connected to other people. But life is finite.
36:29Farewell, sir.
36:32Unavoidable. It's sad to think about.
36:35But you and I will have to part one day as well.
36:38And then, I'll never be able to see you again.
36:43There are so many things in life I don't understand.
36:47It's filled with so much pain.
36:49You meet others, forge relationships, and spend time with them.
36:55And then they're gone, leaving you behind.
37:00Leaving you behind.
37:02Leaving you alone.
37:06I am a machine.
37:09No matter how human my heart becomes, my body will never be flesh and blood.
37:15As long as I undergo maintenance and can replace my broken parts, I will exist indefinitely.
37:22But even so, I can understand this much.
37:27No two views are alike. No two days are the same.
37:32It's natural for everything to disappear, re-emerge, and constantly change.
37:38Life is both short and finite.
37:43That's what makes it so invaluable, and why one feels that it must be cherished.
37:50When you think about it, it's a miracle that two given people are able to ever meet in this chaotic flow of time and space.
37:57That's why we find happiness in forging bonds and relationships.
38:02I think that might be the true joy of being alive.
38:06It can be sad, but at the same time so warm.
38:12Beautiful, because it is destined to end.
38:17And that's why I mustn't hesitate any longer.
38:22I have to tell you my feelings.
38:25I want to spend time with you.
38:28To see new sights with you.
38:30To go to new places together.
38:32To share new experiences.
38:35To make far more memories.
38:39I know I'm being selfish.
38:41Your time is finite.
38:43And I know that someone like me shouldn't be taking it away from you.
38:47But even so, my wish is to be your closest friend.
39:01I'm sorry.
39:03I don't know what to say.
39:06I thought telling you how I felt would be enough for me.
39:10But hearing you say that makes me so happy.
39:19Thank you so much.
39:21I'll never forget the time we spent here today.
39:27We should start heading back.
39:29I wouldn't want my best friend to catch a cold from staying out too late.
39:37Welcome back!
39:40I'm sorry about earlier.
39:42I've been very busy lately.
39:44I'm sorry.
39:46I'm sorry.
39:50I'm sorry, too.
39:54I see.
39:58So, uh...
40:37case. Oh, it's you. Welcome back.
41:04Putting in the effort to cook a
41:06homemade meal always makes it taste extra good.
41:12Well, shall we start cleaning up?
41:33Thank you very much.
41:36Could you come a little closer?
41:43Right there.
41:44That should be good.
41:45Okay, here goes.
41:57It came out nicely this time.
41:59I wasn't here when everyone took pictures last time.
42:06I've wanted to get one with you since.
42:10Technically, I could just capture video data through my eyes, but in that
42:16situation, I wouldn't be able to appear in the picture myself.
42:19Oh, I know it's a little late to be asking this, but do you like taking
42:31What a relief.
42:33In that case, we should get a silly one next time.
42:37I think photographs are a truly amazing invention.
42:41They allow us to preserve a single moment in the endless flow of time.
42:46This technology was born from a desire to preserve the experiences that
42:51are precious to us.
42:54Until recently, I was sad about the fact that I am a machine, but I'm so
42:59different from other people.
43:01But after telling you my feelings, I realized something.
43:05There is one thing only a machine with a human heart can do, that only I can do.
43:16No matter how clear our photos and records are, they can't preserve our
43:22Data and memories aren't the same thing.
43:25Emotions can't be captured by a photograph.
43:29It can only continue to exist in our memories.
43:34We'll all have to say goodbye eventually.
43:37Someday, our memories will fade, but I'm different.
43:44I'm going to keep my memories of everyone alive.
43:47Your experiences and feelings will continue to live on inside of me.
43:52I will never forget.
43:55Even if you all change, or if time ends up pulling us apart.
44:01Oh, yes.
44:02Um, will you take this?
44:11That's one of my parts that had to be replaced after I collapsed at the
44:15Moonlight Bridge.
44:16I asked Mitsuru-san to have it sent here.
44:21I kept it hidden until recently.
44:24Because it reminded me that I'm just a machine, but not anymore.
44:30Now, it's a symbol to show that I'll always remember you.
44:34This is the proof of my resolve.
44:36I want you to have it.
44:40I want you to know that as long as I'm here, I will never leave you.
44:45No matter how or when your life comes to an end.
44:48At that moment, I will be by your side.
44:53Everything that makes you who you are, will live on in my memories.
44:59I am your friend, but I am also the machine that will keep your memory
45:06Because this is something only I can do.
45:19Oh, hey, you two.
45:24We're home.
45:28Oh, welcome back.
45:30Were you hanging out together?
45:33We ran into each other at the station and well, I would have felt bad just
45:37leaving Junpei behind there.
45:40You're just so thoughtful, aren't you?
45:44So, what were you and Aigis up to?
45:54A picture?
45:55Oh, yeah.
45:57High-chan wasn't there last time.
46:00Oh, that's right.
46:01Why don't we all take a photo together since we're here?
46:07Check it out.
46:08We got all the second years here.
46:10All right, I'm in.
46:11Let's do it.
46:14Sure, but who's going to take it?
46:16I don't think we can fit all five of us.
46:18Well, I guess we could just take turns.
46:21Okay, I'll take the first shot.
46:24Where does everyone want to stand?
46:44When I wonder if the path is in the right direction
46:49But I do believe that things come to life by accident
46:54When you lean on
46:56It sounds like it's meant to be
46:59Wake up!
47:00The screen's made when things fall apart
47:02Get up!
47:02What matters is the ending's how you left them all
47:04Read up!
47:05Fire in my soul, fire in my heart
47:07Till you can't show the other side of thought
47:09How long can you live?
47:12If you're right, go get it
47:14Break your face
