Her Possessive Guard Full Movie

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Her Possessive Guard Full Movie
00:00Hey, yo, Adam.
00:17You think you can just walk away?
00:18You got a debt to repay.
00:21You weren't the only one who lost money on that fight.
00:23Yeah, then I'll work the bar.
00:24Hell, I'll sweep the fucking floors, but I'm not fighting anymore.
00:28You don't make the rules here.
00:30There is one way out, all right?
00:32There's a big tournament coming up, four rounds.
00:36You win all four fights.
00:37You can walk.
00:40And to fund your new life, I'll even split the prize money, 70-30.
00:46That's more than enough to get your shit hole apartment back.
00:51So what do you say?
00:58Four fights.
00:59But that's it.
01:00Atta boy.
01:01In the meantime, you can stay with me like old days.
01:05What do you think?
01:06I'm good.
01:07I got a place.
01:08I'm good.
01:09I got a place.
01:10I'm good.
01:11I got a place.
01:12I'm good.
01:13I got a place.
01:28Don't come any closer.
01:41For what?
01:44You gonna eat me?
01:46What the hell is going on?
01:49Hey, cuz.
01:51What are you doing here?
01:52What happened to your face?
01:53How'd you get in here?
01:54Look, I was just hoping to crash on your couch.
01:55Just for a couple of weeks.
01:56I got some business in town.
01:57I don't know how it's for getting in.
01:58I got all kinds of skills.
01:59I wouldn't really call breaking and entering a skill.
02:00Look, it's late.
02:01We can talk about you staying in the morning.
02:02Excuse me?
02:03He's not staying.
02:04You know, last time I checked, you're not the only one on the lease.
02:05You're pretty arrogant for a trespasser.
02:06I'm not.
02:07I'm not.
02:08I'm not.
02:09I'm not.
02:10I'm not.
02:11I'm not.
02:12I'm not.
02:13I'm not.
02:14I'm not.
02:15I'm not.
02:16I'm not.
02:17I'm not.
02:18I'm not.
02:19I'm not.
02:20I'm not.
02:22You're pretty arrogant for a trespasser.
02:26You're pretty.
02:27Are you seriously flirting with me?
02:30I wouldn't dare.
02:33You can stay the night
02:34but that's it.
02:35Out by morning.
02:51Megan, I'm serious.
03:06I don't want him staying here.
03:07Look, I know he's your cousin and you're at your girlfriend's half the time anyways,
03:08but I...
03:09Hey, roomie.
03:10You're like, what'd you say?
03:19Why can't you look away?
03:30Because I'm in shock.
03:31That good, huh?
03:32You're delusional.
03:35Look, I'm sorry.
03:37I'm just...
03:38Look, I'm really in some trouble right now.
03:39And I really need your guys' help.
03:40Believe me, I hate to ask, but Megan is the only family I've got, so...
03:41Look, I promise I won't overstay my welcome.
03:42Unless you want me to.
03:44But no thanks.
03:45Well, I'm a little hard up for cash right now, so...
03:46Maybe I could pay by some other means?
03:47You can stay.
03:48No, I can't.
03:49I can't.
03:50I can't.
03:51I can't.
03:52I can't.
03:53I can't.
03:54I can't.
03:55I can't.
03:56I can't.
03:57I can't.
03:58I can't.
03:59I can't.
04:00I can't.
04:01I can't.
04:02I can't.
04:03I can't.
04:04I can't.
04:05I'll stay.
04:07But keep your offers to yourself.
04:09I'm not interested.
04:14We'll see about that...
04:35Merci beaucoup.
04:46Cara! Oh my god! I missed you so much.
04:51You really should have come to London with me. Study abroad's the best.
04:55Oh yeah, I just bet there was a whole lot of studying going on.
05:00I studied the architecture and mixology of many pubs.
05:03Speaking of, we should get you a drink. Gin and tonic still? Yeah?
05:11I had it already made.
05:18He was flirting with you. Are you interested?
05:22He is not. And if he was, no.
05:27Why's that? Are you interested in someone else?
