Late Night Lockup S02E10 The Ultimate Snack Attack

  • last month
In Mayfield, Ohio, a patrol officer performs a traffic stop after spotting an erratic driver. They find a friendly young woman who soon causes them headaches. In Wisconsin, a cop spots a potential drug dealer in a parking lot who lies about his identity.
00:00Let's go.
00:02Get out of the car.
00:04When the sun goes down,
00:06Oh my god, no!
00:08the strangest stories
00:10pass through police stations.
00:12I give a f*** about you having a badge, bro!
00:14Late at night,
00:16officers encounter human behavior
00:18at its weirdest,
00:20I know, it's really...
00:22and wildest.
00:26Tonight, we're in Florida.
00:28This man right here
00:30threw food at me.
00:34This is it!
00:36And Ohio.
00:38I want a lawyer, and I want a lawyer now.
00:40Do you want to sign this?
00:42To witness what happens
00:44He's fighting me, hurry up!
00:48in Late Night Lockup.
00:54Mayfield, Ohio.
00:562.17 a.m.
00:58On a routine patrol,
01:00this officer performs a traffic stop
01:02after following a reckless driver.
01:20How are you?
01:22I'm okay.
01:24You stopped just because you went off the road.
01:26Yeah, I'm...
01:28so sorry.
01:32Were you drinking tonight?
01:34No, sir.
01:36Nothing? What happened? Why'd you go off the road then?
01:40I'm not gonna lie.
01:42I granced at my phone.
01:44That was it?
01:46I shouldn't have.
01:50This could be an honest mistake,
01:52but the officer has to investigate.
01:56Alright, let's go. I'm just gonna make sure you're okay to drive, okay?
01:58We're gonna do a couple tests.
02:02Alright, so I need you to step out.
02:10What's wrong?
02:14Are you with me?
02:16No, I'm with you.
02:28Can you face me?
02:30Can you see the tip of my finger?
02:32Okay, all I want you to do is
02:34move your eyes left to right
02:36and follow my finger, okay?
02:38Don't move your head.
02:40Keep watching my finger.
02:44I want you to pick up one of your feet,
02:46whichever one you feel more comfortable with.
02:48I want you to count 1,001,
02:52Would it be cool if I did it barefoot?
02:54Yeah, go ahead.
02:56I'm wearing...
02:58You got heels on?
03:00No, the Birkenstocks.
03:08So, the Birkenstocks.
03:12Okay, go ahead and start the test.
03:16So, what's the test?
03:18I just explained it to you.
03:20You told me you understood it.
03:22I am a woman.
03:26And I'm feeling very vulnerable.
03:30Between 2...
03:34First appearing moderately compliant,
03:36she now stalls...
03:38I would like...
03:40an advocate.
03:42...and asserts her rights
03:44against the oppressive patriarchy.
03:46I would prefer
03:48to have a woman
03:50in front of me.
03:524,600. We'll call Highland Heights
03:54and see if they have a female warden
03:56that is able to come out here.
03:58Am I allowed to sip the water?
04:00No, no.
04:04Like, why?
04:06Like, we're in law.
04:08You can't have anything to drink
04:10until you take
04:12the breathalyzer test.
04:14I can drink water.
04:16Oh, you cannot.
04:18Yes, I can.
04:20Yes, I can.
04:22Oh, you cannot.
04:24You need to know the law.
04:26You signed your driver's license
04:28that you would do these tests.
04:30Is the camera on?
04:32Oh, it's on.
04:34Oh, it's on.
04:36It's been on the whole time.
04:40They're all gonna enjoy this one.
04:46700 miles away
04:48in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin...
04:522.44 a.m.
04:56An officer follows a female
04:58for possession with intent to deliver drugs.
05:02But more importantly,
05:04he suspects the male with her
05:06is a dealer on the run from the law.
05:10Your name's Jared?
05:14What's your name?
05:18Chad what?
05:22Oh, not Jared.
05:24Somebody else.
05:26Your first name?
05:30Chadwick or just Chad?
05:32Just Chadwick.
05:34Your middle initial, Chad?
05:38You don't have any warrants or anything, do you?
05:44The officer runs the male's identity
05:46through the database.
05:50Go ahead.
05:56I'm not on paper.
06:02All right, man. You guys are good to go. See ya.
06:06A false alarm.
06:08But after checking
06:10Chad Tierink's description...
06:12it turns out
06:14the suspect is not 6'3
06:16and bald.
06:20There you are.
06:22Oh, I'm not.
06:24I'm not Jared.
06:26My name is not Jared. My name is Chad.
06:28Chad what?
06:30Chad Tierink.
06:32Lift up your head.
06:36My name is Chad.
06:38You have an ID?
06:40I don't have an ID, sir.
06:42Failure to supply a true identity
06:44only raises more questions.
06:46Chad Tierink's so bald.
06:486'3 and 180-something pounds.
06:50All right.
06:52Stop reaching for stuff.
06:54I'm not reaching. I'm reaching my bag.
06:56I did not. You cannot.
06:58You gotta stay here.
