Love is Blind UK S01E05 (2024)

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00:00I made the wrong decision choosing Sam.
00:20What I really want is to apologize to Benaiah.
00:25You know, he's not second best.
00:28He's like someone who from the second I spoke to him like changed my complete experience.
00:33I just want him to know that I really care about him and I just want to be with him.
00:43If he says no it would feel devastating.
00:47I want you to feel the same.
00:50This is do or die.
00:52Can I hear the line?
00:57Hi, oh my god!
01:01Oh my god, I'm kidding.
01:03Oh my god, you exist.
01:05You're real.
01:07You're not a purple doll.
01:08No, I'm not.
01:11Do you want to take a seat?
01:12Yeah, come on.
01:15How are you?
01:16I'm good.
01:17You're a lot nicer than I imagined.
01:19I thought you were Bob Marley, I'm getting something out of that.
01:21I mean, you've got the long hair.
01:22I've got the long hair?
01:23Yeah, you did.
01:24I got the long hair, I knew your vibe.
01:27Oh my god, yeah.
01:29You're so beautiful as well.
01:32No, so like a lot's happened.
01:35Last time we spoke was the pods.
01:37Yeah, I want to be open with you because I think you deserve that.
01:40I think ultimately, I mean, I'm sorry.
01:46I instantly, like, I don't want to say regret,
01:51but like I instantly knew I made a mistake choosing Sam.
01:55We called it off.
01:58Something just didn't feel right from the beginning.
02:01I just felt like it wasn't what it was.
02:04With you, I always sort of knew that we had things in common.
02:10I realized I felt that I liked you more and was pouring into you more,
02:14but I didn't feel like actually, emotionally, you were pouring back.
02:18So I then decided to keep my options open.
02:23And ultimately, by choosing someone who was, quote unquote,
02:26emotionally available, I then made a decision that wasn't quite right, you know?
02:34You were so right, and I didn't want to hear it.
02:37I am so sorry. I'm so sorry.
02:39You don't need to apologize. You don't.
02:42I mean, I think part of me did think that it would be the two of us.
02:50You know, it was really difficult for me coming away from that ending
02:56and how, like, heartbroken I was with everything.
02:59And that was so tough, so...
03:02No, I'm sorry.
03:04No, I'm just so sorry.
03:07I just feel like I fucked up, in all honesty.
03:10No, no, no, no, no.
03:15I don't know. I just...
03:17I don't know.
03:22A lot has been swirling around in my head.
03:27I'm sorry for shutting myself off.
03:29It's not the way I like to conduct myself.
03:32And it's... I've learned from that.
03:34But I think the right thing has happened.
03:39What I had with you was, like, authentic and true.
03:42I did try to get it out of my head. Couldn't.
03:45And walking up here, I was a bit nervous.
03:48Yeah, yeah.
03:48I was like, as soon as I see you and start talking to you,
03:51I'm going to be, like, at peace.
03:55But it tells me it's real.
03:56I've lost you once. I don't want to lose you again.
04:01And I came here today with the intention of addressing,
04:08you know, you wanting reassurance, wanting the commitment.
04:12And I couldn't give you that.
04:16So, I need you to stand up.
04:24Because I think a seed has been sown.
04:29I want to help nurture and care for that seed
04:32and help it become the most beautiful flower.
04:35Oh, yes.
04:38I am asking you today, Nicole,
04:42to stand up for me.
04:43I'm sorry.
04:44I'm sorry.
04:45I'm sorry.
04:46I'm sorry.
04:46I'm sorry.
04:47I'm sorry.
04:48I'm sorry.
04:48I'm sorry.
04:49I'm sorry.
04:49I'm sorry.
04:57Will you marry me?
05:03Sometimes love can pull you out
05:09Sometimes love can bring you down
05:13Sometimes love just ain't enough
05:17You're so sweet
05:19You're so sweet
05:23Oh, you're so sweet
05:25Oh, so pretty
05:29Not ready to go?
05:33Sometimes love can take a while
05:40Just take a while
05:46Can we lock this down?
05:48Close this up right now
05:50Show me what you got me working for
05:59Can we lock this down?
06:03Can we lock this down?
06:06Show me what you got me working for
06:09Can we lock this down?
06:29Can we lock this down?