05:33Come on, we've been best friends since the first day of intro to psych four years ago.
05:39I can read you like a book.
05:45Max, um, you're drunk. So?
05:51I thought you liked me. No, I do, but um...
05:56What the fuck? I'm sorry, I didn't mean...
05:59When did you become such a buzzkill?
06:03Oh wait, you're not so like a virgin, are you?
06:09When did you become such an asshole?
06:23Fucking hell, do you mind?
06:24Excuse you, you're interrupting.
06:27Cara, what happened?
06:28Nothing, just... If you ruin my couch, I swear to god...
06:33Cara! Cara!
06:45Are you hurt?
06:47What do you care? What about your friend?
06:53Tell me what happened.
06:54It's stupid.
06:55My friend Max kissed me.
06:57You don't like him like that?
06:58No, I do, or... I don't know.
07:04I've kind of always had a crush on him, but um...
07:07I was embarrassed, I'm... I haven't had a lot of experience.
07:12I just, I don't know what to do.
07:13Hey, hey, look. You don't have anything to be embarrassed about.
07:20And as for knowing what to do...
07:22And as for knowing what to do...
07:24You just gotta trust your instincts.
07:27Do whatever feels right.
07:30Do whatever feels good.
07:44I gotta go.
07:46Work stuff.
07:47No, it's 1am.
07:49Yeah, um, it's a new job. You know, weird hours.
07:53I'll see you later.
08:04Doesn't exactly seem like a fair fight, does it?
08:06Axel's big, but he tires easy. You just gotta last him.
08:11G's got full confidence in you.
08:12Boss? Is he here?
08:15Not tonight, but I'll be giving him a full report.
08:17Make us proud.
08:20And watch out for his left hook.
08:48Yeah, I know, it's been a couple weeks.
09:02But I've been working on my thesis.
09:05You know how important this paper is.
09:08Look, I promise I'll come by for dinner as soon as I can.
09:14No, Dad, I don't want you to talk to the Dean.
09:18Yes, I know you two are golf buddies.
09:23I appreciate you trying to help. I really do.
09:26But I've gotta do this on my own.
09:37Adam, you scared the shit out of me.
09:39What are you looking for?
09:48Oh my God.
09:52What the hell happened to you?
09:56Got into a fight.
09:58At work?
10:00Wrong place, wrong time.
10:03It was a one-time thing.
10:06No need to worry Megan about it.
10:08Adam, I don't want to lie to her.
10:11Look, please. I don't want to disappoint her.
10:18This is gonna sting a bit.
10:33Hey, it's okay.
10:48It's okay.
10:56You can't just run away from how you feel about me, you know?
11:00I don't feel anything for you.
11:01Yeah? Nothing?
11:06I don't believe you.
11:10Do you feel that?
11:31Just don't hurt her.
11:38Adam, I think-
11:39I don't think.
11:42I just feel-
12:09Come on.
12:38Doesn't it feel nice?
12:46Stop running.
13:34What are you doing?
13:44No more avoiding me.
13:46What are you so scared of anyways?
13:48I mean, I'm not gonna bite until you ask me to.
13:59What about Megan?
14:00Fuck Megan.
14:01We're all adults here.
14:02What about that girl from the other night?
14:04Who, Jessie?
14:06She's a fuck buddy.
14:07It's nothing serious.
14:09It's a bad idea.
14:14We're living together.
14:17It could get complicated.
14:18You know, I haven't been able to stop thinking about that kiss.
14:21And, uh, I mean, based on the way that you're looking at me right now,
14:24I'm guessing you haven't been able to either.
14:33You expecting someone?
14:39Um, Max?
14:43What are you doing here?
14:44Oh, so this is Max.
14:46Who's this?
14:47I'm none of your business.
14:48Well, can you give us a minute, buddy?
14:52It's okay.
14:59Um, what do you want?
15:00I came here to apologize.
15:03I'm so sorry, Kira.
15:05I shouldn't have said it or done any of the things that I did.
15:09I was drunk.
15:11That's not an excuse.
15:12No, it's not.
15:14Can you give me a chance to make it up to you?
