A story Of Love small New England hometown HD ( Comedy, Family, Romance )

  • last month
A story Of Love small New England hometown HD ( Comedy, Family, Romance )
00:00:00Morning Hannah, why does this place always smell so good?
00:00:07We got some new flavors, fresh out of the oven.
00:00:10What can I get for you?
00:00:11They're all so pretty, like mini works of art.
00:00:19I think I'm going to need three of each.
00:00:22Ah, good choice.
00:00:27If you haven't tried the frosted mango yet, there's one left.
00:00:33Never fails to start and end of every season.
00:00:36Well, I don't know, I just feel like everybody works so hard, you know?
00:00:41I think we deserve frosted mango.
00:00:45Dessert for breakfast.
00:00:47And since it's been such a good season, it's all you.
00:00:53Mmm, they're so good.
00:00:59So, what are you going to do this weekend?
00:01:01You mean for my break?
00:01:03It's only four whole days.
00:01:05I'll take what I can get.
00:01:07Good morning, Hannah.
00:01:09Okay, we got to get rolling, we're shooting in two minutes.
00:01:11Okay, you got it.
00:01:13Oh, I hope they love it.
00:01:15Oh, they always do.
00:01:17Almost always.
00:01:19Oh, before I forget, Wally wants to meet with us tomorrow morning, 9am.
00:01:22I know it's cutting into your break, so...
00:01:24Why? Where?
00:01:26At the network.
00:01:29Don't worry, I know you always think it's a bad thing.
00:01:32He's the head of the network.
00:01:33He only goes into the office when he wants to fire people.
00:01:35Trust me, we're fine, okay?
00:01:37Our ratings are still pretty solid.
00:01:40Okay, sliding a little, but he said he just wants to discuss some changes.
00:01:46Hannah, as your most amazing friend and talented producer,
00:01:50I'm telling you, you have nothing to worry about, okay?
00:01:53They love you, so just go out there and...
00:01:57Be bold, but not too bold.
00:01:59Wally's phrasing, not mine, but yeah, pretty much.
00:02:02You got this.
00:02:04Hey guys, we're rolling.
00:02:07Welcome back to Love and Design,
00:02:10where every season we bring outdated living spaces,
00:02:13kicking and screaming, into the 21st century.
00:02:17And in this tight urban space, less was definitely more.
00:02:22We cleared the clutter, toned down the color palette,
00:02:25and added some simple clean lines to give this apartment
00:02:29a clean, sleek, modern, yet rustic feel.
00:02:33Sleek, modern, yet rustic feel.
00:02:36So, are you ready to see how our clients feel about their new modern home?
00:02:42It's amazing.
00:02:44Exactly what we expected.
00:02:49And cut!
00:03:04Hey, Carol.
00:03:05Hey, Jeff.
00:03:06How you doing?
00:03:07About time you get in here.
00:03:08Yeah, you know, I, uh...
00:03:10I'm gonna get the usual.
00:03:12Pub sandwich, salad on the side.
00:03:14How do you remember this?
00:03:16Just good.
00:03:17Oh, you know what?
00:03:18I'm also gonna do a small bowl of chili.
00:03:20It's not like you to change things up.
00:03:22You know, first day at the new job, so I kind of got more of an appetite.
00:03:25I'm also hoping to revive my morning cycling routine again.
00:03:28I'm still trying to up my protein intake, you know.
00:03:30So, you gonna tell me what brought you home?
00:03:34Little bit of both.
00:03:36Yeah, he's still working on that second part there.
00:03:39Oh, come on.
00:03:40I've been in town for two weeks and you're riding me on my relationship already?
00:03:42It's not me.
00:03:43That's Allie and the kids.
00:03:44Oh, yeah.
00:03:45Yeah, of course.
00:03:46Hey, Carol.
00:03:47I'm gonna have what he has.
00:03:48Chili too?
00:03:50Wait, who's having chili?
00:03:52Oh, yeah.
00:03:54So, I was gonna get you a plant for your first day.
00:03:56You were?
00:03:58Of course not.
00:03:59But I did get you this.
00:04:01Leftover from the sales conference.
00:04:02A big hit.
00:04:07It's good to have you back.
00:04:08Yeah, it's good to be back.
00:04:10You know what?
00:04:11I think I like this better than the water gun key chain you got me.
00:04:15Come on.
00:04:16On a hot day, there is no better gift, man.
00:04:19Says who?
00:04:22Allie and the kids.
00:04:31Molly's ready for you.
00:04:33Right this way.
00:04:37You know we love you.
00:04:39We love the show.
00:04:40That's not the issue.
00:04:42Okay, then why are we here?
00:04:45At this point, we just think your makeover show needs a makeover.
00:04:50To boost ratings.
00:04:52So we're not canceled?
00:04:56We're not canceled.
00:04:59Well, not yet, anyway.
00:05:02No, the home renovation landscape on TV is just way too crowded right now.
00:05:05So we need to find a way to stand out.
00:05:07Grab more viewers.
00:05:08And not just in the metropolitan areas.
00:05:10Well, we can certainly brainstorm some ideas.
00:05:12Maybe over lunch?
00:05:13Oh, it's already been decided.
00:05:14We're moving the show to your hometown.
00:05:16For the first half of season five.
00:05:18Whose hometown?
00:05:24I know.
00:05:25I know, I should have run it by you first, but it just came up.
00:05:27I'm sorry, have you ever been to Lewisburg?
00:05:30Little rural town that doesn't really do modern.
00:05:34I wouldn't have thought of it either if the owner of Lewisburg Manor hadn't reached out.
00:05:39Apparently, Margo wants to convert her family's historic manor into a B&B.
00:05:45You know it, right?
00:05:46I used to give tours there in high school.
00:05:49Are you sure she wants a modern makeover?
00:05:53Whatever she wants, she wants you to do it.
00:05:55Big fan of the show.
00:05:57She also wants it done in time for their 150th anniversary in five weeks.
00:06:02That's their grand opening and our natural mid-season break.
00:06:05One makeover in five weeks?
00:06:08We usually do one an episode.
00:06:10Trust me.
00:06:11This way, we can go in depth.
00:06:14Get personal.
00:06:15Let the audience get to know you, Margo, quaint townspeople.
00:06:20Spruce things up a bit.
00:06:21I didn't realize that that's the kind of thing you were after.
00:06:25We still want you to be bold, but in your hometown, so a little more personal.
00:06:30But not too...
00:06:39Any questions?
00:06:42Just, when do we leave?
00:06:44When do we leave?
00:06:49Hello there again.
00:06:50Was that your boss calling?
00:06:51No, it was the coordinator just confirming flight times.
00:06:54So you don't get any time off?
00:06:56It was just a little break anyway, but...
00:07:01You know, it's fine.
00:07:02I'm just glad we're not canceled.
00:07:04Well, if you ask me, they're just lucky to have you.
00:07:07Thanks, Mom.
00:07:08But there are like a million people who would kill for this job.
00:07:11I guess I just need to try to give them more of what they want.
00:07:14Well, I'm sure you are acing it like you always do.
00:07:18I'm definitely not acing it, Mom.
00:07:20Or the show wouldn't need a makeover.
00:07:22I'm excited to come home.
00:07:23You know, the project seems pretty easy in the grand scheme of things, and it'll be like a working vacation.