06:33This is me
06:41It's not fair that you just get the best Santa holidays, is it?
06:44I can't
06:47I'm feeling really good
06:49I feel so blessed to be in Greece, to be with Stephen
06:52He brings so much fun and laughter into every situation
06:55Even in those goddamn speedos
06:58So how many pairs do we have with you?
07:00Let's not spoil the surprise, eh?
07:01I think we're at one every day, can't we?
07:04So do you think you would be happy waking up beside me every day?
07:08I love it
07:09For the next 60, 70 years?
07:11Did not say how big my smile was
07:13Yeah, looking forward to it, I'm excited
07:16I feel like yesterday we even were starting to learn little things about each other
07:20It's nice when it's just something completely rogue or like unexpected
07:25Is there anything that's been unexpected yet?
07:31Love you
07:41I'm excited for today
07:43What are you most excited about?
07:45Seeing the other couples
07:48Who? Which specifically?
07:50Jamie and Ollie
07:51Interesting dynamic, those two
07:53I thought it would be Kat and Ollie here
07:54She was very on Ollie
07:55And then the more dates she had with Freddie
07:57She was just like, I'd actually picture my whole life with Freddie
08:00But she broke up with him on his birthday
08:02Kat broke up with Ollie?
08:04Did she?
08:05Yeah, she called it off on his birthday
08:06That's so interesting because Ollie told us that he broke up with Kat
08:11No, he didn't
08:15Do you think anyone got close to each other last night?
08:19Yeah, I mean I'm looking forward to getting some of the girls later
08:31Do you feel we've connected on another level?
08:37Yeah, feeling
08:39Yeah, the other day
08:41I'm happy where things are going
08:43And I feel super comfortable with you
08:46I literally feel like I've been with you for like a year
08:49Yeah, same
08:50It doesn't even feel like our first holiday
08:51No, it doesn't
08:52I can get used to this
08:55What do you feel about today?
08:58What do you feel about going to see the others tonight?
09:01Yeah, I'm excited
09:02I'm looking forward to, you know, meeting the guys, meeting the girls
09:06And, yeah, just showing what we've got, the connection we've got, you know
09:10It's going to be weird, like, walking in because I know the girls
09:14Oh yeah
09:15And you don't know them
09:17Do you reckon, so if you were lined up, do you reckon you could pick them out?
09:20Well, I could pick out Ollie
09:22Ollie's voice
09:24Yeah, I'm nervous to see Ollie
09:29Just because, well, obviously, you know
09:33I was, like, talking to him at the start
09:37And then, like, even though we left it all good times
09:40Obviously, you know, him saying that he called it off at the pods, which is not true
09:46It just hurts because I went in there so genuine
09:49I was, like, really conscious that he wasn't upset
09:52Do you know what I mean?
09:54So, knowing that he just, like, twisted my words and made me sound like someone that I just didn't like
10:00And I'm a very, like, up front, I'll confront him up front
10:04I just don't think that matters
10:05Yeah, but for me it does
10:07I get that
10:08But, like, I just think that's the pride thing
10:10I think, at the end of the day, you've been true to yourself
10:12And it doesn't matter, you know what I mean?
10:14If I was, like, pull Ollie up for, like, a chat
10:16Like, I wouldn't do it to cause drama
10:18It's just literally just out of respect to be like, hey, like, it was a bit shit what you did
10:23If you feel that's what you need to do to get, like, closure or to make yourself feel better about the situation
10:29Then you do it, you know?
10:33Whatever you want to do, I'll stand by it
10:41Told you I'm taking it up a couple of doles
10:49Cheers, babe
10:52This is a really nice place
10:53Perfect view
10:55Perfect company
10:56Every now and then it just hits me, like, how lucky I am to be here with you
10:58Yeah, same
11:00After spending some serious, like, quality time with Ollie
11:03I'm like, yeah, I could really, really, really love this guy
11:06Last night was very, like, it was nice
11:08Even though we're definitely physically attracted to one another
11:11And I know that, you know, we will be ready to go into that next part of our connection
11:15It's not a rush
11:17So, do you have any, like, anxiety or fears about us taking our relationship to the next level physically?
