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Video Information:
Interview Session, 12.01.20, Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida, India

Is wearing short dresses a reason for rape?
Why does our society restrict us from wearing short dresses?
Is wearing bold dress a symbol of freedom?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00Acharyaji, there is a question in my mind that keeps bothering me quite a lot.
00:15So, this concept of wearing short dresses, and not being seen in short dresses in the public,
00:27that you can do it at home, that it's fine if you wear whatever you want, but at home,
00:32but don't go outside in those short clothes, in what you're comfortable with.
00:38Some of the world leaders even allege that one of the reasons that a woman would get
00:46raped is because she was wearing revealing clothes. So, what is your understanding on this?
00:53There are two sides involved here.
01:00One, the woman who is walking about wearing whatever clothes she is,
01:11and she has her own story to tell, and then there are those who are leering and jeering,
01:22and ogling,
01:28mocking, sometimes attacking.
01:41I would want to have a sincere discussion with both of them.
01:52Firstly, with the side that is so articulate in saying that women should mind their clothes,
02:12their dressing. I want to ask them, what kind of person are you, man or a woman?
02:28If anything is able to disturb or provoke you so easily,
02:35your allegation is that when you watch a woman dressed skimpily,
02:48then that becomes a disturbance, a distraction, even a provocation.
02:58How will you insulate yourself, and how much will you insulate yourself from the world?
03:10And what are the
03:15limits to what you want to see and not see?
03:22Today, you say that
03:26women's legs or thighs provoke you.
03:35What prevents you from saying
03:38tomorrow that her ankles or fingernails provoke you? Would you then demand that she cover up
03:52from head to toe?
03:55I want to question this, after all body is body, skin is skin, flesh is flesh, and blood and bones are blood and bones.
04:06What prevents somebody from saying that women's legs or fingernails provoke you?
04:16I want to question this, after all body is body, skin is skin, flesh is flesh, and blood and bones are blood and bones.
04:24What prevents somebody from coming up tomorrow and saying that the sight of a naked nose is a great sexual invitation to me?
04:36You see nose, I find nose quite erotic.
04:47And was it not so that in Victorian England, even the legs of tables and chairs were covered
04:59because legs are not supposed to be displayed.
05:02It's a matter of conditioning, you can condition yourself to think that legs are highly sensual, even erotic.
05:14Even on tables, even on tables, even on furniture.
05:17So, this whole thing will not rest even if you totally drape the woman in all kinds of protective clothing.
05:37Then they will say that the very sight of the feminine figure, even if totally covered, provokes us.
05:45So, women should not be allowed to even walk in public and the matter might not end even at this point.
05:55They might say the very thought of woman provokes us.
06:01So, women should not probably allowed to exist because if they exist and if we know that they exist, they become a disturbance to us.
06:11We are being disturbed, our mental peace is being lost and women are the culprit.
06:17Why do they exist at all? Go ahead and attack them.
06:21So, I want to ask this to them.
06:25Is it really so that you cannot stand the sight of a bare arm or thigh or back or cleavage?
06:41Is it really so very explosive to you, you can't stand it?
06:47What kind of a person are you?
06:49When the woman is not in front of you, do you keep fantasizing about her all the time?
06:59This is mental illness.
07:02Only if you are indulging in all kinds of sexual fantasies and inner perversion,
07:11will you then jump upon her at the first sight?
07:26Otherwise, there is hardly anything so very alluring in the bare body of a human being, a person, a female.
07:47Had you had any kind of little spiritual education, you would have known the fact of the body.
08:00Had you paid even a few visits to a crematorium,
08:06you would have known what bones, skin, blood and all the visual beauty is really about.
08:25You just need to see the intestines popping out of the stomach of a burning body
08:41and you would lose all fascination for bellies and belly buttons.
08:52So I seriously need to sit with those people who say that women by dressing in so-called loose way
09:04make us vulnerable, corruptible.
09:09They are the ones who are responsible because they provoke us.
09:14These people need some rigorous counseling.
09:20They are sick.
09:26Then there are the women who say that it is a mark of our freedom that we wear whatever we like to wear.
