• 10 hours ago
Emiten perdagangan batu bara PT Golden Eagle Energy Tbk (SMMT) berencana memperkuat modal dengan skema private placement.

Aksi penambahan modal tanpa hak memesan efek terlebih dahulu (PMTHMETD) ini ditetapkan sebesar 315 juta saham baru, dengan nilai nominal Rp125 per saham SMMT.


00:00EMI10 Batubara PT Golden Eagle Energy TBK plans to do a private placement of 315 million shares, with a nominal value of 125 rupiah per share, or a maximum of 10% of the total shares stored and deposited in the deposit.
00:24EMI10 Batubara PT Golden Eagle Energy TBK, which codes SMMT shares, plans to add capital without the right to order the first effect or private placement of as many as 315 million shares.
00:42SMMT announced that it will issue as many as 315 million shares, with a nominal value of 125 rupiah per share, or a maximum of 10% of the total shares stored and deposited in the deposit.
00:59Through private placement, the deposit is expected to get an alternative source of financing for business interests or business activities of the deposit and or subsidiaries.
01:12SMMT also explained that the original private placement funds will be used for business development, through an investment that is expected to provide additional value for future deposits.
01:23In addition, private placement funds will also be used for business capital needs and general business activities of SMMT.
01:30However, the implementation of the funds may change and be adjusted to the actual needs of the deposit during the implementation of private placement.
01:39In this case, changes will be made and adjustments to the use of private placement funds will be made in accordance with the rules of the law.
01:49The price of the implementation of new share deposits refers to the definition of Rule No. 1A, with the price of the implementation of deposit shares at least 90%,
01:58on average, the price of deposit shares during the period of 25 days of the stock market in the regular market.
02:05However, until now, SMMT has not yet reached one or several capitalists who intend to own new shares from this private placement investment.
02:17With this private placement, SMMT shares holders who do not participate in the short term will be at risk of depreciation or dilution of share ownership, which is as much as 10%.
02:29The management also stated that there was no sign of a change in the control of the deposit after the private placement was carried out.
02:36In connection with this corporate action, SMMT will implement the PSLB on November 26, 2024.
02:44Reporting by Adeksejari.