15:17I'll buy you dinner.
15:19I'll wash your car.
15:21I'll even proofread your thesis.
15:23Hell, I'd write the whole thing for you if I could.
15:26Play drums and be damned.
15:28Please, do not let me ruin four years of friendship by being an idiot.
15:36Come over tomorrow night?
15:37You can read the first 12 pages, and if you miss,
15:41so much as a single errant comma, we're through.
15:46All right.
15:48I won't let you down.
16:01Now, where were we?
16:10You're turning me down for that guy?
16:13I mean, weren't you just crying on my shoulder over him?
16:16It's not because of Max.
16:17Then what's it about?
16:18Then don't give me some bullshit about my cousin or about you being a virgin.
16:22Because if you think I give a shit about him-
16:24It's because I don't trust you.
16:28You're getting into fights at work.
16:29You're lying to Megan.
16:30I mean, the first time I met you, you broke into my apartment.
16:33Yes, I...
16:35I am attracted to you.
16:38I don't know you.
16:41I can't be intimate with someone that-
16:43Yeah, loud and clear.
16:46I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to-
16:47No, it's okay.
16:49You don't need to say anything else.
16:51I'll leave you alone now.
16:52So you slip two, roll, two-three-four, double jab, two-three-two, double jab, one more.
17:09You're out of it.
17:13Looking good in here, kid.
17:15You sure you want to quit?
17:17You were born a fighter.
17:19Was that for work?
17:23You know, I meant what I said.
17:29I'm tired of this life.
17:31And it's not just the fighting, it's all the...
17:33All the lying, all the sneaking around.
17:39Two more fights and you'll never see me again.
17:40You could stand to be a little bit more grateful.
17:43The big man upstairs didn't want to let you go at all.
17:47I was the one who convinced him to let you leave after four fights.
17:51But if you're unhappy with the deal, we can go to G's office right now and renegotiate.
17:57That won't be necessary.
18:01All right, what do we say?
18:05Thank you for the deal, attaboy.
18:17It's open.
18:25I'm sorry I'm late.
18:27But I brought us some wine.
18:31Are you kidding?
18:33You're drunk, again.
18:35No, no, of course not.
18:40Okay, wait, I'm sorry.
18:43I have a problem.
18:46I'm working on it.
18:47I'm working on it.
18:50But I need your help to do it.
18:53You're the only person that cares about me.
19:00You're so good for me.
19:10Max, stop.
19:13You want to be with some animal like that guy I saw you with the other day?
19:17What? No, that's not what...
19:20Well, if you want an animal, I'll give you an animal.
19:29Don't you ever fucking touch her!
19:31If I ever catch you over here, I'll kill you.
19:35You hear me?
19:36Yes, yes, yes.
19:39Get out.
19:41Get the fuck out!
19:47Hey, come here.
20:01It's okay.
20:06I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't.
20:18Where'd that come from?
20:25I used to fight for money.
20:28Like amateur boxing?
20:31Something like that.
20:34Isn't that dangerous?
20:37It can be, yeah.
20:40I'm through with all that now.
20:43Here, let me make you some tea.
20:44Just a...
20:52Can you just...
20:54Can you hold me for a little longer?
20:59As long as you want.
21:05You're safe with me, Little Raven.
21:11That little prick!
21:13I have never liked Max.
21:15God, I have the perfect excuse to beat the shit out of him.
21:17Don't worry, um, your cousin actually did that for you.
21:21I guess fighting runs in the blood.
21:24What are you talking about?
21:27Oh, uh, nothing.
21:28I just...
21:28I mean that you both wanted to kick his ass.
21:31That's all.
21:32You need to press charges.
21:33Or at least tell your dad or something.
21:35Isn't he like best friends with the chief of police?
21:37I just want to put it all behind me.
21:40I strongly disagree with that course of action, but...
21:43I will support you, no matter what.
21:45I still love you.
21:49I love you too.
22:10You okay?
22:12I couldn't sleep.
22:16Come here.
22:39Are you sure?
23:10Are these from?
23:13I'm sorry.
23:16How'd you ever be with a guy like me, right?
