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#cop #powertrip #police #copsoftiktok #foryoupage #foryou #cops #copsontiktok
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#policepowertrip #auditcospvideo #fypage

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Phụ đề
00:00Can you put the car in park, please?
00:03Yes, sir.
00:04Do you have your driver's license, vehicle registration?
00:06Yes, sir.
00:07Can you take a guess on why we are stopping you?
00:10Because we, like, go really fast and really low.
00:13Do you know it was you guys?
00:15Of course not.
00:16You almost ran over five people.
00:18Can you turn the car off?
00:31Yes, of course.
00:32Can I go?
00:34I don't want you driving anymore because, due to your eyes, I believe you to be drunk.
00:38I'm not that drunk.
00:39Yes, you are.
00:40I'm not that drunk.
00:42Are you part of OPE?
00:45My brother's Winnie the Pooh.
00:47How do you think your brother is going to feel if I call him and tell him your sister
00:50is drunk driving at a high rate of speed?
00:53No, I'm not.
00:54I'm not drunk driving.
00:55I'm not.
00:56I'm, like, literally parking up here.
00:57Like, I was...
00:58We were...
00:59I'm sorry.
01:00Again, I'm not talking to you, ma'am.
01:01Again, I'm not talking to you.
01:02I'm sorry.
01:03I'm sorry.
01:04Just please stop.
01:06But due to your speech and your eyes, you're drunk.
01:10We can play this game and I can get you out of the car and do a whole DUI investigation
01:15or you can kind of cooperate because I'm going to do it.
01:18I will cooperate with you whenever you want me to.
01:20But due to your eyes and your slurred speech, you're drunk.
01:22I'm not slurred speech.
01:25Hey, listen.
01:28I'm not that drunk.
01:31So, your driving is really bad.
01:33You almost ran over a group of people.
01:35I ran over a group of people?
01:37No, not us.
01:38A group of non-cops.
01:39Cops are not, like, it's still dangerous that you could hit somebody.
01:43No, I'm not.
01:44I'm not worried about the cops.
01:45I'm worried about the family and we were dealing with one car for a separate reason and you
01:52come out and...
01:56Apologies is not going to do anything.
01:57I hear you.
01:58It's not going to matter.
01:59What's your name?
02:01You keep laughing as if it's funny.
02:03It's not a joke at all.
02:04It's very serious.
02:05I know it's not a joke.
02:07Is there anyone that's sober in the car?
02:09I am.
02:10I'm fine.
02:11I promise you I'm okay.
02:12Can I say...
02:14I'm sorry.
02:15I know you're not talking to me, but are you okay at all?
02:17It's not that I don't...
02:19Sure, go ahead.
02:20I'm listening.
02:21Oh, please.
02:22We have someone that can pick us up.
02:23I'm sorry.
02:24Like, we have someone...
02:25That decision should have been made prior to you driving.
02:29We were literally right around the corner.
02:30We were just moving to this parking lot.
02:32I'm sorry.
02:33Like, honestly, we don't mean to, like, cause you problems at all or anything.
02:37We just...
02:39We were literally just moving from one parking lot to the other,
02:43and that's all we were doing.
02:44We were...
02:47That's all we were doing.
02:49So, I apologize.
02:51It's okay.
02:52It's nothing personal.
03:00I get it.
03:01So, you see how you're keeping one consistent demeanor?
03:04She's not.
03:05She's laughing, sad, apologetic.
03:07You know what that means?
03:09Because I have anxiety.
03:10I have...
03:12She's on all the...
03:16I have anxiety and I have depression.
03:17I don't because you're making it worse.
03:19I'm not making it worse.
03:20You're telling me she's on medication.
03:22No, I'm not.
03:23Not right now.
03:24But, like, she does have anxiety, depression, everything.
03:27Like, she has...
03:30I love her so much, but...
03:33Okay, shut up.
03:37I am not on anything on this...
03:51Luckily, you didn't.
04:03I doubt that's true.
04:08That would have been the smartest thing to do.
04:15I don't think...
04:16I just met you.
04:17I don't form an opinion of someone that I just met.
04:29Because you're not driving.
04:30No, ma'am.
04:31No, ma'am.
04:33I will take both of you to jail for DUI if I have probable cause.
04:37If you think that's funny.
04:38I won't go to jail for DUI.
04:39It's not funny.
04:40No, stop.
04:41I don't mind.
04:42I've done it before when my boyfriend and girlfriend were on a business trip.
04:44Why would you do that?
04:45I'm just being honest.
04:46Like, if you want to play silly games...
04:47No, we're not.
04:48I'm not playing silly games.
04:49I'm going to swap the seats.
04:50I'm just telling you.
04:51Honestly, it's just...
04:52Pass me that beer in the center console.
04:54What beer?
04:55The one your friend keeps trying to hide.
04:58I just want my bed to be...
05:01Can you pass me the high noon in the center console, please?
05:05Pass it to him.
05:06Listen to him.
05:08Oh, my God.
05:10This is fucking...
05:11Gentlemen, can I get one of you guys to help me out here?
05:13No, no.
05:17What's your first name?