11:24OK, well, it's not like I have fears
11:28But it's like, everything is going so well
11:32And I have this expectation that that's going to go well
11:35So it's like, I just need that to go well
11:40Do you know what I'm thinking? No more
11:44Everyone just goes at their own pace
11:46Well, obviously, sex is important
11:47But I think it's also important to give it its accurate place in a relationship
11:53I think if you put too much emphasis on that, you can easily skip on all the other stuff
11:57Does that make sense?
11:59All the stuff that we really built in the pods
12:00The things that are really going to hold us together
12:06I wonder what the others are getting up to, actually
12:08I'm excited about seeing the other couples
12:10I'm excited about seeing the girls
12:12Jasmine, Maria
12:17Who else am I missing from?
12:25Now, I'm sure we'll get a chance to hang out with them some more
12:28We're just going to keep focusing on this
12:30And our cocktails, right?
12:34I think it would be nice to see us with other couples
12:37And see us in a wider environment
12:40Because obviously it has only just been me and Ollie
12:42We've been in the pods
12:43We've been here in this lovely villa
12:45It just feels really comfortable and organic
12:47But there is always outside noise
12:49And that outside noise will come inside noise at some point
12:52Obviously, me and Cat, we look very different
12:54So, the fact that Ollie's connected with us both at different stages and stuff
13:00Obviously, in the back of my mind, it's like, ooh, that might be his type
13:03But it's how are we going to deal with that?
13:13Oh, this is beautiful
13:15I'm excited to see the other couples
13:17I can't wait
13:18Mmm, you look delicious
13:20Thank you
13:21You're glistening
13:23I look like a Christmas tree
13:25No, you look like my man
13:43Oh, my God!
13:45Hi, Ollie!
13:46Hi, Sabrina!
13:47What's happening, mate?
13:49Yes, mate, looking good
13:50I miss you so much!
13:52Good to see you, brother
13:53You are
13:54How are you?
13:55Can you introduce me?
13:56Yeah, this is Sabrina
13:57Nice to meet you, I'm Bobby
13:58Nice to meet you
13:59You're obviously the gorgeous girl
14:00Nice to meet you
14:06Sabrina, good to get back
14:09Hi, baby!
14:11How you doing, bro?
14:12Good, mate
14:13Nice big smile on you
14:14That's what I like to see
14:16This is Bobby
14:17I'm good, how are you?
14:18I'm great, I'm great
14:19I've heard a lot about you
14:21All good things, though, all good things
14:32Oi, oi!
14:33What's happening, mate?
14:35Good to see you, bro
14:36Hey, kid, how are you?
14:37I'm great, I'm great
14:38We finally get to hang out
14:39I know, right?
14:40That's Sabrina, right?
14:42This is almost as exciting as that reveal of seeing Stephen
14:44because obviously I know all the girls, they're amazing
14:48but I've dated all of these men at one point
14:50and I've no idea what they look like
14:52It's great to meet you
14:53So I can't wait to put faces to names
14:55and just see what the dynamic with the other couples are
14:58and just catch up with them
14:59You guys look great together
15:00I'm not even joking you
15:01Thank you
15:02This is another level
15:03You get back into boxing?
15:04I get back into it
15:05Well, you're punching
15:09Ollie, I love you for that
15:21Look at him
15:22Oh my God
15:24He's actually very chiseled
15:26You two are beautiful
15:28Hi, you lot too, man
15:31How are you?
15:32I've missed everyone
15:35I've missed you
15:37You look so good together
15:40Oh shit, sorry man, sorry
15:42Hey, how you doing? You good?
15:43Yeah, I'm good too
15:44I'm great, I'm great
15:46Nice to meet you
15:47Oh my God
15:48You alright?
15:51Yeah, Catherine
15:52She's a very pretty girl
15:54Catherine looks similar to what I thought she was going to look like
16:05Did you hear the thunder last night?
16:08I was up all night
16:09Why did you haven't heard us from our villa?
16:11We did, yeah
16:12That was you in the middle of the night, Mernie
16:15No, that was the thunder, honey
16:17No, right
16:18Code word
16:31We didn't have too much drama to be in the lounge
16:33There was a couple of moments
16:34But there was a lot of respect still in the lounge
16:37You could feel the tension
16:38Towards the end, I was glad that I wasn't in any triangle
16:41Because you inherited the stress and the tension that all the lads were going through
16:46It's so interesting how, like, obviously you two are here
16:49Me and Demi are here, you and Bobby are here
16:50But, like, with one different twist, like, different twist of fate
16:53Things could look very different
16:55It's like the butterfly effect, do you know what I mean?