23:17No, you know that's not what I think.
23:22I'm gonna go shower.
23:40Hello, beautiful.
23:43What's your name?
23:47Hey, why don't you go study?
23:58What are you doing here?
23:59How do you know where I live?
24:00You don't think I got my eye on you?
24:03Snake broke his collarbone.
24:05I need a replacement for tomorrow night's fight.
24:09We agreed to four fights only.
24:11What's one more between friends?
24:12We're not friends.
24:13And I'm not doing it.
24:14Go find someone else.
24:16Yeah, that girl in there is real pretty, isn't she?
24:20Be a shame if something happens to her.
24:22I wouldn't dare.
24:23You want to bet?
24:26I'll see you tomorrow night.
24:37What the hell are you doing here?
24:40Hello to you too, sunshine.
24:43I'm helping him move.
24:46Don't be long, okay?
24:55Nothing serious.
24:57Look, I think we need to talk.
25:00It's best if I move out.
25:03That's it?
25:05That's all you're gonna say?
25:09What about the other night?
25:17Now who's running away?
25:20You gave me all that shit for being scared about my feelings for you.
25:23And now you're just-
25:24Look, it's not like that.
25:29I got some stuff going on, all right?
25:32Some stuff that you and Megan can't be involved in.
25:34Do these things have anything to do with the creepy guy from yesterday?
25:38The less you know, the better.
25:40For your own safety.
25:45You lied when you said you were done fighting.
25:51So you're a coward and a liar.
25:54Got it.
25:57Good luck with your things.
26:13So Adam's gone.
26:20This is exactly what I thought was gonna happen.
26:23He told you?
26:25No, but I can put two and two together.
26:27I'm not an idiot.
26:28Every time you guys fought, you ended up like two inches from kissing.
26:37God, I just feel so stupid.
26:40I'm first Max, now Adam.
26:47Why do I always fall for the wrong guy?
26:51What's wrong with me?
26:53Nothing is wrong with you.
26:56And look at me.
26:57Every guy I fell for was the wrong guy.
26:59Gotta kiss a few frogs before you find your prince.
27:02Or in my case, princess.
27:04I didn't listen to him before it got too serious, right?
27:15I'll do it.
27:16But you leave Kara alone.
27:19And I want all of the prize money from this fight.
27:22Also, this one counts as one of the four.
27:26You drive a hard bargain, kid.
27:33Honey, thank you for coming by.
27:41Of course.
27:43I really missed you, Care Bear.
27:45Dad, I thought we let that nickname die back in like middle school.
27:49Indulge your old man, would you?
27:56With mom?
28:00Did you know you loved her straight away?
28:02We actually hated each other when we first met.
28:06I know.
28:07It's a thin line between love and hate, honey.
28:11And after all that burning loathing, eventually it turned into a fiery passion.
28:17Oh, wait, stop, stop, stop, dad, stop.
28:19Too much information.
28:21Too much.
28:24Oh, it wasn't always easy.
28:27That's the best kind of love.
28:29You know, love that challenges you.
28:32Why do you ask?
28:36You're not dating someone, are you?
28:54You know, Megan went crazy on me.
29:03She said I broke your heart.
29:06Is that true?
29:07Of course not.
29:13You know, even without her, I would have come back.
29:16I couldn't stop thinking about you.
29:22I'm sorry.
29:25Look, I know that I'm no good for you.
29:27And I left to protect you.
29:32And I tried to stay away.
29:35But I don't want to be that guy anymore.
29:37I want to be better.
29:41I want to deserve you.
29:46I want you to be my girlfriend.
29:51Can you give me another chance?
29:55No more Jesse.
29:56She's gone.
29:57No more lying.
29:59No more.
30:00And I want you to stop fighting.
30:02For real this time.
30:10So you want to come check out my new place?
30:25My friend's letting me crash here for a couple of months.
30:27It's a big comfy bed and everything.
30:31Speaking of which, how about the tour?
30:34Talk first.
30:38How am I supposed to be your girlfriend if I don't know anything about you?
30:44You first.
30:49All right.
