• 2 months ago
FTS 8.30
*UN claims Israel continues to block humanitarian aid to Gaza
*Heavy fires in Greece claim first fatality
00:00On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro signed a decree to create a National Cyber
00:15Security Council to deal with cyberattacks in the country.
00:20The United Nations claims Israel continues to block crucial humanitarian aid missions
00:24to Gaza.
00:27Crisis hit by heavy fires and extreme weather conditions, on Monday the fire claimed its
00:32first fatality north of the country's capital.
00:38Hello and welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televisa Studios in Havana,
00:44We begin with the news.
00:45On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro signed a decree to create a National Cyber
00:49Security Council to deal with cyberattacks in the country.
00:52During the Defense and State Council that took place on the same day with members of
00:56the Military High Command and the Executive Cabinet, the head of state said that the
01:00measure seeks to guarantee the liberation and protection of all the country's technological
01:04command systems.
01:05He added that all institutions, public and private, must be freed and vaccinated against
01:10cybernetic warfare.
01:12In the same session, Jorge Rodriguez, President of the National Assembly, said that the Parliament
01:16will discuss a package of reforms to regulate the use of social networks in the country,
01:22a measure that is also advancing other nations of the world.
01:30Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro stated that his government is a defender of the United
01:34Nations Charter.
01:37We are persevering defenders of the United Nations Charter and we believe in the United
01:41Nations system, but a United Nations system that upholds international law, international
01:46law, the right of the people, the right to peace, the right to independence, not interventionism.
01:54Also the executive vice president of Venezuela denounced that the acts of vandalism that
01:58took place in the country after the presidential elections were a consequence of the irresponsible
02:02calls of the opposition, MarĂ­a Corina Machado and the former presidential candidate Edmundo
02:13The events that took place as a result of an irresponsible and violent call of the violent
02:17activist María Corina Machado and that of the former candidate Edmundo González Urrutia
02:22resulted in crimes against the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and
02:27the violation of fundamental rights of Venezuelans, such as the right to life, the right to personal
02:32integrity, the right to property and the right to diversity, which constitutes, as stated
02:36by the Attorney General of the Republic, hate crimes that were also committed on July
02:4229, 31 and 2 of August in joint work with the Prosecutor's General Office.
02:48We have as a balance of lethal victims, fatalities, 22 people whose cases have been totally substantiated.
03:00In addition, the Attorney General of Venezuela pointed out the seriousness of the hate crimes
03:04committed against the people of Venezuela by persecuting and attacking citizens for
03:07their political orientation in favor of chavismo.
03:17Not only the crime or instigation to a hate crime, but the hate crime that is the materialization
03:21of the murder.
03:22Of course, when a person attacks another person motivated exclusively by their membership
03:27or a particular social group.
03:30Their violent behavior is motivated by the prejudice towards the person by their sex,
03:34race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, socioeconomic level, nationality, ideology
03:40or political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation.
03:44In the Venezuelan case, was strictly to persecute and seek to exterminate chavismo.
03:49There is no doubt that it is a hate crime in fusion of attacking and seeking to exterminate
03:53people because of their political orientation.
03:59The Venezuelan state continues to investigate the attacks that foreign websites have been
04:03suffering since the election of July 28.
04:05These have affected public institutions and social services of the state.
04:09Let's see the details with our correspondent Leonel Retamal.
04:15Even two weeks after the presidential elections, Venezuela is still facing cyber attacks, denounced
04:21the Minister of Science and Technology.
04:2465% are denial-of-service attacks, which imply a saturation of websites due to excessive
04:29requests for access.
04:31During July 28 alone, the authorities denounced that they received 30 million attacks per
04:40When one analyzes the volume of attacks, the sophistication of the attacks, the incidence
04:44of attacks, the duration of attacks, this also has to do with an installed technological
04:49capacity and with a financial capacity.
04:52If you attack for an hour, a terabyte of attack, you are financing at least $5,000
04:57for each attack.
04:58So we have received 30 million attacks per minute, Mr. President.
05:02This means that what is behind the attacks is a great economic and technological power.
05:10At least 20 websites of state-owned platforms and media outlets were attacked.
05:15Another 40 are under investigation.
05:17The main one has been the state-owned telephone and internet services company KenTV.
05:24So we have a sophistication in the number of attacks, a significant volume in the number
05:28of attacks, a significant funding in the number of attacks, and a diversity of attacks, with
05:33more than five types of attacks targeting the state's technological platforms.
05:38Many of the attacks on the websites affect service pages such as the payment of taxes,
05:42the civil identification system, and the patria system that grants bonds and different
05:47services, among others.
05:49Even media outlets such as Telesur were affected.
05:53The big thing is that they are hurting everybody, right?
05:56Because for example, if they attack, what do I know, a state system where any Venezuelan
06:01requires it, that person is being affected by the enemies of the homeland, regardless
06:06of the ideology of that person.
06:13In response to these attacks, a National Cyber Security Council will be created to develop
06:17defense strategies and legal developments on the subject.