00:07:29Only at home.
00:07:31With you and Dad.
00:07:32Well, your room's all ready.
00:07:34Well, the show will put me up, so you don't have to worry.
00:07:36I know I don't, but a hotel is not home.
00:07:41And you are long overdue a visit.
00:07:46As long as you don't bring out my unicorn comforter.
00:07:54Okay, I can go change that.
00:07:57Oh, Hannah, before you get here, I thought I should mention that...
00:08:04Uh, shoot. Gotta go. See you soon.
00:08:13I'll just tell her when she gets here.
00:08:30So the preservation committee wants me to oversee the renovation?
00:08:34I prefer to say consult.
00:08:36I know it's a little different than the work you were expecting, but the committee can be a little... particular.
00:08:43Well, that's why people love this town, right?
00:08:47And they know you, of all people, get that.
00:08:49Three generations of family here, and a real drive to come back.
00:08:52They just want you to make sure that any changes are in line with the town's history and aesthetics.
00:08:56Especially since it's one of the oldest buildings here.
00:08:59Well, look, I'm flattered, but you don't need the city architect for this.
00:09:04The rules won't let them do anything structural to the exterior.
00:09:07It's a fast project. The committee just wants someone on the ground.
00:09:13Why does this seem like policing?
00:09:18It's just a quick five-week project, which is also why they want someone who's familiar with the property.
00:09:23After this, we can move on to something more up your alley.
00:09:32Who's doing the renovation?
00:09:35Do you watch a lot of TV?
00:09:39Oh, boy.
00:09:47There she is.
00:09:50Oh, my gosh. You guys didn't have to do all that.
00:09:53Hi, honey. Thank you so much.
00:09:55Hi, sweetie.
00:09:58Oh, my goodness.
00:09:59Oh, okay. We're hugging.
00:10:03I'm so happy to see you.
00:10:05You guys are amazing.
00:10:08Yep, we're heading there now.
00:10:10Just a quick look to see what we're in for and connect with the owner before the whole circus rolls in tomorrow.
00:10:16We don't want to overwhelm Margo on day one.
00:10:20Okay. I'll let her know.
00:10:24Everything okay?
00:10:25Absolutely. They just want us to consult with the city architect.
00:10:28Who does?
00:10:29The local preservation committee, since it's a historic building.
00:10:33Sounds like it's just a formality.
00:10:35People don't always love change here.
00:10:37I think it's going to be a great little B&B.
00:10:40Thanks, Mom.
00:10:41Oh, and Julie, I hope Hannah mentioned that you are more than welcome to stay at our place, too.
00:10:46Oh, that's so sweet of you, but I...
00:10:50Julie kind of loves staying at hotels.
00:10:52I have to admit, it's a perk, but I do love that Hannah's staying with you.
00:10:56Oh, good, because she hasn't been home in close to three years.
00:10:59Only because you guys are so great about visiting.
00:11:02And I'm...
00:11:03And you are working way too hard.
00:11:06I never said that.
00:11:18Are we here?
00:11:19We'll just go run some errands.
00:11:21We'll go to the store.
00:11:22Pick you up in an hour?
00:11:23Oh, you guys don't have to come back. We'll just get a ride from production.
00:11:28See you in an hour.
00:11:32See you, hon.
00:11:33See you later.
00:11:40Ready to change history?
00:11:45It's been interesting, people's reaction.
00:11:48Well, a new B&B is great for tourism.
00:11:50Yes, it is, but I get it.
00:11:53It wasn't my plan either to change all this.
00:11:56But after my husband passed, I took a year away, traveled, and then realized I didn't want to stay stuck in the past.
00:12:05He wouldn't have wanted that for me, or this place.
00:12:09So I just decided to do something different, more social.
00:12:14Yeah, so it just used to be open for tours?
00:12:16Actually, Hannah was one of our best guides.
00:12:19Didn't always stick to the rules.
00:12:23Well, I can go rogue, I mean, you know.
00:12:26Snuck a whole tour group into the lounge, even though it was closed.
00:12:30I'm sorry, it had to be seen.
00:12:32The way the light was coming in through the stained glass window was stunning.
00:12:35See, that passion is why everyone loved her.
00:12:39Now that doesn't surprise me.
00:12:40And why I thought your modern sensibility might be exactly what we need.
00:12:44Someone who knows this place, but could still see beyond that.
00:12:51I just can't believe you'll both be working here again, after all these years.
00:12:55I'm sorry, both?
00:12:57There he is.
00:13:01Hey Margot, how are you?
00:13:04Looks like you moved home just in time.
00:13:07Hi, I'm Jeff.
00:13:09Hi, Julie. Nice to meet you.
00:13:11Nice to meet you too.
00:13:13So, I'm guessing I'm not the architect that you were expecting?
00:13:18No, I'm not.
00:13:20I'm not?
00:13:23So, I'm guessing I'm not the architect that you were expecting?
00:13:27You can say that again.
00:13:30Oh, you're that Jeff.
00:13:43Okay, I know it's a small town, but…
00:13:48Wait a minute.
00:13:50Why didn't you guys tell me he moved back?
00:13:53You must have known.
00:13:55I tried to.
00:13:59This morning.
00:14:01You just found out this morning?
00:14:03Well, okay, I found out last week.
00:14:05Not that you would be working together, I did not know that.
00:14:08It's just, you've been a little worried about work lately, and I didn't want to add to that.
00:14:12What? No, I wouldn't add to anything.
00:14:16No, I'm happy for him. He's been wanting to move back here for a while.
00:14:19I know it's complicated with you two. You dated for a long time.
00:14:23That is not the issue. No, no.
00:14:26No, I mean, he's like my old sweater. We're comfortable.
00:14:30It's just that, you know, even though we haven't seen each other in three years,
00:14:34it'd be easy to fall back into… I just don't want any distractions.
00:14:39You know what I mean? This is too important.
00:14:42And we have nothing in common, design-wise.
00:14:45Do you remember his apartment in college?
00:14:47The old converted bank building.
00:14:49It was cramped and it was dusty.
00:14:51And dark.
00:14:53Because he could feel the history.
00:14:55And now I have to consult with that.
00:14:58I am sure you won't even notice he's there.
00:15:00It's Jeff we're talking about.
00:15:11You know what? It's fine.
00:15:16Yep, I'm just going to stay focused, and I'm going to make it a great season,
00:15:19and a great time with you guys.
00:15:20Well, we are excited.
00:15:22You can even do some cycling. You'll love that.
00:15:25Yeah, cheers.
00:16:20I love you.
00:16:51I'd forgotten how peaceful it is here.
00:16:56And a good breakfast will start your day off right.
00:16:59Thanks, Mom, but I think I'm all set.
00:17:01Plus, I have to get donuts before I go into work.
00:17:09Breakfast sounds great.
00:17:12Good. Your father's already outside.
00:17:15Okay, I'll get one of these.
00:17:17Good morning.
00:17:19I love that you guys still have breakfast out here every day.
00:17:23Only in the summer. Winter gets a little cold.
00:17:28It's so nice out here.
00:17:30Why don't you let me fix it up a little?
00:17:33What's there to fix?
00:17:35Come on, you know I'd love to.
00:17:37Renovation is fun for me.
00:17:39I think you've got enough on your plate.
