Little singham Zangaar ka badla Part 3 Hindi

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Little singham


00:00Zangar's Revenge Part 3
00:05So far you have seen,
00:07In order to turn Zangar's good monsters into rebellious monsters,
00:11Buhu becomes the first target.
00:13Rebellious Buhu becomes the enemy of Little Aslan.
00:16If Buhu reaches Goan, it will be impossible to stop him.
00:19We have to go to Goan and warn everyone.
00:22Right now.
00:23What happened to Little Aslan?
00:25He turned into his first rebel, our Buhu.
00:28Buhu, we all have to go to a safe place.
00:31There is a place where everyone can be safe.
00:34A safe cave.
00:36Little Aslan protects all the good monsters of Goan
00:39in the shelter of safe caves.
00:42But he doesn't go inside.
00:45On the other hand, Zangar uses Buhu's powers to find out
00:50where Little Aslan has hidden Goan's monsters.
00:55Zangar reaches safe caves.
00:57And Buhu turns all the good monsters into rebellious monsters.
01:02These rebellious monsters have to be separated from the rest of the monsters.
01:10What is happening?
01:12Ali! No!
01:16I got what I wanted.
01:20Zangar now goes to Goan and prepares to revive Raak again.
01:24No one can come between my king Raak and me now.
01:31But Little Aslan comes to stop Zangar.
01:37I won't let you go.
01:46Now which disaster will Raak bring to Goan?
01:49And how will Little Aslan end the evil?
01:52Let's see what happens next.
02:01I am back.
02:04To turn Goan's head into Raak again.
02:15You are welcome, my king.
02:17Your return will make my dream come true.
02:20Now, a new era will begin.
02:24The era of darkness.
02:29My king, these are the energy weapons and the golden spears.
02:33Please accept them.
02:51What are you thinking, Raak?
02:53These are the same energy weapons with which I killed you.
02:57Now that you are back, I will kill you.
03:02No, the game has turned upside down, Little Aslan.
03:05The energy weapon with which you killed me,
03:09I have the same energy weapon with me.
03:13Zangar, I will never disappoint you, my king.
03:17You won't escape today, Little Aslan.
03:20Today, Zangar and I will take your life.
03:24When Raak and Zangar meet,
03:26they will attack the world in such a way
03:28that every enemy will be defeated.
04:14Are you alright?
04:18Acharya, be careful!
04:22Little Aslan, we are not ready for this challenge.
04:27Acharya, take this wheel and open the door to get out of here.
04:32Little Aslan!
04:47Little Aslan, come inside quickly.
04:49We have to get out of here.
04:52But if I don't stop Raak,
04:54he will turn the entire Goan into dust.
05:09I understand, Little Aslan.
05:11But without your weapon,
05:13you won't be able to face them.
05:15For now, it is wise to get out of here.
05:18Let's go!
05:27Hurry up, Little Aslan!
05:44The wheel has turned.
05:46This time, I will definitely turn you into dust, Little Aslan.
05:50Use all your strength, Little Aslan.
05:53It was very difficult for the Goan to get its protector.
05:57We don't want to lose you.
06:03I am not able to come inside.
06:05And because of me, both of you will be pulled out.
06:08You will be in trouble, Acharya.
06:10But Little Aslan, you...
06:14Listen to me.
06:15I can't put both of you in trouble.
06:18Both of you go.
06:19And don't worry about me.
06:29I pity your condition.
06:32Both your companions left you and ran away.
06:35Now, there is neither Cheetah nor your Acharya Shamsher.
06:40Now, we will kill Little Aslan.
06:48I am burning with the fire of revenge, Little Aslan.
06:52And now, this fire will calm down
06:55when I will end your game forever.
07:04Wait, King. Wait.
07:07Don't stop me, Sangar.
07:09Now, I will finish him.
07:11But listen to me.
07:13I have a better solution than killing Little Aslan.
07:18We all know, King, how powerful Little Aslan is.
07:22Isn't it?
07:23To be honest, in the entire Goan,
07:26no one is more powerful than him.
07:29Isn't it?
07:31Stop this nonsense.
07:33You are praising my enemy in front of me.
07:37I am sorry, King.
