A woman in an unhappy relationship takes refuge with a friend's family on holiday in Tuscany HD ( Drama )

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A woman in an unhappy relationship takes refuge with a friend's family on holiday in Tuscany HD ( Drama )
00:00:31What are you doing?
00:00:34What are you doing?
00:00:36What were you doing?
00:00:37What are you doing?
00:00:38Go go go go go.
00:00:39Wait wait wait.
00:00:40Go go go.
00:00:41It's going to be horrible.
00:00:42相棒啊 Any help?
00:00:46My turn.
00:00:47My turn.
00:00:48My turn.
00:00:49My turn.
00:00:52What is that?
00:00:53I don't know.
00:00:54How do you do it?
00:00:55How do you do it?
00:00:56How do you do it?
00:00:57Turn your head.
00:00:58Turn your head.
00:00:59hi how's your journey hi badge it was fine thanks I thought you're coming with
00:01:07Alex the last minute he got some work so hi
00:01:11yeah I'm tired so don't worry I'm tired too can I take your bag for you
00:03:11oh darling lovely to see you oh oh sorry I went for a run up the hill
00:03:18I'm sorry
00:03:20I know I know I know I'm on holiday
00:03:25oh sorry I didn't see you last night
00:03:29oh don't worry about it
00:03:44we almost met this morning George
00:03:53I'm really really sorry at the last moment Alex had too much work
00:03:58I would have called but it all happened so quickly
00:04:00he's really disappointed
00:04:02I'm sorry I would have loved to have seen him
00:04:04I know I know it's just me I'm sorry
00:04:06so in that case I'll have a cup of coffee
00:04:12Anna this is Archie
00:04:14this is Anna
00:04:16an old friend of mine from London
00:04:18and you know Archie
00:04:20look at him he's shot off about another 10 inches
00:04:22probably since the last time we saw him
00:04:31this is Anna
00:04:34George's son
00:04:53hello Alex
00:04:57are you okay?
00:05:01I'm sorry about some of the things I said
00:05:06all I said was I wanted to be alone for a bit
00:05:15it's not as simple as that
00:05:24I'm going to go
00:05:40well that's a relief
00:05:50I'd like to be Tigger
00:05:51oh darling I'm Tigger
00:05:53I want to be Tigger
00:05:55say bye princess
00:05:57oh Eeyore
00:06:01well done
00:06:05is it weird?
00:06:07I know
00:06:11another one?
00:06:13do I get a prize?
00:06:15your prize is to pour yourself a glass of wine
00:06:17do you want another glass darling?
00:06:21I don't know I think I might go to bed for you actually
00:06:25we'll do another round
00:06:27is he enjoying himself?
00:06:31it's good for him to have a bit of time
00:06:37come on
00:06:40thanks sweetie
00:06:44goodnight love
00:06:46see you tomorrow
00:07:31sorry buddy
00:07:33don't be long
00:07:59who's next?
00:08:05and you?
00:08:07I'm next
00:08:09and you?
00:08:11I'm next
00:08:13I'm next
00:08:15I've got a bit of a headache
00:08:17I'm next
00:08:19I've got a bit of a headache
00:08:21I'm next
00:08:23I've got a headache
00:08:25I've got a headache
00:08:27We had a few beers and we had the bottles and we went across the Palazzo, went up to
00:08:45the big doors, we're like knocking on them, like, is anyone in there, is anyone in?
00:08:50And like, no, didn't hear anything so we just pissed up against the doors right there.
00:08:55Yeah, and then some twat must have spoken to someone because we were chased by the Carabinieri,
00:09:00like the Italian police, up this alley.
00:09:02This is when they were lost, the two of us, me and Archie were still stuck in the counter.
00:09:07You guys ran off straight away.
00:09:08That's such bullshit.
00:09:09You were fucking used to it, you were deserted and the Carabinieri were chasing us up this
00:09:15Jack, Jack, Jack.
00:09:16And we had it up against-
00:09:22Now just don't tell the olds, yeah?
00:09:25Don't worry, of course I won't tell them.
00:09:45I'm not really very sure of myself and I don't like big spaces.
00:09:49In fact, I have my own home.
00:09:52What I like doing is crawling into holes away from-
00:09:55That's Archie, isn't it?
00:09:56I thought you were-
00:09:57Do the animal now.
00:10:00Okay, that's really funny.
00:10:02No, are you a beetle, darling?
00:10:03Are you a beetle?
00:10:04No, I'm not, I'm not.
00:10:05I am a mouse.
00:10:07Oh, very good.
00:10:08He's a little mouse.
00:10:10Mouse too?
00:10:12Anna, do you want a cigarette?
00:10:13Oh no, no, she doesn't smoke.
00:10:14In fact, I've got a very good story about Anna and smoking.
00:10:17Can I tell it, Anna?
00:10:19Yes, it's cool.
00:10:20Don't you remember?
00:10:22Oh, it was wonderful.
00:10:23No one ever asked Anna to come, really.
00:10:25Because, well, because people didn't sort of ask you to join in for those sort of things, did they?
00:10:30And I remember thinking, oh, let's ask Anna.
00:10:32And I said one day, I said, oh, I said, oh, Anna, come with us.
00:10:35We're all going down behind the bike sheds.
00:10:37And down she came.
00:10:39And all the cigarettes came out.
00:10:41And she started coughing so loudly that the teachers heard us and came and found us.
00:10:47And you're all dubbed in.
00:10:48Because she was absolutely coughing her lungs out.
00:10:52So, I think from that moment on, Anna has never smoked.
00:10:56Do you remember?
00:11:00How many do you smoke a day, Thomas?
00:11:03Oh, um, 20 or 30.
00:11:08I'd say it was none of your business, Dad.
00:11:11Oh, that's a bit much.
00:11:13Depends how many we can get in the, uh, in Monteroney.
00:11:17Depends how many are Italian, actually.
00:11:19It's random, based on our Italian.
00:11:21Um, uh, whoever has the lowest card has to dress up in drag.
00:11:27Yeah, come on, Bersh.
00:11:29What about girls?
00:11:31Yeah, that would be lame. You'd appear like a shirt and stuff.
00:11:34Do you think the boys are just a little reluctant here?
00:11:37I'm keen.
00:11:39I'll dress up in drag, it's fine.
00:11:41Yeah, three, two, one, go.
00:11:44Who are you?
00:11:52I am not, I am not going to dress up.
00:11:54No way, no way. I'm not going in drag.
00:11:57I'm not going in drag.
00:11:58I'm not going in drag.
00:12:00I'm not going in drag.
00:12:01Come on.
00:12:02Come on.
00:12:08Come on.
00:13:01Here he comes!
00:13:06Oh, my God.
00:13:10Aren't you hot?
00:13:12You look absolutely amazing.
00:13:16I've got a holiday.
00:13:18Watch out.
00:13:20I need a cigarette.
00:13:21I've got one.
00:13:23Here you go.
00:13:48Morning, I loved your husband.
