El Señor de la Querencia - Capitulo 24

  • last month
00:00You can't do that.
00:02You can't take a step out of the trust, you hear me?
00:07I'm not going to let you go.
00:09You can't do that.
00:10Why are you like this?
00:12Why are you reacting like this because of an employee?
00:15I'm your husband, listen to me.
00:17Your people are people who have been taking care of your family all this time.
00:23You can't do that.
00:25You can't do that.
00:28I'm not going to let you go.
00:31You're going to be with me forever.
00:37I don't recognize you.
00:43I know what my role is.
00:46But I married a man who respected me.
00:51Who was nicer to me.
00:54Who cared what my opinion was.
00:58Instead, you are now a...
01:02A bastard.
01:13How long are you going to let the FUTRA do whatever it wants with you?
01:16Calm down, Manuel.
01:17How? How do you want me to calm down?
01:20If that guy does what he wants, and nobody does anything, nobody does anything.
01:24That's what we can do.
01:25You should come and live with me.
01:28Buenaventura, I wouldn't allow it.
01:29It doesn't matter what your husband does.
01:31You and your daughter are coming to live with me.
01:33Even if it weighs me down, Manuel.
01:35I'm not leaving alone.
01:41The day will come when that son of a bitch will see my face.
01:44And that day will come much earlier than you think.
01:49Very well.
01:51But while that day comes,
01:54can you take care of the girl, please?
02:08Take care of yourself.
02:12Don't worry about the girl.
02:18Okay, okay, okay.
02:26Thank you for everything.
02:30You're welcome.
02:31Calm down, okay?
02:33Calm down.
02:51Leave me alone, please.
02:55But what's wrong with you?
02:57Are you like this because of me?
02:59It's a lot, Teresita.
03:02Leave me alone, please.
03:04Calm down, mommy.
03:07Tell me what's wrong with you.
03:12Are you really interested?
03:15Of course I'm interested.
03:18You are my mother.
03:21Sometimes I feel like I'm alone in this house.
03:25I don't have anything else to do here.
03:27No, don't say that, please.
03:30You know it's very important to all of us.
03:35Look at us, please.
03:38You hate me.
03:44No, mommy, I...
03:47I know it's been hard for you.
03:49I know I've been inconsiderate with you.
03:51That's why I came to apologize.
03:54But I don't hate you.
03:56I love you very much.
03:59And I don't want Manuel to get in between the two of us.
04:03Let's not let that happen.
04:06I promise I'll change my behavior, okay?
04:15Forget that man.
04:21I love Manuel.
04:22But I also love you very much.
04:24That's why I want you to be okay.
04:25I don't like to see you like this.
04:27Don't cry, please.
04:29I'm a coward.
04:32I'm so insignificant.
04:35Don't say that, Teresita.
04:36Stop it.
04:37This family is what it is for you.
04:41Your father also hates me.
04:43No, my daddy loves you very much.
04:47I have serious doubts.
04:50Calm down, okay?
04:52Everything will get better.
04:58God will hear you.
05:07So Manuel Pradena is starving.
05:10Yes, boss, he's running out of supplies.
05:12I don't think it will last long.
05:17That's exactly what I wanted.
05:19Sink him.
05:20They're in misery, boss.
05:21I think they'll come back to you later.
05:23And I'm sure you're going to let those fucking traitors come back.
05:27That's what I told you.
05:29I told you clearly.
05:30Don't look them in the eye.
05:32No one helped Andio.
05:34Yes, boss.
05:45I have to talk to you seriously, boss.
05:49I have things to do.
05:54You're going to have to listen to me.
06:03Get out of here.
06:14Get out of here.
06:20Get out of here.
06:45Is the girl okay?
06:50She's still scared.
06:54But Manuel is a good brother.
07:00I have to go talk to the old lady, Maria.
07:03Excuse me, sir, but I'd rather not.
07:07The girl is resting at home and she's not going to leave.
07:10Maria, I still want to see her, please.
07:13But I'm telling you no.
07:15The best thing is to leave her alone.
07:18Do it.
07:19For the good of everyone.
07:20Listen to me.
07:23I have to go apologize to her.
07:25Forget about my goat.
07:29I beg you.
07:34Don't tell me that son of a bitch has good intentions.
07:38Don't talk to her like that, Alminia.
07:41She's a little girl.
07:43She would never take it seriously.
07:49I'm sorry.
07:51I'm sorry.
07:54I'm sorry.
07:56I'm sorry.
07:58I'm sorry.
08:00I'm sorry.
08:14Your tea.
08:16Thank you very much.
08:20What are you doing?
08:23The usual.
08:25Since I can't read what I want, I'm bored.
08:31I have a gift for you.
08:35For me?
08:38Open it, please.
08:42What is it?
08:43What is it?
09:02Why are you giving me this book?
09:05I saw you name it a while ago.
09:08I hope that gift will help you get rid of your anger with me.