00:17:41I'm going to make you a sandwich.
00:17:42You know I'd love to. Renovation is fun for me.
00:17:45I think you've got enough on your plate.
00:17:47Is that a breakfast pun?
00:18:00Wait, why is Wally coming here?
00:18:06He never comes to set.
00:18:08Actually, he won't be here until later today.
00:18:09But he just said he wants to make sure we're not missing anything to set us apart.
00:18:14Missing anything?
00:18:16Honestly, I think he just wants to make sure he doesn't send us to the middle of nowhere.
00:18:20Well, do you think Wally likes sprinkles?
00:18:25Does he have cinnamon? Or just chocolate?
00:18:29You know what? I'm not going to guess.
00:18:31Hi, I'll take five of each, please.
00:18:35Are you buying the whole store?
00:18:37We're going to have a lot of donuts.
00:19:02Welcome back to Love and Design. Follow me.
00:19:06We might not be able to change the exterior walls, but we can make a big impact in here.
00:19:14Here you go. This is your mark.
00:19:17Are you ready?
00:19:21Yeah, alright, here we go. Three, two, one, go!
00:19:28And we have the gun.
00:19:29And we have the gun.
00:19:35I'm fine with all the separation upstairs where the bedrooms are.
00:19:38But down here, we want to open things up. Maximize space.
00:19:42So, what do you think about transforming the garage?
00:19:49Creating a larger, lower lounge area.
00:19:52We get a lot more room without changing the footprint.
00:19:54So guests could lounge down below and then play board games in the den.
00:19:59It would create like a two-tier lounge for everyone to relax and mingle.
00:20:03I never would have thought of that.
00:20:05And then also down there, if we could also just...
00:20:10Um, if we could just knock down the east-facing wall, we can also create an area for guests to check in and get a welcome glass of wine and go to the new lounge.
00:20:21Can you excuse me for just a sec?
00:20:31How's it going?
00:20:35Great. I have a quick question. Are you going to be here every day?
00:20:40Because I thought with consulting that you'd only be here if we needed to consult.
00:20:44Normally, yes.
00:20:45Okay, good.
00:20:46Normally, you know, I'd be dealing with city design improvements instead of policing.
00:20:52Oh, is that what you're doing? Policing?
00:20:56Look, this wasn't my idea to be here in the first place, okay? I just want to make sure you don't change too much.
00:21:03Is this test footage?
00:21:05Yeah, not exactly.
00:21:07Just don't make everything shiny and new.
00:21:11Because you hate change.
00:21:12Change? I love change. I embrace change.
00:21:16So you don't still drive that old Mustang?
00:21:18No. No.
00:21:20Well, not really. No. Sometimes. Okay? When I'm trying to impress somebody.
00:21:25Look, I just don't think shiny and new instantly makes everything better.
00:21:30You're right. It doesn't. But it can sure help. I mean, when we open things up…
00:21:34Personally, I like walls. I mean, see how easy it is for you to get away from me? With a wall.
00:21:43Without a wall? With a wall? Without?
00:21:50Yeah, I got it.
00:21:52You just can't help yourself, can you?
00:21:56You always have to give your two cents.
00:21:59My two cents?
00:22:02I think my work is done here. Carry on. Looks good.
00:22:06Well, this definitely spruces things up.
00:22:09Now in here, I'd like to take down the walls on either side of the fireplace. I just feel like there's a lot more…
00:22:14Sorry to interrupt, guys. I'm going to go back to the office. Get out of your hair.
00:22:19Sounds great.
00:22:23Oh, okay. Well, see you soon.
00:22:28Anyway, this will also eliminate the sconces, which is a plus. Because obviously they don't…
00:22:33Yeah, work.
00:22:34That's enough to get you started, right?
00:22:36I'm already on it.
00:22:38Thanks, Gib. You're the best.
00:22:40Wally, hi.
00:22:43Did you get a donut? I wasn't sure what you liked, so I got a few different flavors.
00:22:47I'm going to pass.
00:22:49Okay. Well, here it is. This is Lewisburg Manor. What do you think?
00:22:56I have to admit, I like what I've been seeing so far. The dynamics, the sparring, the history.
00:23:03I'm sorry, what exactly are you seeing?
00:23:06Wally was just taking a look at some footage.
00:23:18I think we found our show.
00:23:21See you later, guys.
00:23:41Hi. Um, you seriously want me to consult with him on air? Why?
00:23:47It was Wally's idea, but I get it. It creates chemistry, dynamics.
00:23:52But this isn't a dating show. What about the actual design?
00:23:56It's still your show. You're the designer.
00:23:59Okay. I know everybody wants this to be amazing, and so do I, but we won't agree on anything.
00:24:06I think that's what Wally's banking on.
00:24:09I just don't think this is a good idea.
00:24:14Because we're always great at first. That's why we've tried too many times to make it work.
00:24:21But when it really matters, we can't figure it out, you know? And I just don't want that to happen with this.
00:24:26We're not asking you to date him. Just work with him.
00:24:33Hannah, look, I know you love the show, okay? But everyone has to love it, including the network.
00:24:44Do we even know if he's up for it? You know, being on camera's not really his thing.
00:24:49I guess we'll find out.
00:24:59Oh. Hi.
00:25:01Need a little help?
00:25:02No, no. It was just low tire pressure.
00:25:04Well, I hope I didn't throw you off too much.
00:25:12You know, I still love it out here.
00:25:14Yeah. What would you always say? Calm and inspiring?
00:25:21With amazing views.
00:25:24Yeah, just like your design aesthetic.
00:25:35You don't have to wait for me. I'm sure you want to do another round.
00:25:39You know what? I'm going to give it another go.
00:25:43You sure you're okay?
00:25:44Yeah, no, no. I'm fine. Thank you for stopping.
00:25:46No, no. Of course.
00:25:47I will see you at work.
00:25:56Welcome back. This week, love and design gets personal.
00:26:00We've traveled to my hometown of Lewisburg to transform this manor into a bed and breakfast.
00:26:06Honestly, I don't know why you'd want to film me, but knock yourself out.
00:26:11So you're fine with it?
00:26:13I don't love the idea of a bed and breakfast.
00:26:15So you're fine with it?
00:26:17I don't love the idea of being on camera, no.
00:26:19I just hope I don't have to object it too much, you know? So I can just fly under the radar.
00:26:24I know Hannah wouldn't like that.
00:26:27She's really good at this, isn't she?
00:26:29What, the whole design thing?
00:26:31No, no. She's always been good at that.
00:26:33Oh, being the host.
00:26:35Yeah, the camera loves her. And she's a super hard worker.
00:26:38Well, some things never change.
00:26:40So then you'll tune in next week to see how the renovation progresses. Let's keep going.
00:26:45And cut!
00:26:48Okay. Yeah, I thought that distance worked pretty well, right?
00:26:56Excuse me.
00:27:00Hey. I know this is a lot, having everyone here. How are you holding up?
00:27:05Good so far. A little disoriented without you.
00:27:08Sure. A little disoriented without some of the walls.
00:27:12It'll start to take shape soon.
00:27:14By the way, are there any design details that you're after?
00:27:17In here?
00:27:19Yeah, like if there's anything you want to keep or you want to get rid of.
00:27:22I think I want to keep those sconces.
00:27:32Is that a personal thing?
