Stage of Full Enlightenment

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How do we bind karmas? How do we get liberation on finishing the karmas and what do we do as Soul remaining in liberated stage?
00:00Once the soul gets liberated, what is the purpose beyond that and what do we do as souls
00:09once we are liberated?
00:11Purpose of karmas, this has, karmas have come to you because of your self-ignorance.
00:26Nobody is inviting any karmas, nobody likes karmas, because of darkness they have come to you.
00:42So now you are bounded with those karmas.
00:49You have to finish by force, compulsory, whether you like or don't like, you have to.
01:02So if you realize that this is all dependency in the life, dependency of body, dependency of thoughts,
01:22everything you find dependency, I want independence, then you will start searching how to come out from karmas.
01:36And then once you get, but then after enlightenment, realization of Soya Alma Pura, then you find liberation.
01:50Then you finish your discharge without more new charge.
01:58After achieving nirvana, you will, your soul, alma pura will liberate and the alma will go above this universe.
02:19Alma is lightest element in this universe.
02:25So lightest thing.
02:30It always go up and up, on top of the universe, where the universe ends, then the all liberated alma remains, stay there.
02:47Full of bliss, full of, no dependency of body, thoughts, speech, totally liberated and full of infinite knowledge.
03:06So with the full infinite knowledge, alma can see, can know each and every atom of the universe, without involvement, just with enjoyment of one's own.
03:31Everything is there, you are not getting involved, just you are enjoying.
03:39As if you are Colo Park, you are observing dolphin show, you are not taking dolphin with you, just you are watching, enjoying.
03:53Same way when you are in nirvana, you are watching whole universe, not involving, nothing.
04:10If you get involvement, then again you come back to your head, then suffering, just you are watching, you are enjoying.
04:24This is just example, but the real enjoyment, bliss, cannot be described.
04:35With this knowledge of separation and harmony, Niruma can experience, nothing can touch her, no happiness, no unhappiness, everything is going with Niruma.
04:54Right now talking is Niruma's skeletal, her soul never talks, just watching how Niruma is speaking.