Love is Blind UK Season 1 Episode 7

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Love is Blind UK S01E07


00:00So look at me now, I'm sleeping with the lights on.
00:05Trying to scare every ghost you leave.
00:07Holding me, I can't sleep.
00:10When you go to the toilet, what do you do?
00:12Oh, what's that?
00:15I do.
00:16I do this.
00:17No, you don't.
00:18I do it all the time.
00:19No, you do not.
00:20It's not necessary.
00:21I do it all the time.
00:22You don't.
00:23You blue jacket.
00:25You ready for pancakes?
00:27You've been really bigging these pancakes up.
00:29You are going to want to marry me straight away
00:31as soon as you're after this.
00:35Did he just do that?
00:37I get sexier every day.
00:39You're an idiot.
00:43This is cool.
00:46Trying to scare every ghost you leave.
00:48Holding me, I can't sleep.
00:52Since the retreat, things between me and Kat,
00:55it's obviously been very tense.
00:57Is there anything you want more Kat in particular?
00:59I don't know, I'm just going to browse.
01:01I want to spend time together with her,
01:03to prove to her there's nothing to worry about.
01:05I'd love a good mug.
01:07Is that big enough for your coffee?
01:09No, I don't have a...
01:10That's not a coffee cup, that's more like a tea cup.
01:12You could still put coffee in there.
01:14Yeah, but that would be ridiculously big.
01:16Depends how much you like coffee.
01:19Well, they're nice.
01:21Have you got them in an 11?
01:26That's nice.
01:28I like mushrooms.
01:30You look nice in that, no?
01:32Stop it.
01:34What about this, if I go to a cowboy-themed party?
01:40You're being sarcastic and you're winding me up
01:42and you know you are.
01:44I'm not holding on to anything from the retreat,
01:46but, I don't know, there's just tension for some reason.
01:51I am getting irritated easily, yeah.
01:53He's always joking and, you know,
01:55taking the mick and winding me up.
01:58I need him just to be serious,
02:00because it's making me feel like his friend,
02:02not his fiancée.
02:04When we go shopping,
02:06is it something you would want to do with me
02:08or would you just let me do me?
02:10I'd come with you, love.
02:12I'd just sit down on the sofa or whatever and just...
02:16But I'd feel like I'd be just dragging you around.
02:18I feel like...
02:20Yeah, you wouldn't be doing...
02:23But that's what happens, like, if you go to shopping centres,
02:25it's always men sat down, isn't it?
02:27And, like, the women are running around doing all the thing
02:29and the men are just chilling. That's what I'd do.
02:31I'm not a shopaholic, but, like, you're my partner.
02:34I want to be able to go to the shops with you.
02:36OK. It's fine. I won't mention it again.
02:38I'm not a dog. Please stop stroking me like a dog.
02:41I'm not a dog. OK?
02:44I do feel a bit misunderstood by Catherine sometimes.
02:47I think she feels like I'm constantly joking and stuff.
02:51I don't feel like I am. It's just who...
02:53I don't know. It's just who I am. That's just the way I am.
02:56Am I trying to stress them? Try it on.
03:00I think that maybe I'm just a bit too much for her.
03:02Maybe I need to just tone it down a bit.
03:04Like, it's hard. It's hard.
03:09It's going to be beautiful sunlight
03:13For a beautiful morning
03:16What are you making? Mexican.
03:18Yeah? What are you in charge of doing?
03:20Guacamole. No!
03:22Nachos. Nachos. Vegan nachos.
03:24And a guacamole. Yeah, but that's going to go with the...
03:27It's going to go with everything. Yeah.
03:29Tonight, we're going to be cooking dinner for my friends.
03:32It is a big deal. They are like extended family to me.
03:35What's the bananas for? For me, innit?
03:37No, can we just focus on what we're getting from the meal?
03:40With Oli, I've noticed that he finds it hard to, like, organise himself.
03:44Ooh! No, Oli, what are you looking for?
03:46I think what's best, yeah, is you just look around
03:48and I go and get the bits that we... No, I'm not a child, I can do this.
03:51He's just, like, a little bit chaotic.
03:53Look at the state of this lemon!
03:55Honestly, I don't know what we're doing.
03:57I should have stayed at home, shouldn't I? You should have.
04:08Did you wash your hands before? Mm-hm. Yeah?
04:11I'm really interested to see how vegan nachos turn out.
04:14No, stop putting pressure on me. You've hyped it up.
04:17I'm nervous for now. Are you nervous or what?
04:19The stakes are high here. I'm good with people, I'm not good with food.
04:22Shall we just order in instead? No, we're not ordering in.
04:24They're not going to know. I want to be like...
04:26We'll just put it in the pan and they will never know.
04:28I'm meeting Demi's friends. That's daunting.
04:30There's nothing worse than when you're either dating someone
04:32or, in our case, you're engaged to someone
04:34and then you meet their friends or their family and it's like,
04:36oh, they clearly don't like me for whatever reason.
04:38And, yeah, that can put a real spanner in the works.
04:40James owns a bar, so no pressure for the cocktail.
04:44Might have a swig of this now.
04:46Calm my nerves.
04:48It's really, really important to me that they understand
04:51that I have got Demi's best interests at heart.
04:56Did you...? Oh, flip, you've had a blunder!
04:59There's bad avocado all over the gaff.
05:01You need to turn this around, cos if my friends see you like this right now,
05:04it''s not going to be good.
05:07I mean, the pressure is on.
05:09If they give me the approval that I need
05:11or, like, the reassurance that I need,
05:13then I know I'll be ready for the next step
05:15of introducing Olly to my family.
05:17So, the salad is done.
05:19The guac. Is done.
05:21Put it in the fridge. Get ready.
05:23Sounds good.
05:29This is our first takeaway together, babe. Mmm.
05:33Garlic naan. Mmm, my favourite.
05:35As you said.
05:37This is my favourite Indian spot. Is it?
05:39Just hope you like it. The pressure's on.
05:41It smells good. Mm-hm. You know, let's see.
05:44I think living with you has been really easy.
05:47Obviously, it's early days.
05:49Just really trying to make sure that I'm not spending all day on my phone
05:52like I probably was in the past.