07:39I am just saying that
07:41if we turn Little Aslan into a rebellious monster,
07:45then he will turn thousands of good monsters
07:48into rebellious monsters.
07:56You are right, Sangar.
07:58But who will do this job?
08:01I will do it.
08:02Little Aslan's beloved daughter-in-law.
08:12Now, the powers will be yours.
08:15But the work will be mine.
08:17You will go to the battlefield.
08:20But the name will be mine.
08:23Whatever you do, Raag,
08:25you will not be able to harm my hair.
08:28And as far as Goan is concerned,
08:30I will not even let your shadow fall on him.
08:34Okay, kids.
08:53Daughter-in-law, you?
08:55Are you alright, daughter-in-law?
08:59I am absolutely fine.
09:01But you will not be fine.
09:11Little Aslan,
09:13how did you like our little gift?
09:24What happened to you, daughter-in-law?
09:27just like me,
09:28you also wanted to protect Goan.
09:33Looks like you are mistaken.
09:36Killing Goan is my job, Little Aslan.
09:50Oh, my!
09:51My friend is so thirsty for his friend's life.
09:56Ha ha ha ha ha!
09:58Hit him.
09:59Hit each other more.
10:01It's fun.
10:02Hit him.
10:03I can't hurt you, daughter-in-law.
10:06But I have to avoid him.
10:54Will you help us, Little Aslan?
10:56As you wish or not, I will help you.
10:59Uh huh?
11:00Uh huh!
11:01Uh uh!
11:03Uh uh!
11:05Ha ha!
11:06Ha ha!
11:07Little Aslan's mind is in deep shock.
11:13You two will be in deep shock now.
11:17High weapons and gold coins?
11:19How did these two go to him?
11:21How did these two go to him?
11:34Sarkar, you kept whining here.
11:37And there Little Aslan stole the weapon from under your nose and took it away.
11:51Enough is enough.
11:53I won't spare you this time.
12:08We have to stop him.
12:21My daughter-in-law has become normal again.
12:37Little Aslan, what are we doing here?
12:52I don't think I can do this.
12:56Don't lose hope, daughter-in-law.
12:58If you keep working hard like this, sooner or later your powers will awaken.
13:08No, daughter-in-law.
13:21Little Aslan!
13:51Don't worry, Chikki.
13:57Daughter-in-law is no longer a bloodthirsty monster.
13:59She has become normal again.
14:01Our cute little daughter-in-law is back.
14:09My dear Chikki!
14:12My dear Chikki!
14:14I missed you a lot.
14:16I missed you too.
14:20Did anyone miss me or should I go back?
14:29I was sure that you would come back, Little Aslan.
14:35By the way, can I ask you something?
14:39You didn't come inside the door on purpose, right?
14:42I wanted to bring my daughter-in-law back.
14:44I am so happy to see my lovely daughter-in-law again.
14:49I can't express my happiness.
14:54Yes, Chikki.
14:56We all like our daughter-in-law in this avatar.
14:58But do you know?
15:00This daughter-in-law who loves everyone was going to hunt me.
15:04Let's end this.
15:07No, this is just the beginning, Acharya Shamsher.
15:11We still have a lot of work to do.
15:14And we don't have much time.
15:17So, tell me.
15:19What's the next plan?
15:21We have to capture all the dangerous monsters in the other world.
15:26And we have to bring them back to earth as soon as possible.
15:28We have to capture all the dangerous monsters in the other world.
15:32And we have to bring them back to earth as soon as possible.
15:35Acharya, if we delay, Goa will be in danger.
15:39But how are we going to do this?
15:41I will tell you.
15:43I am fully prepared.
15:45Along with my daughter-in-law, I have also brought Urjasrao Svanbhash with me.
15:48Very good, Little Aslan.
15:51And here is your third weapon, Chakrapath.
16:23There is a fair of rebellious monsters here.
16:26If we...
16:30If we attack even one monster, the other monsters will attack us.
16:34Then how are we going to turn them into good monsters?
16:39We have to find another way.
16:45I found the way.
16:55I have just come back to my original form.
16:58Little Aslan, I don't want to turn into a rebellious monster again.
17:13Where are you, Little Aslan?
17:16Don't break my trust.
