مسلسل وتبقى ليلة الحلقة 13 مترجمة

  • last month


00:00Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Sir please take care of him, he has lost a lot of blood.
00:44come sit,
00:47drink some water.
00:58This is not right, Rewa.
01:00This is very wrong.
01:02Very wrong.
01:04God gives strength to a mother to give birth to a child,
01:08to bring him into this world, to give him life.
01:12So the life of the child should be in the hands of the mother, right?
01:15Just give him life but you can't save his life.
01:19This is not right at all.
01:21Not fair.
01:26He is a monkey.
01:29I always call him a monkey because he keeps moving around.
01:33He can't sit still.
01:36And now see,
01:38the saline machine has tied him to the bed like this.
01:42He can't move, he can't speak.
01:47He is scared of the hide and seek.
01:48He is scared that he might get caught and never be found again.
01:55Katha, listen to me.
01:57No, Rewa.
01:59Please don't console me, Rewa.
02:01If no one can save my child, no one can console me.
02:05Only Raghuvanshi can save him.
02:14I am not consoling you.
02:17You asked Mr. Jeetu for a loan, right?
02:20And he refused because you were not permanent.
02:23But now you are permanent in the company.
02:25In fact, Mr. Viyan appreciated you so much in front of everyone.
02:30He even said sorry.
02:32Now you are at least in this position that you can ask him for a loan.
02:36Rest, whether he will give the loan or not, it is in his hands.
02:42That girl is shameless.
02:44What are you surprised about?
02:46That girl has proved that she is a great opportunity.
02:51What are you saying?
02:53Did you notice one thing?
02:55When she came to our house, when the baby shower function was going on.
02:57But when her head didn't melt there, she came to my office.
03:00She thinks that the more she will create a scene in front of people,
03:03the faster I will bow in front of her.
03:05She doesn't have any self-respect.
03:07It doesn't matter to her.
03:10What has happened to you?
03:11What has happened to you?
03:13Now I feel that I have lost my Kailash.
03:18Because now I see only anger and arrogance in you.
03:25Do you remember?
03:29The day our Aditya left,
03:33that day I was in the garden outside.
03:37I couldn't move from there the whole night.
03:41Then you left everything and came to me.
03:49Whenever I cried in the memory of my Aditya,
03:53you hugged me, you took care of me.
03:57You were the one who understood the pain of a mother.
04:06Today another mother is crying for her child.
04:08And you are calling her shameless.
04:12Now I feel that I have lost not only my son,
04:17but also my husband.
04:20You don't even understand that to save your child,
04:24if a mother crosses all limits of shame,
04:28then also everything is fair.
04:38Mr. Jeetu said that he will give a small loan,
04:42but why will he give Rs. 1 crore to Mr. Vyaan?
04:46Not Mr. Vyaan, but Mr. Ahsan.
04:50You listen to me completely.
04:52I am not telling you to go to Mr. Vyaan directly.
04:55But you can go to Mr. Ahsan.
04:58He listens to Mr. Ahsan.
05:01And Mr. Ahsan is a very good person.
05:05And he is very easy to talk to.
05:06He is very calm.
05:08He will talk to you very lovingly.
05:10He will understand what you are saying.
05:12And anyway, you know that when your job was about to go,
05:15Mr. Ahsan was the one who fought for you.
05:20He even appreciates me that I recommended you
05:24and gave such a resourceful and talented employee to the company.
05:29Besides, you have just saved the company's future, Katha.
05:33They can return the favor to you.
05:36Tomorrow is Saturday.
05:38Anyway, there will be less work in the office.
05:40There will be less people.
05:42You go and talk to him tomorrow.
05:44I am in the hospital with him.
05:48I will take care of Aarav.
05:52The woman who snatched my son from me,
05:57this father will fight with her to the last.
06:01Everything is fair here too.
06:03He is my son.
06:05He was my son.
06:09And Aarav is my grandson.
06:14My son is dead.
06:17And along with him,
06:21I am also dead, Iqbal.
06:24Now I have a grandson whom I can save.
06:30I can save him from death.
06:34And I can be saved from dying again.