05:54Um, but, you know, since the first time I met you,
05:58like, I have felt a little insecurity there.
06:01I've had relationships before where, you know,
06:04the guy couldn't be trusted on social media
06:06and that made me feel really insecure.
06:08It has brought those feelings back. Mmm.
06:11Social media has been such an insecurity for me,
06:14especially from my past experiences,
06:17following girls, liking pictures.
06:20I trust Bobby, but if he has any, like, skeletons in the closet,
06:24firecracker Jasmine's going to come out.
06:27And that's it.
06:30So, I've got to bring something up.
06:35I mean, obviously, I searched your name on YouTube.
06:43And I did see your music video.
06:46So, you found it? Yeah.
06:48Yeah, but I don't think you were always going to see it eventually.
06:53Obviously, you know the video. This is you.
07:04It's romantic. Mmm.
07:08You know, and, of course, it's not something that I've just done.
07:11Like, yesterday. It was, like, a couple of years ago.
07:15You know, you're an artist.
07:17These things are going to happen.
07:19We didn't know each other before then anyway.
07:21But, obviously, seeing that, I'm just like, oh...
07:25I feel like getting the phones back, being in the real world,
07:28like, it just brings back a lot of, like, past relationships
07:32where the trust has just been completely broken.
07:38I used to be that girl that used to check,
07:40who are you following, whose picture did you like?
07:42I don't want to be that girl anymore.
07:44I want to feel secure in who I am and my relationship.
07:47I don't want to go through these things anymore.
07:49I would like that reassurance, that you would respect me to my face.
07:52I would want respect behind my back as well.
07:54I get that.
07:55And I think part of that also is, like, in my hands,
07:58just trying to make sure that you are feeling secure,
08:01you are feeling confident and you are reassured.
08:03And I'm glad that you brought it up,
08:05because I'd rather we just be open about this sort of stuff.
08:08So I would never want to lie to somebody, hurt somebody,
08:11treat somebody the wrong kind of way.
08:13For me, that's just not the way that I've been raised.
08:17You've been through quite a lot,
08:19and it sounds like you've been with some of the wrong ones.
08:24You're not in that position anymore.
08:28I think you know me enough by now
08:30that, you know, I'm not interested in any other girls.
08:33I'm really proud to call you my fiancée and hopefully my wife soon.
08:39And it's up to me to kind of reassure you
08:41and make sure that you feel comfortable, and you know that.
08:44You know that.
08:56Love you. Love you too.
09:02Oh, Lord.
09:09Oh, my God!
09:11Oh, my favourite.
09:14Come on in, Oli.
09:16Meet Jasmine and James.
09:18What's happening? Come on in.
09:20Nice to meet you, bro.
09:22Oli, nice to meet you, man. Heard a lot about you.
09:24How you doing? Nice to meet you.
09:26I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
09:28And they come bearing gifts, you know.
09:30OK. Ready to celebrate.
09:32Wow, thank you. We appreciate that.
09:34All right, give them the drinks first.
09:36We've got mojitos for you. Thank you very much.
09:38Demi's been working hard. I've been working hard.
09:40This is how hard I've been working.
09:42I'm vegan. You're not vegan?
09:44No, that's Oli. Oh, yeah, I'm vegan.
09:46Oh, you're vegan? Wow.
09:48I'm so fake right now, cos me and James,
09:50when we go out, we just don't stop eating meat.
09:52So, you know, James is going to be surprised,
09:54but I'm changing. It's growth.
09:56Yeah, self-growth.
09:58This is Oli's vegan nachos.
10:00Oh, they don't look too...
10:02What makes them vegan? The cheese?
10:04Yeah, and he's done the guac himself.
10:06It looks good, man. Let's dive in.
10:08Yeah, let's just dive in.
10:10So, where we at now, guys?
10:12What's the plans going forward?
10:14We're not putting no pressure on each other.
10:16This is going to be the real toe-toe phase.
10:18This part? Living together? Yeah.
10:20How many other couples are there?
10:22There's five other couples. Five other couples, yeah.
10:24And how are you with the girls, then? Yeah.
10:26Like, living with 14 girls for three weeks,
10:28how was that? I really went into a shell,
10:30and I was like, rather than discussing
10:32who I liked and stuff, I was just like,
10:34no, I don't want to do it. I was trying to stay out of conversations.
10:36Was there any clashing with girls on who they liked?
10:38Did anyone like the same guy?
10:44There's one girl that liked Oli.
10:48And she was my good friend at the start.
10:50But I also trust that
10:52my connection was a lot stronger.
10:54And it was.
10:56Yeah, yeah, it was. Yeah.
10:58I was happy. Yeah, we were both happy.
11:00That was chemistry for real. I was very happy.
11:02So, yeah, it just made sense from early on.
11:04Have you spoke of a future,
11:06or you're just happy just seeing day by day,
11:08or you spoke about anything you want
11:10long-term from each other? Mmm.
11:12We have spoken about a few things, though. We have.
11:14Cos we even spoke about, like, kids and whatnot
11:16and how that would look if we... Yeah. You want kids?
11:18Yeah. Do you know what it is? Do you know what?
11:20I actually think, can I be honest with you,
11:22in terms of our connection, the one thing
11:24that made me feel very comfortable
11:26was that I answered a question, would you want children?
11:28And you said, oh, it wouldn't bother me.
11:30And I said, oh, would you adopt or would you foster?
11:32And you was like, yeah, I would.
11:34One of my biggest insecurities has been my endo.
11:36Yeah, yeah, yeah. You lot know that.
11:38My mum's actually adopted, so, for me,
11:40I'm open to, like, adopting, fostering, having our own kids.
11:42Oh, that's so cute. Or just not having kids,
11:44like, it's like... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:46Yeah, yeah.
11:48I'm just so grateful for you. I'm grateful for you too.
11:52That's a few words.
11:54I know. We can be cute, and it's actually a bit
11:56sickening sometimes. We can, we can.
11:58And then we have to shake off and be like, nah, nah, nah.
12:00Get off me! We're back, we're back.
12:04Yeah, just take your time, man.
12:06Get to know each other more. Yeah, there's no rush.
12:08And there's no pressure.
12:10We just want you to be happy. And still have fun
12:12and banter. That is nice. It's a big part of it.
