• 2 months ago
A representative from the Vatican City State delivered credentials to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, giving legitimacy to his government in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church. teleSUR


00:00Let's go live to Caracas, Venezuela once more, where the National Assembly is holding an ordinary session. Let's see.
00:30Let's go live to Caracas, Venezuela once more, where the National Assembly is holding an ordinary session.
01:00Let's go live to Caracas, Venezuela once more, where the National Assembly is holding an ordinary session.
01:30Let's go live to Caracas, Venezuela once more, where the National Assembly is holding an ordinary session.
01:40Let's go live to Caracas, Venezuela once more, where the National Assembly is holding an ordinary session.
01:50Your Excellency, Monseigneur Alberto Ortega Martín, Nuncio Apostolic, designed by the Holy See before the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
02:02At this moment, the Constitutional President is receiving, to receive in the Palace of Piraflores, with a friendly welcome to the Nuncio Apostolico.
02:17Your Excellency, Monseigneur Alberto Ortega Martín, they're sharing this historic image to share with all the Venezuelan people and the world.
02:28This handshake, also a sign, is also greeting and shaking hands with Siria Flores de Maduro and also those who are together and here in this day.
02:43The friendship between President Maduro and Monseigneur, the relations between the Catholic Church and the Venezuelan state are strengthened with the principle of peaceful principles in the Bolivarian state with the diplomatic relations with the Vatican State.
03:08We see what has been this moving meeting between both authorities.
03:14Also, we say that Ignacio Cefalia is also present on the Venezuelan delegation, is also the first combatant, Siria Flores, also the Foreign Minister, Iván Gil, and also the Minister for Europe.
03:35Also, we remember that the diplomatic relations between the Vatican State and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has flourished with the very relationship that Maduro has promoted with Pope Francis in May 2024.
03:51The head of state expressed, I appreciate his holy father, Pope Francis, to receive for the person of Venezuela at the Vatican.
04:00We receive with joy, with love, our relation with the people, the Catholic people of our country.
04:08I hope that you can visit this beautiful land so that with this message, to appreciate your message of Pope Francis to the Venezuelan delegations.
04:20Also, we say in what has been the diplomatic work of the ambassador, we can say and highlight Monsignor has been designated by Pope Francis in Venezuela.
04:37He was born in 1962.
04:39He speaks Spanish, Italian, English, and French.
04:43He became a priest in 1990.
04:50He began the diplomatic service in 1997.
04:54Pope Francis made the announcement of the designation of Monsignor de Ortega Martín last May.
05:02We can also highlight that Monsignor Alberto Martín has also provided services in Nicaragua between 1997 and 1999, as well as in South Africa between 1999 and 2002.
05:20Also, he has been working in Lebanon since 2013.
05:25Also, he was part of the mission of the state from 2014 to 2015, and has also been responsible of the embassies of the Vatican State in Iraq.
05:40He was also designated Apostolic Nuncio in Chile.
05:44Also, he has studied in the economic faculty in the Autonomous University of Madrid.
05:49Also, he studied philosophy and theology.
05:53He was also ordained in 1990.
05:59We will see now images that we are showing in this meeting between the President Nicolás Maduro and the authority of the Vatican State that will become and will carry out all the diplomatic functions here in the Venezuelan state
06:19to strengthen the bilateral relations based on the Christian and Catholic faith to deal with the social problems of humanity.
06:28Now, with a vision, a very spiritual vision that adjusts to the new times where they will profess peace as a base of all the relations of humanity.
06:40Also, we have to recall the context that Chávez established relations since 1999, a very model relations with the Vatican State with this John Paul II promoting the political dialogue,
06:55relations based on the mutual respect on and diverse areas to strengthen the ideals, the Christian ideals, the relations, diplomatic relations between both states have been established since 1869.
07:09Also, Venezuela has an embassy in Rome represented by the ex-president.
07:16Also, we have to say that in June 2017 or the 17th of June 2013, President Nicolás Maduro met with Pope Francis and that opportunity,
07:30they talked about the recognition on the part of the United Nations Organization for Agriculture and Food to Venezuela for what they have accomplished the half of the millennium against starvation and malnutrition.
07:48These social problems are also part of the agenda between the Vatican and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in this interest to strengthen this dialogue, this political dialogue of understanding and also to the meeting and to all the problems, social problems that are in the scene, in the scenario of the geopolitical in the world.
08:12Since then, Venezuela has had a friend in Pope Francis who has promoted, first of all, the beatification and canonization of José Gregorio Hernández but has been applauded by the faithful of Catholic faithful that has shown the miracles of the people, of the poor people.
08:30For instance, the saint of the people of this mission that President Maduro has promoted before the Vatican where we have had the major support by Pope Francis, the miracle of a girl at 13 years was impacted by a bullet in the brain.
