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Episod 616 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 20 Ogos 2024 Surah Al-Anfal (8: 7-8 ) Halaman 177

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Anfal ayat 7-8 halaman 177 ini adalah:
* Penjelasan Allah tentang kurnia-Nya untuk orang yang beriman (7)
* Ketetapan perkara hak dan pembatalan perkara batil (8 )

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 7-8 halaman 177:
* Sabar hadapi kesusahan dan kesukaran dengan teguh hati (7)
* Berani tempuh musuh berbekalkan keimanan dan ketakwaan agar tegaknya kebenaran (7)
* Sentiasa memuliakan dan meninggikan martabat Islam dengan sebarkannya (8 )

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00:30Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh sadarin rahmati allah ta'ala sekalian
00:40Sepanjang 11 tahun baginda rasulullah s.a.w. telah berhadapan, umat islam ketika itu berhadapan
00:49dengan sebanyak 84 peperangan dan dalam siri-siri peperangan yang berjumlah 84 buah peperangan
00:59seramai 321 orang para sahabah yang telah syahid. Hadirin sekalian surah al-anfal yang sedang kita
01:10telusuri sekarang ini berbicara tentang satu peristiwa yang berlaku pada 17 ramadan tahun
01:17ke-2 hijrah. Sertian dengan kami tentunya dalam My Quran Time.
01:47Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:17Selamat pagi kepada penonton yang buniman. Buat penonton kami tentunya di Malaysia, di Brunei Darussalam, di Thailand, di Indonesia dan di mana juga
02:26sederhana berada, kita bergabung tentunya dalam My Quran Time, Quran, Salat dan Infaq.
02:33Tentunya pada siaran kali ini, kita nak terus berbicara, melanjutkan perbahasan dan juga penekunan kita kepada dua ayat
02:41yaitulah ayat yang ke-7 dan ayat yang ke-8, ayat nombor 7 dan ayat nombor 8 dalam surah al-anfal.
02:49Dan tentunya saudara, tadi kita telah mukadimahkan dengan bacaan yang disampaikan oleh tuan guru kita, al-Fadhil Ustaz Termizi Abdul Rahman
02:58yang sentiasa membaca Al-Quran dari dalam jiwanya, mengetuk pintu-pintu hati kita semua untuk terus kita mentadabur kalam suci, kalam wahyu.
03:08Assalamualaikum Ustaz.
03:08Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, al-Fadhil Ustaz Zarifi.
03:12Sehat Ustaz ya?
03:14Terima kasih Ustaz, karena Ustaz, bacaan Ustaz sentiasa menggetarkan hati kami Ustaz.
03:19Pagar besi dipacak-pacak, Ustaz Zarifi senantiasa kacak.
03:22MasyaAllah, ini satu lagi cabaran kepada saya lah untuk menjawab pantun itu.
03:28Tak apa, penonton-penonton kita di studio, Ustaz. Siapa Ustaz penonton kita?
03:32Ya, Subhanallah Ustaz Zarifi, al-Fadhil Ustaz Zarifi.
03:35Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan di bahagian sekalian.
03:38Kita nak sama-sama alu-alukan, ahlan wasah dan merhaban.
03:41Selamat datang kepada rombongan jamaah Masjid Mu'adh bin Jabal, setia wangsa.
03:49Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
03:52MasyaAllah, begitu bersemangat Tuan-Tuan Haji, Bapak Haji kita. Alhamdulillah.
03:56Tak lupa, Ustaz?
03:57Sahabat-sahabat yang sentiasa menemani kita, kumpulan istiqamah.
04:00Memang istiqamah.
04:02Tak lupa pada penonton kitalah yang melawat kita di rumah dan di mana juga platform kita, insyaAllah.
04:06Baik, Ustaz Termizi telah bersedia.
04:08InsyaAllah, Ustaz Zarifi.
04:10Hadirin, hadirat, Tuan-Tuan Haji, Puan Hajah, semuanya bersedia?
04:14Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, penonton kami sudah bersedia.
04:16Mari kita bersama-sama, kita mulakan halakah ilmu kita dengan kita membaca doa mudah-mudahan Allah berkati kita.
04:24Allahumma inna nas'aluka ilman nafi'ah, wa rizqan tayyibah, wa amalan mutaqabbalah.
04:31Ya Allah, anugerahkanlah kepada kami ilmu-ilmu yang bermanfaat.
04:35Ya Allah, kurniahkanlah kepada kami rizqi yang halal dan baik.
04:38Dan Ya Allah, kau terimakanlah segala amal-amal kami.
04:41Ya Allah, wa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam Muhammad, walhamdulillahi rabbil alamin.
04:47Baik, saudara yang dimuliakan, ayat nombor 7 dan ayat nombor 8 ialah kita meneruskan ayat nombor 1
04:57dan sehingga ayat nombor 6 dalam surah Al-Anfal.
05:00Seperti yang kita sebut saudara sekalian, surah Al-Anfal terkandung didalamnya 75 ayat keseluruhannya.