30:55My mom died freshman year.
31:00My dad hasn't really been the same since.
31:03He's always been overprotective.
31:05But now if he had his way, I would still be living at home instead of studying to become a therapist.
31:11I'm an only child.
31:13But Megan is like a sister.
31:17I love the ocean and chocolate hazelnut ice cream.
31:22Um, and I hate slow walkers and onions.
31:33Your turn.
31:37Both my parents died in a car accident.
31:41Megan's family took me in, but they never really liked me.
31:44And they kicked me out when I was like 18.
31:46I'm sorry.
31:48That sounds really hard.
31:50Yeah, it could have been worse.
31:52I mean, taught me how to take care of myself.
31:57And the fighting?
32:00Yeah, I think that's enough questions for one day.
32:04Now, how about that tour?
32:07Yeah, the tour.
32:21I'm sorry, I don't think I have to do anything you're not ready for.
32:43I'm ready.
32:45Are you sure?
32:48I'm sure.
32:52But if it hurts her, you want me to stop or if you just change your mind?
32:58Stop talking.
33:21Look at me.
33:44You're so beautiful.
33:51So beautiful.
34:15You're up.
34:17Damn, I was hoping to surprise you with breakfast in bed.
34:21And you're dressed.
34:23You leaving so soon?
34:29Well, when I when I woke up alone, I kind of maybe thought that you ditched me.
34:38This isn't a one time thing, right?
34:40No, definitely not.
34:44I don't care.
34:44Maybe I didn't make myself clear earlier, but I want us to be together.
34:52Me too.
34:56So what are you up to today?
35:01I'm looking for a job.
35:02Can I come?
35:03You don't want to do that.
35:05But I'll text you later.
35:07Maybe we get dinner?
35:21Adam, where have you been?
35:24I've been texting you.
35:27All night?
35:29Come on, spill.
35:31I was with Adam.
35:34I'm sorry.
35:34Did we completely forget about what happened last week?
35:36He apologized for that.
35:37He was just trying to protect me.
35:38He's actually really sweet.
35:41And he cares about me.
35:42And last night was...
35:46Oh my God.
35:47Don't tell me you lost your virginity to my cousin.
35:52Actually, never mind.
35:54I don't want to know.
35:57I'm happy for you, babe.
35:59If you're happy, but just be careful, okay?
36:05He is my cousin and I love him, but he's got a lot of darkness in him.
36:10And I just don't want you to get hurt.
36:14Yeah, I know.
36:16I won't.
36:18I promise.
36:30Hey, I'm swimming over in Emily's.
36:33And that is not an invitation for Adam to come over and defile my roommate and my home, okay?
36:38Go focus on your own love life.
36:40Oh, I intend to.
36:42Bye, love you.
36:43See ya.
37:17What happened to you?
37:19Adam, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on.
37:21I'm still fighting.
37:23And the fighting isn't strictly legal.
37:25I'm part of an underground ring.
37:27You remember when I told you I was on my own when I got here?
37:29Yeah, I remember.
37:31I'm sorry.
37:33I'm sorry.
37:35I'm sorry.
37:37I'm sorry.
37:39I'm sorry.
37:41You remember when I told you I was on my own when I was 18?
37:43I ended up on the street after a couple of months and Crawford found me.
37:45He took me in.
37:47He gave me a place to live.
37:49Gave me a way to earn money.
37:51Honestly, I owe him my life.
37:53No, he took advantage of you.
37:55He saw this young kid who was angry with the world and he manipulated that anger and turned it into violence for his own gain.
37:57Honestly, I owe him my life.
37:59No, he took advantage of you.
38:02He saw this young kid who was angry with the world.
38:07He manipulated the anger and turned it into violence for his own gain.
38:11You make me sound like one of your case studies.
38:15I was treated well enough while I was fighting. It wasn't until I tried to leave that they—
38:18Can't you just go to the cops? Expose Crawford?
38:21He's bigger than Crawford. The leader of the ring.
38:24I never met him. He goes by G.
38:31Well, what are we going to do?
38:36Because you can't keep going on like this.