07:00You're lying about your name.
07:02You're Jared Erickson.
07:04Stop resisting right now.
07:06Hang up.
07:08With all the commotion,
07:10the female on probation doesn't stick around.
07:12She's leaving you.
07:14You're leaving me?
07:17This is illegal.
07:19No, it's not. Turn around that way.
07:23Yes, it is. Let me go.
07:25He's not going to come quietly.
07:27The officer needs backup.
07:29Stop. Stop. Stop.
07:31Come on. Stop. Stop.
07:33Your name is not Chad.
07:40Your name's not Chad.
07:42He's fighting me. Hurry up.
07:47I'm going to tase you.
07:51I'm going to tase you, dude.
08:05Yeah, that's Jared Erickson.
08:08He's right here, bud.
08:18I found something over there.
08:23You all right, bud?
08:25I'm going to check this out.
08:27Probably a mess.
08:29You okay, Connor?
08:41There we go.
08:43There you are.
08:47Oh, he's not Chad.
08:49I can assure you that.
08:53What's your name?
08:59Are you searching me up?
09:01I am.
09:03I'm Jacob Miller.
09:05You can call me by description.
09:07Stand up.
09:13Ding, ding, ding.
09:23With the suspect restrained in the back of the squad car,
09:26the officers search his possessions.
09:29You good?
09:38You good?
09:42He's got a ton of cash.
09:45Oh, my gosh.
09:52In Wisconsin, possession of narcotics is a Class I felony,
09:56a crime punishable by three and a half years in prison
09:59or a $10,000 fine.
10:06That's probably 26.
10:08That's probably 26.
10:13That's over 50 grams.
10:15No wonder he tried to hide his identity.
10:21The officer runs his new name through the database.
10:26We're going to look at his database just a second,
10:28make sure he is who he's telling us he is.
10:32And bingo.
10:45Okay, yep, that's going to be him.
10:48He may not have been Jared,
10:50but the officer's suspicions have landed this felon
10:53a trip back to lockup.
10:56All right, good job. Nice.
11:09Back in Mayfield, Ohio...
11:17After a productive 15 minutes...
11:22...the female officer arrives to advocate for the possible DUI driver.
11:26Here we go. I need you to take your right foot,
11:28place it in front of your left, and heal the toe flash.
11:31I need to drink water.
11:32Do you want to take the test or not?
11:34I need to drink water.
11:35We're not playing games. You're not getting any water.
11:37I will vote to drink water.
11:38I'm sorry.
11:39I am an American citizen.
11:42That's exciting.
11:44I can drink water.
11:46Okay. Do you want to take the test? Last chance.
11:49Drink water.
11:50Yeah, turn around. Put your hands behind your back.
11:52You're under arrest.
11:54I'm allowed to drink water.
11:57Okay, you're under arrest for driving under the influence
12:00of alcohol or drugs of abuse.
12:20These are your rights. I'm going to read them to you, okay?
12:22You have the right to remain silent.
12:23Anything you say can be used against you in court.
12:26Do you have a camera?
12:28Yes, I do.
12:29Where is your camera?
12:30It's right here.
12:31That is your camera?
12:33I don't know who is going to see this,
12:35but my rights have absolutely been violated.
12:40I want a lawyer, and I want a lawyer now.
12:43Do you want to sign this?
12:44I'm not signing anything until I see a lawyer.
12:47Well, you're not going to see a lawyer
12:48at 3 in the morning on a Sunday.
12:50I don't know how you're going to pull that one off.
12:56This is an absolute joke.
13:00Okay, good.
13:01Do you see anyone laughing?
13:07The suspect is offered a breathalyzer test
13:09to prove she's not under the influence of alcohol.
13:12Okay, breath in.
13:15Stop, okay?
13:17Good job.
13:18Keep blowing.
13:20Black in.
13:22You're not blowing.
13:25It'll beep if you're blowing.
13:26It's not beeping.
13:27Try again.
13:29And like the other tests, this one is unsuccessful.
13:33Get inside and let them know.
13:41I am being discriminated against.
13:46He did absolutely nothing to advocate for me
13:50as, like, a normal citizen.
13:57All parties at this point want to get the normal citizen home.
14:00That's if she decides to cooperate.
14:03Once we do our booking procedure,
14:06we will release you to a sober person.
14:11Fair enough?
14:12So you'll go ahead and do the booking procedure
14:14so that we can get you out of here?
14:25Okay, that's part of our booking procedure.
14:27If you give these three officers a hard time,
14:30you're going to Geauga County Sheriff's Department.
14:37You need to stay off my radar.
14:451,200 miles south in Martin County, Florida,
14:49it's 5 p.m.
14:52There's been a report of a disturbance
14:55in a fast-food restaurant.
14:57A cashier has already ID'd the suspect.
15:01This man right here threw food at me,
15:04got the license plate.
15:05This man right here threw food at me.
15:10Threw food at me.
15:11You threw food at me, and I'm finished.
15:13You threw food at me, and you're mad.
15:16You're mad.
15:17You're mad.
15:18You're mad.
