FTS 12:30 14-08: Honduras and China strengthen bilateral relations

  • last month
FTS 12.30
*Palestine demands punishment for Israeli genocidal regime
*Lebanese PM urges for unity to counter Israeli attacks
00:00In Honduras, President Xiomara Castro met with China's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
00:14as both nations continue to strengthen bilateral relations.
00:19In Palestine, the United Nations Children's Fund warned that more than half of the schools
00:23in the Gaza Strip have been attacked by Israeli occupation forces since the beginning of the
00:28And in Lebanon, the Interim Prime Minister, Najib al-Khattab, called for national unity
00:34to face the Israeli occupation threat.
00:40Hello and welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Delsu Studios in Havana,
00:46We begin with the news.
00:47The governments of Honduras and China advancing their bilateral cooperation by the signing
00:51of an agreement to strengthen their educational development.
00:54On Tuesday, President of Honduras, Xiomara Castro met with Deputy Minister of Foreign
00:58Affairs of China, Wang Xunyi, to discuss a free trade agreement between both countries,
01:04their fight against poverty and the strengthening of their education system.
01:07The authorities announced a project aimed at improving the school infrastructure in
01:10Honduras, as China will allocate $9 billion, such a contribution will allow the transformation
01:17of the educational model in Honduras with the construction and equipment of 375 educational
01:28Some of the subjects discussed were the exchange of views on projects and other issues, financing
01:33and financial support for projects in the country, and also the subject of the free
01:37trade agreement, which is progressing in a very timely manner and which, I think it is
01:42important to say, the government of the Republic and President Castro are taking all the necessary
01:47measures to ensure that this agreement is beneficial to the Honduran people.
01:53In Venezuela, the Vatican representative Apostolic Nuncio Monseñor Alberto Ortega Martín handed
01:59over the credential letters to the Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro.
02:03In a historic act, both authorities shook hands as a symbol of peace and as a symbol
02:07of the recognition of the Holy See to the Constitutional Government of President Nicolás
02:12Maduro, and also as a proof of the historical relationship of mutual respect between the
02:16Vatican State and Venezuela.
02:27Venezuela continues to recover from the violence it suffered after the elections, which mainly
02:31targeted social leaders, security officials, public institutions and social services, infrastructure,
02:37among others.
02:40Commerce, transportation and services functioning normally is the current face of Valencia.
02:47Venezuela's third largest city, in the central park of the country.
02:51But two weeks ago, an outbreak of violence shook the city.
02:59Fifteen days after the violent acts carried out by sectors of the extreme right that rejected
03:03the results of July 28 in Venezuela, here in Valencia the authorities and the organized
03:08people are reopening facilities that were attacked, such as this police module and a
03:12community pharmacy.
03:16This pharmacy is located in Santa Rosa Parish, a popular area and located on one of the main
03:21access roads to the city.
03:24It serves hundreds of people regardless of their political affiliation.
03:28It's being reopened to the people, where we can get medicines at low cost and to benefit
03:35the entire people living near the pharmacy.
03:41It was strong because fascism brought out the most vile in their flesh, the most fascist
03:46thing that could exist in a human being, that hatred that they rooted against our Venezuelan
03:51They went out to burn police modules, pharmacies that benefit such a vulnerable people as the
03:57Santa Rosa Parish.
03:59For instance, elderly people who find their cheap medicines.
04:09Local and security authorities have denounced that the acts of violence in Valencia and
04:13in other cities of the country responded to a destabilization plan.
04:17From this monitoring room they attended and recorded the violent acts.
04:28This was planned, this was organized, this was financed and we stated with foundation,
04:34with evidence seized.
04:35Telephones were seized from these subjects, phones that have registered WhatsApp groups.
04:43These WhatsApp groups, in a very high percentage, are made of phones with international lines
04:48from Chile, Peru, United States, and they receive instructions.
05:02The great task now is to rebuild the social relations and trust that they tried to break
05:06within the communities.
05:08We have guaranteed peace.
05:10The situation only arose on July 29, in view of the fact that these violent, fascist, terrorist
05:16groups were looking for a confrontation between the state security agencies and the people,
05:21a confrontation of people against people.
05:24Normality consolidates in cities like Valencia, Caracas, and others shaken by fascist violence.
05:36In Bolivia, reports and cases of human trafficking have increased constantly over the last three
05:41years and have almost doubled.
05:43The main destination of this phenomenon is sexual exploitation, followed by labor exploitation.
05:47Correspondent Feli Morales has the story.
05:53Human trafficking begins with the disappearance of a person.
05:56If the absence is prolonged, the police label the report as human trafficking.
06:01On average, one-third of every 1,000 missing persons reports result in human trafficking.
06:06In the first half of last year, we had 1,653 reports, of which 1,328 people were found.
06:19But we are still looking for 325 people.
06:23During the first half of this year, we have more than 1,807 reports, of which we have
06:29found 1,380 reports.
06:37According to research, most of the people trafficked are children and adolescents, and
06:41preferably women.