00:14:03P Ministros.
00:14:09Hour and done.
00:14:17How are you?
00:14:21Did you sleep well?
00:14:22Yes, I slept well.
00:14:24Good night.
00:14:25Fragile this morning.
00:14:26I need help here.
00:14:27Hi, Jack.
00:14:28Morning, everybody.
00:15:43Beautiful morning.
00:15:44Come on.
00:15:45It's not good, it's a bit late.
00:15:54What happened?
00:16:01Can you stir it for me?
00:16:07Do you want some lemon juice?
00:16:31No, thanks.
00:17:01No, thanks.
00:17:31Come on, we're going!
00:18:02Come on!
00:18:25No, no, no.
00:18:27Listen to me.
00:18:30We'll follow you all the way.
00:18:32Thanks, Dad.
00:18:34Anna, come with us.
00:18:36No, I think you should come with us.
00:18:38It doesn't make sense.
00:18:40Come on, come with us.
00:18:42It'll be much cooler in our car.
00:18:44We'll get air-con in there.
00:18:46See you there.
00:18:50Come on, jump in.
00:18:52Very good house, Anna.
00:18:54I like it.
00:18:59Come on, Anna.
00:19:30Why? I didn't like it.
00:19:32It's like the bottom of a river.
00:19:34It's like the bottom of a river.
00:19:36And that could be, like, instant.
00:19:38No, just being as close.
00:19:40No, just being as close to it.
00:19:59Get in!
00:20:11Get in!
00:20:13Get Charlie off me!
00:20:16Get Charlie off me!
00:20:24Still the same.
00:20:26I'm gone.
00:20:28Oh, no, no, me!
00:20:30Where's he going?
00:20:46Come here.
00:21:11Brown sugar.
00:21:13Brown sugar, that's what we need.
00:21:15Make noise, make noise.
00:21:17All right, again, again, again.
00:21:19Where's the jump?
00:21:21There we go.
00:21:25Brown sugar.
00:21:29This is a nightmare!
00:21:38Watch out, she'll jump you.
00:21:41He's got...
00:21:46Very good.
00:21:48Very good.
00:21:50Father, son, getting it right.
00:21:52There we go.
00:22:00Fancy a whisky, George?
00:22:02Yeah, I'll have one of those, Arch.
00:22:04Thank you.
00:22:06The big boys of the whisky.
00:22:08The big boys of the whisky.
00:22:14Okay, come on, now.
00:22:16Well, let's keep it going.
00:22:22Are you happy to play without your fellow olds?
00:22:24No, I think I might go and join them for a little...
00:22:27A little nightcap.
00:22:29Probably for the best, Mum.
00:22:31Very good.
00:22:33See you later.
00:22:35Yeah, I'll be fine.
00:22:40No, no, no, let's whack some tunes on.
00:22:42Okay, well, if we whack them on, whack them on loud.
00:22:44Yeah, yeah, of course.
00:22:46I'll screw you out, George.
00:22:48Let's pump it.
00:22:50Is it, where is it?
00:22:52It's in the room.
00:22:56Oh, yeah, oh, yeah
00:22:58Oh, yeah, oh, yeah
00:23:00Oh, yeah
00:23:02Oh, yeah, oh, yeah
00:23:04Oh, yeah, oh, yeah
00:23:06Oh, yeah
00:23:08Oh, yeah
00:23:10Oh, yeah
00:23:12Oh, yeah
00:23:14One more time
00:23:22Oh, my God!
00:23:24Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:23:26That is why I never...
00:23:30Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
00:23:34Come on!
00:23:36Come on!
00:23:38Bags just wanted to see me naked.
00:23:48Bags wants to see me naked, everybody.
00:23:50Out of the pool.
00:23:54It's different, though, isn't it?
00:23:58Oh, he probably won't ever want to live on the river again.
00:24:00I'm really sorry about that.
00:24:02I'm really sorry about that.
00:24:04I've lost all respect.
00:24:08Go on! Go on!
00:24:10You're never going to want to wear that again.
00:24:18He decided to do it.
00:24:20It's a small but important difference.
00:24:26Feel better?
00:24:36You've got to be in it to win it.
00:24:40You've got to shoot to score.
00:24:42You've got to shoot to score.
00:24:44I'm right.
00:24:46I'm right.
00:24:58This is like another stakeout, isn't it?
00:25:04Last stand.
00:25:28I'm getting cold.
00:25:32Yeah, I know.
00:25:34There you go.
00:25:56There you go.
00:25:58Bad influence, huh?
00:26:04Cheers, all.
00:26:06What were the mum and dad going to say?
00:26:10What was dad doing?
00:26:12I thought it was funny.
00:26:16Did anyone ever play the Ash game?
00:26:18Was that just me?
00:26:20No, Arch.
00:26:22I think that's just you, actually.
00:26:26I have played the Ash game.
00:26:28To come to Archie's defence for once.
00:26:30And it's rubbish.
00:26:32Absolutely rubbish.
00:26:34It's an Archie classic.
00:26:36Look, it depends who you're playing it with.
00:26:38If you're playing with kids...
00:26:40You liked Psychiatrist Jack.
00:26:42Come on, you liked it.
00:26:44They're not some weird species.
00:26:54Well, you know, Alex, you can be so cheeky.
00:27:12Being here is good for me.
00:27:22That's a lot.
00:27:24She can't have fun with me and Charlie and George.
00:27:28They're only our oldest friend.
00:27:30My oldest friend, anyway.
00:27:36You're silly.
00:27:38I mean, all the bother I went to get your ticket,
00:27:40sought it for, you know...
00:27:42You're being silly.
00:27:44You're silly.
00:27:58Yeah, I don't know.
00:28:00It's just that things have been a bit difficult at home.
00:28:02You know, it's just nice just to...
00:28:06What's the matter with...
00:28:08You know, there's always something wrong.
00:28:14I told you what was going on with Alex.
00:28:16You haven't told me anything.
00:28:20You don't sit up and talk to me.
00:28:22You don't come in the...
00:28:24You don't even want to come in the car with me.
00:28:44You don't want to come in the car with me.
00:29:14I don't know.
00:29:44I don't know.
00:29:54This hat.
00:29:56This hat.
00:30:14I don't know.
00:30:44Maybe black.
00:30:46Maybe the colour.
00:30:52That's good.
00:30:54What size?
00:30:56I only know my English.
00:31:08And I have panty or string?
00:31:10What do you prefer?
00:31:12I think panty.
00:31:24That is great.
00:31:26Can I try them on?
00:31:28I have this on the...
00:31:32I don't remember the name.
00:31:36It's really nice.
00:31:38Do you wear this normally or not?
00:31:40I think I'll stick with these.
00:31:42Thank you.
00:32:10Thank you.
00:32:40Thank you.
00:33:10Thank you.
00:33:40Thank you.
00:33:56We've got one pizza.
00:34:00Don't give it to them, give it to us.
00:34:02Oi, badge.
00:34:04I know that I want another beer.