09:37I understand.
09:41Freedom must be respected.
09:44Freedom must be respected, but for freedom to be respected, freedom must be freedom, not conditioning.
09:52Freedom deserves all respect, not conditioning.
09:55When you say that you want to come out in public wearing this and that,
10:00would you please sit down for a moment and ask yourself why exactly do I want to wear what I am wearing?
10:13Obviously, if you are on the shore, if you are at a beach or if you are in a swimming pool,
10:27then you have to wear the swimming costume.
10:32It could be a two-piece bikini.
10:35Then it is obvious why you need to wear only that much.
10:44You are not going to swim in a sari.
10:48Similarly, there are other obvious functional utilitarian reasons why one dresses a particular way
11:02and then there could be the ultimate reason of physical comfort.
11:10That too is an obviously valid reason.
11:13One feels physically comfortable wearing something and the moment you say that you feel very comfortable,
11:22physically comfortable wearing hot pants or micro-minis or whatever,
11:29nobody holds any right to object because it is your body and if your body feels better wearing a particular kind of stuff,
11:37who is anybody else to object?
11:40But then you sincerely need to ask yourself and only you can ask this to yourself,
11:46is it only for reasons of functional utility or physical comfort that I am wearing what I am?
11:55If you are wearing what you are wearing because it is functionally needed,
12:00let us say you are an athlete, you will have to wear in a dress up in a particular way
12:11or if you say that you are very comfortable wearing this or that because it is hot
12:18and you cannot stand to wear something that is heavier or more oppressive in that kind of weather, fine.
12:34But I have seen women in sub-zero temperatures, the temperature is minus 4
12:56and she is wearing almost nothing.
12:59That does not provoke a reaction from me but basic simple curiosity.
13:16Are you cold proof?
13:22Are you weather and climate proof?
13:24Do you have some kind of divine heating mechanism inside you that men do not have?
13:37How is it so that you choose to reveal the body even in sub-zero temperatures
13:44and all the men are walking around in heavy woolens?
13:55And you do not need to go abroad to test what I am saying.
13:58Just go to any discotheque in Delhi on a Saturday night rather a Sunday morning at 2 a.m.
14:08that is the time when all the discotheques shut down and watch the women coming out
14:16and notice the difference between the dressing of the male folk and the women.
14:31If you are using your body to gather attention,
14:39if gathering male attention has become very important to you,
14:47then it is not a good psychological state to be in.
14:55Are you getting it?
14:57And please remember I am not saying this as an advocate of the male population.
15:06I am saying this as a friend of the woman.
15:12I am asking her, why is the male sight or the male gaze so important to you?
15:23If you want attention from people, if you want respect from people,
15:29why can't it be for higher reasons?
15:33Why do you want them to look at you because you have a sexy figure?
15:42Why can't you have them look at you because you have certain qualities or accomplishments?
15:49Remember if you want men to look at just your body,
15:59they would actually be always looking down at you.
16:03But if people, men or women look at you because of your qualities,
16:10they would always be looking up to you.
16:13So to hoots to what all the men say, let them go to hell.
16:23But as a woman, don't you want to question yourself?
16:27I mean how has testosterone become so important to me?
16:38For the sake of his eye, why am I exposing my body?
16:49Is he so very important?
16:54Is he so very central to my existence that I can't live without getting appreciation and adoration from him?
17:05That's the question the women need to ask themselves.
17:10That's also a question those boys and men need to ask themselves
17:17who develop a gym-toned sculpted body and then want to take off their tees.
17:34In all kinds of pretexts and that's obviously to get the attention of the other.
17:43I understand we live in a society, we are related to each other.
17:48We will have something to do with the other.
17:52You will always have some relationship with the other.
17:56But why can't that relationship be on healthier grounds?
18:01Why must the two be related because they appreciate each other's body?
18:08And when I say that I do not mean that sculpted bodies are not advisable.
18:16Obviously, both men and women should have perfectly fit bodies.
18:22But then relating to the other merely by advertising your body is no good.
18:29No good.