05:07Para ulama telah pecah kecihkan lagi jumlah kalimah yang terkandung dalam surah Al-Anfal berjumlah 1231.
05:15Dipecah kecihkan lagi jumlah huruf yang terkandung dalam surah Al-Anfal berjumlah keseluruhannya 5294 huruf-huruf yang terkandung didalam surah Al-Anfal.
05:29Baik, saudara yang dimuliakan, surah Al-Anfal turun kepada baginda sallallahu alaihi wa sallam dan juga para sahabah
05:37ketika baginda dan para sahabah berdepan dengan suatu peristiwa yang besar yaitulah peristiwa Badar Al-Kubra.
05:48Bilakah berlakunya, tarikh berlakunya Badar Al-Kubra ini, tumpang sekalian, tarikh berlakunya ialah pada 17 Ramadan pada tahun ke-2 Hijrah.
05:59Kerana itu saudara, bila kita masuk bulan Ramadan, ya di samping kita menekuni amalan ibadat puasanya, membaca Qurannya, Qiyamullainya, tahajudnya,
06:09jangan lupa, tadabor juga peristiwa Badar Al-Kubra yang menjadi kekuatan kunci semangat akan bagaimana Rasulullah melebarkan
06:22empire keagungan Islam dan Alhamdulillah dengan perjuangan dan pengorbanan baginda sallallahu alaihi wa sallam dan 311 orang itu,
06:34hadrati sekalian, para sahabah mereka, jasa mereka lah yang menyebabkan Islam sampai di Malaysia.
06:41Islam sampai di Nusantara. Syukur kita kepada Allah Azza wa Jalla kerana kita semua mengucapkan syahadah,
06:48La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasulullah.
06:51Baik, saudara yang dimuliakan, ayat no. 7, Allah SWT telah memperincikan lagi bagaimana baginda sallallahu alaihi wa sallam berhadapan dengan 2 puak.
07:09Siapakah puak itu? Al-Fatihah Ustaz Tirmizi, saya nak sebutkan terlebih dahulu, ada 2 sinopsis,
07:172 perkara yang kita letakkan sebagai satu garis panduan, insyaAllah selesai tamat rancangan kita 60 minit durasinya ini,
07:242 perkara ini dapat kita faham. Yang pertama, ayat 7 dan 8, penjelasan Allah tentang kurnianya untuk orang-orang yang beriman.
07:34Itu perkara no. 1, Tuan Haji Ibn Hajar.
07:36Perkara no. 2 yang kita nak belajar yaitulah ketetapan perkara hak dan pembatalan perkara yang batil.
07:46Ini adalah 2 perkara yang sama-sama akan kita pelajari khususnya bila selesai 60 minit durasi pelajaran kita ini, kita akan dapat memahami 2 perkara ini.
07:56Baik, saudara yang dimuliakan, saya nak jemput sekali lagi Al-Fatihah Ustaz Tirmizi untuk Ustaz lantunkan ayat no. 7, surah Al-Anfal.
08:05Boleh ta'fadbal makjurah.
08:07Terima kasih Al-Fatihah Ustaz Zarifi.
08:09Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
08:12Sekali lagi buat ibu ayah, tontonan puan-puan, anak-anak bunda-bunda, penonton yang beriman, yang dikasih oleh Allah SWT.
08:18Moga-moga terus sihat, ceria, bahagia bersama dengan Al-Quran.
08:22Dan hari ini dapat terus menelusuri bahagian ketiga, surah Al-Anfal untuk halaman yang ke-177.
08:302 ayat yang kita nak belajar hari ini, kita nak baca terlebih dahulu ayat yang ke-7.
08:35Ayat yang ke-7 kita nak baca sama-sama insyaAllah dan kita nak mendengar gema suara.
08:41Kita nak dengar gema suara daripada ibu ayah, para jemaah kita dari Masjid Mu'ad yang memang tersohor dan terkenal lah.
08:49Di Malaysia kita, Masjid Mu'ad. Jadi, tolong bagi mic.
08:55Dah risaulah.
08:56Ujian terus ya.
08:58Kita baca ramai-ramai insyaAllah.
09:00Bersama-sama insyaAllah. Ayat yang ke-7 apa kata kita coba menggunakan Taranum Hijaz.
09:04Kita baca secara merotel insyaAllah. Boleh insyaAllah?
09:07Taranum apa tadi?
09:10Hijaz. Kita coba. Taranum apa?
09:13Sekali lagi ya.
09:15Sebut itu bunyi hijaz lah.
09:17Hijaz lah.
09:18Bunyi hijaz.
09:19A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
09:39SadaqAllahul Azeem.
10:09SadaqAllahul Azeem.
10:24Baik, Father Ustaz. Ayat no. 7 ini membawa maksud.
10:27Dan ingatlah ketika Allah SWT menjanjikan kepada kamu bahwa salah satu daripada dua golongan yang kamu hadapi
10:37adalah untuk kamu sedangkan kamu menginginkan bahwa yang tidak mempunyai kekuatan senjata lah untuk kamu.