05:20Kim, I'm going to have you step out for a DUI investigation, okay?
05:32Kim, we're going to walk back here towards the back of the Tahoe, okay?
05:37Can I ask you a personal question?
05:39Sure, what do you got?
05:40How old are you?
05:41It doesn't matter.
05:43It doesn't matter.
05:44You told me...
05:45I asked you a personal question.
05:47And you can.
05:48I'm just...
05:49It doesn't mean I'm going to answer it.
05:50Do you have a separate question?
05:51No, no.
05:53All right, Kim.
05:55I believe you to be intoxicated.
05:57I believe you to be intoxicated for several reasons.
05:59Your slurred speech.
06:00Your eyes.
06:02And you're, like, fumbling around in the center console.
06:04In the glove compartment.
06:06When you were trying to give me the registration.
06:08Because I have never had to do that before.
06:10And that's fine.
06:11That's fine.
06:12I get it.
06:13I apologize.
06:14I've never had to actually take out my driver's license or anything.
06:18I've never been pulled over, really.
06:20Like, I've been pulled over one time when you saw that little warning ticket.
06:24The warning?
06:26Because my daughter was crying.
06:30And I got pulled over in the speeding zone for, like...
06:35That's fine.
06:36Kim, I want you facing away from the lights.
06:37Let's go to the other side of this Mustang here.
06:40Stand right there by the driver door.
06:42Right here?
06:43Right here by the driver door.
06:44I cannot hear you.
06:46Oh, sorry.
06:47Stand right here by the driver door.
06:48Yes, sir.
06:50Face me.
06:52All right, Kim.
06:53You see the top of my pen?
06:54Yes, I do.
06:55Can you pick a finger and touch it?
06:59Put it back down.
07:00So, you're going to stand still, okay?
07:02Do you want me to lean against the car or no?
07:04Stand up straight.
07:05Keep your arms down at your side.
07:07With your eyes and your eyes only, you're going to follow the tip of my pen, okay?
07:11Same tip that you just touched, okay?
07:14Don't move your head.
07:19This is weird.
07:25You're tricking me right now.
07:30Can I ask a question?
07:31Hold on.
07:32Just finish the exercise first.
07:33Am I allowed to blink?
07:39You're certainly tricking me.
07:48You're going to continue to follow the pen, okay?
07:51Can I say one thing now that the exercise is done?
07:53It's not done yet, but go ahead.
07:56I don't have that great of a vision.
07:58My vision is fucked up.
07:59It has nothing to do with your vision, okay?
08:03Follow the tip of the pen?
08:04The entire pen.
08:05You're doing great.
08:11So, any idea what that exercise was?
08:15Yes, it's to check if I'm intoxicated and am I okay to drive.
08:20My brother was a police officer in kindergarten for seven years.
08:24Yes, would he be upset with me?
08:28It has nothing to do with your brother.
08:29I know.
08:30The exercise, so these are your eyeballs.
08:32It's called an involuntary jerking of the eyes.
08:34It was doing it?
08:36Every single one, every single time.
08:38Multiple times.
08:39Are you sure?
08:41Because I think I was following very...
08:42So, it's a muscle.
08:44You don't feel it.
08:45You don't control it.
08:46Basically, what it does is when your eyeball is trying to follow the pen, they do this, for example.
08:51It'll jerk this way or it'll jerk that way.
08:53They'll jerk together.
08:54So, my eyes were like...
08:55Your eyeballs were like this the entire time.
08:57A consistent, steady movement.
09:01Kim, you are drunk.
09:02You are drunk to the point where I can take you lawfully to jail for what you are doing.
09:08You're endangering yourself.
09:09You're endangering the public.
09:11Can you take away my...
09:14We're going to move forward to the next exercise, okay?
09:17Do you see this solid white line?
09:19Do you see the line?
09:20Yes, I do.
09:22Is it straight?
09:23It's a straight line.
09:25But can I talk to you real quick?
09:26I'll do this.
09:27Hold on.
09:30You're going to put your right foot on the line.
09:32Go ahead and do that.
09:33And you're going to put your left foot in front of it.
09:36In front of it.
09:37So, your heels touch your toes.
09:39These shoes are big on me.
09:40That's okay.
09:42You've been walking all night with them, right?
09:45I have been sitting all night.
09:48Put your arms down at your side.
09:49Can I take my jacket off?
09:52I hate this jacket too.
09:56Put it on the back of the bicycle.
10:04This really sucks, Paul.
10:06Right foot, left foot.
10:07Heels on the line.
10:08Right foot, left foot.
10:09Heels and toes touching.
10:11All right.
10:12Put your arms down at your side.
10:14Hold on.
10:15No one told you to start.
10:17Failure to follow instructions.
10:18He said right foot, left foot and I was just following.
10:20And then put your arms down at your side.
10:25Heels and toes touching as instructed.
10:29You're going to hold that position until I tell you to begin the exercise.
10:33When I tell you to do so, you're going to put the foot behind.
10:36Can I take my shoes off?
10:37Because these shoes are big on me.
10:39Go ahead.
10:40I can?