16:56It's all worked out perfectly, my goodness
16:58Yeah, 100%, I think so
16:59I think everyone's so well matched
17:00Trust the process
17:03It's just weird seeing everyone together
17:05I know, but are you feeling better now?
17:07Because you were nervous before
17:08Yeah, I know
17:09Do you want to pull into one side and have a chat?
17:11Like, if it's going to help you get it off your chest
17:14You can just talk civil
17:16Okay, yeah?
17:32Do you want to go for a chat?
17:33Yeah, we can go for a chat
17:35Let's go
17:36I didn't want to stir the pot between Demi and Ollie
17:38Because there was that little connection at the start
17:40But I don't want people thinking that I was lying
17:43Or that he ended it because he didn't
17:46It's nice to see you
17:47I feel like when you first saw me, you were like, not so sure
17:50But I was like, I'm, yeah
17:52I'll be real with you
17:53I was nervous
17:54Meeting you
17:57I did get told something
18:01It got back to me that you kind of just went back to the lounge
18:04And you kind of were saying that, you know, you called it off with me
18:10I was a bit like
18:11I was like, building myself up
18:13I feel awful
18:14And what am I going to say?
18:16I like, was trying to be so respectful
18:18Because I wanted to keep the friendship
18:20And then to hear like
18:21Well, I got told that he came back in the lounge
18:23And Ollie was just kind of like
18:24Yeah, I called it off with Kat
18:25It is what it is
18:29Do you know what?
18:30I'm not going to say
18:31Oh, that's definitely not true
18:32Because I can't actually remember exactly
18:33That's when he came back
18:34I thought I'd gone back and said
18:35That I was gonna say that
18:37And then you kind of beat me to it
18:38And I was kind of like relieved that we were on the same page
18:40A hundred percent
18:41If I did say that, I apologise
18:42Because that's not true
18:43So if I accidentally mistold what happened
18:47Then yeah, I apologise
18:48Because that's not what happened
18:51I didn't want there to be tension like
18:53Oh, no, no, no, no
18:55How do you feel about them two chatting?
18:56Yeah, it's cool
18:57Are you cool?
18:58It's fine
18:59He's okay
19:00Done and dusted, no?
19:03And then they shut their chapter
19:04And let me just go with mine
19:05Trust me
19:06Yeah, yeah, yeah
19:07That is so weird actually now seeing you
19:09Like actually seeing you, I'm like, oh, okay
19:11Yeah, when you pulled up
19:12I was like, kind of what I expected you to do
19:14Yeah, yeah, yeah, what I mean
19:15Yeah, I'm just happy you're happy
19:19It's just nice to know, like, you were there at the start
19:21And this is where we are
19:22And the fact I can see you today
19:25It's great
19:26I respect you a lot
19:27Because of what we had
19:29Just don't chat shit about me
19:30Nah, nah, nah, I'm not going to do that
19:31I'm not going to do that
19:32Nah, but you hear what I'm coming about
19:33I ain't got nothing bad to say about you
19:34And to be fair
19:35Like you being with Freddie
19:36Me being with Damien
19:37Doesn't change the fact that we had a vibe
19:42You had a look
19:44I've had a look
19:45I'm trying to look this way
19:47I don't want to give off jealousy vibes
19:48No, no, no, that's not true
19:49That's not me
19:50Don't do that
19:51But that's not me
19:52You're not that girl
19:53I know
19:54You've got to trust the process
19:58Am I what you expected?
20:02Yeah and no
20:03I didn't think you had a beard
20:04I'm not going to lie
20:05Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
20:06Is a beard a good thing or a bad thing?
20:07Beard's a good thing
20:09But I didn't think you had one
20:12What about me?
20:14Nah, you're pretty much what I expected
20:19Hopefully that's a good thing
20:20Nah, it is a good thing
20:21You're a very pretty girl
20:23Thank you
20:24You're a good looking guy
20:28Nah, we're good, we're good
20:30Want to hug it out?