10:47Tetapi Allah hendak membenarkan yang benar dengan ayat-ayat Allah dan memusnahkan orang-orang kafir sampai ke akar umbinya.
11:00Baik, Saudara. Apa tersir, apa tadabur yang kita nak dapat daripada ayat no. 7 ini?
11:05Sekembalinya nanti dengan kami, kami akan perincikan.
11:35Sekembalinya nanti dengan kami, kami akan perincikkan.
12:05Menghilang dan mencari satu yang mempertimbangkan diri sendiri.
12:08Apakah solusi?
12:10Saya juga tidak tahu.
12:11Jiwa mendengar memaknai luka negara.
13:06Ya Allah.
13:08Ya Allah.
13:10Ya Allah.
13:12Ya Allah.
13:14Ya Allah.
13:16Ya Allah.
13:18Ya Allah.
13:20Ya Allah.
13:22Ya Allah.
13:24Ya Allah.
13:26Ya Allah.
13:28Ya Allah.
13:30Ya Allah.
13:32Ya Allah.
13:35Ya Allah.
13:38وَجَعَلْهُ لَنَا هُجَّتَيْنَ
13:45يَا رُبَّ الْعَالَمِينَ
13:55أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ
14:06وَإِذْ يَعِدُكُمُ اللَّهُ إِحْدَى الطَّائِفَتَيْنِ
14:19أَنَّهَا لَكُمْ قَدَقَ اللَّهُ الْعَظِيمِ
14:32Thank you, Al-Fadhil Ustadh Tarmizi for reciting the 7th verse in Surah Al-Anfal.
14:36Okay, brothers and sisters.
14:39The Muslims who were lacking at that time.
14:43Lacking in terms of military equipment.
14:46Lacking in terms of people.
14:50Suddenly, two groups came to Rasulullah and his companions.
14:53Two enemies.
14:55The first enemy was Abu Sufyan's caravan.
14:58As we mentioned in the previous episode,
15:00Abu Sufyan's caravan stole and plundered the property of the Muslims in Makkah.
15:07The value of which was 50,000 dinars plus RM 40 million.
15:14Brothers and sisters, according to the story,
15:16to steal the property of the Muslims that they plundered in Makkah,
15:20they needed 1,000 camels and 40 guards.
15:26This was the first enemy.
15:29The second enemy was led by their general, as usual,
15:33which was Abu Jahl.
15:34They came from Makkah with the intention to come to Madinah to kill Muhammad.
15:40The army of Abu Jahl, which consisted of more than 1,000 people,
15:44was sufficient in terms of military equipment.
15:47It was sufficient in terms of caravans and military equipment.
15:51So, there were two enemies in front of them.
15:54In Surah Al-Anfal, verse 7,
15:58Allah knows that the people of faith, the companions of the Prophet,
16:01at that time, there were some who said,
16:03we don't need to fight with Abu Jahl.
16:05They are sufficient. We are not sufficient.
16:08We don't even need a caravan.
16:10We are sufficient to fight or defend the caravan of Abu Sufyan.
16:15That is sufficient.
16:17But, O Allah's mercy,
16:20the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him,
16:22did what Allah commanded him to do.
16:25وَأَمْرُهُمْ شُورَىٰ بَيْنَهُمْ
16:27Discuss among yourselves.
16:29وَشَوِرُهُمْ فِي الْأَمْرِ
16:31Discuss in every action of yours.
16:34The Messenger of Allah gathered the companions
16:36in a place called Rawha.
16:39The Prophet asked for an opinion.
16:41أَشِيرُ عَلَيَّ أَيُّهَا النَّاسِ
16:44Ladies and gentlemen,
16:45at that time,
16:47the leader of the Ansar group,
16:51named Sa'ad bin Mu'adh,
16:54he was also the leader of the Ansar group
16:57in the Muslim army,
16:59which consisted of 311 people.
17:02What did he say?
17:04O Messenger of Allah,
17:07go ahead with your journey
17:10wherever you want to go, O Messenger of Allah.
17:14For the sake of Allah, O Muhammad,
17:16you were sent to bring justice, O Muhammad.
17:22O Muhammad,
17:23we will always follow the Lord from behind.
17:28We will never leave you, O Muhammad.
17:31We are not like the people of Israel,
17:34who left their Prophet.
17:36We are not like them.
17:37We will always be behind you, O Muhammad.
17:42Ladies and gentlemen,
17:44if this statement is said by Sayyidina Bilal bin Rabah,
17:48Sayyidina Abu Bakar al-Siddiq,
17:50Sayyidina Omar al-Khattab,
17:52it is not strange.
17:53Because those are the Muhajirin.
17:55For 13 years,
17:56they were tortured,
17:57they were insulted,
17:58they were physically abused.
18:01In Makkah,
18:02they were equally tortured by Rasulullah.
18:04But the people of Ansar,
18:05they were happy,
18:06they were never tortured that much.