00:34:06I know that tanga is thong in Italian.
00:34:08Yeah, but that's the point.
00:34:10Ten, five minutes.
00:34:12So you let them pass on.
00:34:14Italian Bella walks past.
00:34:16She's amazing.
00:34:18Ten minutes later another one walks past.
00:34:20How are you asking me to make a promise to one of them?
00:34:22Yeah, but you haven't gone off with either of them, have you?
00:34:24So it's the same.
00:34:26I just think men and women are always bound to be unfaithful.
00:34:28I really think that.
00:34:30You're probably right.
00:34:32But it doesn't mean to say that...
00:34:34So why get married?
00:34:36It's more...
00:34:38It's about more than just mere
00:34:40sexual fidelity.
00:34:42It's about making a bond with somebody.
00:34:48Your mum and dad, I don't know, maybe they're not getting on that well now
00:34:50but perhaps in 20 years time
00:34:52if they're still together then they might...
00:34:54You know, if there's still something there between them
00:34:56if they still have a friendship
00:34:58then it might suddenly come good.
00:35:02And that's what you're working on with your husband, is that right?
00:35:0620 years time.
00:35:08I don't know.
00:35:10Dress and gown and slippers.
00:35:12Anna and Alex.
00:35:14I find it difficult. I can't see that far ahead.
00:35:18Anyway, it's not about
00:35:20you sleeping together.
00:35:22It's about living together.
00:35:24That has to be part of it.
00:35:26When you meet someone, that's the first thing you think.
00:35:28If the sex isn't there, they're dead in the water.
00:35:30It doesn't matter if you like them.
00:35:32It doesn't matter if you...
00:35:34If they make you feel good or if you like their personality
00:35:36or if they make you laugh.
00:35:38If the sex isn't good,
00:35:40it's for shit. What are you in it for?
00:35:42It dies.
00:35:46No, I agree with you.
00:35:48I agree with you.
00:35:52So is it ever good?
00:35:54Come on, it's obviously bad.
00:35:56Why are you asking me these questions?
00:35:58I'm just interested. It's obviously bad.
00:36:02Whatever sex is like
00:36:04at the beginning, after 12 years,
00:36:06is going to change, I think.
00:36:12The people I've talked to, anyway, I'm not...
00:36:16I mean, long-term relationships are not easy.
00:36:18They're a challenge.
00:36:22What about kids?
00:36:30What, we don't have them?
00:36:34Any reason?
00:36:36What, does he not want them or something?
00:36:38Is he one of those...
00:36:40One of those people
00:36:42who's just not interested in them?
00:36:46No, he's not.
00:36:48How does that make you feel?
00:36:50Do you ever want them?
00:37:06I was having a beer.
00:37:08I'm sorry.
00:37:10No, it's OK.
00:37:12Between the two of you.
00:37:16What, in our sex life?
00:37:18I don't know.
00:37:20I'm just curious.
00:37:31Who worked this out?
00:37:33Were those people who survived, people who died?
00:37:35I have no idea.
00:37:37But, you know, there's obviously people who have
00:37:39an enormous belief in something beyond here,
00:37:41in something completely irrational.
00:37:43Yeah, yeah.
00:37:45Do you have any irrational beliefs, would you say?
00:37:47Hmm, a few.
00:37:49Well, that surprises me, actually.
00:37:51I'm going to find a very good restaurant.
00:37:53I'll take you there one evening, yeah?
00:37:55Deal? Well, maybe, yes. Good.
00:37:57Thank you. Good. Thanks.
00:37:59Yeah. Hmm.
00:38:01So what else did you get up to?
00:38:03God, I just wandered around, really.
00:38:05It's a great city, though. It is.
00:38:07Thomas, hello.
00:38:09Hi. Would you like one?
00:38:11I'd love one, yeah.
00:38:15One of the old Lethals.
00:38:17I can't believe...
00:38:19You're drinking this?
00:38:21You know what? I actually quite like it.
00:38:23You're kidding.
00:38:25You know, to start off with, I've just been kind to George.
00:38:27We'll have a word with him when you finish this.
00:38:29Yeah. Just finish it quickly.
00:38:31OK. Go and drink this.
00:38:33It's his bottle, especially from wherever it was
00:38:35I found on the shelf.
00:38:37Seriously, nice. Come on.
00:38:39OK, OK. Jack and I are going to crack open.
00:38:41Listen, I found this in the car park
00:38:43behind the Campo today.
00:38:47Because it matches your shirt.
00:38:49It's a St Christopher.
00:38:51And I thought, as you'll go far...
00:38:53He's a patron saint of... I think it's travellers.
00:38:55I'm not quite sure. He doesn't actually exist anymore.
00:38:57St Christopher potatoes.
00:39:01Thanks very much.
00:39:03Badge? Yes.
00:39:05I'd love one. Thank you.
00:39:07Oh, wonderful.
00:39:09Charlie, for you?
00:39:11I went, actually, no. I've got a bit of a dicky stomach.
00:39:13Right. Anyone else?
00:39:21You like Negroni soup?
00:39:23Ah, you see, I do.
00:39:25A bit sour, but...
00:39:27Stronger than your taste buds.
00:39:29It's quite a lot of...
00:39:31Oh, I've got two.
00:39:33It's an old man's drink.
00:39:35No, it's not. No, it's not.
00:39:37It is. It's a grandpa drink.
00:39:39No, but all those sort of, you know,
00:39:41beautiful young people in Roma
00:39:43would be drinking it on the terraces, wouldn't they?
00:39:47They drink vodka tonic or...
00:39:49I don't know.
00:39:51Beer, actually, that's what they drink.
00:39:53It makes me feel kind of Italian sophisticated.
00:39:55Not, you know, but not actually old, thank God.
00:39:59What did you get up to, Badge?
00:40:01What, this evening?
00:40:03No, today.
00:40:05Today? Oh, shopping. Got some really lovely tea.
00:40:07How much is she spending?
00:40:09Jack's waiting for me.
00:40:11Up there by the castle where the hill is?
00:40:15You know, Giovanna lives there as well.
00:40:19Thanks for the Negroni.
00:40:29Oh, dear, I've left my mobile phone in my room.
00:40:31Hang on.
00:40:33I'll take that.
00:40:35Can I have another one of these?
00:40:37Yeah, have some.
00:40:39They are quite strong.
00:40:43What is it, vodka, Campari?
00:40:45Vodka, Campari, vermouth,
00:40:47a little bit of soda.
00:41:03Is she right?
00:41:09Oh, shit.
00:41:11Oh, shit.
00:41:21Oh, shit.
00:41:23It's fine.
00:41:25If anyone...
00:41:27It's just...
00:41:29It's all right.
00:41:31It's all right.
00:41:33It could have been anyone.
00:41:35It could have been any of us, actually.
00:41:39Thank you very much.
00:42:09We were driving round, and we parked up by the castle,
00:42:11and there was an oil leak.
00:42:15On the drive.
