• last year
Thomas Rhett is one of the most successful country artists of this generation, but it hasn’t been an easy path to get there. During a recent interview with Audacy’s Katie Neal, Rhett opened up about one of his biggest career struggles in solidarity with I’m Listening, Audacy’s mental health initiative.


00:00I would say one of the biggest battles I've ever been through and this is
00:06just speaking from an artist but I also feel like no matter what you do for a
00:10living or even if you're just a teenager or a kid dealing with anxiety and just
00:15pressure I remember when I put my second album out it was really when I was kind
00:21of venturing into a new space you know what I mean like being very progressive
00:26sonically adding a lot more pop and R&B into my music and it was not received
00:32well by the public looking back it was like one of the biggest records that I
00:36ever made I mean I had die happy man crash and burn and all these songs on
00:39there but I think when you're living in that moment and you're watching people
00:43just bash you you know I mean social media wise I think there's a lot of kids
00:49out there that that don't know what their identity is because they believe
00:54that whatever someone says about them is who they are I think at the end of
00:58the day you've got to go find yourself somehow I don't I don't have for me it's
01:01like being in a quiet place and like getting back to what the truth about me
01:05is that way I've got a better shield when the arrows come going through that
01:11with my wife along with a therapist was so beneficial to kind of get back to the
01:17be like man this is this is just who I am this is the kind of music that I make
01:20this is what brings me joy and I'm sorry that if some people don't like that
01:23that's okay but but I'm doing what what what what fills my cup up the quicker
01:28you can get to that point in your life of just kind of being proud of who you
01:31are and who you were made to be I just think the more joyful your life is going
01:35to be