18:08But when Mu'adh,
18:09Sa'ad bin Mu'adh,
18:10stood up and represented the people of Ansar,
18:14as if he understood,
18:15O Messenger of Allah,
18:16do you want to hear
18:18what the people of Ansar think of us?
18:20That is what was said by Sa'ad bin Mu'adh,
18:23representing the people of Ansar.
18:26When Rasulullah s.a.w. heard
18:29the words of Sa'ad bin Mu'adh,
18:31representing the people of Ansar,
18:33Rasulullah s.a.w.
18:35continued to answer,
18:37what did Rasulullah s.a.w. mean?
18:40Let us all continue
18:42to the battlefield
18:44with Allah's blessings.
18:47Because Allah s.w.t.
18:49has promised us victory.
18:51We will defeat the enemies
18:53who are at war with us now.
18:55For the sake of Allah,
18:56I feel that
18:58I will witness the death
19:00of the people of Qoraj
19:02and their destruction.
19:06These words were recited
19:08by Imam al-Baydawi.
19:13Rasulullah s.a.w.
19:16when he stood in front of
19:18such a critical moment,
19:20on the paper,
19:22the Muslims lost, ladies and gentlemen.
19:25I repeat,
19:26on the paper,
19:28we lost.
19:31On the paper, we lost.
19:33Abu Jahl was so arrogant,
19:35he said,
19:37let us go to Madinah
19:39to fight with Muhammad
19:41and his people and his companions.
19:43I want to kill Muhammad
19:45and his companions.
19:48We will be grateful
19:50in the city of Madinah
19:52as a sign of our victory.
19:55These words were recited
19:57by Abu Jahl.
20:00Abu Jahl was so arrogant.
20:02Ladies and gentlemen,
20:04what happened?
20:06Tawakkal to Allah.
20:08That is the characteristic
20:10that was recited in the 2nd verse,
20:123rd verse of surah Al-Anfal.
20:14That is the characteristic of a believer
20:16and a righteous person.
20:18Ladies and gentlemen,
20:20on the night of the battle of Badar al-Kubra,
20:23on the night of the battle of Badar al-Kubra,
20:26at that time,
20:28what did Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib say?
20:30He said,
20:32at that time, I saw
20:34none of us
20:36who woke up at night to pray.
20:38Except I saw
20:40those who woke up at night to pray,
20:42that is Rasulullah SAW.
20:46Sayyidina Ali saw Rasulullah SAW
20:48praying under a tree,
20:50and the Prophet was crying,
20:54pleading to Allah.
20:56Until the next morning,
20:58Sayyidina Abu Bakar saw
21:00Rasulullah SAW
21:02praying to Allah.
21:04O Allah,
21:06where is your help?
21:08O Allah,
21:10O Allah,
21:12Fulfill all that
21:14you have promised me.
21:16O Allah,
21:18if this team of Islam,
21:20O Allah,
21:22if this team of Islam
21:24is defeated and destroyed,
21:26O Allah,
21:28if this team of Islam
21:30is defeated and destroyed in this battle,
21:32O Allah,
21:34you will not be
21:36worshipped in this world
21:38forever, O Allah.
21:40Ladies and gentlemen,
21:42Tonton Haji Puan Hajar,
21:44Rasulullah SAW
21:46narrated that
21:48Rasulullah SAW
21:50was praying to Allah,
21:52until the cloth
21:54on Rasulullah SAW's shoulder
21:58Sayyidina Abu Bakar
22:00took the cloth
22:02and put it back on
22:04Rasulullah SAW's shoulder.
22:08What did Sayyidina Abu Bakar
22:10say to Rasulullah SAW?
22:12O Rasulullah,
22:14Enough is enough,
22:16O Rasulullah,
22:18Enough is enough, O Rasulullah,
22:20Enough is enough,
22:22Allah SWT
22:24will surely help you.
22:26O Allah,
22:28Allah SWT
22:30will never
22:32break His promise.
22:34Allah SWT will surely fulfill His promise
22:36to you, O Muhammad.
22:38Ladies and gentlemen,
22:40That was the words
22:42of Sayyidina Abu Bakar
22:46to Rasulullah SAW.
22:48A sign of loyalty to his friend,
22:50his beloved,
22:52Abu Bakar to Rasulullah SAW.
22:54It gave him the spirit.
22:56That's where we learn
22:58how Rasulullah SAW
23:00put all of his dependence
23:02on Allah SWT.
23:04Ladies and gentlemen,
23:06in this broadcast,
23:08we learn together.
23:10Of course,
23:12in the 7th verse,
23:14which was recited by Ustaz Termizi,
23:20The word haqqa,
23:22the lower line of the word haqqa,
23:26the absolute truth.
23:28It is mentioned 287 times
23:30in the Quran.
23:32In Surah Yunus, Surah Al-Qasas,
23:34Surah Ash-Shura.
23:36It is one of the Surahs
23:38where the word haqqa
23:40is mentioned.