12:14Yeah. Especially knowing you're, like... And she's all safe as well.
12:16Yeah. Yes. You can tell that, right?
12:18100%. That's a big thing.
12:20I'm falling down now.
12:22Why don't you come to me?
12:24I like him. Yeah, I like him.
12:26Good. I like you lot too.
12:28I'm not going to learn enough in the time we've been here,
12:30but from what I see so far...
12:32I'm happy. Thank you very much.
12:34You got my approval. Yeah.
12:36It's been amazing meeting you both, for real.
12:38Thank you for coming.
12:40Really nice to meet them, and they're both lovely people,
12:42so I can see myself in their lives and vice versa.
12:44Wherever you are,
12:46it'll always be true.
12:48I feel so much closer
12:50to Demi as a result,
12:52and I'm excited about what's to come.
12:54Blunder of a... We did all right.
12:58And congrats again, man. Congratulations.
13:00Thank you very much.
13:02To see my friends, and to see
13:04how happy they are for me,
13:06and to see that they like Oli,
13:08just to get that validation makes me feel like,
13:10OK, let's keep going with this.
13:16Into your light.
13:18Into your light.
13:20Are you excited to see my house?
13:22I am.
13:24God, it's tired after a long day, aren't you?
13:26Ready for bed?
13:28I've taken Kat to see my home.
13:30I believe I've met somebody amazing.
13:32Obviously, I want it to work,
13:34so I'm going to try my hardest to achieve that.
13:36I want to make her feel loved
13:38and prove to her that I'm all for her,
13:40and she's got nothing to worry about.
13:42So this is my house.
13:46And I'm going to try my hardest
13:48to achieve this.
13:52That's nice.
13:54Yeah? Yeah.
13:56I'm just surprised.
13:58Do you like this? Not my door, yet.
14:00Is that the door? No, that's one of the doors.
14:02That's one of the doors, yeah.
14:04I've not had that done yet, but I'm working on that,
14:06I'm working on that.
14:08By the time you move in, it'll be addressed.
14:10It's nice. It's nice?
14:12Yeah. It's really homey.
14:14This is the kitchen.
14:16Yeah. Oh, my God!
14:19Oh, my God, look at that spider.
14:20Oh, it's fine, yeah, just forget that.
14:25Oh, your fridge needs a clean.
14:27OK, well, that's your job, then.
14:30That's the one.
14:31Shall we take a look at the bedroom? Yeah?
14:33Let's go.
14:34Spiders are freaking me out.
14:37This is how I entered the bedroom.
14:42Are you sure a female does not live here?
14:46Like, look at that mirror.
14:48It's so glittery.
14:49Why? Why? Cos it goes with the decor.
14:52I just can't get over this wall up.
14:54For a funeral director, like, this is, like, bougie.
14:58I'm actually surprised.
14:59Everything he's done with the place, it's really, like, homely.
15:03There is definitely a different side to Freddie.
15:05It makes me respect him,
15:06because that's a lot for someone who's 32 years old.
15:10I now see more into Freddie's world, and I like it.
15:14I like it.
15:15Is it weird for you, being in your room?
15:17No. Not weird? Not at all, no, not at all.
15:20It feels normal.
15:21Like, you should be really proud of your house.
15:23Like, it is nice.
15:24No, thank you. We just...
15:25It might be our house soon.
15:27Yeah, I know. How does that make you feel?
15:29Yeah, well, weird, but, yeah, it feels right.
15:32You know, going into our relationship,
15:34if I'm snapping, I don't know,
15:36I just want to say, like, maybe, like, I'm sorry for, like, being...
15:38You don't have to be sorry for anything.
15:40Yeah, but I've been really, like...
15:41No, it's... Honestly, I really appreciate what you said.
15:44It means a lot, honestly.
15:46It's difficult, like, it's, you know, stressful.
15:49We're living together, we've, you know, it's been so intense.
15:54It's only natural that, you know,
15:55we're going to sort of have little disagreements and things.
15:59OK. And I'm sorry for, you know,
16:02pushing your buttons and...
16:04At least you know. Yeah.
16:07But I know we're, like, we're a team,
16:10and we're getting through it together.
16:11Yeah. And I'm proud of us.
16:13It's nice to have you by my side.
16:22Shall we get ready for bed?
16:27Just pull that dart here, would you?
16:30I've got it.
16:32You need to put more hip into it.
16:34It's ridiculous.
16:42Are we OK? Yeah, I'm OK. Are you OK?
16:48So, yesterday, we sort of butted heads about my job and what I do,
16:51and Tom can be quite judgmental,
16:53and I don't think he thought he was like that.
16:55I'm not, like, holding it against him.
16:57Like, I'm good with where we are.
16:59But it was the one time I was, like,
17:00I'm annoyed that that's a little bit of how you are.
17:05We'll be fine and we'll figure it out.
17:07Yeah, exactly.
17:09So, we're good.
17:11Are we? Yeah, of course.
17:13Hi. Hi.
17:15Oh, OK, yeah, nice.
17:17Hola, carabonara.
17:21How are you feeling about me meeting your family?
17:24I'm excited for that. Very excited for that.
17:26Yeah. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
17:29I more care about, like I said, how you treat me.
17:34It sounds like your sister and I have got very similar views.
17:37Yeah. When I told her, yeah, he's very emotionally available
17:40and he's very good at communicating
17:41and we talk through things really well.
17:44Yeah. She was very happy.
17:47It's just about being respectful to me, my culture, my religion.
17:52I'm very proud of where I come from.
17:54And I'm very proud to be Muslim.
17:56So, the whole thing about, like,
17:59being a Muslim and being a Muslim and being a Muslim and being a Muslim
18:03and, you know, the whole PDA thing,
18:06that's not the norm for me or where I'm from or our culture.
18:12You just don't do that. Yeah.
18:14My mum would feel incredibly uncomfortable
18:16if you were to be full-on in front of her.
18:18She would not like that. Yeah. That would be, like, shameful.
18:21I just want to show people, like, how much I love you, you know?
18:23No, I know. But it's not seen like that...
18:27Yeah. our culture.
18:30If they don't love you, then see you later.
18:32To you, not them.
18:35Just to clarify.
18:37Just in case.