38:39I made a deal. I have one more fight next month.
38:44If I win, the cash prize is big enough for me to finally pay off my debt.
38:49Then I can walk.
38:52Yeah, but on what condition?
38:55What if you get hurt? Like tonight?
38:58I've had worse.
39:00That does not make me feel any better.
39:02Look, I'm not going to get hurt.
39:05Not now that I've got someone to come home to.
39:15I'm really mad at you.
39:18I'm sorry. I thought I could take care of all of this without having to involve you, but...
39:24Look, I'm sorry.
39:28I'm so sorry.
39:30Aren't you in pain?
39:34But I will be if you stop kissing me.
39:48I love you.
39:53I love you, too.
40:03God, it feels like it's been forever.
40:05I mean, I've barely seen you this month. You, like, live it out of this house.
40:09Hey, you're one to talk. When was the last time you and Emily came up for air?
40:15I have to admit it. I had my doubts, but you and Adam make a really cute couple.
40:34Allow me.
40:35No, no, don't. Don't.
40:37You'll only provoke him.
40:40Fine. But let's get out of here.
40:51Big man needs a word.
41:12Nice to finally meet you, Adam.
41:14Likewise, sir.
41:16So I heard you no longer want to fight for us.
41:19Yes, sir.
41:20Is there anything I can offer you to change your mind?
41:24No, sir.
41:29Gotta hand it to you. You got balls.
41:32Not too many people say no to me.
41:35Reminds me of me when I was a kid.
41:40Crawford here tells me you got yourself a girl.
41:44That's nice.
41:47You know, I used to fight.
41:50I had to give it up because of the missus.
41:54Well, I'll let you get back to your training.
41:57Big fight next week.
42:00Not because there's a lot of money riding on it.
42:05It's your freedom.
42:09Don't mess it up.
42:18You've got nothing to be nervous about.
42:20My dad is going to love you.
42:22Yeah, I know.
42:23He's definitely going to love a violent orphan with nothing but a long list of broken bones to his name.
42:29I hate when you put yourself down like that.
42:33You make me happy.
42:35I love you, but nothing else matters.
42:39Well, when you put it like that.
42:42You know, you're the first girl to ever bring me home to meet her parents.
42:47Well, play your cards right and I might be the last.
42:54How about a kiss for good luck?
43:05Dad, we're here.
43:08I thought I heard someone.
43:17You must be the boyfriend.
43:30This is delicious.
43:33You know, Adam's actually a really good cook as well.
43:36He made something similar the other night.
43:45Excuse me.
43:46I have to make a call.
43:53It's not that bad.
43:57It's not you.
43:58He's just really protective over me.
44:03Want a bet?
44:12How about I get dessert?
44:14Sounds great.
44:19Actually, I've got to run.
44:22Something came up at work.
44:33Nice to meet you, sir.
44:34Nice to meet you.
44:45So, what do you think?
44:48I don't like him.
44:50Come on, you wouldn't like any guy I brought home.
44:53I'm serious, Kara.
44:54I want you to break up with him.
44:56He's bad news.
44:57I can tell it.
44:58But you don't know him.
45:00You barely said two words to him at lunch.
45:03I forbid you to see him again.
45:07I'm not asking for your permission.
45:09I'm a big girl.
45:10I can date whoever I want.
45:11I don't see you growing up now.
45:13I'm sorry.
45:14Who pays your tuition?
45:17If you want me to keep funding your education,
45:19you'll agree right now never to see him again.
45:22What is wrong with you?
45:23How could you ask me to do that?
45:27Okay, if you don't like the way I live my life,
45:29you don't have to be a part of it.
45:40Should be good.
45:43Full of action.
45:44What's so important that I couldn't wait?
45:48Change of plans.
45:49You're gonna lose that last fight.
45:55No, you can't be serious.
45:57We're betting against you this time, kid.
46:00Word from the boss.
46:04God damn it, Crawford.
46:07You know, you have asked me to do some fucked up illegal shit around here,
46:09but I will not do that.
46:13You have freedom.
46:14You take a dive.
46:17G was adamant about this.