15:24Officers arrive to take a statement from the cashier.
15:27Briefly give me a synopsis as to what happened.
15:30When he came in, he already had an attitude,
15:32but I was trying to give, like, an energy
15:34so his mood could change or whatever.
15:37Everything was okay until we get to the end.
15:40That's when he cut his sandwich in half.
15:43He had told me that I wrap it up,
15:44and he said, put it in a separate, like,
15:46separate tub, the other sandwich.
15:48And then he got mad and snatched the food from me
15:51and ripped it himself and said,
15:52was this hard to do?
15:54And then he said, now finish it.
15:57And that's when he knocked the food over to me.
16:02The ultimate snack attack,
16:04a crime committed due to the packaging
16:06of a foot-long sandwich.
16:09Luckily, the incident was caught on camera.
16:13It looks like he's a white, no,
16:15he has on, like, a blue shirt,
16:16and the shirt has, like, these white kind of designs.
16:19Looks like sailboats or something like that.
16:21So that's who, that's the subject you're looking for.
16:23And where did the sandwich hit you?
16:25Um, the sandwich hit me, like,
16:26from really right there.
16:29And the victim captured the suspect's license plate
16:32while he fled the scene.
16:34What do you want to do?
16:36I want to charge this.
16:40The officer tracks the food-throwing suspect
16:42to his house.
16:47You speak English?
16:48Yes, I speak English.
16:50So the reason I'm here is because
16:52when you was at ******,
16:54you got into an altercation with that
16:56black female cashier,
16:58and then you threw your sandwich at her.
17:00So before I talk to you,
17:01let me read you of your rights, all right?
17:03You have the right to remain silent.
17:05Anything you want to say, you can say.
17:07You have the right to remain silent.
17:08Anything you say can and will be used
17:10against you in a court of law.
17:12This is taken seriously.
17:14In Florida, if you intentionally project
17:16an object at someone against their will,
17:18it's considered battery.
17:20Do you understand what I just read to you?
17:22I understand.
17:23The only thing I need to clarify
17:25is I don't throw the sandwich to the lady.
17:28I threw the sandwich to the counter.
17:31Because before I open,
17:35I request to the lady,
17:37please put the sandwich in the house.
17:39So what do you have to say about that witness
17:41that saw you throw the sandwich,
17:43or what do you have to say about the video
17:45that's happening?
17:46It's okay.
17:48It's my perception that happened.
17:50Okay, you said that's your perception.
17:53I have evidence.
17:56I told to the lady,
17:58if you don't put the sandwich,
17:59I can put the sandwich.
18:00No problem.
18:03That's the truth.
18:04You can see in the video.
18:05Then, she told me,
18:07I don't want to sell.
18:09And she go over there.
18:11And say to the lady,
18:12I don't die.
18:16I don't eat your sandwich.
18:19She go outside and knock the windows.
18:21She went outside to get your tag
18:23because you were leaving?
18:24You would have got away with a crime
18:26if she didn't do what she did.
18:28You threw a sandwich at her,
18:29you hit her,
18:30and you tried to escape
18:31thinking that you weren't going to get caught.
18:33But luckily, she captured that evidence.
18:35That's how I know who you are.
18:36I'm sorry.
18:37Put your hands behind your back.
18:38You're under arrest.
18:39Don't fight me.
18:40You're under arrest for battering.
18:45You still committed battering
18:46because the sandwich struck you, right?
18:48I didn't know.
18:49Now you know, sir.
18:50Now you know.
18:55Watch your head, sir.
18:58Oh, my God.
18:59Oh, my God.
19:01I have a bad day, you know.
19:03I didn't have to eat, you know.
19:06This is my angry
19:08because I want to eat the sandwich, you know.
19:11I'm not judging you, man.
19:12We all make mistakes,
19:13but you shouldn't have done that
19:16is what I'm saying, okay?
19:18All right?
19:19She wants to press charges,
19:20so this is where we're at, okay?
19:23A crime born from hunger,
19:26a sandwich destroyed,
19:28and a knife to the slammer.
19:31No more sandwich, my friend.
19:40After lockup,
19:42the sandwich thrower was charged with battering,
19:45but he pled not guilty.
19:47The case is still open.
19:50The identity thief was handed a cash bond of $10,000,
19:54charged with battering to a police officer
19:56and intent to deliver narcotics and prescription drugs.
19:59He was sentenced to serve five years in prison.
20:03The female was free to leave.
20:06The combative driver was charged
20:08with operating a vehicle intoxicated
20:10and without reasonable control.
20:12She pleaded guilty to an amended charge
20:15of having physical control of a vehicle
20:17while under the influence.
20:19She was put on probation
20:20and had her license suspended for six months.
20:23Very disgusting.
20:25Don't even talk to them.
20:31Next time on Late Night Lockup...
20:35Are you trying to offer me sexual favors?
20:38Oh, my God, no.
20:40Move! Move! Move!
20:43No, no, no!
20:44Good job, gentlemen.
20:45Put your hands behind your back.
20:46Matter of fact, I'm gonna go live.
20:48Help! Help!