23:42Ladies and gentlemen,
23:44this is the beauty of the Quran.
23:46The Quran is a treasure.
23:48Every side of it
23:50is beautiful and interesting
23:52because it gives a light
23:54that shines
23:56throughout time.
23:58Let's continue.
24:00In Surah Al-Anfal,
24:02there is an extraordinary spirit
24:04of learning.
24:06The Muslims today
24:08are pressured
24:10to learn from the spirit
24:12of the Battle of Al-Kubra
24:14from the companions
24:16and Rasulullah SAW.
24:18As an inspiration to all of us.
24:20We'll be back
24:22to learn Tajweed
24:24with our teacher,
24:26Al-Fadhil Ustaz Termizi.
24:34And make it for us two evidences,
24:42O Lord of the worlds.
25:04Surah Al-Anfal, Surah Ash-Shura.
25:34Surah Al-Anfal, Surah Ash-Shura.
25:46Surah Al-Anfal, Surah Ash-Shura.
25:58One thing I'd like to mention,
26:00the point you mentioned,
26:02we realise that we can do that
26:04in Ramadan.
26:06That's one of the clues for me.
26:08Please, give us some advice.
26:10This is a common problem
26:12that we face
26:14and we pay attention to our friends.
26:16For example,
26:18when I was studying,
26:20I had a friend who passed away.
26:22He passed away.
26:24But in Ramadan, he can stop.
26:26Meaning, he can stop.
26:28He doesn't even smoke.
26:30Some people smoke,
26:32but he doesn't.
26:34He can stop in Ramadan.
26:36After Ramadan, he starts smoking again.
26:38I think this is similar to other things.
26:40Some people may like to watch movies,
26:42or watch bad things.
26:44But, in Ramadan,
26:46he can stop.
26:48It shows that he has the strength
26:50to do those things.
26:52But, at the same time,
26:54he needs a support system.
28:48in ourselves, especially for us to do jihad on the path of Allah SWT
28:54among which, right now, we are doing jihad in the field of knowledge
28:57we are demanding knowledge, understanding the Al-Quran and its contents
29:01as good as Al-Fatihah Sa'ad Zarifi
29:03I'm actually ashamed to say that because Al-Fatihah Sa'ad Zarifi's lyrics are the best, you know, in that recitation
29:08and the most recent one is Lima Jemari, the song
29:11MasyaAllah, MasyaAllah
29:12But this session is not yet
29:13Oh, that's right, in a different character, Sa'ad
29:16I'm looking forward to the next episode to listen to Al-Fatihah Zarifi
29:20InsyaAllah, let's wait together
29:22What's the name?
29:23Al-Fatihah Zarifi's melodious voice
29:26Qari, Nashi, Cerama
29:28That's all
29:29Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, thank you
29:31I feel like I want to sit on a table
29:33Alright, so InsyaAllah, Ibu Ayah, allow Al-Fatihah Zarifi
29:36We want to consult a little with the audience
29:40Our choice of words for our recitation session
29:44Let's pay attention
29:45Alright, the first one
29:47Our focus in the seventh verse
29:52Let's pay attention
29:54A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
29:56One, two, three
30:17One more time, pay attention
30:27One, two, three
30:41MashaAllah, Alhamdulillah
30:42Did everyone make a sound just now?
30:44He said, you didn't make a sound just now
30:46You were just muttering
30:48Everyone made a sound
30:50Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
30:52MashaAllah, Alhamdulillah
30:53Alright, pay attention to IHDA
30:55The letter H is hard to explain
30:57IHDA, let's try
31:02Don't push it down
31:04It becomes IHDA, the base for the letter H
31:06IHDA, let's try IHDA
31:10In the middle of our throat
31:12The letter H
31:13IHDA, let's try
31:17What letter is his friend?
31:19In the middle of our throat
31:21What is his friend's name?
31:23One letter H
31:25Another is AIN
31:27Try A
31:33What is the base for the letter H?
31:35H, there is a letter H
31:37There is a letter H
31:39I want you to understand
31:41That is H, try H
31:44His friend?
31:46No, no, no
31:47If H is the base
31:51If AIN, his friend is H
31:53In the middle of our throat
31:55H and A, let's try
32:01The base is H
32:03At the end, the base of our throat
32:13That is the base of our throat
32:15This one is H, be careful
32:17Then we find the word
32:21That long T
32:23What is his name?
32:25If you remember
32:27Mutasil or Munfasil?
32:31Some call it Maddul Mutasil
32:33Some call it Madwajib Mutasil
32:35One more, Madjais Munfasil
32:37This is found in Hamzah
32:39In one word
32:41At least four or five movements
33:01What is found at Nun?
33:05Anna Wajibal Ghun
33:07Two movements
33:09Two movements?
33:11Two movements
33:13He said two movements
33:15Do you want to go to Kunuq?
33:17Kunuq is long
33:19Kunuq is long, where is Kunuq?