00:27:34Sure. I saw them in a hotel lobby in Italy and I thought you should keep those.
00:27:41Well, I want to keep you happy.
00:27:44Oh, I'm sorry.
00:27:46I need to take this.
00:27:48Of course.
00:27:54Sconces? Really?
00:27:57You hate sconces.
00:27:59I thought you'd want to put up a…
00:28:01Big chandelier? For impact and flexibility?
00:28:05Yeah, but that's not what she wants.
00:28:07It's kind of surprising.
00:28:09Because back in the day you would have shut that down.
00:28:13Well, things are a lot different now.
00:28:16Well, they don't have to be.
00:28:19Wait, are you trying to be cute for the camera?
00:28:23The camera's on the ground, first off, okay? I know that much. It's not on me, so…
00:28:27Oh, then what was all that about?
00:28:29I'm sorry, is there something architectural you want to talk about, Mr. Architect?
00:28:36No? There you go. Goodbye.
00:28:50Is it bad that I'm glad he went back?
00:28:53Who, Wally? No. I think it'd be weird if you wanted him to stay.
00:28:58He left quickly, but not too quickly.
00:29:01It's just exhausting, right? Be opinionated, but…
00:29:05Not too opinionated.
00:29:07Hold on a second.
00:29:09Oh, wow.
00:29:12These are beautiful.
00:29:15Oh, hi. Thank you.
00:29:18You're doing the renovation on the manor house, aren't you?
00:29:22Here's my card, if you need anything.
00:29:25Oh, thank you.
00:29:31Probably not modern enough, but I think his pieces would look amazing in your beach bungalow.
00:29:37So, how are you feeling? Phase two tomorrow?
00:29:43Honestly? Blocked.
00:29:46I've never had to work in a building this old with so much to preserve.
00:29:51And having a very opinionated ex isn't helping.
00:29:57Well, it's a good thing you're creative, on both fronts.
00:30:02You know him, right?
00:30:06Then you know how to work around him. You just gotta get a little creative.
00:30:58I really thought we'd get more daylight in here when we knock down that wall.
00:31:02But, as much as I hate to say it, I think we need to swap out this window for a more modern one.
00:31:08Sorry, quick thing.
00:31:10I don't know if I'd do that.
00:31:14Why? It's not street facing, so we're not breaking any rules.
00:31:18It's just unique to the space.
00:31:20I get that, but I'm going big picture here.
00:31:27This is you talking, not the committee.
00:31:30I just don't think that you'll get this level of craftsmanship with a new one.
00:31:34You remember that old, the bank building? You know, with the tattered shutters?
00:31:37Yeah, I do.
00:31:38Yeah, it was beautiful.
00:31:40You're the one who wanted to paint it.
00:31:42We're not doing this.
00:31:44I'm going.
00:31:46Coin toss. Best out of three.
00:31:48You're on.
00:31:49Okay, anyone have a coin?
00:31:51Hannah, whatcha doing?
00:31:53Settling this. Getting creative. Anyone?
00:31:57Are you guys playing a game right now?
00:31:58Don't worry.
00:31:59This is where we settle all disagreements.
00:32:00With a coin toss?
00:32:02In competition, really anything works. Do you have a coin?
00:32:04Yeah, trust me, we figured this out a long time ago.
00:32:07One quick game solves a lot of personal gridlock.
00:32:10Otherwise, we'd be stuck here all day.
00:32:12All day?
00:32:13Yeah, no, we'd just set up the rules and then...
00:32:15Really? Nobody has a coin?
00:32:18You know what?
00:32:20We could always take this out back.
00:32:23Seems like a bit much, don't you think?
00:32:30Okay, yeah, great, after you.
00:32:33Wait, wait, guys.
00:32:40Ha, who knew this was here?
00:32:42Apparently they did.
00:32:47If I win, your sidebar design commentary stops.
00:32:52I'm happy to hear anything that has to do with committee restrictions, but...
00:32:56Okay, and if I win, you give my ideas and opinions to serious consideration.
00:33:02Or we can go back inside and try this again.
00:33:04Okay, tough guy.
00:33:06Get ready to lose.
00:33:08Be my guest. Please.
00:33:17We didn't know what we left behind.
00:33:21The road ahead was so full of life.
00:33:25But with it all comes the truth of time.
00:33:29We didn't know what we left behind.
00:33:32What we left behind.
00:33:36What we left behind.
00:33:41Look who the winner is.
00:33:46I'm ready to go back inside and get to work.
00:33:53Don't. Just... don't.
00:33:58All of you.
00:34:00Okay, back to work.
00:34:02Back to work again, everybody.
00:34:08That looks fun.
00:34:10And tiring at the same time.
00:34:11Yeah, what happened to the guy that used to cycle ten miles a day?
00:34:15I don't see you up there.
00:34:16You know, the girls would love it if you joined them. Right, girls?
00:34:19Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:34:20Right, girls?
00:34:21Whose side are you on anyway?
00:34:22Yours. Always.
00:34:29So, how does it feel being home?
00:34:32Right now?
00:34:34Not so good.
00:34:36I mean, this wasn't in the job description, you know. I'm not designing.
00:34:39She doesn't want me there.
00:34:40Who doesn't want you there? Hannah?
00:34:43You could have said no.
00:34:45What, to the project? I just got hired, man. I want to keep it that way.
00:34:49I'm going to check on the kids. I'll be right back.
00:34:51Okay, thanks.
00:34:52Hey, girls. You having fun?
00:34:54Look, I just think there's a bigger reason why you're there.
00:34:57Yeah? It's called work.
00:34:59I know you with your sales flex hours. It's a concept that's difficult for you to grasp.
00:35:03Ooh, ha ha.
00:35:05Or maybe you just can't shake it.
00:35:08Shake? Shake what?
00:35:13You tend to gravitate.
00:35:17You know, we're friends.
00:35:20We're friendly, you know?
00:35:22Yeah, is that why you look like that every time you talk about her?
00:35:27Whoa, hey.
00:35:29Hey. Whoa, whoa, hey.
00:35:31We'll play after lunch. We'll play after lunch.
00:35:33Hey, no.
00:35:35Hey, no.
00:35:37Hey, no.
00:35:38I wanted dogs.
00:35:47You're still working this late?
00:35:49I know. I'm just trying to get it right.
00:35:53Well, whatever you're doing, they're liking it, so why don't you just enjoy that?
00:35:58I should, but it's driving me crazy. I keep second-guessing myself.
00:36:04I'm sure it's a lot of pressure.
00:36:07It's just, there are so many people wanting so many different things.
00:36:12And not just here, at the network.
00:36:14And I have to try to make all those people happy.
00:36:18Remember what I do when I'm feeling stressed or just a little...
00:36:25Put on a good tune.
00:36:30And then everything just sort of comes into focus.
00:36:40I'll admit, it does help.
00:36:45Thanks, Mom.
00:36:48Well, I believe you do it.
00:36:57Updating a dining room into something more functional for a B&B while still maintaining the historic charm?
00:37:04That's the issue.
00:37:06The solution?
00:37:10A slight change of plan.
00:37:12I still want to knock down both walls on either side of the fireplace.
00:37:16But I'd also like to remove these two windows, knock down the wall between them, and create one large window.
00:37:23I'm sorry.
00:37:25Oh, hey. It's our guest architect.
