Freedom from Attachment and Hatred

  • 2 months ago
What happens when we are detached or remain unattached? How does attachment lead to hatred and misery and as against this how can we develop pure love in our relationships?
00:00What happens when we detach, we are unattached?
00:08If we are unattached with everybody, then there will not be any expectations, no hatred, no attachment, then we have love with everybody, pure love.
00:24So, no detachment, no attachment is called absolute state.
00:32And with full of bliss, full of love, everybody, presence of that person is also helpful for everybody.
00:41Everybody will feel love from that person.
00:45So, it is goal of our human life.
00:49Because due to ignorance we have attachment, and when we have attachment with somebody, then we have expectations on that person.
00:58And when expectation doesn't fulfill, reaction will come.
01:03Hatred will be there, abhorrence will be there.
01:06So, attachment and hatred is a reactionary.
01:10So, when we come out from attachment and hatred and everything, so nobody will hurt from us and everybody will feel happiness and love.
01:27So, due to ignorance, this all attachment and hatred is there.
01:36And when we get self-realization, then automatically all attachment will dissolve and love will be there, pure love.
01:48In pure love, there is no expectations, never seeing fault of each other, no condition, no blaming on each other, just love, pure love.
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