08:50It could not be operated on until 48 hours after the accident what generated the loss of brain mass. At that moment, the doctors say that she was not going to survive, but in an unexplained way, this healing was made.
09:20The Vatican has approved us for humanity for the miracle achieved by Gregorio Hernández to this child, an icon, what has been the Christian faith of the Venezuelan people that has been recognized by the Vatican.
09:40We have to see in the image now this friendly meeting with President Maduro, with the authority of the Vatican State, which will be represented here in the Republic of Venezuela.
10:04We have to bet on peace and understanding, on consensus to move on, on the development, the integral development of our nation as well as to make all those changes, all those transformations that the nation requires in facing the great challenges that have been going on with the birth of a new world.
10:26Also, the Catholic Church and the Christian faith shared between Venezuela and Vatican State has a fundamental role to play in this context. The arrival of Monsignor Ortega Martín also marks a new epoch between the relations of Venezuela and the Vatican State in this mission of peaceful peace by the Bolivarian Revolution and respect of the people and mutual respect in what has been also the respect of Venezuela.
10:56Monsignor Ortega has carried out as a banner and has this dignity of free country and sovereign country to continue the diplomatic relations with the diverse countries of the world.
11:08In this case, with the Vatican State, this dialogue by the President is called a multidimensional dialogue that is integrated in five issues like the economic sector, the social sector, the political sector, the identity, the collective identity, the cultural identity, our character of culture, our relations with all the peoples of the world, with the peoples of the world to what Venezuela contributes.
11:38This new challenge that is calling to the new humanity, to the new birth of a new world and that Venezuela also is writing its name, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is writing its name to build this new spaces of dialogue, of attention, of reconciliation and understanding, but also with support to support to what is the promotion of a Christian faith, the faith that is marking the tendency in all the world.
12:07The Christian faith, the Catholic faith is in all scenarios of the world just in the context of the birth of this new humanity as President Maduro has called.
12:19We appreciate at this moment in these images, this meeting, this friendly meeting between Maduro and the authority that has been assigned by Pope Francis, Monsignor Ortega Martin, who has been designated by the Vatican's seat to the Bolivarian country to contribute our regulations and to strengthen our relations and based on the Christian faith.
12:46Part of what is happening in this hall of Peru, in the Mayor of Palos, in this agenda that is being shared by President Nicolás Maduro with all the people of Venezuela is now a new agenda needs to be imposed between the Vatican State and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela within the context of the Bolivarian diplomacy based on respect and what has been the determination of the people, but also with this friendship that has been consecrated.
13:15Consecrated between Venezuela and the Vatican State with Pope Francis, who has been a great friend of Venezuela, of the faithful, the Christian faithful of the faith of the people has also called and also been attentive to the social problems and the resolution of conflicts that are affecting the humanity and for that new society of the new world that is being born.
13:40And it's also claiming it's been claimed by humanity. Pope Francis has been one of the big defenders of the social problems, but also all the great injustices that has had the peoples of the world.
13:54So as part of what we can offer you so far in this hall of the Mayor of Palos, which has been the delivery of the credential letters by Monsignor Ortega Martin.
14:07We are live to Caracas, Venezuela, where representatives of the Vatican, Apostolic Nuncio Monsignor Alberto Ortega Martin, hand over the credential letters to Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro.
14:18Venezuela and the world witness a historic image, the handshake of both authorities as a symbol of peace and also as a symbol of the Holy See's recognition of the constitutional government of President Nicolás Maduro and also as a proof of the historic relationship of deep respect between the Vatican State and Venezuela.
14:41We are seeing images of the encounter between the representative of the Vatican, Apostolic Nuncio Monsignor Alberto Ortega Martin, when he hand over the credential letters to Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro.
14:57As we were mentioning, Venezuela is witnessing a historic moment, a moment where the handshake between the both authorities represent a symbol of respect and a symbol of peace.
15:12Also, let's recall that Pope Francis is a great defender of social problems of the world, but also is a big defender of the justice and the just causes of the world.
15:26So this is a key moment for Venezuela in a moment of uncertainty where the far-right wing is trying to tarnish the elections and the results of the elections by calling to violence and by calling to an uprising, a social uprising in the country.
15:44So this is a moment of peace, this is a moment of validation of the constitutional government of President Nicolás Maduro. It's a moment of respect that also strengthens the relation between the Vatican State and also the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
16:03We can see both high representatives and the president shaking hands before the press and images that are going throughout the world at this moment, representing a moment of peace, a moment of validation, a moment of recognition of the constitutional president and the constitutional government of Venezuela.
16:31The president who was re-elected in the July 28th elections. This is all for the moment. Stay tuned with From the South.