33:21He said Nazillah
33:23So only two movements
33:25Let's see
33:27The second one
33:29The word of our choice
33:31That is
33:33Anna Ghaira Zatish Shaukati Takunulakum
33:37I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
33:39Anna Ghaira Zatish Shaukati Takunulakum
33:41Anna Ghaira Zatish Shaukati Takunulakum
33:45Anna Ghaira Zatish Shaukati Takunulakum
33:47Anna Ghaira Zatish Shaukati Takunulakum
33:49Anna Ghaira Zatish Shaukati Takunulakum
33:51Let's see again
33:53Nun with Sabdu
33:55Two movements
33:59Let's see the other letters
34:01We studied earlier
34:03The beginning of our language
34:05Ra and Kha
34:07Anna Ghaira
34:09Anna Ghaira
34:11Some read it thinly
34:13Anna Ghaira
34:15It is read as Ghaira
34:19Because it is familiar to the Fatihah
34:21Sirat al-lazina
34:23Ana amta'alayhim
34:27So it is Ghairi
34:29So when we find
34:31other letters, it becomes thin
34:33So we have to be careful of the letter Ra
34:35One of the letters, one of its attributes
34:37It is thick
34:39So we have to be careful
34:55Zatish Shaukati
34:57Zatish Shaukati
34:59Zatish Shaukati
35:01Zatish Shaukati
35:03Zatish Shaukati
35:05The practice of the letter Kha
35:07And the letter Qaf
35:09Audhu Billahi min ash-shaitanir rajim
35:25One more time
35:47It is clear the sound of Kha and Qaf
35:49Be careful of the sound
35:53It should be Qa
35:55The letter Qaf should not be Qa
36:17So if you can practice, it should be different
36:19Take those two letters, Qaf and Qaf
36:21Practice it, from the top
36:23From the bottom
36:27From the front
36:29One more time
36:33Those are the words of our Tajweed
36:35That we want to share
36:37SubhanAllah, it is interesting
36:39And sometimes, Al-Fatihah
36:41Sometimes we do not realize
36:43It is not that we do not know
36:45Sometimes it is wrong, sometimes it is forgotten
36:47We have not asked the name yet
36:49Nunmati met with Iyya
36:51After Eid
36:55That is what we try to share with the audience
36:57We repeat our Tajweed
36:59In the session
37:01My Quran Time
37:03We also share about memorization
37:05Let's try some words
37:07To try to memorize
37:09Audhu Billahi minashaytanir rajim
37:11Pay attention
37:35One more time
37:47Like this
38:01Before we take a break
38:03Don't look at the Quran
38:05Don't look at the Al-Quran
38:07Look at the front
38:09Try it
38:11One, two, three
38:27If we repeat it a few times
38:29InshaAllah it will be remembered
38:31That is only 3-4 times
38:35It will be lost
38:37It will be remembered
38:43There are more verses that we want to share
38:45But we will take a break
38:47My Quran Time
38:49Quran Salat
38:57Quran Salat
39:27Quran Salat
39:29Quran Salat
39:31Quran Salat
39:33Quran Salat
39:35Quran Salat
39:37Quran Salat
39:39Quran Salat
39:41Quran Salat
39:43Quran Salat
39:45Quran Salat
39:47Quran Salat
39:49Quran Salat
39:51Quran Salat
39:53Quran Salat
39:55What is the solution?
39:57Let's listen together
39:59What does the meaning of Quran means?
40:25So, Rasulullah wanted to see what the condition of the enemy was, because the wind was strong and the weather was very cold.
40:35Then Rasulullah said, who dares to go?
40:37Who dares to go?
40:39Rasulullah said, in the hadith, he said,
40:48Rasulullah said, isn't there a man who can be a spy to see what the enemy is doing?
40:53All the companions did not dare to go.
40:55Who dares to go and ask for the enemy's army?
40:57Then in a dark night like that, in a cold and complicated situation,
41:01no one dared to go.
41:03Then Rasulullah called Huzaifah.
41:05Huzaifah called Huzaifah.
41:06Huzaifah immediately stood up, didn't hesitate.
41:08She didn't say, Rasulullah, it's cold tonight.
41:11Even in the story, Huzaifah was already close to Abu Sufyan.
41:16Abu Sufyan, when he was leading the enemy army,
41:19he was already in a close situation.
41:20He said in the hadith, if I shoot, it will hit Abu Sufyan.
41:50He said in the hadith,
42:20Surah Al-Anfal, verse number 8,
42:22which means,
42:23so that Allah strengthens what is right, which is Islam,
42:27and removes what is false, which is shirk.
42:31Even though the people who sin, i.e. the polytheists,
42:34do not like it.
42:36Respected brothers and sisters,
42:38let's continue our discussion.
42:41Alhamdulillah, thank you Ustaz Termizi,
42:43who guided us to read the Quran correctly,
42:46the rules of the tajweed.
42:47I am happy and we are all very happy with Ustaz Termizi
42:49because he made it easier for us to understand
42:54and to practice.