09:14It has a beautiful poem called...
09:17Late in the hospital.
09:20I can lend it to you whenever you want.
09:27Leonor, let me tell you that I share your annoyance...
09:31...for what happened with Violeta.
09:33I think José Luis went too far.
09:36And what you did when you intervened...
09:39...was what had to be done.
09:41It was very brave.
09:43I congratulate you.
09:46Thank you for telling me.
10:01I had no idea this house existed.
10:03Little by little the monkey was fixing it.
10:05And who did it belong to?
10:06You will know.
10:11Mr. Luis Emilio!
10:13How are you, Violeta?
10:18Did you come to see me?
10:21I didn't want you to leave without apologizing for what happened.
10:26Thank you very much, Mr. Luis Emilio.
10:28Call me Luis Emilio, okay?
10:33What the hell are you doing here?
10:34Let her go!
10:35I said let her go!
10:37You are not welcome in this house, you hear me?
10:50Come in, boss.
10:54What are you doing here?
10:56I'm here to see you.
10:58What are you doing here?
10:59Come on, boss.
11:02Keep an eye on your daughter.
11:04I don't want her to keep dragging Luis Emilio down.
11:08She's not dragging anyone down, boss.
11:10Oh, no?
11:11Of course not, I've seen her.
11:13Oh, what?
11:16With all due respect, boss, but it's Luis Emilio who's dragging her down.
11:19What are you talking about, you piece of shit?
11:22She may be your daughter,
11:23but she's in love with Luis Emilio and she's in love with me too!
11:26That's a lie, for fuck's sake!
11:30I'm sorry, boss.
11:31I'm sorry, boss.
11:32Don't talk to me like that again, you piece of shit.
11:36We've raised my daughter well, boss.
11:39You haven't raised her well?
11:41Do you understand that your daughter is old enough to deserve it
11:43and she's been insinuating to you all day?
11:46My daughter is a young lady, boss.
11:47She's not a young lady, my Teresita is a young lady.
11:50Your face is as ugly as any other.
11:53Get that right in your head, Buenaventura.
11:56Yes, boss.
12:00Do you need anything else, boss?
12:07That's all.
12:16Go home.
12:17But listen to me.
12:18Go home, I told you.
12:20Go home.
12:23Go home.
12:24Go home, I told you.
12:34What the fuck are you doing here?
12:36I did what I wanted, Manuel.
12:38Do you think that because you have money and a name you can do whatever you want?
12:42Go before you lose your patience, you hear me?
12:44Manuel, he just wanted to know how Violeta was doing, that's all.
12:48Manuel, listen to me, please.
12:50What the fuck are you doing here?
12:52I wanted to apologize for what my father did.
12:55Why isn't he here?
12:56Why didn't he come?
12:58Because he's too proud to admit what he did.
13:01Your father can't feel remorse.
13:03That's why he didn't come.
13:04But I'm not like him, Manuel.
13:06You're all the same shit.
13:08You're all the same.
13:10You're wrong.
13:13But what a shame that he's such a senseless man.
13:16I have my reasons, go away.
13:18Go away!
13:23I know I was wrong.
13:25I did it because I thought it was the best thing for Violeta.
13:38Where is Leonor now?
13:40Embroidering, José Luis.
13:46Keep me informed.
13:48Leonor is behaving very badly.
13:50Leonor is behaving very strangely lately.
13:54She has changed a lot.
13:56She doesn't seem the same as before.
13:59What have you noticed?
14:04That she doesn't respect him anymore.
14:07To me?
14:09Why do you say that?
14:11She speaks badly of you to whoever comes to her.
14:14And a woman shouldn't do that.
14:16She owes her husband, right?
14:37Excuse me.
14:39Thank you very much.
14:45Don Luis Emilio is not a bad person, uncle.
14:47As long as I'm taking care of her, you just obey me.
14:52But here...
14:57I love him.
14:59I'm not going to argue with you anymore.
15:01That boy doesn't come into this house.
15:03Are we clear?
15:24How are you, my dear?
15:26Very well.
15:27What's up, man?
15:30Fine, thanks.
15:32Daddy, I'm glad you came.
15:34I missed you so much.
15:37Can I talk to you alone for a while?
15:48What can I say?
15:51You know, Manuel, here...
15:54Here, love doesn't give much affection.
16:00Thank you very much for taking care of my son.
16:06Don't worry, my niece too.
16:10And that's why you're willing to do anything.
16:13And that's why you're willing to do anything.
16:20I was thinking about what Manuel offered me in the morning and...
16:26I'm going to do it.
16:30I need the money.
16:37And what you have to do next is grab your things and get out of here, man.
16:43I'm scared, Manuel.
16:47I'm scared.
16:49I don't know where to go.
16:50Here, dad.
16:53Here is a place.
16:54There's land. You can work it.
16:57Your boss doesn't deserve so much sacrifice, man.