06:21Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Telesur English,
06:26where you'll find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
06:30We'll be right back, stay with us.
06:43Welcome back.
06:56The Peruvian Public Ministry assures that the law on crimes against humanity and world
07:00crimes enacted by Congress violates the defense of human rights and the autonomy and independence
07:05of judges.
07:06The Public Prosecutor's Office assures that the law will have a negative impact on the
07:10processing of judicial processes in particularly serious cases such as Madre MĂ­a, Omaya and
07:16Galván Borja, among others.
07:18They also refer that the new law violates the autonomy and functional independence of
07:22the magistrate since it prevents the Prosecutor's Office from exercising its function as defender
07:27of legality and prosecutor of the crime.
07:30The firm also warns of the negative consequences that the law will have on the exercise of
07:34the prosecutors.
07:39The United Nations claims Israel continues to block crucial humanitarian aid missions
07:43to Gaza.
07:45According to the multilateral organization, Israel has denied access to the Palestinian
07:48enclave to more than one-third of the aid missions since the beginning of August.
07:53The UN Security Council calls Tel Aviv decisions a continuing cycle of deprivation and distress
07:59for the Palestinian population devastated by the genocidal operation.
08:03According to the latest report of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
08:07198 people were killed and 430 injured in Israeli attacks in less than 72 hours, and
08:12adds that the blockade of coordinated aid court undermines efforts to address urgent
08:18humanitarian needs.
08:26The Israeli regime bombed several towns in southern Lebanon with international-banned
08:30white phosphorus munitions.
08:32The Israeli aircraft fired on the outskirts of several residential areas in the Lebanese
08:37The health ministry reported that at least three civilians were wounded in the attack.
08:41The Lebanese authorities denounced that the attacks by Tel Aviv, which have intensified
08:45since October 2023 against southern Lebanon, have caused more than 100,000 people to be
08:52In this regard, they assure that they maintain diplomatic lines with Israel and international
08:57organizations to stop the violations committed by the occupation and to achieve a ceasefire
09:02in the Gaza Strip.
09:08The acting Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikadi, confirmed that all relevant ministries,
09:13departments and organizations have taken measures within the framework of the national emergency
09:17plan to deal with the Israeli aggressions.
09:19In this regard, he emphasized the need for de-escalation to avoid a spiral of violence
09:23and decisive role of the international community.
09:26He also recalled that the only way out of the conflict is the implementation of the
09:29Security Council's Resolution 701, which establishes the freedom and sovereignty of
09:34Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders.
09:51The Israeli regime fears that Hezbollah's Al-Ratwan force troops will launch an incursion
09:56and take over northern regions.
09:59Israeli occupation army officers on the northern front consider the threat of a ground incursion
10:02by the Al-Ratwan resistance in Lebanon as real.
10:06According to statements, the Al-Ratwan force has the capability to carry out an organized
10:09attack and infiltrate a settlement or military site.
10:11In this context, the Israeli regime should remain alert to a possible escalation of the
10:16conflict because they fear that 200 Al-Ratwan fighters could take control of the north at
10:20any time.
10:21We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
10:28channel at Telezone English.
10:31There you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings, and more.
10:35Hit the subscribe button and activate notifications bell to stay up to date on the world's most
10:39recent events.
10:40Fun short break, don't go away.
10:51Welcome back.
11:17Greece is hit by heavy fires and extreme weather conditions, a month that the fire claimed
11:21its first fatality north of the country's capital.
11:24Fire authorities report that the body of a 62-year-old woman was found in a store razed
11:28by the flames.
11:29The victim's acquaintances cannot explain why she waited until the last minute before
11:33leaving the store.
11:34The fire that hit the Attica region broke out on Sunday in the vicinity of Lake Marathon
11:38and has spread, razing several houses and establishments in its path.
11:42The European Union monitoring service has raised the number of hectares burned to more
11:45than 10,000.
11:46A 5.5 earthquake has been reported in the Syrian province of Hama.
11:56At least 25 people have been injured.
11:58According to the health director of the region, Maher Younes, the victims suffered minor and
12:02medium injuries.
12:03Panic and fainting spells were also reported, especially in the city of Sanamia, the closest
12:08city to the epicenter of the strong tremor.
12:11The quake struck at 11.56 local time with its epicenter 28 kilometers east of the city
12:16of Hama, according to the Syrian National Earthquake Center.
12:19Authorities in Damascus, Latakia and other provinces where the quake was felt say that
12:24no major damage has been reported.
12:31In other news, on Monday, the Austral sailing ship of the non-governmental Open Arms has
12:36rescued 187 migrants in several rescue operations in the central Mediterranean.
12:41Since last August 9, the organization has been carrying out rescue work, according to
12:45figures from the Italian Migration Authority.
12:47421 migrants had reached the island of Lampedusa in just 24 hours, as of Friday.
12:54In the midst of this new wave of migration, Open Arms has been involved in six operations
12:59including the distribution of hydration and life jackets to migrants who have managed
13:03to reach the island in precarious boats.