18:42Do you think that your culture, your religion
18:44has had an impact on your dating life?
18:47Yeah, for sure.
18:48I made you a bit more, like, reserved?
18:50Yeah, because in my eyes, I was, like,
18:52we're not allowed to do that or my dad won't be happy with that,
18:54so I think I just didn't date.
18:55Well, I was going to ask you, what do you think you would have made of it?
18:59Not yet.
19:06Do you want a square of that, Mum? No, I'm fine. It's just...
19:11..sometimes caught off guard.
19:13Yeah. Mm.
19:22He would have loved you. I know my dad would have loved you.
19:24I wouldn't have gone for anyone he wouldn't have loved.
19:26I wouldn't quite have liked to have seen you two together, to be honest, but...
19:29It's funny, because everything that you tell me about him, like...
19:33Sam's not the kind of guy that I would have really liked to have said.
19:36He was a good guy, he was funny, he was a funny man.
19:40I think he would have scared me.
19:42He would have scared you so much.
19:44You're lucky it's not him you have to meet, cos, oh, my God,
19:47I don't know if he would have survived it.
19:49When my dad passed, that was my biggest thing,
19:53is he's never going to meet the man,
19:54that I am going to marry, so it is very bittersweet,
19:57but his biggest thing was making sure that I was looked after
20:00and I was OK.
20:01So I know for a fact he would have been very happy with who Tom is.
20:05To our first date in London.
20:06To our first date in London. Mm. Lovely.
20:33Who needs a funeral?
20:36Yeah, so this is what I'd wear on a ceremony.
20:39Do you think I'll look smart?
20:41You are a sexy funeral director. A sexy funeral director.
20:44I will give you that. You are one sexy funeral director.
20:50I'd be out.
21:02Honestly, the sound of you pouring my glass of water...
21:08Thank you. You're welcome.
21:10Cool. Holding back on the water, are we?
21:13You don't need a full cup. I've been drinking all day.
21:16You're lovely, you are.
21:18I enjoy spending time with you.
21:21Who's better at communicating?
21:24You're better at opening up about stuff that are bothering you,
21:27or just generally, like, your inner most feelings. Yeah.
21:30I do feel like, um...
21:33Some of, like, the behaviours that I've seen from you.
21:36Like, your pacing, like, your impatience of, like,
21:40yeah, I want to do this, the impulsiveness.
21:43I don't think it's mad, the kind of things you notice about me.
21:48Like, I really struggle, I get really stressed out
21:50about little things that, like, don't bother you.
21:53I never normally admit it to people.
21:57Yeah, but, yeah, I do have ADHD.
21:59Really? Yeah.
22:01You're probably one of, like, I kid you not,
22:04three people outside of my family that know.
22:07In fact, my last relationship, I never told her until, like,
22:10like, a year in. Yeah.
22:12And I hadn't told her, and I told her eventually,
22:14and, like, I felt bad, cos when she found out,
22:15she felt like I'd been shutting her out all that time.
22:17Do you know what I mean?
22:22ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder,
22:27and it can manifest itself in different ways.
22:30It's complicated, and for some people it's more severe than others,
22:32and in my case, unfortunately, it's really, really severe,
22:34so it's something I've struggled with all my life.
22:37But, yeah, no, I'm really surprised you noticed,
22:39cos no-one really notices, cos I find it really, really difficult.
22:42Is it? Mm.
22:43My mind affects me every single day.
22:44Like, I really, really struggle with it.
22:46Like, little tasks that you would just get done in five minutes
22:49and not think anything of would take me, like, half a day to even,
22:53like, it sounds weird, but, like, pluck up the courage to attempt,
22:56and then I will try and do it, and it'll take me two hours
22:59when it'll take you two minutes. Yeah.
23:00I've never finished a book in my life. Yeah.
23:02Because I can't, because, like... No, it's fine.
23:04And it's just, like... But look at the way you articulate yourself.
23:07Like, you're beautiful with words.
23:09My proposal was... Your proposal was beautiful.
23:13And, like, you come up with something so beautiful,
23:15it might have taken you a bit longer than someone else,
23:18but it was still amazing.
23:20And I love that about you.
23:22Don't ever be ashamed of that.
23:26I'm just glad that you're opening up to me about that,
23:29because I think that's very important.
23:32Thank you for understanding me. Always.
23:34And being patient with me. Always.
23:36Isn't it funny
23:39how the little things change?
23:41It's lovely when we're laughing and stuff,
23:43but actually when he's opening up, it's...'s beautiful.
23:47And it's probably the moments that make me realise, like,
23:50yeah, I love this girl.
23:53If it continues going like this, then obviously...
23:56..I could see Ollie being my husband.
23:58It's out of your control.
24:01I love you.
24:03I love you.
24:05I wouldn't change you for the world, don't worry.
24:07Oh, I love you.
24:08Can you put your cares aside
24:12And hold your head up high
24:14Here in this place
24:16Here in this moment
24:22Hello! He's saging!
24:26I was saging.
24:27He's learning.
24:28I'm learning, and you're a morning person.
24:30You were up before me this morning, at the gym,
24:33going for a run,
24:35and I got up later and decided to stay to the place.
24:40Approaching Birmingham City Centre.
24:42There you go, mate.
24:44My old school mates.
24:46Look, we're back.
24:47Happy? Happy.
24:56Nerves are starting to hit now.
24:58Are you scared? I am scared.
25:00I don't want to be doing this.
25:01Definitely going to like me.
25:02Yeah, you will.
25:04Oh, my God, I'm going to be sick.
25:09You OK? You all right?
25:11I don't know what to do!
25:13You OK? I'm really hot and sweaty.
25:15Oh, my God, you've got me serious!
25:17Yes, how are you?
25:18Yeah, no, but...
25:22Oh, my God, it's been so long.
25:24You all right?
25:26This is Kat.
25:27Welcome, welcome.
25:29So beautiful!
25:31He's going to win another drink in store.
25:33You all right?
25:35You OK?
25:38Cut, cut.
25:39I'll give you a hug.
25:40Lovely to meet you.
25:41Lovely to meet you.
25:42I guarantee it.
25:43My mum.
25:45My mum.
25:46Hello, darling.
25:47Oh, you're OK!
