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00:00Neha's fight with her husband increases so much that she comes to her maternal home with her two children.
00:07Sister, you are here all of a sudden?
00:09Is everything okay? You didn't even inform me in advance.
00:12Yes, why? Do you have any problem?
00:14Now my parents are alive here.
00:16No sister, you are misunderstanding.
00:18What problem will I have?
00:20Saying this, Neha goes to her room.
00:22Children, come here quickly.
00:24See what I have for both of you.
00:26Then she gives toffees to the children.
00:28Children go out to play.
00:30Hearing Neha, Sarita was already irritated.
00:33On top of that, Neha calls out.
00:35Will I get tea in this house or will I have to make it myself?
00:39Were there not enough people here that she came and sat on my chest?
00:43Madam also wants tea in the room.
00:45Shouting, Sarita goes to the kitchen and makes tea for Neha and everyone else.
00:50I take tea for everyone at once.
00:52Otherwise, where two seconds will be late, then someone will call out.
00:56Sarita, give me tea.
00:58As if Sarita is not a daughter-in-law, but a maid.
01:00Shouting, Sarita makes tea and breakfast for everyone and tells her mother-in-law.
01:05Mother, I am going to sleep for a while.
01:07Please don't disturb me.
01:09And if your dear daughter wants anything, then do it yourself and give it to her.
01:13Then Neha's children come there and start crying.
01:16Nani, Nani, Mummy is watching TV and Aunty is sleeping.
01:26You only bathe us.
01:29Yes, yes, my children, why not?
01:31Nani is there, isn't she? Come with me.
01:33Nani takes both the children to the bathroom to bathe.
01:36Then suddenly Nani's leg slips and she falls on the floor.
01:42Due to a deep head injury, she dies and becomes a witch.
01:46Even after becoming a witch, she starts bathing both the children.
01:49It's too late, where have these children gone?
01:52Juttu, Fruity, where are you both?
01:54I don't know where these useless children have gone.
01:56They have gone to their father.
01:58While searching, she enters the bathroom.
02:01And seeing her mother's corpse in the blood, she screams badly.
02:05What happened to this mother? Is anyone there? Help me.
02:09Hearing the screams, Sarita wakes up.
02:13Oh, what has happened to this mother?
02:16She has left her in-laws and has come to her mother's house.
02:18On top of that, she has made my sleep miserable.
02:21Sarita goes towards the voice.
02:24Seeing her mother's corpse, she says,
02:26Oh, this old woman also had to die now.
02:28She put the burden of work on me and died of restlessness.
02:31Nani the witch hears all this.
02:34Oh, so these are the thoughts of Padmini about me.
02:38On the terrace, Fruity and Tutu were playing hide and seek.
02:41While running, Fruity goes towards the balcony.
02:44And she is about to fall from the terrace.
02:46Seeing this, Tutu runs and calls Neha.
02:49Mummy, that Fruity, Fruity, terrace.
02:54Mummy, Fruity, terrace.
02:57Neha slaps Tutu without listening to the whole thing.
03:00Don't you both have any work to do all day except playing?
03:03Fruity did this, Tutu did that, all day all this.
03:07Before Fruity falls, Nani the witch comes there and saves her.
03:12There is a limit to both of them.
03:14Two women are at home and are not able to take care of two children.
03:17What kind of woman is she?
03:18Then at night,
03:19Aunty, aunty, I want biscuits.
03:22Give it from the box above.
03:24Why, is this your father's house?
03:26Or did your mother earn and keep the biscuits here?
03:28Come on, run away from here.
03:29Sarita drives Fruity out of the kitchen.
03:31Neha sees all this.
03:33But instead of solving the situation, she starts beating Fruity badly in anger.
03:38I have told you so many times that your Nani is no more.
03:41This house belongs to Aunty now.
03:43Then why did you go there?
03:47I am hungry, hungry, hungry.
03:51In anger, Neha locks Fruity in a dark room and leaves.
03:55Today, until you learn your lesson, you will not get anything.
03:58The witch Nani is very sad to see all this.
04:01Oh God, what am I seeing all this?
04:04It's good that I died.
04:05Otherwise, seeing all this, I would have died again.
04:08There are so many small children.
04:10And these cruel women are venting their anger on the children.
04:14Even though she is a mother, she does not care about her daughter's hunger.
04:17And Aunty is not able to see anything in front of her anger.
04:20Then the witch Nani, after eating everyone's food,
04:22makes Fruity's favorite potato paratha in the kitchen.
04:26And takes it to her room for her.