13:05In one of the rescue missions, they saved the lives of 55 people from Tunisia, including
13:09children and babies in high-risk conditions.
13:17In Spain, citizens protested against mass tourism on the Spanish island of Mallorca.
13:22Residents of the island of Mallorca symbolically occupied a section of Valladolid beach to
13:28protest against the consequences of mass tourism in the territory.
13:31The island is part of the Balearic Archipelago, one of the most touristic regions of the country,
13:36where the tourism sector causes socio-economic and ecological problems.
13:40In this context, the demonstration is added to others that have been presented this year
13:44in other Spanish cities against mass tourism.
14:01In Mexico, despite urbanization, an important extension of land in the Tlalhuac municipality
14:10is still dedicated to corn cultivation.
14:12For the producers, their current cultural week is not only a source of income, it is
14:16also a way of preserving their traditions.
14:18Antonio Aranda, our correspondent, with the details.
14:22In San Juan in Yactupan, in the Tlalhuac municipality, the 31st edition of the cultural week of corn
14:28and gastronomy, art and culture is held.
14:37The gastronomy show consists of 140 exhibitors, one of which is Don Antonio, a fourth-generation
14:44farmer and producer of local crulled corn.
14:48Most of the people here in town leave off corn and appreciate it very much.
14:52My life has always been this, the field.
14:55Where am I going?
14:56What is it worth?
14:57You dedicate yourself to the field, to what you know, and that is what we have dedicated
15:00ourselves to, to planting corn.
15:05For Don Antonio, the conservation of transgenic free corn is a permanent struggle against
15:09the onslaught of international corporations seeking to commercialize it freely for human
15:13consumption in Mexico.
15:19The transgenic free corn is better, it is yellow and this one is white.
15:23It has a different taste and it is not the same.
15:25The taste of corn and corn, that is why it is important to preserve this corn seed so
15:31that it is not lost.
15:33Nowadays, young people have renewed their interest in preserving the traditional methods
15:40of planting and harvesting corn, says Alicia Diaz, member of the Organizing Committee of
15:45the Corn Week.
15:49We can find that many young people, especially young people who, for example, are studying
15:57agronomy, gastronomy, help you to better choose the seeds and many of them are working in
16:03each of their areas.
16:07With a daily influx of 4,000 people, the Corn Week exposes the seeds and the multiple uses
16:12of this crop in the seven agrarian centers of the Tlahuac municipality, which contributes
16:17to the food sovereignty of the capital of Mexico by providing safe food, details this
16:22local official.
16:25In the context of controversy between Mexico and the United States over the free sale of
16:29transgenic corn for human consumption, native producers are working to preserve their seeds
16:34free of biological contamination.
16:37The cultural week of corn in San Juan Xichatopan in the Tlahuac municipality is not only an
16:42economic meeting for the producers, it is also a motive for the citizens to maintain
16:46their traditions.
16:52The 18th Guevara International Film Festival in Cuba concludes the screen of more than
16:5680 films, consolidating itself as a fundamental event for artistic creation.
17:02A new edition of this event, which celebrates cinema, ended successfully in the province
17:11of Alguin, where the festival was held since August 6, with the slogan Filma el Oriente.
17:17The days served as a stage where not only cinema was highlighted as the only art, but
17:22also music, theater, literature, and visual expressions were combined.
17:30It has been very important to have achieved a factory award, a satisfaction of those who
17:36have participated in this because the quality of the projects has been very important.
17:41The results of this award that the juries are making, the justice of this enormous diversity
17:46of awards, to have consolidated cinema in construction, I think this festival has been
17:51characterized by the level and quantity of theoretical forums on space, technology forums
17:56and debates.
17:57It has been an impressive thing and a very complete festival with all the artistic manifestations.
18:04We are really very satisfied with the results.
18:08The Givara International Film Festival featured films from 25 countries, which presented works
18:14classified in different categories, including 11 fiction feature films, 22 documentary shorts,
18:20and 15 animated pieces.
18:22In addition to the invited nations, the festival was attended by Argentina, Venezuela, Austria,
18:27the United States, Iran, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, among others.
18:32There were works of various types, fiction, documentary, short and long films.
18:40We were very pleased with the diversity of countries that were competing, of course Cuba,
18:44some co-productions with Spain and Italy, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil.
18:50There was a diversity that is always important because this diversity implies an interest
18:54in the festival in those countries.
19:01I believe that this has been the edition with the highest level, in terms of film screening,
19:06in the films that have participated, but above all in the theoretical events.
19:11The theoretical events have been very important and I believe that they will continue to nourish
19:16Cuban cinema.
19:17In reality, at the moment that Cuban cinema is going through, this space is much needed.
19:23At this we have come to the end of this newsbrief.
19:26You can find this and many other sources on our website www.telesudenglish.net, so join
19:30us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
19:35For Telesudenglish, I'm Luis Alberto Matos, thanks for watching.