17:18Look, I am telling you.
17:20Little Aslan, if you break anything, it is the bones of your enemies.
17:22Even the hair of your friends doesn't allow you to be rebellious.
17:40We have turned into good monsters again.
17:45Now, Guan is not in any danger from us.
17:54Now, we will also protect Guan like Little Aslan.
17:58Thank you, Little Aslan.
18:00Now, let's go home.
18:07Now, all the rebellious monsters have turned into good monsters.
18:12Now, we can go back, right?
18:14Yes, we can go back.
18:16But before that, I have to find Tikku.
18:20Oh, the one who broke your trust?
18:25The one because of whom we are in such a big trouble, right?
18:28I admit that I made a mistake with Tikku.
18:32No, no, it's not a mistake.
18:34It's called madness.
18:36He has betrayed you.
18:38It's not a small matter.
18:40Yes, I know.
18:41It's not a small matter.
18:43He is a lost monster.
18:45And he is also in the same danger as you or me.
18:52There is Tikku.
18:55Tikku broke Little Aslan's trust.
18:58But he still helped Tikku.
19:05Little Aslan!
19:07Look, please forgive him.
19:09Please forgive Tikku.
19:11If you don't forgive Tikku, he won't be able to forgive himself.
19:15Please forgive him.
19:17What you have done is not worthy of forgiveness, Tikku.
19:21Because of you, everyone in Goan is in fear.
19:25Everyone's life was in danger, you know.
19:28Tikku knows that he made a big mistake.
19:32But now I want to join you.
19:35I want to win Little Aslan's trust.
19:37Please listen to me.
19:39But why should we trust you?
19:41You have already broken our trust once.
19:43How can you do it again?
19:46Look, Tikku knows a secret that can help you finish Zangar and Raak.
19:55Give Tikku just one chance, Little Aslan.
19:58Just one chance.
20:07I was going to finish Little Aslan.
20:10But I stopped because you told me to.
20:13Now we don't have Little Aslan or the energy weapon.
20:17And we have lost you and your daughter-in-law.
20:21This is all because of your foolishness, Zangar.
20:26Please forgive me, King.
20:31It doesn't matter if you forgive me or not, Zangar.
20:37The truth is that my life is in danger once again.
20:43The energy weapon that wrote the story of my end is with Little Aslan now.
20:49If he…
20:51That won't happen, King.
20:53That won't happen.
20:55Because I won't let that happen.
20:57What do you mean?
21:00Look, your body is made of dust.
21:03That's why the energy weapon could have killed you easily.
21:09But if you mix this body with the ancient blaze burning on the top of the Black Mountain,
21:16the energy weapon won't be able to harm you.
21:20And then you will be immortal forever.
21:26But where is the Black Mountain?
21:28Let's go there right now.
21:31Let's go.
21:33It's not right for you to go out right now, King.
21:38You stay here in the cave.
21:41I will go to the mountain and bring the ancient blaze of the Black Mountain for you.
21:50Zangar, you proved once again that there is no disciple like you in the whole world.
21:59Very good. I am proud of you.
22:04Your information was right, Tikhu.
22:07Now I have complete faith in you.
22:10I had heard that a lion hunts alone.
22:14But you have come with your entire team, little Aslan.
22:19Oh Zangar, I am enough of a lion to hunt a coward like you.
22:25But you see, you can't even catch them.
22:29I am enough of a lion.
22:31But you see, even they have to settle their score with you.
22:35These kids will fight with me?
22:39I will kill all three of them at once.
22:42Little Aslan, before Zangar reaches the Black Mountain,
22:46put out the ancient blaze forever.
22:49But you all?
22:51Don't worry about us, little Aslan.
22:54We three are enough for Zangar.
22:56You go.
22:58What's wrong with you, Tikhu?
23:01How can you go against me?
23:04You were loyal to me.
23:06Yes, I was loyal to you.
23:08But you left your loyal friend alone in the middle of the road.
23:12And little Aslan supported his enemy.
23:15That's why Tikhu is loyal to little Aslan now.
23:19And he will always be.
23:21But you won't be saved.
23:24When an ant climbs a mountain, it dies.
23:29You all will face the same fate.