25:49Beautiful lady.
25:50Oh, thank you.
25:52You OK?
25:53Come on, Jack.
25:54This is Catherine.
25:55Lovely to meet you.
25:56You all right, mate?
25:57You all right, mate?
25:58You OK?
25:59He just wants to see you.
26:00Yeah, I can.
26:01Is his hair all right?
26:02Yeah, his hair's lovely.
26:03Isn't it?
26:05My family mean everything to me,
26:07so their opinion means more than anybody's.
26:11But I feel good with Kat.
26:12Like, I really want to work with her.
26:14I know that the concerns and feelings that I do have at the minute,
26:17maybe they'll be squashed once my family say she's a great girl,
26:20so I'm feeling good about it.
26:23Let me just look at my beautiful son for a minute.
26:26Let me look into your lovely eyes, boy.
26:28While he's been away, we've said,
26:29what's Freddie doing today?
26:31I've said to you, where's Freddie?
26:32Show me where Freddie's been.
26:33On an aeroplane.
26:34Yeah, literally, every day, on an aeroplane.
26:37Is that what I've been doing?
26:39So, have you got siblings and things?
26:41Or who do you live with?
26:43I live with my mum and dad.
26:45Yeah, in Jersey.
26:46I lived in London for a bit when I was at ballet school
26:49and then travelled a bit and then just back at home.
26:52What do you do for a living?
26:53I'm a dental nurse.
26:55Oh! Yeah, yeah.
26:56We've been sitting here thinking, like,
26:57you know, different scenarios and what you look like
27:00and what was going on and things.
27:01It's mind-boggling for us. Yeah.
27:03So, we can't obviously put ourselves in your position.
27:07How did you feel when, you know, you'd been speaking for so long
27:09and you, like, finally met up with Freddie?
27:12How did... What was it like?
27:13Honestly, you forget that there's actually a human there
27:16and then when that door's open and I saw your son,
27:18I literally was like, oh, my God, I just cried the whole way.
27:21It's like we were both like, oh, my God, it's going to be OK.
27:24It's crazy, wasn't it? Mm.
27:26How do you feel about the idea of myself and Kat getting married?
27:30Well, to be honest, I didn't know that was going to happen.
27:34It's probably, like, the biggest thing you're going to do, isn't it,
27:37in life, get married, and hopefully it's forever.
27:39Yeah. And I hope it is forever.
27:41We've wanted Freddie to find someone.
27:43Oh, gosh. We've wanted Freddie to be happy and settle down.
27:47That's all we've ever wanted. Yeah.
27:48The thing about Freddie, he's always extremely faithful
27:51and dedicated, isn't he?
27:52People look at him and they think,
27:54oh, I bet he's got loads of girlfriends or whatever.
27:56But he could have, but he hasn't.
27:59All the old ladies come down to the houses
28:01when Freddie comes to my house down the street.
28:03They all come to have a look.
28:05Is that Freddie here tonight? Yes, he knows.
28:07You've got some competition, Kat, with the old ladies on Wendy's street.
28:10I'm about to step up my game.
28:12I feel so good meeting Freddie's family.
28:15Like, he's literally loved so much and it is melting my heart.
28:19Like, genuinely, I just feel like I fit into that family.
28:23Oh, it's beautiful.
28:24Oh, that's beautiful. I love it.
28:27Are you coming to the wedding, Jack?
28:29Are you going to the wedding?
28:30It's all happened quite fast, he's thinking.
28:35There is a question that I'd like to ask Jack.
28:38Would you like to be my best man?
28:42Is that all right, mate? Yeah, it is.
28:44He doesn't understand now, but he will on the day.
28:46You know I'll be there for you
28:49You know I will care for you
28:54Asking Jack to be my best man means absolutely everything to me.
29:00I look after him, you know, I've cared for him.
29:03But he's made me the person that I am today.
29:07He's everything, everything.
29:12He always steals the limelight, doesn't he, Jack?
29:20I can make you feel right, yeah
29:23I'm more nervous about this than probably anything in my life, ever.
29:28So, you'll be fine.
29:30I mean, obviously, I've met parents before,
29:33but I've never met the parents of my fiancé.
29:36This is true.
29:37So, I'll just need spoons, then, really, innit?
29:39Yeah. We don't need forks and knives, do we?
29:42Just spoons, probably.
29:43Like, do you want me to get a fork and a knife?
29:46Just spoons, probably.
29:48Like, different cultures and stuff.
29:49Yeah. You'll be fine.
29:51I think you're overthinking it,
29:53and I think once you get in there, you'll realise that...
29:55Well, this is it. ..they're not aliens.
29:57Oh, no, I know they're not aliens.
29:59I just want to make sure that they like me.
30:03The door!
30:04I wonder who that could be.
30:11Hello, Tom. Hi.
30:13You must be Salma. Hi.
30:14Oh, lovely to meet you.
30:15Oh, so nice to meet you.
30:17Oh, my goodness. How are you doing?
30:18Good, good. Yeah, these are for you.
30:21There she is!
30:22Oh, my God.
30:24This is Tom. Hello.
30:25Hello. How are you?
30:27All right? How are you doing?
30:28Hello, nice to meet you. Thank you so much.
30:30Nice to meet you, too.
30:31Lovely to meet you. Nice to meet you.
30:33That's my great-grandfather. Thank you.
30:34My future son. Thank you.
30:38Hello. How are you doing?
30:39Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
30:40How are you doing, Rod? Good to meet you, too.
30:42Come and sit down. Come and have a seat, mate.
30:43Thank you. Ava, do you want to give him a hug?
30:45Hug us. Hi, Ava.
30:47Hi. Hi.
30:48Do you want to give me a high-five?
30:51Tom, everyone's so round to the girls.
30:54It's a lot for you as well, isn't it?
30:55Yeah, it is. Yeah, it is.
30:57How have you been, anyway?
30:59Maria, sorry, I'm asking Maria to marry me.
31:00I've been good, Mama.
31:02Are you sure? Oh, my, good.
31:03Happy? Yeah, I am.
31:05Oh, good.
31:06Just getting used to living with each other.
31:07And how is it?
31:08It's been, like, absolutely fine so far, hasn't it?
31:11Yeah, it's been fine, so.