00:42:17We didn't know what it was.
00:42:19We thought we'd better...
00:42:21I mean, it's such a great car,
00:42:23so we thought we'd just take it.
00:42:25We didn't know what to do, so we thought,
00:42:27well, we're on our way to town anyway,
00:42:29so we took it straight to the mechanic.
00:42:31So he's going to...
00:42:33It's there for a couple of days.
00:42:35Yeah, it's there for a couple of days.
00:42:37So he's going to...
00:42:39Yeah, it's there for a couple of days
00:42:41until they sort the oil out.
00:42:43So you either go by bus,
00:42:45or someone can take you in.
00:42:47It'd be amazing if someone could take us in.
00:42:51How often does the bus go?
00:42:53The bus is every hour,
00:42:55but then you have a problem coming back,
00:42:57because at half past seven,
00:42:59they stop the buses.
00:43:03Very young.
00:43:05Seven o'clock starts.
00:44:17As long as we're drinking,
00:44:19we're talking.
00:44:21What do you want me to do then?
00:44:23Come on, come on, onward.
00:44:25We've got to keep going.
00:44:27Keep going.
00:44:29I'm the animal.
00:44:43Oh, my God!
00:44:45Don't make no problem.
00:44:47He's a mountain guy.
00:45:05We're going to have to
00:45:07hold the cone in control.
00:45:11Hey, Charlie.
00:45:15How are we?
00:45:23Alright Charlie, we're ready to go.
00:45:53Now, I'm going to show you my party trick.
00:45:57Okay, okay, I'm ready.
00:46:02There you go, that's my pre-Paleo warm-up act.
00:46:06You're going to employ me next year.
00:46:08Ooh, harsh.
00:46:19You can come in if you want.
00:46:24I better not.
00:46:53What do you mean? Alex, what do you mean with who I'm involved with?
00:47:18I'm not involved with anybody.
00:47:24No, I just wanted a holiday.
00:47:27Haven't we been over this?
00:47:45Alex, you know, I was just phoning to have a nice talk with you and...
00:47:53Oh my god, I just saw a shooting star.
00:48:01Just up there.
00:48:02Oh, I missed it.
00:48:03Oh look, I was looking there, I didn't see a shooting star.
00:48:05Why are you not looking hard enough, clearly?
00:48:07No, I definitely saw one.
00:48:09Did you wish for something?
00:48:11Of course.
00:48:12Of course, but you know in Italy we have this saying, when you see a shooting star you say,
00:48:17Stella, bella stella, desidero che.
00:48:21Which means star, beautiful star, I wish for...
00:48:25Whatever you wish for.
00:48:29Bella stella.
00:48:30Bella stella.
00:48:31Desidero che.
00:48:32Desidero che.
00:48:33I wish for, and you just wish for whatever.
00:48:35Stella, bella stella.
00:48:39Desidero che.
00:48:40Desidero che.
00:48:42And then I make my wish, so silenzio for my wish.
00:48:47Okay, that's it, made my wish.
00:48:51What do they call you, Giovanna?
00:48:53They call you Giovanna, or do you have like a nickname for short?
00:48:59It's either G or Gio.
00:49:01I was completely myself.
00:49:03That's true.
00:49:04All that romance-y, schmance-y, oh look at that star, look at this star.
00:49:08Mate, I saw a shooting star, what can I say?
00:49:10You're so mad.
00:49:11I wasn't buying it, she wasn't buying it.
00:49:14It was nothing to buy.
00:49:18Not smoking, enough said.
00:49:20You didn't offer me a cigarette.
00:49:24Well, did you?
00:49:26Don't be an asshole.
00:49:28What is this?
00:49:29It's nothing.
00:49:32Are you really?
00:49:34No, she's great.
00:49:36Yeah, she is great.
00:49:39Fucking great.
00:49:40It's just, you know, that stupid grin on your face ever since you met her.
00:49:47That grin, exactly.
00:49:49What grin?
00:49:51Come on, what am I going to do?
00:49:53You're off on your own soon in a couple of days.
00:49:55So when you leave, I need a little company.
00:50:02I do, I do, it'd be great.
00:50:04She'll come over, we'll go swimming, put a little sun cream on her back.
00:50:12Dude, I know you'll do whatever you want anyway.
00:50:14That's right, I certainly will.
00:50:16That's the problem with you.
00:50:19The problem with me.
00:50:21Come on, man.
00:50:55I'm sorry too.
00:51:03You know, I think in a way I'm doing the same thing here.
00:51:06In a way.
00:51:10Of course I'm coming back.
00:51:13It's just been so nice just to lose myself in this big group of people.
00:51:19It's like a big family.
00:51:21Well, it is a family.
00:51:22It's a family, a big extended family.
00:51:24I don't know, I've just been able to go with the flow and not think about anything.
00:51:42A family isn't just two people on their own.
00:51:56Well, I mean, that's just not my understanding of it.
00:52:07You hear me? I said it's not my understanding of it.
00:52:13Is that a wine bottle?
00:52:18Does it have a name?
00:52:19Vino Nobile.
00:52:20Ah, don't shout at me.
00:52:21Do you want one?
00:52:22Vino certainly does, yeah.
00:52:23Oh, two bottles of it, rather expensive bottles.
00:52:25Er, disappeared.
00:52:26Drunk by person or person?
00:52:28Er, by you, I should think.
00:52:30There's another red wine.
00:52:31No, I left them in the usual place, in the kitchen, on the shelf, where I always leave the good stuff.
00:52:34And they've gone.
00:52:35With all the others?
00:52:38No, I keep those good ones that I was intending to give us to.
00:52:41Don't smirk at me, you scaring little bastard.
00:52:44Did you drink them?
00:52:46You didn't drink them?
00:52:47They just disappeared, did they?
00:52:49So you're a liar as well as everything else.
00:52:53You're a fucking arse.
00:52:56Doesn't matter.
00:53:11I'm sorry.
00:53:42We just used to sleep with anybody.
00:53:45And, you know, it was just like...
00:53:47How many times?
00:53:48How many times?
00:53:49How many people?
00:53:50How many people before you first got married?
00:53:51Oh, God.
00:53:52Go on.
00:53:53Hit me with double figures.
00:53:54Who's counting?
00:53:55It's definitely double figures.
00:53:57Definitely double figures.
00:54:00And I have a very fond memory of one in the beach, in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
00:54:07We just had sex and then he went on.
00:54:09Just walked on down the beach.
00:54:10But did you know he was a vet before you started?
00:54:12Oh, yeah.
00:54:13Because he had these incredible tattoos, which I inquired about.
00:54:17These people are wild.
00:54:18Yeah, I know, but, you know, I was 18 on a beach in Provincetown.
00:54:22I didn't think about the consequences.
00:54:24This is what I mean.
00:54:25Yeah, but I wouldn't sleep with a vet.
00:54:28He was pretty gorgeous.
00:54:30He was strong.
00:54:40Badger's ignoring me at the moment.