23:32I will put out the blaze with this water.
23:54This fire is not going out.
23:57What should I do now?
23:59There is only one way to put out this fire.
24:23The world will tremble with my power.
24:27I am a stone.
24:29My name is Zangar.
24:53Maybe you forgot, Tikhu.
24:56That you were my disciple.
24:59And a disciple should not make the mistake of climbing on the Guru's head.
25:04Little Aslan.
25:06Your loyal friend's life is now slipping under my feet.
25:13I will kill you.
25:15I will kill you.
25:17I will kill you.
25:19I will kill you.
25:20Your loyalty is slipping under my feet.
25:25Now he will only be alive when you get away from that ancient fire.
25:30Think about it.
25:32No, Zangar. Don't harm Tikhu.
25:34I am coming down.
25:40Very good.
25:42That's the spirit.
25:51Are you alright, Tikhu?
26:16Why can't I move forward?
26:21Zangar, the golden fire has trapped you.
26:24Now no matter what you do, you won't be able to move forward.
26:29Let me go, Little Aslan.
26:31Otherwise, the consequences will be dire.
26:33Let me go.
26:38I will let you go.
26:40But you will have to leave this torch first.
26:43I won't leave it.
26:45I will die, but I will take this fire to the King.
27:01Accept my sacrifice, King.
27:15Zangar is finished.
27:16But now the ancient fire will make the ashes even more powerful.
27:21The challenge is big, but Little Aslan is ready.
27:35These are pieces of Zangar's body.
27:38Zangar has killed himself to protect my assets.
27:47Your sacrifice won't go in vain, Zangar.
27:51Little Aslan will have to pay a heavy price for it.
28:13Now the ashes and Zangar are one.
28:18Now no one can stop Kuan from being destroyed by my double powers.
28:24No one.
28:30Where are you, Little Aslan?
28:33Come out.
28:35Wow! You were hiding in the well like a rat.
28:38Because of which your disciple Zangar was killed.
28:42Now I am roaming freely like a rat.
28:45Now I will choose each one of you in Kuan and turn you into ashes.
28:50And I will start with you.
28:53Enough of talking.
28:55Now I will attack.
28:57I knew it.
28:59I knew it.
29:01I knew that you would use the same old weapon on me again.
29:06I knew it.
29:08But this time, no weapon of yours will work on me.
29:13Because now I am just ashes and ashes.
29:17I will destroy you.
29:20I will destroy you.
29:23I will destroy you.
29:26I am not just ashes.
29:28I have Zangar and his powers too.
29:41Zangar may not be with me.
29:44But I am burning with the flame of Zangar.
29:47Ashes, I will destroy you by extinguishing this flame.
29:59Oh no!
30:01Are you the same little Aslan whom Kuan considers as his protector?
30:07By the way, do you know what was my biggest mistake?
30:12That I did not kill you even though I had the chance.
30:16The biggest obstacle in my path has been removed.
30:20Now Kuan's destruction will begin.
30:23Zangar and ashes are coming to destroy Kuan.
30:35Little Aslan, wake up.
30:38What happened?
30:40What happened to you, little Aslan?
30:43What happened?
30:54Don't worry about me.
30:57Kuan's people need you more than me.
31:00Go and help them.
31:03Otherwise, the ashes will turn Kuan into ashes.
31:08But little Aslan, how can we leave you in this condition?
31:13Listen to me, daughter-in-law.
31:16Leave me alone.
31:18But never leave Kuan's people alone.
31:20But never leave Kuan's people alone.
31:33Zangar and ashes have come to turn Kuan into ashes.
31:46Nothing will be left here.
31:49No house, no shops, and not even a single good monster.
32:04This is the same ash that little Aslan had killed.
32:19No one will survive.
32:28Don't be afraid. Nothing will happen to you.
32:31Zangar was just a stone heart.
32:34But you are stone-hearted.
32:37Zangar's stone heart and ashes' evil mind.
32:42Now Zangar and ashes will turn everyone into ashes.
32:47Let's go!
32:48Let's go!
32:50Come inside quickly.
32:53Everyone has to stay here until the danger is over.
32:57Let's go!
33:00Because I am the danger.
33:03And it is impossible to stop me.