31:12And with you two, how come you connected so quickly?
31:15Well, I think it was our humour, originally.
31:17Yeah, it was. Oh, gosh, really?
31:20She told me before this, she said,
31:21be yourself, but, like, don't be yourself.
31:23Yeah, literally, I was like,
31:24don't make some of the jokes you make.
31:27Did you find it easy to talk to each other?
31:29Yeah, definitely. Never been difficult.
31:31That's nice. That's good. That's important.
31:34You've been worried?
31:35Too much. Oh, Mama.
31:37I've been fine, I promise you, Mama.
31:39I mean, it is very overwhelming.
31:41It's that thing that it happens so quickly.
31:44That your heart and your mind don't have quite time to catch up.
31:47I totally get that.
31:48We're all supportive and we love Maria to death
31:50and whatever she wants, we're happy for.
31:52Yeah. But it's still a hard pill to swallow.
31:56I'm going to suck right now.
32:02Go on, go give Mama a hug.
32:06I love you.
32:28I love when you wear this colour,
32:29it brings out the blue in your eyes, Liz.
32:31That's nice to say. I know what I'm doing.
32:34How are you feeling?
32:36Meeting the two Bezzies, my old-school Bezzies
32:38and my youngest bro.
32:39I'm excited. I am really excited, but I'm just nervous.
32:42You'll be fine. You'll smash it.
32:45They'll like you for all the reasons I like you.
32:49I'm as happy as I've ever been.
32:52I found my life partner, which I didn't think was possible.
32:55I'm super excited.
32:57Hi, hi. Hello.
33:00The biggie is that my friends and family
33:02don't know anything about this experiment.
33:04Sabrina, take a seat and I'll introduce you all.
33:07They don't know that I've met anybody,
33:08they don't know that I'm engaged, so I'm excited to tell them.
33:12This is Deema, Jamie.
33:14OK, nice to meet you.
33:16I've got Jim, my youngest brother.
33:17Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, Jim.
33:19Where are you from? Ireland.
33:20I thought the same thing.
33:22Where about in Ireland? Belfast.
33:24So, why do you think you're here?
33:26You tell us, mate.
33:27You need to ask all the beans.
33:28So, we've been on a bit of an experiment, haven't we?
33:32We have. OK.
33:34You date multiple people and you date blind,
33:37you don't see each other.
33:38If you've got a connection,
33:41you propose?
33:44Jesus Christ.
33:47You said yes.
33:49Are you surprised?
33:50Yeah. Very much so.
33:51I think it's crazy and very silly.
33:53I don't think I'd do what you guys have done.
33:56I'm probably coming from a completely different angle,
33:58looking into this.
33:59It took me five years to propose to my wife
34:02and then two years to actually get married.
34:03So, that's seven years I've been with my wife.
34:06I am kind of intrigued to see how it pans out.
34:10I can't get my head around it.
34:11You proposed before you'd even consider.
34:13Yeah, exactly.
34:15How does the distance work, though?
34:16So, obviously, you live in Belfast, you live in London.
34:20We're not in a rush to be like,
34:21we need to live with each other ASAP.
34:23I'm going to stay where I am in London at the moment.
34:24You're going to keep your place in Belfast.
34:26If the wedding was tomorrow,
34:29would you be walking down the aisle?
34:32We'll just see how it goes.
34:35We've each had our own little apprehensions,
34:38but I put myself in this experiment
34:40not thinking anything was going to happen for me.
34:42But we've got a connection that's deeper
34:46than any other relationship that I've had.
34:49This process really makes you focus in on, OK,
34:51what actually is going to be important in 20, 30, 40 years' time?
34:54And it really changes your whole thought process
34:56and what you want in life.
34:58I wanted someone who added value to my life,
35:00not becomes my life.
35:01I think it's really important and healthy.
35:03I think he's probably exactly the same.
35:04He's exactly the same. I've said that, didn't I?
35:06We're both really passionate and driven about what we do.
35:08I quit my job. I want to set up my own agency.
35:11What is it you'd done for work before you...?
35:13I was director of marketing for, like, a sports and hospitality company.
35:17Oh, right. And then I'm probably going to go into consultancy,
35:20and then that'll allow me to work between London and Northern Ireland.
35:25I don't just introduce anyone to you.
35:27No, you don't. No, I've got my head screwed on,
35:29and I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think this was real,
35:32putting myself in this position,
35:33putting you guys here and putting you in this position.
35:36I never didn't think that this was real.
35:38In my opinion, it's not something I thought you would do,
35:41personally, from knowing you.
35:43But it's obviously clearly working.
35:46Quite a lovely girl.
35:48I've seen her face, haven't I?
35:50I think it's a little bit bonkers,
35:52but if you found each other through this process
35:54and it works for you, then who's to say it shouldn't work?
35:58One thing I will say, that it will always give you 100%.
36:01That's lovely. It means a lot. It really does.
36:04I think that was the approval.
36:06Initially, I thought it was stupid, very silly.
36:08It seems quite genuine.
36:09You can see, like, a glimmer in his eye.
36:11Yeah. I ain't seen that for years.
36:13Is it bonkers? Yes. 100%.
36:17Let's see how it goes.
36:21Congratulations, man. Cheers. Cheers, guys.
36:31Oh, Freddie was gorgeous when he was a baby.
36:34He was absolutely delicious.
36:36He was so fat, he looked like a sumo wrestler.
36:38Didn't you, Betsy?
36:41When he was only a tiny tot, I mean.
36:45Fred, what's it like in London?
36:48I like it here. Yeah, you like it, don't you?
36:50We're in Camden. Oh, cool. Camden, yeah.
36:53Living with somebody after only meeting them
36:55for such a short period of time.
36:56Do you know what? It feels...
36:58Even from day one, like, it just feels normal.
37:00We do clash with certain things, but I think that's just the way it is.
37:03I suppose you're just... You're like a good joke.
37:06You're very good at winding... Oh, yeah, I'm not.
37:08..winding people up. Yeah, just a little bit.
37:12Do you want to, like, nip outside and just have a quick chat?
37:14Yeah, yeah. OK. Yeah? Is that OK?
37:16Is that OK? Can I take him away from you for five minutes?
37:19You can have him. Be my guest.