46:18Yeah, I'm sure he was.
46:24You know what, fine.
46:27This is it.
46:36I hate to see the kid go.
46:40G thinks he's a liability.
46:42He knows too much to be set free.
46:45Plant this in the northwest corner of the ring
46:50until Crasher goes down in the sixth round.
46:55What are you questioning?
46:57It's nothing.
46:59Tell me.
47:02Well, my time fighting is coming to an end,
47:05but I've been thinking about the future,
47:08so I thought I'd try to sketch out a five-year plan.
47:17Move in with Kara.
47:20Go back to school.
47:22Find a legal job.
47:30Look, it's not like I'm about to get on one knee tonight, but yeah.
47:36Don't worry about me, Kara.
47:41We just got to get through this last fight.
47:44I want to come this time.
47:47Yeah, I don't really think that's a good idea.
47:48No, I'm serious.
47:50I want to be there for you.
47:54You can come.
47:56Tomorrow night.
48:35Adam's busy right now, beautiful.
48:37It's Crawford.
48:38Remember me?
48:40Where is he?
48:417 Basra Street.
48:49Wait here.
49:08We're in your prison.
49:09Look who's here.
49:13What the hell, Crawford?
49:15I thought you'd appreciate the moral support.
49:18I'll leave you two blood birds alone.
49:20You got two minutes.
49:28All I've ever asked for you is to be honest with me.
49:30Look, I didn't want you to see me like this.
49:32I'm not a child.
49:33I've seen violence before.
49:35I didn't want you to see me lose.
49:38Baby, you're not going to lose.
49:40I have to.
49:42In order to finally be free of all of this,
49:44I have to take the dive tonight.
49:46No, but they'll kill you.
49:50Not when I have so much to live for.
50:05Time's up.
50:10No matter what you hear tonight,
50:13you won't leave this room.
50:16Promise me.
50:23I promise.
50:51You go down in the sixth round.
50:53Got it?
50:56Atta boy.
50:59Get out there.
51:13Get out there.
51:41Adam, let's go!
52:01He's got a knife!
52:57Hey, help!
52:58Let me...
53:01Karen, we have to run now.
53:02Oh my God, you're covered in blood.
53:03The cops are going to be here any minute.
53:09Dad, what are you doing here?
53:12I told you he was no good.
53:15But you wouldn't listen to me.
53:17So I had to take matters into my own hands.
53:20You planted the knife.
53:24Kara, come here.
53:25No, if you want to kill him, you have to kill me first.
53:28I am doing this for you.
53:30I love you.
53:31I'm trying to keep you safe from bad men like him.
53:33Bad men like you?
53:35You mean...
53:36No, if you really love me, you let us go.
53:42Please, Dad.
53:47This is the last thing I will ever ask of you.
54:09How are you feeling?
54:13Not bad, considering.
54:20It's mostly crass just blood anyways.
54:24How are you feeling?
54:51I just...
54:53I never would have guessed that my father was this...
54:58criminal psychopath.
55:06I'm so sorry, Laura.
55:15If I had never shown up, you would still have a relationship with your father.
55:19Then I would never have known the truth.
55:26I am so grateful for you.
55:29For so many things.
55:46This is how it all started?
55:49Me cleaning you up after a fight in the bathroom?
55:57It's not very romantic, huh?
56:01No, it doesn't matter how I fell in love with you.
56:05All that matters is that I did.
56:10I wouldn't trade it for anything.
56:23To us, college graduates.
56:26Who would have thought?
56:27Not me.
56:28I thought I would never finish my thesis.
56:32I just wish Adam could have come celebrate.
56:35I actually haven't heard from him today.
56:38Do you know what he's up to?
56:39No idea.
56:47I actually need to go over to Emily's, but you should stop by my place on your way home.
56:55Just trust me.
57:07Oh my God.
57:13I know this isn't technically the next step in the five year plan, but I just couldn't wait any longer.
57:22I don't want to spend another second not engaged to you.
57:30Kara, I've loved you ever since that moment that you threatened me with that spoon.
57:36Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?
57:39Of course I will.