10:42Oh my God.
10:43Don't laugh at my socks.
10:44My socks are fucking ugly.
10:51You ready to begin?
10:53Hold on.
10:54Now my feet hurt.
10:56I'm ready.
10:57Put your arms down at your side.
10:58And you're going to stay in this position until I tell you to begin the exercise.
11:02When I tell you to begin, you're going to do the following.
11:04You're going to count out loud steps one through ten.
11:08When you begin, the foot that's behind, you're going to put it in front of the other touching heels and toes.
11:13And you're going to count one, two, three and so on until the tenth step.
11:20Once you reach to the tenth step, the foot that's in front, you're going to leave that foot there.
11:24You're going to take a series of small steps.
11:26You're going to turn around.
11:27That's a lot.
11:28It is a lot.
11:29You're going to turn around and do the same thing going the other way.
11:31One, two and three.
11:34And you're going to continue counting until you get to ten.
11:35You got it?
11:37You got any questions?
11:38Is this enough for ten steps?
11:41Let's figure it out.
11:42I'm not sure.
11:43That's okay.
11:44You got small feet so I think you may have it.
11:45Are you ready to begin?
11:46Go ahead.
11:48One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
12:03One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
12:22Alright, Kim.
12:23Nope, you're good.
12:24Face me for a second.
12:26It's going to be the last exercise.
12:27You ready?
12:28No, I'm not.
12:29You need a second?
12:31No, you're kind of scaring me a little bit.
12:35As you should be.
12:36DUI is a very serious thing in Orange County.
12:41Put your hands down at your side.
12:44Heels and toes together.
12:46When I tell you to begin, you're going to raise one foot.
12:50Either or foot.
12:51Whichever one you choose.
12:52Left or right.
12:54And you're going to begin counting out loud.
12:56One thousand and one.
12:57One thousand and two.
12:58One thousand and three.
12:59One thousand and four.
13:00You're going to continue counting out loud until I tell you to stop.
13:04Can I say one thing?
13:07I've seen this on videos and stuff.
13:10It's fucked up because I...
13:13It's just messed up.
13:15Are you ready to begin?
13:18It's messed up.
13:19Let me get my timer set.
13:20Can you...
13:21Wait, can you...
13:22Until what number?
13:23Until I tell you to stop.
13:24Until I tell you to stop.
13:25You're going to continue counting.
13:26You've got to keep your arms down at your side.
13:28Like this?
13:30And then just pick up...
13:31Just raise one foot.
13:32Point your toe out.
13:33Whichever one you choose.
13:34And count out loud.
13:35One thousand and one.
13:36One thousand and two.
13:37One thousand and one.
13:38One thousand and two.
13:39I can't even...
13:40I barely talk.
13:42You ready?
13:43I speak Spanish and English, so...
13:44You can count in whatever language you want.
13:46Yo hablo español.
13:47Si tu me avisas, yo te traduzco.
13:49You're not going to get me, Kim.
13:52I'm not going to get...
13:53Kim, are you ready to begin?
13:54Yes, sir.
13:56All right.
13:59I can begin when I want?
14:01All right.
14:04One thousand and one.
14:06One thousand and two.
14:07One thousand and three.
14:08Keep your arms down at your side.
14:09One thousand and four.
14:10One thousand and five.
14:12One thousand and six.
14:13One thousand and seven.
14:15Put your foot down.
14:16You can't hold on to the car.
14:18One thousand and seven.
14:19One thousand and eight.
14:21One thousand and nine.
14:23One thousand and ten.
14:25Two thousand?
14:27All right, Kim.
14:28You can stop.
14:30Kim, based off these exercises,
14:34please don't do what?
14:35Take it to jail because you are twice over the legal limit
14:38for your height and body weight at the...
14:43I don't care who's a fireman and who's not.
14:47Can you put your shoes back on for me, please?
14:49And can you please put your shoes back on?
14:51You're going to stand with my corporal for just a minute?
14:59Don't look at me like that.
15:00Don't ask for forgiveness.
15:01It's not going to work.
15:02Just please put your shoes on.
15:05Kim, can you put your arms behind your back, please?
15:08You're being placed under arrest for DUI.
15:10No, please don't do this.
15:12Ashley's able to drive.
15:14It's not about driving.
15:15Can you please put your arms behind your back?
15:17Kim, don't resist, please.
15:18Don't do that.
15:20DUIs are kind of a big deal, but it's not the end of the world.
15:23Can you separate your hands from your...
15:24It is a big deal for me.
15:25It is, but please, I don't want to have to charge you
15:27for extra charges for no reason, okay?
15:31All right, Kim.
15:32Kim, is there anything in your pockets?
15:34Any cash, money, anything like that?
15:38All right, Kim.
15:39Let's walk towards the car.
15:42Wait, wait.
15:43Can I talk to my friends real quick?
15:45In about two minutes, yes.
15:46Can I get to him?
15:48I will get you phone numbers.
15:54No, wait.
15:55I have to, Kim.
15:56Please, Kim.
15:57Can you please put your...
15:59Watch your foot, Kim, please.
16:00Thank you, Kim.

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