00:54:42I don't know what I've done.
00:54:43I asked her if she wanted to come out shopping.
00:54:45She left shopping.
00:54:46Didn't even answer me.
00:54:48Jack is behaving really strangely.
00:54:52You know, I just wonder if he's angry with me or Charlie or...
00:54:58You'd tell me if something was going on, wouldn't you?
00:55:01Of course.
00:55:04Normally they tell me everything.
00:55:06I just don't like them to keep things from me.
00:55:11They just seem to be so much more chatty with you.
00:55:22Anna, if something has happened, I need to know.
00:55:25Lee, look, you know, I...
00:55:29I want to talk about it with you, but please can you assure me
00:55:32it's not going to go any further, because, you know, I've made a promise.
00:55:35No, I cannot assure you of that. I've got to tell Charlie.
00:55:37Lee, I've made a promise. I've made a promise to them.
00:55:39I've made a promise. These are my kids.
00:55:42Were you in the car?
00:55:47So you weren't going to tell me?
00:55:50We have got that car on loan from Elisabetta and Jonathan.
00:55:53I know, I know.
00:55:54It was given to us in good faith.
00:55:56How well aware are you of it? Obviously not that aware.
00:56:00It's an old banger, V.
00:56:02I don't care whether you think it's an old banger or whether it's a new car.
00:56:05That is not the point.
00:56:06It's that we borrowed that car in good faith.
00:56:08I know, I know.
00:56:15I don't get it, Emma.
00:56:16Lee, I made a promise.
00:56:36You heard the car had a fuel leak or something, didn't you?
00:56:39I thought it was...
00:56:41We didn't want to get you in trouble by telling Elisabetta.
00:56:45We thought that you would be better off...
00:56:47That's not what we did.
00:56:48Come on.
00:56:49No, but seriously.
00:56:52You just compound lies.
00:56:55You are responsible for yourselves.
00:56:57And you're also responsible for Archie.
00:56:59Did that enter your head at any point?
00:57:01Or were you so pissed that you couldn't even think?
00:57:04We don't say no to you.
00:57:05And for one minute you just take advantage, Jack.
00:57:08And that's what's really upsetting.
00:57:10I trust you.
00:57:11And I trust...
00:57:12V, V, V, V.
00:57:14I trust you both and you just take advantage.
00:57:17You see what you've done?
00:57:18I mean, you've just ruined this whole thing.
00:57:21How is this...
00:57:22How is this reflected on...
00:57:24Just on me?
00:57:25Like it was just me who was driving?
00:57:27It wasn't just you.
00:57:28Well, I wasn't even...
00:57:29I wasn't actually doing anything.
00:57:31Oh, Jack.
00:57:32Bags was driving.
00:57:34Oh, he should have been driving.
00:57:37Like, I really don't think that...
00:57:39How I'm the most guilty person.
00:57:41Just go and think about it.
00:57:42Piss off.
00:57:43Go on.
00:57:45I'll say so to Elizabeth.
00:57:47I will.
00:57:48Yeah, you certainly will.
00:57:50But fine, I will.
00:57:51I will.
00:57:52Go away.
00:57:53Go away.
00:58:03Oh, Jesus.
00:58:04Are you alright?
00:58:07This is exciting.
00:58:08They are all right.
00:58:09That's the main thing.
00:58:10And that's what I was...
00:58:11I thought you couldn't see that, didn't I?
00:58:13And really what you can't is that they haven't killed themselves.
00:58:14Tell me what happened to the car now!
00:58:15Tell me!
00:58:16Tell me!
00:58:17Tell me!
00:58:18Tell me!
00:58:19Tell me!
00:58:20Tell me!
00:58:21Tell me!
00:58:22Tell me!
00:58:23Tell me!
00:58:24Tell me!
00:58:25Tell me!
00:58:26Tell me!
00:58:27Tell me!
00:58:28Tell me!
00:58:29Tell me!
00:58:30Tell me!
00:58:31Tell me!
00:58:34I will start drinking!
00:58:36I will fucking sweat you until you tell me.
00:58:39Get out.
00:58:40Take your fucking hand fucking off me.
00:58:42Don't let her stand you.
00:58:44Get her...
00:58:45Don't you fucking stop it!
00:58:47You have to learn to fucking stand.
00:58:50You have to learn to fucking stand.
00:58:52Sit down!
00:58:53Sit down!
00:58:54Will you please listen to me?
00:59:00Shut up and tell me!
00:59:03Shut up!
00:59:04Since when have you ever given a fuck about me?
00:59:08Since when have you ever given a fuck about me?
00:59:13Since when do you give a shit to what I respond to before you fuck?
00:59:18Do you want to talk about your childhood?
00:59:20No, I don't.
00:59:22That's precisely what I don't want to do.
00:59:25Because this is what you understand, isn't it?
00:59:27I don't give a shit!
00:59:28I don't care about your fucking childhood!
00:59:30I don't give a shit!
00:59:31You won't accept any responsibility!
00:59:33We're a young adult now, for fuck's sake!
00:59:38What do you want?
00:59:39We sit down and talk, we sit down and talk.
00:59:42Why do you fucking care?
00:59:44I fucking care, why do I fucking care?
00:59:46I fucking care because it's a job you've written off!
00:59:49And because four of my people are in danger because of your fucking idiocy!
00:59:56You're a fucking disgrace!
01:00:00You're unworthy of a brat!
01:00:04I don't want to see you again!
01:00:06If you fucking hit me, I will fucking take you back, okay?
01:00:09I'm not afraid of you!
01:00:11Fuck off!
01:00:26Fuck off!
01:00:56Fuck off!
01:00:57Fuck off!
01:00:58Fuck off!
01:00:59Fuck off!
01:01:00Fuck off!
01:01:01Fuck off!
01:01:02Fuck off!
01:01:03Fuck off!
01:01:04Fuck off!
01:01:05Fuck off!
01:01:06Fuck off!
01:01:07Fuck off!
01:01:08Fuck off!
01:01:09Fuck off!
01:01:10Fuck off!
01:01:11Fuck off!
01:01:12Fuck off!
01:01:13Fuck off!
01:01:14Fuck off!
01:01:15Fuck off!
01:01:16Fuck off!
01:01:17Fuck off!
01:01:18Fuck off!
01:01:19Fuck off!
01:01:20Fuck off!
01:01:21Fuck off!
01:01:22Fuck off!
01:01:23Fuck off!
01:01:24Fuck off!
01:01:25Fuck off!
01:01:26Fuck off!
01:01:27Fuck off!
01:01:28Fuck off!
01:01:29Fuck off!
01:01:30Fuck off!
01:01:31Fuck off!
01:01:32Fuck off!
01:01:33Fuck off!
01:01:34Fuck off!
01:01:35Fuck off!
01:01:36Fuck off!
01:01:37Fuck off!
01:01:38Fuck off!
01:01:39Fuck off!
01:01:40Fuck off!
01:01:41Fuck off!
01:01:42Fuck off!