00:37:28Oh, hey. Hi, guys.
00:37:30Um, what about this big window right there?
00:37:34This is street-facing with cars. This would be a vista.
00:37:38Yeah, but this is a historical building.
00:37:41I know. Which means we can't make any structural alterations to the exterior without approval.
00:37:48Yeah, but the preservation committee will never approve that.
00:37:51Well, you'd gain. The views you'd have in here if we opened this up to the backyard?
00:37:56This would be an incredible communal space.
00:37:58It's not going to happen.
00:37:59Not if you don't ask.
00:38:00This wall was built for a reason.
00:38:02In the 1800s.
00:38:04Unless we bring the outside in.
00:38:22What do you mean?
00:38:24We could create a large mural of the grounds right here, like we're looking out of a window.
00:38:32So you keep the feeling without losing the history.
00:38:43I like it.
00:38:50Wait, what's that?
00:38:52Oh, it's the sound of change.
00:38:57Not so bad, right?
00:38:59You know you're as impressive as I remember.
00:39:07And cut.
00:39:13This heat is killing me.
00:39:15They said the new AC should start working tomorrow, but in the meantime, survival.
00:39:20Why don't I help you out with this?
00:39:22Great, thank you.
00:39:24Alright guys, any takers?
00:39:25Oh, good news.
00:39:28So the network has seen the first week of dailies, and they are loving what they're seeing.
00:39:33And it's not just Wally.
00:39:35So, they want to screen a preview of the first episode.
00:39:40A screening?
00:39:42It's going to kick off your cinema series in the park tonight, 6.30.
00:39:47Oh wait, they want to screen a rough cut to the entire town?
00:39:51Yeah, I guess it's wonderful.
00:39:53The entire town?
00:39:54Yeah, I guess it's one way to get the locals excited.
00:39:58I mean, I'm sure it'll be great.
00:39:59And they want you to go together.
00:40:03Well, you're both on screen, so it's just a casual meet and greet.
00:40:08Well, I mean, no one really knows who I am.
00:40:10Well, most people in town do.
00:40:11I mean, nobody really cares.
00:40:12I have to agree.
00:40:13It's all just for publicity, okay?
00:40:15Super casual, like I said.
00:40:17Well, except Wally's flying in for it, so.
00:40:22Okay, well, I'll pick you up at 6.
00:40:31Well, it should be fun.
00:40:33It should be.
00:41:12Oh my gosh, this is still the best lemonade I've ever had.
00:41:15What's your secret?
00:41:18That's your secret?
00:41:19The lemons are always fresh.
00:41:21And a sprig of rosemary, but mostly sugar.
00:41:30I am having a flashback.
00:41:32Of high school?
00:41:33And several summers after that.
00:41:37We spent so much time in that greenhouse,
00:41:39Hannah and I, reading, listening to music, planting new flowers.
00:41:44Well, we love it out here.
00:41:46Which is why I wish you'd let me get my hands on it.
00:41:56You look great.
00:42:05We should probably get going.
00:42:06We don't want to be late.
00:42:08Uh, yeah.
00:42:14We'll see you soon.
00:42:15We'll be right behind you.
00:42:16Good to see you guys.
00:42:18And thank you.
00:42:24So I thought you hardly drove this car anymore.
00:42:27I don't.
00:43:15I can't believe you still have that keychain.
00:43:18Oh, that's one of Patrick's better gifts.
00:43:28You okay?
00:43:36Okay, fine.
00:43:37It's just with this new format.
00:43:39You know, I want everyone to be happy, but...
00:43:42That's a real tall order.
00:43:46When did you start caring about what other people think?
00:43:50When I realized how many people are depending on me to keep this going.
00:43:56You're doing an amazing job.
00:44:00And that's all you can do.
00:44:06You know what?
00:44:07If I were you, I would just block it all out.
00:44:14It's what I'm doing with all of this.
00:44:16You really don't care what anyone thinks?
00:44:20And you're going to be totally open to hearing all of their opinions?
00:44:25Yes, I will.
00:44:27I'm going to quote you on that.
00:44:28Okay, you do that.
00:44:31Come on, let's do this.
00:44:43Oh, thank you.
00:44:44No problem.
00:44:48All right.
00:45:04Good to see you.
00:45:10Thank you so much for coming.
00:45:19Can everyone please find a seat?
00:45:21We will be starting soon.
00:45:25We hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the season five premiere of Love in Design.
00:45:46Welcome back to Love in Design.
00:45:48And this is demo week here at the Lewisburg Manor.
00:45:51It's a very exciting day because the homeowner herself, Margo, will be making the first strike on that first wall we are taking down.
00:46:01I think we need to swap out this window for a more modern one that lets in better lights.
00:46:06Quick thing.
00:46:10I don't know if I...
00:46:13Why? It's not street facing.
00:46:14I don't want to get out of here.
00:46:15We're not breaking any rules.
00:46:16It's just unique.
00:46:17Come on, let's go.
00:46:18Yeah, no, I know.
00:46:20Wait, wait.
00:46:21You realize that...
00:46:23This is you talking, not the committee.
00:46:27Why didn't she tell me?
00:46:28Tell you what?
00:46:30That I pause.
00:46:33A lot.
00:46:35At least you don't say um.
00:46:37Wait, is that any worse?
00:46:39Um, yes.
00:46:43Now I get it. It's hard to watch yourself.
00:46:48You were perfect as usual.
00:46:51As usual.
00:46:54I really like that floating staircase.
00:46:56Not for me, but for that house it really worked.
00:47:01You have seen the show.
00:47:03I've seen all four seasons.
00:47:09Okay, then you have to admit modern is kind of liberating.
00:47:13You're not constrained by the past.
00:47:15It's a blank canvas.
00:47:16You can go anywhere.
00:47:17It's exciting.
00:47:22It's just...
00:47:23The sky has always been the limit for you.
00:47:25It always has been.
00:47:27It's impressive.
00:47:30But it's hard to hold on to.
00:47:45I think they liked it.
00:47:46I think they did too.
00:47:48Well done, honey. That was really terrific.
00:47:52You were amazing.
00:47:53Everyone seemed to like it.
00:47:55Okay, we're going to see you back at home.
00:47:57Okay, bye.
00:48:00I think everyone loved it.
00:48:02I loved it.
00:48:03I just think we could be a little more...
00:48:07But not too...
00:48:12I don't know.
00:48:17I've got to find Julie.
00:48:23Hey, guys.
00:48:25I never thought I'd see you up on that big screen.
00:48:29I can't believe I know some famous.
00:48:33I wouldn't go that far.
00:48:34I look shorter on TV.
00:48:38Yeah, oh yeah.
00:48:39It's like tiny.
00:48:43Did you guys say hi to Hannah?
00:48:44Yeah, yeah.
00:48:45I said hi to her earlier.
00:48:46But I have to get these kids home, so you guys have fun tonight.
00:48:50Thanks, baby.
00:48:51All right, bye, guys.
00:48:52Thanks, baby.
00:48:54You're staying out?
00:48:55It's your big debut, man.
00:48:56Come on, we need to celebrate.
00:48:57Yes, we do.
00:48:58I'll say hi to Hannah.
00:49:00Yeah, yeah.
00:49:04I was wondering when I'd run into you.
00:49:05Oh, it's so good to see you, Hannah.