20:31Let's do it
20:33Nah, I'm glad we had that talk for real
20:34I know
20:35I appreciate it
20:36You can get your girl
20:37You can get your girl back
20:40It's an interesting moment with Catherine
20:41I think in the pods
20:43She had made her decision
20:44I had made mine
20:45But I'm
20:47Yeah, it was interesting seeing her for sure
20:53How was it?
20:54Yeah, it was good
20:56All good, just clearing the air in that
20:57Yeah, good
21:01I didn't think it was but apparently it was
21:03I'm trying not to have things in my mind
21:05I don't want to overthink
21:06That's all I ever do in life
21:08I don't want to be like pressurising it
21:09And be like tell me, tell me
21:11In his time he will tell me
21:13I'm hoping he does
21:15Everything good?
21:16Yeah, he's made it
21:17For lying and he's
21:18Oh good, there you go
21:19I think
21:20Guys have a tendency to do that
21:21When they're trying to protect their own
21:22And they're proud of it
21:25While it wasn't the right thing to do
21:26You can understand why
21:29I know, we've been saying
21:30It's work, that's for the best
21:31Because I literally
21:32Couldn't be happier
21:33I was like you know
21:34Treat Demi well
21:35That's it
21:36That's all you can hope for
21:38All good?
21:39Damn wicked man
21:40That was
21:41All good?
21:42We'll talk at some point
21:43Yeah, yeah
21:55How nice is this?
21:56It's really nice
21:57Has been good, hasn't it?
21:59Just so connected
22:00Just seeing how happy everyone is as well
22:01I know
22:02That shared the journey with us
22:03It was nice seeing everyone come in
22:04Like one couple at a time
22:05Absolutely beaming
22:07What do you reckon the others are up to?
22:08Sam and Nicole?
22:09Sam and Nicole
22:10I just want to know where she is
22:11And if he's actually making her happy
22:12Do you reckon
22:13Nicole should've
22:15Gone with Benaiah, yeah
22:17And maybe she didn't feel
22:18Like it was worth it
22:20I think
22:21I think
22:22I think
22:24And maybe she didn't feel
22:25That certainty from him
22:26Knowing that you're moving forward
22:27With the right person
22:29That was your first night with Stephen
22:30Really cute
22:31First night, yeah
22:32You had fun?
22:34It was good
22:36Why are you leaving your man
22:37Alone like that?
22:39Come on, grab your man
22:40Come on now
22:41Okay, okay
22:42Good work
22:44You scared the life out of me
22:45Are you okay?
22:46I'm good, how you doing?
22:47I'm alright
22:49How you feeling about everything?
22:50I feel like we're the drama right now
22:52It's weird
22:54That conversation
22:57What happened?
22:59So you're just gonna tell me?
23:00No, I think I've probably
23:01Put that to the back of my mind
23:05I'm not making you feel awkward, am I?
23:08Why would you say that?
23:13One sec, babe
23:14Hey, Bobby
23:15One sec
23:17One sec
23:19I'll be back in a bit
23:25It's a weird night, man
23:26I can feel the tension
23:28I'm not going crazy
23:29No, there's definitely a
23:30Bit of an energy stirring
23:32Do you know what it is, yeah?
23:33From my chat with Catherine
23:34I thought that'd be it, done
23:37But then I'm feeling like
23:38There's still something in the air
23:39And I'm like, what am I supposed to do
23:40To address this?
23:41I just want to be cool with everything
23:44I thought like
23:45Yeah, there was a bit of something there
23:46With Cat
23:47The way she was eyeing you
23:48I thought
23:49Yeah, I did think that
23:50That's weird
23:51But how do you feel about it?
23:52It's just a weird energy right now
23:54I'll be looking to my left
23:55And then Cat's eye
23:56Let's you look away
23:57And I'm like
23:58Ah, maybe that's just Clintons
23:59And then if you're seeing it too
24:03And obviously in the same way
24:04That your primary concern is Jazmine
24:05My primary concern is Demi
24:07She's gone a bit quiet
24:08She's probably a bit
24:09All over the place after that
24:10A bit scrambled
24:11Because you would be
24:12You've got to kind of
24:13Have that chat with her as well
24:14And let her know
24:16But I think just a little chat
24:17Can clear it up
24:18I think when we get back to the villa
24:19We'll be able to talk properly
24:20Yeah, exactly
24:21Why do they need to talk?
