Made Good chocolate drizzle granola bar Review

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00:00Hello everyone, this is Paul Branson Reviews.
00:05So if you want to type me in Google, Paul Branson Reviews, it will pop up.
00:08I'm not on YouTube anymore, I'm on a channel called Daily Motion.
00:13And Daily Motion came out around the same time YouTube did, but YouTube's more popular
00:19because they're owned by Google, just in case you didn't know that everybody.
00:24But it kind of kicked me off, kind of unclear why, but it is what it is.
00:29And now I'm on Daily Motion and I like it.
00:31I enjoy Daily Motion quite a bit and now I'm doing mad good granola bar, chocolate drizzled.
00:39So this is a chocolate drizzled with, oh, no, granola bar, birthday cake flavor.
00:45You know what?
00:46I didn't even know that.
00:47I didn't even know it said birthday cake flavor.
00:49I just saw it and I figured, okay, I'll grab it and I'll give it a shot and I'll read you
00:57if I can see it.
00:58It's actually very small printing, as you can see.
01:01Well, first of all, it says right here, it's organic.
01:08So I didn't know, I had no clue that this was organic.
01:12I had no clue that this was, yeah, I didn't know that at all.
01:18It's funny too, because it says over here, I guess in French, it says, to me, that says
01:23berries, but it's not berries, it's granola.
01:26So berries is granola, yeah, French over here and English over here.
01:30I guess that's how I can learn my French and English because I don't, I can't learn different
01:36language because I can barely speak English.
01:39My pronunciation of words sometimes really suck.
01:42But so this is a granola bar, birthday cake flavor, nut free, made in Canada.
01:47Like, look at that, look at that small printing.
01:49I can't read it.
01:50My eyes are going on me.
01:52Okay, let's see what here.
01:54Um, yeah, I really can't see too much to read.
01:59It's kind of a little blurry.
02:01Tree nuts, oh, they say it's, that's weird.
02:06Okay, let's see the ingredients here.
02:09The ingredients is flour, sugar, some words like unsweetened granola, cocoa, like look
02:22at that, like at least make, and then they say they're on Facebook and Instagram it looks
02:27like with the symbols there.
02:29And 5%, 110 calories, 5% fat, 8% trans fat, 4% fiber, sugar 5%, 22% vitamin A, 20% C,
02:44D, vitamin D, 20%, E, 20%, and D, thymol 21, vitamin B, 2 I think, 21.
02:57Barely see it.
02:58But anyway, you get 5 bars, I'm now going to open it up.
03:00That actually aggravates me because I'd like to read that.
03:03I guess I should have brought my reading glasses.
03:06I do have some reading glasses, but normally when I come out, they're a little bit bigger
03:11than that.
03:12They're separate packages.
03:13The writing back there seems to be a little bit bigger.
03:16Sugar, yeah, flour, oh, corn syrup, sunflower oil.
03:25I can only read some, but okay, I'm going to open it up anyway.
03:30And I like that they're, it's small, as you can see.
03:35It kind of looks like a birthday cake, never gave it much thought.
03:39It actually does look like a little birthday cake.
03:41Oh, they're soft, very soft.
03:45Nothing oozing coming out of it, but it's a granola bar, chocolate.
03:49And they give you a fair amount of thickness on it.
03:54It would have been nice if it was at the bottom and then on the top as well.
03:58It's on the bottom, I'll put it on the top, maybe even chocolate in the middle.
04:01Let's give this a try.
04:11Normally, I don't like sprinkles, but I actually do like this.
04:25It's actually kind of, it tastes like a birthday cake.
04:28It tastes like a granola birthday cake.
04:30I don't know if something like that exists.
04:32I guess anything exists if you ask a baker to bake it.
04:37Oh, I like it.
04:54Contains nutrients from vegetable abstracts, sources of vitamin C and D.
04:58Says so right there.
04:59And I believe it's D. When you're out in the sun, the sun gives you vitamin D.
05:03So it's very important to get out, and that's why I like doing my reviews outside.
05:10Get out in the morning when it's not too hot, it gets hotter later in the day.
05:13It's supposed to rain today, but now it seems to be, well, it's cloudy over there, not over
05:19Who knows what's going to happen.
05:20Weathermen are the only ones that can keep their job and be wrong all the time.
05:27I like this.
05:33I would give this, for a granola bar, a seven, yeah, I would give this a seven out of ten.
05:51Seven out of ten.
05:52Made good.
05:53And made good has a whole bunch of, I don't know where the company is from, it's obviously
05:58from Canada, Riverside it says here, but you can check on Facebook and other information
06:03if you like.
06:04But made good has a whole bunch of these things.
06:07And it's good.
06:08It surprised me, I wasn't expecting to like it.
06:11But it's organic, yeah, if I'm saying that right, organic.
06:16Alright everyone, seven out of ten.
06:19And check out my other reviews, Paul Branson Reviews, just type that in and you'd see a
06:22whole bunch more.
06:24And you're not going to like everything, I don't even like all my videos.
06:28Some that people like more are the ones I don't like at all.
06:32But figure.
06:33Bye for now everyone, have an incredible day.
06:35Made good, granola bar, birthday cake flavor.
06:39And they have much more.
06:40Bye for now, and have an incredible day.