06:42They are mainly recruited for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
06:51It is always considered child sexual exploitation, which is known as child prostitution in some
06:57This child sexual exploitation is just that.
07:02It is sexual exploitation.
07:04There are no children that involve consent, because it is a minor.
07:08There is no consent in this, and this is human trafficking, because there are benefits
07:13for third parties.
07:19The second destination of victims of human trafficking is labor exploitation.
07:23But 14 destinations have been verified, ranging from organ trafficking to forced pregnancy,
07:28sex tourism, forced begging, serval marriage and employment in criminal activities.
07:33In Bolivia, the cases detected are met with judicial condescension.
07:38If we do not have a significant number of sentences, we are sending a message to criminal
07:45organizations and criminals that this crime is not being punished in the country.
07:50And the work done by the rest of the institutions for prevention, attention to victims, investigation,
07:55ends up being insufficient in the face of this reality, since this is a message which
08:01is very strong.
08:02The dismissiveness of the justice system, according to the authorities, may contribute
08:08to the fact that the phenomenon of human trafficking has almost doubled in just three years.
08:14In 2021, the total in Bolivia was 589.
08:18In 2022, it was 724.
08:22And in 2023, it was 947.
08:25Therefore, there is an increase in the number of complaints.
08:29In the processes that are currently underway for human trafficking, which has to do with
08:33social networks.
08:38According to official statistics, 70% of trafficked persons in Bolivia are under 18 years of age
08:43and 76% are women.
08:46In more than 80% of the cases, victims are recruited through social networks, and it
08:50has been revealed that a trafficker needs only 18 minutes to convince his victim to
08:54have a meeting.
09:25Fernando Zabac Montiel, Brenda Uliarte and Nicolás Corrizo.
09:29Before the trial, the former president pointed to the hegemonic media and to the judicial
09:33negligence that shows to dismiss the clues that led to the masterminds and financers
09:38of the attack.
09:40Let's take a short break, but remember that you can join us on TikTok, at Televisor English,
09:46where you'll find new and different formats, news updates, and much more.
09:50We'll be right back, stay with us.
10:25Welcome back.
10:28Palestine demanded punishment for the Israeli authorities before the Security Council for
10:31dismissing all calls to stop the genocide in the Gaza Strip.
10:35On a session of the United Nations Security Council, the Palestinian representative, Riyad
10:39Mansour, denounced that the Tel Aviv regime points out that hunger is a legitimate war
10:44weapon while justifying its massacres against innocent civilians.
10:48Likewise, Mansour assured that the Zionist entity turns a blind eye to international
10:53declarations and resolutions.
10:55Several U.N. members, such as Russia, Algeria, and China, condemned on Tuesday's sessions
11:00the attack perpetrated by Israel and a school in Gaza that claimed over 100 lives.
11:09To those who continue to arm Israel, to those who still have the audacity to call on Israel
11:19quote unquote to investigate its own crimes as if the actions of its soldiers do not reflect
11:28actual policies of its military and political leaders, to those who dare to try and deter
11:37international courts from ensuring accountability instead of deterring the perpetrators of atrocities,
11:47wake up, wake up.
11:51Meanwhile in Palestine, at least 16 people were killed by Israeli bombardments perpetrated
11:56during the last hours in the center and north of the Gaza Strip.
11:59An attack carried out before midnight on Tuesday at the Nusra Refugee Camp claimed the lives
12:03of the entire Abu Naba family.
12:06Seven people, including the father, mother, and five children between the ages of two
12:10and eleven, were killed during the bombing.
12:13On the other hand, at least nine people were killed and several wounded after separate
12:16attacks by the Israeli army in the Maghazi Refugee Camp in the southern city of Hanjounis
12:22and in Beit Lahriya, north of Gaza.
12:29The Interim Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati, stresses the importance of national
12:33unity to confront the threats and aggressions of the Israeli occupation forces.
12:38Mikati highlighted that solidarity among the Lebanese must be stronger than ever ahead
12:42of Israeli hostility.
12:44The Interim Prime Minister further called on the international community to play a decisive
12:47and immediate role in defusing tensions and stopping the current Israeli aggression.
12:52In this regard, the Authority insisted on implementing the United Nations Security Council
12:55resolutions to immediately reduce or cease Israel's provocative actions, mitigate risks
13:00and safeguard civilians.
13:20On Wednesday, over 700,000 residents of western and central Africa continued to be affected
13:25by torrential rains and severe flooding.
13:27A UN briefing reported that these weather phenomena impacted on the 746,473 lives from
13:34the Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, the Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Nigeria,
13:40Mali and Togo.
13:41A report further registered 72 deaths from drowning and 699 injured.
13:46Furthermore, over 62,000 houses have been damaged, leaving 44,772 displaced.
13:52Meanwhile, the Central Emergency Response Fund allocated almost US$10 million to Congo
13:57the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Niger in response to climate emergencies.
14:07In Greece, wildfires have spread over 10,000 hectares of land, leaving a fatality and thousands
14:12of evacuees.
