The Sibylline Oracles

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There are true oracles and false ones from times past.
00:00Hey, shalom brothers and sisters. Welcome back. I thank you again for joining me
00:04today and a special special shout out to my subscribers. I appreciate that and
00:09like I said in my other videos I have more interesting videos and material
00:15coming out real soon so be on the lookout for that. But anyways, today
00:20today's lesson I want to talk about the the Sibylline Oracles. I just want to
00:27stress a little history about this and I want to also get in the
00:32Bible and talk about the the true oracles of Yahweh. So I just want to give
00:39you a little rundown on this right here. The Sibylline Oracles. They are
00:45sometimes referred to or called the Pseudo Sibylline Oracles. They are a
00:51collection of oracular utterances written in Greek hexameters ascribed to
00:57the Sibyls which are like female prophets, prophetess to utter divine
01:03revelations in a frenzied state. Fourteen books and eight fragments of Sibylline
01:09Oracles survive in an edition of the sixth or seventh century of the Common
01:14Era. They are not to be confused with the original Sibylline books of the ancient
01:21Etruscans and Romans which were burnt by order of the Roman general Flavius
01:27Stilcho in the fourth century of the Common Era. Instead, the text is an odd
01:36passage of Hellenistic and Roman mythology interspersed with Jewish,
01:42Gnostic, and early Christian legend. The Sibylline Oracles are a valuable source
01:48for information about classical mythology and early first millennium
01:54Gnostic, Hellenistic, Jewish, and Christian beliefs. Some apocalyptic passages
02:01scattered throughout seem to foreshadow themes of the book of Revelation and
02:06other apocalyptic literature. The Oracles have undergone extensive editing,
02:12rewriting, and redactions as they came to be exploited in wider circles. The
02:23oldest of the surviving writings seem to be books three through five which were
02:27composed partly by the Jews in Alexandria. The third Oracle seems to
02:34have been composed in the reign of Ptolemy the sixth Philometeor. Sibylline
02:41prophecies were eventually collected in written form in Rome and used by Romans
02:46Roman authorities to provide interpretation of unusual prodigies or
02:54natural disasters or to offer advice on significant matters of foreign
02:59entanglements and wars. Compiled about 150 to 100, 150 before the
03:09Common Era to 180 the Common Era, Josephus and certain Christian apologists
03:15thought the works were the genuine prophecy of the Sibyls and were greatly
03:21impressed by the way in which their doctrines were confirmed by external
03:26testimony. So that's just a little, you know, a little information on that and
03:34like I said the Sibyls were these prophetess who sniffed some fumes, some
03:41crazy fumes, got delirious and started uttering things and the people standing
03:46by who come for their advice were marveled at it and they believed it and
03:51you know took heed to it, did whatever they did, but there could also have been
03:57demon possession involved in that. I wasn't there but all likelihood that's
04:02probably the case too. So now I'm going to go to the Bible here, the scriptures, because
04:06there's only one true oracles and that's the oracles of Yahweh himself. So I'm
04:12going to start out with the book of Acts chapter 7 verse 38. It says right here
04:187 and let's see, 38 is right up here. This is he that was in the assembly in the
04:25wilderness with the angel which spoke to him in the mount of Sinai and with
04:32our fathers who received the lively oracles to give unto us. The lively
04:36oracles and let's talk about Moses right here, when him and the children of Israel
04:41went to the mountain, the mountain of Yahweh and received the lively oracles
04:46and the oracles were the laws. Basically that's what it is, the laws and
04:52the other writings and that's from the book of Acts here that's
04:58talking about this. Now I'm going to jump to Romans, the book of Romans because they
05:04make a reference to the oracles of Yahweh and it's going to be Romans
05:13chapter 3, 1 through 1 and 2. Chapter 3, 1 and 2. Let's see what it says here.
05:23What advantage then hath the Jew or what profit is there a circumcision? Paul's
05:30asking. Much every way chiefly because that unto them were committed the
05:36oracles of Elohim. So the oracles were committed unto the children of Israel
05:43and the Jews preserved it. You know the oracles, like I said before, was the
05:48writings, not just the writings, the calendar, the true calendar because
05:53the Jews, what they did was, you know, the harvest time, they did their feast
05:57days, things like that. That's part of the oracles. So it was committed unto the
06:01Jews to preserve and for us though, for the Christians, our oracles is both the
06:09Old Testament and the New Testament. You take the Old Testament away and a lot of
06:13them, part of them oracles is gone. So anyways, let's go to, we'll go to
06:211st Peter, go back to, clear back to 1st Peter here and chapter 4, verse 11.
06:30Verse 11, see 1st Peter, if any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of
06:42Elohim. If any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which Elohim giveth,
06:48that Elohim is in all things, may be glorified through Yeshua Messiah, whom be
06:55praise and dominion forever and ever. Amen. So the Apostle Peter here, he's
07:01sitting there saying, when you speak, speak like the oracles of Yahweh, the laws and
07:07the other moral lessons and all that stuff, all that kinds of things. And some
07:13people say, you know, like Peter and John and the other apostles were uneducated
07:16and everything. No, they were educated. They knew, they knew their scripture. They
07:21knew, they knew stuff that was brought up, knowing that stuff, going to synagogues
07:25with their parents and siblings and everything. Anyways, I'm going to conclude this
07:30with the book of Hebrews. Book of Hebrews, chapter 5, verse 12. Verse 12 right here.
07:42And it says, for the word of Elohim is quick and powerful and sharper than any
07:50two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and
07:56of the joints and of the morrow, and it is a discerner of the thoughts and
08:01intents of the heart. So that's the thoughts and intents of the heart here.
08:06And that's part of the part of the oracles because, you know, when you got
08:10like the Holy Spirit is also like an oracle, you know, it gives you, gives you
08:16that power, that insight of the scriptures and the scriptures are an
08:20oracle. So that's what that's all about right there. And I hope this is a
08:27powerful lesson, something you've learned, picked up on, but that's the only true
08:32oracles out there is the oracles of Yahweh, not the sibling oracles or any
08:37other oracles of any others. It's from the Creator, Sovereign Himself, Heavenly
08:42Father. And I hope you've got, you know, like I said, I hope you learned something
08:46from this and comment below, let me know what you think. And also I ask you to
08:51please give me a big thumbs up, hit that notification bell, and also subscribe. I'd
08:55really appreciate that. And anyways, until we meet again, brothers and sisters, peace
09:01out and shalom.
