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How can one maintain Equanimity in good or bad - circumstance, a person's behaviour, things etc that occur in our life and remain free?
00:00Equanimity means, suppose some good food is there, then don't get attached and some
00:07bad food or some tasteless food, then don't be unhappy.
00:12This is file I want to solve with equanimity.
00:14Keep both same.
00:17In ignorance we are believing, I am eater, that's why some tasteless food, we become
00:23angry and who is the doer, we are blaming on that person.
00:28He is not preparing good food and it is good food, then we are appreciating that person,
00:33oh nice food, you are preparing very good food.
00:37So attachment will be there.
00:39That attachment and hatred is a non-equanimity.
00:43But if I know I am not eater, I am knower and seer and whatever comes, it is with file
00:49one, then I can keep equanimity, this is file I want to solve with equanimity.
00:55Tasty food or not tasty food, we will keep same, not equilibrium for both evidences.
01:04Some bad person or good person, we want to keep same intent with both.
01:10No hatred for bad person, no attachment for good person.
01:16If we practice five agnas, then automatically we will see that bad person is separate and
01:21pure soul is separate.
01:23So automatically equanimity will come.
01:26Our opinion is he is a bad person, bad person, then automatically hatred will start for that
01:32But now we can see bad person is separate and pure soul is separate.
01:38Whatever he is doing bad thing, it is discharge karma of that person.
01:41It is discharge of past life karma.
01:44So he is not responsible today for bad karma.
01:48So if we understand this science, then automatically hatred, revenge, bad negativity, everything
01:56will dissolve automatically.