04:28Fruity was so innocent that she did not know
04:30that the Nani with whom she is eating the paratha,
04:33is actually dead.
04:35Before going to sleep at night, Neha opens the door of Fruity's room.
04:38You must have come to your senses after being hungry all day.
04:41I am not hungry.
04:42The food that Nani fed me is not like you.
04:46Oh, so you mean that Nani came from heaven to feed you.
04:52And starts laughing.
04:53Neha goes to the kitchen, where Sarita comes and blocks her way.
04:57No entry in the kitchen.
04:59What is this joke?
05:00Leave my way.
05:01Move aside.
05:02Don't forget.
05:03This house is mine.
05:04Is it yours?
05:06It was yours.
05:07Now as a daughter-in-law, this house is mine.
05:09Your house is your in-laws' house,
05:11who are breaking the bed here.
05:13And there is a fight between them.
05:15The witch Nani sees all this and holds her head.
05:18Looks like I have to teach them a lesson.
05:21Otherwise, my poor children will be trapped in their fire.
05:25The witch Nani brings a hot towel from the stove
05:28and touches Sarita and Neha's hands.
05:30Oh, my hand.
05:32Who did this?
05:34Oh, Karamjani, is this your work?
05:36Mind your tongue.
05:38You have blocked my way and are saying that I have burnt it.
05:41Hey, fool, if I have to burn it,
05:43I will turn the whole pan upside down on you.
05:47Then they get tired of arguing and go to their rooms
05:51and apply ointment on the burnt place and go to sleep.
05:54Poor children used to sleep on the floor while watching TV.
05:58The witch Nani feels pity for the children's condition.
06:01The witch Nani goes to Neha's room at the same time.
06:04Wow, she just doesn't want to see anything
06:07except her makeup and sleep.
06:09In anger, Nani slaps Neha hard
06:12that Neha looks here and there in a hurry.
06:15Who hit me?
06:18Who is here?
06:19Tell me, who hit me?
06:22Neha looks here and there, but she doesn't see anyone there.
06:25There is a piece of paper on which it is written,
06:28pick up the broken piece of paper and put it on the bed.
06:31Neha still remembers the sound of the slap,
06:33so she picks them up quickly and puts them on the bed
06:36and goes to sleep herself.
06:38In the morning, when Neha sees Sarita, she says,
06:41How dare you come to my room and slap me?
06:45Talk to me with an open mind.
06:47I don't have so much time to roam around you.
06:50And from there, Sarita leaves.
06:52Son, now see what I do with you.
06:56Then Sarita makes kheer for Neha and her children.
06:59Tutti Frutti, come here, see what I have brought.
07:02Hot kheer, come, come.
07:04As soon as Neha puts a spoonful of kheer in her mouth, she spits it out.
07:08Yuck, there is so much salt in the kheer.
07:11Hearing this, the witch Nani drops a bowl of kheer for the children.
07:15How rude you are, you dropped all the kheer.
07:18Hearing this, the witch Nani gets more angry and picks up a stick.
07:22And she will scold my children.
07:24Come on, scold, scold now.
07:26Sarita was feeling the beating of the stick, but no one was visible.
07:30Who is it? Who is it?
07:32Come in front of me.
07:34Who is it?
07:35But the witch Nani was not even taking the name of stopping.
07:37She beats Sarita with illness.
07:39Neha gets distracted by seeing all this.
07:42Then she takes the children and goes to the room.
07:45Here the witch Nani is getting worried.
07:47Today I came on time, so the children were saved.
07:50But every time this happens, it will be difficult to protect the children.
07:53I have to do something now.
07:55Then the witch Nani goes to Neha's husband's house.
07:58Son, listen.
07:59Who is it? Who is there?
08:01Come in front of me.
08:02Son, I am Neha's mother.
08:04Then she tells the whole story to Mundhir.
08:06Hearing the condition of her children, tears come to her eyes.
08:10Son, her mother takes care of her there.
08:13And you know the nature of Sarita.
08:15That's it, mother.
08:16I have understood what I have to do.
08:19Then the next day Mundhir goes to pick up the children.
08:21Tutu, Fruity.
08:23Papa, Papa.
08:25Papa, Papa.
08:27Come on kids, let's go to our house with Papa.
08:30Papa has come to pick you up.
08:32Then Neha comes there.
08:33Yes, I also want to go with you.
08:35Take me with you and forgive me.
08:38The witch Nani is happy to see her daughter's house again.
08:42With Neha's departure, Sarita also starts living properly.
08:45Now the witch Nani used to go to meet the children sometimes.