17:00And when you realize that,
17:03the doors of this house
17:05will continue to open for you.
17:10Think about it.
17:12Think about it.
17:30I think this is not right.
17:35I'm going to punish you, Ignacio.
17:36It's crazy to think that you and I are going to have a son.
17:42But that's going to be our secret.
17:46I love Lucrecia so much.
17:51I'm not doing it just for my daughter.
18:06I love you.
18:08I love you.
18:10I love you.
18:12I love you.
18:36Get the light out.
19:05You are very beautiful.
19:08I also do it for me, Ignacio.
19:11Because I like you.
19:14I like you a lot.
19:38What are you doing?
19:40Looking at you.
19:42Go to the boss's house. It's better to be late.
19:48Can I sleep with you?
19:50I promise I won't do anything that bothers you.
19:54Come here.
20:00I love you.
20:02I love you.
20:04I love you.
20:05Come here.
20:09Thank you, Herminia.
20:11You don't know how happy it makes me.
20:13Don't worry.
21:18Where do you think you're going?
21:22I'm leaving the house.
21:24With my children.
21:28No, you're not going anywhere.
21:30You can't go.
21:32Did you call Leonor?
21:36Can you tell me who this man is?
21:38I had no idea. I don't know him.
21:40He's an employee.
21:42If he's an employee, help us with the bags, please.
21:44What are you talking about?
21:47What are you talking about?
21:50Do you think I'm a piece of shit?
21:52I'm going to show you who the boss is here.
22:33Don't leave me.
22:43Never leave me, Leonor.
22:54I love you.
23:04I love you.
23:27Good morning.
23:30Good morning.
23:33Good morning.
23:40What's that?
23:42Happy birthday.
23:44I thought I was going to forget our anniversary.
23:47I brought you these flowers.
23:51They're for you. Don't think they're...
23:54Don't think they're pretty.
23:57Just like you.
24:01Accept them, please.
24:09I can't stand the idea of being mad at you.
24:26I didn't love you without you.
24:34I love you.
24:39I love you with all my soul.
24:57So early in the morning?
24:59I preferred to escape at this hour so as not to arouse suspicion.
25:01And Manuel?
25:03He went to town.
25:05It seems he did well.
25:07Maybe in a little while we'll be rich, Violeta.
25:10Can you imagine?
25:12If it had been Luis Emilio, he would have caught me at once and taken me to the altar.
25:15Hey, on purpose.
25:17The little man has not stopped asking about you.
25:19Are you kidding me?
25:21I'm not telling you.
25:23That's great.
25:25So that's what he did.
25:27But I never fail, Violeta.
25:29Remember me.
25:31In a little while, that son of a bitch is going to fall flat on your feet.
25:34God hears you and the devil makes you deaf, aunt.
25:37Hey, do you want some tea?
25:47Well, I know I'm...
25:50It's hard for me.
25:52It's hard for me to show sometimes a little what I feel, to say it.
25:55But I want to tell you that...
25:57That you mean a lot to me, Leona.
26:02You mean a lot to me too.
26:06I love you so much.
26:20No, no, no.
26:22Not now.
26:24No, no.
26:35Not now.
26:46Thank you for understanding.
26:51Happy birthday, Leon.
27:02I hope we are together forever.
27:09Me too.
27:25Good morning.
27:27Good morning.
27:29And this surprise, Teresita, so early.
27:31I imagine you are preparing something special for my parents' anniversary.
27:35That's right.
27:37I'm making the list to send to buy the town.
27:39Today is a very important day for them.
27:41I wouldn't like anyone to ruin them.
27:43I don't know if you understand me.
27:47I don't understand her.
27:49I'm going to be clear then.
27:51I don't want to see you near my father.
27:52Did you hear me?
27:56I don't know what you mean, Teresita.
27:58You know perfectly well that you are not stupid.
28:00I want my parents to be happy and you are not going to stop us, Leontina.
28:05I would never do something that could harm your parents.
28:08What do you want?
28:10Kick my mom out of the house and stay with my daddy?
28:15Is that what you want, Leontina?
28:41I know that Manuel is your brother.
28:43What would happen if everyone found out?
28:57I was looking for you.
29:00I wanted to thank you for what you did with Violeta.
29:04I also wanted to thank you for the things you took to my house.
29:09It was nothing.
29:11Don't worry.
29:13Excuse me.
29:16It was a lot.
29:18I'm sorry.
29:20It was a lot.
29:23You were very brave.
29:31Does my clothes catch your attention?
29:36You look great.
29:42I need to ask you something.
29:44Go ahead.
29:46Stay away from my daughter, please.
29:50Do you think I'm interested in your daughter?
29:53In a girl?
29:55You're a woman.
30:01I have to go. It's dangerous.
30:03Listen to me.
30:06I've never met a woman like you.
30:10And even if I try, I can't get her out of my head.
30:14I can't.
30:20My love.
30:27What are you doing with that man?