42:59Inspiration from our Ustaz Zalif.
43:02Alhamdulillah, Ustaz, we are united.
43:04Dear brothers and sisters,
43:06when we are having a discussion in Rawuha,
43:10the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. asked the companions,
43:16do we all want to go to Medan Badar?
43:19Sayyidina Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, Sayyidina Omar Al-Khattab,
43:24with firmness, they answered,
43:26yes, O Messenger of Allah s.a.w.
43:29Then he asked the Muhajireen,
43:33what did the Muhajireen,
43:35Al-Miqdat bin Al-Aswad, r.a, answer?
43:39O Messenger of Allah s.a.w.,
43:41we will not say no.
43:44We will not leave our Messenger,
43:47like what the Israelites did
43:50when they left Prophet Musa s.a.w.
43:53They said to Prophet Musa s.a.w.,
43:55O Musa s.a.w.,
43:56go and fight with your Lord.
44:00Go and fight with your Lord, O Musa s.a.w.
44:06That is what the Israelites said to their Prophet,
44:12Prophet Musa s.a.w.
44:15Al-Miqdat bin Al-Aswad, r.a,
44:19he said,
44:20we will not be like the Israelites.
44:23Ladies and gentlemen,
44:25we will discuss later
44:27how the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.
44:29asked Allah s.a.w. for help.
44:37Allah s.w.t
44:40has fulfilled His promise.
44:43Allah s.w.t helped the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.
44:46to face Abu Jahl,
44:49who was so arrogant.
44:51How did Allah s.w.t help him?
44:53Allah s.w.t ordered the angel of Jibril s.a.w.
44:57to go down to the world,
44:59to Badr,
45:01to Badr together,
45:02with 500 other angels,
45:05to be on the right side of the Muslim army.
45:09Not only that,
45:11how did the angel of Jibril s.a.w.
45:15go down with 500 other angels
45:18to gather
45:20and attack
45:22beside the Muslim army,
45:24on the left side.
45:25This is the promise of Allah s.w.t.
45:28Go down to verse 9,
45:30Surah Al-Anfal,
45:31which we will discuss later
45:33in the next episode.
45:37What we mentioned earlier,
45:39the angel of Jibril s.a.w.,
45:40the angel of Mikail s.a.w.,
45:42went down with 1000 other angels,
45:44on the left and right.
45:45This is stated in Tafsir As-Sawi.
45:51What's interesting is,
45:53we can learn how the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.
45:56as a general of war,
45:59the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.
46:01did not leave his companions,
46:03did not leave his children
46:05to fight with the enemy
46:09The Prophet s.a.w. was with his companions.
46:11This is a lesson for us.
46:13As a leader,
46:15as a leader in the community,
46:17we must always be together
46:19with our organisation.
46:21That's the first lesson.
46:22The second lesson is,
46:23of course,
46:24in any decision that needs to be made,
46:27as an example,
46:28as a family leader,
46:30we must have a discussion
46:32with our wives and children
46:34to make a decision.
46:36Mr. Haji,
46:37I want to ask you,
46:38is there a monthly meeting in the family?
46:43After this, we have to do it.
46:44At least,
46:45once a month,
46:47there will be a meeting.
46:48There will be a meeting.
46:49Children will be the recorders
46:51and the witnesses.
46:52Ustaz Tirmizi,
46:53there is indeed a meeting
46:54with your wife and children, right?
46:56in the car.
46:57In the car, right?
46:58That's also a meeting.
46:59It's not just a meeting.
47:02Even though it's a peaceful meeting,
47:03it's a discussion.
47:04A discussion.
47:05That's the second thing.
47:06Ladies and gentlemen,
47:07there is one more thing
47:08that I want to mention
47:09to get you motivated.
47:11Ladies and gentlemen,
47:12there are two young men
47:14named Mu'adh.
47:16The first one is
47:18Mu'adh bin Afra.
47:20Mu'adh bin Afra.
47:22The second one is
47:23Mu'adh bin Amru bin Aljamuh.
47:28Ladies and gentlemen,
47:29these two young men,
47:31when they were chosen by Rasulullah
47:33to join the battalion
47:36of the Muslim army at that time,
47:39Sayyidina Abdul Rahman bin Auf
47:43while I was in the line of battle,
47:48there were two young men
47:49who wanted to join.
47:50They were beside me
47:52and they asked,
47:53Pakcik, Pakcik,
47:54where is Abu Jahal?
47:56Do you know Abu Jahal?
47:58Please tell us,
47:59where is Abu Jahal?
48:01Ladies and gentlemen,
48:02why did he say that?
48:03These two young men said,
48:06I was told,
48:07I was told,
48:08that Abu Jahal
48:09is the one who often
48:10has an argument with Rasulullah.
48:12He often insults Rasulullah.
48:14He often curses Rasulullah
48:16and insults Rasulullah.
48:18Let today, Pakcik,
48:20our shadow
48:21and the shadow of Abu Jahal
48:23will never be separated.