24:22I know, I was thinking that
24:23What's going on?
24:24I just can't be bothered
24:25I don't understand
24:26He should have that conversation with you
24:28But like, you know guys
24:29Sometimes they need to be told
24:30I don't know
24:31Maybe he needs advice
24:32From a guy
24:33Look at the body language
24:36What is that?
24:37It's too much
24:39I can't even speak on it no more, you know
24:42Are you thinking
24:44Tonight, you and Jasmine
24:46We already did
24:51No, no, no
24:52I think we're good
24:53I thought you were going to like
24:54No, we're just going with the flow
24:56You know what?
24:57I can see
24:58I don't think there's such a thing
24:59As too soon
25:00Or too late
25:01It is
25:02It's the moment, innit
25:04Don't really plan things too much
25:05Just see how it goes
25:06Obviously in your situation
25:07It's definitely gone the right way, man
25:09I'm happy for you
25:10Trust me
25:11I love you, man
25:13Same, let's get back to it
25:14Let's do it, man
25:15But yeah
25:16Or maybe tonight's my night then
25:23Are you alright?
25:25Yeah, you?
25:26Yeah, I'm alright
25:27Yeah, me too
25:28Who did you talk about?
25:29I talked to him
25:31No, it's good
25:32It's not bad
25:35Alright, go to the loo
25:37Okay, thanks
25:38No, no
25:39Thanks, man
25:41I'm over it, though
25:42He's my baby, man
25:43I'm over it, man
25:44You look cute
25:45He's my baby
25:46I love him
25:47I'm happy for you
25:48I'm not happy for me right now
25:49Can you play me with your mind game?
25:51Oh, oh, oh, oh
25:59I'm not that patient
26:01And I'm unrefined
26:03I'm not complacent
26:05But I'm quite the find
26:07I really have two of you
26:09And you know where to stick
26:11But I gave it time
26:18What's up, what's up, what's up?
26:30Like, I don't even have the words.
26:31Having my girl, Nicole, here,
26:33like, that just came out of nowhere.
26:35I didn't expect it.
26:37What is happening?
26:44Oh my God!
26:45You deserve this.
26:46I love you so much.
26:48I need to hear everything.
26:50I am punching well over my weight.
26:52A hundred percent.
26:55We always knew it was Benaiah and Nicole,
26:58from day dot.
26:59It was just meant to be.
27:01So I'm super happy.
27:03Start at the beginning.
27:04Start from the last time I saw you.
27:06Yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:07So, essentially, you know,
27:08it just didn't work out with Sam.
27:10You know when you just sort of feel
27:11like something isn't just quite right?
27:13It just didn't feel quite right.
27:15Kind of what I expected to happen
27:17with Nicole and Sam happened.
27:19Because she's been through, you know,
27:21hell as well.
27:21It's not just me.
27:24And then we met for the first time,
27:26had a good chat,
27:27talked everything through.
27:27So then how did you and Ben reconnect?
27:28So how did this come around, though?
27:29Put in?
27:30You and Ben?
27:31The last few days have been the biggest rollercoaster.
27:34We just had like a sit down somewhere,
27:36like a cafe.
27:37Oh, cute.
27:37And I was waiting.
27:38I was so anxious,
27:39because I was like,
27:40I don't know what he'll look like,
27:41I don't know if he's going to...
27:42And I had to apologise,
27:43because I knew it wasn't goodbye.
27:44And then, you know, then boom.
27:46I proposed.
27:51So we are now engaged.
27:58Okay, okay.
27:59Love that.
27:59Benny, that's crazy.
28:02Just amazing to have you here.
28:04Yeah, we're glad to have you back.
28:05We are glad to have you back.
28:06I don't know what I mean.
28:07You're going to have a fantastic time.
28:10I'm very happy Nicole is here with Benaiah instead of Sam.
28:13I think, truthfully,
28:14she always wanted to be with Benaiah.
28:16I think Benaiah is definitely the right choice for her.
28:19Honestly, I feel so light.
28:20I feel so free.
28:23And it's nice to be with someone
28:24who you feel like you can be anything, you know?
28:26And that's why I'm here.
28:29Yeah, come on, yeah, yeah.
28:30But anyway, mate, what's happened to you boys
28:32since I've been gone?