06:38You have become so blind in hating Katha
06:42that the child whom we could have raised in our childhood,
06:46we did not even see his face.
06:49But now I have met him.
06:52I know that he is a small life
06:54whose eyes meet mine, Aditya.
07:04Do you know
07:07when Katha introduced Aarav to me, what did he say?
07:11He said,
07:15this is your grandmother,
07:17your father's mother.
07:20He hugged me by calling me grandmother.
07:25You are not giving me money here.
07:29And I am trying to convince myself
07:32that instead of his life, someone should take my life.
07:36As soon as he leaves death,
07:38he should take me.
07:49Destiny has snatched your son from you, right?
07:51Today, the same destiny is giving you a chance to save your grandson.
07:57Think about it.
07:59What will you answer Aditya by going to heaven?
08:19All the best.
08:21I don't know. I am feeling very scared.
08:24I am going to ask one crore from strangers.
08:27You are not a stranger.
08:29And listen,
08:31raise your head.
08:32This is a warrant.
08:34Hey, did you ask at the hospital's bill desk how much is the amount?
08:37I have 40,60,000.
08:39Yes, I was looking there.
08:41According to the hospital's estimate,
08:431 crore 2,17,000 is still pending.
08:48If there is any problem, Rewa, please call me.
08:51Has the doctor come?
08:53Yes, doctor has just come. Arif is sleeping. I will wake him up.
08:56Good luck. Bye.
08:58Okay, bye.
09:22Hi, Ahsan sir. I…
09:27I am so sorry, sir. I thought Ahsan sir is sitting.
09:31I am sorry to disappoint you then.
09:33It's me. Tell me.
09:40It's not urgent. I will do it later.
09:43Talk to Ahsan. Talk to me. It's the same thing.
09:47So, tell me.
09:48Sir, it's okay.
09:50Not a problem.
09:52I will…
09:54I will wait for him.
09:56It's a Saturday morning and you are in the office.
09:59I am guessing it's important.
10:01Sir, I will wait. No problem.
10:04He is not going to come.
10:06Ahsan sir is on leave today.
10:08Sir, he is on leave today.
10:17Time is less now.
10:20I will have to talk to him.
10:35Sir, he…
10:39Tell me.
10:43Sir, I…
10:45Sir, I need a favour.
10:47From Ahsan?
10:49No, sir. From you.
10:52I mean, from both of you.
10:54I mean, from the company.
10:57Sure. Tell me. What can we do?
11:01Sir, I…
11:06Sir, I need a favour.
11:08I need a loan.
11:14Sir, I need a loan of Rs. 1,02,17,000.
11:30These old buildings…
11:32Their beauty shines on their faces.
11:35Every architectural heritage has its own soul.
11:38There can't be anyone better than Vritha Mehra for this work.
11:41Sir, I thought that like the Singapore project,
11:44if we lose the Dubai heritage project,
11:47then the name of Earthcon will be ruined.
11:49Today, Katha has taken a decision for the company
11:51which I was unable to take despite being the director.
11:54Women's business is very simple.
11:56The more money you spend on them,
11:58the more love they will spend on you.
12:00I have understood only one thing about women,
12:02that women run after money.
12:03The beginning of trust,
12:05which ended with money,
12:08you were different from others, Katha.
12:10Or was it just my imagination?
12:16You want Rs. 1 crore?
12:19No, sir. I…
12:21Sir, I want Rs. 1,02,17,000.
12:24In the first month of your job,
12:27on a Saturday morning, you are in the office
12:30looking for Naysan Sir.
12:33Because you need a small favour.
12:36Rs. 1,02,17,000.
12:46But this seems normal to you.
12:49Sir, I don't want any favour.
12:52I want a loan and I will return the entire amount.
12:55Of course, just tell me.
12:57Why did you think that the company will give you such a big loan?
13:00Your probation period ended yesterday.
13:04Were you waiting?
13:07To become permanent?
13:09Because a permanent employee gets a loan.
13:12By doing favours on the company,
13:14you will get a loan of Rs. 1 crore.
13:18Let me guess.
13:20Because you saved the Dubai Heritage Project.