00:49:06You look great.
00:49:08I saw your kids earlier.
00:49:09They are so grown up already.
00:49:10Yeah, and they loved the whole premiere.
00:49:12We all did.
00:49:13Kind of crazy, though, right?
00:49:14The two of us on camera together.
00:49:16Yeah, it's a bit of a throwback.
00:49:18But hey, I think we celebrate tonight, right?
00:49:20I'm thinking, what, Sparrows?
00:49:24Yes, yes.
00:49:25Oh, I would love to, but I told Julie we'd go out, so.
00:49:27Yeah, you did?
00:49:28So, where are we going?
00:49:31Sounds good to me.
00:49:33Looks like we're going to Sparrows.
00:49:39I think it's time for a toast, folks.
00:49:43Well, to a very unusual and, dare I say, extremely successful screening.
00:49:49Cheers to that.
00:49:54Okay, now, no more work talk for the rest of the night.
00:50:01Okay, good.
00:50:03Got it.
00:50:06I got nothing.
00:50:09Hey, I don't know about you guys, but I am starved.
00:50:11Oh, yeah, I could eat.
00:50:12I heard they have really good fish tacos here.
00:50:14Nice fry.
00:50:15Right up my alley.
00:50:17I'm up for whatever.
00:50:18The spicier, the better.
00:50:19Me too.
00:50:28Oh, I'm up for new things.
00:50:29Yes, yes.
00:50:31No, don't let this guy fool you, all right?
00:50:35Yes, they still do it.
00:50:37Who is ready for some trivia?
00:50:41Oh, I am.
00:50:42You know, the only game these two can play together.
00:50:45The last time we teamed up, unbeatable.
00:50:48I'm here to sign us up, okay?
00:50:50I'm coming with you.
00:50:52Guaranteed win.
00:50:53Good choices.
00:50:54What's our team name?
00:50:55I'm so proud of them.
00:50:56Wow, trivia, hey?
00:50:59Do you have something to do with this?
00:51:03It's Allie.
00:51:04I can't take credit.
00:51:07This is the London Marathon.
00:51:12Are you sure?
00:51:13Yes, I'm sure.
00:51:14Write it down.
00:51:15385, okay?
00:51:16Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:51:17We can do this.
00:51:20We are so winning this.
00:51:21Summer of 69 ratings.
00:51:22Oh, I'm going to win 80.
00:51:24Do you know what we're starting at?
00:51:27Totally 84.
00:51:29Okay, okay, okay.
00:51:31And the winner is...
00:51:38We totally did it.
00:51:39Way to go.
00:51:40High five.
00:51:51I keep forgetting that you're like an encyclopedia of random facts.
00:51:55Well, look, I mean, everyone gets to have an opinion about paint color,
00:51:59but no one can argue the number of steps in the Eiffel Tower.
00:52:03That is a very good point.
00:52:05How many steps?
00:52:06In the Eiffel Tower?
00:52:11You're the smartest person I know.
00:52:13Well, you're pretty smart yourself.
00:52:16Book smart, maybe.
00:52:18But not always smart where it counts.
00:52:30Thank you for driving me home.
00:52:33And for tonight.
00:52:38It was fun.
00:52:42Yeah, it was.
00:52:57Love and design.
00:52:58Was that your title?
00:53:01How did you know?
00:53:03Just seemed like you.
00:53:29Good morning.
00:53:34You've been wanting to renovate your backyard for years.
00:53:38I've been wanting to renovate your backyard for you.
00:53:41For years.
00:53:45Let me do it.
00:53:47I'll do it.
00:53:49I'll do it.
00:53:52I'll do it.
00:53:54I'll do it.
00:53:56I'll do it.
00:54:00Go for it.
00:54:18I put a call into the artist.
00:54:20I saw his work at the farmer's market.
00:54:23And you know, I really like the idea of keeping it local.
00:54:26I do too.
00:54:27As long as everything's done in time for the grand opening,
00:54:29invitations are already out.
00:54:31We will make it work.
00:54:33Then enjoy your weekend.
00:54:35Thank you, you too.
00:54:40You have any plans?
00:54:45For the weekend?
00:54:47A little side project.
00:54:50Your parents' deck?
00:54:53You've been eyeing that thing for years.
00:54:55Well done.
00:54:56Does that mean you won't have time to hang out with me?
00:55:00Is that a challenge?
00:55:02To see how fast I can get it done?
00:55:05Challenge accepted.
00:55:13Are you sure you won't let us help?
00:55:15This looks like a lot.
00:55:17Trust me, I've got a system.
00:55:20But still.
00:55:22I'm excited.
00:55:24So go.
00:55:25Go see a movie or have lunch or something.
00:55:28Just give me a little bit of notice before you come back, okay?
00:55:33Trust me, this is going to be a piece of cake.
00:55:36We're going.
00:55:37Good. Thank you.
00:55:40I'm going.
00:55:41Have fun.
00:55:47Are we going with extra protein or no protein?
00:55:50I saw the bike out front.
00:55:52Go with protein.
00:55:54You got it.
00:56:00You know what, Carol?
00:56:01On second thought...
00:56:19I thought you might need a little extra fuel for the challenge.
00:56:31Look, I know you're in the middle of it, so you don't have to eat right now.
00:56:35Thank you so much for this.
00:56:37I didn't know if your parents were going to be here, so I got some extra.
00:56:39You start every season with donuts, so I figured we could start your deck rentals with takeout.
00:56:48By the way, what can I do to help?
00:56:52Oh, I have a whole load of laundry.
00:56:55That's very funny.
00:57:00Actually, everything is going pretty well so far.
00:57:02The guys will be here in a few minutes to put up the pergola and...
00:57:06Well, it looks like you still need help.
00:57:08I don't need help.
00:57:12I'm not taking no for an answer.
00:57:15You want to work?
00:57:16I want to work.
00:57:17Yeah? Okay.
00:57:19All right, let's work.
00:57:21All right, let's do it.
00:57:22Yeah, unwrap these guys.
00:57:26So, anything else?
00:57:28No, I mean...
00:57:31Um, well, there might be one thing.
00:57:35Okay, shoot.
00:57:37You could talk to the preservation committee about building a pergola outside the manor.
00:57:44You're right here and we only have two weeks left.
00:57:48Think about it.
00:57:49For a B&B vacation, being outside is everything.
00:57:53So, if I were staying there...
00:57:54You want somewhere to lounge outside.
00:57:56I mean, I know it would be building a structure that's not in the same style as the manor,
00:57:59and I know that's an issue, but it would make the whole outside more of a feature.
00:58:05What do you think?
00:58:11You'll talk to them?
00:58:12You'll talk to them?
00:58:15You have to come with me, okay?
00:58:16You're obviously the more persuasive one.
00:58:18That would be amazing.
00:58:19And under one condition.
00:58:21Name it.
00:58:22No more work talk today.
00:58:23Let's see.
00:58:29My dad was knee-deep in tax season.
00:58:32My mom was working a ton, too.
00:58:35And yet, every weekend for months, they'd be out there working on that greenhouse,
00:58:40helping me plant my favorite flowers inside.
00:58:43They wanted to make sure it was ready for my tenth birthday, and they did.
00:58:47Some days it was like a hundred degrees out.
00:58:49My mom would make her lemonade and would sit and watch my dad work.