28:32Ah, you know.
28:33So you had last night with your fiancé?
28:35Yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:36Oh, mate, what, you know.
28:37There was a thunderstorm in some rooms, isn't there?
28:39I know, exactly.
28:40Some people woke up for it and others didn't.
28:43How is it with you guys?
28:45Really, really happy and natural, just beautiful.
28:48Love you.
28:49Yeah, I think everyone here.
28:51I think that's the biggest takeaway from everyone
28:52is we've come here and everyone was apprehensive
28:55and everyone was nervous to spend real time
28:58with these men physically.
29:00And it's just felt so natural, like weirdly natural,
29:03like there's no awkwardness or, like, uncomfortableness.
29:06You've just slipped into, like, being together.
29:11How's it going?
29:12How's it going?
29:13How's it going?
29:14We haven't been in the villa yet.
29:16Oh, you haven't?
29:18Talk to us tomorrow, Nicole.
29:19We'll have a debrief tomorrow.
29:21Yeah, for sure.
29:23There's a lot going on in my head.
29:25I think it's hard because you watch other couples, right,
29:27and everyone's very, like, lovey-dovey.
29:29And when we're alone, yeah, we get to have our cuddles,
29:32we get to have our deep conversations.
29:36But when we're in group settings,
29:38I do need to get a bit more from him.
29:40Like PDA, you know, public display of affection and stuff,
29:43like a cuddle and a kiss here and there.
29:45And I think he really struggles with showing that at times.
29:49♪ Got you in my head again ♪
29:52♪ Players for our lives, trust is the align ♪
29:55♪ Got your name on my lips again ♪
29:59♪ I'll give you all my life tonight ♪
30:02Shall we go to bed?
30:03Let's go to bed.
30:05How are you feeling?
30:06Feeling lucky, yeah.
30:08Time to get something to eat, I think.
30:13♪ I'll give them the reason tonight ♪
30:16How do you think tonight went?
30:18Obviously, like, I found it quite overwhelming.
30:21I'm so used to just you,
30:22and it's like we've been exposed to, like, a group.
30:24We're getting used to being in couples now.
30:27What about the chat you had with Ola?
30:30I just didn't want to make it
30:31into, like, a really big thing with Demi.
30:33And I just feel like there's, like, weird tension.
30:38As much as she said, yeah, no, it's fine,
30:40I just feel like, I don't know, it just didn't feel right.
30:44Like, it's not the Demi that I know.
30:47And it just makes me sad
30:49because I don't want her to be upset.
30:51I don't want her to get into her head
30:52because I care about her way more than I do,
30:56like, his thoughts.
30:57I'm happy that you pulled him to one side
30:59and spoke about it and you've got it off your chest and...
31:02Does it, like, not bother you,
31:04but, like, does it, like, faze you at all?
31:07No, obviously...
31:08You're my partner, so I just want to make sure.
31:08Obviously, it's not nice, you know,
31:10if I look over and you're laughing or whatever.
31:12Obviously, it's going to, like...
31:14Did that, did that sting a bit?
31:16In my mind, it's going to be, like,
31:17I'm going to be thinking, oh, like, what are you talking about?
31:19Yeah, obviously, that's just natural,
31:21but I feel secure with us.
31:25I'm all for you and I truly believe in my heart
31:29that you're all for me, so I couldn't be happier.
31:31I wouldn't be here.
31:32Couldn't be happier.
31:33Thanks, baby.
31:34No, I feel better.
31:38Love you.
31:40Love you.
31:52So, first night together.
31:54So, what side of the bed do you sleep on?
31:58OK, I usually sleep on my left side.
32:02I'll be facing that way tonight.
32:03Same, I'm left side.
32:05OK, so then we'll be spooning?
32:08OK, that's fine.
32:11Do you snore?
32:12Um, I don't snore.
32:14I usually don't snore.
32:16You paused.
32:17It was a hesitation.
32:19No, don't give me those.
32:22So, you don't snore?
32:24Any concerns that you have?
32:28I have one concern.
32:30I don't want any wandering hands from you in the middle of the night.
32:33I like it when you laugh like that.
32:36It's cos you're funny, you're very funny.
32:38I'm very happy today.
32:39I'm very happy.