01:01:43Fuck off!
01:01:44Fuck off!
01:01:45Fuck off!
01:01:46Fuck off!
01:01:47Fuck off!
01:01:48Fuck off!
01:01:49Fuck off!
01:01:50Fuck off!
01:01:51Fuck off!
01:01:52Fuck off!
01:01:53Fuck off!
01:01:54Fuck off!
01:01:55Fuck off!
01:01:56Fuck off!
01:01:57Fuck off!
01:01:58Fuck off!
01:01:59Fuck off!
01:02:00Fuck off!
01:02:01Fuck off!
01:02:02Fuck off!
01:02:03Fuck off!
01:02:04Fuck off!
01:02:05Fuck off!
01:02:06Fuck off!
01:02:07Fuck off!
01:02:08Fuck off!
01:02:09Fuck off!
01:02:10Fuck off!
01:02:11Fuck off!
01:02:12Fuck off!
01:02:13Fuck off!
01:02:14Fuck off!
01:02:15Fuck off!
01:02:16Fuck off!
01:02:17Fuck off!
01:02:18Fuck off!
01:02:19Fuck off!
01:02:20Fuck off!
01:02:21Fuck off!
01:02:22Fuck off!
01:02:23Fuck off!
01:02:24Fuck off!
01:02:25Fuck off!
01:02:26Fuck off!
01:02:27Fuck off!
01:02:28Fuck off!
01:02:29Fuck off!
01:02:30Fuck off!
01:02:31Fuck off!
01:02:32Fuck off!
01:02:33Fuck off!
01:02:34Fuck off!
01:02:35Fuck off!
01:02:36Fuck off!
01:02:37Fuck off!
01:02:38Fuck off!
01:02:39Fuck off!
01:02:40Fuck off!
01:02:41Fuck off!
01:02:42Fuck off!
01:02:43Fuck off!
01:02:44Fuck off!
01:02:45Fuck off!
01:02:46Fuck off!
01:02:47Fuck off!
01:02:48Fuck off!
01:02:49Fuck off!
01:02:50Fuck off!
01:02:51Fuck off!
01:02:52Fuck off!
01:02:53Fuck off!
01:02:54Fuck off!
01:02:55Fuck off!
01:02:56Fuck off!
01:02:57Fuck off!
01:02:58Fuck off!
01:02:59Fuck off!
01:03:00Fuck off!
01:03:01Fuck off!
01:03:02Fuck off!
01:03:03Fuck off!
01:03:04Fuck off!
01:03:05Fuck off!
01:03:06Fuck off!
01:03:07Fuck off!
01:03:08Fuck off!
01:03:09Fuck off!
01:03:10Fuck off!
01:03:11Fuck off!
01:03:12Fuck off!
01:03:13Fuck off!
01:03:14Fuck off!
01:03:15Fuck off!
01:03:16Fuck off!
01:03:17Fuck off!
01:03:18Fuck off!
01:03:19Fuck off!
01:03:20Fuck off!
01:03:21Fuck off!
01:03:22Fuck off!
01:03:23Fuck off!
01:03:24Fuck off!
01:03:25Fuck off!
01:03:26Fuck off!
01:03:27Fuck off!
01:03:28Fuck off!
01:03:29Fuck off!
01:03:30Fuck off!
01:03:31Fuck off!
01:03:32Fuck off!
01:03:33Fuck off!
01:03:34Fuck off!
01:03:35Fuck off!
01:03:36Fuck off!
01:03:37Fuck off!
01:03:38Fuck off!
01:03:39Fuck off!
01:03:40Fuck off!
01:03:41Fuck off!
01:03:42Fuck off!
01:03:43Fuck off!
01:03:44Fuck off!
01:03:45Fuck off!
01:03:46Fuck off!
01:03:47Fuck off!
01:03:48Fuck off!
01:03:49Fuck off!
01:03:50Fuck off!
01:03:51Fuck off!
01:03:52Fuck off!
01:03:53Fuck off!
01:03:54Fuck off!
01:03:55Fuck off!
01:03:56Fuck off!
01:03:57Fuck off!
01:03:58Fuck off!
01:03:59Fuck off!
01:04:00Fuck off!
01:04:01Fuck off!
01:04:02Fuck off!
01:04:03Fuck off!
01:04:04Fuck off!
01:04:05Fuck off!
01:04:06Fuck off!
01:04:07Fuck off!
01:04:08Fuck off!
01:04:09Fuck off!
01:04:10Fuck off!
01:04:11Fuck off!
01:04:12Fuck off!
01:04:13Fuck off!
01:04:14Fuck off!
01:04:15Fuck off!
01:04:16Fuck off!
01:04:17Fuck off!
01:04:18Fuck off!
01:04:19Fuck off!
01:04:20Fuck off!
01:04:21Fuck off!
01:04:22Shut up!
01:04:23Bloody hell!
01:04:24Mr. Pasniak at here!
01:04:25Not at all you're not a very good teacher are you!
01:04:29Make your beat, don't be afraid.
01:04:30Stand in a very family friendly manner.
01:04:31Make sure they're polite.
01:04:32This is my family though, and you can do as you like.
01:04:33Fuck off!
01:04:34Fuck off!
01:04:35Fuck off!
01:04:36fuck off!
01:04:37You've got to fuck off!
01:04:38Fuck off!
01:04:39You've got to fuck off!
01:04:40We've said it!
01:04:43Look who's here.
01:04:44Oh my word!
01:04:46Oh my word!
01:04:47How are you Matt?
01:04:48I've got a chance with a guy. I'm really...
01:04:50A chance?
01:04:52Yeah, never. Shut up, man.
01:04:54Whenever you've got a chance.
01:04:56Shut up, man. Shut up.
01:04:58Shut up.
01:05:00I'm not talking to you.
01:05:02Last time you were in there...
01:05:06Where's Julian?
01:05:08Oh, God.
01:05:10It's my mum's birthday.
01:05:12It's my mum's birthday.
01:05:19Tomorrow is your graduation.
01:05:23It's my last night.
01:05:48It's my last night.
01:05:50It's my last night.
01:05:52It's my last night.
01:05:54It's my last night.
01:06:18It's my last night.
01:06:20It's my last night.
01:06:22It's my last night.
01:06:24It's my last night.
01:06:26It's my last night.
01:06:28It's my last night.
01:06:30It's my last night.
01:06:32It's my last night.
01:06:34It's my last night.
01:06:36It's my last night.
01:06:38It's my last night.
01:06:40It's my last night.
01:06:42It's my last night.
01:06:44It's my last night.
01:06:46It's my last night.
01:06:48It's my last night.
01:06:50It's my last night.
01:06:52It's my last night.
01:06:54It's my last night.
01:07:04Take your top off.
01:07:06Come in.
01:07:16Do you like it?
01:07:42About 25 years ago,
01:07:44there was a terrible robbery and they stole everything.
01:07:46And so we had to
01:07:48find furniture
01:07:50to put back in here.