00:58:53I swear, he never took a break.
00:58:56So that's where you get it from.
00:59:01So this is, like, the tiniest thing I can do for them.
00:59:06I think they're gonna love it.
00:59:09Even the great teak?
00:59:10Especially the great teak.
00:59:16This is nice.
00:59:19Being here.
00:59:21With you.
00:59:28You know, I never stopped thinking about you.
00:59:32That's because you like to hold on to things.
00:59:35I'm serious.
00:59:37So am I.
00:59:42I never...
00:59:44wanted to break up with you.
00:59:46You know that.
00:59:47I had to let you go.
00:59:49I mean, you had this great opportunity.
00:59:52I said we could just see.
00:59:56I was willing to take that risk.
00:59:59But you've always had something to do.
01:00:02You've always had something to do.
01:00:07You wanted to come back here.
01:00:09That was your plan.
01:00:10You never even wanted to visit Los Angeles.
01:00:12It was ridiculous.
01:00:14But I knew you had to be there and I wanted that for you.
01:00:19I just...
01:00:22I never knew how to let you go.
01:00:32I tried to keep your mother away as long as possible.
01:00:34We were just so excited.
01:00:38This is a nice surprise.
01:00:40Hey, guys.
01:00:42Ready to see it?
01:00:43Hey, don't look.
01:00:44Don't look.
01:00:47Yeah, no, I got you.
01:00:49Okay, ready?
01:00:50One, two, three.
01:00:54Oh, my.
01:00:56Oh, wow.
01:00:59Oh, my.
01:01:01Oh, wow.
01:01:04It's amazing.
01:01:06You like it?
01:01:07We love it, sweetie.
01:01:10Oh, my God.
01:01:14You're welcome.
01:01:39Did you mean to do this?
01:01:41I did, actually.
01:01:43You inspired me.
01:01:59I never would have thought of this fireplace in here.
01:02:02It was all just storage.
01:02:04But it's perfect.
01:02:06Seems like it'll work you around.
01:02:13I want you to be happy.
01:02:14I do, but I think we can do better.
01:02:19You don't like the dining room?
01:02:21No, I love it, but this room is begging for a larger chandelier.
01:02:25Something bold that stands on its own.
01:02:29So you don't like the sconces?
01:02:31I should have said something earlier.
01:02:33I know you're a big fan, but this room is missing the wow factor.
01:02:38Well, you're the designer, so I'll leave you to it.
01:02:49Okay, well, Wally is definitely coming to the grand opening, so prepare yourself.
01:02:57I felt better five seconds ago.
01:03:06It's a slippery slope.
01:03:08Change one thing, make one exception.
01:03:11Which I totally understand, and I know it's easier to keep things as they are.
01:03:15But this is more than just a design thing.
01:03:17It's a communal thing.
01:03:19The benefit that this space could afford us, to me, far outweighs the exception for a pergola.
01:03:25With a completely different look and feel to the original home.
01:03:29Larry, maintaining the integrity of the buildings in this town is a huge priority of mine.
01:03:36That's the reason why I'm here.
01:03:38And I'll admit, I had forgotten just how beautiful the buildings are.
01:03:43I mean, look at this one.
01:03:46I don't want to compromise any of that richness.
01:03:49You know, I think that we can both agree there's a lot of history here.
01:03:55But this pergola, as designed, it elevates the building and helps fulfill its purpose in a new, previously unimagined way.
01:04:07Look, I have to agree with Hannah on this one.
01:04:11And if you knew the two of us, that's saying a lot.
01:04:18Okay, well, I'll mull it over and get back to you.
01:04:23It's gonna have to be.
01:04:26You're so persuasive.
01:04:27No, it was teamwork. But I don't want to get too excited. I mean, he hasn't agreed to anything.
01:04:33I am feeling pretty good, though.
01:04:35You should. It's all starting to come together.
01:04:38I love this phase.
01:04:40Well, you know what? I think we should go sightseeing.
01:04:45In our hometown?
01:04:49Um, we'll actually have to go look at tiles tomorrow in the morning.
01:04:53It's perfect. We'll go in the afternoon. It's the weekend.
01:04:56Jeff, you know that I'm leaving soon.
01:05:01Which makes you kind of a tourist, who should definitely go on a tour.
01:05:08I'd love to.
01:05:10Alright, well then, maybe we should just see how it goes.
01:05:18Come on.
01:05:28I can't believe I never did this walk before. All the years I lived here.
01:05:33I think I just thought it was something tourists did.
01:05:36Well, my parents started taking me here when I was three.
01:05:41Didn't have much say in it, but it still impresses me.
01:05:45The style?
01:05:46Just how unique everything is.
01:05:49The detail. It's not just a picket fence and another picket fence.
01:05:55Everything is done specifically to last a lifetime.
01:06:00This place really is special.
01:06:03See? I told you so.
01:06:06I do like it better when you're here, though.
01:06:11I'm serious.
01:06:13Okay, Mr. Tour Guide, how about that one?
01:06:21That one was built in 1872 by a local sheep farmer for his daughter.
01:06:28And she ended up living there for the rest of her life.
01:06:31I didn't think I liked Tudor style houses, but that is incredible.
01:06:37Yeah, it is, isn't it?
01:06:52Ready to start?
01:06:54Yes, I am. Thanks.
01:06:58Hey. Hey.
01:07:00Um, so I am kind of shocked that it went this way.
01:07:07Oh, please say they approved it.
01:07:10I'm sorry.
01:07:13That's okay.
01:07:15It just looks like we're going to have a lot more work to do.
01:07:19What? They...
01:07:21Oh, yeah.
01:07:25Looks like we have a pergola to build.
01:07:28Way to go.
01:07:42Beautiful view.
01:08:12No one will ever see, only you and me.
01:08:16Keep dreaming.
01:08:18Slow like a slow dance.
01:08:22Slow like a slow dance.
01:08:28We only have one chance.
01:08:30Embrace your romance.
01:08:32Keep dreaming.
01:08:34Slow like a slow dance.
01:08:36If I had more time, I would have landscaped the entire backyard for entertaining.
01:08:40Are you kidding me?
01:08:42You put in an entire surround sound system.
01:08:47I think it's perfect.
01:08:54Almost perfect.
01:08:57What are you doing?
01:09:00You'll see.
01:09:08Are you kidding me?
01:09:23It's our song.
01:09:30Melt your heart.
01:09:35This is a pretty nice addition.
01:09:59I can't believe tonight is the grand opening.
01:10:03Which is why I wanted to ask.
01:10:07Do you mind if I make you up tonight?
01:10:12For a real date?
01:10:27I'm so proud of you.
01:10:43Come in.
01:10:45I thought you might want to listen to this.
01:11:01You used to love this song, remember?
01:11:04Growing up it was your dad's favorite.
01:11:06And you would always sneak into the living room way past midnight.
01:11:09You would always sneak into the living room way past your bedtime.
01:11:13Whenever it was on.
01:11:15In dad's tan fedora, right?
01:11:18Doing this cute little dance.
01:11:20I can't believe I forgot about that.
01:11:25This song still makes you happy instantly, doesn't it?
01:11:34Well, you pulled it off.
01:11:40And had a little fun doing it.
01:11:44Mom, be honest.
01:11:47Is this crazy?