37:22It does feel amazing to have Freddie home.
37:24It feels like it's been a long time, but I can tell
37:28he seems a little bit more reserved.
37:30I don't know whether that's the pressure and things.
37:32Also, how are you? Good, yeah, good, good.
37:34Yeah, it's... It's been a crazy experience.
37:37Yeah, I can imagine how intense everything's been.
37:40Yeah. Do we seem compatible?
37:42Yeah. Yeah? Like a little Instagram couple.
37:46Yeah. She seems really nice. Yeah.
37:49Really lovely, really genuine.
37:50I do see myself marrying her. Mm-hm.
37:52I do, like, 100%, but it's part of the experiment now
37:55where we're living with each other.
37:57It's coming with its challenges, I think. Like what?
37:59I just think that maybe we're a little bit different.
38:01I'm quite an easy-going person and, you know, jokey at times,
38:05and that might grate on her a little bit sometimes.
38:08And also, our lifestyle, I think that she's sort of quite outgoing
38:12and I'm a bit more sort of, you know,
38:15just I'll stay in and watch a film.
38:17Yeah. Do you know what I mean?
38:18It is a lot of give and take sometimes,
38:20especially if you're not knowing each other for that long. Yeah.
38:22Just don't put too much pressure on yourself,
38:24cos I know what you're like.
38:25On the exterior, you are this funny guy,
38:28but deep down, you know, you are softer.
38:31Like, you've still got to be your own person.
38:33If she's not making you feel like you are good enough...
38:39It's not even... It's not that.
38:40It's just... It's more that I don't feel as if I'm good enough for her,
38:44maybe. But, yeah.
38:47Maybe the question is... she good enough for you?
39:00I thought it would last for all time
39:03Till dew was bar
39:05And then every promise that we made
39:08From my heart...
39:09Have you had traditional couscous before?
39:11Do you know what? I don't think I have.
39:13I don't. I've never had it. You're in for a treat, then.
39:15It looks a bit shaky.
39:17What's that? Can I have some of that?
39:18Yes, that's sultanas. Yum.
39:23How do you feel about getting married?
39:25We feel fine, cos we've both agreed we're not doing anything
39:29that we're not comfortable with. Yeah.
39:31And we both know there's a lot more we have to learn about each other.
39:34Yeah. I don't want all of you to think that we've come here
39:36and that's it, 100% they're getting married,
39:38cos that's not the case. Yeah.
39:40Has it been different in the sense that Maria is Muslim?
39:44What I know about your faith,
39:46like, those values are really similar to what my values are, you know?
39:50For us, it's about you being a good person. Yeah.
39:53Life isn't about what you do, what money you have, what you have.
39:57It's about the people that are in your life. Yeah, I agree.
40:00You know? Oh.
40:02What's that look? She's joking.
40:03She was calling me snobby and judgmental a couple of days ago.
40:06She was. She was.
40:08Are you snobby and judgmental? Yeah, yeah.
40:10He's better now, cos he was.
40:12And this is the...
40:14And, like, for me, I've learnt a lot about myself.
40:16Yeah, that's the compromise, innit? You know?
40:18It's love, respect, consideration.
40:22It's more important than anything else.
40:25Tom is doing really well.
40:26I know it's very nerve-wracking walking into meeting someone's mum,
40:30sister, brother-in-law, brother, like, all of it.
40:32Especially, as you know, it's a different culture,
40:34so it's a different environment to walk into.
40:36Do you want a hand-pet in some of this? Yes, please. That'd be lovely.
40:38You can come back next week.
40:42My family are the most important people to me,
40:44my sister especially.
40:45It is very important that my sister likes Tom,
40:49cos if she didn't, honestly, it would really put a spanner in the works.
40:52In terms of how you are in the relationship with my sister...
40:57Yeah. there anything that you feel that you've still got to work on?
41:02Um, I'd be lying to you if I said that I was a perfect person.
41:06No, it's no such thing as a perfect person. Yeah.
41:08I'd like to think that, you know, now I am a really empathic person,
41:13and I hope that, like, her perception of me is because of,
41:17you know, like, she sort of said that I made her feel quite safe
41:20and secure and listened to, you know?
41:23I don't know how much she's spoken to you about her father and stuff
41:26and his not being here.
41:29Lots, and... Yeah.
41:31..I feel like it's a really big responsibility for me,
41:33like, to be able to... Yeah.
41:35Like, I really hope that, you know, if he was still around,
41:38I'd kind of have his approval.
41:40Mm. Um...
41:48No, I bet that was really hard.
41:52Yeah, it is hard, you know?
41:56Unfortunately, it's just part of life, you know?
41:58Yeah. You lose your loved ones.
42:01It's nice that she feels open enough that she can talk to you about it.
42:07It's always difficult to tell, like, on first impressions,
42:09what people think of you, um,
42:11but sister's not the kind of person that's going to get,
42:14you know, a lot of attention.
42:15Sister's not the kind of person that's going to get impressed
42:18by, like, job titles or the fact that, you know, her own name plays.
42:21She's very non-judgmental, you know?
42:24Um, family comes first for her.
42:25I genuinely feel like I'm a different person
42:27to the person that came into this experiment
42:29and could see myself, um, yeah,
42:32hopefully one day being a part of this family.
42:34Go on, then.
42:35Go on, then.
42:37Oh, God!
42:39You had a good day? It's been lovely.
42:41Yes. It's been really nice meeting you guys.
42:44I was really scared.
42:45We were all apprehensive. None of us were, you know.
42:47Were you? Yeah.
42:48Did you have an expectation of, like,
42:50the kind of man that she would go for?
42:52Not really. No.
42:54I didn't know what to expect, no.
42:56Well, thank you. Like...
42:57Very welcome. You've made me feel so welcome.
42:59Oh, it's all right. Thank you.
43:01It's been amazing. You're welcome.
43:02You're always welcome. Thank you.
43:04If we were to, like, say yes to it,
43:06like, I just want to make sure that we have your blessing.
43:09Like, it's not a normal situation, you know? No.
43:12Um, and it's really important for me that you feel,
43:15like, comfortable.
43:17I am a bit apprehensive.
43:19Yeah, I can understand that.
43:20Because you haven't got to know each other really well.