13:22I publicly apologised to you
13:24and Ahsan is praising you a lot.
13:26So, you thought
13:27that now is the right time.
13:29Sir, sir.
13:31I am sorry.
13:33Please forget that I said anything like that to you.
13:37Kata, no company gives such a big loan.
13:41And we hardly know you.
13:43And you want more than Rs. 1 crore.
13:45Sir, I understood what you said.
13:47That's why I apologised to you.
13:50I understand that your company can't give me this loan.
13:58Just forget it.
14:00I will give.
14:10The company won't give.
14:13I will give.
14:24But I have a condition.
14:28Yes, sir.
14:31Sir, anything, sir.
14:33You tell me, sir.
14:34You will have to spend the night with me.
14:45You will have to spend one night with me.
14:51One night for Rs. 1 crore.
14:58One night for Rs. 1 crore.
15:01What do you think of me, Mr. Viyan Raghuvanshi?
15:04There is no reason to be upset.
15:06It's a simple offer.
15:08Nothing forced.
15:10What nonsense are you talking?
15:14People like you get used to buying things.
15:17So, you think you can buy people too?
15:21I am just…
15:22No, no, no. I am not done.
15:24What do you think?
15:25You are my boss.
15:26You can say whatever you want to me.
15:28I didn't ask you for a favour.
15:31I asked you for a loan.
15:33You were acting like a great man by apologising in front of everyone.
15:37And in a closed room…
15:41You showed your worth, Mr. Viyan Raghuvanshi.
15:47But let me tell you.
15:49I am not for sale.
15:55And yes.
15:56Find another designer for your Dubai Heritage project.
16:00I don't want to see your face again.
16:04So, you don't want money?
16:07If you reject the offer, you won't even get the loan.
16:26You were different.
16:32But I was right.
16:53And I am sorry for this.
16:56I am sorry.
17:19You will have to spend the night with me.
17:25You will have to spend the night with me.
17:30One night, one crore.
17:55One night, one crore.
18:19Hello, Kata.
18:20Your monkey is being stubborn.
18:22He wants to talk to you.
18:23Do you want to talk?
18:25Talk to him.
18:27Hello, mom.
18:31Mom, are you crying?
18:34Why would I cry, monkey?
18:40You are worried because of my treatment, right?
18:46Work pressure, monkey.
18:47Work pressure.
18:49Sometimes, I get so much pressure from work
18:52that even mom gets worried.
18:55I know you are worried.
18:58You are collecting money for me, right?
19:04No, I am not collecting money.
19:06That's why I am worried.
19:09Monkey, you are in the hospital.
19:13And why are you thinking about money?
19:15I have collected it.
19:16I have collected it.
19:18Then why aren't you coming back?
19:22Mom, I can't feel the magic treatment
19:25when I look at you.
19:29I am scared.
19:31Please come back, mom.
19:38My monkey is going to get the magic treatment.
19:42My monkey is going to get well.
19:44I am very happy.
19:51I am sick.
19:53But you look sick.
19:56Please come back soon.
20:01I will tell the doctor
20:04and get the magic treatment for both of you.
20:09Please come back.
20:30Parents can't find donors for their children even after collecting millions.
20:33You have got that chance.
20:35Do anything, but please arrange for the money.
20:41I accept.
20:43I accept your condition.
20:44But I also have some conditions.
20:46But I also have some conditions.
20:47But I also have some conditions.
20:48But I also have some conditions.
20:49But I also have some conditions.
20:50But I also have some conditions.
20:51But I also have some conditions.
20:52But I also have some conditions.
20:53But I also have some conditions.
20:54But I also have some conditions.
20:55But I also have some conditions.
20:56But I also have some conditions.
20:57But I also have some conditions.
20:58But I also have some conditions.
20:59But I also have some conditions.
21:00But I also have some conditions.
21:01But I also have some conditions.
21:02But I also have some conditions.
21:03But I also have some conditions.
21:04But I also have some conditions.
21:05But I also have some conditions.
21:06But I also have some conditions.
21:07But I also have some conditions.
21:08But I also have some conditions.
21:09But I also have some conditions.