01:11:51You know, it is a wonderful thing when someone gets you.
01:11:57And it is even better when they challenge you, too.
01:12:00And it is rare to find both.
01:12:02Oh, and speaking of.
01:12:46So, are you ready for the reveal?
01:12:48The reveal?
01:12:58I have to admit, I never thought you two would get past the window.
01:13:02But here we are.
01:13:04Congratulations. It looks great.
01:13:08I had to give up the sconces, but I am very happy.
01:13:18I told me you'd help prep for the interview.
01:13:20Oh, let's step over here.
01:13:22Be right back.
01:13:24Yeah, of course.
01:13:26Jeff, I wanted to thank you, too.
01:13:29You brought a lot to the table.
01:13:31Oh, no. It was fun.
01:13:34The very beginning wasn't that much fun.
01:13:37Yeah, she's a real star, Hannah.
01:13:39Yeah, she always has been.
01:13:41And if the viewers love it as much as we do, there's no telling where this will go.
01:13:44I'm sorry, go?
01:13:45The new format is really working.
01:13:47We're just taking the time to get to know the place, the people.
01:13:51So we want to keep the show on location.
01:13:53Different locations across the states.
01:13:55As long as Hannah is up for it.
01:13:58Too bad we'll have to find other consultants, though.
01:14:01We can't afford to travel everyone, of course.
01:14:03You guys were a good team.
01:14:05Yeah, yeah, that's, um, that's a shame.
01:14:08Excuse me.
01:14:10Of course.
01:14:15Can you believe it? One quick sign off and we're done.
01:14:18We just really need you to up the energy.
01:14:22For the closing, add a little more jazz.
01:14:24But not too much.
01:14:30We're rolling.
01:14:40I'm sorry, just a sec.
01:14:45Yeah, yeah, just a quick thing.
01:14:47Look, I am super grateful for this job, I am.
01:14:50I am also smart and hardworking and kind of funny, but not on command.
01:14:55I can't keep changing who I am and doubting what I'm doing, so I'm just going to be me from here on out.
01:15:01You hired me.
01:15:03And if that's not what you want anymore, sorry.
01:15:10Guess you can't go rogue.
01:15:15It's been a wild five weeks in my hometown of Lewisburg.
01:15:25I can't believe you have to fly out so early.
01:15:28You were not getting up to drive me.
01:15:31I know, I know, I just, I just thought we'd have a little more time.
01:15:35Me too.
01:15:37But I promise I'll come back again soon.
01:15:39Maybe next time you'll let me, um, update that sunroom.
01:15:44If you want.
01:15:46We would love it.
01:15:50Oh, hey, have you seen Jeff?
01:15:53Maybe this way.
01:15:55This is either a very sweet or a very sad visual.
01:15:59I can't decide.
01:16:01Looking for an opponent?
01:16:03I thought you were inside doing your thing.
01:16:07I was.
01:16:09I was.
01:16:11I was.
01:16:13I was.
01:16:15I was.
01:16:17I was.
01:16:19I was.
01:16:21I was.
01:16:23I was, actually.
01:16:26Doing my thing.
01:16:29I'm not sure what it's going to mean, but I felt so good.
01:16:33I told Wally I'm just going to be myself, and if they don't want that...
01:16:36Well, if they're going to want that...
01:16:39How do you know?
01:16:41Because you're amazing.
01:16:46You okay?
01:16:48Yeah, just, you know.
01:16:50I'm bummed that you're going tomorrow.
01:16:54Me too.
01:16:56Well, luckily you're just a flight away.
01:17:02Yeah, I should let you get back to it.
01:17:06What's going on?
01:17:11I just know that your life is there and mine is here.
01:17:19Are you kidding me?
01:17:23I thought that we were just going to see.
01:17:27Isn't that what you said?
01:17:29That's what I want, but it doesn't make sense.
01:17:33But nothing's changed.
01:17:35Hannah, the sky is always going to be the limit for you.
01:17:40Who knows where all this work is going to lead?
01:17:49You know, we push each other all the time on the small things.
01:17:54We make each other so much better.
01:17:57But it's pointless.
01:17:59Because when it really matters, you don't want to be pushed out of your comfort zone.
01:18:04I don't want to hold you back.
01:18:09I'm not the one you should be worried about.
01:18:15Wait, can we please just...
01:18:30I have to get back to the party.
01:19:42Yeah, so I think I'll make it a working vacation.
01:19:45The conference shouldn't take up that much time, the girls have been eyeing the snorkel.
01:19:49You good?
01:19:51You've been pretty quiet.
01:19:55I'm fine.
01:19:57That's good.
01:20:00You know L.A. isn't that far away.
01:20:03Oh, come on, Ben.
01:20:05Come on, it's not.
01:20:07Look, I appreciate it, I really do, but she deserves more than long distance.
01:20:13I get that, I do, but...
01:20:14Look, I wish it made sense.
01:20:16I do, but not for somebody who's made sure everything in their life has been structurally sound.
01:20:29But I'm pretty sure love isn't supposed to make sense.
01:20:33You can't plan it, you can't schedule it, and there's always going to be that risk.
01:20:37Plus, you've been in love with this girl for as long as I can remember, so...
01:20:40The usual?
01:21:21I don't know about you, but I think it's about time.
01:21:25Unpacking those boxes.
01:21:29Well, right now I'm finishing up with this.
01:21:32Well, we got another call. A building they want to convert.
01:21:36And since you did so well on this last project, I know this is maybe not exactly what you pictured.
01:21:44Well, that's just part of it.
01:21:53Wally really said just do your thing for the rest of the season?
01:21:58But keep him happy. You know Wally.
01:22:01I'll take it.
01:22:03Wait. Are you seriously working on your day off?
01:22:06Well, I finished my balcony.
01:22:08Something I've been wanting to do. Forever.
01:22:12Try to relax too, okay?
01:22:14I'm basically done. I ordered my favorite food delivery.
01:22:18Good. We'll rev it up tomorrow. And tell me the location.
01:22:21You bet.
01:22:23You doing alright?
01:22:26I'll be good. You know.
01:22:29You always are.
01:22:45Hey. Yes. Pete. Good. Come on up. I'm on the balcony. I'll buzz you in. Thanks.
01:23:09I guess you weren't expecting me.
01:23:14You could say that again.
01:23:16Jeff. Wow.
01:23:24What are you doing here?
01:23:26I was bringing you these.
01:23:29And then I fortunately saw your delivery guy at the door.
01:23:33You flew all the way here to bring me donuts?
01:23:43I was hoping we could start over. But for real this time.
01:23:50I've realized after all these years of trying to make it work, we've always worked.
01:23:57I've just been too scared to commit to the unknown.
01:24:01Not anymore.
01:24:04Wherever you go, whatever it takes, I want to be with you.
01:24:09I think we make a pretty great team together.
01:24:13I think we could be great. Anywhere.
01:24:18You really want to see where this goes?
01:24:22Yeah. If you'll let me.
01:24:24How long are you here?
01:24:26Well, it's sort of to be determined. I'm kind of stepping out of my comfort zone a little bit here.
01:24:34It's a good look on you.
01:24:36You think so?
01:24:46Is that a mustard can?
01:24:50Is that a mustard couch?
01:24:54I like it. It's just...
01:24:56Watch it, mister.