32:45The turnaround from the final date in the pods
32:50to now, incredible, you know?
32:53A full range of emotions, coming to terms with everything,
32:57and now I'm sat here as an engaged man
32:59with Nicola as my fiancée.
33:01Couldn't be happier.
33:02So happy.
33:05Good night.
33:06Good night.
33:08Who's that?
33:18So, I've got this, like, mud mask.
33:20You don't even need it, your skin is gorgeous.
33:32I'm excited to see the aftereffects of this.
33:36I'm expecting a lot.
33:37Ready for my glow-up.
33:38Yeah, we're going to be glowing tomorrow.
33:41We are.
33:42What a day.
33:42I know.
33:45You know, you were telling me about Oli.
33:46Well, you felt the same as well, that Kat was looking at Oli,
33:50and Oli told you that he felt like Kat was looking at him.
33:54That kind of left a bit of taste in my mouth.
33:57Like, I felt like he should have had that conversation,
33:59not with you, he should have had the conversation
34:01with his fiancée.
34:03He should.
34:03And trust me, if that was me.
34:07I'd probably go up and sit in with that conversation.
34:11I felt that was kind of, you know,
34:12I kind of think it's disrespectful to Demi.
34:15There was definitely something in the air.
34:16I feel like there was a bit of a weird energy
34:19between Oli and Demi.
34:21I mean, body language.
34:23I mean, the eyes tell everything.
34:25Because I could see she was getting a little bit tense,
34:27and rightly so.
34:29I don't think, like, he's got bad intentions.
34:31Yeah, because he was kind of leaving her in a grey area,
34:33and I didn't like that.
34:35I never want to be put in that position, ever.
34:38I do have love for Demi, and I have respect for Demi.
34:41I want her to be treated the best way possible,
34:43because that's what she deserves, right?
34:45So, I might have just a little chat with Oli,
34:46just to kind of tell him how she was feeling.
34:51Because she didn't look right yet.
34:52No, I know you've got her back,
34:53and I really love that about you.
34:55It feels funny having quite a deep, serious conversation,
34:58looking at you with this face mask on.
34:59I know, I can't take you seriously.
35:13You OK?
35:14Yeah, you?
35:17What did you think of the night?
35:19Yeah, good.
35:26What was wrong with you today?
35:28Obviously, I knew that one of your connections
35:30was going to be there today.
35:33But, like, I just felt, like, I just felt weird.
35:36I just want to make sure you're OK.
35:36But I need to, like, let you know where I'm annoyed,
35:38or, like, where I'm, like...
35:41Do you know what I mean?
35:42It is late, though.
35:43Maybe we should just go to bed.
35:47So, obviously, when he's having a chat,
35:49and I'm talking to Jasmine, I can't see.
35:52She can.
35:53Oh, she can see us, but you can't.
35:54Yeah, yeah.
35:55But I was trying not to, like,
35:56I don't really want to zoom into that,
35:57but it was, like, a lot of laughter.
35:59Between me and Catherine?
36:00Was there?
36:03I'm a funny guy.
36:04But it wasn't flirty laughter,
36:05that's what you're thinking.
36:06It was nothing like that.
36:09I promise you.
36:12But you did go a bit quiet.
36:13Should I not?
36:14Yeah, but what am I supposed to do?
36:18But at the same time, you don't have any reason to feel odd,
36:21because I never felt anything near what I feel for you,
36:24for her.
36:25And that's not me bad-mouthing her, it's just...
36:26No, definitely not, but...
36:27We never got there, whereas you and I did, so...
36:31As much as, like, I like her and I like Freddie,
36:34I don't really care what they think of me,
36:35I only care what, like, my eyes are on what we have,
36:39because if there was any friction or tension,
36:42I hope you guys cleared it.
36:45And hopefully there's no more conversations
36:46that need to take place.
36:48I don't want to seem as, like, I'm jealous or insecure,
36:50like, I genuinely believe in what me and Ollie have got,
36:54but then also you want to be mindful of, like,
36:56you know, once upon a time,
36:57Kat could have maybe visioned that with him,
37:00so I do feel a bit awkward.
37:02And you don't know what was said,
37:03you don't know how they were feeling,
37:04because you weren't there.
37:05I'm like, yes, fine, but it's not fine in my head.
37:09So, yeah, that's that.