43:24I know.
43:26You know, she's my baby daughter.
43:28Oh, wow!
43:31But you have my 100,000th blessing.
43:33Oh, thank you. Yes.
43:34That means a lot. Honestly, it really does.
43:36Yes. Yes.
43:37I hope you succeed.
43:39You're very welcome, and thank you for being so nice.
43:41It's been so nice to meet you all today.
43:43Thank you, and please be good to each other.
43:46I'm sure we will be. I'm sure of it.
43:48And I hope everything will be sorted in the end.
43:51Yeah, me too. Come on, then. Let's go.
43:56Can I have your hand, please?
43:57Yeah, of course you can. Thank you.
44:05How are you feeling?
44:07At the minute, I feel OK.
44:08It's a big deal, though, no?
44:09My general approach was to, like,
44:11give your dad a handshake and hug your mum.
44:13Is that OK for your mum? Yeah.
44:15I'm thinking hug them both.
44:17Really? Like, just go in, like, hey!
44:19You said your dad's very, like, traditional and very, like...
44:21Yeah, but, like, I think you could say,
44:23do that to start off with, and then that.
44:25And then hug straight away? I think so.
44:27You know, even some men do this.
44:30I can't do that with your dad, because I can't meet your dad.
44:34Oh, I'm excited, nervous, and now I don't want to see.
44:37Oh, no, no.
44:39Because I've been married before,
44:40one of my biggest concerns would be that my parents
44:43have lost faith in, sort of, my decision-making.
44:51How are you?
44:52You look lovely!
44:54How are you? Nice to meet you.
44:55How are you? Thank you. How are you, love?
44:57I'm Benaiah. How are you doing?
44:58Nice to meet you. Oh, they're beautiful.
45:00Hello. How are you doing?
45:01Nice to meet you. How are you doing?
45:03Pleasure, pleasure.
45:04But I feel so proud to show Benaiah to my mum and my dad,
45:08because I'm confident in him.
45:09Shall we take a seat?
45:12I've told my dad a bit about Benaiah,
45:14but I didn't tell them that we're going to get married.
45:16So, let's see. Let's see.
45:18Nikoi, you've done well, eh?
45:20Nice, thank you.
45:21You've got all the Lebanese visitors here.
45:23Proudest of this one, actually.
45:25It's from the... Good mixture.
45:27..the Lebanese shop in Marble Arch.
45:30Mmm! All the way to Marble Arch.
45:33She was really serious about this thing.
45:36Yeah, so, Benaiah, where do you live?
45:38In the north of England.
45:41I do a lot of, like, structural landscaping,
45:43like log cabins and decking.
45:45You're joking! Yeah, yeah, yeah.
45:47Yeah. Nice.
45:48A mixture of things, yeah. Amazing, amazing.
45:50It might be a case of, after this,
45:52I'll have to go back and forth a little bit, you know?
45:55Would you like some tabbouleh?
45:57Yes, please. Yeah.
45:58And how do you get roped into this?
46:03So, for me, like, the dating world,
46:04the first thing you look at is, are they physically attractive?
46:07Exactly. What I loved about this experiment was
46:10you don't see them at all.
46:11I fell in love with who she is.
46:13I mean, it's nice that she's very beautiful as well.
46:17It's a plus. It's a plus, yeah.
46:20Part of the experiment is to use this living situation
46:23to really see how compatible we are, if love is really enough.
46:27And then, at the end, there's, like, a decision,
46:31and we're going to have a wedding day.
46:33On that wedding day, we'll decide whether or not
46:36we are going to be legally married
46:39or we walk away forever.
46:44You know what you're doing.
46:46But, of course, marriages don't work.
46:48She's been married before, and we don't all have what it takes
46:52to make a relationship work sometimes.
46:54Take one day at a time, one foot in front of each other,
46:57one step at a time.
46:58As long as we can respect each other's differences
47:02and have fun on the way, like, I'm fine.
47:05We take this very seriously, you know, marriage very seriously, so...
47:08Thank him. It's a matter of patience.
47:10Mm. Love grows.
47:12Love grows!
47:16Cos our journey hasn't been straightforward, has it?
47:18No. And we've navigated through that.
47:20So I'm sitting here today probably the most confident about us
47:24as I have been in my life.
47:26And I wish you guys all the best, at least.
47:28Thank you. This is so great!
47:30You know what, I was saying to Ben, it could go two ways.
47:32This could either be like, Nick, you're mad,
47:35or it's like, you know, your support.
47:37So I really appreciate it.
47:39I'm happy you found each other.
47:41It looks like...
47:42She's a good baby.
47:44It's probably too soon for me to hug her.
47:48I know.
47:49I'm so happy you found each other.
47:51I'm so happy you found each other.
47:53I'm so happy you found each other.
47:55I don't think that could have gone any better.
47:57I was obviously a bit concerned about meeting a dad,
48:00because I thought I'd probably get a hard time from him.
48:04But he was brilliant, you know?
48:06I think you're a very decent man.
48:08And I think... I hope the best for the two of you.
48:12It does feel like I've been accepted as part of her family,
48:15which is massive for me.
48:17I think they can see, Nicole and I, what we have is very real.
48:20Thank you so much.
48:22Oh, you're welcome.
48:23And if that's a sign of things to come, then, yeah, I'm happy, man.
48:27See you.
48:29Unleavened to pieces.
48:30Unleavened to pieces!
48:31I'm glad he loves them, and I'm glad they love him.
48:34They see what I see in him.
48:36What I'm feeling right now tells me that we're going to get married.
48:40Like, I would be devastated if it didn't work out.
48:44But I have every faith that it's going to be us two.
48:47Two, two, two, two.
48:51Two, two, two, two.
48:55Oh, wait!
48:59Be cool, be cool, be cool.
49:01It is all going off tonight.
49:03There was someone in there that I had a really good connection with.
49:08Who's that?
49:09Hi, Tom, I'm Par.
49:11I really can't help it.
49:13For me, it's not something that can, like, just stop it.
49:18Did you love me?
49:20It was real.
49:21Part of me feels like you're quite misunderstood.
49:27We had an amazing connection in the pods.
49:29You're aware when she stayed at mine that she wanted to sleep with me
49:31and I said no, yeah?