48:26either us or Abu Jahal
48:28will die in the battlefield
48:32Those are the words
48:34of two young men
48:36who put Abu Jahal
48:38as the target man
48:40to end the story
48:42on that day
48:43for the sake of Islam,
48:44for the sake of the eighth verse,
48:46which is to glorify religion.
48:49Ladies and gentlemen,
48:50Allah's promise is true.
48:53in the battlefield,
48:55Abu Jahal
48:57was sacrificed,
48:58was killed.
48:59Not by the five great warriors
49:02on the right.
49:05Abu Jahal died
49:06in the hands of these two young men,
49:08Mu'adh bin Afra
49:10and Mu'adh bin Amr al-Jamuh.
49:14Allah insulted,
49:16Allah insulted
49:18these arrogant people.
49:20He died in the hands of these two young men
49:22who were super, super junior.
49:25Ladies and gentlemen,
49:29ladies and gentlemen,
49:30when the Muslims
49:32won in the battlefield,
49:37the Messenger of Allah SAW
49:40Allah tested him
49:41with the feeling of grief.
49:44Why, ladies and gentlemen?
49:47when the Muslims
49:49won in the battlefield,
49:51and the news reached Madinah,
49:54which is 130 km away,
49:59at that time,
50:01the residents of Madinah received the news
50:03that the Muslims won
50:06on the same day.
50:09Your son, Rasulullah SAW,
50:12the daughter of Rasulullah,
50:14Ruqayyah binti Rasulullah,
50:17passed away.
50:20And on that day,
50:21the residents of Madinah said,
50:23when we received the news
50:24that we won,
50:25the Muslims won,
50:26at that time,
50:27we were tidying up
50:29the grave of Ruqayyah binti Rasulullah SAW.
50:33Look, ladies and gentlemen,
50:35how great
50:37the sacrifice of Rasulullah SAW
50:41to win the religion of Allah.
50:44Rasulullah lost his family,
50:46lost his beloved son,
50:48lost everything
50:49for the sake of the Muslims,
50:51for the sake of Allah's religion.
50:53We, as the sons and daughters
50:55of the Ummah of Muhammad SAW,
50:58let us today, ladies and gentlemen,
51:00make a solemn promise
51:02to follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW.
51:06We become people
51:07who show noble morals
51:09as shown by Rasulullah SAW.
51:13Ladies and gentlemen,
51:14there are three resolutions.
51:16be patient in facing difficulties
51:18and difficulties
51:19with a firm heart.
51:22our lesson is
51:23to be brave to defeat the enemy,
51:25to have faith and righteousness
51:27so that the truth is firm.
51:31we always glorify
51:33and elevate the status of Islam
51:36by spreading the nobility of Islam.
51:39Ustaz Termizi,
51:41I will pass the floor to Al-Fadhil Ustaz.
51:43Please proceed.
51:44Thank you,
51:45Al-Fadhil Ustaz Muhammad Zarifi,
51:47Mak Daud.
51:48May Allah bless you.
51:49It is not said,
51:51and if there is a hadith,
51:53that it is not high enough
51:54the virtue of Rasulullah SAW
51:56to sacrifice the family members.
51:58It means,
51:59the sacrifice for him is too high.
52:02we become people of Rasulullah SAW
52:04who glorify,
52:07and elevate the Holy Qur'an.
52:09This is our message to Prophet Muhammad SAW.
52:15I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
54:09May Allah bless you.
54:10May Allah bless you.
54:11May Allah bless you.
54:12May Allah bless you.
54:13May Allah bless you.
54:14May Allah bless you.
54:15May Allah bless you.
54:16May Allah bless you.
54:17May Allah bless you.
54:18May Allah bless you.
54:19May Allah bless you.
54:20May Allah bless you.
54:21May Allah bless you.
54:22May Allah bless you.
54:23May Allah bless you.
54:24May Allah bless you.
54:25May Allah bless you.
54:26May Allah bless you.
54:27May Allah bless you.
54:28May Allah bless you.
54:29May Allah bless you.
54:30May Allah bless you.
54:31May Allah bless you.
54:32May Allah bless you.
54:33May Allah bless you.
54:34May Allah bless you.
54:35May Allah bless you.
54:36May Allah bless you.
54:37May Allah bless you.
54:38May Allah bless you.
54:39Thank you...
54:40...to Al-Fadil Ustaz Muhammad Zarifi.
54:44this is not the last episode.
54:46We'd like to come back to hear cute words from
54:48Al-Fadil Ustaz Muhammad Zarifi
54:49and bring out more about the blessings
54:51of Holy Quran in our lives.
54:53InshaAllah, the episodes will be continuous in the future.
54:55Allah willing, Hasan.
54:57God willing, Hassan.
54:59That's all for this episode.
55:01We'll see you in the next episode
55:04In MyQuranTime duration
55:06Insha'Allah. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, wallahualam, jumpa lagi.
55:36Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, wallahualam, jumpa lagi.
56:06Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