01:07:52And I was given this sofa by a friend of mine
01:07:54who owned a villa called Villa Feltrinelli
01:07:56on Lake Garda, where Mussolini had
01:07:58his Republic of Salò
01:08:00after the Armistice.
01:08:02And so this was his personal sofa.
01:08:04And because he needed sex
01:08:08every day, more than every day,
01:08:10this is probably where
01:08:12he had it.
01:08:14After that,
01:08:16after that,
01:08:18what was our English commander called?
01:08:20Montgomery. Montgomery also went there.
01:08:22And I met the gardener who knew them all.
01:08:24And I actually lay on Mussolini's bed as well.
01:08:26Goodness me.
01:08:28Which was sort of sagging.
01:08:30But it is very comfortable.
01:08:32And in fact, I think you were shown the...
01:08:34Maybe it's not there.
01:08:36I think you were shown the shell.
01:08:38Yes, sticking it in the wall.
01:08:40That's a very curious angle.
01:08:42Well, it was an allied shell.
01:08:44So when I got married to Elisabetta, of course,
01:08:46my father-in-law took me down and said,
01:08:48This I believe is yours.
01:08:50And so I said,
01:08:52I'm most terribly sorry.
01:08:54I didn't know what else to say.
01:08:56That's a stranger's.
01:08:58Annie, would you be so kind
01:09:00as to go and tell the young
01:09:02that they should be thinking about
01:09:04getting their things together?
01:09:06Yes, sure.
01:09:08Where are they?
01:09:10They went upstairs.
01:09:12That's all I know.
01:09:14In the power room, I think.
01:09:16Oh, right.
01:09:18Would you like me to come with you?
01:09:20No, that's OK.
01:09:22Be a teacher.
01:09:24That was so delicious.
01:09:26Thank you so, so much.
01:09:28I'd love that recipe,
01:09:30the hound moose recipe, before we leave.
01:09:36But, yes,
01:09:38very subtle taste.
01:09:40Beatrice from Bologna.
01:10:02Thank you.
01:10:24I've had nothing but disdain,
01:10:26sarcasm, nothing from that child.
01:10:28It's a coughing moose.
01:10:30That isn't what I've seen.
01:10:32That isn't what I've seen.
01:10:34I agree, Charlie, I haven't just seen it.
01:10:36Yeah, but you're seeing it
01:10:38from a particular stance all the time.
01:10:40My stance?
01:10:42Yes, that's all I can see it from.
01:10:44Yeah, but you're saying,
01:10:46you change your attitude,
01:10:48I'm not going to change mine.
01:10:50I'm too old to change my attitude.
01:10:52You're not too old.
01:10:54Look at you at the paleo.
01:10:56You were like a young boy
01:10:58You were full of awe and wonder.
01:11:02And that's what he's like.
01:11:04I didn't have my super-silliest prat of a son
01:11:06giving me dumb insolence
01:11:08all the time at the paleo.
01:11:10So it was a bit of a relief.
01:11:12I had quite a good time.
01:11:14You had a brilliant time.
01:11:16I just think, let yourself off the hook, George.
01:11:18I've let myself off the hook, actually.
01:11:20I have let myself off the hook.
01:11:24I've decided not to care too much
01:11:26about what he does with his life.
01:11:28He'll be fine.
01:11:30He'll be fine.
01:11:34One final ring of fire, or something.
01:11:38We've got so much booze to get through.
01:11:40We've got Sambuca, we've got Finnish,
01:11:44that Cynar,
01:11:46the potent red gin.
01:11:48I'm going to bed.
01:11:50Go to bed?
01:11:54I don't believe it for a second.
01:11:58Yeah, whatever you say, man.
01:12:00Keep telling yourself.
01:12:02You're going to bed?
01:12:04Yeah, I've got to pack stuff.
01:12:08What? You're going to pack?
01:12:10Mate, you can do that in half an hour.
01:12:12No, no, no.
01:12:14I've got a lot to do.
01:12:16Have a good one.
01:12:18See you guys later.
01:12:22Have a wild pack!
01:12:30You know what? I don't really feel like staying up
01:12:32and getting lashed.
01:12:34I'm going to go help Jack.
01:12:36Night, guys.
01:12:42Everyone's a fucking barrel at last tonight.
01:12:44You're not going to pack, are you?
01:12:46No, no.
01:12:48Let's do it.
01:12:58It certainly isn't.
01:13:04Cheers, man.
01:13:08Here's to your
01:13:10Italian bella that we're going to find for you
01:13:12in Siena tomorrow night.
01:13:14Nothing you've ever seen before.
01:13:16It'll break the
01:13:18lifelong amnesty.
01:14:52Hi, V.
01:14:58I'm fine, V.
01:15:06Yeah, honestly, I'm fine.
01:15:12I'm in a hotel.
01:15:16In Monterone, actually.
01:15:32This is grim.
01:15:34I like it.
01:15:36Is it something I've done?
01:15:38No, V.
01:15:40Well, it must be something I've done because you've always talked to me in the past.
01:15:42Why aren't you telling me what's going on?
01:15:48it's been years since we've talked to each other
01:15:50properly, hasn't it?
01:15:52Well, I don't think so. I spoke to you about
01:15:54Anthony and you a few months ago.
01:15:58Well, I suppose there have been things in my life
01:16:00that I haven't told you about.
01:16:04Well, OK, you probably can't tell me everything
01:16:06or we don't see as much of each other as we used to,
01:16:08but, I mean, if it's something big,
01:16:10wouldn't you tell me?
01:16:13Is something really big had happened?
01:16:15I think the bigger it is, the more difficult it is to tell you.
01:16:17I wouldn't tell anybody.
01:16:19So it's not just me?
01:16:21You mean you don't, you haven't told
01:16:23anybody else?
01:16:25What is it?
01:16:27Oh, come on.
01:16:31Don't cry.
01:16:35What's happened?
01:16:37Oh, darling, what's happened?
01:16:42Come on, come on.
01:16:48Is it Alex? Is it Alex?
01:16:50What's happened?
01:16:52Have you left him?
01:16:54Has he left you?
01:16:58What's happened? Please tell me.
01:17:05Anna, Anna, Anna.
01:17:09What can I do with you?
01:17:11You are...
01:17:15You are so special.
01:17:17You are such a dear person.
01:17:19And I hate being lonely with you,
01:17:21but you have really made me so worried this whole holiday.
01:17:23You have been acting so strangely.
01:17:25I knew something was wrong.
01:17:27Come on, tell me what it is.
01:17:29Please tell me.
01:17:31And I can help you. I hope I can help you.
01:17:35What's happened?
01:17:37I thought I was going to have a baby.
01:17:41Oh, God.
01:17:43What do you mean?
01:17:45Are you pregnant?
01:17:49You were pregnant?
01:17:53I thought I was pregnant.
01:17:55Right. And then what happened?
01:17:59I went to see...
01:18:01I went to see a doctor.
