एनआईआरएफ रैंकिंग में हिंदू कॉलेज के टॉप पर पहुंचने पर प्राचार्या ने जताई खुशी, कहा- हम सही रास्ते पर हैं

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दिल्ली के हिंदू कॉलेज ने एनआईआरएफ रैंकिंग में शीर्ष स्थान हासिल किया है, जिसे लेकर कॉलेज की प्रायार्या ने खुशी जताई है. ईटीवी भारत से बातचीत में उन्होंने इसके पीछे का कारण बताया. आइए जानते हैं उन्होंने क्या कहा..


00:00NIRF Ranking was held on Monday by the Central Education Ministry.
00:07In this ranking, the Hindu College of Delhi University has got the first place in the College Category.
00:12We have with us the Principal of the Hindu College, Prof. Anju Srivastav.
00:17We will know from Pracharya Ma'am,
00:19how and in which areas were given attention when the Hindu College came first
00:25and what is the planning ahead to maintain this first place.
00:28It is a matter of great joy for us.
00:31And we feel a sense of accomplishment.
00:34Especially because it is our 125th year in the College,
00:38we feel a sense of accomplishment.
00:42We have been participating in this competition for a long time.
00:46We work very hard and provide all the data.
00:51But this is the first time we have come first.
00:55We have been consistently in the top five positions.
00:59But this time we are very happy to come first.
01:02And we see a path, a direction.
01:05The direction we are walking in is right and is in the best interest of the students.
01:11So your question is that we came first from the second position,
01:15so what did we do?
01:17We did the same thing as we did before.
01:20The main thing is that we did our work honestly.
01:26And there is nothing greater than hard work.
01:29We believe in this.
01:31And we take every step with a positive mindset.
01:35And in this, we have our students as our center.
01:41So whatever development we do,
01:43we do all the development keeping the students in the middle.
01:48So whether it is an add-on course or a certificate course,
01:53which is about cutting-edge technology,
01:56or looking at the needs of today's children,
02:00we have developed many courses.
02:02We have developed many courses in which there is a part of skill training,
02:07which is in line with our national education policy.
02:12Or the aim and motto of our Honorable Prime Minister
02:17is to make children employable.
02:20So keeping that employability in mind,
02:22we have also started some skill training programs.
02:25We have a skill development center,
02:27which has been granted to us by the university.
02:31In that, we want to give skills to the students in various ways
02:35so that they can make a good informed decision.
02:39In this club, there is measurement,
02:42there is IRF ranking research,
02:44there is teacher-student ratio.
02:46So how do you look at these measurements?
02:48How much is being completed in the college?
02:50How many marks have been scored?
02:51What is the role of IRF ranking in achieving this rank?
02:55When we start a new session,
02:59in our heart and mind,
03:01only the convenience of the children
03:03and maximum exposure, learning exposure,
03:07is in our mind.
03:09But when we are providing all this,
03:13what difference does it make to the parameters set by NIRF?
03:18One parameter is the research component.
03:22The other is the graduation outcome.
03:25When the child passes the graduation outcome,
03:28we get to know what he did.
03:30So if we provide good exposure,
03:32even outside the curriculum,
03:35it is not necessary for the child to go only for a job.
03:40He can study further in the same subject.
03:42And the children are meritorious.
03:44So they get a push to explore their subject further.
03:49Or go for research.
03:51Or go for company management.
03:53This type of graduation outcome is good for us.
03:56It means that the children are thinking something good for themselves.
04:00So we have got a lot of benefits in that.
04:03Ma'am, is there any parameter that you consider weak?
04:06To strengthen it further,
04:08so that it remains in the first place?
04:10In terms of weakness,
04:13looking at today's technology and facilities,
04:18and when the award giving was going on,
04:22the honourable education minister was also saying
04:26that they will add new aspects every year.
04:29Some will be related to gender.
04:32Some will be related to sustainability.
04:35And innovations.
04:36So we have to do all these things continuously.