33:12Little Aslan!
33:14Don't worry, little Aslan.
33:16I will fix everything.
33:19Let him go, Shamsher.
33:21He won't be able to come out like this.
33:24But why?
33:26Because the power of ashes has trapped him.
33:29He has become so powerful that even little Aslan's weapons won't be able to stop him.
33:34What are you saying?
33:36But how is that possible?
33:38The failure of the energy weapon on ashes is the proof of his power.
33:42Zangar's sacrifice has made him so powerful
33:46that even a great warrior like little Aslan had to bow down in front of his power.
33:50But we must have a way to get little Aslan out.
33:55Yes, there is only one way.
33:57If we have to get little Aslan out of here,
34:00he will have to sacrifice something that is most important for a warrior.
34:06But what could it be?
34:09Only little Aslan can answer this question.
34:12His weapons are most important for a warrior.
34:16His weapons are my identity.
34:18My weapons are my pride.
34:20If I sacrifice them, I won't be me anymore.
34:23But I have to do this to protect Goan.
34:25Zangar and ashes have turned every part of Goan into ashes.
34:55The ashes are heading towards Goan's cave.
34:59If he reaches there, he will free all the evil monsters.
35:03Then he will become even more powerful.
35:07If little Aslan was here, he would have taken care of everything.
35:26Little Aslan has woken up.
35:29Goan has found his great warrior again.
35:33Go little Aslan, go.
35:35Goan's earth is waiting for you.
36:05Enough of waiting.
36:07It's time to turn every monster of Goan into a rebellious one.
36:13Guardians of the ashes, go and get to work.
36:24Hey, if you want to go ahead, you have to face us first.
36:28Ha ha ha ha ha.
36:31You three are useless.
36:33What can you do to us?
36:35Don't you know that we are guardians of ashes?
36:38Hey, if you are guardians of ashes, then we are guardians of Goan.
36:43We are the warriors of Little Aslan's gang.
36:48Beat him.
36:50Beat him.
36:52He won't be spared today.
37:00Ha ha ha ha ha.
37:02Your partner should be beaten and you two shouldn't be beaten.
37:05How can this happen?
37:07This is injustice.
37:10Beat him.
37:13Ha ha ha ha ha.
37:40Little Aslan is here.
37:41Little Aslan is here.
37:43Now it's going to be fun.
37:45As long as Little Aslan is here, our Goan is safe.
37:49As long as Little Aslan is here, our Goan is safe.
37:55Oh no.
37:57How many times do I have to face this Little Aslan?
38:01No matter what I do, he always comes back.
38:05Oh no.
38:07Don't worry.
38:10This will be the last battle.
38:12Because after this, the story of ashes and Zangar will end.
38:16And that too forever.
38:24You came Little Aslan, but what is this?
38:28I can't see your weapons.
38:33I am enough for you.
38:35Ha ha ha ha ha.
38:36Little Aslan, you are nothing without your weapons.
38:57How can this happen?
38:59What is this ash?
39:01Now you are without weapons.
39:02The weapon of ashes is broken.
39:05But the weapon of Zangar is still left.
39:32This is like a game.
39:34It's a very interesting game.
39:38Raag, please throw more stones.
39:56How can this happen?
39:58From where is he getting so much power?
39:59How can he be so powerful without weapons?
40:09So he is the root of all problems.
40:18Now your game is over, Little Aslan.
40:53Ha ha ha ha ha.
40:59This game is not over yet, Little Aslan.
41:47I won't let you take this weapon, Raag.
41:50Not at any cost.
41:52Then get ready to pay a heavy price, Little Aslan.
42:06Your weapon on one side.
42:09Your monkey on the other side.
42:13What will you do now, Little Aslan?
42:18Chikki, I won't let anything happen to you.
42:24True strength is found in friendship.
42:26In the face of darkness, I choose friendship.
42:29And with it, I will be victorious.
43:00It's time to awaken the lion inside me.
43:07Pancha Attack!
43:44Little Aslan did it!
43:47When the lion came in front of him, he turned into ashes.
43:50The one who saved Guan's pride and glory is called Little Aslan.
43:54As long as there is Little Aslan.
43:57There is no one like him.