01:18:03I was sure I was pregnant.
01:18:07I did a pregnancy test and it was negative,
01:18:09but there were many people who had negative results.
01:18:11I still thought I was pregnant.
01:18:13I was convinced I was pregnant.
01:18:15I went to see a doctor.
01:18:17He told me I wasn't pregnant.
01:18:19He did some tests and...
01:18:21He told me...
01:18:25He said that it was a symptom of menopause.
01:18:29I'm now menopausal.
01:18:31I'm not going to be able to have children anymore.
01:18:33I feel so stupid.
01:18:35Don't feel stupid.
01:18:37You're right.
01:18:39You might be pregnant.
01:18:43You're young and it's obvious.
01:18:45I'm not young.
01:18:47I had my opportunities
01:18:49and I didn't take them.
01:18:51I didn't take them when I could.
01:18:55Perhaps the timing wasn't right then anyway.
01:18:59The timing's never right, is it?
01:19:01You took your opportunities.
01:19:03I did. I know I did.
01:19:05Even though perhaps
01:19:07it was the wrong man
01:19:09the first time round,
01:19:11you still had your children.
01:19:13You've still got your children.
01:19:15No matter what happens,
01:19:17you will always have your children.
01:19:19Your children love you.
01:19:21I look at you and I look at them
01:19:23and you're so secure with their love.
01:19:25It's not as simple as that.
01:19:27It looks like that from the outside.
01:19:29I don't mean to argue with you,
01:19:31but it is.
01:19:33I see you're still surrounded by your family.
01:19:35You belong somewhere.
01:19:37I will just be forever
01:19:39on the periphery of things.
01:20:03You look fine.
01:21:23What was the shit name?
01:21:27How the hell?
01:21:31Sophie killed a fuck.
01:21:33What the fuck?
01:21:35No, not a fuck.
01:21:37What about a...
01:21:39Sophie killed a fuck.
01:21:41What about an army fuck?
01:21:43Army fuck!
01:21:45No, not a fuck.
01:21:47What the fuck?
01:21:49What about a lightning fuck?
01:21:51What the fuck?
01:21:53How about a...
01:21:59Drink it, drink it, drink it!
01:22:01You can't get away with pauses!
01:22:03Could you be a bit quieter, please?
01:22:15What the fuck?
01:22:17What the fuck?
01:22:21Shut up, fuck.
01:22:25What's the matter?
01:22:55Oh, darling.
01:23:15I'm sorry.
01:23:17I'm sorry.
01:23:29I'm sorry.
01:23:35Darling, I wish I could make it better,
01:23:37but I can't.
01:23:39I wish I could.
01:23:49My first holiday on my own
01:23:51was when I was...
01:23:53when I turned 13, actually.
01:23:55And then from then on,
01:23:57I stayed with my brother
01:23:59or just to meet friends,
01:24:01like, stay with friends' families.
01:24:05Yeah, always.
01:24:07And your parents went away at the same time?
01:24:09Well, yes.
01:24:11Either they come out here
01:24:13or, yes, they just stay in Rome
01:24:15or go on holiday with my younger brother.
01:24:17Well, we tried.
01:24:19I like having everyone together.
01:24:21You know, they're at school most of the time.
01:24:23We don't see enough of them, do we?
01:24:25So do you worry about to sit in Rome
01:24:27that you live?
01:24:29I live in an area called Paglioli,
01:24:31which is just about
01:24:33ten minutes driving from the centre.
01:24:55I'm going to have tea.
01:25:17I'm going to have tea.
01:25:19Ah, si.
01:25:21Ah, te.
01:25:23Ah, si.
01:25:37Ciao, buongiorno.
01:25:41Grazie a voi.
01:25:43Andate via tutti, eh?
01:25:45Senti che stamattina tutti. Bene.
01:25:47Ciao. Ciao.
01:25:49Grazie a voi.
01:25:51Sorry, upstairs.
01:25:59Ci parte?
01:26:01Sì, sì. L'anno prossimo vivo solo.
01:26:03Senza famiglia.
01:26:05Hello, Charlie.
01:26:17Come on.
01:26:21Really? Really?
01:26:23Can you check everything?
01:26:27Can you check?
01:26:29I'm going to get it cut, okay?
01:26:31Okay, darling.
01:26:33Yes, of course I will.
01:26:35You're working far too hard.
01:26:41I know, I know.
01:26:43I should whisk you off to, I don't know what,
01:26:45a health farm for a week.
01:26:47Look, I'll tell you what.
01:26:49When I'm back in London, come down for a day.
01:26:51We'll do one of those sort of wrap yourselves in towels
01:26:53and spend the whole day somewhere hot and steamy.
01:26:55We'll just have a good chat.
01:26:57Let's do that.
01:26:59You won't let me off.
01:27:01But you're going to have to push it.
01:27:05Un po' di latte?
01:27:07No, grazie.
01:27:31Keep it short, very good.
01:27:33I see.
01:27:35It's really hot out there.
01:27:41On the way.
01:27:43See you later.
01:27:57Ah, molto bene.
01:28:05Ah, bella.
01:28:33They don't have that graceful ability.
01:28:35And they just get stuck on things, don't they?
01:28:37It has to be done a certain way.
01:28:39I know.
01:28:43Thank you, Charlie.
01:28:47Take care.
01:28:49Bye, George.
01:28:51Bye, Anna.
01:28:53See you.
01:28:55I'll come and see you.
01:28:59Ciao, bello.
01:29:01It's been a pleasure.
01:29:05Oh, God, that sounds so boring, Bea.
01:29:09I know you're right.
01:29:11See you.
01:29:13Have a good one.
01:29:15Good luck.
01:29:19Don't you just want to run away sometimes?
01:29:21Yes, I did.
01:29:23Look what happened.
01:29:25Bye, darling.
01:29:27Take me to an Iggy Pop concert.
01:29:29Now that's the best idea.
01:29:31I'll hold you to it.
01:29:33Bye, darling.
01:29:35Is he still alive, by the way?
01:30:07I don't know if you can see it, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:12It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:17It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:22It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:27It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:32It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:37It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:42It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:47It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:52It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:30:57It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:31:02It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:31:07It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:31:12It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:31:17It's really hard to see, but there's a lot of snow on the ground.
01:31:22That was all snow, and it was so lovely, but it was really hard to see.
01:31:28It's really hard to see.
01:31:32It's really hard to see.
01:31:36But there and snow!
01:31:39There's really hard snow and very beautiful Е
01:31:48I'm going to subject you to a description of the landscape whether you like it or not.
01:31:53And there's a beautiful, Alex listen, there's a beautiful ridge with lovely cypresses and
01:32:00I can't, Alex you've broken up again, I can't hear a word you're saying.
01:32:10Are you still there?
01:32:11God, it's going to be so nice to have conversations with you not on a mobile phone because it's
01:32:15getting boring.
01:32:17Hi, okay, hi, hi, I'm still here, are you still there?
01:32:27Tell me about you, where are you?