14:14Greek firefighting authorities are striving to put out thousands of active wildfire spots
14:18across the country.
14:19For this emergency, the government deployed hundreds of firefighters, 200 trucks and nine
14:24aircraft to help control the active outbreaks.
14:26Moreover, the Turkey Aviation joined the efforts undertaken by the national authorities sending
14:30two amphibious planes and a helicopter to assist the firefighting teams in Athens.
14:49On Wednesday, the governor of the Russian province of Belgorod, Vyacheslav Gladkov,
14:54declared a regional emergency over Ukrainian attacks.
14:57The governor said the decision is aimed at implementing measures to provide greater citizen
15:02protection, highlighting the devastating impact that these aggressions have had on the local
15:08The governor indicated that in the last hours, Ukrainian drone attacks have been registered
15:12in two localities of the province, causing structural damage in the area.
15:19The situation in our Belgorod region remains extremely difficult and tense due to daily
15:28shelling from the Ukrainian armed forces.
15:30Buildings are being destroyed, civilians are being injured and killed.
15:35So we are taking this decision, starting from today, in order to provide additional protection
15:40to the population, to provide additional support measures to victims, a state of emergency
15:45will be introduced on a regional level throughout Belgorod.
15:49We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
15:53channel at Telesol English.
15:55There you'll be able to rewatch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings, and more.
15:59Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
16:02world's most recent events.
16:03Final short break, don't go away.
16:15Welcome back.
16:24Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced on August 14th that he would not seek re-election
16:28as leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, ending his nearly three-year term in office.
16:33Kishida stressed the need for change within the Liberal Democratic Party, especially after
16:37his popularity plummeted due to a corruption scandal and price hikes that have hit Japanese
16:43His support has fallen below 20 percent, and the new LDP leader to be elected in September
16:48will automatically become the next prime minister.
16:50Kishida emphasized the importance of transparent elections and open debates to revitalize the
16:55party, and pledged to support his successor.
17:04In this presidential election, it is necessary to show the people that the LDP, Liberal Democratic
17:09Party, is changing, and the party is new LDP.
17:13For this, transparent and open elections and free and vigorous debate are important.
17:19The most obvious first step to show that the LDP will change is for me to step aside.
17:24I will not be running in the forthcoming presidential election.
17:32In this context, some Japanese citizens have shared their opinion on the matter.
17:40I was surprised.
17:42I knew there were some issues, but I had no idea with thinking of quitting so it was surprising
17:48to me.
17:49I personally would like to see someone younger take charge.
17:53We have only seen very old politicians lead our country so far, so someone more youthful
18:00and efficient would be good.
18:07His approval ratings have been fast declining, so I'm actually impressed he has made it this
18:13I personally think the negative sides of the LDP have been surfacing lately, so a change
18:18in power might be a good idea.
18:23On Wednesday, Prime Minister of Pakistan Shabazz Sharif noted the government's strive for inclusive
18:28and prosperous economic growth and stability on the 77th anniversary of national independence.
18:33Prime Minister Sharif called for his independence, in which he stressed they will continue to
18:37push forward efforts to continue providing positive answers towards the country's economic
18:49China's navy hospital ship, the Peace Ark, arrived in Mozambique as part of its Harmony
18:54Mission 2024.
18:55During the next seven days, the ship will provide medical services to local residents.
19:00This marks the fourth stop of the Peace Ark on its current mission and its first return
19:04to Mozambique in seven years.
19:06Harmony Mission 2024 officials highlighted the significance of this cross-border medical
19:12Following its mission in Mozambique, the Peace Ark is scheduled to continue its journey to
19:15South Africa, Angola and other locations, extending its medical services to more local
19:25On Wednesday, the Ice Swimming World Championships is underway at the Calafate City in Argentina
19:44as the sport event kicked off on Monday and its closing will be on Sunday.
19:48Over 100 swimmers from 14 countries are participating in the competition organized by the International
19:53Winter Swimming Association.
19:55Athletes are split into age categories from younger than 14 years old to over 30 years
20:00old and they don't wear a wetsuit.
20:03Mayra Santos, from Portugal, won the gold medal in the 100 meters and the silver medal
20:07in the 50 meters in the 45 to 49 age category.
20:11Earlier she had set a world record as she has swum for 30 hours, being the longest continuous
20:16swim in a counterflow pool.
20:18Santos and another competitor shared their views on the current swimming event.
20:24I am very happy, I have no regrets, it is a very magical place, a beautiful place, everything
20:31went well, everyone treated us very well and I am very happy.
20:36It's my second time in El Calafate in Perito Moreno Glacier.
20:42I'm really happy to be here, it's really nice to compete.
20:45It's super nice that we can try in open water competition, all the distances and the atmosphere
20:50is just amazing.
20:51The place is so beautiful, I really love it.
20:54And this is where I've come to the end of this newsreel, you can find this and many
20:58other stories on our website at telesportenglish.net, so join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
21:04Telegram and TikTok.
21:06For Telesport English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos, thank you for watching.
